Its almost impressive how western devs make their characters ugly

its almost impressive how western devs make their characters ugly

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Just awful

It's almost impressive how god made you ugly

>complaining about the looks of the player character in a game with character creator

I think it reflects how ugly white women are beneath their skin

have you tried to make a character in this game, thats the best you can get

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Feminists are mad that they can't get any easy dick. There's also gymnophobe and genophobe Feminists who share these traits with religious folk, a Puritanism which Feminism adopted.
That's why Feminists hate gaming and the Alyssa Milano sex-strike for instance was laughed at by all of society. Gamers are desensitized, would rather jack off than rape a bitch, and unfortunately-for-gamers they can't get it up to ugly women due to the higher quality of female appearance they are used to seeing. Meanwhile ugly women constitute the majority of Feminism. Feminists only have a chance with lower-tier males. Chads wouldn't be Chads if they lowered their standard to date a Feminist. Lower-tier males meanwhile have found an outlet that's better than involving themselves with ugly women, a historical precedent made possible by technology and taken to levels impossible in past history when males had to clench their teeth to have sex with ugly bitches or didn't even know any better because they never saw proper beauty.
>gamers are voluntary celibates when it comes to ugly feminists
>ugly feminists are involuntary celibates when it comes to gamers
>the roles are actually reversed, Feminists throwing the incel label is a projection
>feminists are buttmad and want to destroy the system which has caused their dick-deficiency - digital entertainment

Inclusion and representation for all! ...except attractive women and girls who shouldn't be allowed to feel welcome or represented. If they are included by some miracle they are almost always written as an antagonistic and repulsive character by Feminist writers as western comics hijacked by these Gender Studies pseudo-intellectuals and evangelists can showcase.

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i want to say that lady is ok but i dont know anymore.

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based and essay pilled

Lady is cute

Trannies need to be made to feel welcome and represented by portraying women as ugly as trannies are.

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I would Zoe and Lady. I love tomboys.

>why yes I am in fact the legat of the congregation how on earth did you know?

this isnt real is it ?

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>thinking god exists

>game has character creator
>intentionally makes character ugly

Kek. Sometimes I think the game is unaware how goofy some of the writing is, but then there are moments where it pokes fun of itself so they ,ight actually be self-aware of it.

>me need sexe lady in game!

go make a good looking female character in this game and come back, i'll wait.

don't forget that feminists actively try to ruin attractive women with fat acceptance and ugly fashion trends.

voluntary celibacy is just common sense nowadays. monogamy is practically non-existent, flirting with women is a crime, and marriage is a joke.

its kinda like what we do here with games

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no it's the opposite, we say good games are bad in order to improve standards of games. they flip ugly and beautiful on their heads so that what's good is bad.

i suppose

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>playing as a woman

OP is a tranny

>not wanting to play as a women who gets shit done aka fantasy scenario

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I mean how can 3D even begin to compete against this?

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this man knows wassup

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there's nothing wrong with any of these, go outside

Give ME Aphra wife!

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>believing in God


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women have sideburns deal with it.

Lady looks fine you big faggot.

Yeah white women are ugly. Japanese ftw

hey alright

lady > nico > trish

Lady and MH girl are cute
rest look like crack whores

>post 3 characters from the exact same game
>post 2 characters from the exact same game
cherry picking at it's finest. lol

It looks like a neckbeard from the thumbnail.

to be fair the RE7 girls have story reasons for looking like they just spent an hour asking for smokes outside a gas station

you guys are everywhere, keep it down.

You forgot to add the worst goblina, Claire.

Dr Constantin, I'm Legate

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It's weird, I really like the environments, monsters and clothing in this game, but the character models are ugly as sin.

Cuz 3d can actually touch your dick? Wtf kinda question is this. Literally no one would choose to jack it if there was at least a 6/10 ready to go.

I can understand not wanting to fuck ugly chicks.

What! I DO prefer wifes BUT flesh women ARE cute AND they DO say ME cute user! (They do! They do!)

Attached: Cute Armitage.jpg (576x432, 42K)

That's a tattoo bruv.
The shittiest of kind as well, even more retarded and shit than tribal tats or East Asian typesets.

top three and the one in the corner look good the fuck are you on about

How new?

Fate has shown me the path

you type like a total fucking retard

It's actually kind of cute...

CUTE retard...

But I'm not ugly, girls like me fine.

This is what you get when Capcom decides to appeal primarily to the Western market.

I forget his name but that really looks like Bakis rival. Good 3D modeling of him.

The reason the majority of people are unattractive in modern times is because of obesity.
Remove obesity and the average person is decent looking enough, but western characters are mostly not obese, they are just plain ugly, they are well below average looks, straight out like failing to pass trannies.
It's just a reflection of how insecure women are and how pussy many men are to pander to insecurity.

Don't feed the fucking retard

I get the feeling constantin is going to turn evil