2560 x 1440 at 144hz

>2560 x 1440 at 144hz
>3840x2160 at 60hz

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1440p please

Obviously the former. It's not like a 4K monitor is noticeably sharp up close.

1920 x 1080 at 240hz

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1440p 144hz ips



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720p 60fps with drops

I'll be sticking with 60hz until, when and if above 60 FPS becomes standard for fightan.

1080p 60fps
Don't @me


>le doggo pupperino bork good boi long boi etc posting

Attached: double cringe.png (493x345, 61K)

>using the word "cringe" unironically

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As long as it pisses trannies off, it will always be relevant

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Based. I have no idea how people can still tolerate TN shit in 2019.

1024x768 at ∞ fps

>giving a shit about trannies

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1440p 144hz

4k is a meme for monitors, 2k is the upper limit for computer monitors

TN doesn't have ghosting issues

>muh viewing angles
how the fuck are you looking at your monitor for this to be an issue?

I rather have TN than my ghosting VA :(

patrician tier

1440p always
4k is a meme unless you play on consoles and own a big TV

>hehe wojakposting I'm so part of the IN club nao :>

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Even beter question.
>1080p 144hz?
>1440p 60Hz?
Screen wil mostly be used for sp games and work.

>knowing that the year is

Question, will a 4k TV make console output blurry? So far I know, most consoles can only output 1080p. Won't this then stretch the video game output? How does it work?

3440x1440p 120hz is currently peak

Attached: forz3.jpg (3440x1440, 421K)

1080p scales very well to 4k because it's just 2x the pixels both ways

4K is a meme, so obviously the first choice.

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this if you play online FPS but for everyone else 1440p is the way to go

The problem is that it doesn't, Pepe and wojack posting are the easiest gateway to le 4chins, so trannies use it to try and blend in

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There will come a point where no further resolution or refresh rate increase is needed, because the eye literally can’t see it. When will that point be do you think?

The point has already come and gone where better graphics has stopped being about more clarity and better smoothness and is just piling as much shiny shit into the frame as possible to wow you.

that dog has been a reaction image probably longer than you have been alive

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just stay used to 60fps.
if you get a 144hz monitor and you only get 90 fps in a new game or something it feels terrible

Attached: CNTRL47.jpg (3840x2160, 2.97M)

A lot of factors to consider and each person's brain processes the input differently. But I'd imagine it isn't a technology issue, so most hardware out there is already high enough.
If there were a way to get more out of higher refresh rates then they would already be on the market - since there is a demand for people wanting the smoothest experience.
So I don't think there is a single exact unit that acts as the threshold, it is variable but also achieved by modern technology.

4k 60hz on xbox one x

4K running at 24 FPS for a real cinematic experience

Depends on what you play. I have a 144hz monitor but almost only play Japanese games...so it's useless because I'm not sure jap devs know framerate above 60 exists.

perfect for Death Stranding!
