New Vid: Replaced stomped Switch, potential new bet

I bought a new switch to replace the one I destroyed last night.

The dude I lost the Smash Bros matches to, knowing that I was buying a new switch, offered to take me up on a new bet. If I win, I get a gaming rig free. If he wins, I'd have to grind the joycons weekly and scratch the screen, replacing joycons as they break, and reporting how much money I'm losing on Yea Forums. See vid for details.


1. Should I risk it? Honest opinion.
2. If I did risk it and lost, is this a worthwhile penalty (again, see vid for details)?
3. Any other feedback?

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Yes, but if you lose, don't do anything.

No dude stop, leave this place and tell your friend to suck a dick

Dude you need to fuck off. No one gives a shit. It's been like 3 days of this shit. You should be permabanned

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I'll follow through if I do it.

I really want the rig and am sure I can beat him inn Smash Bros but if I lose... I feel like common sense is to stop.

It looks like most people think I shouldn't do this so this is likely it then.

>"gayming rig"
>will probably buy some shitty pc from bestbuy that cost less than a stupid switch, if at all
don't be a retarded faggot just end yourself at this point you pathetic faggot.
no one can be this retarded right?

Don't listen to those fags. Just do it dude, a free rig and you'll never need a Switch again.

Honest question. Are you retarded?

1. yes but no doubt he'll cheap out for the win. you'll have to be even cheaper if you want that rig
2. he set the terms so ask him
3. good luck

Why did you lose the match the first time? What characters? What stages? Was it best of 3? Why do you think you will win this time when you previously lost & have less on the line?

>can afford two switches
>can't afford a gaming PC
We tried last night to talk sense into you, but I can see it's all in vain.
Break this one too, you faggot, and I'll let you smell my cock.

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Please get help

do the games still work
also sell the switch, buy a gun, kill that faggot making "bets" with you and then blow your autistic brains out

you're unironically retarded

Am I stupid for not understanding what the fuck OP is talking about right now?

Just keep buying more switches bro

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Haven't tried

duuude shut the hell up

It's all hard to make sense of. I'm guessing someone is taking advantage of this retard and made a bet with him over Smash Bros. If OP won, he got a PC. If the other guy won, OP had to destroy his Switch by taking requests from Yea Forums.

OP posted a thread yesterday and was doing shit like seesawing and skateboarding on his Switch until it broke then he stomped his game carts.

You have to be the dumbest person on this site.
And that’s saying something.

This is the state of Yea Forums.

Holy shit, do you remember which post it was? Going to look it up in the archive

This is very clearly a fetish thing.

All the videos from requests are up on YouTube.

This might be the most retarded post I've seen on here lately. If this is even real, don't agree to that bet OP. Those terms are fucking dumb.

>you win
>he obviously doesn't honor his bet
Is that your ultimate plan, to go down in history as the biggest retard in Yea Forums history for your humiliation fetish?

You asked for opinions last night too, and even though the majority told you not to do it, you had already made up your mind to break your switch in the first place. So no matter how many of us will try and stop you this switch will bite it too.
Don’t ask for opinions if you don’t want them.
But thanks for giving Nintendo free money.

Just look at his Youtube channel. They're all there. In some videos it sounds like he's about to cry after he's done. OP probably legit is mentally retarded.

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Do it retard

I was already committed last night. I haven't agreed to go through with it.

I get the impression everyone thinks no, I shouldn't do this. So I'll go with that.

wtf is this autistic shit

Wait is this some fetish thing

Imagine if you had the power to force people into following your command, but the only commands you can issue is for them to break their shit.
Is this a good power?

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Are these the only ones for it?

Yes. He wants everyone to call him pathetic and retarded and is loving the attention.
He was also pretending to be a poorfag but he just bought another switch.


You’re a fucking idiot, but if you have money to blow on a high stakes match, ONLY DO IT IF YOU HAVE AT LEAST 50% WIN RATE ON THE GUY

Nerves will hurt your chance to win. Fuck you. It’s real. If he has less to lose and he’s the agitator AND HE WINS MOST OF THE TIME ANYWAY, you’re just gonna lose money for no damn reason.

Also, there’s a great chance he just does what is suffering and ghost you the moment he loses, because he sees you as a huge lolcow. DO NOT DO UNOESS $300 MEANS NOTHING TO YOU

Do it. You are clearly dumb enough to ask Yea Forums for life advice, you deserve to lose everything dear to you

>order villians to break their gear and armor
>order heroes to break their gear and armor
>order any wench you want to publicly humiliate to shred her dress
A power like that would be OP as hell

Holy shit