You fucking lied to me Yea Forums. Can't believe I believed you guys, its been almost a year and still no RDR2 on PC...

You fucking lied to me Yea Forums. Can't believe I believed you guys, its been almost a year and still no RDR2 on PC. You swore to me, literally fucking swore to me. Last time I trust you brehs, I'm actually going through with buying a Snoy console to play one game

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PC Masterwait 3rd worlders lmao

hahahahah you fag

>buying that awful game
>Buying a console just to play that awful game

What, you can't wait a little? Are you a fucking consumerist cuck? Do you NEED [new thing] right away?


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just emulate botw, it's the same game

it is on PC you fucking retard


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>no boring as fuck Rockstar game on PC
what kind of retard wants this?
>it's a dumb frog poster


kill yourself.

Ultimate cope waitcuck

Stfu stupid Reddit nigger go back

Sorry PCbro, after this most recent update you are really missing out. It definitely isn't worth buying a console over. But if you had one, AND LIKE THE SETTING, it would be worth it to double dip. Not worth the double dip if you just want a rockstar game, only worth it if you want to mosey for fucking hours doing nothing of any significance. Which I do.


>Sorry PCbro, after this most recent update you are really missing out
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. Literally last time I listen to anyone from Yea Forums, I fell for that leaked 'PC' gameplay vid a few months after launch. And all this Australian classification bullshit. Board is infested with fucking liars, what the fuck was the point of upgrading to RTX

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Time is the most valuable thing in the world retard

Then why is yours only worth $7 an hour?

>buy ps4+RDR2
>RDR2 gets announced for steam one week later
Do it, OP, i'm tired of waiting too!

imagine beeing a game starved pc fag in 2019 instead of switching to the superior consoles. its like beeing an incel instead of "having sex"

did you not learn with GTA V?
first comes the next/current gen ports
after that or rather now comes the EGS exclusive PC release
then another year later comes the steam release


Im sad theres new threads about new RDO update, its pretty fun

Attached: EDxdcpaXUAAx4Ud.jpg (3840x2160, 485K)

No* new threads about the update, i dun goofed

Attached: DwPHuCPX0AA6tZF.jpg (2048x1152, 163K)

I have not yet finished RDR because it's so boring. Outlaws is the best far west game and still remains a PC exclusive after 20 years.

I'm a cpa, making 137k a year while you wait for console ports instead of dropping 200. Cope, babb

Consolechads win and have fun, PC.ucks wait and shitpost about framerate & resolution.

u on Yea Forums

Why yes user I am a consumer, I earn a wage and spend some of my earnings. This is how it works in non commie countries
