Why aren’t you gaming on a CRT, Yea Forums?

Why aren’t you gaming on a CRT, Yea Forums?

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because I prefer my technology not to be bulky and impractical

I just run the crt filter.

>Why aren’t you gaming on a CRT, Yea Forums?
But I do, among other things.

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because i'm not stuck in the past
now go back to

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Yeah possibly.

Because all my CRTs were generic brand ones with burn-in or low brightness so I trashed them.

I prefer a 55" 4K TV. I don't play older games on original hardware, so it's fine if you use a filter for them.

Because the screen flashes, the colors are washed out, the resolution is low and it makes an annoying sound.

No hdmi or vga.

I need a new one. They're comfy.

i dont have original hardware
emulation is good enough.

I saw a few old PvMs in my college and they were so crunchy that it almost gave me a boner.

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I am

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I have a crt, but it's a flatscreen and the geometry is fucked up on the left side. It's not always noticeable but it's really distracting when I see it. I also lost the remote years ago so I don't know if I can even fix it.

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The only CRT I have access to is a terribad widescreen Sanyo.

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because the image is terrible, it won't display reds correctly and bright spots makes the display bulge out horizontally. In fact if my CRT displayed a series of horizontal black and white lines, the side of the display would look wavy, with the white parts bulging out. Total POS display I use only to practice melee tech and nothing more

because a framemeister/ossc is cheaper than a good CRT monitor

CRT is comfy
i only have a consumer trinitron though

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>i prefer muh 4k
>i dont play games period
i see how it is

Because the one I have has it's colours all fucked and I wasn't smart enough to buy a new one before they became impossible to find at a store and the only people who sell them are vidya autists who know how much they're worth. I'm not paying hundreds of dollars for 20-30 year old tech

All CRT PC monitors are VGA unless you mean that you don't own a vga gpu.

Oh, I am. Take a look at my precious!

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I have a 4k tv, why would I play on some ancient 1960s tv? Lmao xD

Because they're shit

I kind of hate you zoomers making such a big deal about tube TVs

the smooth visual effect is nice but i prefer perfect-pixel, so i have no need for a crt

because they are not being manufactured anymore

Mine broke and it would cost like 80 bucks to fix it.

Is it possible to play old console games on a CRT PC monitor using an adapter?

>not playing on a PVM or BVM

>only a consumer
Those are what games were designed for.

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Not a console gamer but the dreamcast/xbox/360 all had vga outputs. There might be some 240 to 480p vga line doubler or some shit like that. Or you could just buy a vga to DP and emulate everything.

I'm moving to my own place soon and dug out my PS1 while packing, what's a good CRT that I can find fairly cheap?

Is there a good way to hook up CRTs to a modern computer? Should I look specifically for CRT monitors?
In a perfect world, I'd want a CRT to act as an extra monitor for my PC, but also be able to switch the input for consoles at will.

You can probably get a remote if it's a bigger name brand like Sony. The real question is if your model even has a system menu to let you adjust that setting.

Save yourself some trouble, don't use a TV. Any PC monitor will do the job, they all use VGA so get a DVI-I or a VGA-DP adapter.

I am.

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There are consumer CRTS with both VGA and HDMI you unbelievable retard, hell the WEGA in OPs pic has HDMI.

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I like how you can see HD TV input lag visualized in this pic.

I did before I got a nice OLED. With perfect blacks, low input delay and fantastic color accuracy theres really no advantages to CRTs anymore, especially when paired with autistically crafted CRT shaders and runahead on retroarch that can get response times better than real hardware

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Aren't CRTs ticking time bombs?
Is it even worth trying to get them today?
I don't want to buy something that's already 20+ years old if it's just going to die naturally in the next 10 years anyway.

But I am.
I suck at Final Fight

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They're uncomfortable.

holy shit i remember you and your degenerate lifestyle
how are you?

Don't OLEDs have issues that make them unsuitable for most consumers? I think it was the lifespan.

Calm your autismo, you should reply to not me

What are you guys playing?

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Replied to the wrong user.

you can still get consumer sets for free through craigslist if you're in the states, though quality on them vary greatly. I went through 2 TVs before finding a good FV310 for free from some nice church dude.

I became a tranny and my depression went away.

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They have burn in issues but only if you mistreat them. And even then if you buy a more recent 2018+ model theres been a lot of advances and tech added to mitigate that like pixel offsets and refreshers. I've had mine for two years now without even the slightest hint of image retention

no worry bro

Because I can’t find a decently priced pvm for the life of me and my only other option is a 12 inch durabrand mono sound crt that only takes composite

Is that a Gdm-Fw900? How much did that cost you?


1: anything smaller than 20in is unacceptable

2: most sets in my area are shitty composite only

3: RGB scart sets aren’t available in my country

4: would never use it because I have an OLED and RGB scart to HDMI converter

5: RCA hum is annoying and the high pitch hissing sound CRTs make is annoying

Cause I'm poor enough to get a decent one.

I barely have room for 2 LCD monitors I wouldn't have any room for a CRT. Though I regret not saving this huge like 36in CRT my dad had when he died.

I fucking love it. Think about it user we already have companies making shit from "retro" controllers to complete mini-systems and if more of these zoomers adopt this shit then they might move onto TV's themselves, which means we may get another shot at those flat screen CRT's again. I know the chances are slim to none but a guy can dream.

Not that user but, my therapists recommended me the same thing. I told them to fuck off. Suicide is scheduled for 2022~2026.

Just remember you can take hormones and still dress and act like a guy in public. At this point I don't care, my depression is gone, so if people think I'm a faggot or tranny then whatever.

Yes, and $425. Could have potentially gotten it for cheaper at the time if I was willing to travel further, but the market for them exploded shortly after I got mine so I don’t feel too bad about it.

I want a PVM ;_;

Fucking YIKES. I hope you realize you are literally the meme subclass of zoomers responsible for the unbelievable spike in prices of CRTs.

Good for you fren. Unfortunately I can't do the same. I tried to make it go away, but it won't.

Yeah, the blue organic diode dies after 4 years. You can commonly find oled cell phones with very yellow screens for this reason. The tech is already being phased out for mled which may not land in consumers hands for 15 years, or be another dead end and replaced before it has a significant spread in the market. CRT still has the best picture quality.

If you are actually serious about having the best monitor, this is the one for you:


Posting my setup again

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CRT's are a meme

I didn't make it go away, I just accepted it, and started transitioning, even though I'll never be able say "I'm female" to others. It's all about accepting myself, and feeling connected to my body.

Haven't found a good one in the area yet. I've picked up a professional Trinitron a while ago, but it's got some sort of blown capacitor or something because the contrast is all sorts of fucked up regardless of settings, also it has literally two operating modes, 1280x1024 at 85 hz and 1600x1200 at 85 hz, it literally doesn't know anything else and displays a signal error if it receives any other resolution or refresh rate. I wouldn't even be able to access the resolution settings in a newly installed game.

Fuck me, that is the nicest setup I've seen.


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None of mine do, I've never seen one in person, and I don't care enough to track one down.
I love how CRTfags say "Just pick one up off the street bro, you have no excuse" but then turn to the rare, high-end models when people start criticizing them.

No one says you need a PVM just to play games on a CRT.

not mentioning >RADIFORCE

best brand name ever

Speaker blew on my old trinitron with the woodgrain. Played on that all the way up to to gen 8. lol

This is the equivalent of buying an MRI machine as a kitchen microwave.

I want a crt monitor so bad just to use it for runescape.

where can i get one of those mini CRTs nowadays? i would like one and then get a couple old consoles to setup.

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looks like shit

Yeah, I've used it mostly for baldur's gate.

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How hard is it to fix the geometry issues on a wega?

Based, I used mine a few months ago to do a replay of starcraft and diablo 1. Was a bitch finding a somewhat updated version of SC/BW for my pentium 2.

I use most of my old consoles with an OSSC now. Except PS2 because 480i

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>use the CRT monitor for a month since my actual monitor was broken
>perfect colors, great visual fidelity in general
>2D games and VNs look especially good
>bulky as fuck
>visible increase in power consumption
this shit is like choosing between two evils. and somehow OLEDs look even worse than both crts and good LEDs

I've posted it a few times in battlestation threads, I'm fine with the small one I have for my SNES since it werks at least, even though the settings are in italian for some reason
I had one before that just didn't work and one that we couldn't get to have color on
I'm a baguette so I really need to get my SNES plugged in actual peritel instead of RCA on a peritel adapter

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I do, user!

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You should set up gameboy interface with your gamecube

I really need to, I've just been terribly lazy. The only homebrewed console there is my Wii.

It's not too hard. I have a similar gamecube setup myself. I just got an SD media launcher for it instead of another exploit.

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I do, for N64 and the gens before it.
I only own one tough.
But it's better than all that shit on the OP

retrogaming can get really expensive
just get a common VGA 31khz monitor and connect that to a PC with a lightweight distro like Arch or Gentoo to emulate with retroarch
make sure you are in DRM/KMS mode in linux for lowest latency possible
if your pc is old, set mininum cpu frequency to the highest so you get less slow downs with cores like BSNES accurate
to get the scanlions, you also have to compile your own EDID
picrel is 1920x240@120hz
this is connected to a thinkpad T420 with a mobile Sandy bridge i5, but still runs BSNES balanced like a champ at full speed

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Thosr require recaps

I hope that ay least you payed for that retarded shit with your hardwork and not autismo bucks or your allowance from mommy

i haven't damaged my hearing even into my mid 30s and am aware of the 60hz whine

Is it possible to get a CRT TV with hdmi input?

Yes but it'll be an HD CRT which aren't great for retro or modern games

I have a softmodded Wii with SNES an NES emu on a Sony Trinitron Wega, how much of a difference would make, quality wise, If I setup all that shit you just wrote, I own a capable PC. I already plan to hook it up for MAME emulation

degauss it and by a universal remote

Replaced with delusion

>to get the scanlions, you also have to compile your own EDID

Cause the only one I have just has RF input and I'm not buying adapters for all my consoles.

>anything smaller than 20in is unacceptable
Unless you play far from the television, I disagree.

The more I see Widescreen CRTs I get more sad because i'll never get one.

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Holy shit user that's a lot of TVs.
Also lol @ that lag on the HD CRT.

BSNES accurate and Nestopia on a 3.0Ghz or greater desktop processor will be much better than emulating stuff on the wii
softmodded wii is great for retrogames officially released by Nintendo for the Wii shop though
if you are gonna do MAME emulation on your powerful PC, you might as well get a frontend going for other systems as well
I recommend retroarch and its cores on Arch linux if you aren't familiar with manually configuring Gentoo's kernel (which will be better than Arch)
just install Arch, and pacman -S retroarch and the cores you want to play
and then just type retroarch in the linux virtual console to run it in DRM/KMS mode without all the display server overhead, which adds perceivable input latency
the custom EDID (240p on the VGA CRT) is for the meme scanlines so it is optional
but you probably want them instead of using artificial CRT shaders

on Arch linux
getting 1920x240@120 on your VGA CRT in kernel space
you need the linux-docs package
>sudo pacman -S linux-docs
now go to this directory
>cd /usr/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/Documentation/EDID/
follow the instructions in the HOWTO.txt
>less HOWTO.txt
basically, you need to copy one of the .S files to use as a template for the 240p EDID
>sudo cp 1024x768.S 1920x240.S
text edit your new file 1920x240.S with the right information
>sudo vim 1920x240.S
>sudo emacs 1920x240.S
>sudo nano 1920×240.S
w-what information??
you get it with the cvt command
>cvt 1920 240 120
put the numbers from the command's output in the right place of the 1920x240.S file
to know which number goes where, read the HOWTO.txt and this link
after editing, run make in the directory
>sudo make
keep running make until you see the 1920x240.bin file
>sudo make
>sudo make
>sudo make
>ls 1920x240.bin
move the 1920x240.bin file to this new directory
>sudo mkdir -p /lib/firmware/edid
>sudo mv 1920x240.bin /lib/firmware/edid
you can do 240p now without Xorg but you have to let your bootloader know through kernel parameters (every reboot) or through your bootloader's config file
read this for help
now your CRT boots up with 1920x240 at 120 hz
start retroarch in the linux virtual console (not inside your DE or WM)
if the content on the display looks squeezed in and narrow, you need to edit retroarch.cfg
>emacs ~/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg
>vim ~/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg
>nano ~/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg
change these two lines
set them both as "1920"
also enable integer scaling, disable the filter, and other stuff for your needs

Widescreen CRTs are the worst of both worlds. Just as laggy as flatscreen HDTVs for old consoles and too blurry for modern 4K content. Just admit there's no one size fits all display and get a 4:3 CRT for old stuff and a nice big HDTV for everything made past 2009.

>implying I'm not

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Because it's not 1990, retard.

Im happy for you, user. To me, you are a girl, and im very glad you got better. Have a nice week!


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