>half the roster is automatically cut off for me because I dont play as females >only two options left are between a gender neutral robot and a flamboyant irishman who I'm not convinced is 100% straight
Oh well, maybe I'll pick it up when the DLCs add a straight white male character
No shit. I know they think they were being progressive with this or whatever, but what a stupid fucking worthless gesture. Its fitting considering it's just as empty as their souless game.
Jason Turner
Wait he's gay?
Nicholas Howard
>Oh well, maybe I'll pick it up Why would you ever pick up a shitty game like Borderlands?
Grindy shit gameplay plus sub-Rick and Morty levels of autistic humor make it probably the worst series ever from a terrible developer that literally steals and lies to make money.
Ryder Cooper
Queers. Because I'm queer. I'm gay. I'm homosexual. I'm a poof, I'm a poofter, I'm a ponce. I'm a bumboy, baddieboy, backside artist, bugger. I'm bent. I am that arsebandit. I lift those shirts. I'm a faggot-ass, fudge-packing, shit-stabbing uphill gardener. I dine at the downstairs restaurant, I dance at the other end of the ballroom. I'm Moses and the parting of the red cheeks. I fuck and I am fucked. I suck and I am sucked. I rim them and wank them, and every single man's had the fucking time of his life. And I am not a pervert.
Despite what polygon may have told you; 50% of gamers arent female. Only about 10-15%. So what's the point of having half the cast be female? 1 female per 4 vault hunters was the perfect amount.
Elijah Nguyen
>Big-titted jacked tomboy chocolate queen means ugly You need to go back
Jordan Thompson
you see your character in the menus which take up a decent chunk of gameplay
Blake Roberts
Robert Price
Ryan Price
I cant decide if I wanna play Zane or Moze.
I'm sucker for mechs so I'll probably go with her.
Are you retarded or incapable of reading? Don't you agree that half of the human population is female? I know you haven't even touched one, but they exist, you know
Adrian Miller
wont it get annoying having to constantly summon + enter/exit a mech all the time? the idea is cool but in practice it sounds like a pain in the ass
Parker Lewis
The mech is just Salvador's gunzerk but with one second more delay, preset weapons, and less screaming.
Asher Wilson
Honestly I'd have to see their talent trees and playstyles to see which one I will play as, though I prefer the rogue kind of character. Shame we don't have a weeb insert like Zero with his katana and ninja skills. I guess I'll play as the Zane or whatever his name is, he looks kind of cool. The robot is suppose to be the assassin character, right? I know one of them is like a beastmaster class that can use monsters and shit in combat, and I think Zane can create holograms of himself or something?
Caleb Phillips
drink bleach, shit smear
Caleb Perry
>2019 >forcing players to use a premade character
Christian Anderson
oh thats alright then
James Sanders
why the fuck are you even buying this shit game in the first place?
how insecure do you have to be to make a rule like not being to play a woman in a video game
Logan Hill
>I'm insecure wow great thread user.
Jason Jenkins
>I don't play as females This may be a surprise but most people can actually separate themselves from the character they play. I know your scared of having of your gay thoughts coming out when you play as someone there than a "straight white male" most people don't have that problem though
Adrian Hill
Tim already bought everyone a copy why would I do that?
Brandon Cruz
>abloo bloo bloo i can't play as a character who doesn't match my exact demographic status you're a nigger, just like the niggers who are pushing for this kind of shit in the first place
Easton Jones
>I prefer the rogue kind of character FL4K can turn invisible and get three shots that are auto crits. Later in his trees he can get rid of the three shot limitation.
Zane has his digistruct double that shoots enemies and he can switch places with, letting him solo kite and attack enemies in the back when they focus on you or the copy.
Those are basically you choices for a rogue style character, invisible or slippery.