If you are a big fan of Nintendo that just want the company to improve and if you make any criticism towards Nintendo the fanboys are quick to call you a snoy. Proof Nintendo fanbase is the worst fanbase in gaming that can't accept any fair critique they are too sick and obsessed over nintendo
If you are a big fan of Nintendo that just want the company to improve and if you make any criticism towards Nintendo...
If your critiscism is aimless or over generalised, people will think you're an outside, and rightfully so, because outsiders are as aimless.
If you can do better, do better, even in this shithole.
Assuming you're the faggot from the other thread
Did you seriously abandon the other thread? You fucks are honestly subhuman waste of spermcells at this point, and anons complain about Smash threads.
>so mad at videogames he created 2 threads
new low
Don’t bother user. It’s a lost cause. You can’t reason with nintendies. It’s a cult at this point. They’re no better than Apple drones.
>IP count didn't go up
Just go back to the mental hospital
Pretty sure Nintendo fans are already heading their way there. Wasn't etika there for a bit? Yeah, shut your mouth sheep. That was someone else who is tired of your shit that wasn't me agreeing with myself tag both replies faggot.
I am not the one making duplicate threads on a Vietnamese basket weaving board while displaying a big case of Messiah complex over percieved inferior beings who are slaves to their emotions.
How do you become this paranoid?
says the nincel who looked up to someone claiming they were the anti-christ shut your psycho ass up faggot
lol what? Don't you realize I'm just feeding you replies to dance for me? Keep it up little bitch.
who knows I might be doing the same thing you fucking aspie fag
BotW is possibly the best game ever. And SMO is the best game of this gen.
Flawed opinion. Good games though Odyssey falls a little short of being the best of anything though.
>IP didn't go up AGAIN
Did you seriously just make bait so you could reply to yourself? Fucking delusional man.
Objectively wrong, it has the most content of any game.
Okay. I'm a huge nintendo fan. Lets hear those complaints. Oh, and please use punctuation you third world shitskin.
Yeah but OP they announced sans for smash
Excuse me? What are you talking about?
Lol, Snoyboys are so desperate for things to do that they have to keep making these shit threads.
Imagine being this fucking jealous over video games. Jesus H Christ.
No you are a fanboy not a fan not even a gamer so your flawed opinion and lies have nothing to stand on therefore you have no say.
you proved OP's point moron
Tick Tock
I always challenge you Snoy trolls to post your game library to see if your opinion holds any actual merit, but you never do. Go ahead and be the first if you want.
Please present your critique, I am genuinly interested.
being this much of a delusional aspie
Silly third worlder has 0 actual complaints. Probably just mad because the switch costs too much in your shithole country.
They aren't a snoy you brainlet.
Yes he is, and probably a paid shill to.
I'm, sowwy UwU
I am a bigger Nintendo fan than you but I am not a blind fanboy I am actually a fan. Unlike you
Kill yourself. Your post has done nothing but incite more shit flinging. Keep it to yourself or off yourself.
you are making us nintendo fans look stupid... unless you are the falseflagger
Still have yet to hear one complaint. Just give one.
Even if people do have legit complaints, which he probably doesn't, there are so many moronic Snoy fanboys like the guy in this pic, that it would be impossible to tell if he's legit or not. Of course these trolls could prove they're a gamer and not a casul by posting their games library, which I still have yet to see.
Why would you kill someone based on what they think? You are the crazy one not OP dilate
I dont hate Nintendo. I just hate Smash faggots
Nope you are too ignorant and obsessed with nintendo to accept fair criticism
couldn't be more true than this post
>Nope you are too ignorant and obsessed with nintendo to accept fair criticism
I still game on PC more than the Switch. But the PS4 has been an absolute disaster this generation, and Snoy's moronic fanbase does nothing but go onto message boards and shit talk Nintendo. Not only that, they've been doing this since before the Nintendo 64 was even released. They also trolled the Dreamcast, Xbox, whatever boards as well.
So, yes, I'm tired of their shit.
I agree sony does suck but so does Nintendo but sony is worse
Nintendo, Microsoft, Sega, PC fans etc are just on the defensive. Like that picture said, Snoy's fanbase is so batshit insane that they will make 10,000 accounts to troll the board of a system they don't like. They fired the first shot on Nintendo forums on Usnet. They also fired the first shots on the Dreamcast and Xbox boards on the early days of the internet as well. If you invade a country, don't act surprised when that country defends itself.
Jesus, are you literally a child? You sound like one, and you seem to be incapable of using something as simple as punctuation. This is the type of retard it takes to hate a company, as if Nintendo or Sony are alive and operating independently of the thousands of people in the company. You need to reassess your life.
Gamers are so fucking useless and pathetic omg
This thread is proof that snoys are the worst fanbase on Yea Forums
It proves nintendo is the worst fanbase lol seethe more
Rent free
>BotW is possibly the best game ever.
You can easily count the number of topics trolling Nintendo and count the number of topics trolling Snoy and see that Snoy fans are worse.
Cope I am a bigger Nintendo fan than you lol
>implying Elden Ring won't be both
Yea but you are the type of person to call any criticism towards nintendo a Snoy so you are no better
t. snoy
>Yea but you are the type of person to call any criticism towards nintendo a Snoy so you are no better
I've already addressed all of this in my previous posts.
lol idiot proving OP right
Nope, I am. Cope
Hello OP, you still aren't right
>Not a single person mentions or defends Sony in the thread