Now you can stop complaining since they are using different models
Now you can stop complaining since they are using different models
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop being entitled, you fricking manbaby!
If you don’t like it don’t buy it and just frick off.
You don’t deserve the masterpiece Gamefreak is making.
None of those are changes that would require making a new model.
Is this bait? It’s a better engine than a phone game and with a higher resolution texture. But it’s still the same base model
>new model looks more like a plastic doll
On the plus side, I didnt know Brock was that fucking ripped
>use new models
>still looks like ass
Why is the leader of Serebii mentally retarded?
whoever did this doenst understand the difference with materials and models , all he pointed out was differences in materials
When op is too stupid to make a difference between textures and models and anything about engine.
New Textures != New Model
Braindead cockmongling retard
why are pokemon fans so fucking BRAINDEAD
Reusing models for the shitty phone game is not an issue, because it's a worthless phone game and pokemon go did the same thing. Also, that isn't a new model, it's different materials and shaders. Fuck off
>take an existing model
>edit it slightly
The model is the same, the only thing they changed was the textures.
Because if he criticized the games he would be excluded from any Pokemon press or events. Back in Let’s Go, he was iffy about the game, and Nintendo(?) didn’t invite him to an event he was always invited to, so basically he was black listed and had to backtrack his opinions to get out of that blacklist and not lose out on his main source of income.
His site hasn't been relevant to anyone since 2013
It's in its last throes right now. since pokemon is so mainstream now, there is no reason for a pokemon-specific news site to exist
>Literally the exact same fucking thing but with higher def textures
>New model
This. Just looks like a slightly different texture.
Hes not called the rock hard gym leader for nothing
I never realised Tyranitar looked like a massive dork. It's not even a bit menacing.
>retard thinks shading is model
How many times a day are you going to post this proven bullshit?
> new textures and shaders
Honestly, the worst part of how S&S look are the trees and foliage. I know it sounds dumb but those N64 tree textures are really distracting. A cleaner cel shaded look with less of an attempt at detail would've looked better.
It’s not even edited slightly. It’s just a different lighting and rendering system.
Wow look at all the blind hate in here if you actually looked at the picture you can see the models are different
It's still kinda useful for details on the more convoluted game mechanics, I guess.
Either it's shitposting at this point or op genuinely believes that if he lies enough times people are going to believe him eventually
Brock looks like he has the body of a muscular tomboy.
I need advice is a team of infernape gardevoirmega umbreon starmie mismagius roserade a good rounded team for online play
>he’s never heard of a bumpmap
If it's not obvious, these models share the same geometry, the differences identified are in textures only, which is easier to replace and improve upon than any other part of a model.
does the site still look like it belongs in 2003? Joe, that shit is dreadful to look at mate
>Implying normies look that shit up
>implying there would ever be a reason to look them up thanks to how dumbed-down the games have become
>implying hardcore players continued to stick around after the failed abortion that is Kalos
I personally like it. It's nice to know that atleast some small part of our childhood will not change, even if it is going to die soon
When I see this kind of thread, I don't even blame GF anymore. Why would they have to make any effort ?
yes they are
As much as i like infeenape blaziken is better in every way
Except speed.
ITT nerds can't tell the difference between a model and a texture
Speed Boost tho
>yes they are
>those are improvements
m8, adding sugar to dogshit doesnt fundamentally change the fact that it's still dogshit
DESU that looks more like compression artifacts from the stream quality than anything else.
Worse, nerds can't tell the difference between goddamn shaders and models.
fags like you are the reason most websites nowadays have those shitty scrolling menus that follow you wherever you go.
Older net design standards were much better than all these "made for phones" websites we get today.
It genuinely looked better before. Fuck this more realistic shading that makes everything look like plastic.
Okay cool, now lets see them do that with the entirety of the Wild Area.
On the other hand, animations are still all being recycled from older games and the game's environments still look like an early PS2 game at best.
VGC or singles?
Requires being able to let it activate, which means wasting a moveslot and turn on Protect
Look on Smogon you absolute retard.
You sound like the retards thinking Blaziken wouldn't be so bad in gen V.
I guess singles I'm just thinking in general
rude and stupid
Do you really expect Yea Forums to know anything about gamedev? Hell, even /agdg/ on /vg/ doesn't know much.
>lighting and rendering did this
lol ok
>he says, while responding to a post that doesn't know what "model" and "new" means
Good lord you people are absolutely fucking stupid. The model on the right is the exact same but with a higher resolution. A series like Yo-kai Watch literally does the exact same thing. They use the high resolution models in the actual anime in the form of openings or endings and other things, and those same models are put into the games and have lower resolutions. All of the models are the exact same, but they're downscaled dramatically so they don't lag the hell out of the games because of their polygonal count.
Except they have? Are you blind?
i will never understand why you faggots get so mad at reusing assets
>muh lazy
effort doesn't mean good game
Ok, so you are blind. That explains a lot.
These are texture changes
See It's not a hard concept, you dumb motherfucker
>Using that as evidence
user, that's fucking par for the course when a model that was displayed on a 240p system is on a 720-1080p system
Most, if not, all complaints about the graphics of Sword and Shield are aimed at the graphics of the environments. Certain settlements look good like the snow area and steampunk city but otherwise the game looks subpar. Especially when you consider it's on the same system as shit like Breath of the Wild, DB Xenoverse 2 (And FighterZ) and fucking Skyrim.
>what is filtering
>what is textures
>what is scaling
>what is UV mapping
>what is compression
I'm just mad about the dexit
3D Pokemons games have always looked bad
i'm not talking about pokemon, you dumb motherfucker
>user, that's fucking par for the course when a model that was displayed on a 240p system is on a 720-1080p system
Ah, so now you can admit they have improved the graphics, but you just want to downplay it to pretend they haven't and bitch more about Stantler not being in the game. Nice goalpost shifting.
>he says, while he doesn't understand the difference between a model and a texture that gets UV wrapped on a model
You're just proving me right bimbo
>>what is textures
A component of models.
Textures are a part of models. Look up what "model" means, dumbass. Hint: It isn't a synonym for "mesh."
You can stop posting this thread because you've already been proven wrong.
They are using different TEXTURES
That can all be due to engine differences.
>Textures are a part of models.
Nope, not even part of the same file. A model is a .fbx or .blend, a texture gets turned into a material and applied to the model within the engine. The texture and material are separate files.
Continue to pretend to know anything about gamedev you chud.
>Im not talking about pokemon, im talking about reusing assets
>in a pokemon thread shitting on how they reused assets when they said they didnt and even used that as an excuse for slipshod game design
REALLY dumb motherfucker here
P.S. If you can edit the texture/material outside your 3D suite, it by definition isn't "part" of the model. It gets applied to the model. You can have an entirely textureless .fbx and it would still be a model.
>Nope, not even part of the same file.
Not relevant. Sprite colors sometimes aren't even stored in the same file. Doesn't mean you don't end up with a different sprite if you change all the colors.
Continue to pretend to know anything about gamedev you chud.
You just described a new texture, not a new model
>Doesn't mean you don't end up with a different sprite if you change all the colors.
Which means you edit the palette, not the sprite. Just like you edit the texture, not the model.
>You can have an entirely textureless .fbx and it would still be a model.
You can also have an entirely textured model and still have it be a distinct model. All meshes are models. But not all models are meshes. Learn the difference.
>this level of backpedaling
>talking about models
>brings up sprites
Not that guy but holy shit you are an idiot
Still not buying this shit
>Goalpost shifting
Are you retarded? The posts were never touched, let alone shifted. This is what the problem has been from the outset, user.
The environments look like an upscaled 3DS game in a lot of cases, do you approve of that?
Some of us want a game that actually reflects the quality of something released in 2019.
They improved the textures of models from the older games, yes. But that's also something they've done in Go and advertising, it's not a Sword/Shield exclusive improvement but one that just naturally happens when you're not working with 3DS level specs.
Your arguments in defence of Game Freak fall apart real quick when anyone who has even a tiny idea of how actual game development works gets involved.
>not knowing the difference between a model and a texture
if you want me to pat Game Freak's back for uprezzing and fixing a low-rez 3DS texture, I don't know what to say to you.
Are you really thick to the point that I need to bust out definitions?
>In 3D computer graphics, 3D modeling is the process of developing a mathematical representation of any surface of an object (either inanimate or living) in three dimensions via specialized software.
All you need for a model is a surface. A surface is composed of faces and vertices. You do not need textures. The mesh is the only necessary component of a model.
Stop posting for the good of yourself. You're wasting post timers.
Okay, so what is the difference between a texture and a model?
can you actually explain this without contradicting yourself? I'm extremely curious
When the excuse for not porting over the enire pokedex is because of higher quality models, yet the models are largely unchanged, if not exactly the same,then I have an issue
>Which means you edit the palette, not the sprite
Editing the palette changes the sprite, dumbass.
So the problem is you don't even understand how even sprites work let alone models. Christ.
>this level of cope
I never backpedaled.
Do you have an argument, or not?
>All you need for a model is a surface.
And that surface can include a textured definition of what that surface is supposed to look like, dumbass.
>The mesh is the only necessary component of a model.
A texture is applied to a model in the same way that clothes are applied to a human being. Clothes aren't required to be a human. It's just very strongly correlated.
Clothes are separate files. You store them in a bureau. You can swap them out. They aren't necessarily part of the body, in the same way textures aren't pinned to the model. You would also never say that clothes are synonymous with human anatomy, like an organ is.
It's not rocket science, my retarded friend.
isn't this just lighting?
>Editing the palette changes the sprite, dumbass.
Of course it does. But the palette isn't the sprite. It's separate. On a separate file.
Just like textures and models.
>And that surface can include a textured definition of what that surface is supposed to look like, dumbass.
You don't even know what an untextured model is, do you?
>On a separate file.
Which tells the game how to generate a different sprite with new colors.
Just like textures and models.
>You don't even know what an untextured model is, do you?
You don't even know what an untextured model is, do you?
I believe you've gotten mixed up somewhere. I'm on your side of the argument here
>Editing the palette changes the sprite, dumbass.
god you must be the sort of person who thinks changing postprocessing color levels means the artist "edited" the sprite
>Super Mario 64
>Developer: Intelligent Systems
>Director: Kensuke Tanabe
god you must be the sort of person who thinks literally recoloring the sprite keeps it the same sprite
Hey idiot. Applying a fresh coat of paint on a model doesnt change the fact that you didnt apply any changes to the model itself or make a new model, only that you made an existing model look prettier
>a model without a texture is a model
>but a model without a specified lack of texture isn't a model
I'm being trolled
Model is colloquially used as a synonym for mesh. Stop pretending to be retarded.
Good on you for catching on
No, this is what I've been arguing the past 10 posts. You simply don't know how to read
> a different sprite
It's not a different sprite if the file isn't modified (it is merely rendered differently). Which is the whole point of this conversation, the claim that Game Freak put the labor into a """""new"""" model. They did not. They put the labor into a new texture.
Yea Forums doesn't even know basics here.
>laughed off /vp/
>posts his tired bait on Yea Forums instead
unironically kill yourself holy shit
Reminder that trusting the trailer footage as an indication of the actual product has literally been proven to be false by the fact that they've been using a PC build for trailer footage.
Nice try Pokucks
>Model is colloquially used as a synonym for mesh.
No, it's colloquially used to CAN mean an untextured model, because untextured models are meshes. But a textured model is still its own model.
>It's not a different sprite if the file isn't modified
It is a different sprite if the program literally generates a new sprite to the screen.
I don't think YOU know how to read
go back through the reply chain
I mean, it does. Sprites, at least back then, were stored in greyscale and had a palette applied to them by the game.
>It is a different sprite if the program literally generates a new sprite to the screen.
That's not how rendering works. Learn how shaders work and come back to me saying you made "new" sprites.
Oh wow they changed the textures!
Changing textures doesnt require you to make a new model shitposter
>But a textured model is still its own model.
No... shit... ? What have you even been arguing?
Game Freak edited a texture. That's it.
>there are """people""" who actually think this
Bet they don't even get a single penny for their efforts.
"Model" is ALL of the components, including the mesh and the texture. ALL of the components may just be the mesh by itself if the model happens to not have a texture.
Where Yea Forumstards make the mistake is that they think model ONLY means "mesh" and that everything else is a separate thing. Which is wrong.
You don't edit the sprite. You edit the palette that gets applied to the sprite during the rendering process.
Unless you are literally opening up an image editor and changing pixels on the sprite, you are not editing the sprite or making a "new" sprite.
New models don't mean new animations.
It could also just be a new texture, not that it matters.
>>Im not talking about pokemon, im talking about reusing assets
>>in a pokemon thread shitting on how they reused assets when they said they didnt and even used that as an excuse for slipshod game design
yeah it sounds like a good thread to talk about reusing assets in a board that generally makes a fuss of that, i mean most people are debating about it here
what do you think about it you dumb motherfucker?
OK I will actually give props here.
Even if we go through with that retarded definition, the texture requires the LEAST amount of work. You can literally change shaders and colors on fucking sliders
All those modifications in OP probably took less than an hour to implement. People are pissed because they're parading adjusting a few sliders on how it looks is reason enough for GF to axe half the dex from the game completely
>and had a palette applied to them by the game
Which made the game make a new sprite.
That is how rendering works. Learn how sprites work and come back to me saying you made "new" sprites.
>that gets applied to the sprite
That results in a new sprite.
>manually editing a sprite is editing the sprite but procedurally editing the sprite isn't editing the sprite
You're a dumbass.
>What have you even been arguing?
Read the thread.