Marsupial Company Racing: Jet Fueled

Talk about our favorite jet fueled marsupial crashing game.

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The microtransactions shit left such a sour taste i simply uninstalled the game.
Wish i never spent my money on it, i could've grabbed a couple of good indies instead...

New gamemodes when Beenox

Attached: OxideRun.webm (700x392, 2.94M)

Giving Liz everything she needs.

Attached: Pleasuring Liz.webm (518x550, 197K)

Rimba DLC when?

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Bandibeauty bullies Bandicunny. Also post some more Webms.

Attached: Nothing Personal Little Coco.webm (1280x720, 2.62M)

Come back Cocofags

Lol, what a faggot


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I delete pretty much everything I save at some point. Gonna start hoarding webms though.

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I'm pretty unorganized save so much stuff 24/7. Y'never know when you might it need fellow Lizbro.

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Attached: Deep Dick Driving.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

Yeah I'm like that too, it's time consuming but she's worth it.

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Hit that shit

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She sure is.

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Attached: Crash™ Team Racing Nitro-Fueled_20190803145236.webm (1280x720, 1.38M)

>all there is to CTR threads now is one lizfag and webm reposting
welp, it was good while it lasted

This still happening?

Attached: save_1.png (1920x1080, 2.89M)

You mean two Lizfags and webm posting.

Attached: Thanks Beenox Heeheehee.webm (1280x720, 1.34M)

God Back in Time was shit for online

Yea Forums doesn't play racing games

Even less so than they play games in general


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I want to princess-carry Liz.

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Haven't seen it happen again since last month

>"RIGHT here, big boy"

Based and Lizpilled.

Attached: Liz wins.webm (356x428, 1.01M)

It happens a bit here and there. I have a few I need to upload.


Wish people would vote for Dragon mines

>vote for DM
>host leaves during loading screen
>see it again
>host leaves during first second
U cant win.

Attached: pouty angel.png (457x626, 239K)

I'm hosting now but that doesn't change peoples shit track picks

>Remove 'Random' track vote
>Replace with "None of the above'
>It now rolls 3 new tracks

I just fixed your online using Halo Reach.

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Based Scuba Crash I second this

You might call this anti-semitic, but I'm not a fan of those that are responsible for Nine Eleven.
>Missile has down
>I randomly do not get a landing boost
>Kart refuses to start drifting
>Lose SF
>Got hit by an invisible beaker a few moments before
I got the all in one package during this race
>Lose all momentum on the ramp for no reason
>Jump fucked
What a game, thank activision and beenox

Crash team racing nitro fueled is better than team sonic racing. #FuckBigTheCat #FuckOmochao

I have TSR I just never bothered to learn it. Team racing sounds cool though

>Missile has down
>has down
I think you has down user.

Yes, my missile had down syndrome here and you seem to have it too

>Dingo Canyon over Hot Air Skyway
These fucking people man

>Fighting for 3rd
>Got 4th
I fucked up

>Crash Cove over Brap Air Skyway or Cortex Castle
>Inferno Island over Out of Time or Clockwork Wumpa
>Coco Park over Polar Pass or Tiny Arena
Every. Single. Day.

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I don't even mind non USF tracks, it's just they pick the shittiest ones.

I don't think i'm gonna post screenshots tonight. The people i'm racing against aren't really good.

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Despite the addition of the mtx's it won't change the fact that I had great fun learning to drift the entire tracks and fapping to bandiqts

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I hate this Spyro update.

Everyone plays as fucking Spyro. He sounds and looks like a faggot. Also Coco is best female bandicoot.

How in the fuck are you supposed to do "back into the race"? I often at least get on the podium, so I'm either the guy leading by half a lap or I'm chasing the guy leading by half a lap, how in the hell did they expect people to do this?

Also, Sewer Speedway, why can't I slide up the walls? And random invisible walls on ramps?

I'm complaining but I've been creaming over this game since I've got it, a beautiful remaster. Glad they kept the split screen in as well.

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This, and my pitstop is empty anyway.

Turning the game on. Time for more suffering. Let's do this shit.

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I dont either but why pick inferno island over fun tracks or ones with better coin payout.

Here's something interesting: it says itäs only doable in races, but you can do Didn't See That Coming in battle mode as well.
In case someone didn't know...

Good luck Lizbro

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Reminder that bing bing wahoo man is coming to CTR.

Attached: Bing Bing Woah.png (258x160, 8K)

I actually kinda hope not, I already hate seeing Spyro now I have to look at the fat man in red?

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Why does Tawna look like she wish she stayed in bed?

I was trying to do a PB time trial on that track the other day and I must've lost USF like 8 times on that stupid fucking ramp. Probably the most consistently bugged ramp for me in the game.

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Because she wants to go back to the bed of the human male she was fornicating with.

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Anyone running into lobbies where you dnf them but they still stick around? I'm getting a lot of that today.

Why do I get disconnected after every race? Is this just how it works now?

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>Someone in the lobby named PLZADDYAYA
>Been seeing them for weeks
>I've been misreading this persons name as "PLZDADDY" for over a week

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Post more Coco boys

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The based Zemchads left the threads. That's why they suck ass now. Also the crappy Grand Prixs and Microtransactions.

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I constantly get put into Lobbys and then once there's several people in and the course picked the Lobbys disbands or I get removed not sure which.

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This is for you

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Based and princesspilled

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You look like you're mad for replying to my post.