Zach... Was our game kino?
Zach... Was our game kino?
think we'll see modern day zack in DP2? it'd be cool to see how different he is from york
Do you think DP2 will cover the Return?
You're damn right it was
The port on the switch is weird. Sound goes missing a lot. Was it wonky on the 360? I can't remember.
nah, its a known new issue. apparently swery said the team that ported it told him there working on a patch but no time frame was given.
See that, Zach? It's like I said this morning... "SB" in the coffee. And now, this mysterious letter with a wax seal arrives, addressed to me. I don't believe in coincidences either, Zach.
Why don't you come and see?
There was a link, in the coffee! It was twitchtv / as if I would link here, nu/v/aggots in my chat spamming nigger and shit yeah right
well theres currently 3 people streaming it, 2 girls and a faggot. gee i wonder who you are.
>tfw name is Zach
The first half of this game was a genuine mindfuck.