Has anything beaten the top GOTY contender yet?

Has anything beaten the top GOTY contender yet?

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Other urls found in this thread:


dlc when

nope, still the king

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ducc plan

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>That """"""""improved"""""""""" HOTAS support.
They should have kept it to that one stick if they wanted to half-ass it like that.

>Ace combat
>sekiro for all 8 hours it lasted
Gotta admit, it was a pretty good year for games.

when i can pick it up for 20 euros or under, sure.


Holding my breath for that DLC.

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>m-muh hotas!

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Never. People seem to be keeping their copies.

Pathologic 2 and RE2 Remake are contenders, I'd still rate AC7 higher though

How do I do taht?

Anything beat this


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utter shit.


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Imagine being so bad at an arcade flight game that you cry about easily evadable missiles.

I am full blown shit at video games now thanks to being an thirty-year-old old fuck, and I breezed through this game on Ace.


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>Pathologic 2
>Outer Wilds
Only games this year that qualify as art

post more gameplay webms


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>outrunning the missile on sheer speed
>making use of high g turns
>knowing the missile distance from the beeping noises alone
>flying right into their missile fire blindspot
>rolling and pitching at the last second so the missile flies right past you
>crossing paths with another jet and letting them take the hit
Be like Trigger and git gud.

Attached: 180 flip missile.webm (1920x1080, 1.53M)

Imagine being so trash that you actually get killed by missiles and hitting the time limit

>tfw you still haven't bought it yet because your backlog is too big and other games are going cheaper

I think most people will struggle with that trio objective mission where you have to destroy either the naval fleet, the artificial floating runway or that Big Shell looking strip of pillars in the water. First time that was a genuinely difficult challenge before I unlocked a few more upgrades.

not if you were smart enough to get the eml and snipe the platforms

It's my most played game in this generation. I just cant stop myself from restarting campaign all over again. Today i begun my 50 th playthrough.

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Nope. Easily the best of 2019.

Is it broken on Steam? Are the negative reviews complaining only about the stupid lack of autistic controller support? Is it worth at -40%?


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>Are the negative reviews complaining only about the stupid lack of autistic controller support?
90% of the negative reviews can literally be summarised as MUH HOTAS, MUH $200 FLIGHT STICK I'M TRYING TO USE IN AN ARCADE GAME

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Or a PLSL equipped plane. Getting a no damage run that stage is absolute bullshit though.

>Are the negative reviews complaining only about the stupid lack of autistic controller support?
Basically, and they're retarded because the game is built to be played with a regular dual analog controller.
> Is it worth at -40%?
Depends on how much you like this style of gameplay. AC7 is like a PS2 Ace Combat game ripped out of time and given modern graphics. If you like those games you'll like this.

I didn't care, I beat it with a X360 controller, then I learnt they added support for my stick, so I redownloaded it, why not.
Turns out you can't map a single button and it literally splits the throttle into two buttons like they're both bumpers, no way to change it.
Why bother?

Attached: ac7 tunnel run.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

>People say the game is the hardest one to date
>My biggest problem with the game is that there weren't enough ace fights. Those unlockable aces don't count since they're easy as fuck.
AC0 remake when? I want to relive B7R with high G turns.

Perfection like AC0 can't be remade. It's lightning in a bottle.

Or the first score mission especially if they chose hard on their first playthrough.

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I remember simfag tried to claim this was on-rails QTE shit.

I am an Ace Combat veteran and the first score attack mission took 3 attempts to pass, on Hard.

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Is this what orgasm feels like?

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Look man. They can rebuild it, they can make it better. They have the technology. Just imagine those ace squadron fights with weather effects. Think of glorious mess that B7R would be with AC7's particle effects. Think of how they could make Excalibur and Zero so much more fun with vacuum/heat effects on the air currents.

Out fucking skilled. Trigger really is the craziest of Ace Combat protags.

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AC7 lacks a kino™ story and great characters.

I hope next Generation gets a remake of 7 with VR enabled on the main campaign missions. The three VR missions are orgasmic and it's a damn shame it isn't going to get any more missions.

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Speed down below ~500kph, press both accel and decel at same time while tilting nose up up, take finger off decel while holding onto accel and pitch up.

>pirate the game
>it run flawlessly

>buy it
>it runs like shit
sucks to be me i guess

To those who say Trigger ISN'T the best protagonist, I present exhibit A.

Never heard of any of them.
Indie trash >>/out/

fantastic year

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To be fair, Doom has always been Aim and shoot at stuff

>Explosions after Trigger passed again

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Imagine AC Infinity coop missions with the current or next gen engine

i never implied that is a bad thing

Where's my DLC Project Aces? You promised me story DLC, now give.

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How the fuck can you be so bad?
I never played any ac game before and finished ac7 without running out of time even once.
How do you run out of time in a mission?

Idolplanes in AC7 when

Ey. If anything doom has some soul in it. Rest are just garbage.


Black arsenal bird when?


Post yfw the Helios start going off.

that's fox 2 to you lad

>Today i begun my 50 th playthrough.


Not that user, but Long Day is widely regarded as pretty difficult. It's a filter on normal and on hard, the score's increased by like 20%. I didn't fail it, but it's not hard to see how someone could.

Both 7 and 5 are better than Zero.

DLC when? Kono-San!

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But user, the lightning in a bottle was Ace Combat 4. 5 and 0 just built off of that.

5 has too many railroaded gimmick missions and has a really bad hangar system. Zero also has a better difficulty curve, better aces and more replayability.

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No. Ace 4 was just hit ground targets over and over again. Really the best in the series is 7 with 5 close behind.

Eh, it's really all about breaking the habit of waiting for one target to explode before firing on the next. The majority of the targets are stationary. Shoot and move on.

best song coming through

>Getting that final flight KM trophy

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Eh, 4 isn't as good as 0 in my opinion. I don't like how many score attack missions there were, waiting for a timer to run down while not much happens isn't too engaging. That's still a better system than 5 where you just wait for scripts to trigger but 0 has the best model where there are plenty of different setups and everything is driven by interactions.


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The hangar system is cancer but I enjoyed those "gimmick" missions because they made the game feel more varied with better pacing. Zero is just endless dog fights in B7R and then the game ends when you think it was just getting started. Also those live-action scenes that aren't Pixy are porno quality bad.

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The ghosts of the demons of Razgriz.

>Meanwhile, AC7 has you defend your superweapon and best waifu in the same mission

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It's not that long of a game.

I dunno. I like the simplicity behind AC4. It didn't have lots of variety, but what it did it did really well. That said, if you had the option to finish a mission once you reached the score limit, the only problem I have with the game would be solved.

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Do we have sales numbers on AC7 yet? Was it a minor success or a massive success?

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And Daredevil playing? Is there anythisng more kino?

jesus fuck kono hurry up

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Success enough to allow Kono another sequel. All that's needed.

The new 2hu

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They're pretty interesting for your first playthrough but I find it leaves the game feeling very handholdy on the second or third.
>Zero is just endless dog fights in B7R
There are dogfights, there are super weapons, there are score attack missions, and there are a couple other varieties too. I believe Zero strikes the ideal balance between 4 and 5, having good mission variety without leaning too hard into contrived setpieces.

Yes, that would improve the game tremendously in my opinion. Especially if you got a time bonus.

I dunno i think the game gets too boring even on ace.
I hope they make dedicated ACE difficulty missions for every mission in the new dlc's.
How many hours have you got?

They can be foxes all they like. They ain't sinking their teeth in me.

Replaying campaign gives you bonus completion points you can use to buy parts as opposed to replaying them in free mission mode.

The top kino moment of the Ace series is Journey Home. You can't refute this.

Later missions gives you shitloads of MRP as round bouns.

>Zero is just endless dog fights in B7R
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? I loved having to chase down and shake off the aces.

>In an alternate universe where the US doesn't have oversea bases, we WOULD have flying supercarriers

This is the Lockheed CL-1201-1-1 Attack Aircraft Carrier concept with 83,000lbs of thrust, a 850 crew, 22 fighter craft compliment, and laser weaponry

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And of course it's nuclear powered -- featuring a reactor more powerful than an RBMK-100

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I don't think you meant to reply to me.
On PS4, I hit a cool like 40 hours. I got it on PC, I'm only around 15 there. I love the game, but I'm not one of those guys who replays things over and over. I leave them alone and revisit them after some time.


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Don't be silly. Everyone knows Zero is THE kino moment of the franchise. Pixy's voice is even ringing through your head right now.

i wouldnt say the kinoest moment but it ranks up there

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Know what, AC5 is my least favorite of the trinity (Well, "Big 4" now), but if you're talking about Sea of Chaos, then I agree. I actually teared up when I played the HD version after like 7 years of not playing AC5. God, what an incredible mission. Might be my favorite in the series, even though it's pretty basic in terms of gameplay.

Is that when the Yoktubanian fleet defects and then gets destroyed? Loved that shit. Seeing reds turn into greens is so satisfying.

>Skoll Squadron keeps showing up to get utterly decimated by you
>They join as friendlies during Operation Hush
>They get decimated again

It kinda hurts, bros. Those dudes never caught a break.

Ace Combat X doesn't get enough respect.

My only complaint is the supporting cast doesn't really ever appear outside of radio chatter. I think only one made it into cut scenes.

I would rather they did more bros stuff between the spare squadron for between mission scenes rather than focus too much on the princess and the cunny sisters.

>Osea good, Erusea bad
>OMG Belkans are scheming everything
>War is bad, UAVs are soulless
>My missile chamber is infinite but those propellers are damn hard
>Muh Princess
>Muh grand daughters
>I want to cum inside Avril's abs!

I doubt they even needed more than a week to make up this "plot".

You have to give them some credit for how they set up the almost AI drone apocalypse though. It was a lot more compelling and horrific than the usual AI getting too smart plot.

Hm. I've got 92 on pc and im thinking about getting the new dlc.

Well it might have something to do with the fact that AC7's ace difficulty is really easy compared to the ace difficulty of games that came before it. Of course this only makes the complaint more dismiss-able.

It's a mess but the setpieces are great.

the pixy and final mihaly fight are far better

Story is poor on paper but they nailed the execution. I wasn't shocked to learn the cutscenes were made by Hideaki Anno's studio. The cutscenes are more lavishly directed than 100m western blockbusters.

AC7 was underwhelming because it didn't add anything to the table. I was expecting more of the branching storyline thing from 3 and 0. Whatever it's still a solid game.

I hope we will get a futuristic setting like the 3rd next.

Oh God no more branching storyline it's so stupid

Me too. 7's really set up the table for the whole corporation future tech.

Future tech is also corny as fuck. If anything they need to dial down the sci-fi shit.

the story felt like there should have been another four or five missions when it suddenly ended. Maybe more stuff during the drone apocalypse to really let the reality of how much the world went to shit set in, or more during the Strider squadron section so you actually cared about any of those fuckers, or hell, just keep Spare squadron instead.
Anyway, I really enjoyed the city mission where you had to use the IFF system to tell who was an enemy, so I'd have liked more of that

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>Ace Combat 7
>Resident Evil 2
>Battlefleet Gothic Armada 2
>Devil May Cry 5
>Katana Zero
>Baba is You
>Astral Chain

I've probably forgotten some things, not to mention a lot of ports of great older games to PC. It's been a pretty good year for games all things considered.

As much as I loved Ace Combat 7 I feel like Indivisible is probably going to be my goty

Don't you think it was enjoyable to collect all those cutscenes in 0?

Posting Best Boy

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I actually never bothered to.

>Future tech is also corny as fuck

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Unless we're getting another piecing the puzzle together type of story a branching interaction based story wouldn't see the same sort of satisfaction collecting then as with 0's documentary framing device.

You heathen! Go back and learn what the people you shot down had to say about you!

I can't believe trigger downed THAT

Like it or hate it this is peak aircraft design.

eva director made ac7 cutscenes? fucking kino

No, his studio did.

Well Project Aces is pretty good at finding new storytelling techniques.

>you have to kill them

>It's another "Everyone shits on Count" episode

Good times.

I'm hoping the next game will have you playing as Belkan on payroll to protect superweapons until the plot contrives you to take them down in kino fashion.

That moment when the cutscene ends and the music kicks in is so fucking great

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>dlc when
How much is dlc with this game?
I'm contemplating buying it since I liked infinity so much. And it's half price at the moment

is it has Logitech support yet???

Between that and > when the shield drops are Kino as fuck

The DLC are pretty cheap and not required. Right now it's only 3 super planes with 3 missions coming out. I think it's $30 for everything but you should be able to piece meal them

The cutscene itself was kino as fuck, pure sex in visual design.

>I am full blown shit at video games now thanks to being an thirty-year-old old fuck, and I breezed through this game on Ace.
You're 30 and you're still humblebragging like this user? Pretty pathetic.

>"I'm shit at games"
No, I'm saying you're straight dumpster fire if my useless ass can beat this game on Ace. I literally don't play FPS games any more because I pretty much hog the ass end of the scoreboard against kids.

Count was fun, he really grew on me as the series went on.

Is the multiplayer really crap?
What's the point of buying it if it's crap and I can just pirate it?

yeah the multiplayer is crap but that's not the draw
the campaign is where the substance is just like every AC game besides infinity

>not just shooting down the missiles
You have a gun, use it

I hope we get huge PvE boss battles as a multiplayer mode in the next game.

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Guess I'm pirating it then.

Looking to get into ace combat but don't want to play the extremely crappy and outdated games. Where should I start? From 4 up?