Assuming I can stomach the bad humour I've seen, are these games enjoyable?
Assuming I can stomach the bad humour I've seen, are these games enjoyable?
Humor is the least important problem of these "games".
A few things about these games that you HAVE TO BE READY FOR
>the ever-shakily-increasing power level of your character and ever growing numbers attached to your enemies
>the whacky pseudo-random guns which apparently give you a bigger headache with more DPS
>the cell shaded environment, which isn't actually that bad
This all combines into an insidious headache that will linger on you for about twice as long as you've played the game.
I tried it on a free weekend.
they all have that?
pre-sequel is fun
unfortunately pre-sequel has the worst writing out of all
They're super fucking boring honestly. I bought one and two and played them both a combined total of one and half hours.
Why ask a question you can only answer yourself?
I think I tried Borderlands 2.
>and then serious big dark boss muttering about he will crush you bluh bluh bluh bluh
Like you need to give me skull trauma along with that exposition.
can you imagine the old dialogue with the awful new claptrap voice
People can tell me things that might scare me away from the games and prevent me from wasting my time, namely this
Yes they are. Yea Forums has to pretend to hate the reddit humor tho
Game has unskippable cutscenes that get old when you're on your 3rd playthrough.
Maybe Borderlands 1 did it fine. There has to be some reason other than console kiddies? I mean if you had an old television with shit colors and sound opposite you in a sunlit room it would all be tolerable.
BL1: good, mundane, but effective weapons. Constantly gaining power. You are an unstoppable God at endgame.
BL2: The true birth of borderlands "humor." Eeapons are gimmicky and generally bad. Leveling up causes you to constantly feel weaker. Endgame is juggling grog nozzle and sand hawk since they're the only weapons worth using unless you're the little bean (then it's 2x double penetrating unkempt harold) killing a standard mob takes about 30 seconds of sustained fire, while basic enemies will put you down in exactly 2 bullets.
I was done after that.
Do you have friends?
literal high school tier games
What the fuck would a game that came out in 1995 be?
what does that mean?
The only game that's worth a damn is the first one and it's a buggy mess.
Extremely low quality gameplay and writing.
Yes OP, you will love it.
The humor is charming and anyone who says otherwise is a boomer hardass.
This game will give you years of enjoyment.
they are fun with friends, HOW OFTEN DOES IT NEED TO BE SAID
I fucking hate these games but i probably have gone through 20+ playthroughs
You have to see for yourself unfortunately
I liked 1st much more than 2nd reddit humor tier
He's just a zoomer who played the second first.
Borderlands 2 is the best written and most fun of all three. Easily one of the best games of last gen
First one is much more tame on the whackiness
This, my good friends.
This is the most BADASS game you will ever have the blessing of playing, this is the future of modern gaming.
Get ready BADASSES
>best written
Jack doesnt carry all the game.
>Borderlands 2 is the best written and most fun of all three. Easily one of the best games of last gen
Umm user, the third one isn't out yet.
1 and 2 are good games, I even think 2 is funny :). Pre-Sequel is so bad and cringe-worthy you'd think it was made by Obsidian.
I tried playing 2 again, every gun that isn't a fire weapon seems shit.
2 has awful scaling at higher levels, its literally just slagging everything and abusing some meme legendaries
any time i'd get a new gun it would feel shit relative to fire weapons, which do shitloads of damage to any flesh enemy, even if it is a few levels below your current level.
isnt it a common truth than 2nd game has way worse looting system than 1st one?
Corrosives are better
You should have farmed knuckledragger at the beginning, his legendary pistol can carry u until like level 12-15
Better than destiny but you can definitely tell that the gunplay/ animations feel weak or have less impact
Also when you are at tundra express, finish tiny tina’s tea party sidequests and get that corrosive pistol. You will face A LOT of robots from now on, it will be very useful
only if you play them with the correct characters.
I have a hard time believing anyone comes here for genuine advice; if you do, fucking stop.
>i can't wait to try out this free dlc my friends were telling me about-
If you can get them all on sale for like 1 dollar like they always are, yeah
>commander lillith
Are the just going to gloss over the fact that she nearly got everybody killed because she's a selfish bitch?
Or just pirate them.
Post full
They are insanely boring and the writing is shit, the only tolerable dialogue comes from handsome Jack
Can I skip BL2 and only play 1 and Presequel?