Just because you have little flags on your desk doesn't mean you're trans or whatever.
Ryukhar is not going to like this
Who would win: Madeline Celeste vs Sans Undertale
yeah but does she still have her dick
Seriously. You can support LGBT rights even if you're hetero.
I think this is just /pol/tards false-flagging right now.
And you can also be gay and despise the modern LGBTQRSTU2+ which is more common
What about human rights? Why do we have to be so exclusive and special? What about rights for characters in video games? When AI is born, what side will you choose? Is Robot a gender? Why are we here, just to suffer? Country roads, take me home to the place I belong?
You can support shit without feeling the need to put fucking stickers of the thing you support on your stuff. I support ubi but you don’t see me going around with some retarded sticker on my car or something.
Gimme a second here, uhhhh yeah i'm thinkin' trans rights
LMAOOOOOO eat shit ladies! One more male main character blowing you the fuck out
Or maybe she isn't but is still in favour of trans rights aka not a horrible person? You know, like yours truly and people in general.
See also: Maybe
>You can support shit without feeling the need to put fucking stickers of the thing you support on your stuff.
confirmed for being un-american
>Post a know lesbo
We've had this thread not video games fuck off
Again, see: The intent behind these details definitely seems to be to imply that she's trans.
It's literally a screencap from a video game, dumbass.
People can support trans rights can still be horrible people. Trans people are still all human, with every frailty, physical, mental and moral, that implies.
>implying there is an existence of someone who isn't a horrible person
all humans should die t.b.h.
Certainly it is, but these threads haven't discussed shit about the game other than trans shit is in the game so I dont like it. They don't talk about gameplay and these are thinly veiled Yea Forums or /pol/ threads. I repeat not video games fuck off
All I'm saying is that being anti-trans makes you a horrible person and not that one is necessarily a paragon of virtue even if you accept sexual minorities.
If you want a good laugh join the celeste discord server, they're almost all trannies and constantly screech about their pronouns
It's funny, if they actually passed then forcing their pronouns down everyone else's throat wouldn't be necessary
>say my fictional pronoun or we ruin you with the full support of the megacorporations
Yeah, its time to stomp faggots again.