What are some iconic vidya trios?
What are some iconic vidya trios?
Other urls found in this thread:
these aren't a trio officially you tard
>shipping abbos
shigy diggy
BongBong, BongBong and BongBong.
We can talk sephirah if you'd rather do that.
>Finally finish Chesed after way too many attempts
>Now Gebura seems like she'll be an even bigger bitch
Birb is iconic part of any trio.
worst sephira ship ever
>2 trios already fully fleshed out in the game
>chooses the fanon one for fujos and fujo self-inserts
Eat shit, White Night. Your gay staff is mine now.
t. Angela
Remember to use slow bullets and also de-staff your facility so only the chaddest of chads are present.
It was one of the first images I saw in my folder that gave me an idea to make a totally legit thread
I was fucked over by white fixer, tried to use tactic of evacuating everyone but those with best ALEPH white res gear and this fucking bitch takes a beeline to Welfare hallway and without warning just shoots into Central were last of Record and Welfare chadlets were running away
The Day 46 Abel story music, in case whoever wanted it didn't see it in the earlier thread.
How often do I want to progress to the next meltdown? Right now I'm thinking that doing a couple meltdowns just running away from her so I can declerk, then get to fighting her is the best idea.
I did her from the get go to be honest, then again the clerk lovers i had were easy to deal with
Gordon, Alyx and DOG.
I'd suggest not to pay attention to clerklovers and let them roam the facility
Ignore Mountain or bird, just fight her.
Would be surprised if the TT2 protocol is not a key point for LoR, I can assume Angela refuses to use it due being sick and tired of all the timeloops, but would be a waste to not use it.
here you go
also, i said i'll upload a .rar with the game's music in the last thread, so here you go
Man that's a lot of dolphin porn.
beside Carmen Binah is best ship for A
Is there any explanation of all the trumpets and when they should play?
Dope thanks
based and bongpilled
Do not trust bongbongs
I wish we'll get to import our LC saves to LoR just to see our nuggets working in the library.
Trust no one, not even you'reselves
Question, if there are so many bongbongs and theyre always put as lowbies, doesnt that make then clerk-tier?
what happens to that bongbong after 4th panel?
Nothing... he goes to visit the manager.
I thought bongbongs were she
Bongbong is Bongbong.
They are, they are also braindead
Don't know if it extends to video games, but these three are iconic as shit.
For me, it's the bishie squad
These stealth threads get better and better every time
Too bad they're apt to die
Everything that does black damage keeps fucking me up
Is it bad enough to the point you can't get its (likely black resistant gear)? If that's the case, try grinding temperance to reduce the risk of NE boxes in the first place so they can't take too much damage
Name a more Iconic trio
Max out your stats, especially temperance, as that increases work speed and work success. If you still have trouble, max out fortitude and prudence.
I would recommend getting the Detailed info mod too. Its the only mod I used and its really helpful with its function of giving % chance of success per energy box and showing the stats your bongbong will earn at the end of the day.
I'm sick of stealth threads, mods have deleted off topic and "go to /vg/" spam inside the threads and have shown that they won't delete us, newfags who don't know the difference between 404ing and archiving are causing everyone to become paranoid and make stealth threads. Makes backreading annoying as fuck and I have to scroll through hundreds of vague threads to find an old Lobcorp thread.
They just need to have a keyword so you can search for them without going by eye. This and the last thread were pretty hard to find.
- Use the catalogue
- Mods deleted two threads yesterday I believe.
>No talkie till ive had my monster
>No talkie at all, get back to work
>Not talkie till ive had my coffee
The Male Sephirahs are certainly a humourless bunch eh?
Tiphereth is a nice kid at least
I always try to search keywords like Manager, Angela, Binah, Clerk, bird, birb, work and lob
These stealth threads gonna do more bad than good because it will cause people who legitmately think the OP topic is the topic of the thread and gonna get pissed when they find out it's a lie.
Also this not every thread that dies is due a janny, sometimes it's just a 404. If you think repeat threads are an issue then you clearly haven't seen the catalogue looking like this. Even if a pissed off janny deletes the thread nothing stops you from making a new one, until we get a ban screen of a mod sending us to /vg/ I will continue to say people are overreacting
Manual is one of my go-to's!
Let them rest. They've done enough for you.
B-but why is everything in waw format?
>ywn be an Agent with scavenged EGO hanging out with your gigachad bros in the backstreets
Let's not forget
>No talkie til you've proven yourself worthy
>Please talkie until I have a windows shutdown error
Which sephirah is the best to worst to have as your boss based on
>keeping yourself sane
>actually doing work
>beat the shit out of faggots
Didn't the dev q&a state that all survivors of Day 50 are re-instated as library workers
Chesed is pretty based, Yesod clearly cares deep down and Tipareth(s) have atleast one good nugget.
Deltarune > Undertale
I like the characters more and the atmosphere is better. This series would do well to ditch all the lovey dovey sjw shit, dad jokes, baby speak, and just keep the edgy aspects of the game. It could be like Made in Abyss.
>Keeping yourself sane
Chesed > Netzach > Yesod > Malkuth > Tiphereth > Hokma > Hod > Gebura > a literal abnormality > Binah
>Beat the shit out of faggots
Gebura > Malkuth > Netzach > Binah > Tiphereth > Hokma > Yesod > Chesed > Hod
>Actually doing work
Yesod > Tiphereth > Malkuth > Hokma > Chesed > Binah > Hod > Gebura > a literal abnormality > Netzach
>Best overall
Chesed cares about you and cares doing work, he just wants you to do it quickly and in a safe manner even if his guilt prevents his niceness from being "genuine" (as he's fooling himself more than he's fooling you). Yesod is a close second if you can deal with his strictness, and Malkuth a third if you can deal with her being a scatterbrained retard. Hokma is in a gray area because it's hard to tell how he treats employees that aren't on standby since most of his story revolves around his relationship with (You).
How is Hod low on keeping yourself sane?
She feeds emotionally on dead employees!
I suppose it depends on your tolerance for WE ARE WE ARE WALMART and "medical" enkephalin
>we are we are walmart
Did anyone vocaroo this yet?
Too many FUCKING meetings
Imagine you just finish an excruciating day of work, your mind is numbed and tired from both the work on horrific abnormalities, so disturbing that the acttual important people are pseudo machines or given a filter so they never see reality and the mind numbing drugs your food was spiked with so youre not suicidal after your coworker flies past you in a thousand pieces after an attempted abno suppression.
Then, just as youre about to collapse onto your bed for a decent sleep, Hod blares out on the speaker system that there will be a 3 hour meeting on how to keep your chin up.
For Yea Forums the musical we should do WE ARE WE ARE LOBCORP with Hod as the main singer
As promised, here's this request though I'm not sure if this is exactly what was wanted. Whatevs.
Soulful and based. What's next?
>Crit, 0 and Bleed
I was actually disappointed it wasn't edgier, I felt cheated by the character creation screen.
*Ahem* that will be all your energy sir
Ah, manager, you forgot my tip, you... DID enjoy the performance didnt you? :)
I dunno, I just got home and drew that a moment before I found this thread. Could do some more drawrequests, then I'll go back to my BongBong model, hopefully fix the hair, add the textures, then he should be done.
>best girls is a dude
Why are japs like this?
2.4gigas? what did you even save that reaches such weight?
Hod in the femur breaker
What kind of voices do you think each of the Sephirah have?
No idea why but I imagine Binah to have a sort of nerdy and slightly nasally voice. Like the nerdy weirdo in your geometry class.
Gebura would talk like a drill Sargent
In term of competence only upper sephirahs can be blamed everyone else doing their job as best as they can.
Overall, Chesed is based all around, Gebura is up there too, if you are riding the hate train with her (probably second most dangerous department tho).
Binah, while being supporting pillar of LobCorp, is absolutely the worst boss.
I wonder if "Punished" Hod treats her employees better since "Training" part of the "Training team" clearly starting to work.
I mean, I feel like its pretty easy to imagine the voices of each character per person anyway, but my imagination leads me to:
>Artificially cheery voice, stern and cold when her facade breaks
>Malkuth: Cheery, despite the content of her words being quire dark
>Netzach: Depressed, quite monotone voice, with hints of desperation when interacting with Angela or Yesod
>Hod: Obsessively happy and high pitched, quiet and sheepish when doing something morally wrong
>Yesod: Cold, plain, Gets his point across with as little emotion as he can put forward.
>Tipereth: classic spoilt girl whining + Friendly and excited boy, parallel of total disinterest and interest in the manager.
>Chesed: No talkie until ive had my coffee. Just a slight bit more emotive than Yesod, though its clearly strained and more painful than Yesod's tone.
>Gebura: "I want to speak to your manager" tone except her threats have genuine weight behind them
>Hokma: Cold, stern, looks down on you and says so
>Binah: Classic scary onee san
What it up with how I have to keep tabbing out of the game to have a look at the resources the game is using. Seems like there's some memory leak that will freeze and crash my game in the loading screen, if I don't end the day before it hits 6gb of RAM usage.
Is there a fix for this?
I think Hod realises after her suppression that she cant afford to care about what the employees actually think of her or her training methods, and that she needs to just continue them anyway. Which is a theme of all the upper sephirahs, that they must continue their work despite their misgivings.
Ofcourse Hod's training will be better once she stops letting her employees off easy with drugs because their fee fees are hurt.
Nope. Better git gud and start going fast.
Does anyone get crazy memory leaks/lag when they use We can change anything and You must be happy at the same time?
Game runs at a very smooth fps otherwise, but as soon as I do that combo my memory usage triples for around 10 minutes.
Abnormality breached get to work
eyes are for pussies
B-but I want to farm every gift!
Maybe memory leek is implemented by devs to limit grinding.
You'll have to start going fast eventually, Manager.
>waste the system resources of players instead of simply setting a daily limit of gifts outright.
>memory leek
the fuck did H corp make anyway
what was the last thread?
Gebura would be literally perfect with whoever does Tsuchiya's voice in mob psycho
Someone bitching about the Crazed Researcher's Notes killing your employees without a cool death animation
I'm still mad
Gebura black lagoon Revy
Binah Made in Abyss Ozen
Only two I can think of right now.
Turning off the music fixes this apparently.
Nope, that's unofficial ability of Midnight+ days and Super bird. You are also leaking memory between days, think about it as a meta punishment for abusing TT2 and memory synchronisation.
I've increased Virtual RAM in addition to 16gb of DDR4, but I suppose it wouldn't change a thing.
I'll try it out, thanks!
Less is more, you can literally dodge the attacks, believe it or not the game has hitboxes, as soon she raises her arm send the agent to move to another room and then back to attack Gebura
Nice, fuck those demons.
Is this a new drawing?
Fujo user here, I'm considering it but I gotta wait for a good chunk of time where my roommate isn't around so I can see how well I can force my voice into an appropriate pitch
...And the audio quality will be roughly the same as the og because I didn't bring my headset
Health Corporation makes augments and prosthetics.
I know I can dodge but literally kiting every single attack is going to take ages.
Also I don't know if this counts as cheese but long ranged weapons make her attack the air instead of your nuggets but she can still hit you with the spear.
I'm going to try the marksman approach.
Let me write the lobotomized lyrics for it
Another thing you can try, try pinch attacks from both sides, her AI will go attack one side for a while and then move to the next side, giving you free hits in
We're gonna need unenthusiastic background singers too
>tfw hod cut off my enkaphalin for not participating in the daily motivational chant
god I hope my transfer request to Security team goes through soon
Godspeed, user
I figure we can just combine them into one audio file, if there's no stoned deadpan Netzach that's super prominent like the cameraman there's no point
yes user, work doodles to pass the hours
My old solution to sending a vocaroo was to find someplace empty and away, granted it was 10 minutes of walking but it worked
>if there's no stoned deadpan Netzach
Let me smoke 3 cones and I'll do that part
More like
Dead Nugger rofl
This post was made by the YumYum gang
It doesn't seem to be working
Exit game
download more RAM
bongbongs are for marrying on mass, not bully allowed
bomgbongs are for ordering into a hallway then calling the rabbits on
Not a bad idea, actually. It obviously varies by location a lot, but what kind of place did you use? I've gotta take a long walk to the opposite end of campus soon anyway so I'll try and scout but it feels like everywhere is populated
>Forfeit your E.G.O. gifts
Fuck my perfectionistism, but I'm glad I got this out of the way. Again.
stop obsessing over gifts you clerk
Holy shit I was not expecting that ridiculous homing attack. Didn't help that the bitch was in central and impossible to run from... I dunno what to do, if I should retry or let my good bois die. Actually fuck it, I'm on day 37, I'll just memrepo. Can get rid of the slimegirl whilst I'm at it
Ironically campus too, there was a bridge that was scarcely used that connected over a river between sectors of the university, anything short of the train or buses commuting overtook the noise
I'm getting visions in my head of deranged fujo user screaming about lobotomy literally breaking the minds of any passing by students
Godspeed, this is the kind of thing we need, but don't deserve...
Finally suppressed all Briah cores woohoo
Which sephirah Is the token Brit? It seems any of them would fit to be honest with the different accents, wouldn't even mind a full Brit "cast"
Probably Binah, she loves her tea.
It'd obviously be BongBong
Binah for aforementioned reasons, but I’ve always read Hokma’s voice like that
Does Britain even exist any more in the outside world? Things are kind of fucked.
Literally Chesed unless Chesed has a thick southern gentleman accent
All of our bridges are pretty well used, but I saw a collection of trees that looked too stick-straight and devoid of vegetation to be called a proper forest, so I might dip in there on my way back and pray that user posts lyrics and the tubaists have fucked off. If they haven’t, I’ll look forward to depleting their SP and never seeing them again
that's what i got from the software i used to extract the data. i think it was "unity asset bundle extractor". also, i was too lazy to convert any of these to other formats.
there's a lot of audio in this game, apparently. some might be unused. that, and there are multiple variants of some of the tracks, i was too lazy to delete these.
>Hodfag is a Fujo
I knew it, there's not a single male alive who would stand that piece of trash sephirah
I want to bully Hod so bad
TT2 needs energy so its unlikely
I’m not a Hodfag, she’s my outright least favorite. I just saved all his images and am posting them because I’m trying for a Hod voice on the chant
What was ProjectMoon thinking?
>Not even stinky fujos like Hod
Is there ANYONE who unironically likes Hod? She's the WORST
It encourages managers to not press the button very well
But that’s Angela
>He actually thinks Angela is bad
Look at this dude.
Unimportant trash that's what they are
Is there a way to see Yea Forums corp since day 1?
Short of archive diving, no
Porccubus weapon says "Additional W damage for a certain amount of time." Does that mean it amplifies white damage done on the enemy, or does it do extra white damage over time to the enemy that it hits?
Damn. You nigger should have recorded it.
Extra, Schadenfreude's weapons does the same but with Black damage
fungal bukkake
Daily reminder to have a good, balanced diet and to drink plenty of water
that looks painful
Goddammit, this frikkin' model won't work. I figured out how to apply textures but they stop working when I leave this screen, while the hair is blue but it doesn't show up on this screen, and nothing I've looked up is helpful, so it's being a motherfucking fuck me. Aughhhhhh.
I could make more weapons but I really want this sucker done with.
It's really disappointing that the other trio in this game doesn't get anything special for being together
Maybe for Lob Corp 2, but yea i'd love a lot more of interactions
That's because there's still a fourth magical girl out there, user.
It’s actually starting to take shape, good work user. I wish I could help but my knowledge of blender is limited to converting of mmd models to work in vrchat
>LoR version 1.0 releases
>As a bonus the Bishop of Remorse(?) is added to Lob with a boss fight
Also, is King of Greed a drag queen?
I think there was a plan to do something similar to the birds with them, but got put to the side so they could add more individual abno's.
They mentioned in the interview that they wanted to do something with them and the Oz abnos but didn't have the resources.
I hope the devs get more money so they can fulfill their full vision of LoR
Mods are asleep
Post cunny
Stay mad bro
Shut up Binahfag you're part of the problem
get back in the basement bucket hag
Damn this thread derailed fast.
Thank you Jannies for protecting our tranny general from the /pol/nazi
Got the winner right here
thought this was a random Yea Forumsermin thread before I clicked on it
You're mistaken, this is a progressive transsexual general thread
I can’t believe the abnormality went back to its containment unit by itself!
And for free!
What a deal
What are your speculations on any events in LoR that will play out?
>Angela getting pushed by Roland at the top of the Library into eternal freefall as her death
>Hokma rallying the original LC gigachads as his fixers and fighting Angela's fixers
>NT's first appearance is your team of fixers versus a singular fixer that's actually NT and transforms as soon as he becomes aggressive
>Roland pulling off a Seed of Light 2.0 using the One Book
>Apocalypse Bird appearance, where you fight it within the Black Forest after the floor gets portal'd.
>One of the assistance providing Abnos coming in out of nowhere during your time of need.
>A fixer on the same powerlevel as the Red Mist fights against you, with Geburah coming in to stand her ground
>An Arbiter sent by the Head to fuck over Angela comes in and Binah fights against it
Its more dissapointing we never even got to see the Clubs girl
god damn it, the lobcorp setting is so fucking cool
I can't wait for Ruina
Then you better start learning Korean because shit aint getting translated lol.
I still say that Hokma will try to use the TT2 protocol in a way to stop Angela, hell, if they want to make it really messed up, stick her in a permanent time loop.
They know they have a western audience and have acknowledged them several times
Hey does anyone have the link to the korean art contest?
Big thanks user, has anyone from here entered anything yet?
Ey two of those binahposts are mine lmao. No idea why you would use posts from a month ago though
Wish I could draw lol.
Archive is dead
My predictions are:
>The one book is not real, its a red herring
>Angela will try to fuse herself with Carmen to become a real girl and inherit her ability to make abnos
>Whatever happens she wont really be punished for what shes done
>Roland is related to Ayin in some way
>The blue fixers will become your allies
>The tree of light will not happen again, the happy ending will just be the Head being destroyed and the Wings falling apart with people learning how to live again without them. Leaving ambiguous wherever they will manage to rebuild the world or not.
>The library will stay and the Sephira will continue taking care of it for the sake of mankind
I'm working on something right now.
I'm still figuring out what to draw.
Ah, yeah that’ll do it. Binahpostings been on the decline recently. I know i’m too fucking busy to binahpost here too often recently, and plus it’s not too fun to derail threads
The tree of light will not happen again, the happy ending will just be the Head being destroyed and the Wings falling apart with people learning how to live again without them. Leaving ambiguous wherever they will manage to rebuild the world or not.
Please god no this world is too interesting to tear apart now
Binahposting on the decline is a good thing, it will make this place look less like a general, I'll still post my new image in every thread I can though, my blood vendetta is too strong
Looking cool! but what abnormality is she riding?
I keep seeing threads for this game. Does it ever go on sale?
God damn, Angela is a beast.
SCP-682, someone in this thread requested it.
Sometimes, but if you are willing to get it, please pirate it first, as much as we love the game, we all admit it's not for everyone, and the two hours Steam gives you to refund it are not enough to scratch this game's surface.
Yall are our ambassadors, and good luck with the drawings!
It was 10 dollars this summer. Also just pirate it
>The last one
La abuela vs El Abuelo (Not Hokmah)
El Abuelo is a bara roman gray type like Reinhardt from overwatch
I guess i'll go the high seas route for now. Any starting tips?
It's the immortal alligator from SCP.
No, they are just following the card theme. Theres no such thing as female knights either, they would be called dames.
Read the manual
Unlock managerial tips first
Pay attention to your armor's damage resist type
Do your missions ASAP, dusk unlocks on day 21.
-Read the in-game manual
-Don't be afraid from restarting from day 1, or doing something the game calls "Memory repository", you will get in situation where it's going to be nigh impossible to progress, and doing those resets let's you keep all the researched information and equipment.
-Priority of researchs should be Tips>Studies>Name>Escape info, if you gotta retry the day and remember all the tips, get the studies first.
-Fuck Angela daily
-Fortitude and Prudence are the most important stats the first few days.
-Don't look up anything on the wiki, the experience is better if blind.
Don't make waves.
You can restart as much as you want, all gear, research levels, missions completed, and boss battle rewards will be carried over. Also don't look at the wiki, the game is best experienced blind. It is a heavy trial-and-error based management sim and you can't edit your base.
Actually is escape info > name
How are your legs, Abuela?
>Don't make waves.
Wrong game
Okay, thanks. I'll keep this all in mind.
The funny thing is that all of the Sephirah are losers, she just picks on him because hes the only one who gives a fuck.
You're retarded. Just don't make the threads into a general and they won't be deleted. You're fearmongering like a moron.
>the magical girls
>fully fleshed out
Where did big birb go lmao
He may be stuck inside a doorway?
..does the bunny count for the codex? I have studied everything but im stuck at 97%
>Wrong game
Right game, actually. You'll see.
Silly borb, he is
holl cow user you delivered... hope we meet again as stars or if I get another good idea
Abuela comes straight out of E.Y.E
Talks like a character from EYE too.
I just realized I can just unassign my chadlet nuggets before a boss fight.
I'm the clerk aren't I?
Manager, your prudence...
Finally figured I ought to buy Lob Corp on Steam bros, was gonna wait for a sale but fuck it I'm in a generous mood and I got free food to past two weeks. Can I just copy and paste my save data over?
When you boot the steam version up your saves will be there automatically
Ahhh i cant find out what i lack for the 100%!!
Maybe you haven't 100%'ed some abbos.
Just check the codex against the wiki bro
I did, everything is observation level 4, i have even white night on lvl4.
If you haven't fully researched an abno it will not appear on the codex at all, compare with the wiki you dingus
check last level on tools
Did you ever get the button? I know that one isn't in the codex
All my tools are complete, even the extra thing.
Can you get the training dummy on the real deal and not in the tutorial? Its the first of the list but i dont have it on my codex.
Okay so this image has been bothering me for quite a while since they got KoG's eye color wrong (they are described as red in a flavor text) so I fixed it.
I love you
I have every single abnormality but the button, but i already know the button, the only thing that i lack in the game is white night's weapon, does that count as the last 3%?
It's only in the tutorial.
Just cheese WN for the OP wep lol
Do you have Bald is awesome? and no, all you need is the whole research on him
Ok found the one, thanks everybody.
My roommate is nowhere to be seen and the same goes for that user's lyrics, any objections to these before I risk getting in trouble with the RA:
Okay let's give me a rhythm!
Follow me
We are, we are L Corp
We are, we are L Corp
One more time
We are, we are L Corp
Last time
We are, we are L Corp
Okay me now
Bongbong, Yumyum
Welcome to Lobo-corp
You’re gonna be gigachads someday
You got blood on your face
You love this place
Insight workin' all over the place
We are, we are L Corp
We are, we are L Corp
2 more times
We are, we are L Corp
We are, we are L Corp
i cannot shake the feeling that there's someone in the room even though i've looked in her bed and seen nobody
bottom part isn't part of it wew
This is my new agent, say something nice about her!
Abnormalities from 3rd parties when?
What a good agent accepting the EGO of Abnos!
Cute autist
bretty good
thats just someone after a Nothing There breach who hasnt quite gotten over it
after SMTV comes out
so never
>that clerk who threw an opened can of wellcheers into the singing machine
why are we still here hee? just to suffer ho
Nah this is bullshit, i did the think i was lacking and only got to 98%
Shes super sweet and friendly!
Yeah, but she keeps insisting I have voicemails...
Yey I (sorta) finished it, just gonna attach the hair to the head and I could probably give it to you guys for whatever purposes.
give it a skeleton and upload it to Gmod
Nice work user!!
no don't do this it creates mustard gas.
better yet, make it a playermodel
RIP user who thought modeling was the hard part
I want to eat bongbong
I liked it.
Good Bongbong, good bongbongs go and pray to their Arbiter regularly
>used prophecy of the skin a few times on an employee
>had them work on wall gazer
don't ask me for anything ever again.* i might have gone too far fucking with the echo/amplification to make it sound like the training recovery room
*unless it's adding your unenthused trainee addition
The first time I did suppression work on wall gazer i shat myself.
Does something visually happen? I wasn't looking.
I liked it but I feel like it doesn't fit Hod's voice.
Still, perfectly usable for shitting on Hodfags.
I feel thoroughly demotivated, thank you user
user, you just posted cringe
She just kinda grabs the edge of the containment chamber.
A small visual effect like every time you trigger an Abno's special ability.
You do a better Hod voice then, you clerk
No, she actually likes repression (well, it's common). It's attachment work that has a special animation (stretches her neck out to look behind her). His employees probably just panicked or got a bad enough result to lower her counter, which is the same regardless of work.
that ass can't be suppressed user
I would if I could bitch
God Hod is so STUPID i LOVE it. I just want to invite her out on a dinner date, and after we’ve had a great meal and the dates going fantastically, I’ll invite her over to my place. At first she’ll be flustered but I know she’ll agree to come. And so we’ll arrive back at my place and i’ll pop open some wine and we’ll drink until she’s nice and bubbly. Then i’ll bring her to be bedroom and grab her by the hair and slam twenty left hooks RIGHT into her STUPID CUTE face. She’ll be in so much pain and be so confused that she won’t react and instead give me an adorably confused bloodied face. Then i’ll give her a swift right hook to knock her out and throw her on the ground. Then when she wake up in the morning not remembering what happened, i’ll explain to her how she accidentally fell down the concrete stairs outside my place after drinking too much wine and i’ll get off scott free
This was for
pretty based user
Even better, she knows you did it but she can't prove it so she goes along with your version of the story to not cause trouble for other sephirah.
user please, I can only get so erect
freudian slip
To be fair I would do suppression work with a hint of attachment work with Wall Gazer's big plump juicy ass.
So out of all the ways that "kill" an employee but don't have them dead on the floor (such as Cherry Tree, Blue Star, and Wellcheers) which is the most painful?
Thank you fujo user. That was terribly good
Blue Star is eternal punishment.
Cherry tree doesn’t seem pleasant at all, while Blue Star looks euphoric. Only “pain” from well cheers is having to work as a fisherman, depends on how much you hat manual labour.
What were you missing
Congrats, welcome the the 100% club. Now to wait for Ruina and to shitpost until then
I had all rudolta's gear, tips and escape info, but for some reason i didnt unlock its work details and had like 600boxes on it.
Yes, im retarded, i think i was saving him for the "unlock HE or higher info" mission.
It already has a skeleton, in fact I just finished attaching the hair. I... really don't know how to export anything from this yet, so... yeah.
Not yet, still have to deal with the 49th day, which will be brutal for me since i get awful FPS drops.
The star enthralls you first, so while your soul is trapped for eternity you still feel an intense euphoria that causes you to jump into it in the first place. The pain afterward may be spiritual and unending, but it's unknown like any other afterlife.
Wellcheers doesn't kill them, they simply get pumped full of sleeping pills and wake up on a fishing boat. They might have a headache from hitting their head on the floor but they're fine overall after they adjust to life on the fishing boat.
Cherry Blossom is my bet, it's also vague what happens after they get yoinked but it's likely that they'll die a long, excruciating death as the tree extracts their nutrients. This one's my bet since Blue Star is more existential suffering.
Maybe having Fujos around is not so bad after all
May I ask what do you plan to do whit this?
I think my prudence chad has gone further beyond. What do I do?!
Everybody just forgetting eternally drowning in an endless sea of blood whilst wallowing in overwhelming suicidal depression
>May I ask what do you plan to do whit this?
Animate porn, what else?
>It's a full da capo white hair and red eyes nugger
Thanks everyone, may your dreams be peaceful and full of off-key, poorly puzzle-pieced together group bonding and may I never have to post a Hod image ever again
After 20+ all-at-once takes and mumbling it under my breath all the way back to my dorm I realized my voice wasn't cut out for it, but I decided to go through with it anyway because if not me, then who?
didn't draw anything today but going to sleep anyway
Those lines in her sides make it look like shes dying of starvation instead.
This is one hell of a sin
>Manager, what do you want me in here for?
Just get in the fucking breaker, Hod.
Good on you for having that courage. I imagine it must have been difficult for you to make such a purposely cringy audio
Did Carmen Bloodbath herself after the Arbiter attack, or before it?
ok this is epic
It really isn't. Like at all.
>doing hokma's supression
>amber midnight
>"oh shit, i'm going to do it in the first try"
>chad panics as everyone is slowly but surely dealing with it
>think I can just go to 10 meltdown and it'll be fine
>suddenly my abnos are starting to randomly breach
>try to contain but everytime I deal with one the others breach
>they keep doing it for some reason
>have to resort to the clock by conveniently sacrificing someone who I named "Hero"
>alright, all smooth jazz from here
>abnos are still breaching
>"oh fuck oh shit, is this hokma's passive?"
>realize that one panicked chad from the midnight is fucking everything up as I see him running to a door
>can't click the motherfucker because the game is at 3x
>have to retry even though i'm at meltdown level 10 with max energy because of clock
God fucking dammit I swear if I get fucking god delusion for midnight this time and all because of this one motherfucker who couldn't hold it together. I had to deal with a godamn red noon unpaused.
Before, I believe, given that A/B were the only survivors?
yeah, obviously the best one is Binah and Angela
Could be worse, could have to deal with Red Dusk and Violet Midnight in the same Hokma supp.
Still though that sucks, tell that chad to keep it together next time or the execution bullet goes between his eyes
I did have to deal with Red Dusk too on that supp, if I get violet midnight I might as well give up and retry.
Oh yeah, has to be so. Giovanni died after Carmen and that was still in the old facility, which was completely fucked in the attack.
So basically, Daniel, Hod, Geburah, Hokma and A were left. Girly Tiphereth as well, I suppose.
Good grief
Now I can peacefully jack off to Carmen
Later lads
The God Delusion sure lives up to its name, doesn't it?
No, manager, this is a misunderstanding!
How does Schadenfreude's gift work?
>look at it accidentally
>your hand melts into red goo
The devs missed a great opportunity where the gift covers the face like Shy Look Today's gift or Mountain's gift, with one of the agent's eye being visible. The effect would be the nugget having increased attack and defense as long as you keep looking at him
Alright, I can't fucking get Hokma's supression out of the mind, I wanted to pause to not burn out but fuck it, i'm going in again.
The suit has that effect, it gives better defense and +10 Justice as long as you're looking closely at the employee.
OR here, thank you very much user.
I can’t believe the /vg/fag took his time to find this thread lmao
Talk about rentfree and doing it for free
I did it! QoH helped a lot this time around even if I had a mild panic moment cause she escaped around meltdown level 4, but was a good help on the midnight.
God bros, all I want to do in life is to fall asleep wrapped in Binah’s warm, freshly used coat. I don’t care about the consequences, i just want it
good job manager!
Also, I only had two casualties.
The third one I was going to exec bullet a clerk but my agent jumped in front of the bullet to save the clerk.
Guess I'll hire the Clerk, Zeta14 is an agent now.
>agents trying to save clerks
He deserved that execution bullet
How scary is violet midnight.
Good job team, another successful suppression
Worst midnight to have to deal with. Good luck.
It's incredibly easy if you know what you're doing. I've done it so many times it's practically muscle memory for me. If you want a guide on how to approach it then I can provide you one. But if you really want to you can just reset the day
The worst of the three, but like anything in the game, deal with it enough and it'll be a cinch.
>you can just use rabbit team to find were fixers spawned
>you can ignore Binah meltdowns because she is not invulnerable
Why I even bother with normal strategies
>because she is not invulnerable
While true, she may as well be invulnerable with how her defenses are.
>phase 1 has 0.2 in all defenses
>phase 2 has 0.1 in all defenses
>phase 3 is immune to all damage until blue meltdowns are done
So long as you keep an eye on autistic possession abnos though, all that really stands between you and a dead Binah is your ability to micro your agents, as well as keeping WN and Yin happy during the whole ordeal if you have them.
I won't try deathless but now that I know I don't need chadlets to take care of meltdowns, that to wait until blue meltdowns drop and range weapon sucks against her attacks all is show my affection by sending all but two Chads to greet her
I'm high as fuck, Manager.
Dare I say, birthing hips
best sephirah
How much Gebura anger stems from everyone having and sharing pictures of her hips
Patrician taste
She's a tsundere not a psycho. Most of her anger is against those that hurt her, but getting attention probably feels pretty nice.
>tfw Binah will never let you borrow her coat for comfy sleeping
This is true suffering.
>tfw Binah lets you sleep on her and coat
later losers
Stop projecting your lust for coats onto Binah, you dumb waifufags.
Tell that to Chesed
>Most of her anger is against those that hurt her,
And everyone else as well. That's the core of her Qlipoth, rage burning everything. That's what her suppression deals with.
Please keep scrolling Manager, I'm trying to get this office worker to Disciplinary for a promotion
Every time I hear the opening to that track I think of this youtube.com
Do you think Michael is an abnormality, on that note? youtube.com
uhh, guys my game broke
so what kind of player does each A represent?
But that only happened during the meltdown.
Else she is the proud warrior type who has the problem of ordering pencil pushers.
>netzach suppression
>phew its over
>hod suppression
>ok, it doesnt seem too hard
fuck the devs who thought this was a good idea
A boring long fight with lots of pauses.
Me too but that's a gay song.
Yes, I'd like to know why it has come to that.
Don't know but my day 49 abruptly ended even though I still had two nuggets alive, Adam has no face and I cant progress through dialog had to alt+f4, when I loaded day again all observation I got during that day saved and stats gained by dead nuggets
They both are Jazz.
Also yeah
>Heals SP to the whole facility
>Very high prudence work
>Bonus XP points for Prudence work
>Kills Agent doing work if insight work is done and prudence level is 4 or less
>1% GIFT chance that gives your -0.1 to all resistances but +1 to pale
can fujos explain how shipping works if every sephirah hates each other's guts and how shootyman and butterflyman are supposed to meet if shooty can't walk outside his containment
What I want to know is how do they think a bunch of boxes have sex.
Chesed should have gotten this music for his supression.
Hell I'm pretty sure it played during Hokma's story parts before basement granny showed up.
I'm not a fujo but i know one so
> hates each other's guts
Hate is love. They want to fuck with the same passion that they hate each other. They're just confused about it
>can't walk outside his containment
Glory holes or long distance relationship. That much depends on personal taste so i dunno the answer unless i ask her
My guy, let me ask you something if you want a truthful and mindblowing answer.
Do you know what Yaoi means or do you think it just means BL stories? Do me a favor and google what is Yaoi and then post your findings.
>Most LobCorp porn is about big tittied Gebura or Angela getting railed despite being boxes
>Being boxes is just a problem when it's not about porn I like.
Literally matrix is a good movie
since when do you need logic for shipping and porn
we're fapping to literal 2d pictures on the screen
how being a box a step worse than that
Shipping is shit and shipfags should die.
That is all.
When you don't want headcanon, batshit crazy ships that make no sense.
Porn is not canon man, if the artist wants Tiphereth B to have a huge cock and fuck Angela he can do so.
It doesn't matter if they are boxes or not, lmao.
>When you don't want headcanon, batshit crazy ships that make no sense.
>I can't fap to it unless it's canon
What kind of autism is this bullshit? It's hot nigger, that's all there is to it.
>game lags for 0.05 second due to all escaped abnos
>every nugget but one is dead or insane
Thanks fucking game
There is porn of the boxes a well.
>Porn is not canon
What if it's drawn by the main game artist ?
Even fujofags have better taste than yurifags.
Well then THAT specific piece of porn is canon but that still is no ground for not making other kind of porn or to have different pairings.
It's porn idiot, it's meant to be hot and people find different things hot.
It's like Laetitia porn, she's a clockwork doll witch creepy thing and look how cute Artist draw her.
It's not canon and I don't see niggers complaining about it.
>It's hot nigger, that's all there is to it.
Imagining other people getting together and having sex, with no involvement on your part, is what gets you off?
Porn is cannon if it's acknowledged by the game. Main artist can draw porn he likes and not consider it canon
but i want to fuck this
not the porn artist version but this
i have a doll boner
>so completely lost on the reasons as to why we started the Seed of Light project and as such has remained within the Facility for practically decades if not centuries. He represents an A that basically never began the painful path to reach the Seed of Light, rotting in a never-changing state of being and remaining stubborn in his thoughts.
>began the path but never truly knew where to go on from thereon, regretting that he will never be able to fulfill Carmen's request for him, and how much they've lost along the way. He represents an A that lost all hope and acknowledges how far gone he's become ever since entering the Wing to pull off the Seed of Light project, trying to atone for the sacrifices others made for him.
>Just as Adam was one of the first humans to be gifted with knowledge within the Bible, this version of A has neared the end of the Seed of Light, having access to incredible amounts of knowledge on the Cogito. But along the way, the true ends of Carmen's vision and the purpose of the Seed of Light (and subsequently of the Corporation), was lost.
>Imagining other people getting together and having sex, with no involvement on your part, is what gets you off?
Isn't that what porn is? Or do you actually feel involved when you watch porn?
user it probably doesn't even have a hole.
That mouth could be hard as marble and shallow.
Stop it, my dick can only get so erect.
I like dolls too. Rozen maiden has some very good doujinshi
What, do you HAVE to self-insert when you jerk off? You can't enjoy two people enjoying each others' bodies without imagining yourself as one of them?
Most men tend to imagine themselves as the guy (or if they are into it, as the woman) in porn. Please dont tell me you actually get off to seeing another mans dick fucking a woman and thinking "woah man what a good fuck". You get off to the womans reactions and imagine as if you were making her feel that way.
I don't watch porn. I've got an active imagination and watching two people fuck has never done anything to me. Add more people and it's just worse.
No. So people get off to watching other people fuck? Probably empathy, isn't it?
>Oh man look at how good that dude is fucking her
I don't think so
I have almost no empathy at all, especially for people I don't know, and I don't self insert when I jerk off
I'm also asexual though so that might be the bigger issue
>he jerks off to porn with dudes in it
That's pretty gay bro
Maybe Jannies should nuke this thread
My doll fetish brought me to the far end of the abyss
Even as far as playing yuri non ero novels depicting dolls
This is a healthy video game discussion amongst consenting adults.probably some underageb& as well, to be honest
That's some next level insecure.
Yeah they really should. Perhaps its time to stop stealth threads when fujos invade it with their retarded art and other anons cant just ignore it.
Well, that's a problem /clg/ has. Women and men think very differently when it comes to anime and their passion for these things will always make them clash.
A battle of tastes on the internet...
>I have almost no empathy at all
Do you feel anything when watching shoveldog.gif? I've found it seems to be a good measure of empathy. Especially since people are often more open to animals, pets, dogs, than random people.
>Its insecure to try and focus on the woman and imagine as if you were pleasuring her with your own dick
Again, are you sure you arent gay user?
it all started with the question about fucking boxes.
He's edgy if he says no desu
I have empathy for animals but not really for people
I'd say it's weird but I don't know how other people experience existence so I don't have anything to compare it to
If I saw someone get fired messily in a restaurant and then get beat up on the street for no reason I don't think I'd be able to feel bad for them
I only feel a connection with people I've spent a significant amount of time with
>men are insecure because they liked to imagine themselves having sex
Are you in anyway autistic brainlet?
Not really. There's nothing actually edgy about a lack of affective empathy, or empathy itself. Some people are just born retarded and can't into proper cognitive functions, often exacerbated by neglect or abuse as children.
Of course a lot of teens and adolescents pretend to be broken, since it's edgy, but there's plenty of actual broken people on Yea Forums.
That's pretty much normal. Just variation between individuals.
>Can only coom if he self inserts.
Do you need empathy if youwant to fuck a perfect AI ?
A perfect AI wouldn't fuck up everything because of its selfishness.
Sounds pretty human to me, as i said a perfect AI
>there's plenty of actual broken people on Yea Forums
Case in point
Do they count if they influenced most nipponese villain trios and got directly ripped off for God Hand
I need help, during 49 day little prince fucking murdered all my employees, should I work on him or he only does it if you're in his department?
Difference between the turing test and a perfect AI.
A "perfect" AI, has three outcomes depending on what you perceive as a perfect AI:
Type 1: Pass Turing test, has "emotions" and acts just like a human
Type 2: The AI will always make a perfect decision in record tine, but will not attempt to think outside of its parameters. It will take into effect Human emotions, morality and values, but not be personally swayed by them. Type 2 is in the antithesis to Type 3
Type 3: The AI is both incredibly smart and flexible, however, its views and morality change rapidly based on stimuli and it contagiously thinks and acts for itself (Skynet).
Now someones dodging around the issue. How is it a problem if someone has to feel as if they are there to to be able to climax?
Again, thats far more normal than viewing the whole sex scene including the man and getting turned on by him just as much as the woman. Most men tend to focus on the woman and imagine themselves giving pleasure to her, thats the basis of porn.
>Nope, that's unofficial ability of Midnight+ days and Super bird
Really? Do the claw does that too, since I always crash if I drag the day 49 fight for too long
Do you self insert as a blackman when you watch interracial?
This thread needs to be [PRUNED], it's not even discussion of LobCo characters having sex but fetishes and shit outside of game scope
After the 60 minute mark the day has a 50% chance of not getting past TT2 protocol but it seems to work if you leave it be with no interaction whatsoever.
Just go do something else for like 5 minutes and maybe it will fix itself.
Threads derail all the time, user. It's only an issue if it happens in every thread, which is a clear sign that threads shouldn't be made for a while.
Well for one, I dont watch interracial, but I imagine if I did I would just, again, imagine I was the one fucking the woman. I dont imagine myself as the specific guy doing the fucking, the less I see of him the better, its not really self inserting.
I haven't even noticed that Binah wears heels in her Arbiter form
For me, it's the Big Bird.
And Punishing Bird. And Judgement Bird.
how are they a trio other than them all being birds?
>he doesn't know
Collect them all and find out user
Birbs are important
>Every sephirah hates each other’s guts
That’s the best part, and the backbone of an incomprehensible amount of BL both original and fanworks alike. The general consensus is just tsun for each other or that fights escalating into ravenous hatefucking is just hot. Even het shippers understand that much with Gebura and Chesed. You just fill in the gaps with headcanon and a little rulebending and it’s the same principle as off-model drawings: you don’t have to like it and are free to criticize the giant breasts, but plenty of people do.
That being said, there’s a limit. I don’t understand pairings like Chesed x Yesod where they never interact once but they’re thrown together based on looks (I may have abysmal taste and rock bottom standards, but they’re there)
Canon is for suckers and it’s easier to write it off or come up with an explanation for why this is an AU where everyone has a proper body like Angela than include it. Even if you do make it to suppressions, you’re used to and prefer seeing these characters as humans, you’re attached to them in these forms whether you’re shipping them or not. Or you could go the alternate route and ship them when they actually were humans, but you know as well as I do nobody actually does that. And again, it’s not exclusive to BL
>Freshprince and Funeral
Canon is still for suckers, but there’s also some assumptions that can be made that are less canon-breaking than ignoring box forms. Freischutz might not leave containment in gameplay, but there’s nothing suggesting that he physically can’t, especially when he can open portals. It’s not a far stretch to say he just doesn’t want to escape because he can fire off bullets anywhere anyway. And if all else fails he can always open up portal glory holes
birbs are CUTE
There's absolutely nothing CUTE about them or hell LobCorp in general.
Plenty of cute in the facility.
they're C U T E
>drawing Hod lewds
>get to coloring/rendering
Kill me pete
>not Malcute
that's Malcutebutt for you Manager
>And if all else fails he can always open up portal glory holes
fuck you, now im imagining him drinking tea and then shooting a bullet under the table while a nugget tries to work with him
Who are these guys
Hokma, A and Carmen(Angela)
But we never even see her but...
>if work on "they look at me for real" is bad heavy posibility of getting "pursued"
>employees with "pursued" are delt W damange over time when in a room with another employee
best trio in the game
Are they from the Lobotomy game
Yes, Angela is literally first character you meet
hey lewds are good even without coloring
Who is the cute one with glasses
I leave for work and shit took a strange turn, wtf happened.
Fujofags talking about shipping and porn unfortunately.
I think there was only one fujo response, everything else was shitflinging between dudes about the validity of consuming porn in general (not even Lobotomy Corp porn, all porn)
I was hoping he would look as young in the picture, oh well i guess
It's been 10000 years, he's looking good for his age.
RIP Wrex, they didnt allow you to be a quartet
I did, but then user never posted second pic of that doujin
sorry but i don't know that much about the lore
Lore is you're trying to get to 37th day and meet Binah, everything else is secondary
Binah? more like cook me my dinah you dumb moody bitch
at least post the full-size pic
I thought Alephs don't show up until central.
They appear from day 14 and up. I have theory that central has 100% chance to give you at least one ALEPH because each time I've tried to play it gave one even with re-extraction
I won’t explain everything, but you don’t even see Hokma (old man, sorta-robot) physically until way late game, and Benjamin (bishounen, now he looked before getting turned into a sorta-robot) until even later. The latter’s not well known or posted/drawn a lot despite being one of if not the best boy both design and character wise because he doesn’t show up in person for a REALLY long time, and he’s a walking spoiler. Same with Carmen but to a lesser extent.
Neither Carmen nor A are massive spoilers because without late-late game context you won't understand any of it
Even so I'm still a bit wary when it comes to posting her
No argument there. Vanilla A is obviously central to suppression cutscenes and has the generic protagonist that makes most new people assume he’s the protagonist so I don’t consider him “walking spoiler” territory at all. Abel, Abraham, and Adam are a different story.
However, while Carmen requires context and has next to no design parallels with her Sephirah especially compared to Ben, her existence is a little later to be revealed so I’d put her between the two
Jesus Gabriel
no wonder you got restrained you’re a madman
Shut up clerk, just because you don’t have a perception filter doesn’t mean us managers are on your level
>be Gabriel
>die in a completely preventable way through sheer autism
Why did he do it bros?
I want A[spoilers]ngela[/spoilers] to [spoilers]french kiss[/spoilers] [spoilers]manager[/spoilers] while C[spoilers]lerk[/spoilers] whatches
The absolute fucking department of waifufags
Behold, the waifufag.
I'm fucking done with it
>if I bring chadlets to clear meltdowns they die to white fixer
>if I don't bring chadlets my skeleton crew can't clear them
>if I bring many guys to beat Binah game starts to lag and nuggets die from nothing
>if I bring several gigachads turns out my facility is filled with cancer abnos worse than any clerklover
>and cherry on top when I make sure to send everyone to clear dark meltdowns it doesn't appear to work as her resistances don't drop
I want Animal crackers with Chocolate milk
Have you day1'd and gotten the plague doctor's gear?
>Be Elijah (not the swan)
>Die in a completely preventable way due to excessive pride and retardation that should’ve prevented her from getting hired into a lab in the first place
Are Giovanni and Michelle the only Asiyah that couldn’t escape their fate?
>die in a completely preventable way through sheer autism
That's most of everyone in the original Lobcorp, especially Carmen.
But Giovanni and Michelle both chose their fate. The latter being a fucking traitor, obviously deserving worse.
oh look a pinata
I'd rather try again full house strategy ten times than start from day 1 and go through 48 days again
Have you not day1'd even once then? You get to keep all your gear and your upgrades, allowing you to build a far stronger facility and employees.
I did because before because I didn't know you need to open Extraction/Record team in specific order to beat them in the same run. I also didn't know that cancer I'm gathering will be such pain in the ass ONLY on the last day
Uhh, is that a shadow or a puddle? It looks like a droplet is falling
Giovanni had a presumably terminal illness and likely would have succumbed to it at some point regardless of whether or not he volunteered for the experiment.
Even A considered that Michelle had no choice; she probably would have been killed or driven to suicide if she didn't comply, and it would have been a meaningless death that only delayed the inevitable as chances are there were other people that could be bullied into being moles. She was the most convenient since she was a little girl with connections and certainly not 100% in the right, but I refuse to believe the people pulling her strings didn't have a Plan B or the ability to come up with one.
It all was preventable if Carmen didn't turn laboratory into daycare
>gather children
>give them choice to do dangerous experiments
>they die
>commit suicide because you can't deal with it
imagine Binah mindbreaking Hod over her being a traitor
Imagine mindbreaking Binah into basement cumbucked
Facility purge in progress...
fuck that bee hive, call me a clerk but im starting this shit over