You DIDN'T know who he was. Stop lying

If I told you to give me video evidence of you playing aganst Sans years ago you wouldn't be able to do it. You have NEVER played as him or heard him, ever. Stop pretending you did. You're not impressing anyone. You're just trying to cope because you paid for the mii costume and don't want to feel buyer's remorse because it's 1 iconic character and 4 literally whos. I repeat, YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF HIM BEFORE Smash.

Butthurt NPC responses to this post: get dunked on/any other Sans quote. seething/dilate (any other ad hominem), reaction images, memes and buzzwords.
Only legit responses: Concrete video footage of you playing against Sans years ago.

Attached: EDp9wBFUwAAeJtR.png (1920x1080, 1.19M)

Other urls found in this thread:

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It's funny, I knew who Terry was, but I still don't know who this character is, outside of seeing him get spammed in some OPs before. I can't really say I have any interest in finding out what he's from either. It's probably just zoomer/streamer shit, if the state of this board is anything to go by.

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I never played the game (by choice) but the Sans/megalovania music memes were fucking unavoidable

get dunked on

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>1 iconic character and 4 literally whos
Who do you consider the iconic character, OP?


>I dont know any game characters before [current year] so that means nobody else does either

>browsing Yea Forums
>not knowing who Sans is

Attached: 1553493860340.jpg (431x450, 68K)

>Recording every second of every game you ever play ever.
We're not as autistic as you, OP. Sorry

>browsing the internet
>not knowing who Sans is
I have normie friends who know who "Sans Undertale" is because of the memes. Sans is a normie meme.

How can one skeleton midget continuously haunt this board?

Attached: 06f.jpg (185x177, 8K)

i recognized the character (and his game of origin), but i wasn't familiar with his name

Thanks to the internet (mostly this place) i knew exactly who he was without ever having to touch the game

For those who don't understand directly, it's a copy-paste who I think beginned with Terry

Attached: EDqAgw-X4AAPcFm.jpg (2048x1487, 279K)

based desu

if are over 25 and know who Sans is you are not normal

Attached: geno.png (292x427, 50K)

>playing as Sans Undertale instead of the obvious superiour choice
fuck off

Attached: Papyrus.jpg (1280x720, 49K)


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Phase 4 Papyrus is better.

>Goku's homophobic illegitimate offspring

>If I told you to give me video evidence of you playing aganst Sans years ago you wouldn't be able to do it
Well, yeah, I'm not a raging faggot

Of course they didn't. Smashfaggots don't play video games. I doubt then even play Smash.
They're just in it for the board shitting.

its not like hes hauting, hes just blatantly dabbing on niggers like

Here is video proof of me beating sams deltarune

Goku is homophobic too if you didn't catch the news, meanwhile his real son is fucking Goku's wife

Unironically one of the most recognizable characters from this gen.

Attached: rainbow_hmm.gif (111x111, 10K)

then why haven't I heard of him? truly he's a literal who! checkmate atheists
4 years later and Yea Forums is still getting dunked on.

Attached: tumblr_pxfnts3FnS1xc301wo1_1280.png (1280x720, 411K)

Based Funimation Leak

Yea Forums is the only reason I know of him. Thankfully aside from this place I don't hang around any meme spouting retards on the internet.

A first party character as a dlc fighter would be unbelievably underwhelming. It's like finding out your birthday cake is just a fucking cupcake with a candle. Nobody wants to wait like 2 months for a fucking first party character.

I want to filter anyone who took this post seriously.

I've known every Smash fighter UNTIL this skull boy.

Attached: out_of_context.gif (245x200, 803K)

incineroar already exists

Didn't know who Richter was when he joined smash. I HAD heard of "you don't belong in this world".

How the hell do you even get his music to play in game?

Any stages with the "other" category of music will have it. Shit like Pictochat and the Mii stages.

Ahh okay.

He's a skeleton.
Haunting's like, part of the who they are.

There was a time when browsing this place, and not knowing who Terry was, would have outed you as a filthy casual. Kind of sad how those types of "people" are the majority on here now.

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