How did they get away with this?
How did they get away with this?
Nobody likes fags, duh
That's hilarious. Ninty probably came to the conclusion that FE's female fanbase were more otome fans than fujoshits.
How did they get away with this?
Alternatively, they're barafags.
What went wrong? They got it right in the Tellius games.
Same way as always.
Where's an updated version of this with Alois trying to get Byleth to marry a nice village girl?
It's ambiguous whether or not he's who he claims he is. Ike left behind Ragnell at the end of PoR and there's no indication he took it with him at the end of Radiant Dawn. Priam being Ike's literal descendant contradicts what was already established about him, reeking of a poorly thought out attempt at fanservice.
>Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn features a hidden skit, available only if the player has previously cleared the game once, has imported a save from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance in which Ike and Soren have an A-level support relationship, has achieved an A-Level support relationship between Ike and Soren in the current playthrough, has unlocked Ike’s sealed memories, and has kept Soren alive, that ends with Ike embracing Soren. This scene is referred to in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Memorial Book Tellius Recollection: The Second Volume (2016) as the moment where their two hearts become one 「互いの心をひとつにした」(p.241).
>This is a small profile on page 21 of The Making of Fire Emblem: 25 Years of Development Secretsthat paints a very telling picture of Ike.
Japanese has an immense capacity for speaking indirectly and with double meaning, and the text here is an excellent example of that.
>「男気にあふれ」Can mean both “chivalrous to a fault” and “overflowing with masculinity”, while 「女性からの好意にも鈍感」can mean both the passive, unconscious “he is oblivious to female attention” and the more active, conscious “he cares nothing for the affection of women”.
>Taken together with the nature of Ike’s interactions with Soren, this description allows for a clear reading of Ike as a gay character.
Now even if we do give the benefit of the doubt and assume that Priam IS related to Ike, keep in mind that the Akaneia games have set the precedent of descendants not necessarily coming directly from the person claimed. Anri, who Marth is repeatedly stated to have "descended" from in his games, did not have children. His brother, Marcellus, did, however.
None of them are romantic though. Just Lindhart's.
Or it could even have been an Ike from an outrealm.
Only thing not based abou this is that c/u/cks didn't get the same treatment.
Because when they release the Dubsteper route Nemesis will be a male only pairing
That's a lot of post just to get to "he yaoi."
I had to provide FACTS and LOGIC to back up my claim.
>N-no this can't be happening Ike can't be gay bros
An absolute mistake.
Based yuri will take over the world. Discusting fags will burn in hell.
I'll give you that Priam isn't necessarily directly descended from Ike and could be Mist's descendent or something, but I just can't picture the man having a romantic relationship with anyone. Even Soren.