Hey fellas
I just started playing this, and I basically can't fight ANYONE at this point, is it supposed to be like this early on? Or did I fuck up my team or something? I picked Lohse as a shadowblade, and i've got Fane, Ifan and the Red Prince on my party in their default classes.
Divinity Original Sin 2
Game has a major learning curve even on standard difficulty man you’ll get it though
If you've never played an RPG before, probably.
Game gast a weird difficulty curve. Tutorial island is really difficult. Then the mid-game gets very easy, before spiking in difficulty again on the last island. Stick with it though. Game is really good
The island is very hard
Don't think about things in standard RPG party terms.
A balanced party of like 2 warriors and 2 mages or 3 warriors and a mage is actually bad in Divinity because of the armor system.
What you actually want is a party of like 2 melee characters, an archer and then a support/healer. or just 4 mages
Act 1 is substantially harder than the later acts because you have less abilities and total garbage gear
It's impossible to fuck up a build so badly that you can't complete the game. You just have to learn to play smarter. It's about tactics, not brute force.
The first part of the game has been the hardest. I've done 3 playthrpughs of act 1.
Enemy levels matter. 1 level higher is a lot, 2 higher is much more powerful still.
The same applies to your gear so upgrade regularly.
You're supposed to be insanely outleveled in the first area. Play through some of the quests until you level up a bit. Coming back through and killing each and every guard is very satisfying.
i'm kind of wondering if this is the WRPG that'll finally get me into the genre. i've only really tried FONV, elder scrolls 3-5, and a few others, but they've never pulled me in.
are the party members good in this? my main issue with those was the shitty companions.
having a balanced party works just fine, just don't make melee and magic characters target the same enemies.
If you're on tactician that is shit especially early on when you have so few abilities that your shit is on cooldown
everyone aside from Beast is pretty fun
>has never played a proper CRPG
>thinks he knows the genre
i don't think i know the genre, that's why i'm still open to trying them even though the handful of wrpgs i've played were "shit imo"
is this a good babby's first CRPG, or should i try something else?
It is not shit, if anything it's the smart choice since you can adapt to some enemies having better melee or magic def instead of being fucked because the enemy is all melee def 0 magic def and you brought no magic users.
I finished the game on the hardest difficulty setting, it's easy (and without lone wolf that's overpowered)
Yes its a good babbys first CRPG, though CRPG fags would say its not a real CRPG.
Custom jester undead death knight. That's the way to play
There are certain setups that absolutely trivialize the game, such as barrelmancy. You take telekinesis and put several heavy objects (an unlimited amount) into an indestructible object such as a backpack. Every pound is half a point of damage and moving things about with telekinesis can be done from stealth without breaking stealth or alerting anyone.
If you're struggling on the tutorial island the single biggest help is summons or the lone wolf talent, even with the nerf. Blood infused totems and incarnates are super useful and combo well with necromancy/warfare/ranged. Polymorph has great CC and mobility options too. The first 6 levels are probably the hardest in the game save for a couple of the bonus fights in the final section of the game like the deathfog guy in Definitive edition, I had a hell of a time trying to make it through this fight on honour mode.
Even on normal the early game is very rough, try to level up and get level 4 asap, us thievery to steal spellbooks from npcs, focus on either physical or magical.
download Divine War mod.
I'm serious.
DOS2 is almost a perfect RPG, I absolutely loved it on release, but once I installed DW, I realized how flawed was armor system in this game. DW is perfect rebalance that gives you mich more freedom in building your party.
In vanilla, your builds had to be spot on or very exploit-y, with this mod game is still challenging, but also encourages more variation on your part.
In DivOS2 you have 2 armor types - magical and physical and they are evenly spread throughout the game. To get to the enemy HP or affect them with status dmg, you usually have to destroy armor corresponding to your kind of attack. This forces you to spec your party so that it focuses on one type of damage, so that it's ready for every opponent, no matter what.
Divine War get rid of it, making it a much more balanced and enjoyable ride. IMO the best RPG since NV.
Give this one a shot. Lots of good characters.
i bought the game on switch
That's unfortunate.
Well, in that case, go for build guides on YT if you don't feel too confident in your choices and try out something you'll find there. Don't forget that since the second chapter onward you can respec and rebuild your characters for free at any point you want, plus you can literally create new characters, so there's a room for error.
how's the performance on Switch?
Ummmmmmmmmmmmm user
Kind of fucked up there
Well it's not lagging, or anything,so thats good I guess! Autosave takes a little while though.
Always be on the lookout for encounters that match your level, especially at the start. Something else you can make use of is sneak attacks that can be pretty broken since time stops for everyone involved in a fight as soon as the initiative gets going which gives you ample time to walk into the fight and let every other character in your party do a sneak attack to enter them into the initiative
I have a PC but I'm gonna pick it up for switch lite. I'm hype as fuck.
OP here, literally just realised that i'm level 3 and I literally haven't invested ANYTHING in terms of my attributes, etc.
Game’s piss easy even solo even on hardest difficulty. What is wrong with you? Archer is OP.
This has Epic exclusive written all over it
Swen already said ages ago that he won't be putting anything at all on EGS for any reason.
>"You will see Steam pages pop up, you will see GOG pages pop up, but no Epic pages will pop up."
will I get to romance Malady though
So to avoid my constant resetting behavior I need to get confirmed if my Party is shit or not for a normal playthrough.
>Fane (MC) - Geo/Necro
>Red Prince default - (Pyro/Geo)
>Sibille - Hunter
>Lohse - Conjurer
I have saves before recruiting anybody, but need some input.
>will I get to romance m'lady?
the start is literally the hardest part of the game, you have very few options and abilities, no real ways to avoid or tank damage, limited healing, huge cooldowns on everything cause you're stuck with like 1 spell instead of having 4 that do the same job you can rotate etc.
people tend to just rely on summoners to try and carry them early on because the extra body tanks and does more damage than almost any other ability you can get.
game gets super easy mid chapter 2 though
I don't reccomend taking Sebille with Red Prince, their stories are often in conflict in terms of progression as you advance at like two key moments.
Two of the same kind can be pretty boring but there'll be plenty of respecs down the line, a bit costly to buy new skill books but you should be fine. I wouldn't recommend having a pyro/geo and hydro/aero at once since they mess with each other's surfaces a lot unless you're careful but having a hydro for healing is really good
You can do literally anything on a normal playthrough. The game is only challenging in the beginning with a few spikes later on, and respec will be available readily pretty early.
Played the game blind on tactician start to end with a Knight+necro 2her side speccing in poly as well late game, Mage with main Pyro+Geo, Tanky Sword & Shield Battlemage with Hydro and Aero and finally an archer.
While my build probably wasn't optimal I had no trouble getting through the game because almost ever serious fight provides aspects weak to physical attacks and aspects weak to magical attacks. There really isn't a need to min/max in this game unless you're doing ironman and aren't allowed a single failure (which I doubt you'd succeed in doing on a first time even when min maxing)
The issue is that the author is fucking retarded with his OC's as random encounters