You DID pick the best house, didn't you?

You DID pick the best house, didn't you?

Attached: fire-emblem-three-houses-blue-lions-official.jpg (2000x1000, 455K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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based lions

Blue Lions and Golden Deer are both extremely based, but Black Eagles are forever faggots with the worst selection of characters.

>That first scene post-timeskip where everyone is gathered around Byleth in their fluorescent, color matched, outfits.

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The only Black Eagle worth saving is Dorothea

I did pick Blue Lions in the first round. The characters in BL are objectively the best amd also the least autistic of all the houses. After going to the other houses and playing them I was astounded by how unlikable and spergy everyone was.

>worst characters
>worst story
>shortest route
>worst ending
Why do the black eagles even exist?




BL wins.

Waifufags, probably. I did BE first and really regretted it because while the supports are fantastic, the actual plot is almost as bad as sacred fucking stones. It doesn't execute on ANY of the fantasies that it hinted at in part 1 - either of playing the baddies in an FE game OR of being the teacher of Alexander the Great. The cast themselves is REALLY generic, with the only outliers being Hubert, Ferdinand, and Bernadetta for having excellent supports. It's honestly kind of a shame, because I really wanted to see the slow descent into madness for Edelgard that happens to most FE villains.

I picked Black Eagle, yes.

Because they were promoted the most so retarded waifufags and normies will choose and believe that BE is the canon route. which make me somewhat of a hypocrite since I recruited everyone from that house and married Petra on my 1st playthrough

Can Petra be recruited to any House where she stays after the timeskip or is she like Flayn who leaves? And how do they justify her betraying the Empire when it puts her nation at risk?

It actually seemed to make more sense that she leaves Edelgard, in Blue Lions. She quite readily offers up Brigid's support, because she doesn't want to live as a hostage or a client queen.

>Picking the only wrong answer

Of course I did.

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I honestly like all the Blue Lions

>Can Petra be recruited to any House where she stays after the timeskip or is she like Flayn who leaves?
You can recruit the sexy Brigid chick on any House, Flayn only leaves if you stick with Edlegard
>And how do they justify her betraying the Empire when it puts her nation at risk?
The entirety if Brigid is against the Empire if you recruited her, which was Petra's original goal

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Of course, lions for life. Forcing my way through BE right now so I have at least done the three main routes before going back to best team. The DLC outfits at least help, this is just a sports school now where the best team gets to go to nationals and play bball.

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Who the hell is gonna pick a house that prominently features a nigger named doodoo (french)?

Blue Lions has the best boys including the best lord.
You can steal all of the girls (And everyone else for that matter) on BL
The only downside is that you can't fuck Rhea on BL other than that it's perfect

>And how do they justify her betraying the Empire when it puts her nation at risk?
In BL at least they explain it by saying that Brigid is better off casting off their vassal state status and fighting to be independent than remaining being an empire bitch

Her Paralogue ends up being you going to Brigid to get reinforcements and Hubert ambushes you

Best girl is the Opera Cake anyway

>following literal Hitler

>Best lord
>Best boys
>Best story
>Best team dynamics
Can't be beat

>used to hate how every enemy in Awakening zerg rushed you on small maps meant for no strategy
>every enemy in Three Houses waits patiently for you to get in their range on the giant maps so the game is just slowly crawling forward luring them out
I'm conflicted, there has to be a good middle ground

The allied units literally want to die, too. It's so fucking annoying.
>Felix paralogue
>The villagers I'm saving keep RUNNING TOWARDS DANGER with their easily doubled retard asses

saving them for last

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Edeltards are hopeful Smashniggers
literally Decidueye 2.0

What was her problem?

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She was killed and replaced by the Dubstep Crew a while ago, so that's the most prominent problem. Second, she wasn't turned into the Faerghus army's cumbank after her defeat, which is the second problem.

The weight of her gigantic fucking tits made her go insane from strain

I almost busted a nut when Cornelia first appeared, holy shit I hope she becomes romance able DLC like Aversa.

Of course

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>made Shamir join me on the Black Eagles
>now has to fight her waifu Catherine
What have I done bros

I love that her tits are actually too small in this image. Best design.

I enjoyed making Claude beg for his life before killing him

kino user, you've done kino

first off you picked black eagles

shamir is arguably one of the best units in the game, second only to claude in terms of archer

Yuri is degenerate and shouldn't exist anyway

Attached: fire emblem lesbiansss.jpg (1275x1650, 160K)

>those boobs
>that smug face
>that revealing outfit
>calling Dimitri "little princeling"
Literally built for raping shots


What about her face though?

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>cute hiki
>hitler's devout supporter the edgelord
it was made with Yea Forums in mind

Catherine is made for BBC (Big Boar Cock), her supports with Dimitri literally reveal this

Why did they put all the best boys in the same house?

We better get Kronya or Cornelia as romanceable dlc

For fujobait and to appease the otomefags



I want to fuck her so hard...

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she's bland but she works with Byleth as a result more than most girls in my opinion

>the entire war could have been avoided if Edelgard was willing to open up a little more and Dimitri was able to muster up the courage to talk to her
Amazing how something so small resulted in the death of millions

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what about her face? look at those tits

>Hitler wouldn't have started WW2 if people just liked his paintings
Reality is stranger than fiction

It makes way more sense for characters like Petra and Ferdinand to leave Black Eagles. Characters like Bernadetta and Caspar are too dumb to make any decisions.

her blandess is the best part, she works super well with claude

Best House.
Has no idea the Slithers still exist.
Their base still exists.

Sure, "best house."

So how did you deal with this motherfucker in Maddening?

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>BTFOs the big bads so hard they aren't even aware they exist

well I'm hoping the other routes are good because my first clear was the church route and I thought it sucked fucking ass


church is mainly for romanxing Rhea
what didn't you like about it?

Honestly it's better for Dimitri's mental health that he doesn't know. Imagine how badly he'd be SPIRALLING if he found out what happened to El, after killing her.

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>kills all their leaders
>super pope in place
And slithers are a bunch of jobbers anyway.

the first world war happened because these fuckers took a wrong turn

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No. Leaving them for the last since they are clearly the best house.

probably the same way, just with a shit ton of gambits beforehand

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Gavrilo did nothing wrong. The Austrians needed to get the fuck out of the Balkans.

He can't be memed on with Dark Spikes anymore though

I thought it was anticlimactic and I didn't think the final boss was as good as the ones in the previous games

Maddening only or in lower difficulties as well?

>Gambits into Luna

Maddening only, also there's the fact that he won't just sit around and let you approach

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So Edelgard has the Crest of Seiros and Flames right? Why does her ax Amyr have the Crest of Beasts on it? Does this mean she also has the Crest of Beasts or something?

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Ok quick question. What the FUCK was that Felix and Dedue support link at C. I honestly thought I was some new mechanic were characters get Negative support with each other.

he's tsundere towards Dimitri, Dedue is Dimitri sex buddy and so he's tsundere towards him too

Nope, she just made the axe offscreen. No idea where she got the Beast stone from or why she's able to use it without penalty. The game does something similar in GD when Nemesis shows up with a Dark Creator Sword with two crest stones in it that don't match his Crest of Flames either

Isn't the crest of two other dragons, implying that they were others that Grug Unga Bunga'd?

When he said "Hey Dog". I 100% thought he was gonna teach him street slang to mellow out.

Felix is an edgy boi

cursed image

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Yeah they're two of the crests that were "lost to history" and never appeared in any noble lines. Still don't know how the Agarthans cobbled together dark replicas of the relic weapons that have no penalties and were just chilling in the techno basement, but whatever


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Why do you have terrible taste

Aw a man of taste

So who else didn't even acknowledge Elegard's birthday bi took Hubert out for tea?

they probably stockpiled dragon corpses before nemesis went awol


Yeah it made for a cool final boss so I'm mostly fine with it, there are other dumb moments in the story that are worse

Hubert marrying Petra is a good move for The Empire to keep Brigid in check FOREVER.

>Can S rank Petra or Catherine

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>all these seething BLkeks
Lmao get a philosophy that isn't muh revenge then come back plebs

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choose both user, you can always replay the final map


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>Scrolling through Yea Forums
>Open OP's image even though I have no idea what it's about
>"Wow Ashe is kinda cute"

It's a boy, right? Fuck

You better marry Edelgard (Best girl) or she'll pout!

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It's amazing how many beta soi trannies refuse to play BE because of their route being more morally grey
Lmao it's a video game you cuck

Edelgard is scary...

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yea, killing that loser dimitri felt so good

accept the fact you want to fuck a cute boy user

Pfft, imagine being scared of some little girl.

>ashe doesn't even A rank the other cute boys

I would fuck an extremely feminine cute boy, but I had a gay experience and honestly my dick kept going soft whenever he'd touch it or put his mouth on it.

Choose both, but choose Petra 1st

Attached: petra s rank.jpg (1273x713, 208K)

>Claude: yes the church was made to oppress the lands and has dominance over the nations, destruction is the solution
>Edelgard: the church was made to oppress the lands and the things its brought such as crests only serve to keep humanity docile, it must be erased
>Church: we have brought peace to the nations, our rule is necessary, no matter who takes the crown

oh, alas

Edelgard isn't little!

>trampling other nations' flags
>axe still raised high
>finger staff thing that Napoleon had
>Hubert chilling in the back mugging it up
>Agarthan just sneaking away with a silly evil dagger
Kek, other than the commoners cheering this art makes her look like shit. They even made murder hobo Dimitri hug children with a mitten over his spear

>*But destruction is not the solution
For Claude

El is a small little tiny Emperor.

Yet she can lift more than you
What's your excuse fatty?

Just imagine impaling the Empress on your cock...

More like best house because they don6deal with those who slither in bad writing. Seriously anything that group is involved in just turns the writing to shit. The reason why BL has the best story is because it doesn't deal with them.

>The crest of flames
A fire emblem, if you will.

That I'm not some freak of nature science experiment, imagine El taking a shower and having to look at the surgical scars to remind her how much of a freak she really is.

I would like to imagine El taking a shower.

Do you think she's bushy?

Ashe is cute. I didn't like him for a while but then it was like a switch flipped.

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Watch your mouth Dimitri, there are children around.

Really makes you think...

She probably can't even grow hair down there anymore because of what the slithers did.

Your excuse for not being able to lift 200lbs is not being a freak?

How the fuck do I access the new DLC shit? My bed doesn't give anything and I still only have the school uniform costumes from before

Imagine living in such a vacuum that you believe that BE characters are unironically shit the GD supports cured my insomnia so they get points for that I guess but still BE and BL at least have unique interactions between the characters that we do not see even in a little in GD. I get you hate Edelgard I believe you hate Edelgard but don’t penalize the whole class

>Blue Lions get warm insulated outfits appropriate for the frigid Faerghus weather
>Black Eagles get regal, vaguely gothic outfits outfits
>Golden Deer turn into the fucking power rangers

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I like Ashe because he's so straightforward and earnest compared to the other BL dudes. No hostility, no real hang-ups: just a nice, regular dude who wants to be a knight and help people. He helps balance out the more extreme personalities along with Ingrid.

I wanna taste her hairless pussy

I blew every single Rescue Flayn had sucking those retards back into the middle of my team. Except for that madman knight on the far right of the map. That fucker took out like three bandits by himself before dying a hero's death.

I won't apologize for thinking, correction, KNOWING every single Bernadetta support is annoying as fuck and not funny. That Hubert saying MUH EDELGARD is not interesting. That Petra has no good support in BE, but good supports with other houses. That Caspar is Naruto crap. That Ferdinand and Dorethea are fine.

Man I excepted Dedue to be the generic buff dude unit but I ended up really liking him as a character. What a fucking bro.

Attached: fire_emblem_three_houses_dedue_post_timeskip.jpg (250x250, 25K)

b-but Edelgard did nothing wrong

The Emperor of Adrestria is cute, CUTE

Yes. Had to adopt best girl though.

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Hubert has great supports you are picking and choosing which supports to pay attention to. BE characters have some of the best supports in the game due to the circumstances that surround them. I found Petra and Caspar to have a really interesting support and Petra and Dorothea have a very interesting chemistry between them and the way they get along is absolutely great, the support has its funny moments too.

I wish she got Deadeye. It's a godtier combat art, but its stuck on fucking Ashe and Bernie.

Imagine it on Ignatz. +40% hit chance with Seal Strength from 7 tiles away at Bow Knight. Could've been beautiful.

Dedue is the fucking man. No matter what route you pick The Dude winds up going balls to the wall.

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So what exactly did Thales do to Edelgard anyway?

Dedue is the best fucking character and unit in this game and no one can change my mind

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Given what we know about getting crests, probably something innocuous like blood transfusions. I'm sure there will be doujins that imply otherwise, but I think most of the trauma El (and Lys) have from their new crests is mental.

don't know this weebshit but the name "Blue Lions" is already taken

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Considering her hair has permanently lost all color and she has amnesia, I don't think the surgery wasn't invasive.

They call it blood reconstruction surgery I believe which sounds pretty graphic, apparently the trials were excruciating to go through and some say Crests are in the flesh as well, I think it might have been a slither who said that?

Hanneman was the one that said Crests are found in the flesh.

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For such an innocuous procedure, it sure has a high death rate what with all of Edelgard's sibling dying.

and lysithea's dont forget them

Did Lysithea have siblings?

So what's the best class for a rallybot? When I play Maddening I'm going Golden Deer and going to make Ignatz my rally bitch.

Messing with blood is pretty dangerous.

Still, based on what Edelgard said, what she and her siblings went through took a long ass time and hurt like hell.

fuck em.

well all of house ordellias children were used as a test batch, so most likely

Well now that's not very nice

Tax leeches don't deserve pity.

Weren't the Crest beasts also test subjects?

Edelgard didn’t kill those faggots quick enough

Any will work since all they need to do is stand next to somebody and hit Rally. Something with high movement like Assassin.

What? How are they tax leeches?

I was already going to do BL first, but I asked each lord about all the goons in their class, and the way Dimitri described them all made them as well as himself seem more likable than the rest. They all have some great chemistry with each other too, I love every single one of these goobers. How are the other houses?

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Should I try to control who a ranks who or just do all the supports and laugh at whatever retarded pairings the ending throws at me

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>laugh at whatever retarded pairings the ending throws at me
That's what I did. Sylvain and Felix ended up becoming their dads but they'd sneak out at night to throw beer cans at each other's windows.

I felt that same way with GD, all of the characters become very likeable as time progresses, my favorite is by far lorenz which was alittle unexpected

But, user, Edelgard says in her C+ support with Byleth that they "violated their bodies by cutting open their very flesh." That's not how you do a blood transfusion.

BL has a big advantage in house chemistry because Dimitri/Sylv/Ingrid/Felix are childhood friends and Annette/Mercie are besties. Ashe and Dedue, despite being the odd men out, fit well into this pre-existing chemistry. The other houses do have chemistry in 1-on-1 supports but cannot match BL's overall cohesion. I don't mean to ride BL's dick this hard, just stating facts. BE kind of gets close with the Edel/Hubie/Ferdie supports, but that's it.

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Catherine S rank is godlike user do her first

Slithers thought blood transfusion means you replace the veins

Started maddening with avanilla save but finding it annoying. I'm thinking of restarting a NG+ save so I could at least get my proffesor level to A+. Has any anons here been playing maddening with NG+, do you still find it tough or are you able tp abuse anything to cheese it? I don't plan to buy skill levels or anything in fear of becoming OP.

The Doujins write themselves, that is if anybody would fucking make them.

I abuse the shit out of vulneraries and combat arts.

I am going to marry Annette!
We are going to go on a happy honey moon!
I will impregnate her!
And we will raise our daughter as a happy family!

Yeah, that's been a problem as well. My weapons break so quickly since not using combat arts is often a huge gamble.

Was anyone else kinda hoping she would reach for his hand even though logically it wouldn't happen and El isn't in a position at this point where surrendering is a good idea?

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Most likely not since they have technology more advanced than we have in real life. Since Byleth's crest was connected directly to his heart, TWSITD most likely cut open their chests and connected the crest to the heart using tendons and muscle taken from the person or fake muscles.

True kino is going BL, recruiting all the BE students, recruiting Marianne only from GD, and sparing the GD students on Gronder Field. That way everyone beside Edelgard and Hubert gets a happy ending.

>True kino is going BL, recruiting all the BE and GD students. That way everyone beside Edelgard and Hubert gets a happy ending.

>Not having Bernie man the balista.

Eh, I feel recruiting everyone is a bit cheap but sure.
No, my wife belongs on my side.

Of course

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Hah. That guys name is Doo Doo.

>True kino is recruiting none of the students, and killing them all at every chance you get.

You're either from fargus or going far into the grave.

Edelgard marriage is the canon route

>not going BE and having Felix kill his dad, Shamir kill Catherine,

It kind of sucks though. Byleth becomes fucking god king in other routes yet edelkike thinks he's too lowborn to be her consort

Dimitri makes her his pope queen. It is the HOLY LAND OF FAERGHUS after all.

Is there any reason not to aggressively recruit lots of characters as rhey become availavle?

Do Felix and Sylvain make good husbands for Ingrid?

Did you have a stroke there user?

Edelgard is more like Napoleon or Nobunaga than Hitler desu

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Is it at all possible to avert war before the time skip?

Sylvain does, Felix hungers for cunny.

Did you read what he said user?

I'm at the last map of the Blue Lions and I'm just getting messed up. Any tips?

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Dedue is such a based, loyal guy. Honestly, all the BLs are total bros, and they came across as such right off the bat. It's why I chose them.

>It's the hypothetical golden route
>It's time for the obligatory "male character walks in on the female character in the onsen scene" because this route is a meme
>only the guy is Dimitri
>he walks in on Edelgard changing
>*freeze frame*
>*record scratch*
>Edelgard is about to do the stereotypical "EEEEEEEHHHHH" response but before she can, Dimitri charges forward and yanks her forearm into view
what happens next

afaik, their conditions for recruitment become steeper and steeper the more of them you recruit

Lysithea Dominates him in one shot in my GD run. She’s literally one of the coolest units in game. It feels satisfying chugging through her classes mastery every other minute

>Play Black Eagles
>Let Bernadetta and Ferdinand die off the bat
I have now fixed the faction

Stride and rescue are your friends. And Dimitri's gambit is very useful for when they surround your ass eventually

Bernadetta, Ferdinand and Dorothea are probably the only remotely interesting BEs.

golden chads rise up

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Why do people keep accusing Edelgard of genocide when the only genocide that actually happens in the game happened before the game even started and it was the snowbuddies being useful idiots and deleting Duscar for no reason?

bland girls work with b-man apparently. that's why i shacked up with shamir. she's just kinda there and doesn't have much of a personality, much like byleth. also big tiddy goth gf of course

When I saw how he looked in the E3 trailer I new I would be joining the blue lions

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aloof =/= bland

Will Holst be made a GD-recruitable unit in the next DLC?

Not true at all, recruitment conditions never increase, and only change by raising support ranks, which makes them easier to recruit

Dimitri is my husband...

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Flayn is BL exclusive? I had no idea. I figured she was a universal additional character.

Peak comfy and has the best girls.

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I fucking hope he's jacked as fuck with a beard and the same color hair as Hilda.

>GD Maddening
>no defense, tankiest unit is Claude with 9 Def, fucking Claude
>Lonato map so every wrong move is instant death
>torches suck shit and are useless
>enemy def has gotten so high that Ignatz can barely deal damage
>just hide behind Catherine and pick off her leftovers
>everyone's weapons are broke to shit
How can there possibly be a difficulty above this

I think the girls in GD are cute, but I wasn't really interested in any of them romantically, whereas I was kind of aiming for Mercedes.

>tfw no Monica wife

Awakening's Lunatic+

She's cute, but not as cute as Marianne or Hilda.

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Which one is the most like House Redoran. That's the best one.

>Why yes, I do write to my cute little sister every week, how could you tell?

Attached: fe3h holst.jpg (1080x1266, 212K)

The chad Blue Lions vs the virgin other houses

It's all a personal preference thing. I happen to be a mommy gf fag

Besides, BL has the best boys and the best lord, so clearly the best approach for optimal comfy is to play BL and recruit all the GD girls.

Beard needs to be pink.

In GD after Gronder Hilda mentions Holst wrote her and said he wanted to join the army. It was such a tease.

Why do people like Hilda?

Teleport somebody over to that mage with the bullshit tome, then rescue them back. Ignore that entire side of the map afterward.

>Holst is some 8ft tall Schwarzenegger looking motherfucker wearing a Hilda wig
God, I wish.

Golden dawn girls are boring, that's why they had to give them crazy hair colours no one else in the game has to stop them from getting mogged by the girls in the other houses

She's a Giga-Stacey who is lazy, but despite that she's actually one of the smartest characters in the game and is actually really nice.

My personal theory is they're projecting their unfulfilled desire to fuck the Stacies who ignored and used them in high school onto her.

If my first playthrough was Blue Lions, which route should I do next?

BE and marry Edelgard


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The Virgin Black Eagle

>Sorry I couldn't help you in that latest battle, user, I was too busy successfully defending the border entirely on my own. Well, gotta go, those legions of troops won't kill themselves, at least not before they see me arrive on the field!

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Why is Seteth so based?
>that C support with Hilda

Attached: seteth tea time.jpg (1280x720, 240K)

You guys didn't buy the awful season pass did you?

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She probably got body snatched like monica was

GD if you want full lore and story with church.
BE if you want to know Edelgard's view and reason for start the war.

I bet you guys can't top my custom expanded Blue Lion house

>approach student after the time skip
>pull out their ear bud
who was it?

Punished Dimitri

This is the most used character in the game

Attached: dorothea.png (1200x1200, 864K)

Is that cloak machine washable?

I went full harem and picked up Marianne, Hilda, Petra, Dorothea, and Ignatz because he wanted to join and fuck it why not.



Meanwhile on BE route
Even characters with no screentime have to be out of character for Edeltard's shit story.

Absolutely based, the GD just look so good.

I made mine a Dancer with a Stride Battalion. She's basically a staple on any map where the units start clustered together.

Why do we hate Dorothea?

Yeah i picked me.
But you fuckers memed me into hard classic and this house is hard as fuck so far. I’m on the bandit mission after mausoleum (which was a pain in the ass because it was full of fucking mages) does it get easier?

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based and golden pilled

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I only recruited Dorothea, Catherine, Gilbert and Caspar because their paralogues matched up with blue lions.

How are the Auxiliary Maps? I didn't buy the DLC.

Because she's a literal roastie gold digger who confesses to it and somehow still gets upset when people treat her like a literal roastie gold digger.

>implying dubstep dudes would ever attack a unfied fodland
are you high my man?

She has a stupid hat that's why

and Petra

Why do we hate Rhea?

DLC auxiliary maps give more exp gains and golds that sell for more money than normal auxiliary maps in maddening mode. It's literally asking you to buy DLC if you want to make maddening runs easier.

Because she's a deranged zealot

not enough porn

>implying thats bad
Rhea maybe, but catherine is holy fucking based as an overzealous knight

We don't.
Only fedora tipping Edeltards do.

>Rhea says that she does not give a shit about Dimitri after he gave her asylum and protected her
Wtf i hate Rhea now

No, she's in every route unless you side with the empire

Why does it feel like all the major antagonists of 3H are basically the same person?
>Rhea: traumatized by the loss of her family and just wants it back
>Dimitri: traumatized by the loss of his family and wants to make sure nobody else feels that pain
>Edelgard: traumatized by the loss of her family and wants to make sure nobody else feels that pain

Only Edeltard hates her since Rhea, as far as I know, can successfully cuck Edelgard

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Go to bed, Ed.

Is it morally wrong to want Edelgard to be happy and to let go of her outrageous trust issues?

Edelgard and Byleth, sitting in a tree!


Coming up with stupid names!


Maps that let you use level 99 stats to a point where Wyvern Lord is worse than Bow Knight because you don't have to worry about growths

He ties a noose, pushes her loose and ends her spree!


>user, I've been looking for you!
>Thanks again for helping me burn that Duscur effigy yesterday! I can't believe you actually distracted the campus guards while I escaped, too... you really are something else, aren't you?
>Hey, you want to head to town later? No political stuff, I promise!

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>No defense
How the fuck did you fuck up Raph?

How do I get Ingrid to stop roping me into her hate crimes?

Ha ha memes

Is it only story missions that are hard on maddening? I saw someone do a weekend battle and it was as easy as ever.

>claude wears gold, faction is golden deers
>dimitri wears blue, faction is blue lions
>edelgard wears red, faction is black eagles

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>Join every house
>Marry Marianne in all of them

Checkmate besthousefags

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Because she's gay

Foreshadowing that Edelgard is a fucking retard and the BE campaign is nonsense

Which one of these two should Byleth marry during my Golden Deer playthrough?

Paralogues have to be hard two, but auxiliary should just inflated stats since that's the norm of a map you just grind in. Or the person was playing with ng+

>mfw Edelgard actually got mad and I lost support points when I mocked her shitty Black Eagle Strike Force name
What a retard.

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She probably wouldn't if you had a gf user.

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Edelgard calls him a pervert then stabs him with a dagger

It was normal game, not ng+.

>hating on the jojo hat
shit taste. all of you

Marry Marriane

Recruit Caspar and have Hilda marry him

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name a better duo in Three Houses

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It took a while but if you play the game you’ll realize a lot of people got hurt due to her censoring the truth

We don't.

Imagine being a citizen of the Empire and having to put up with everyone making fun of you for having an actual retard as a ruler.

Dimitri and Dedue

then they probably barely touched those. The game would be hell for those that battle every time

Flayn and fish

Not a fan of the reduced xp on maddening. Seems cheap and only there to get you to buy dlc maps.

Did they also reduce class exp? Because I feel like it's an equivalent exchange to have my nonmages actually be able to master their classes

Bullying Chuunigard is the best.

Edelgard is not allowed to be bullied

How could you she spent all night thinking of that name

Its annoying balancing quest battles with then 8 billion paralogues ive unlocked.

Ashe and Caspar

Manuela and Hannemann

Shes a judgemental cunt

He's gotten 3 levels and hasn't procced def once, every single enemy group in the game has some shitty archer that'll double 80% of your team and leave them with single digit hp so it's rough going for anyone without a high baseline speed stats. Healing exp has barely been fucked with so Lorentz, Lys, and Marianne (lv 6) are ironically my highest level chars after Byleth (lv 8), who's being worked to death as a punch bot and also has not procced def once

If I'm playing on maddening if someone dies in the mock battle do they just retread or actually die? I don't remember seeing the message this time

you've got immaculate taste

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Would it still be possible to fix Dimitri's smile if Dedue had died for real?

It's just mock battle and not actually battle, so no they don't retreat or die. It's same for the battle of lion and eagle later in part 1 I believe.
But you still have to beat the mock battle on maddening mode without let Byleth die so good luck defeating 7-8 level enemies with your 1 level units.

Dedue is such a unit at the beginning but man on half the maps he's just too slow to be of any use while everyone else is zipping around on horseback/wyvernback

Is dancer Dorothea a meme or not? Was considering making her my dancer for my maddening church run but I might just give it to Petra for sword avo +20 and never use a dancer.

My man

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Fuck you. Dedue is a great tank and a good boy.

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Yes since Dedue does die if you don't do his paralogue.

He has to lie to run away from Edelgard and his madness.
In BL, Claude delivers the alliance and his bow to Dimitri

>get to second half
>maps are huge
>covered in mage
>more tiles that hinder movement
It's like they didn't want you to use him. It's a shame as war master Dedue could do some work he wasn't so risky to use. Shame great knight is trash.

Cornelia making that face while you titfucked her would be the best part

This image is trash, Ignatz needs to be covered in the blood of his crit victims.

Just how tight is Edelgard's elite quality Imperial pussy?

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>*record scratch*
>"Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation. It all started in the summer of 995."

Yes because sadly Dimitri is healed if Dedue comes back or not. I wish that wasn't the case but it is true.

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>Black Eagle Strike Force
>not Black Eagle Strike Team

one job


I actually use shamir to kill cath, it was kino. Have anyone use their best friend to kill each other like annete with Mercedes or annete to kill his father?

I've only just now completed my first route with the Blue Lions, but I'm glad I picked them because literally everyone in this house is based. The character I liked the least was Ashe, and he's still a pretty alright guy.

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Did Shamir get like a special dialogue with Catherine?

Because we have shit taste apparently

Edelgard pads her Armor!

>mfw she was the only one to die for me in this mission because all the other BEs retreated and I made sure not to hurt any of the GDs
Hannemann dropped a fucking meteor on the poor girl's head

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>Dimitri spilling his spaghetti during his S Rank support with F!Byleth

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Yes, they do get special dialogue.


I haven't done the BE/Church routes yet, but I'm going to let Bernadetta die on purpose both times

Man same, though in my case Ignatz got into a bow fight with her. What the fuck was Edelgard thinking putting her so far forward?

The special dialogues are cool as fuck. In church you can make Casper fight Randolph, his uncle, and they'll have a unique exchange. Another cool one is Bernie and Hubert on the Petra/Bernie paralogue for any non BE route.

What is the secret behind Dimitri's runaway popularity?

I fucked up and didnt end up recruiting Dorothea, so during Enbarr I ended up having Ingrid swoop down and impale her on a lance

Loose, there's no way the dubsteppers didn't slither their way in her dark place.

>not saving Bernie and Petra

Actual character growth

Is Edelgard supposed to be the one singing Edge of Dawn?

Being the best lord since the Elibe Trio will do that.

Is this like in Type-Moon?

Not sure if she's the singer, but the song's about her.

>Be Fire Emblem Hitler
>Decide to top off a long day of executing heretics with a tasty baked treat
>Go to the common room to procure said treat only to be confronted by Bernie munching on it herself
>"Hey, Bernie, how about we set you up right over here for this next battle..."

>Elibe Trio
Lyn was a flat sack of shit and Roy's dad is just another fucking Marth clone. 1/3 lords being decent doesn't excuse shit, 7 had shit lords.

Very loose. I mean, what do you think happens if someone raped by worms for a year or two?

Literally a otomefag's dream.
>both a dark and edgy side and a proper gentlemen side
>whole arc where (You) save him
>tall and muscular blond, blue eyed man
While people try to meme sjws and tumblrfags as not loving these characters they're wrong. I wouldknow as a tumblrfag, the women there fucking adore him and Claude and male hundreds of posts about how they want to fuck them.

being a hot broken man that you can fix

Otome love him, sjw hate him for being a problematic white male

>Ruthless AND a good singer
Is Edelgard literally perfect

>He literally keeps a black slave

user...The one or two posts I saw where someone tried to shit on him were met with nothing but posts maki g fun of them and calling the person stupid. Tumblr puts on the front of being sjw as fuck but really a lot of them are just tsudere for anime shit. As much as both us and them try to deny it we are quite alike.

People who insult Dedue deserve beatings


pure edge

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What does it say about me if I gave Ingrid to Silvain?

We must preserve a future for the noble Faerghus race

>turns the biggest chad in the game into a stay at home dad

How can other women compete?

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Edelgard is the canon route

t. Edgelord

kids are so thirsty nowadays they don't realize how fucking incredible it would be to have a pal as loyal as Dedue.
Sluts come and go, but a bro as based as him is something you don't see every day.
He'd probably suck your dick with WAY more enthusiasm than Hilda.

I enjoy just how wrong you are about literally everything you said.

Claude should be the canon route. Such a good boy

>deletes a country because they fell for a reptilian false flag attack

Despite being 1% of the population of Fodlan, Agartheans commit 90% of the false flags

>Dimitri fucking Edelgard until they have many children is the canon route*

>strenuous activity


Wait, so who are the Jews, the (((Agarthans))) or the (((Church)))?

They make better husbands for each other

If Ingrid knew the truth would she direct her racism toward the slithers?

Agarthans obviously. The Church are Catholics.

Agartheans are Jews, Church (basically just Rhea) are literal reptilians

>Church (basically just Rhea) are literal reptilians
Exactly, Catholics

user, how do you think the Slitherers got in Garreg Mach Monestary? Ingrid is the leader. Why do you think the blamed the attack on the Duscurs? Because Ingrid hates them. She's not alone either. What do you think Annette was singing about when she was sung the "breaking up out of the ground to see the light" stuff? She was talking about the Agarthans. Annette is the other leader as well as Ingrid.

Nah Ingrid is a neo-con, she supports the Slithers.

I was wondering Yea Forums, what happen if you chose your s rank support but they end up dying in the last battle? Does it switch to next priority support or does the game nix the s rank support all together?

>That one quest where Flayn asks you to give Lady Rhea a copy of Undertale.
Kind of a weird plug but ok.

I'll find out for you user.

Dedue is the fucking god of thunder and death when you give him a silver axe +, bolt axe, and great knight.

>What's the best ending for Dedue?

I like the dynamic of him and Mercedes, but I hate any ending for him where he moves away from Dimitri.

He and Annette remind me of the 'hampster eating a banna' image, but they both seem really happy at the end. Is there a better option for him?

Shamir is cute as fuck. He remains as Dimitri's knight, he hires Shamir as well, and the two loosen up when nobody else is around, smiling and exchanging small in-jokes between one another.

Shamir or Mercedes

Ingrid and Dedue being awesome bro knights.

If you have some cool ending like Ashe and Caspar or Sylvain and Felix you can always let Dedue and Ingrid become knights of such knightitude they will be remember by other knights knighting it out in the future.

that is fucking adorable

wtf i want to join the slitherers now?

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Make sure to recruit Annette for the best rallies

This, Ignatz is better critting shit or chipping stuff with bow combat arts as assasin or sniper.


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Ferdinand is showing extreme worth in my Maddening playthrough

My only genuinely useless party member is Caspar. Why is he so shit?

and Edelgard

a melee unit with only an ok base in strength, and a slightly unreliable growth in his main stat, who is hyper focused on being an axe unit on the same route as the axe lord

Edelgard does not deserve happiness. Not after everything she did.

>The boring gurl lord
>Marth again for the Xth time
>Unga bunga fighter man that everyone loves
It really is just like Elibe

Which 3H is most likely to actually go out with user?

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what supports does anna show up in?

To be fair the gurl is also hitler and the closest thing we have to Marth is a sneaky jew boy who wants to open borders, and the unga bunga has some serious marth vibes as well mixed in with the hector.

She shows up in two of Ashe's I think, with Byleth and Petra.

blue lions reunion is the best chapter in the entire game
prove me incorrect

Which one is the one with the true gay romance ending?

No Dimitri option? Why? He is beat girl and best boy.
If I can't have Dimitri then Hilda.

Mercedes is cute.

Also I imagine you wouldn't want to do it but Dedue x Byleth is arguably the best S support scene in the entire. Byleth even speaks in it, shit is wholesome as fuck.

In my first game I made Ingrid Falcon Knight, in my second game Holy Knight, and in my third game it will be Fortress Knight. What Abilities do I put in an Ingrid Falcon Knight in NG + maddening?

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Think of it this way, he and Dimitri have a promise to revive Duscur together. After they settle things down Dedue is marrying Mercedes and bringing the culture back so it can truly be revived just like Dimitri and Dedue swore to do together.

Because Dimitri isn't gay.

The more students you recruit, the less kino the story is. Just recruit the ones you'll use.

Go NG so you can unlock the new title screen.
Otherwise, I guess start with Darting, Armored, Pavise, and Renewal (Aegis won't matter because her res is high enough to tank pretty much any spell and bows will murder her regardless)
Go Brigand so you can pick up Death Blow on her while boosting her str gains.

I'm playing the Golden Deer after playing the Blue Lions right now, and the burn out I have is strong. I want to know what happens in the other two routes but I'm just not having fun right now.

He is totally gay for Blyeth, he just needs to have a kid.

same, it's lame as fuck you have to replay the entire first half and having NG+ bonuses just kind of annoys me more. at that point it's just as mindless and boring as when you do monastery shit in the second half but at the same time i'd rather drink bleach than get to A+ again on a clean file

Everyone is gay for Byleth, doesn't count.

Thank god you can always bring all 6 with you in the other routes, edgygard doesn't deserve them!

Why? He loves Blyeth so much he let's him be in his ending picture and no one else is allowed from his team.

How exactly does dark mage and dark bishop work, do tbe characters just learn tge dark magic spells? I kind of want to make my Lindhart a dark mage as I'll lose Hubert later and plan to recruit Marianne who is better at healing. I thought of just having Lindhart as a offensive mage and back up healer but I would like to try out the dark magic classes.

Attached: Dark Mage Snuggie.jpg (1280x755, 278K)

>blue theme color
>the most emotional one, deals a lot with the concept of death and the people living on after

>yellow theme color
>the comfiest one, most people see it as sort of happy-go-lucky even though it gets into some dark stuff

>red theme color
>all about changing society and rebelling against the status quo


Ok, thanks

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They get whatever dark magic spell the class gives by default, and that's it.
It's a really shitty class.

How does one cure Edelgard of her dumb bitch disease without killing her?

>lyshitia can't survive a single fucking fight
>escort retarded albino goblino over to DK
>pile nonstop gambits to weaken enough
>misses and dies to DK
luna more like poona, get fucking benched

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You'll want to drop something (probably renewal) for Lance skills but yeah, that seems fine.

I just wish they would give you the option to have all of the pre-timeskip supports unlocked between everyone without having to pay renown. Trying to get every unit's C and B supports again just to see the different A support for the timeskip is absolutely lame. At least I assume the supports are different in each route for the timeskip, since the alliance emblem didn't show up in the support log even when I bought the A support with renown.


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she's literally the best character with the highest damage output in gd besides the lords. Stop using her like a fucking retard and either give her the 3+ range relic or back her up with some fucking walls

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same energy

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Actually grow a brain retarded waifufag, I'm referring to maddening difficulty, anybody can melt DK on "hard", her growths are so bad you can't even justify "muh spells" when everyone has like 50 overall stats ontop of the retarded midget

Different guy here, she is kind of overrated. In hard mode I think her awful defenses and terrible movement are not as major of issues but she does fall behind in the late game. I wouldn't call her a beginner's trap, warp is amazing, but she is pretty overrated by new players. I would consider keeping her around if you're okay with cheesing maps with warp later on but I imagine she would be hard to use in maddening simply because she can't keep up with everyone else in terms of movement.

Wouldn't it be funny if they shipped him with Claude? haha do they do that? Just a funny wonder I had
haven't gotten around to playing yet but do they interact much durring the story? I really like their designs and will probably pick claude regardless

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Of course."Kill every last one of them!"

I put that blue lions emblem on my bag I carry daily. :^)

Are growths different on maddening? I got really good levels on her so either I was lucky or something else

Does anyone know the name of the new song added for auxiliary battles?

They don't really interact much. Dimitri Is literally nobody in Claude's route.

Dimitri/Claude already has more content than a lot more viable ships because fujos gonna fujo. They don't interact much on screen.

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It seems to be called "Corridor of the Tempest"

Nice, didn't know we had real size Edelgard stickers.

Shouldn't it be Dorothea, the character who said she'd write an opera about Edelgard?

So where does Church route fit in?

would they beat me up if i tried to get in between them?

I wish they did interact more because aesthetically they are super cute together. Sadly I can't ship what isn't really there.

I'm a brainlet and don't get it...

Purse Owner 3/4/5


I am certain the supposed golden path or DLC fluff maps will have them interact more.

I really hope there is no golden path. I don't even want to consider it even if it fulfills my inner fujo.


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>Do Edel's route
>Don't S rank Edel

thanks to user pointing now I got it and
probably is persona 1 as in nobody cares

Is the story better than Fates

I just want more A supports for the people who capped at B. My inner fujo is assblasted about the lack of m/m ends with Ashe.

Ship this instead, Felix is miserable without his boar.

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H-how does a kingdom with two queens even work?

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No, Fates is famous for having a great story

I desperately wish either this or Felix/Sylvain clicked with me.
They get to handpick sperm donors for eugenics.

I also want more A supports for characters, especially Sylvain who doesn't have an A support for all the C-B supports I actually liked. Only childhood friend who doesn't have an A with Dimitri, it is fucking criminal on that end along with all the others he is missing.

I do already, DimitrixAnyBlyeth and DimitrixFelix are some of the best.

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Cuz the game gives you no reasons for liking her other than "she adopts orphans", and then she goes and orders to get anyone who defies her killed on the spot, there's also the fact that the game tells you she's the reason why byleth's hearth doesn't beats and doesn't gives any reason for doing so unless you take her route in BE.
She's just Edelgard without openly implying her desire to start a war.

Depends on the ending actually, if it’s a GD/BL/Church ending they just hold an election for a prime minister/president/leader.

FelixxSylvan didn't click with me either. Maybe because I didn't get their BL support first.

>Only childhood friend who doesn't have an A with Dimitri

His A rank with Dimitri would be the two of them crushing puss together (considering the progression of their c and b rank) so you can see why they cut it out.

It's weird Sylvain's supports with Dimitri aren't as emotional compared to Felix and Ingrid's. I guess he is older than all of them though.

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>all this homo shipping discussion
Otome emblem is alive and well

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>There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Duscur.

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>the dlc aux maps give way more exp on maddening
>but they're also filled with pass thieves who can cross half the map in a turn and will one shot half your party
I guess it's not quite as pay2win as it first appeared

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>uses his sad sprite instead of his angry sprite
My point still stands.

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Felix goes basically suicidal in most of his endings without Dimitri, gay or not the two care about each other a whole lot.