MHW Iceborne FLOPS in UK‘nba-2k20’-slam-dunks-no1

OH NO BROS. It includes digital.

Attached: UKsales.jpg (777x119, 27K)

Other urls found in this thread:

How the fuck is it even possible for it to be that low? Is there some mistake?



>expansion that only caters to people who have put 80+ hours into the original flops
I'm shocked.

What the fuck UK

>20% more content for 70% of the price
Gee, I wonder why people aren't buying it.

>inb4 pal regions get shafted until the end of time because of this

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Nah, that's genuinely weird. On Steam, MHW basically never leaves top 20 sellers even without a discount. When discounted it usually jumps to top 5.
You would assume anything new content for it would sell like hot cakes.

That’s what they get for fucking over PC chads

Why is a DLC campaign that isn't even standalone expected to sell as well as the base product?

>british people are stupid, tasteless mutants
what a surprise

A small percentage of the userbase play the end-game. People get roped into buying it to play with friends, and then end up playing past the 2 hour refund limit in the tutorial, get bored and never play it again.

Normies don't actually play the games they buy and they are the majority of the buyers

Yeah this is why it’s bad. I’m guessing it’s the Chinese holding up the steam numbers.

You do realize the Physical version of ice-borne has the base game in it and costs more.
Evrione who got the original bought the DLC Expansion.

I enjoy world but the price for the expansion is what has kept me from getting it. I figured it was going to be 30 bucks at launch and don't want to pay more than that for an expansion. Once it's on sale I will grab it up.

MHW did well at launch for two big reasons. One: It was advertised out the ass. Way more than any Monster Hunter game before it. Two: It released with no other big release running against it. Capcom has not not advertised Iceborne in the least only only the Monster Hunter fans care about it. I'm not saying it's bad, but that's how it is. All of this not counting the factoid that DLC never sells close to base game numbers. This is true of all games.

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>NBA2K20 at the top
And we're supposed to care about the sales in that country, because...?

>It includes digital.
Does it tho?

All those people tasted the performance of PC and are actually waiting for its release rather than burn-out on console again.

It's almost like releasing a DLC to a game that came out a year and a half ago at full price with less content that the base game is a bad idea.

Everyone switched over to the PC version.

READ user
>Includes digital
This is the UK combined chart, it includes everything on every platform, at all prices.
Yes, that's why they call it the all formats chart. They have separate ones for retail and digital by themselves.

It's made by Brits.

I bought mhw and it just wasn't my kind of game. Sniffing out a monster, killing them and then using their body for gear just doesn't excite me. I would have bought iceborne but I'm too low rank.


MHW sold well because it finally looked like it wasn’t made in the early 2000 and wasn’t hostage in a shitty nintendo console that’s meant to babysit kids who play Mario and shit and not actual real games.

>includes digital
Nice reading comprehension, faggot. Tortanicfags are the worst thing to happen to Yea Forums, right next to the newfucks who came in 2016

>getting outsold by a game that didn't even bother to change its logo from 2k19

Ice-borne is only available Physically as master edition for like 80$.
Because it includes the base game and DLC.
The separate DLC is 40$.
Digital sales cannot be tracked unless the digital storefront reveals the data.

So Iceborne is not selling bad but the Physical versions that has the base game and DLC is.

In other words.


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maybe release the game on pc at the same time as console and people would buy it. nobody wants to waste more time on loading screens than the mission takes to complete

UK gets Capcom digital sales on PSN retards.

>damage control already

No shit it won’t sell. The whole Ultimate racket could only work on a dedicated niche fanbase you can extort because they have nowhere else to go.
No shit they can’t sell full price dlc to millions of normnalfags.


>Catherine: Full Body in top ten
Yeah this list is bullshit.
>Physical retail sales of all boxed video games will be included in the chart. In addition, the charts will include download data (from Steam, Xbox Live and PlayStation Network) for games published by Activision Blizzard, Bandai Namco, Capcom, Codemasters, Electronic Arts, Focus Home Interactive, Koch Media, Microsoft, Milestone, Paradox Interactive, Sega, Sony, Square Enix, Take-Two, Ubisoft and Warner Bros.
There. Nintendo, Bethesda and Konami are the ones who don't for some reason.

No, they do not, you fucking retard. Capcom never reveals sales passively.

Also, the Japanese chart that actually actively tracks digital sales for Iceborne:

>Japanese console chart – 8 September
>1 (-) Monster Hunter World: Iceborne physical (PS4)
>2 (-) Monster Hunter World: Iceborne digital (PS4)
>3 (3) Super Mario Maker 2 (NS)
>4 (-) NBA 2K20 (PS4)
>5 (4) Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (NS)
>6 (2) Astral Chain (NS)
>7 (6) Tsuri Spirits: Nintendo Switch Version (NS)
>8 (5) Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (NS)
>9 (7) Minecraft (NS)
>10(8) Fire Emblem: Three Houses (NS) (C)2019 Enterbrain, Inc. All rights reserved.


Bong here.
Wasn't even aware its out.

Yeah If you played it on pc there’s really no desire whatsoever going back to shitty console performance

I'm not picking it up because MHW was boring as fuck. First MH game too so I had no expectations going in but holy shit, I cleared each monster first time other than tempered nergigante and then the only thing left is to farm for jewels that have a stupidly low drop rate. Eat my ass.

>No, they do not, you fucking retard. Capcom never reveals sales passively.
Lol retard, try reading before posting.

>Monster Hunter World wasn't my type of game
>I would have bought Iceborne

>Also, the Japanese chart that actually actively tracks digital sales for Iceborne:
You are wrong about UK digital, but you do realize those aren’t Japanese digital Iceborne sales, right? It’s download cards purchased in stores, which for some reason is still more popular than regular digital in Japan. So yeah expect low digital sales in Japan if the download cards are that small.


>Maps are the only content in monster hunter.

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That's GSD chart, not All Format Chart, you autistic fucking mongoloid

MHW only sold because it was January and there was literally nothing new to play at the time

They don't sell download cards in stores. The cards they sell are your everyday vbux cards.

That's why it's selling well throughout the whole year.

>All Format Chart
INCLUDES DIGITAL YOU RETARD. There is a retail chart, a digital chart, and the all format chart. Why do you think it is called ALL FORMAT?

UK doesn't buy games.

Kek, someone's seething. How is that damage control treating you, fag? Stay mad.

This only proves the fact that Low Rank is the only Rank that matters and why the series should never ever pander to the elitists ever again

Might as well say that to every game when a new sports game releases in bongland. Sports are all cheap, cashgrab garbage, but that won't stop them from buying 'em.

Yes they do. They even do it in America.

No, you fucking autistic retard. "All Format" does not refer to retail/digital. All Format Chart predates the first digital chart, you fucking moron.

Cope harder, faggot

Sounds like Brexit is really wrecking UK, they cant afford imported games

>they do that in America
>means they do that in Japan
Aren't you extra dumb?

It's almost like they released $40 DLC a year and a half after the game released. Most people stopped playing after a month or so.

Meanwhile, the game sold 250,000 first week in Japan ONLY INCLUDING PHYSICAL.

Not to mention the UK is a tiny ass irrelevant country that no one markets too.

Awesome now capcom will stop making expansions and the first versions will the be final versions. God I love this soft reboot. Thanks capcom :)

>losing to a game with a .5 rating on metacritic
In the case of NBA 2K20, the review bombing is largely a response to the game’s aggressive use of microtransactions. As of this writing, the game has a user score of 0.5 on Metacritic and nearly 85% of its reviews on Steam are negative, with most criticizing its microtransactions or calling NBA 2K20 “a gambling scheme” and “literally a casino.” Others call it out for adding too little to the previous year’s game (with some reports that it even uses the NBA 2K19 logo as a desktop icon on PC) and containing bugs.

Nice retort, you illiterate nigger.

Whatever Iceborne's sales are going to be, Im 100% sure PC ones are going to be even higher % than base game, by a decent amount.

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PCfags are a very different animal compared to consolefags.

Wrong. That is part of the reason for people who knew the series but didnt bother before, however marketing is the biggest reason for it doing well. MHW was announced at E3, in comparison Iceborne was revealed during a japanese stream.
Outside of Japan MH also doesn't have the history that it does there, meaning that people dont know the significance of expansions and how much content they bring. Honestly a shame, because Iceborne is much better than the base game.

LMAO. Fucking UK.

In Japan the download codes are even more popular because they are obsessed with having anything physical at home, so plenty of games are sold with a boxed digital version. Doubt that's the case for Iceborne, but still.

the game just isnt fun

>follow green trail
>hit monster 1 or 2 times
>run away

whats so different about iceborne?
So they made a download card for shits and giggles?

>World becomes one of the best MH ever with iceborne
>it flops
Fucking hell man

Post yfw capcom damage control and go back to old monhun

You mean they go back to selling the expansion as a full released instead of DLC, because clearly this DLC format is not working as well for them.

>the best selling game since GTAV is a flop

Exactly. Nips only go to kombinis and they don't sell these cards there

Cute. Now post Japan's data, where chances are, it blew the charts wide open.

I'm okay with that too desu. They're gonna have to add even more content to satisfy normalfags and entice them to buy the same game again

Here user go wild

01./00. [PS4] Monster Hunter: World - Iceborne Master Edition # (Capcom) {2019.09.06} (¥6.990) - 206.156 / NEW
02./00. [PS4] Monster Hunter: World - Iceborne (Download Card) # (Capcom) {2019.09.06} (¥4.800) - 44.160 / NEW

Why do people retardedly assume that everyone is determined to buy a DLC expansion at retail?
I don't even like Monster Hunter but you guys seem brainless.

this tbqh. the green flies are fucking stupid

Fucking kek

What? No way in fucking hell mhw has sold anywhere close to 110 million

It's because it was a series people kinda knew about, but wasn't called Monster Hunter Tri G ultimate generations unite, so people felt they could get into it


Isn't this physical sales? lmao

Well check again

Nope see

because it's just as big if not bigger than the base game?

I'll care when it's out on PC

I know and it still sells like hotcakes. Face it, most people who play sports games don't give a shit about quality and buy them because it's "FOOTBAAAAALLL" or in this case "BASKETBAAAALLL". Battlefront 2 also sold great if I remember correctly. It's a shame but it's the world we live in.


I hate this site so much

Why the fuck did you play a game you thought was "boring as fuck" for literally dozens of hours to reach the endgame?

Why is Tails eating shit?

I just did. It only just reached 13 million. Nowhere near 110 million like I said.

so he could BTFO fanboys like yourself. thats a based from me.

icebornes out? theres been no ads or shit for it, there was quite a few for MHW

I said SINCE, you dumbfuck

World is garbage regardless of sales.

Iceborne is marginally better, but it flopping sends a message to Capcom and hopefully changes their view on the new gameplay style.

Sales just meant normal fags liked it. Doesn't mean it was great. You could also say it was a bit of a fad seeing as people don't give a shit about iceborne. Iceborne clearly improves stuff but it doesn't matter if it doesn't sell because capcom follows the money

I'm not surprised. The story in MHW is almost laughably bad, but that's alright because the gameplay is king. The story was always just set dressing. The reason why this is a problem when it comes to selling it as a $40 DLC is that unless you're balls deep in MHW already, there's no hook to bring you in except for the new mechanics, monsters, and locale.

There are new mechanics of course but they're not highlighted enough and even if they were, they're only appealing to a super niche kind of player. A casual isn't going to notice or care about new moves and abilities since they're just playing to hang out with friends or to get through each monster.

New and returning monsters are great, but we got that from free DLC already which kind of devalues monsters as a paid incentive.

There is the new locale with new indigenous wildlife and a few mechanics to go along with it, but if there is more to Iceborn than being in a snowland they sure as fuck didn't let anyone know about it. One new zone isn't going to be enough for some people at $40.

Finally, as many others have said, you have to have beaten the main story in the base game to partake in Iceborn at all. This only appeals to people who got all the way through the main game and have a will to continue. So unless you have beaten Monster Hunter World, don't care much about the story, are interested in the new monsters, locations, and mechanics and have $40 to spend, this likely isn't for anyone else. This ignores the quality of the additions of course, if they're shit it's not worth it. If they're good it may be more worth it to some people. It's a tough sell of an expansion.

Top 5 on steam is still only like 5 copies being sold to be fair

>outsells literally everything on release

>Monster Hunter selling 250 copies on its first week ON JAPAN
>Not flopping

Haha but that's still wrong too. Red dead 2 launched after world and has since surpassed it in sales. 25 million to 13 million. Just accept that you've been BTFO

Remember that classic MH will still not return.

And that's why PUBG had outsold literally everything on literally any single console ;^)

Check your data, darling

MH4U sold 1.6 million it's first week. Compared to that this is a flop

unfortunately people with bad taste and/or melanin exist worldwide and sports games will always sell well

You check yours. I'm looking at the sales right now. Accept your beating, user

I mean we already know EU has shit taste in video games. Iceborne is the best expansion since The Old Hunters

I had friends that dropped at the HR, other that dropped in Diablos/Nergi (when the one shots started to happen)

Why do you faggots always so desperately want games to do shit
Your so fucking bitter and disgruntled

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MHW sold that in the first week.
This is people buying the game again.
Oh my fucking god, how can you be this retarded.

>People are surprised
Anons. There's something you need to understand about my failure of a country when it comes to gaming.
Unless it's a shooter, sports game or something that's crazy popular like Mario Kart (which somehow STILL charts here) people don't give a fuck.
I'd honestly be MORE surprised if a MonHun game did well over here.

13 Millions are physical only.
MHW sold at least 15 million on Steam.

Pretty much. Going by ps4 achievements, only 45% of owners beat the story. Out of those very few will actually care to continue playing later (only 22.7% have more than 5 highest tier weapons) and out of those even less will care about the game this late. Also, rule out any "narrative" fag that tried the game for the story. You have less than 2-3 million people with these numbers.
Western players dont really care for a game that gets an expansion after this long because they don't know that its tradition for the series to get a better version later on.

I'm pretty sure that's the sales for the MHW+Iceborne pack (regarless of phy/dig), not the DLC solo

I like to press on if I buy a game that doesn't excite me as much. Just making the most out of the purchase you know?

Source? And even if that's true, red dead still sold more. Accept your beating, user

I'm waiting for the PC version, and I'm not gonna buy it twice

>expansion caters to its dedicated players
>this is now a bad thing

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>13 + 15 is less than 25
Alright, I'm done here

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>game that isn't FIFA doesn't sell well in FIFAland
What a shocker.

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NBA isn't FIFA and it sold well
Just suck it up MH tard.

>game releases quality expansion
>Yea Forums somehow hates it
>remember its pc release is delayed a few months
ah, now it makes sense

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>MHW sold that in the first week
>It sold as well as an expansion its first week
Coped so hard you played yourself. Nice user.

Show me one shred of proof that mhw sold that much. Go on. Show me? Oh you can't? That figures. Now bend over

we did it bros... im literally crying rn we fuckin did it

let this be a lesson, this is what happens when you betray nintendo

Imagine being a PC mhw player. Capcom could not give less of a fuck about you despite you making up the bulk of sales. The ultimate cuckerino

It was #1 best selling in Japan until now.

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Das riiiiiite! Ninty don't play, hunty! Slay peach slayyyyyyy

What the fuck is up with normalfags and soccer, Man? Like a couple guys kick a ball around, who gives a shit?

>3 stars
Ouch Japs must not like it much. Also lol Football winning

>clutch claw
>monster reskins out the ass
>riding lizards and wolves like some MMO
>doubling down on slingshot cancer
>silly anime moves
>silly anime monsters
>silly anime armors
>PC port coming next year
Well deserved. Fuck this DLC.

sonygoy fanboys btfo eternally

The got the normalfag crowd by advertising MHW as Japanese Skyrim. Any expansion or even a sequel is doomed to fail on mainstream western shitboxes after people actually played it.

>this yearly sports rehash that normies eat up totally isn't like this other yearly sports rehash that normies eat up
You're missing the point my guy, UK has notoriously shit taste in vidya

Based, good to know my fellow UKbros are men of taste

>physical sales of a dlc

Crimea is ours you fucking hohol

A sequel should do good, just not amazing. Most people not even finishing the story of MH shows that it was more of a try out game for western fans and some just didn't like it as much. Specially many who got dragged by some friend to "play with them".

No no no no no! This can't be happening, worldbros! Iceborne was supposed to be the final nail in the coffin for those oldfags. What are we gonna do?! What if monhun goes back to...*gulp*...the tendies

How the fuck is "THE DARK PICTURES ANTHOLOGY: MAN OF MEDAN" #3? What the actual fuck is that?

Honestly, this isn't surprising; MHW was literally lighting in a bottle and Capcom failed to capitalize on it in time.

This is why Epic work their employees to death over Fortnite, constant player engagement is literally everything. Too slow with new content? People start getting bored? Too bad, its over. If people aren't bombared with new things like every single week they move on to something else. MHW was fucking 1.5 years ago. The game completely cooled off by mainstream standards.

This is the industry we live in now. Dont have a constant treadmill of content? Bzzzzzz. You're out.

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MHW on PC outsold Zelda AND Mario
Nintendo is basically cancelled

Its a lot easier to convince someone to join them in a hot new co-op game than it is to get them into an expansion over a year later if the magic is gone. In other words, a lot of the base MHW sales were zoomers who didnt even know what MH was and just followed the hype.

>physical sales for DLC

This. It can't be said enough that World's success was in being successfully marketed to a group of people who never played Monster Hunter before. It would be silly to assume that because it sold 13 million copies that would translate to 13 million new MH fans who would by more games. Iceborne didn't get any advertising outside of a brief E3 coverage and Japanese streams. Normalfags don't watch this stuff.

I assume this is the thread where people can be honest about Iceborne.
How is it really lads? Is G-Rank difficult like it used to be? Where would it stand in comparison to AT or Ancient Leshen / Ex Behemoth?

Another thing: I know about the lack of weapon designs (yet again) but in one of these threads I've read that you were forced to go back to Astera. I was hoping I'd never have to go back to that place. Can someone please elaborate on this for me?

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>followed the hype
That's why they are buying the game more than a year after the initial release.
Makes sense.

Objectively false but believe what you want

Yeah for all the faults and complaints about casualization, when I actually played the game I was shocked at how unchanged the formula for the game was. It's still very much a normal MH game.

>MHW on PC outsold Zelda AND Mario
>MHW total is 13.1 million across all platforms (PS4+PC+Xbox)
>Zelda BOTW is at 13.6 million on Switch alone
>Smash is at 14.73 million on Switch alone
>Mario Kart 8 is at 17.89 million on Switch alone
I think you got confused user.

Really goes to show how much of the 13 million World players were just casuals going to the NEXT BIG AAA HYPE.

Sad but true

You only go back to astera like 2 times or so really, and you can visit the world maps from Seliana.
Difficulty is honestly just about right, I'd say only really narg and maybe Glav are easier than they should be.
Barrioth is still a cunt who won't stop attacking, brach is blowing up the world(and turf warring everything) savage jho is fucking nuts, and MOST weapons are in, just for some fucking reason things like brach LS/GL/L, and GLav GS aren't in cause you know, that fucking make sense not putting in the GS for the monster that uses a GS.
Also the new claw mechanic is actually pretty balanced outside of a few monsters like Banbaro. That fucking idiot will let you shove him into a wall over and over again.

I genuinely think a lot of people that complain about it being casualized have never touched it, it's a Mega Man 11 situation where Power Gear and Speed Gear are THERE but the game's better and more challenging if you don't use them. The biggest change for me is you can move while eating and while chugging potions (along with no flex to waste your time after chugging), but canceling out of either of those things wasting half a potion or just canceling the item consumption evened it out to me. Being able to change gear at camps didn't make a huge difference to me, in actual effect it pretty much just made me not have to cancel out of the whole quest if I equipped the wrong weapon or armor-piece.

>download cart
wow it's fucking nothing then

well why are they charging $40 for a dlc?

I think future multiplat MH will generally flop. People got roped in by the meme and bought the game, but they soon realized what a trash series it is, it's basically a Korean-tier grinder with awful combat from 15 years ago. It found a rabid audience among those with addictive personality disorders and shut-ins who cope with their situation with in-game routine, but those don't care about production values, platform availability, or anything like that, as long as they can grind and placate their addiction they'll be happy.

People got conned into this trash game, but now that they have tried it themselves it won't happen again. I expect Iceborne to sell considerably less than the base game, and I'm sure MHW2 will sell even less.

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Capcom already has hinted multiple times they are keeping MH portable alive. Core MH fans are still getting an actual monster hunter with full skills, charms, armor, quests, real G ranks and an actual full roster

I remember back when the it was at roughly 5 million sold several months after released I checked the trophy completions and less than a quarter of buyers ever did a single investigation

what a retarded and baseless argument to make considering the biggest normies play shit like destiny 2, warframe or the division which are literal brain-dead grind-based games with no difficulty and extremeley repetitive gameplay

smug reaction-image and a dumpster-fire opinion that blows its load half-way through, a vintage shitpost user

Man look at the stars for the other G games, it's always like that with japan

Nah, marketing is everything. They just need to call the next one Hunting Monsters: The Awakening or some shit, make a nice trailer, and boom 13 mil again

I get this is bait but it's way active on PC and will only go up after Iceborne.

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>Actually, it won't sell like crazy

Post yfw iceborne sells so bad the devs publicly apologize for mhw and promise to go back to the old formula

We'll know how well MH stuck with the next game.
I'm thinking a lot of the normies played their fair share and don't want "more of the same", yet will buy the next game as long as it introduces a cool new gimmick like gliding, bigger open world, underwater combat.

a tumbleweed will blow through Yea Forums's shitpost saloon six months from now if somebody starts a thread about how iceborne flopped

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I think you might be right to some degree. The vast majority of the 13 million copies sold were to people completely new to the series. But don't understand the foolishness of the bushmen who consume products just because they are told to. If the next game is well advertised it will find probably modest success.

Guess I'll screencap this for World 2.

Based and monsterpilled

>people wait until the game comes out to see if Iceborn has fixed World's issues
>None of World's issues have been fixed, it's just more World
>All the people who was turned off by World end up not buying Iceborn because they realize Capcom didn't spend over a year fixing World's issues, they just made more World
>Casuals who didn't finish World needs to play 40-80+ hours before they can even reach Iceborne content
This is why Iceborne sold like shit. Sales will pick up once casuals get back into it, but ultimately, all the people who didn't enjoy World wont buy Iceborne no matter what.

>projecting this hard

Catherine actually sold okay in the UK? Huh

UKfag here, I'm not buying it until they put in uncensored nargacuga armor and my friends won't buy it unless I play with them, doing my part one sale at a time

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this is physical sales for the Iceborne bundle you retards
Iceborne in itself is a dlc expansion, vast majority of it's sales will come from people who already bought MHW and are only buying the dlc.

Not reading the OP. Ignoring it includes digital.

What will the cope be when they tell us Iceborne was a huge success later today?

it's not even out on PC yet

>expect Iceborne to fix the shit weapon designs
>every user tells me Iceborne will fix shit weapon designs
>Iceborne comes out
>shit weapon designs have not been fixed
>in fact it's just as bad, maybe even worse, than in World
This is why I wont buy Iceborne. What's the point of hunting monsters when you don't even know if your favorite weapon is in or ironboned? Why the fuck spend so much time making fucking Palico gear instead of making weapons.
I just want to run around in Kaiser X with my Teostra Del Sol. I can run around in Kaiser X, but not with Del Sol. They had over a year to model Del Sol and other weapons, and they spent it making Palico equipment. Pathetic.
Base World is enough for me. I'll stick with that and previous gens until 6th gen hopefully fixes Capcom's most braindead mistake yet.

Nothing in tha tlink mentions digital, and it says those numbers are for the week ending Sept 7th, so it only includes 2 days of sales, not a week.

>No guys this was a huge success. The best downloadable expansion Monster Hunter has ever had
>Numbers? Uhhhhh it's already matched the sales of the Xbox One version of World

>mention digital
We went over this retard. It is the all format chart
>2 days of sales, not a week.
Follow sales more often retard. FW is usually a few days and some of the most concentrated times of sales.

>console warring for a multiplat
brain damage

I told all of you fucking World fags it is complete shit.
>MHGU is significantly better than World
>MH3U is significantly better than World
>MH4U is significantly better than World
>MHFU is significantly better than World
All of you who think World is anything but complete shit are to blame for this franchise's quick death.


Alright yeah World babies need to see tha-
Nah, you’re just a salty oldfag. FU was complete trash because the basis of the challenge by which it’s reveiled is on how poorly coded hitboxes were. Opinion discarded

It's bad for sales, the thing this thread is about

boomer MH wins in the end!

Iceborne is a worthy MH tho.

GU sold even worse then World though...

Should have released it at the same time on PC, I would probably have stopped playing Classic to play Iceborne.

Shut the fuck up zoomer trash. Sales mean nothing, Monster Hunter was much better as a franchise before you casual sales faggots showed up. Fuck off.

No it's not, it's censored western bait until proven otherwise. Show me 1 good looking female armor that Iceborne introduced and I'll concede

Every other capcom game sold worse than world

>autistic sperging
He just said it sold better
Why does a fact make you so angry?

Wait, people actually buying it on console after the superior PC released?
Am I the only in here who actually can wait for a mere four months?
I owned PS4 pro and never touched it again after the steam released.

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What level of gear do you want for Iceborne? BiS gear and weapons fully augmented and deco'd? or just elder tier stuff?


No dude, like even in Japan, World sold more then XX. In fact, XX/GU is the only G-Rank game to sell worse then its HR version.
GU was not a good MH spinoff.

Fuck you Capcum, you didn't even release a retail version of Iceborne in my country.

Surely with this, Capcom will realize that the true home of MH is with Nintendo

Console playerbase is superior and it's also where most based japs play, PC playerbase is smaller and more autistic, they don't know how to have fun.

>the two best selling MH games are on Sony consoles

Uk counts digital sales too and japan counted digital codes
Get dunked faggot

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Its DLC you fucking retards

I hate underwater fags so god damn much

I mean, even if it returns to Nintendo, it will be world-style, not classic style.

I got no problem finding Japs in steam, just changed my region to Japan in steam and got dozens of SoS and lobbies full of japs.

>GU is the only G-Rank game to sell worse then its HR version.
Other than Iceborne

It’s not a spin off, it’s an all stars game. Can’t imagine why it sold poorly.

Fucking brits

I had a dreaded suspicion when the sos board was practically empty.
Been chewing on the idea for awhile now and I think I know why this failed. Simply put, advertising.

They showed off a bunch of cool monsters in the trailers and a new locale but they really didn’t go into depth on what you’d actually be getting in this expansion. Destiny lays it all out for players to see. With this you’d have to google it. Now these days dlc gets a really bad rep so the fact that people see this $40 dollar dlc will turn them off instantly that it’s way too expensive. They should have marked it as an expansion or even a sequel type thing. I’ve also seen a lot of people complaining about subspecies thinking it’s simply just reskins.

It’s sad because what they should have done was do mini packs and monthly updates to the game to keep people coming back and having the game stay fresh.

>I had a dreaded suspicion when the sos board was practically empty.
Can you changed your SoS search by country in console version?

Go behead yourself with a plastic knife, you faggot

>japan counted digital codes
Which are basically physical copies.

Iceborne is a DLC, so it doesn't count since it's not it's own game.

I wouldn't be surprised if switch gets a world port when the new one gets announced seeing how much capcom enjoys fucking with switch users

No matter the sales, we still got one of the best G-Rank games ever on current gen
That would have sounded fucking impossible three years ago

That would be scummy as fuck even from capcom

Of course it didn't sell. It's not FIFA 2020 and a box of disgusting chicken tenders.

>Implying mutts or the rest of europe are any different

>includes digital
Nothing in the article states this and I find the claim to be highly dubious considering digital sales numbers are never handed out by anyone.

reminder that the UK hated old god of war and the low sales prompted the shift to cinematic god of war

how does some UK magazine have access to PS store and Xbox store sales data?

UK: Yee MHW wus prittty gud aint no FIFA.

They are. Read the thread, only Nintendo, Konami, and Bethesda don't hand out their digital


>Delay the PC version for no reason
>This happens

Attached: 1560265792960.jpg (1200x675, 108K)

No one hands out digital sales. You can't even begin to prove that one single digital store gives these numbers on a daily/weekly basis.

user, ctrl+f "konami"

i dont understand why would you people even celebrate that a good game "flops". I can only think on nintendofags feeling bad over the fag that Switch cant run it but they still got MH: Generations on their handheld console so i dont get this whole thread

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It's how they cope.

>claim the pc playerbase is smaller and most japs play on console
>b-but user! i found SOME japs on pc!!


A lot of anglos are waiting for PC version because they can't play the game without their 2b mod

>b-but nintendo...
Like clockwork

guess you proved my point, not a single example

UK literally doesn't matter. Stop obsessing so much over a single, tiny country. I want worldwide sales.

implying that country matters
>implying you mudshits aren't the ones funding FIFA

>it doesn't count!

Attached: PennJ.jpg (474x612, 39K)

i mean you can only guest who would be upset about a game selling well. And the game its on every console except Switch so...

>Switch cant run it
But it can, it's a game using a last generation engine and there is proof of more demanding games on the console

Bros...the twitch numbers...they are barely over 10k. What happened...brossss

>Comparing separate releases to an expansion pack
Hello, Retard.

>upset about a game selling well.

It's not the same form of Add-on. They can't be compared.


>i mean you can only guest who would be upset about a game selling well.
>you can only guest

Nips knew that Capcom was going to release a G game after the HR game, so they waited. Aside from XX, this is why those games always sold more.

>nintendies still MAD at MHW success

>Full of violent beasts
>Barely any firearms
just go outside and get it for free

They will never stop seething user.

Lets piss of the autist.

Press D to dab on OP


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>4 (-) NBA 2K20 (PS4)
faith in humanity is falling

It’s a popular series

It costs £35 here. I bought the original MHW for that price at launch.

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Not him but that's just sad bro. Anyone with that much disposable time is not based

This entire post is a pile of shit


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Thats because your not just buying the dlc, its the full base game AND the DLC unless you go digital and then its like half price

I don't play sportshit, that's for sure. Only American niggers and Eurocucks play yearly sportshit.


>I don't play sportshit
Yeah, you play weeb trash and think you're somehow better than them

Actually, every HR version of a game has sold better than the G rank version.

It's fun to play. And in the vidya, you get to be a coach.

Literally just go down the list.

I unironically think all this sales talk is by someone trying to make a collage screencaps when the International sales pop up just like what happened with 13 million sales news. Shitposting knows no bounds

Oh, thought you meant only Japan, because in Japan the first version sells more.
Still, it's normal for XX to have sold less, for various reasons. It was a very late G rank release, specially in the west (after World in this case) and it happened in Japan when the 3ds was already on its way out. X itself sold way less than typical numbered titles in Japan as it was likely considered a spin off by many. I'm honestly impressed that it sold that much on Switch considering how late of a port it was.

>Monster hunter about to reach no sales
>Spend all the rest of your money on marketing and make a multi-plat
>people immediately see that it's shit
>nobody buys your dlc
Gooks were a mistake

Well Eurofags only play FIFA.

It's £35 on the digital store without the game included, you numpty.

Weeb trash is objectively better than sportshit.

>they put in uncensored nargacuga armor
wut. How was it censored?

3g sold more than Tri, and 4u sold more than 4. This meme of hr always selling more in Japan is a fucking lie.

>That pic
I don't know how many times I jerked off to that pic in particular after all these years

4U certainly did not as those are the worldwide sales and 4 was only released there. 3U maybe.

Japanese are still pissed they tried so hard to appeal to the West with World and abandoned the Japanese fanbase for it.

>I don't know how many times I jerked off to that pic

Attached: 1566935774755.jpg (604x604, 78K)

You can go look up the media create sales yourself, you fucking retard.

Based nips putting crapcom in their place

Less visible netting, can't even see the revealed thighs, arms covered, armpits not visible

Attached: nargacuga_alpha_plus_set-mhw-wiki-guide1.png (300x261, 32K)

>sage in the name field
Go back tranny


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Ok so by your data (or by the data that the other user posted up there) 4U sold less than 100k in the west. Got it, I believe you user, sorry for being a retard.

It's almost like the gooks are trying to branch out from basement dwelling neckbeards.

>yet another 500 reply thread full of delicious nintendo fan tears as they still try to cope with the fact that they'll never play this game

this board just keeps on giving huh

It's almost like the series sold well off the back of it's reputation and now that it's been toned down in difficulty and visual appeal for a western audience interest is waning in every region as expected.

>It's almost like the series sold well off the back of fatbody neanderthals

What? Are being a fucking retard intentionally? Go to any media create archiving website and look up MH4 and MH4U sales. 4U sold a little more, and 3g sold almost 1m more than Tri did in Japan. HR selling more is not an ultimatum.

Doesn't change I said, continue being scared of real women

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So you're a fatbody neanderthal reeeing about anime girls in a videogame?

Cope more tranny. Maybe you can spin this flop into a “success” if you try hard enough.

I'm a [whatever you want] criticising censorship in a series caused by western 'fans'.

>pokemon tier kids game
Grow up loser

World was the worst thing to happen to this series, MH generals used to be based. They made the games too easy and now retards fully express their opinions on the games.

Go by or by and MH4U sold 4.3 million WORLDWIDE while MH4 sold 4.2 million. MH4 was released ONLY in Japan.
So then if MH4U did not sell less than 100k in the west, how much did it sell for your assertion to be valid? Also fuck off retard.

WTF I can't get hard to this?

4.2 and 4.1*

>responds in a childish way because he can't form an argument

really makes you think

Why the fuck did they feel the need to change the formula, Monster Hunter has always had such a solid sales record. Its like killing the golden goose. Maybe a silver one but still.

>Stop outing me as a smelly virgin

They killed the silver goose to lay a golden egg, and now the goose is dead their sales have gone away.

You can out me as a smelly virgin as much as you like, doesn't change your non-argument

>expecting dlc for a shit grind treadmill to compete with full releases
you're are rarted bro?

>actually it won't sell that much

Attached: 1542400181812.gif (301x250, 1.31M)

Main issue is how match maker is broken and you barely see quest despite many online

What, that you're a fucking loser playing a kid's game whining about your cummies?

That's right user

who cares

I really feel that the censorship argument is whack as fuck
Didn't the change the design for a few other MR armors too?
and if they were really throwing us under the censor bus wouldn't bone and anajath armor look like a burka?


from England, didn't realise it was out
zero ads for it

Waiting for the PC release. Not double dipping on this shit; got plenty of other games to play until it comes out.

it was already dead, you can only rehash a game so many times.

Over 50 screencaps so far. Once the capcom sales are out, ill unleash hell. Thanks for helping me collect them, OP

They were in the original MHW, what armors of that caliber do we have in the DLC? It sticks out especially because it's one of the most iconic sets.

I wont buying a loading screen simulator, waiting for PC version.

At least now that world finally got it's last installment we can look forward to Capcom's continuation of the portable series

Lol cope more tranny.

I couldn't imagine being this pathetic

He's wrong about 4U, but you're an even bigger dumb ass because you seem to be confusing global sales with jap sales when people were talking about JP only sales here. 4 and 4U never sold that much in Japan. The 4 million for 4U is global, 4 sold 4 million in Japan, 4U capped out at 2.5 million until it fell off the charts on media create. Where the fuck are you getting this shit that both 4u and 4 sold 4 million each in Japan?

That link you keep referring to even shows other G rank games that sold more than HR (F2 To FU, TRI to 3G). 4 sold more than 4U, and X sold more than XX. as someone stated before, HR does not always sell more than GR. I don't know why you're so adamantly against this when someone even posted a link ITT showing sales data about this.

Right now we have more screencaps against you than you have, Ryozo

Did they really thought they were going to get the normie support again?

Most people who bough MHW never beat kirin or did an investigation

Most normies quit the game after a dozen forced "FIND THE ??? TRAX"

I don't blame them.

Dude did you even read what I wrote? I said the 4 million were WORLDWIDE. However MH4 did reach 4.1 million in Japan because it wasn't released elsewhere, 4U however reached a bit higher than the 2.5 million you mentioned and sold the rest outside of Japan.

"Classic" Monster Hunter is raw nostalgia anyway. It was never great, people just thought it was because its a classic case of "My first ______ is the best one" because it captured your attention enough to care about the series. It's the same with Megaman as a franchise and Pokemon even.

>anglos are mumbling idiots that have no taste
what's new?

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I'm waiting for PC, fuck the PS4

And what the absolute fuck does this have to do with you denying G games selling more than HR games?

Absolutely nothing, user. But the other user was calling me a retard for simply saying that 4 sold more than 4U in Japan, which a simple glance at the sales data would say that it is true.

>Monster Hunter
>Good taste
At least the crooked teeth pirates have some taste you mutt
Also I bet your shitty dlc won't sell much more on yout shithole country

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>All this shit flinging just like when MHW first came out
>No user, it won't sell! No user it won't be popular!
>13 million sales
Just wait till next year. It's going to reach millions again. Especially if they keep bringing in more monsters from older MH games.

im so angry that i have to wait until january to play.

Do people really believe that capcom themselves think they’re getting 13million iceborne sales? There expected numbers are definitely low since they told investors this fiscal thing wouldn’t be pumping out cash like the first half of the year and when World originally launched did

How often do expansions sell as much as the base game by itself? I've been curious for a while.
I'm guessing something massive like WoW does, but that's expected.

>>All this shit flinging just like when MHW first came out
When it came out it sold more than 3 millions, iceborne hasn't sold that AT ALL judging from the news

who cares about UK? they dont even have loicense to play monster hunter

Capcom usually has some absurdly high numbers in mind, that's why they're always upset about everything

The vast majority of sales are gonna be digital. Until capcom lays out how many digital copies they sold nobody knows how good it’s doing. I’d say wait till Friday they love telling how much the first week sales are for their games

>It's going to reach millions again.

once it comes to PC yes

Maybe in the PS3/360 era. Nowadays they get fucking pumped when things pass a million

>Belt blocking thigh
>thighs are now covered in mesh
>arms aren't even raised to tell if the armpits are visible or not
Maybe go off something more then a single shitty picture before gaslighting

That's what I meant with wait till next year.
People were literally saying it was failing even though it sold 2 million. You've missed some of the most seething threads I've ever seen.

these are the faggots that singlehandedly keep sony alive with FIFAfaggotry, fuck (((((((Great)))))) Britain

Actually the thing that keeps Sony alive is Grand Order.

The vast majority of world players can't access the dlc because they've never beat the story

The UK charts are from like 9 physical stores.

And ironically it would be banned on PlayStation with some of the accessions.

>sony is mass censoring anything anime sexual while one mobage with anime tiddies literally keeps them afloat
It's like poetry it rhymes.

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It counts physical and digital.

It counts physical and digital
If the dlc sold shit you can say it, nothing wrong with that

Bad way to handle expansions. People like the option of not having beaten the game to play the cool stuff

Or called it farming simulator

That doesn't make sense

doomed. although its not so bad. monhun should stay non-casual or capcom should keep improving the series. i dont want to play a bastardized and westernised monhun game

America is the same shit.

>Releasing DLC 1.5 years after the game initially launched
>Expecting the ADHD retard normies to even remember what Monster Hunter is more than 6 months from release
>World still regularly breaks into Steam's top 10 most concurrent players daily
>Delay PC release by 5 months for no reason
Its almost like Capcom WANTS their games to fail, as if that wasn't apparent with the disasters that were SF5 and MVCI.

Because Yea Forums is a board taken over by wojak niggers who don't like video games

It doesn't matter if you do, generic nigball games sell 10+mil copies every year thanks to these sportsfans

And gambling addicts

>release pc port fast
hurr durr buggy port i hate it
>take your time making a good port
hurr durr you want your game to fail

There's no pleasing you pcniggers.

its hilarious bongs manage to buy up a basketball game. surrealistic. too ameriboo and completely brainwashed by american media.

>its impossible to release a good port without a delay!

the new playerbase WONT buy a 40 dollar expansion.
if ti was 20$ maybe.
what worries me is this might make capcom considering pay2 for monsters since the west is not buying into expansions/re-release like japan did.

Western market perception of DLC is far different, 40 bucks for downloadable content simple wont interest most people no matter the content. This needed to be 20$ like blood and wine for withcer.

Not when you do it in house and you know PC fags represent a negligible fraction of your consumer base, despite being loud and demanding as fuck.

Pretty good, less shitters to carry on G rank.

>lets put a feature that rewards helping new players
>no new players keep playing

im glad nothing of worth was liocked under it.

And with 50 free fucking defence, ruined water combat, and garbage textures and environments. There's also no lighting effects which I liked.

>second best selling platform
>negligible fraction of your consumer base

Fucking what 80 dollars for the master edition .... I payed 50 dollars and it retails for 60

I've got 500 hours in vanilla World on PS4 but I'm not really interested in dropping £30 for a DLC (£50 physical) for what's basically a majority of returning monsters on a piece of shit console that runs the game at 18fps and 480i for some quality of life options.
If I could transfer my save to PC and buy the DLC for £20 or something I'd be on it like hot butter but right the who gives a shit heavily outweights the good.

wow congrats on beating the barely existent xfags :)

GU and 4U are trash kill yourself

Serves them right for spending billions of man/hours on cinematic bullshit instead of actually putting effort into designing good weapons. Fuck the art director of this game, I hope he gets fired.

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>mug graphics

>actually defending Brachydios chicken tendies Duals Swords

What is the bone item required for the final upgrade of the zinogre HBG

>Brachydios chicken tendies Duals Swords
w-what did they do to his wepons?

What the fuck snoy bros? You were supposed to beta test it for us!

sage goes in all fields, spermskull

Fuck off
Half the weapons in the game are near identical to the base bone or iron models. Endgame KT weapons are exactly the same as the base iron models. This is pure laziness.

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It's not like paintballs are more fun.

What does this have to do with Iceborne?

Imagine getting hyped for this shit

> Expecting casusls to stay comitted to Monster Hunter.
Anyone who gives a shit about the game would be playing it on PC anyway. If you care about a particular game, why would you settle for playing it at 30FPS in worse graphics?

What's commitment to you? Spending 3000 hours on a 20 hour game?

jesus christ

There are people actually defending this, excusing CAPCOM because ''it's a new game, so it's a lot of work''.

The fucking Palicos get better versions of the weapons while the hunter is stuck with iron/bone #12312.

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dial 8


>just makesome weapons good
eh? what the fucking point

Lmao, what the fuck is with this nigga's voice? Is Kermit the frog doing game reviews now?

>> Based
The japs and euro bro’s know how shite it is lol. It’s so casual now lol. Series is dead and they know it lolol.

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Knowing mosterhunter her probably lives off ramen and energy drinks

The only way to enjoy the game is to use NTR on 3DS or just play on PC and cheat mats in so you dont have to grind. The actual fun in the game is endgame fights and speedrunning.

It's inconsistent as fuck, within the same family tree you get 5 or so slap on placeholder shit but 1 or 2 weapons get the actual good design, coincidentally the ones who are most played.

Even Zinogre got shafted, its Greatsword and S.Axe are fucking bone/ironshit now, it's infuriating.

>The actual fun in the game
Is realizing that the AI is braindead and every fight is you doing the same dance and combo over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over

He's a castrato, the guy sings opera in between making MH videos.

Warframe is free and all those games are mechanically simple point and click adventures against braindead AI bullet sponges.

capcom did a terrilble intrying to sell this to new players.
When MHW came i see a lot of youtubers and exposure, iceborne had none of that none of those cameback. Poeple seeit as an over expensive dlc right now


Are you dumb that you don't know how sales work?

>buying the dlc to a japanese game where they neglected the weapons and armor and expecting them to improve

>t. never made it to G-Rank/AT

well shit, it sold over 13m copies, I expected them to put in some effort as gratitude at least

Yeah that ONE new move definitely justifies fighting the same monster with 3x HP and damage

No Khezu
No Gigiinox
No Buy

Britfag here and I didn't even know the game was released, only heard the name last week. So I would put it down to shit marketing

s-shut up!

Sorry, 8x damage and 8x HP for one new move and an armor set that's not good enough to be meta

Or 8x damage an 4x hp. It's kind of hard to know when there's no fucking stats in the game for the monsters.