Just 24 hours left, are you excited Yea Forums?
Borderlands 3
Fuck no
no rofl
>Toy Story 2 HD remaster never ever
i'm sad
I'm unironically more hype for a chink pixelshit action RPG than BL3
honestly yea
Maybe don't ask questions you're too afraid to hear an answer for
Those posts feel so fake lmao.
Because they're either shitposts or unironic soulless shill posts
They have to be ironic because shills try harder to pretend they aren't shils.
Give me one good reason why I should give Randy my money for this shit
hurr BADASS durr
[Spoiler] the game ends with the villians reviving handsome jacks AI in a new body
what was their moba shooter called again?
No way fag, Gearbox said Handsome Jack is super death
lol nope
fuck randy, fuck epic store
if fucking would, IF you'd stop it with the constant shilling
>24 hours left
Game comes out NEXT year you dingus
Can't wait to get my free copy from Tim. :)
is it running denuvo
Yes, not that it matters.
Unless... you're buying it like a dummy.
Because they are.
Cope with what? Are you saying you're an actual shill you dumb fucking retard?
based furfag
No, I played 2. Im good. Maybe when it goes on sale for like 5 dollars.
I'm excited for the hope casuals find it shit so randy gets more fire under his ass.
>are you excited
For a game where you're not allowed to call a fucking robot "he"? Miss me with that gay shit.
I was just curious how long it was going to take for this to get a crack really
borderlands suck and so do its shills
borderlands is a guilty pleasure for me but i'm too convinced they have fucked it up big time to really be excited for it
Honestly, Gearbox shills are some of the most pathetic shills I've ever seen. Compared to Rockstar shills or Bethesda shills, Gearbox are amateurs at this sort of thing. Their posts are desperate and they try so hard to meme. It's actually sad, but in a way funny since everybody is able to spot them instantly.
Tim has paid for your copy already though. It will get cracked on day 3 of release
also have to wait for a crack so thats gonna take longer
and i'm not buying from epic store even if the game is amazing because i like to stay out of the chinese botnet when i can help it
Sorry, I'm not gay.
Going off this year's denuvo releases:
Day 0 if they can replace the .exe
3-14 days if they crack it the hard way.
Reviews are calling it a buggy mess and there's going to be ass tons of DLC so you're better off waiting for the steam release anyway.
>there are faggots that think shills would come to this shithole board where no one even plays games
It's a shitposters you idiots
Just post porn of moze or fuck off. Not interested in this pile of shit.
3"""""""badass""""""" 5me sempai.
i am, for day 1 pirate
This, the ebin man said he already paid for my copy.
>for the steam release anyway.
wasn't it exclusive to EGS?
For 6 months. It's a 2k game so 6 months is the beta period anyway.
6 month exclusive
Hype is the mindkiller.
I will let the hype pass through me and only I will remain.
so there's literally no reason to buy it, 6 months of chink paid bug testing
thanks Tim
Why do all the chicks in this game look like their faces are being pulled into the center of their skull. It's like their faces are missing the bridge from your nose to just below your forehead. Did they look like this in BL2 I don't remember?
day 1 pirate copy?
24 hours and 6 months you mean. I can wait, tired of having to split my content and friends between content providers (for those who remember mass effect on Origin).
They betrayed us, they went to the dark side. They deserve their game to be deleted from existence. I hope they get boycotted so bad that they have to file for bankruptcy, fuck epic games
yeap I'm goin bootleg epicstore torrent on day 1 and then buyin deluxe booty version on steam later
>playing Borderlands after 1
No. I still remember.
mutt face syndrome and shitty character designer.
excited for the CODEX release
this but unironically
fuck randy and fuck epic
Yep, I have a feeling this guy is...
Pathetic shills
>Claptrap's original voice actor out because Pitchford can't keep it in his pants
I'll give it a pirate
the new voice is so awful too
>Unironically shilling blunderlands
Not gonna lie, I liked Borderlands 2 at launch, but they released so many DLCs that it turned the game into a butchered mess, not to mention that to get to the true endgame content you had to play the story mode three times with each character.
I literally could not care less.
that pic describes anyone who gives even a little bit of a shit about any borderlands title
It's funny because with no cross play you can expect BL3 to die on Epic in six months. That said no nigger should be buying this shit, it looks like garbage, the writing will be garbage, the guns and progression like usual will be garbage.
i still can't believe they have the balls to charge for the dlc for 2 they said was free
The left finally has a game of their own. Homosexuals, bad writing, dumbed down gameplay, and their developer is a pedo. Lol Name a more faggier game than Borderlands
There's no achievements to keep people hooked past story end so try two weeks.
Any game you touch
Oh right, I forgot Epic Launcher was an incomplete joke of a store front, thanks for reminding me.
got him ah
>Implying BL 2 lived for 7 years off achievements
all the niggers spend their game money on fifa, you know that.
I don't play videogames. Jokes on you shills. You lose again
>corporations passing up HOURS of free advertising for ZERO cost
you are the real retard
>make a cute psycho loli
>give her the voice of a post menopausal woman
When it comes to PC it lived for "7 years" because it was on Steam.
i always assumed people who bought borderlands was gay. you might be onto something.
Hello I'm gonna buy this and enjoy it!
I'm gay btw
>please buy my game...please
They get mad when you call them gay.
So statistically you'll kill yourself or rape a child. Thanks for sharing I guess?
not really
waiting for steam
i am however interested in how fast its gonna get cracked
its always interesting seeing how fast it can get
what was that game that got cracked before it even released not too long ago?
To be fair, I actually think this is meant to be detestable. That's why they have the villains dabbing and streaming on PandoraTwitch
and it will be...in 4/20/2020
Nah, that's Randy. He literally does do that stuff. Plus there's several homo characters in Borderlands. Lmao Ball is in your court shill
Is bloody harvest a timed event or not? I need to know!
To see the shit reviews hell yeah
Cope with the shills? Sure, I will, by not buying the game.
Oh yeah, I totally can't wait for Borderlands 2.5
It was free for a limited time.
So even now BL2 is getting dlc? Amazing, eat your heart out Todd.
You had like a whole month to download it for free, bugger off.
It might be a timed event for Halloween. Or it could be like a Headhunter pack and be available forever once downloaded or w.e
Eat shit, Randy. Hire a better PR team.
I am for the gameplay, I hope it makes the same leap s 2 made from 1. The story and how good the epic games service is going to be is something I'm afraid of. I also hope the main story is at least as long as 2.
apparently campaign is about 30-35 hours.
Apparently Randy Varnell said the Calypsos go "1 or 2 steps farther than Handsome Jack" for the final act of the game and there are some reviews implying there are going to be characters deaths, so they probably dab or teabag a beloved character death on stream or some shit like that
I think it was Sekiro. Also, don't buy it on Steam because it still tells publishers that exclusives are okay
>don't buy it on Steam because it still tells publishers that exclusives are okay
This. Just torrent it if you want to play it.
They didn't fucking learn from the last game. It's still filled with cringe worthy dialogue that gets in the way of you playing the game. One important rule about games is you shouldn't stop the player from playing to shove dialogue down their throats. Even in adventure games like the Witcher you're still asked to participate in the dialogue every 30 or so seconds to keep you engaged.
My current plan is as follows
>Pirate the game and play.
>When comes to steam don't buy it from there and instead continue to play the pirated version, but still register it in the steam library as non-steam game and then sent the game prices worth of money to Gabe Newell directly by mail.
how long till CODEX crack it?
I've always wondered if stuff like that was acceptable. Would companies (big or small) even accept cash/checks mailed to their HQ?
No not really, turns out the more obnoxious the advertising and shilling is the less I want to play it
if there was actually a playable girl who looked half as good as this id buy it
i dont have friends to play with so not really
Lets see how long it will take before Borderlands fans notice that the game is shit and they were just fucked over by Randy Bitchford like they were fucked over with Alien Colonial Marines and Battleborne.
>excited for Reddit: The Video Game
Between the lines you can easily spot they target the 15 year olds. It is such a low form of shilling. no need to try better because your target audience is so dumb anyway
I can't wait to pirate it, mod the hell out of it, and turn off voices+subtitles.
critics 68
users: 41
1 was boring as fuck and the first couple hours of 2 turned me off from the series.
the last 2 numbers of this post
im gonna guess a week or 2
>turn off voices+subtitles
>walk away
>quest progression update: Take Quest Item from the NPC you walked away from five minutes ago.
Still better than hearing or even reading a second of the dialogue.
Wake me up when denuvo is removed from the pc version for good and/or the GOTY edition of BL3 is around 10$.
73 at the minimum
79 at the max
>27 confirming 27
27 it is.
baby sjw shit stain uses lower res image to respond to self
Yeah man. I can't wait to pay $60 to do the same things I did in BL1 and 2 (grind endlessly for bigger numbers on my guns that feel like shit to shoot while terrible music plays, on the backdrop of a generic desert full of garbage)
The sad part is 2 actually had better and more varied enviroments. and it was one of the genuinely great aspects, you weren't fighting bandits in the same scrapyard over and over again.
This game somehow looks floatier and like it regressed.
Yeah but 2's environments were still shit.
Yeah I'm thinking I'm based
I ain't playing that Fortcuck shit fuck you Randy.
the game dosnt even have blood anymore just some short burst of red.
shooting things dosnt make fun anymore, enjoy your bulletsponges without feedback
Just 6 more months till Boarderlands 3
Uhhh this game is gonna be badass.
getting it on console
didn't pay a cent for it
no epic store bullshit
no waiting for cracks
no money spent
locked at 30fps thats the joke right?
how no cent spent?
someone dumped a ton of 360 games on me
most were like 2 credit a pop, i got 81 in credit, extra due to trading towards BL3.
imagine paying for single player games
>1 and 2 on steam
>3 only on origin
Fuck EA
CPY is back, so day 1
I'm gonna pirate it when the crack is available and then get it on steam from g2a or any other stolen key reseller so Randy gets none of my money
Definitely thanks Tim.
yup, i took the rest and tossed it at FF7 remake, which will be paid off in another $20 or so. yard sales too, i grab 360 controllers, those are like 12 credit a pop. get 5 and there is your free game.
Who wouldn't be when Epic already paid for everyone's copy?
Just six months and one day, you mean
This is one whole yikes from me.
It comes out Friday honey bunny.
pee pee poo poo ha ha
Cant wait for Yea Forums to be BTFO'd once again when the game comes out with good scores.
The combat looks fun but this is really looking like it's going to be even worse than the pre sequel as far as the story etc... goes.
What do you mean no cross play? The servers are hosted by 2K not EGS.
Mega yikes and copeseethe zoomflash
>24 hours
uhh, it comes out on friday, or am i missing something
The servers are owned and hosted by Gearbox same as before. It doesn't matter what platform you play on for PC when they're both out, but they said playing with console might take some time.
It comes out sooner in Murrica