Other urls found in this thread:
It's great finally seeing a fast diablos again. Too bad EVERYTHING IN ICEBORNE DOESN'T STAND STILL EVER
SnS bros, does slinger burst ever stop being great for damage?
why do I want to fuck great jagras guys ? I'm not even an inflation fag
January 2020
>spread HBG
>slowest sheath speed
>monsters now dance across the map at breakneck pace
I miss cluster...
The sales figure broke him, didnt it? The international sales figure should be the final blow to kill him off, which is in 3 days
I get that L2 Guard Dashing is a niche use but everyone develops their own playstyle with what they have, it's probably something I developed due to liking Lance because of evade Lancing and mobility, as I don't use Power Guard much.
Just wanted to add a bit to that. Thread archived before I could reply.
Whats your take on that new Handler outfit?
Playing as a girl is for faggots!
If the 13 million sales didnt kill him, this wont. Only way to kill a shitposter is to cut off its fuel supply, and that is attentiob. Stop talking about this waste of skin
Who actually cares? Surely you dont. Are you playing the game and having fun? Then its a success. All there is to it
The autist sure does
>even the japs are assmad
How to farm coal? I want the house decos. Is it just lights?
>tfw PCfag
Children, the lot of them. You should be a good boy and double dip to thank the devs for all the hard work they put in.
That's fair I'm the later user that joined the conversation and I'm just trying to figure out what you guys mean. When you guys say guard dash you don't mean the advancing guard right? When you hold the shield in front of you and dash forward right? The one that ends in either the shield bash or hopping stab that they added in world?
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
the games a total flop anyway you arent missing anything
Wait, what the fuck. There's no way that's the actual design of the Brachy Dual Blades now, right?
250k In japan
Physical only
4 days
Keep seething
Yes, Guard Dash/Advancing Guard is pretty much the same move: leaping with your shield in front to then triple stab or shield bash. I simply didn't use the proper name for it, my mistake.
You'll craft your maracas and you'll fucking like them.
I miss seige mode
Also quick sheathe is pretty easy to gem in
>was excited cause I thought Grongigas was back
>turns out it was just the Kush Hammer at a weird angle
>Uragaan Hammer is still bone
Oh, okay
Any crab news
Hmm yeah alright I think I'll just stick to using the soft target. You do you user.
Take a long hard look at your life, this is what its come to, shitposting about sales of a game you dont play. Ouch
>up to MR4 quests and still no Black Diablos
>there's already much tougher subspecies in MR3 and 4
Did they really tool Black Diablos up that much? What does she have over MR Diablos' charge/hipcheck out of tunnel?
How much faster is entering the iai stance with max Quick Sheathe?
One example is nerg's dive. With proper positioning, a sideways guard dash will let you block the first hit and avoid all the follow up hits, sparing your stamina and hp from chip damage. If you guard dash back, you'll black all the hits, if you guard dash forward, you'll get pushed back and block all the hits, and if you just block or powerguard, you'll obviously have to block all the hits.
Also, a sideways guard dash into a diagonal forward leaping thrust is fantastic for keeping up pressure on monsters that do quick 180s. That way you keep attacking the front of the monster instead of its ass.
>one thread for shitposters
>one thread for people who play the game
As it should be
Fair enough.
I personally think it's quite interesting to see these differences and quirks in playstyle despite using the same weapons.
>knock v Tobi on his ass
>He gets by the whole squad
That's.. not an insignificant amount of damage the little bastards do
If you're in the center of Nerg's dive you typically only get hit once regardless. Which is every time if you're soloing.
She is more aggressive, like a lot, and she has Bloodbath's insta charge with roar.
Got to brachy and what the fuck did they do to him why does he sound like a pig.
Help a clueless PC fag here
1 is HBG kill? i know cluster is, how's the rest of the weapon? can i spread?
2 I've seen a couple of clips of massive weebing on LS, are the new attacks also viable or just flashy?
3 Bow: was the nerf to raw compensated by the increase on Ele damage? Is it viable?
4 I want to Hammer because it always looked fun as fuck but in mhw the weapon was a bit lackluster and soloing stuff took its time: can i rely on it in IB?
5 can i be an invincible turtle with lance in MR?
Bonus: are nintendies still massively seething about anything MHW related
His full dive has a hit, a head slam, and then the aoe spikes. If you are center and just block, it's 3 hits that you'll have to block. The follow ups won't miss you in most cases. And for tempered or AT Nerg, that was a shitload of chip damage.
??? He sounds fine
>Side quests unlock more sides quests that unlock more side quests
I just want to hunt glavenus, but i also want a checked list
did we ever find out what the deal with the roar in ancient forest was
This is the end of the World, it's meant to last you a bit.
Oh I thought you were talking about his big divebomb not the slam dunk. I usually just tank it on normal Nerg or dive it on AT.
I swear when I was fighting him I kept hearing pig noises
Nope. There's an even weirder one in Hoarfrost. My bet is that its an audio glitch but I dunno what the fuck the sounds are supposed to be coming from.
Also, while it's positioning dependent, a guard dash backwards can be much better than a powerguard reverse thrust for diabolos charge. The latter will almost always hit the tail after all, while the former will position you perfectly to abuse the soft underbelly.
Nu-Barioth is kicking my ass. Didn't have this much trouble with him before. Can't seem to get my GS timing just right and he leaps so far. Should I switch weapons?
>hurr mhw is easy because monsters are slow
>why are they so fast durr
mhw threads are pure schizo posting
I love the new world
I remember hearing the same thing so you're not alone
There's nothing GS can't solve with hit and run draw attacks
>I want to Hammer because it always looked fun as fuck but in mhw the weapon was a bit lackluster and soloing stuff took its time: can i rely on it in IB?
Hammer was always fine, if hunts were taking you too long with it, it was because you weren't hitting the head. Hammer's big damage combos rely on a stationary target, but they can knock a monster so silly that they can get several of them off in sequence with a stun/KO chain.
Hammer didn't get any neat new toys/moves like most weapons did but it got buffs to stun values on most of its hits so it does that even better. There's some argument over whether Slugger is worthwhile over Paralyze effect, though they buffed Slugger's % bonus so honestly you can easily slot for both if you want.
Fuck right off. Porting this series to PC was a mistake. Fucking PC niggers
Haven't had Savage Jho show up for me so far, is he as much of a dick as people paint him to be?
Are the dual swords and GS worth really trying? The first seemed like you dont commit to anything, and the second seemed like a slower hammer. Am I wrong? Are they fun when you learn them?
No one was saying shit until you showed up retard
I’ve literally never used any weapon but GS, you can do it too
Spotted the PC faggot
Then do it when you get a flinch/knockdown or if you're feeling particularly ballsy
Abuse claw, other wise go and hunt old monsters that are now G-ranked to practise, they all move more and have new moves, Rathalos now shots three fire balls while backing off and flying.
the posts counter doesn't rise when he posts. He's the same seething imbecile that's spamming every mh thread trying to incite console wars. Check the other threads it's blatant. Ignore him
4u was so shit. I had erased the popups from my memories too.
>Not pancakes
LMAO look that this poor idiot.
>Tfw I've been practicing the Iai counter on LR Diablos so long I timed out
>I still can't get it consistently
4 was the beginning of the end with all this story shit.
It's not. None of the draw abilities affect iai.
4u was great though
Thanks user. I believe that I can fuck that fucker up like I always did to him before.
bing bing!
I recall hearing that all three of them did. You're positive?
I was trying to hunt Azure Rathalos for the new hammer and upgraded CB. He roared once off screen, jumped in and carted me. He then proceeded to stalk me for the rest of the hunt, nearly carting me again more than a few times and made me have to give up on capturing Rath. I had only just beaten Nargacuga.
>tranny erp pictures
As expected from huntress niggers
The autist's bane
I've been taking my quick sheathe charm on and off while mucking about with various sets that have crit draw and so forth. Cannot see a difference. I'll try record some today to post here.
No. And we don't want your gay huntresses either.
You're unironically fucking obsessed mate, not everyone is a tranny. Seek professional help.
I'm a lancefag and i'm curious about the inputs for a couple of things in this comment thread. I didn't know you could do long backhops without an attack first, is it just Back+X at the same time? I usually get the camera turned around.
Also for guard evades, I only discovered the side ones somewhat recently before Iceborne dropped, how do you Guard evade backward? and can it be combo'd with long backhop or were you guys referring to it just being sequential in being defensive?
They do.
Found this video by searching, this shit seems pretty tight.
DB and LS brachy weapons got the pleb skin treatment to reflect their users.
The big boy weapons all look good.
So defensive because it hit the bullseye. Lmao
Cute niggresse hunters should be hanging from a rope on a tree
So there's no real point to building purple sharpness right?
How many monsters, counting the recolors, did iceborne add? Are the final weapon upgrade more original instead of being the base weapon with monster part added on?
He might be a guaranteed spawn on the Ancient Forest Glavenus optional quest.
>blunders into the hunt a couple times, they scrap a bit by which I mean Jho knocks Glavenus over and Glav decides it's time to leave
>other times I blunder into him on my way to Glav and he follows me across 3 zones to where he is
>the whole time I was aiming for a capture, but when Glav is reduced to limping he literally cannot get away from Jho, I'm running around between their legs trying to find a good time to drop a trap that I'm sure will catch Glav and not Jho
>can't manage it, Glav is so fucked up that anything will kill him so I put the poor thing out of his misery with a clutch claw tap
He's relentless, I didn't bother bringing dung pods and I'm not even sure how effective they are against him.
Easy way to farm Downy Crakes? I want my Seliana room to be overrun by them.
Higher sharpness deals more damage probably that.
When you cry about it this much it seems like you're in denial and you're the real tranny.
If you can maintain it with razor sharp/protective polish/masters touch it's probably worth the 7% or whatever the fuck it gives you over white.
Does dual Banbaro event quest drop anything exclusive?
Paranoid and defensive now. And you said other people need mental help lmao.
>want to play IB
>but i'm bedridden with the flu
This is a special kind of hell
a 1.32 damage multi vs a probable 1.45, unless it gets the XX treatment
dual blade fags deserve nothing better
damn that's preety good
>tfw PC
not that i remember
only event that drops is the dual beo
drops tikets for a greatsword fish, get 5 total
if you have the energy to post, you have the energy to hunt. Stop being such a bitch.
>I didn't bother bringing dung pods and I'm not even sure how effective they are
He takes at least three to fuck off I've found. Had him show up when I had to hunt seething bazel. As if it weren't bad enough brachy decided to join in to make it a proper gangbang. Nothing like endless explosions and dragon breath to really drive home how much the game will fuck you when given the chance.
27 is not bad I was expecting less, now there will be much more variety in what to hunt.
You'll never be a real woman, tranny.
any decent bow armor in the low-mid tiers?
Don’t be afraid to play dirty
Use traps, break his wings so he staggers
Jump off those ledges, channel your inner Frenchman and monté le monstre
If his eyes are blue, clutch claw that fucker into the nearest wall
You can’t unga bunga this fight, but you can sure as shit wreck him with GS
I'll be as much of a bitch as i want, also not like posting takes too much energy.
You'll never be a real woman, tranny.
Legiana is always top tier for bow
>tranny posting
This isn't FFXIV or any mmo for that matter. Both of you fuck off.
You'll never be a real woman, tranny.
Has anyone hit MR 200 yet to see if there is something extra there?
You'll never be a real woman, tranny.
By Guard evading you mean the Guard Dash, correct? If so it's just the same input as when done laterally but, you know, backwards. There's really not much to it.
And yes, the long backhop can be comboed into from the Guard Dash, you can cover a lot of distance quickly with it.
Haven't been able to do the long hop from neutral yet myself, so I can't speak there.
In order to get augments for weapons, I take it i need tempered parts since everything shows as ????. Do i need to level up the guiding lands to start getting tempered investigations?
Post YFW Savage Jho makes his grand entrance (into your asshole mid fight)
Ladies please, you'll all never be women. Now kiss and be gay.
You'll never be a real woman, tranny.
Dont forget the monkey hat too. Three tickets and you'll probably need to save a couple for the eventual layered.
>iceborne sales
Just hit the guard advance input and backwards after an attack or dodge
It starts up a few frames faster than a counter
The joke has gone on too long now, retard. You ruined it.
There's some huntathon quest but some trustworthy jap sources say that there's something else hidden.
if this is about the unknown roar, most likely theories out there are an easter egg for a incoming completely new monster
or who knows, mayve the rest of the fated four comes about
Same as always, keep going to the zones they appear on monsters in. I think their spawn rate has gone up. Caught sight of some on an aptonoth when I was farming MR Anja, damn near had a heart attack since I was searching for weeks and was nearly close enough to make them flee and immediately turned around to swap mantles. Now I got five of the little fuckers in my Seliana home for maximum comfy.
You'll never be a real woman, retarded tranny.
>first rathalos hunt in based world I ate shit like twenty times
>first rathalos hunt in iceborne I am dancing all over rath and his slut with my GL
>tfw going onto a SOLO ELDER invest
>savage jho fucks up Teo for me
>shittalking waffles
what a shit taste
there will be more, like Rajang already confirmed for October if i'm not mistaken. Plus before IB they mentioned this was the only DLC for World and that they would release other monsters in the years to come like they did with behemoth.
couple of days ago i watched a moderately hardcore streamer for a couple minutes and he was around MR75. It shouldn't take long
This. Fuck 4U. And 3U for that matter. Too much clutter. World feel much simpler
3U is the best MH game.
Stop wasting time posting, take a nyquil and go to bed. The sooner you sleep off the flu the sooner you can hunt
>Trying to do the Velkhana siege quest as bow
>Velkhana just runs away all the time and spams the beam sweep
This is honestly the most annoying elder dragon I have ever face, why the fuck does it just do nothing but spam AoEs and run away?
Iceborne won't flop, if I recall, it sold 250k PHYSICAL units in Japan alone, for a DLC. The vast majority of people buy it online through the ps store or whatever. PC sales will jump it up a bit next year too. All this shitposting about muh sales when the base game sold 13m already is fucking stupid.
inb4 shill.
>we didnt get this kushala armor
>we got that weird as fuck anubis set instead
Bait. Everyone knows iceborne is the best now. 3u is clunky and old
>Stop wasting time posting, take a nyquil and go to bed
All done, i'm just posting here like i usually do with my last shred of energy before drifting off to sleep
I haven't got my hands on IB yet so maybe it is better, 3U holds up well though. Also fuck anyone who doesn't like water combat.
>Unknown roar
Isn't just a bug? Some hours ago i was hunting Nargacua and could a distorsioned Rathalos+Anjanath roar, they were almost toghether in the mini map so i assumed they roared at eachother, and before that when hunting Rathalos his roar also had a double effect.
kys binger
are you referring to yourself? those sets are absolutely nothing alike.
I haven't owned a nintendo product since my family had a nintendo Wii
>I'll be as much of a bitch as I want
I can't stop cumming in girls that say shit like this. What's wrong with me?
Anjanath Garuga,
There's a thread only for salesposting, don't reply to him.
Guard advance input is usually + △ so do I do +△ +? or just +△
excuse me?
>New monster can mimic and combine roars of different monsters to lure them in
Would be a neat concept.
If you think that's bad wait till you get to Nami, whose entire moveset consists of sweeping beams and thunderblight AoE
its ok blind user we love you for who you are
Underwater combat was slow and and clunky. Iceborne is miles better. Accept it, user
Flop=/=bad game unless you are ready to argue that battlegrounds is good or skyrim is an actual masterpiece rather than rpg equivalent of white bread
Are men allowed?
>farming Legiana just cause I think the armor is pretty
Guard + tri + back on the stick after a poke. Its not brain surgery.
Top taste
>Iceborne is miles better. Accept it, user
I told you why I personally can't have an opinion on IB.
Namielle is a pretty cool fight though desu. I like it scoots around on a trail of slime like pissed off snail.
Oh, I was under the impression it could be done from neutral without a poke
The one in Hoarfrost Reach sure doesn't sound like anything else in the game
Where did the 13 MILLIONS go?
Long backhop needs either a small back hop or an attack or a guard dash backwards first. You can use r2 + l2 plus back and then guard dash to do a backwards guard dash from a neutral state, then immediately hold back and hop to do a long hop, and then immediately do a backwards guard dash again. This is an infinite as long as your stamina lasts. In the absence of guard up, this is the best way to avoid Teo's nova as covers massive ground at high speed, but it takes some practice.
which monster would you tenderly love and care for?
Wha-what the ever loving fuck was that
I'm not discussing sales with you however I am going to call you a retard for not being able to read
I wanna fight a flail snail in MH
It can. Hold r2, then l2, then guard dash backwards.
That's just it
We don't know
>gets btfo in his own thread
>comes back here
Despite having a larger health pool and some new moves MR monsters are still largely the same as they were before so it stands to reason that come iceborne people with months of experience fighting them would style on them.
Look at him go, he's so happy.
>no Magalas
>no Seregios
It's shit
>a guard dash backwards first
No need, any guard dash will do.
This is so fucking soulles and uncreative please never post it again
Definitely a nod towards a new monster. I've never heard anything remotely like that and it doesn't sound distorted at all.
Also I just noticed a shadow of a flying monster pass by extremely quickly at the same time as the roar. 100% an unknown monster.
Correct. I got ahead of myself and was specifically thinking of the scenario I followed up with, where the idea was to move backwards as fast as possible.
I beg your pardon? I haven't reached Garuga so i doubt it has anything to do with the bug
What in tarnation, is that a dragonfly?
Switched from GS to hammer for IB. They buffed KO damage a good deal and holy shit is beating monsters retarded fun. Also with free element the rarity 9 hammer fucking melts early MR monsters, so you can learn in comfort
I find backhop -> long hop -> guard dash back is the safest when you really need to gtfo since you can either stay blocking at the end or keep retreating
what the sam fuck
Do you think all the weapon changes and mechanics will carry over to MH6 or can we just forget about claw stuff?
>all the weapons getting bigger movesets
World is still rocky in weapon design but I can't go back after playing world's weapons
Is there a punishing draw jewel in iceborne? It's the barioth/HR odo set bonus of applying a stun effect to draw attacks
Finally got my Razor Sharp charm
I don't need you anymore, Narga 3 piece
Get fucked
>waist is identical
>gloves are identical
>legs are identical
>chest is identical except for the cloak wrap
>headpiece is almost exactly the same except small elements are swapped
You're a fucking dumb cunt retard fuck, retard.
Did they fuck up and put the wrong soundfile (similar to what happened with the bugged Glavenus mat) or is this actually intended?
>go back and try SA in 3U after only ever using hammer and GS in old games
>feels like shit
It's hard to say. MH introduces and drops things fairly often, but some stuff does endure. I think the slinger will stay, but the claw is harder to predict. Fujioka does want to bring underwater back some day, and the claw could be pretty good for that though.
I just hope raider ride sticks around.
Damn nice catch, user
>completely different headgear
>no leg covers
>in a monhun thread
>hasn't bought iceborne
Sounds a little sketchy to me
>wait wrap is completely different
>gloves are completely different
>lets are different
>shoulders are completely different
>cloak is missing
>helmet is completely different
b-but theyre the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm a PC fag
An unidentified shadow goes by at the same time so who the fuck knows
We need someone to be in a spot where they can actually look up when it happens
So WHAT is that thing? Buzzes like a bug but i don't know bugs that look like the shadow, we only have half of the dam thing
PC Master race of course
They got bored. Pretty simple
Welp, I didn't wanna sleep tonight anyway
GLfag here, I'm a sucker for iai in all forms of media how's that LS thing work/is it fun
The outline looks kinda like Namielle, but I don't recall Namielle ever making a noise like that
iai is everything longsword needed. it feels so good to use.
The fact the music stops to allow the roar to be heard clearly is definitely adding to the "New monster tease" evidence.
Don't ask questions, don't stare at the dark and whatever you do, do not turn around
You can't use it all the time but it works with the kit well and has its uses.
>You can't use it all the time
it is objectively the best way to reset your combo.
A ghost is now sucking my dick because I turned around, everyone turn around this guy is just trying to hog all the ghost sex
Nami is the best ED in the series. Debate me
I knew I should have invested into learning the LS. Those new moves look sick and high skill ceiling as fuck. I have exactly 0 minutes playtime of LS out of 500 hours mhw. This one's lost for me, what a shame
I've had the same thing happen to me while I was hunting variant legiana and I freaked the fuck out. Thought my fucking headphones were shitting the bed because of the weird noise.
I really wonder wtf it could even be.
Never too late to learn, started learning LS after 200 hours of Hammering and i dont regret it.
user, LS is easy as shit to use. Only thing that needs learning time is the counter windows.
You're lying, nobody would be that calm about a ghost blowjob. Woo woo.
That's some Vergil shit right there
Several people who've reported it said it happened during a Shrieking Legiana quest so it might just be a really fucking glitchy version of its roar.
Shagaru is much better
I'm just a lonely ghost that want's to suck some dick please don't ruin this for me
>Join a special arena Narga quest 23 minutes in thinking "this guy must need help"
>Dies as I'm on the zip rope over
>I carve a fucking mantle off of it
O I am laffin
I'm facing the wrong way but
Question, mission or expedition?
Let's start gathering information, the video is in an expedition.
Here's a good question; does the music fade out every time it happens?
Where is MR Luna? I want to upgrade her weapon tree.
See that's what makes me think it's not a glitched roar. The music NEVER fades for roars. And it doesn't sound distorted at all.
Post brute tigrex weps
Is there a more underwhelming monster than Great Girros.
I tried a lot of MHs and a lot of weapons, but I feel like I just can't get gud, very rarely I get lucky and fucking pulverize monsters, but most of the time either the monster is flailing around wildly damaging everything in their vicinity and I can't approach them, or I can't get any damage in, because the moment I position myself they've already moved/turned away, or started attacking, so it ends up with me running around and getting a hit every now and then. It's especially frustrating seeing videos of people just running up to the monster and fucking unloading on them and seemingly not getting hit, evading only occasionally
I'm just wondering if that specific video was taken right as another monster was leaving the area and that's why the music faded out, or if that always happens when this roar occurs
Any monster with a lesser version of itself is usually shitty beginner fodder
The shadow is probably just a random legiana patrolling the area.
Fuck. Wrong thread
Now you stop right fucking there, nobody's gonna hit Kirby.
I want to poke him
This isn't a bug. They're very clearly roar effects that have been designed, probably as teases.
Doubt it
He had Legiana on his tracking things on the bottom left and Legiana doesn't make that buzzing noisw when it flies, nevermind what the roar was
Weid shit
How do I get more ancient fragments? I got one somehow, don't know where, and now I'm absolutely deadset on cosplaying as a mech.
Hello bros, I want to finally try Switch Axe
what's a good sa weapon in early master rank?
MR Tailrider Safari
Just a passing IG user, don't mind me and my trusty whacking stick
anyone have some good sticks? I haven't got very far but I plan to build ishval, glav (fire), zin, and maybe a lunastra stick
Is that it? That's the only source? Is there even the slightest chance of me getting another 9 of these fragments before the set they make is far too weak for me to use?
Yeah, works like the cloth stuff from Highrank Safari.
Look on the bright side, if the skills are any good they might become meta. The handicraft on the HR Safari edgelord set was bretty gud, so who knows.
Is RAW bow viable?
Is the critdraw Dragon Piercer build more than a meme?
What fire bow is best, Anjanath or Velkhana?
Barroth grinder. Non-elemental gem for damage boost, sword mode to get the benefit of paralyze element anyways.
>Velkhana fire bow
Give me the Cham
The skills are acceptable while working through the story but nothing particularly special, as I recall.
That's a shame, I was hoping I could go round with wheels on my heels just like one of my japanese animes
Fuck I mean Glavenus, I need a bow for Velkhana.
>Eats your scoutflies
>Eats your vigorwasps
Add Qurupeco
Anjanath tends to have shitty affinity, but higher elemental damage than Glavenus. I'd say Anjanath personally, maybe with some fire attack + skills/decos to really punish that ice nigger.
If this is a genuine monster tease and not a bug, then there's also something being teased in the Ancient Forest. I've heard a roar that was unique but sounded super loud and low pitched just like that one. It's happened twice, both when Rathalos was limping to his nest.
Someone tell me if any of the Switchaxes got BONED or not.
I want frontier monsters in world
but only this one really
Real vorefag hours
plenty of them did
I built a Glavenus simply because it builds out of mammoth bow which I was using.
There are a lot of Frontier monsters that would be absolutely fine if they just tweaked their designs and fights a bit.
Every weapon type has been boned, user.
Narga and Barioth are the only returning monsters who kept their SA. SA got fucked as hard as Hammers and HH in base World. Rip SAfags.
Most of mainline has been about as bad as Frontier's since 4U and Gen so no biggy.
It only depends on how the skeleton crew that handled it is seen by Ryozo, though.
Glavenus isn't a bad bow at all, either choice is perfectly valid unless you're a number-crunching turbo autist.
Haven't played Frontier but Rukodiora seems cool.
Khezu is my favorite monster now, simply because of how assmad he makes every player.
It gets even better when they say he is hard or they like discount-khezu better.
I'm just an old bowfag not used to needing to go elemental.
I want to try a Dragon Piercer build but I think that requires the Diablos bow ( again)
I also want to see if a thousand dragon build is possible, It's based of amount of slinger ammo use at once isn't it?
how do I, a swax gamer, use the greatest sword?
>MH6 gets underwater combat back
>Namielle gets an underwater fight
>swims using it's wings like this
Capcom please
Fucking hell. At least I've still got my Teostra's Castle. And makes me feel a little less bad about PC delay.
>I'm just an old bowfag not used to needing to go elemental.
What the fuck am I reading? Bow was always the most reliant weapon on elemental damage, together with DBs and most of SnS' existence.
Did you start with 4U and are thinking of the seregios bow that worked decently with the shitty double shot mechanic?
>Get close
>Hit him
>Hit him harder
>Just fucking smash him
>Rinse and repeat as necessary
We're not getting underwater combat back user
They said they're putting focus on leviathans, which are infamously shit without water combat, it's getting in.
thank you, enlightened sir. i am now MR 200
They said they want to prioritize Lagi getting in next time. That, in no way guarantees underwater.
Having said that Fujioka says he wants to try underwater again at some point. So it may not be MH6, but it's going to happen. And when it does, I certainly hope the likes of Namielle and Nakarkos are around. I'd be amused to see the crabs underwater too, as well as the amphibians.
Who else /LBG/ here?
I think there's no better time for water than now with the clutch claw being added, it would literally be everything water combat needed to feel less clunky. I liked water combat a lot though, it felt cool fighting a monster and being at a disadvantage in their territory and then when the monster leaves the water the dynamic shifts a bit, it was really cool.
>Faggot Lagi might finally get an underwater fight.
You call that toy a gun?
>Get hit by a bubble
>Get pulled all the way to the surface
Sounds like asscancer
Why would I use that babby tier shit when HBG exists
I don't know I am not you.
>creates giant clouds of bubbles that obscure your vision underwater
I'm also deathly fucking afraid of open water in irl and water fights in 3U kind of helped me get over this a little bit, so I have a lot of respect for it.
>belt on the model
>reloading any particular ammo involves sticking a magazine into the gun
Excuse me Ryozo?
Here's a visual guide to hit MR 500 with GS.
>playing ranged weapons
Maybe one day you'll try actually playing the game
Tell me what i'm supposed to be focusing on with lbg because i've probably been using it wrong since trying it for the second time yesterday
I don't think its shit i just don't what's good about it
>Water comes in
>So does Plesioth
Here’s your KFC Chicken Bro!
I wish that Gen abortions were gone forever goddamn they're so awful.
>hammer, bow, ig, sns, hh, lbg, hbg, ls players, cb: silent
>db, sa and gs: reeeeee where is my old weapon reeeeeee
why is it always the low iq grugs and the special snowflakes weapon bearers the most annoying bunch?
He's absolutely coming back, he's one of the most popular leviathans in Japan, if not THE most.
Mizutsune is popular and Glavenus is THE flagship of Gen so that's not gonna happen anytime soon.
I've been playing Hammer and switchaxe for forever and i want to see if gunning is fun
Oh I know that MH is tainted for good with them, that's why I said "I wish"
Ok, but imagine fighting Ceadeus again with MHW graphics, they already made Lagiacrus, i've got a feeling the next DLC or beyond will be water based, bringing back a tropical map, and adding water combat
Get something with a good rapid fire ammo or quick reload and use the evasive reload mods or lower the recoil. Try not to use the regular reload and just focus on evasive reloading instead to always stay moving. And always make use of your mines they do good damage.
>man is based hammer chad
>to counterbalance his pure chad energy nature made him a fucking fishnigger fanoboy
how did it happen
Look at your gun's rapid fire ammo types
Build around one of those ammo types, anything else is just bonus
Get recoil low enough that you can run and gun then stack damage, reloading midfight isn't an issue usually
Is it even going to be that bad? Abundance of screamer pods and probably won't have his shit hitboxes anymore.
I'd kill for multiple hub themes, with the ability to choose whichever one you want. Even though the Seliana theme is top tier, I'd love to hear Pokke again.
Fucking How?
Nigga I used to use Barioth as practice dummy
Perhaps, who knows maybe they'll make him a little more like Beo + his 3U version that was pretty fun actually
Iceborne music is top tier but I cannot see them doing this justice
Pokke village theme is the comfiest in MH. Prove me wrong.
Also that brief Pokke motif in the Nargacuga world theme. MFW.
>You will never be a kid again
t. never fought Zamtrios
He's not wrong. Build for crits and focus. Hit him in the fucking face. Shoulder tackle through his fucking face. TCS him in the fucking face. That's your game plan.
I believe the most efficient combo in IB is 0 charges, 1 charge, 3 charges
Fuck me that was terrifying, that had to have been from an actual monster right? The shadow passing by just as you hear wings flapping and then the actual sound is just too much to be a coincidence isn't it?
I miss Najarala weapons. They had para and looked cool.
You wanted a new weapon design, enjoy your bullet belt. It even has physics.
well just remix it like they did the Pokke village in MHXX
>I believe the most efficient combo in IB is 0 charges, 1 charge, 3 charges
That's just for keeping Kushala-type monsters knocked down over and over and over, with that combo your TCS will hit as soon as they're finished standing up.
The most efficient is just hitting as many Lv3 charges as you can get away with in general.
Just finished the story, holy fuck that was cool.
Now let's see the new shit.
el gatito gaming meow meow meow meow
Guys, I think that I may be a shitter
Viper Karachi fucked my shit up when I first fought him. He's like Garuga, but somehow more of a cunt. I have concerns for when I fight Garuga itself.
I want Nibelsnarf
Garuga makes viper kadachi look like a stuffed animal nigga. Not even God can save you from the violent rape that will ensue.
Slot in Poison Res 3 and pay attention to his moves.
Gobul too
Haha how is viper Tobi real like just get the pukei pants haha like nigga just poison resist 3
I don’t get zoomer humor and memes
Garuga's poison is the least of your worries in that fight.
How long until the panel?
Rapid Load ammo says hi
Any other new set bonus charms like this? Did masters touch finally get one?
Lance got the good design, then?
Can I ask how?
How many Gunlances got BONED in Iceborn?
Lots of them, World is trash so don't expect anything good to happen
>nakarkos underwater
I'll fight her next for a slugger build. How bad is she now?
Ignore the other retard, its a ratio of 60/40
>Narkarkos fighting Caedeus
Looking at those numbers I can't quite say he's wrong.
You did it to your self im not jumping in until they make world 2 cause i still have beaten GU.
Barioth, Tigrex, Zinogre, Velkhana, Namielle, and Shara all have unique ones. Rest of the new stuff is iron/bone.
Calling the game shit because of one flaw is shitposting.
Not him, but what about Bow?
Is Zinogres in? Does it light up when you charge it?
Hyperbole is par for the course in this site, but this still not being addressed is disappointing.
>Canta utterly btfo by Namielle
Shit, will all speedrunners hate it? All the retard rockspamming Koreans didn't even have a problem with it
How about the story that's shoved in your face again despite fucking everyone saying that it sucks and people just wanted to play with friends? Or how about World completely ruining the Gathering Hub and getting rid of the incentive of getting together with other players to have fun?
But seliana’s damn good. As for the story, this shit has been happening since 4U. Just like sieges, it wont go away despite nobody liking them
Learn to get friends
Brainlet Korean cheesed the entire story by pretty much only using the clutch claw move that makes the monster run into walls
>serious handler has her own steamworks cutscene
Capcom is gonna sell her to us, aren't they
>But seliana’s damn good
It's a soulless Pokke with retarded gacha shit
That’s just you. Everyone else puts it equal to Pokke. Sorry about your opinion
Seliana itself is ok but things are still too spread apart. Even the Gathering Hub is still not as efficient as it could be.
Springs are cute and all, but getting ready for a hunt fast should be the priority.
>*slide whistle sfx*
Its a bug m8, hold your horses
World newfags that haven't actually played the old games don't count as fans of the series and as such their opinions don't matter.
>Everyone else puts it equal to Pokke.
Oh, come on. It has nothing on Pokke. The music alone is night and day.
And the farm helped add to the comfyness, so it wasn't just snow.
>seliana is good
>no poogie
Man you really are mad. Need a pic of my MH collection, gentard?
I just want that autistic Michael Jackson finger point back
>they'll patch it!
You mean like how it took them a year to fix all of the shit that was fucked up in World before Iceborne?
Pandering to western "realism" loving niggers that hate fun
>he doesn't know
Anyone know what the barioth lance upgrade needs? The first mat is question marks for me. The others being amber hardfang, greatspike, and a large wyvern gem.
This fucking meme again
>Be user who made Glavenus bow earlier in the thread
>fight velkhana
>Her blast weakness is so low I get like 6 procs off using just the 15 arrows.
REEEing Legiana claw I think?
What are the best Thunder Bow Guns? Can be either LBG or HBG.
Looks like he’s here after 5 failed attempts at making sales threads.
Doesnt matter, everyone will pay attention to TGS soon
Sure, go ahead.
Cool haven't gotten to it yet. Thanks.
I've stayed away from the game because I knew this shit would happen which is why I stopped playing before even Kulve and Lunestra came to PC. So I'm using the 4 months to get lots of decos while also trying out all the weapons. Doesn't stop me from being mad as hell though.
When's that start, like 2-3 hours?
I like Seliana's music. It reminds me of Yuru Camp
Next time try not calling everyone a worldbab. This is why nobody likes you
It's not a meme when Capcom shovels that out as their new marketing and the retarded new fanbase eats it up.
Sound dragon gods are realistic?
Tomorrow at 7pm PST or 9PM EST for us
I hope there's a third gen game in that PsP case
I'm very sure it was eaten up because it was MH for the west and not muh realism.
Relax your fucking asshole pal
Good to know the coming of news is sending the nincels into a shitposting frenzy. I'll be asleep when TGS happens so hopefully most of the shitpost will be gone when I wake up
>All this assmad nincel posting
Do you guys deal with this shit everyday?
There's faggots on all sides, consolewar posting is a cancer to this franchise.
I want both of your retarded sides to fuck off to the deepest pit of hell
can you only dash backward with the lance? I can't seem to make it go left or right. do you need to click target the enemy? i don't get it
Compared to old final bosses? It's close enough that westernfags that eat trash like game of thrones up would like it instead of it being "some dumb japanese thing"
MH was already in the west, there was no point in fucking dumbing down the series in every conceivable way to sucker some retarded western redditors into playing this abortion of Monster Hunter
You can dash forward and backwards, right? What's stopping you from going to the sides? It's the exact same input but towards the left or the right.
Guys Pls tell me punishing draw is shit so I don't have to use 2 pieces of barioth armor to activate it
Punishing draw adds stun damage, user. You could get a free stun. Imagine those Lv3s
Every fucking day. Every thread is ruined by constant infighting between the nintendo fags and the other platforms.
I really doubt it's them. It's probably just falseflaggers and shitposters trying to stir up shit. If you've noticed, there's always 1-3 people always replying to bait. So it could also be a schizo that replies to his own posts.
404 general was always chill. FU-Gen threads had little shitposting. XX/World probably ripped the community apart I guess.
There are times on this website that i think that no matter what i say to another poster that they will never change their way of thinking
Then i hit the x on the reply window
Isnt both sides of shitposting done by one guy? I remember mods outing this guy
Nintendo players are mad because took the toy they lend them away
pc players are mad because delayed release
ps4 players are usually asshats but now it's dialed up to 11 because they got the game early
and then you have the list fag who doesn't play the games but shitposts and samefags to pretend he is a Nintendo, ps4 and pc player
it's the perfect storm of shitposting
>I remember mods outing this guy
I'd like to see that.
is there any reward incentive to solo monster fights? It seems like it just takes longer to kill them and you don't get anything special for it desu
It is. He even makes steam vs epic threads
>it could also be a schizo that replies to his own posts
The sad thing is how there are a lot of shitposters like this all over this shit site.
Boy I'm fucking glad that Capcom took Sony money so now monster hunter threads have been completely fucking ruined. At least Iceborne sold like shit so at least maybe now Capcom will see the errors of their ways.
i only tried for like a few minutes but every time i tried he didn't side-dash, he just turned left or right
You get the satisfaction of not having to babysit randoms, that's it.
Kek yeah, they showed his IP ping for multiple messages all arguing with eachother or some shit. Literally schizo
what about odogaron
That's pretty weird. You're holding the direction and then pressing triangle and R2, right? Does holding L2 while blocking make a difference?
>owning a ps4
Is this the last hill youre gonna die on? Really? I fear for your sanity when capcom posts their figures
Use Velkhana’s set bonus instead.
>Hunting Azure rathalos in the recess
>Gets his ass kicked by the doggo negro and glavenus
What a jobber.
Power charge kills punishing draw for some reason.
>less than a quarter of what they sold in Japan
>even their paid streamers could barely stomach playing through the trash dlc
Yeah, I'm thinking it's a flop.
oh I was trying to press X like I was doing a dodge roll. i'll mess with it tonight
>but japan!
You're trying to side hop, then? AFAIK you can only do so after an attack or when guarding with L2.
>Any rathalos/rathian
>Not being a jobber
You're silly
Can you stop biting blatant bait or what?
>iceborne is the best now
Does it have Leviathan? No? Then it's not the best.
i've been trying to keep 3 pieces of rath armor on for the little elemental damage bonus it gives on crits, does anybody know about how much extra damage it gives? I am gonna change my set up if it's like just a tiny little bonus
How come whenever I go to join a room on PS4 it's almost entirely a bunch of 1/16 rooms? What the fuck.
MR odo no longer has this
Lagi a shit.
SOS still exists. Not a problem for me anyway cause I switched to jap lobbies
I'm curious about this myself. I wanted to be comfy in the Gathering Hub with other hunters.
>no alatreon but they bring back gen 1/2 trash like yian
fuck this shit, stop filling the games with early gen trash when gen 3/4 had far better design
Go to /mhg/ lobbies. Their general is shit, but their rooms are comfy
Sos fucks the lobby
Agnaktor a BES
yeah and the only people to use mics are foreigners. like 8/10 times nobody has mics and the rest of the time there is some french guy yelling at his kid. i remember back when i played xbox live everyone was miced up, what the hell happened
How many roars are there?
Yet greatly superior to World's Piscine Wyvern in every way.
>superior to every piscine
Man I'm gonna hate this shit. Way too loud. Does it happen often?
Being superior to piscine wyverns aint really much to gloat about.
Alatreon won't get his own map
Enjoy fighting him in the ancient forest
Am I the only one who is finding Shara to be the hardest fight in the game by far? Hadn't triple carted to anything previously in IB but I just got triple'd twice in a row by Shara. I feel like I'm missing something.
Not a very high bar
>core audience
>not mattering
Based worldsperm
Had that one happen immediately after Rathian roared for help, so I just assumed it was a goofy response from Rathalos since he showed up like 10 seconds after.
Speaking as a worldsperm, I don't look forward to bugs in the future. It's unsettling to me when arthropods eat vertebrates
So I made my first LBG (Narga) and I need pro tips in to how to LBG and Pierce shot in particular since that's the main gimmick of the Narga LBG. I have a set as follows and the most important skills I currently have are;
Evade Window 5
Attack Boost 4
Ammo Up 3
Health Boost 3
And my gun has 1 recoil suppressor, 2 evading reload and 1 power barrel. First time using it I beat a Rath in 15 minutes but I need pro tips on how to git gudder.
Delete Ancient Forest. Worst map in the game.
PS4 players are either trannies, beta faggots or kids that use trash like discord. Why would they ever use their mics?
You do realise that Canta is just an above average player who when fighting monsters for the first time is as clueless as anyone else and you've been fooled in to thinking that someone who autistically practices runs til they get a perfect one to put on YouTube doesn't mean they're godlike all the time right? Fucking zoomer.
Mad as fuck
>Worst map in the game.
You're forgetting every other map in the game, user.
During the entire mission, but it has only happened once for me.
Nothing I said was incorrect zoomie.
Every week somebody says this, and every time I always say that 4's Dunes are worse.
No, just ancient forest. Got a problem?
That's just lag
Nope It just happened to me while fighting Narcga in the forest
There's no more dlc expansions for world. They were clear on that. Next up is the next game.
Better is better no matter what. World's roster is almost perfect, Lavasioth and his cousins were a bad addition to bring back. I'd rather fucking have Cephadrome.
is it that strange to you that somebody might want to own a machine that plays games and television shows? for the living room? you people are insufferable
What the fuck do you do with GL against Velkhana? I really don't want to have to bring Guard Up but he can do either ice beam which I can't block and is REALLY tight on a hop evade or double/triple tail thrusts on reaction to me closing range on him with charging thrust (which lasts too long to get shield up in time for the first one). Thankfully everything else can be blocked pretty safely but I just can't stay in on him and trying to usually has me eating at least one of the above attacks.
Using Tiger Blast I right now. Don't know if switching to my Sleep Jagras GL will be much better as I'm not proc'ing Blast much either so I doubt I'll get a sleep all that often.
Just your shit taste
Dont say this, you’ll jinx us all
>Nyaothin' purrsonnel... meownster...
haha this is a ridiculous assessment. the fact of the matter is some of these guys do it in less time and with less effort than the majority of people. you're so mad
Hoarfrost >>> Wildspire Waste > Coral Highlands > Elders Recess > Rotten Vale > Ancient Forest
Coral Highlands would be lower because of the awful climb to the plateau but its just so goddamn pretty and Elder's Recess is just plain ugly and I got sick of fighting in it. Honestly I've grown to hate the Vale a bit more because its honestly way too small. Monsters constantly run into eachother and it is so fucking annoying.
Fuck I'd completely forgotten about that utter piece of shit. The rage that thing and it's little fag helpers used to inspire in me
Whatever you say. Its just you after all ;)
>Wildspire Waste
>Coral Highlands
>Elder's Recess
>Whorefrost Reach
Shit taste
wildspire waste is comfy and actually good. coral highlands is abysmal, rotten vale is only cool for vaal hazaak's lair, and i always get lost in ancient forest but if i didn't i wouldn't mind it
What the fuck am I looking at?
No need to tell me your taste, I already know
t.Seething Canta discord tranny pissed I spilled the tea on their favourite streamer
Man that final boss is really good. My favorite with Amatsu and Mantis.
Namielle was fantastic too. Really solid G-rank game.
Does he have a 'touch any part of his body and it's an instant pin' attack like he did in 4U?
Shara's gear set is fucking beautiful. Honestly probably my favourite MH design ever
>Man that final boss is really good
It's just Xeno but worse.
how can you dislike ancient forest but be okay with coral highlands?
Literally the only bad thing about Whorefrost is its name
thank god. now that i realized i can enjoy this game i want to be able to start fresh with everybody else
Did you even play the game?
>My favorite with Amatsu
I haven't made it that far yet but you have me pumped. Amatsu is such a cool elder.
The shitty climb in the highlands no longer matters since you can just get your Tailraider to do it for you.
The Ancient Forest is also WAY more bearable now that you have AI to path it for you.
Shit taste
Cortos and Wulgs are cute, I wish we could keep them as proper pets
>It's a just Kushala dude !
>tfw xbro
How do you get a tailraider ride?
I want to keep a mini Bazel as a pet. They're cool.
Well it's really unique, I think it's the kind of boss you really like or really don't. But the boss itself is really well made. It's a gigantic step up from the shitty Xeno fight.
What the fuck since when was monster hunter a horror game?
But the scales...
Hey I'll take it. Xeno was mad boring.
There's no mystery at all there. Roars appears with a Ian/Los quest or a Legia/Shrieking quest. So well, not hard to understand the meaning of those...
Clipping and safely disposing of your Bazel's scales before they become active is just part of being a responsible monster owner.
Fatalis is leading his Rath and Legiana brethren!
because it's faster, it can dish out more damage