Who could it be?

Who could it be?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Half Life 3. Gordon Freeman is waking up... and he's PISSED.


But Quackguy only said 'Huh'.


>tfw no Duke Nukem comeback

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I am sorry user.

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I wanna say Caleb but I don't see him fit.


Goldeneye 007! James Bond has returned!


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serious sam

Will his game make fun of Trump?

They’re making doomguy talk? And he’s gonna be doom nookum


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Shut up snowflake

Pick one.

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Yeah, it's gotta be this.

You guys sure you want him back? Remember, this the man who owns him now

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Heretic or Hexen. Screencap this.

Imagine being this retarded.

Reminder that the best FPS were not on the PC but on the N64, Perfect Dark is the best FPS of all time and Turok is second, the best Doom ever is also Doom 64

Serious Sam First Encounter came out in 2001. It's not that.

>douk was Heskel
Holy fuck, I didn't even notice

>console fps
into the trash it goes

It's gonna end up being some shitty franchise only 3 people have heard of.

Plus they've already announced the development of SS4

Of course
Ion Fury did so why not

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Serious Sam wasn’t in the nineties

>big the cat

it couldn't be....

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i just want a new fucking duke game man
its a damn shame 3d didnt get a true sequel

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kill yourself for this idiotic post

>i just want a new fucking duke game
No you don't. Not like this

user, do not fret, i am working on a douk noukem mod for ion fury


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All these suggestions, I bet epic is making their FPS game, we getting a new unreal, with their game store it makes sense

Quake was the main competitor for Duke Nukem in 96. Could be that, although Ranger was always silent before.

Blood came out in 97. Given they just did an enhanced edition of the original one it could be that.

Fans are the only hope now

voidpoint wants to do some kind of colaboration with gearbox but they didn't even bother saying anything... they obviously wanted to make a new duke game, even got saint john to do the voice for the villain of ion maiden

shut up you absolutely rarted zoomer

not by randy bitchford or gearbox that is

you know, its still pretty great how much he loves this character he voiced despite Duke being seen as a "problematic, toxic masculine" type of character these days.
i think deep down he knows duke will never have a new game because of that.

Based but true.

i'd put money down on blood, mostly because there's traces of new maps in the source of the re-release.

Stephan Weyte is still alive and they aren't gonna recast him. He just did some shitty Darkness Dungeon clone.

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He never said he did voice work for the game in question, only that he'll be in the new one.

the tweet is referring to an IP from the 90s not his voicework

It's hard not to love it, people quote the shit at him all the time, obviously he's not a one trick pony but you'd be hard pressed to find something people know him for as much as duke. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but duke made the man, basically. It propelled him into being able to do other VA work that wasn't uncredited side stuff.


If I had the money user, I would get the IP back from Randy Bobandy

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>Gorgeous Freeman becoming an actual unironic thing
I would laugh my dick off.

>Shadow Warrior 3

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People have tried, gearbox won't sell the rights. They've offered ludicrous sums of money far in excess of what it's worth.

whos "they"?

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He's memeing.
I'm an insider and I know what he's referring too

Sonic Adventure.
Only Jon St Jon and Ryan Drummond are reprising their roles.

replacing caleb would be fucking blasphemous even if it the replacement was duke, especially since the original VO is still around, he was in Dusk I believe, dude has still got it.

Perfect Dark? You mean that game that auto aim for you? Yeah, nice fucking fps. Just run around the map and press button when you see enemies on the screen.

they as in the people who have offered money for the duke nukem IP. As in companies like activision, id/zenimax, slipgate/interceptor (the ion maiden devs/parent company).

play alien armageddon, if you haven't yet.

Fuck off randy

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you got a source on that or are you just naming random companies that MIGHT have an interest?


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Blake Stone remake confirmed.

Definitely serious sam

croteam is maximum autism, I don't think they'll replace sam's voice actor unless they literally have no choice

Yeah that was my thought too

I'd buy that.

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*stayin' alive plays*

But his VA is still around.

Yes user I'm just throwing out random company names there's absolutely no precedent for these companies trying to re-acquire the license, there was absolutely no massive lawsuit over ownership of the property around the world tour re-release of duke 3d.

It's all just a fever dream, no one cares about duke nukem at all, ever.

Redneck Rampage

Not a 90s game


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source us, faggot.

White men trying rip off anime is cringe

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>no one cares about duke nukem at all
well duh, thats why he doesnt have any new games.

thanks for admitting you were lying. not sure what you were trying to prove in your original post.

he's in

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announcer from forsaken 64

>Randy Bobandy
it's Randy Poo Dandy. his obession with toilet humor and scat is undeniable at this point.

pic related was the most blasphemous, disgusting and ridiculous out of character stuff I've ever seen in all of media.
they made Duke Nukem play with turds canon, like he is some lobotomised silly chimp from one of their Borderlands games. this is what people mean when they say Randy and Gearbox don't get Duke Nukem as a character and IP.

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Shogo was Monolith's first enjoyable FPS

It's Chex's Quest

serious sam's voice actor loves his role so much that he actually learned how to use the editor made a custom campaign for SS3, and voiced it himself

Shogo didn't take itself seriously and winked at you at every moment, you subhuman zoomer, but you would know if you had actually played it.

that's 3D Realm's idea, ya dummy.

While I agree, Shogo is fairly on point
It was a shit game but it helds a place in my memory becasue it was the first game who let me fuck around with an editor.

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As opposed to drink water from a WC to recover 1HP?

What gets me is that the whole point of Duke was to satirise and ridicule the concept of the womanising action hero to begin with

Serious Sam

>all these zoomers spamming Blood because it's the only '90s FPS they know
Anyway... it's obviously Turok.

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no, it wasn't you colossal retard.

I wish

Yes, I want him back, and by "back" I mean "as far from Bobandy as possible even if it means being stuck in development hell for another eternity".

Turok is a better choice anyway. Blood's VA is too iconic to replace.

if you can't see the difference between these two things, you have the same brainwaves as Randy.

He does like taking pictures of himself in the bathroom, doesn't he.

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>that woman with the obvious Shirow ripoff artstyle
I want that style back, it fucking rocks, big fringes for everyone

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>Rob Zombie didnt voice himself

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>console FPS
Literally not a thing.

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It's that one magical spot from where Randy can sext underage girls

>twitterly who posts


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Ok, but what dev could revive a 90s FPS (which is Judgement Day, btw) and make a proper game instead of the usual turd?

Guys, I mow Jon's lawn. He has Kentucky Bluegrass. He told me all the juicy details.

Get ready in 2020 for Ken's Labyrinth 2.

Even if we ever get Nu-Quake with talking Ranger they'll most likely just use Quake Champions' voice actor.

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yes, it was ya big baby. go cry in a corner.


Man I wish there was a new duke nukem I could almost picture the trailer now
>Bland grey office a single shot of two chairs and dark wood door with the words "Human resources" on it
>Two random guys in the chairs
>Loud office murmuring
>The Duke walks past
>"Check who's got priority" he chuckles while making finger guns at the two random guys
>Camera moves in to follow him over the shoulder
>The duke opens the door the HR office is filled with women furious expressions in business suits and skirts
>Dukes pulls out the finger guns and clicks "Ladies."
>Woman sitting at the desk angrily slams a folder onto the table
>Cut to theme and logo for Duke Nukem New gig
>Final second of the trailer "Well there goes another job."

It's for the best.

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I unironically want this.


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>Blood with the Nemesis System of the Middle-Earth games
Monolith, I beg you.

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>Duke Nukem is sucha giga chad he makes men try to turn into women to have a CHANCE to get fucked by him
fucking based

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its SiN baybee

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Anyone else think he's really pathetic? He inserts Duke Nukem into everything.

sounds like you're coping hard right now

>He inserts Duke Nukem into everything.
Blow it out your ass

>his new voice is mine
so it has to be a voiced character, that rules out doom and quake, SS4 was already announced, turok already got remastered

we just need to make our own duke nukem ripoff and make games for him

>someone is finally modding duke into the game

He was fucking great in Dusk
>No, it's just... meeeee

Fuck off to your Halo nostalgia and suicide prevention hotline threads, zoomer.

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"You do realize I'm kicking your ass later JC"

He's semi right. If you listen to his audio reel, he slips into his Duke voice for most of it.


Oh God


the past it makes him happy

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What a fucking chad.

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>we just need to make our own duke nukem ripoff and make games for him

That's a pretty good idea. I wonder if Jon would voice a Duke ripoff that is essentially the same character.

what's it called?


What if its an arena shooter but every character is the main character from their respective game? so you could have duke, gordon, doomguy, quakeguy, caleb, lo wang,etc all in one game with their own weapons and abilities

>Nintendo imbeciles are this delusional

That's really kind of depressing to watch the one thing that might outlive you die before your time to go. Sometimes it feels like a gift not being in the public eyes so I don't have to get my hopes up that anyone will ever know who I am once I'm gone.

Fuck yes

>oh god what am I doing
You didn't have to pick up the shit.

>implying Blood is closer to zoomers than Turok

yeah im working on the details of the game, mainly the look and asthetics of the main character and how to make him duke but not duke, got pretty much everything else figured out except for the story and graphical fidelity


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God forbid the most public figure ever get made fun of in a video game.

me in the chair

Man, if we make it out of here alive, I'm gonna buy you all a round of beers. Hell, I'll buy the whole damn bar!

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If you're being genuine, I would be interested in working on it. I've worked with UE4 a ton

Friendly reminder that John St. John has Chad tastes in furries:

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im using godot and yes im being genuine, but im doing this as a solo project with the only time working with someone else will be the voice actors that play the 2 main characters

Squad, quiet down.

Fair enough. Godspeed my friend.


is he still mad that Hillary lost?

Yes, you're really epic for the win, Jon.

>Yea Forums in charge of making a videogame
You fuckers never learn

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It had a remaster recently, it's being memed.

I fucking wish

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Seriously? That's you? You fucking disgusting and you should be ashamed for putting that picture on the internet

Is it true that this guy's featured in the Halo universe in an obscure, meta kind of way?

post pre-bodymutilation

>fish with hair

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Go replay DNF and tell me you want another gearbox anything

"Brand new set of pipes" suggests the character was not voiced (at least by him)

Unironically seethe harder

South Park 64

not by gearbox that is

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You'd do it too if you weren't a nobody.

You can get his armour in Halo 3.

I'm hoping Borderlands 3 just fucking flops and he's forced to sell Duke off. But knowing Randy he'll try to scam whoever he sells to, somehow.

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i jerked it to the three alien tits in Forever

If we're specific to build engine games, we have Duke, Blood, Shadow Warrior, and Redneck Rampage. Other then that, Doom, Half Life, Wolfenstein, Quake, Unreal, Hexen, Heretic, and System Shock as games that 'garnered much attention

But Jon's a nobody too.

Fuck off Bobandy you cheeseburger walrus looking motherfucker.

Yet here we are in a thread about him.

Based and coompilled

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And here you are responding to me.

and? we have like a hundred e-celeb threads a day.

Not likely

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What is your point?

Blood Fresh Source just came out and got an over all pretty positive response. No better time than now to bring back an old shooter and either do a Dust/Amid Evil/Ion Fury style new game in an old engine type of deal or just make a new fucking game.

I just want Caleb back desu.

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They would never do that to John J Dick. Plus, Sam is a 00s series.

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>tabula rasa


that we have threads about literal nobodies all the time, and us talking about a person here dosent make them a somebody.

i mean, im talking to you. that dosent make you a somebody.

They already did that, Matt Hazard I think was more or less just Duke but a shitty satire, I know thats not what your intent would be but the line between satire and playing it straight with Dook is pretty thin.

Now that's a name i haven't heard in a long time...

The doomslayer is going to speak in doom eternal

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If they're literal nobodies then what's with the "celeb" part in e-celeb?

He already grunts and doesn't sound like Douk.

Marathon music plays in one of the CE cutscene

iirc Turok is from like 98 and Perfect Dark from 2000.

Frigg off

that was rent trezonor

Doomslayer is such dumb name. You just know they changed it from Doomguy because assuming he's male is somehow problematic or some shit.

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holy fuck i haven't seen this pic in years

>that filename

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He’s going to insert his boot in your ass you low t faggot

That's bullshit, but I want to believe it.

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what a fag

Is John Dick a gigachad name?


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Duke Nukem has always hates bigots retard

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no, John J. Dick is

he's based and redpilled


blow it out your ass faggot

sorry bro, it's canon now

Cry harder loser. Duke ain't for you

I don't think that would work out. He could jeopardize his job as the actual Duke Nukem by doing that, and while there aren't any projects in the works right now, there was some recent stuff like that Bulletstorm port and Gearbox's awful not-Megaton Duke 3D.

Or maybe just maybe "Doomguy" is a fan name and would sound fucking retarded if it was used as his official name. Politics has rotted your tiny brain.

the pills duke was poppin was soi

Nintendo buying the rights to Duke, and Platinum.

That guy is fucking cool as hell then.

Yea Forums btfo

and this dumb cuck wonders why Duke Nukem is no more, who the fuck would want an emasculated sjw Duke

him posting that had more attention than anything in the last years lots of people want it

Matt Hazard!

It better be Heretic.

It got attention because it's controversial and they felt like they won with this self castration, and most people who want a new Duke Nukem don't realize he'd be cucked beyond recognition.

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Duke in Smash Bros.

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I love Serious Sam, but I've never liked his voicce that much: the actor sounds like he's trying to hard to sound badass. But Duke... god, his voice is so damned smooth, even when he's talking about ripping heads off and shitting down necks.

croteam pitched his voice

At least he’s not as pathetic as David “literally who” Hayter

Then maybe they shouldn't.

Yes please. At least someone make a shitty gmod animation of this or something i require this now.

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I can promise "they" aren't cheeseburgers you fat greasy fuck.

Yeah, and worse he inserts it into his SJW cuckery

Kingpin, Sin, Soldier Of Fortune...

>wanting to get rid of this

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>his daughter is a non binary pansexual degenerate cosplayer
Did not know that

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>I'm taking a mental health day
of course

Cate Archer, No One Lives Forever.