Talk about our favorite jet fueled marsupial crashing game.
Marsupial Company Racing: Jet Fueled
The microtransactions shit left such a sour taste i simply uninstalled the game.
Wish i never spent my money on it, i could've grabbed a couple of good indies instead...
New gamemodes when Beenox
Giving Liz everything she needs.
Rimba DLC when?
Bandibeauty bullies Bandicunny. Also post some more Webms.
Come back Cocofags
Lol, what a faggot
I delete pretty much everything I save at some point. Gonna start hoarding webms though.
I'm pretty unorganized save so much stuff 24/7. Y'never know when you might it need fellow Lizbro.
Yeah I'm like that too, it's time consuming but she's worth it.
She sure is.
>all there is to CTR threads now is one lizfag and webm reposting
welp, it was good while it lasted
This still happening?
You mean two Lizfags and webm posting.
God Back in Time was shit for online
Yea Forums doesn't play racing games
Even less so than they play games in general
I want to princess-carry Liz.
Haven't seen it happen again since last month
>"RIGHT here, big boy"
Based and Lizpilled.
It happens a bit here and there. I have a few I need to upload.
Wish people would vote for Dragon mines
>vote for DM
>host leaves during loading screen
>see it again
>host leaves during first second
U cant win.
I'm hosting now but that doesn't change peoples shit track picks
>Remove 'Random' track vote
>Replace with "None of the above'
>It now rolls 3 new tracks
I just fixed your online using Halo Reach.
Based Scuba Crash I second this
You might call this anti-semitic, but I'm not a fan of those that are responsible for Nine Eleven.
>Missile has down
>I randomly do not get a landing boost
>Kart refuses to start drifting
>Lose SF
>Got hit by an invisible beaker a few moments before
I got the all in one package during this race
>Lose all momentum on the ramp for no reason
>Jump fucked
What a game, thank activision and beenox
Crash team racing nitro fueled is better than team sonic racing. #FuckBigTheCat #FuckOmochao
I have TSR I just never bothered to learn it. Team racing sounds cool though
>Missile has down
>has down
I think you has down user.
Yes, my missile had down syndrome here and you seem to have it too
>Dingo Canyon over Hot Air Skyway
These fucking people man
>Fighting for 3rd
>Got 4th
I fucked up
>Crash Cove over Brap Air Skyway or Cortex Castle
>Inferno Island over Out of Time or Clockwork Wumpa
>Coco Park over Polar Pass or Tiny Arena
Every. Single. Day.
I don't even mind non USF tracks, it's just they pick the shittiest ones.
I don't think i'm gonna post screenshots tonight. The people i'm racing against aren't really good.
Despite the addition of the mtx's it won't change the fact that I had great fun learning to drift the entire tracks and fapping to bandiqts
I hate this Spyro update.
Everyone plays as fucking Spyro. He sounds and looks like a faggot. Also Coco is best female bandicoot.
How in the fuck are you supposed to do "back into the race"? I often at least get on the podium, so I'm either the guy leading by half a lap or I'm chasing the guy leading by half a lap, how in the hell did they expect people to do this?
Also, Sewer Speedway, why can't I slide up the walls? And random invisible walls on ramps?
I'm complaining but I've been creaming over this game since I've got it, a beautiful remaster. Glad they kept the split screen in as well.
This, and my pitstop is empty anyway.
Turning the game on. Time for more suffering. Let's do this shit.
I dont either but why pick inferno island over fun tracks or ones with better coin payout.
Here's something interesting: it says itäs only doable in races, but you can do Didn't See That Coming in battle mode as well.
In case someone didn't know...
Good luck Lizbro
Reminder that bing bing wahoo man is coming to CTR.
I actually kinda hope not, I already hate seeing Spyro now I have to look at the fat man in red?
Why does Tawna look like she wish she stayed in bed?
I was trying to do a PB time trial on that track the other day and I must've lost USF like 8 times on that stupid fucking ramp. Probably the most consistently bugged ramp for me in the game.
Because she wants to go back to the bed of the human male she was fornicating with.
Anyone running into lobbies where you dnf them but they still stick around? I'm getting a lot of that today.
Why do I get disconnected after every race? Is this just how it works now?
>Someone in the lobby named PLZADDYAYA
>Been seeing them for weeks
>I've been misreading this persons name as "PLZDADDY" for over a week
Post more Coco boys
The based Zemchads left the threads. That's why they suck ass now. Also the crappy Grand Prixs and Microtransactions.
I constantly get put into Lobbys and then once there's several people in and the course picked the Lobbys disbands or I get removed not sure which.
This is for you
Based and princesspilled
You look like you're mad for replying to my post.