>Vito Gesualdi
Publishers have been doing this for decades. Isn't this what niGGers were whining about five years ago?
ok I'll wait until all the reviews are out before I don't buy it because borderlands has always been shit and always will be
Why is it surprising? You need to be braindead to enjoy any boredomlands game.
Are companies legally obligated to give out review copies at all? If they're choosing to give them out for positive exposure then there's literally no reason to do something that would contradict that goal. They don't owe Giant Bomb shit.
Not at all.
look at this idiot
and why would they send a review copy to giant bomb if they knew they will review negatively, its a dumb move
hijacking the first post to remember everyone that italo-ameri*ans aren't Italians. Move along
I won't buy it because I can't in conscious support Randy making his wife 800 pounds.
Honestly review copies shouldn't be a thing. Reviewers, players, all should get access at the same time. That said this is pretty scummy of Randy
>wtf we baselessly called Randy BoBandy a CP slurping pedo, and we got punished for it???
Based Gearbox
Randy still deserves to dangle off a tree, but only after every games "journalist" is blue & limp
They are not obligated to do that. The argument is that, if you only give review copies to those who will suck your dick, the review process becomes a farce. But is was always a joke, that's what they ignore.
Some companies like Nintendo literally put embargos on negative reviews, saying "You can dislike it, but you can't publish that dislike until 3 days after release"
This has always been the case.
Anyone who trusts pre-release reviews is a retard.
Anyone who trusts day one reviews is also a retard.
Anyone who trusts reviews is a retard.
Always try before you buy.
Unfortunately no. niGGers were busy whining about muh sjws
Not in the slightest, but Yea Forums will spin this into some grave injustice because Giant Bomb has historically been the only “acceptable eceleb” outlet here, despite being an utterly garbage collection of shills and SJWs.
Who gives a fuck about reviewers?
The tactic behind this is that the review and award industry is pretty much bullshit. You, as a company making a product, either pay money under the table or through ad space for the review site in order for them to give them a higher score. The higher score is always correlated with the money they give or the opportunity cost the review board sees the client has (ie how much they can milk out of them in the future)
Geoff has been rolling in money since he made the game awards for example, since he owns the company and big shots like Sony paid for GoW to win. Geoff is living in a swanky mansion in Cali
Who gives a fuck about boringlands?
>implying I was going to buy this anyway
Id side with niggers before siding with entitled journalists.
Fuck him and fuck Borderlands.
>liberals destroying each other
Why do leftists defend Gearbox?
since when are game journalists, especially lazy ones like giant bomb entitled to free copies of games?
>the only thing that ever matters is legality!!
Even you don't believe this retard.
Because randy is a pedo
Because the company panders to them and also gets shit on a lot by the vile gamers, plus who knows what fucked up shit Randy gets up to
Most reddit tier game I've ever seen. Of course it's going to be shit.
In other news, water is still wet.
>last giant bomb review was in march
I doubt they were going to anyway
reminder that Giant Bomb sent out an internal memo urging staff to not discuss Kingdom Come: Deliverance for political reasons. They were told not to mention the game in any content or social media platforms.
>There’s significant interest and engagement from the community, with the Steam Charts showing that the game peaked at 95,863 users playing consecutively and now averages around 25,000 players a day since its release.
>This is quite bizarre given that even during the very busy late summer, early fall rush of AAA games, Giant Bomb had time to review Volition Software’s uninspired Agents of Mayhem on August 22nd, 2017.
>What’s the significance of this? Well,The game also only ever peaked at 3,665 players even during its launch, according to Steam Charts.
>Agents of Mayhem sold so poorly that Volition was forced to layoff staff.
>The game also launched in a month that saw the release of Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle, Uncharted: Lost Legacy, Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice, Pillars of Eternity and Sonic Mania just to name a few.
>Giant Bomb prioritized an absolute sales dud during a month with major releases back in August of 2017, but had no interest in Kingdom Come: Deliverance even though the only notable new games to come out in February has been Dynasty Warriors 9, EA Sports UFC 3, Shadow of the Colossus Remake and Metal Gear Survive. Most of everything else is either an indie game, a mid-budget title, or a re-release.
Just a reminder that Vito is a desperate has been who often claims to be against SJWs but then gets offended by gay jokes and people disliking propaganda in their games. He also thinks Vic actually committed a crime for some reason despite all that's come out and is actually Pro-Epic.
Wow really showing your newfaggotry. Borderlands is OG Yea Forums humor
No it was about promoting your sex friend's game without any disclaimer.
>muh rewriting history
You need to go back.
Public demos need to come back.
why are you acting like this is news
they've been doing this since forever
Nintendo's been doing a lot of them for Switch games
Then you lose sales according to some retard at must be anti-consumer and trick them into buying a bad game.
I would choose to talk about the Shadow of Colossus Remake over that other shit too
That red flag how the game truly is.
this is happening all the time though with any AAA title. That's why pretty much no major release gets a below 70 on review scores.
>Borderlands is OG Yea Forums humor
it's nowhere near edgy nor actually /woke/ enough
get the fuck out of here randy
Pro tip: Being a seething snoyggers is not a proof
Astral Chain and many other Nintendo games got bad reviews literally in day one.
Have sex Nincel
>One Angry Incel
It's 100% 2k's decision
Randy certainly has nothing to do with that since he's too preoccupied by the thought that some people don't like his badass video game
How many failures in a row is it for randy? Not that the game will flop but it will underperform and be considered a failure by 2k who'll probably never do any kind of business with randy ever again
you dont "HAVE" to send review copies to nobody if you dont want to
where are you during twitter threads user?
Jeff openly hated borderlands 2 too. This isn't surprising.
who cares
>Implying Giant Bomb is wrong about Randy
>Defending GearBox at any capacity
I played GoW, it's the GOTY no doubt about that.
you mean like bethesda has kotaku blacklisted for beign huge faggots.
thats nothing new. randy is still a faggot tough.
>manipulate the review scores
>still can't get a 90
As long as you put a gay flag version of your logo during pride month, you can get away with anything with these people as long as you don’t say non-ally things.
He gave it 4 out of 5 stars in his Giant Bomb review
>Manipulating their Metacritic score
>Everyone is shitting on it anyway
I think these guys are just salty they didn't get a copy.
The thing is that’s what Giant Bomb said that it’s totally up to them to decide who to give out copies to and while they noted it seemed to be to inflate their review scores they barely gave a shit and were still interested in the game. They aren’t the ones making it a big deal.
GB weren't being fags in this situation though. They were denied a review copy simply because they criticised a horribly written claptrap mission from E3
GB is trash but if you think it's good for publishers to give review copies only to outlets that will suck their dick you're no better
>he says this when DxM reviews just came out and are mostly mixed even from the hardest Nintendo shills
yes they are beign fags
>g-guys please dont buy borderlands 3 until you hear OUR opinion on it, we are the only ones you can trust.
gearbox are fags but giant bomb are just as much due to shit like ops and this they can both go fucking themselves.
I personally whined about that during GG so you can fuck right off. This has been happening for decades.
>critic posts a negative review of a game
>publisher blacklists them from receiving free games to review
the absolute state of revealing how video game "critics" are all nothing but gutless shills for publishers
>Some companies like Nintendo literally put embargos on negative reviews, saying "You can dislike it, but you can't publish that dislike until 3 days after release"
Literally no proof, Snoy tranny
>g-guys please dont buy borderlands 3 until you hear OUR opinion on it, we are the only ones you can trust
That's not what they said though. Why are you making shit up?
GB might be SJWs but you know damn well that's not the fucking reason they were denied review copies, especially when other SJW reviewers were given copies by Gearbox which is filled with SJWs itself.
>critic posts a negative review of a game
>revealing how video game "critics" are all nothing but gutless shills for publishers
Way to contradict yourself
Wrong. It just so happened that SJWs were also involved in dishonest video game journalism because, surprise surprise, they're the sort of people to engage in such dishonesty.
why would they send out review copies to someone who talked shit about it already? they owe you nothing.
>Sony paid for GoW to win
>RDR2fag still coping
You have to be a drooling retard to still wanting to play Borderlands
Though you're free to do so, you're still fucking brainless if you don't pirate it
He didn't contradict himself by putting "critics" in quotations.
If you're only reviewing games because the company thinks you will give it a good review, you're not a real critic. You're just a paid shill.
Don't they only review like two games a year?
I mean, same thing happened to kotaku, so I don't really care as much
The only reviewer / critic I trust is myself. Everyone else doesn't exist.
Well, they're useful to make me aware of a game but that's it.
On the one hand,
>no, nevermind, fuck games journalists and fuck giant bomb
>fuck randy, too
>That's not what they said though. Why are you making shit up?
thats what they are implying with this though, >other outlets SUCH AS OURSELVES havent received a copy of bl3 due to whatever reason so DON'T BUY IT until you hear our opinion.
gearbox are fags for trying to strategically give copies to press sites that didnt shit on bl before it was even released but giant bomb are also fags for steering up shit due to it and other previous stated reason.
No one should buy borderlands by default and no one should listen to giant bomb.
also this and this
And that's how Nintendo loses to Gearbox.
Kotaku got blacklisted for entirely different reasons. Giant Bomb didn't leak private information about the game that wasn't already shown at a press event.
That's surprising considering how much over the years he's been down on it compared to 1.
Are Giant Bomb even still around. I thought they died after hiring the mucus man and the annoying woman
they've been shilling hard for subscribers to premium, more so than ever before. hopefully cbs pulls the plug soon
>thats what they are implying with this though, >other outlets SUCH AS OURSELVES havent received a copy of bl3 due to whatever reason so DON'T BUY IT until you hear our opinion.
No, that's what YOU'RE implying to fit your own narrative. You're literally just strawmaning.
I don't care if you think Giant Bomb are fags, they're not in the wrong here and them being too SJW is not the reason they were denied review copies by a company ran by one of the most transparent two faced pedophile SJW out there
they never even once spoke about it on the podcast or their upfs
^ Journalist detected ^
Fuck the derailing and fuck modern journalism.
At least GG managed to stay on track for a while before literally everyone but GG threw shitfits and called everyone gamer scum, yadda yadda yadda.
It was fun to see some reviewers going like:
>oh wow, this game is 100% perfect, 10/10
>oh yeah, btw we got free plane tickets to south korea and they let us play the game for free and we got to stay at a 4-star hotel with a big event and free food
no, borderlands is "OG" funnyjunk humor
>reviewers shill games for money
>publishers tired of elitist crap
>reviewers tell you don't buy it until they say to buy it
>customers don't listen to reviewers because they're idiots
>reviewers are left with no audience and just screech into the void like whiney bitches
Imagine still relying on any reviews from these big companies when you can literally just go to twitch and watch some random person play it for 30 minutes or so and make a decision for yourself on if it looks fun or not. There is literally no reason to trust the word of people who have been proven time and time again to have no integrity when it comes to their journalism and reviewing.
It's amazing that people still care about review scores when a lot of urinalists have been pretty open on how games are just on a pile and first person to grab it gets to review it
Has anyone actually watched their review of the e3 build? It's very obvious the lady who was playing had no idea what was going on, was complaining she didn't get a better gun through the whole time she played (they drop in the build, she just didn't get past the tutorial), and kept saying the humor of the game was stuck in past (which probably means they just don't like the jokes, which is fine, but c'mon, that's the last thing to expect to change) it's very confusing as to why they'd choose someone to play that stuff that obviously doesn't do FPS games all that much nor care anything about Borderlands.
I guess that means pirating games isn't illegal huh?
who cares. fuck all journalists
Is there a link to the actual article? Google search turns up nothing and all that is on that guy's twitter is a screenshot with no link.
Suspecting that it's fake.
>publishers tired of elitist crap
That's a funny way of saying they're tired of being called out on their bullshit
Reviewers shill games on behalf of publishers. Not the other way around
Nevermind. Found something not from that guy's Twitter about it.
fuck all publishers too
You say that like game journos give honest and unbiased reviews of video games and aren't paid shills for the publisher. Fucking moron.
You say that like game publishers want honest and unbiased reviews of video games and aren't literally responsible for paid shills in the first place. Fucking moron.
It could have been if corporate agents didn’t manipulate them into being fixated in I HATE WOMEEENNN rather than the actual fucking point.
You say that like you're one of these paid shills. Fucking moron.
Who died and made you witchhutner general? Fuck off moron.
Every review I've seen has basically said it's the same game but with QOL improvements and that if you liked the first two you'll probably like the third.
is it the same girl that said nier was bad because she was "forced" to constantly look up 2B's skirt?
The game journo in question was literally fired from his job for refusing to shill a game, you fucking moron.
Who died and said you could tell me how to think about what I should spend my money on? Fuck off moron.
You say manipulate, but wasn't it just false flagging?
who are you quoting?
is that the same girl who was talking about how dream daddy is unique and super important to the VN industry
>if you liked the first two
more accurate "if you liked the second"
but what if I need to play a game right away before it gets spoilered and/or hacked?
I couldn't care less how you spend your money, you self righteous prick. Take your unwarranted self importance and fuck off, moron.
has giantbomb only ever hired 1 girl?
>villain joins the party and tells you everything you already knew
How does that even work?
>If you give it a 7 or less then you will have to show your review 3 diays later
>Don't get tricked into buying Borderlands 3
ftfy, twitterfag
>nier was bad because she was "forced" to constantly look up 2B's skirt?
oh come the fuck on, is this real?
women all look the same to me, I can't tell them apart
Yes, she also said Nier's music was bad, which of all things to criticize that game for that is not one of them.
Also yes. I'm 98.87% sure they hired her for workplace diversity quota. She has some interesting takes SOMETIMES but she's almost ALWAYS trying to be the contrarian
I don't need reviews. I know BL3 is going to be shit because it's a fucking Borderlands game. They're never good.
I think she mentioned the level design being bad which pretty much means nothing when it comes to character action games and she didn't like any of the characters
>Yes, she also said Nier's music was bad, which of all things to criticize that game for that is not one of them.
well this thread is taking a sudden turn.
Someone be cool and post the new Burgle My Bananas video.
She said she would have liked "A Beautiful Song" if it didn't have the lyrics. Honestly just a garbage take. Actually, come to think of it, she said that about every song, including Weight of the World and the Persona 5 Soundtrack too.
Sounds like the kind of girl that legitimately hates any competition.
prepare yourself
It's literally a reskinned Borderlands 1, 2, Prequel. No wonder they don't want early reviews.
>Its score would have been lower
How bad this game can get?
They did stay on point though. The media just ignored it entirely and only focused on a made up narrative and easily proven falseflags. That naturally kicked GG into overdrive and now Trump's the president, so not sure how that paid off for them.
You misread, they sent out early review copies but not to Giant Bomb
wow that look of annoyance on their faces.
I'm getting the feeling she is a major contrarian that rips on everything they enjoy off camera.
Based tbqh, fuck Giant Bomb. Hopefully all publishers stop giving free copies to all games websites.
True but Randy is more incompetent than most
No other reviewer is going to point out it's just a reskin.
Wow, way to out yourself as an electionfag here to stop DRUMPFTERS.
It's a very niche game, ofc retarded journos didn't like it
well these guys are pretty old and indecisive. i remember brad gave dead space 2 a 5/5 then like 5 years later recall him saying he forgot he even reviewed it in a completely unrelated video
Just 6 more months till Borderlands 3
Over half of the reviews I have read or watched have basically said "It's pretty much more of the same with some QoL improvements, if you like BL1 and BL2 You'll like this, if you don't then stay away" so most of them have pointed out just that.
>giant bomb
you mean SJW faggots who get offended at everything?
That offends me
>its so hard to play nier, unlike zelda
what? Doesn't the game have litteral autopilot and chips that block shit for you on easy mode? Is she incapable of picking easy mode?
She sounds like some angry kid complaining in a forum, about a game's mechanics, after dieing to it once.
Why the fuck would a company trying to sell their new product, give a review copy or free samples to someone who they think will most likely give it a negative review?
Is this stupid fuck insane?
It's like if a gun manufacturer gave a free gun to the local neighborhood psycho to promote your newest model
>It's like if a gun manufacturer gave a free gun to the local neighborhood psycho to promote your newest model
That sounds rad
The only time I ever see people talk about Kingdom Come is in posts like this.
shut the fuck up shill
>listening to "game" "reviewers" ever
I'd sooner take some homeless person's opinion of their paid ass shill.
No, not at all . Game reviewers have become super entitled and expect free games and other benefits to be passed their way. 2K Games doing this wouldn't be the first. Bethesda blacklisted "journalists" before because they leaked their games.
>OG Yea Forums
Fuck off retard
Buy the latest glock RIGHT now user
your analogy is fucking lightyears off but I can agree with the whole "why would a company give a review copy to a outlet they know will just can them
but like how are movies reviewed?
It should probably be done like that tho I think they do early screenings right?
>its another Giant Bomb crying because YouTubers are replacing them episode
Implying anyone on Yea Forums is a big enough faggot to buy Borderlands.
They denied review copies to outlets that don't even give ratings because they are so progressive like kotaku. It's clear that they denied review copies purely based on these "gaming journalism" series being huge pieces of shit and untrustworthy.
She whined a lot about the sexualization and clearly docked points because of it.
See the shitshow for yourself in the like ratio/comments
Reviewers feel entitled to free and early access to games. Games companies have zero obligation to provide it.
But Dream Daddy is such a very good game
it's a legitimately good game now that a lot of the eurojank bugs have been ironed out. give it a gander
What do you guys think of Abby's acting?
It's very cohesive
not sure but the movie production company can also decide who gets into early screenings, right?
also I didn't mean to make it look like an exact analogy, the point was that the companies are gonna avoid doing things that will give their products negative publicity.
Gonna sound faggy, but I kinda wish there was magic/mysticism in the game. just like a little hint or something weird glowing in the middle of the night, nothing more really.
Vitos a fag?
No. But you should be very careful about purchasing product that is only permitted to be reviewed as "good".
Fucking women.
Don't worry guys, this ones on Tim.
t newfag
He didn't really contradict himself.
Most major outlets still release early reviews and day one reviews, so the obvious implication is that most outlets are full of shills.
you're right that does sound faggy
That sounds faggy and brainletpilled, retard
So you want the double rainbow but at night?
>So you want the double rainbow but at night?
Nah I want to see some random sprites or lights in the forest when I'm on the sentry or castle walls.
or Some random wooden effigies deep in the forest.
Basically unexplained magical shit that doesn't really do anything.
That's gay user.
>Why the fuck would a company trying to sell their new product, give a review copy or free samples to someone who they think will most likely give it a negative review?
Because if a company starts getting the rep that it manipulates reviews then it's no longer trusted by its audience, this isn't all that relevant for massive games but still, it's an obvious side effect. However that's not the actual problem here, the coverage at E3 wasn't negative, it was just plain retarded, it's on par with that "journalist" playing DOOM 2016 like hot garbage, which is also why you now have shit like that Kotaku guy bitching about Zenimax (rightfully) holding off on handing out review copies.
naw its fucking borderlands
normies eat that shit up
The first time I heard Weight of the World in English I was legit surprised that it was sung by some hapa chick.
Legit sounds like a gospel song.
>one angry incel
well geez I just like easter eggs and little mind fuckery. Doesn't even have to be explained as magic, but its just weird special stuff.
>deliberately conflating legal with ethical or moral
Kike detected
>Legit sounds like a gospel song.
sounded like a disney song to me
>See how the journalist cries out in pain as he is denied his clicks
>Do a shit job covering the game
>Get mad that you didn’t get a review copy
If you cared about the game why did you give it shit coverage
Take-two being money grubbing cashwhores? Imagine my shock
They're not, but not sending them out shows you don't have faith in your game.
They sold out to Epic, of course they don't have faith in their game.
Maybe the game itself is shit?
Are you daft?
I think that's just 2K being greedy as usual, can't wait for the XCOM 3 shit storm
>Delay a year
>When X-Com EU and 2 needed major game fixing DLC and bug fixes.
Any exclusivity deal there means nothing.
*clink clink clink*
based randy
fuck journos
Would you take a review less seriously if Kotaku didn't get a copy of a game? I know I wouldn't.
>be phoenix point
>runs away to EGS to avoid competition from nu-com and probably xenonauts
>ends up having to compete anyways because 2K is greedy
they could buy DLC exclusivity too, sony loves doing that IIRC
Ding ding ding ding*
Fuck sjw journalists
Fuck gabefuck steam
Based Randy
Based Tim
I only bought the games once the expansions were out but that doesn't mean the majority of players does the same, hell if that were the case there wouldn't be any expansions for obvious reasons. PP's developers promised post-launch expansions and there was still a shit fit once the exclusivity was announced, but on top of greed, PP's case also involved dickish developers
the sjw virus kicked in
>Don't get tricked
Does this retard think people actually buy based on reviews?
Wait... do people do that?
she the one who got mad at kratos killing valkyries cause they were women?
Even though you know it's wrong, you are still feeling obliged to find a way to suck corporate cock.
2k is probably thinking it'll sell incredibly well when it'll probably just sell well because while borderlands is big its definitely not as big as they think
And considering that after that gearbox has absolutely nothing else to make, 2k will certainly stop dealing with randy "my hobby grade badass epic video-game experience will totally rival overwatch don't worry guys" pitchford
Jeff only ever plays Borderlands games as the soldier character and always builds for survivability. He literally plays the game in the most boring way possible and then complains that he gets bored.
I feel like Giant Bomb is the only review outlet that has a scrap of integrity. I'm not saying they're anywhere near 100% reliable given they have fucking Abby on staff but they have some people who possess some semblance of intellectual honesty. Where pretty much every outlet I trust about 0% I can count on Giant Bomb to sometimes have an opinion worth a fuck. I guess what I'm getting at is they're the premier English review group even if 25% of their opinions are worth a fuck. And even if the bar is that low if you're going to screw them out of a review that's as much a red flag as it gets in this shitty industry.
I want to impulsively blame this as another bit of Pitchford retardation but it's 2K and not actually Gearbox.
Giant Bomb aren't relevant anymore but they are still just as relevant as most """reviewers""" you see on metashitic.
Borderlands 3 Review:
>Flat gameplay
>Horribly annoying writing and characters
>So much loot as to be pointless and unsatisfying because you know you're just going to replace it within 10 minutes WACKY gun.
Does GB even do reviews anymore? I don't think so, so it wouldn't matter to the metascore anyway.
>*with another WACKY gun.
Their E3 video was blatantly shit. They played like it was their first time even touching a Borderlands game, knew fuck-all about it (didn't even know what the release date was) despite the fact they were talking over it in post so they could have easily done some research, acted like the game brings nothing new to the table even though there's plenty of new shit, and basically just want it to be a Destiny rip-off. Even worse that they had Abby play it, who couldn't find the options menu in Okami after 5 hours of playing it. They even decided to put the fucking video up with audio issues.
The other review sites not getting copies for "security" is suspect, but I don't think anybody is missing anything if GB didn't get one.
Bruh, people do this shit all the time. Nothing new here. And quit relying on scores anyhow
I don't even think it was for review scores, I think Gearbox was still mad about Ryan Davis shitting on Burch's terrible writing and even after being dead for years, they are still so fucking mad that they denied GB a review copy
>the review process becomes a farce
Isn't the burden on the reviewers and not the ones making the games? No fucking shit developers want their games to sell.
In this morally exploitable environment there's a difference between having faith in your own product and going out of your way to mitigate any possible negative press. Because you can get away with this morally disgusting shit there's no reason why you shouldn't take advantage of that as it will ultimately benefit you.
It's a calculation: you gain from snuffing out critical reviews but you lose from the bad press of manipulating the reviews. Because the vast majority of gamers just don't pay any attention, the gain vastly outweighs and downside. Having faith in your product is irrelevant here, because regardless of your faith in the product the actual correct thing to do is to deny review copies to anybody who has said shit about you in the past.
It's like deciding whether or not to execute prisoners of war. If the vast majority of people who would judge you aren't even paying attention you might as well do it because it will mitigate a lot of work down the road.
Dude, i'm buying a retro game 300 from amazon with 3000 roms in it, go and figure.
Part of selling games is consumer trust. If consumers don't trust reviewers, then all those perfect scores mean fuck all.
Most threads about it here and fairly civil and decent, especially now that electionfags spam their /pol/ shit in them less. Honestly give it a go, it might have some jank but it has a lot of freedom and actually thoughtful combat and nuanced mechanics that aren't done to death by AAA studios.
KCD was world's better than it had any right to be considering the size and experience of most of the dev team. I'm legitimately excited for what they can do with more funding in the future.
No, but they openly denying Giant Bomb the review copy is going to put them in a cowardly light
Shut up already , you fucking mormons.
As much as I hate Gearbox... they really aren't "manipulating their Metracritic score" by denying a review copy. Those companies can buy their own fucking copy.
Fuck those entitled review companies. Also fuck 2K for sending goons to one of their best fanboys.
Pretty fucking dumb, but I expect nothing less from a site that employs a dumbfuck manchild like Dan.
If game journalists had a good reputation among videogame consumers, game journalists who love videogames and give their honest opinions being denied a review copy would be a red flag for the consumer. Unfortunately for Giant Bomb, their entire industry decided that it was a good idea to wage war on both their market and their leverage against publishers in cases like these. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Big thing I was hearing is that they didn't send a bunch of outlets review copies but instead provided early copies to a shit ton of streamers.
Dogwhistles for communists (murdered 100 million people) is just as bad as this, you little journalist fuck.
>game journalists who love videogames and give their honest opinions
This isn't enough for me to like a fucking journalist. They have to KNOW THEIR SHIT too. Any 5 year old can love videogames and give honest opinions, and that sure as hell is usually what shit sounds like when I read their fucking retarded reviews.
they also didnt allow kotaku a copy
fuckin based. fuck kotaku
Gearbox is probably desperate to recoup losses from shit like Battleborn, I dont think they wanted to make BL3, I'm willing to bet what they were expecting out of their company by this time was not another borderlands.
It's about ethics in games journalism! Can't you see!?
Journalists HHAHAAHAH.... actually HAAHAHAHHA..... think their opinion HAHA *COUGH* HAHAHA..... is worth HAHAH..... paying for HAHAHAAHHA*CHOKE* HAHAHAHA
>muh difficulty
women, not even once
fucking retards
eat your corporate cock and shut up
Cry into your CBS swag bag, you nigger.
>if you don't enjoy lazy communist game journo slobs who complain about not getting free shit from corporations a you suck corporate cock
It's in everyone's best interest to drop the facade of companies playing fair and game journalists acting in your best interests.
This pick and mixing is killing hypetrain culture. Which is what you want, you want these boring goddamn AAA games to fail.
based anime poster
The funny thing about the video games industry is that very often, bad sales doesn't necessarily mean a loss. Often they just fail to make a big AAA profit.
There's a reason why video game studios are in the states they are or why some movies are filmed in the same states; those states offer irrationally massive tax breaks for digital media production. If you look at CliffyB's studio in North Carolina, he was able to basically get a tax break on 75% on the salaries paid to his employees; and given that video game development is like 95% fucking labor, that's nearly 75% of your costs that the state will take off your taxes. While there is no doubt CliffyB's shitheap killed his company, it was a new company.
Battleborn probably wasn't a loss and if it was, Gearbox is so fucking big that it doesn't matter. Remember they're both a publishing house and development studio and I'm sure Pitchford is having his accountants spin any loss to a immense tax shield for the profits he gets elsewhere. And there's a fucking lot of video games in fucking Texas which means that it probably also offers obscene tax incentives to operate a studio there.
Borderlands 3 is just about making money. They aren't sweating shit; there is plenty of treasure in the vault especially when fucking 75% of your salaries are being subsidized by the government. It's not like you or me where if you lose a couple months' salaries you're living in the street; Battleborn was probably more like a haircut that went wrong - you look like a fucking clown for a bit but everyone is too retarded to remember when it grows out and you return to the old haircut.
Metascore is not even real.
>Can you tell me how each of the different critics are weighted in your formula?
>Absolutely not.
I don't mind that they don't reveal the weights, that's perfectly fine. The real issue is whether or not you trust them to objectively reassess those weights year after year.
Do you think certain reviewers pay Metacritic for a heavier weight and higher placement for their reviews like BBB or Yelp? Or that content producers can single out reviewers that are mean and pay Metacritic to drop their weight? I mean we'll never know.
Have a you. Nobody else will respond to you because they are underage retards who will never understand how the racket works.
>Geoff is living in a swanky mansion in Cali
They literally can't until it comes out though.
We were complaining about things in the other direction mostly, paid off reviews and stuff. This still falls under a kind of similar umbrella though.
Time to state some obvious things:
>Getting a tax break on an expense doesn't negate the expense, you just don't pay taxes on it. You effectively get a discount on that expense, but it doesn't go away.
So if you have 75% of your expenses as labor, and you fully deduct it (not fucking likely though), then at the effective tax rate, you have a 13.95% reduction in expenses. It doesn't matter how good your tax loopholes are, you can't magically turn losses into profits. "Subsidized by the government" my ass, you should look up the things you're speaking about.
In other words, no shit this is about making money, because they've been losing money for a long fucking time, and all their properties other than Borderlands is in the fucking gutter. They need money bad, and this is their only viable product.
GB hasn't even released any reviews in almost a year.
well I guess that gives them plenty of time to review kingdom come
>video game development is like 95% fucking labor
It's really not. It's like 30% labor, 10% tech licensing, and 60% advertising.
Mind you're they're definitely getting huge tax breaks but it's not enough to just cover the cost of everything. There's ultimately a limit on how little tax you can pay, and that's 0. Battleborn hurt them financially and that much is fairly clear, but just nowhere near enough to knock them out or really down for too long.
In that case fuck Giant Bomb. They can fuck right off
Texas will cover up to 22.5% of your expenditures, no cap, so long as you spend at least $100,000 and the majority of the work is done by Texans and within Texas.
the left eats their own. to nobody's surprise retard randy and gearbox are terrible people to work with.
Waaaahh they didn't send us a free copy of the game wwaaaaaahhh
I'm 30 years old and have been playing video games my entire life. All I have to do is watch unscripted gameplay and can instantly tell if a game is fucking trash or not. Are there really 13 year olds on Yea Forums who need a website to explain what their retarded eyes are inexperienced to understand?
Kinda wish GB would die out from their own laziness and terrible decisions. Despite what they claim, I don't believe for a second that their premium subs have increased.
>Are there really 13 year olds on Yea Forums who need a website to explain what their retarded eyes are inexperienced to understand?
Yes, it takes awhile for most people to gain that instinct, I'm sure plenty looked at Anthem's E3 2018 footage and thought it looked good.
It's the whole point of these things: To look good on the first glance.
They only need to fool you until you fork over the cash.
You do this and will lose credibility in your product being of quality, which also leads to false advertising and pissed customers.