Can't believe leftists ruined Bloodlines 2

Can't believe leftists ruined Bloodlines 2

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Leftists ruin everything.

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wow gay people in my vider gayms? how awful. how will i survive? get over yourself OP. if a game is an RPG is should allow you to choose your sexual orientation.

>pass user
>is a faggot
not a big surprise

Why do i find this so funny?

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>Total War games are historically authentic, not historically accurate
I agree.
>add female units
Now the game no longer feels authentic. They defeated their own argument within the space of a single sentence.

What's with all these political apologists having such horrible ESL writing? Is this like the equivalent of the Indian tech support? How little do they actually pay you to push their agendas online?

ahem that would be gay muslim vampire sjw

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thats a mod retard, the original vtmb did not have a history option. go false flag somewhere else you fucking retard

>if a game is an RPG is should allow you to choose your sexual orientation.
Look at what propaganda has done to your brain.

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i dunno i would think screeching for months about something fixed with a 12kb mod that was released the same day is more cancerous

history option isn't even enabled in vanilla bloodlines

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Oh boy a pointless thing that has no effect on the game needs to be a mandatory feature.
How about instead of a option that locks you into it you can just play the game the way you want and suck all the cock or grope all the tits you want

Nah, I pride myself on free thinking and free choice, this is the path that people of above average intelligence or higher choose. People should be free to be whomever they want to be in any medium they so choose.

Not letting people choose is akin to forcing a homosexual person to be straight, all games should have that choice now. It doesn't affect you other than the fact that you are a homophobe. Your kind will be rooted out within a generation. Literally deal with it.

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this shit posted in every VtM thread, give it a rest.

Says the straight man who's had almost every video game, movie, television show protag cater to THEIR lifestyle.

you straight guys are so blind/delusional, i'm STARTING to think the SJW's are right about something.

Oh yeah? Are you going to make that same argument for pedophiles? By extension, you're saying games should have kiddie fucking since it doesn't affect you other than you're not a pedo.
You're a fucking moron.

no thanks

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>Implying leftists didn't ruin the original

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>you will never be a cool gay vampire
feels bad.


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Why cant the alt right make games? Or movies? Or books? Or literally anything?

don't worry too much you can still be a gay vampire

Except being gay isn't a crime in all civilized nations nor does it lead to crime. I don't understand why you would compare homosexuality to pedophilia.

This is literally walking into leftist hobbies and then complaining "WOW WHY DOES THIS CATER TO THE LEFT SO MUCH?!"
I am not making fucking threads about how fucking stupid gun nuts are on /k/ for fucks sake

>comparing homos to pedos
every time. how many posts till you start comparing to bestiality as well?

Almost everyone is straight though, so that shouldn't be a shock.

Murcan's are actually the worst at their own language. Even though they only know one.

Based rudi poster, keep shitting on vampire like a good boy so we can get more werewolf players

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>cater to normal, upstanding, functional majority of society.
NOOOO you need to cater to degenerates and mentally ill people!!!

why not just do it like bioware?
you can fuck anyone or no one without tackily declaring yourself something

everytime they try you cry until they are kicked off and shut down
censorship is the only way you people can win.

Cause hatred was such a good game right?

Do you faggots not realize that that probably determines some of the game's dialogue.

As others have mentioned, that kind of shit was a part of the original game. It really isn't unheard of to have a gay option when the entire game revolves around navigating an underground society.

They can, they just get banned and demonitized whenever they do.

Hatred wasnt alt right

That's half-assed and boring. More choice is always good. There are zero negatives to adding choice of sexual orientation, if there are negatives, I'd love to hear them.

It's almost like liberals make games for other liberals while conservatives sit around bitching, moaning and creating nothing for themselves. Cope :)

>Except being gay isn't a crime in all civilized nations nor does it lead to crime.
It was a crime though, and the fact that it isn't a crime anymore is a problem, the desaturation of culture is what led to it being decriminalised.
>nor does it lead to crime
99% of homo's are pedos, this have been proven time and time again.

No producer has the balls to fund it, different views are not tolerated from the tolerant left

too low iq

>wiping degenerates out of society
>not alt right

The alt right consists almost entirely of underaged white kids and scammers like Meketur who profit off of them.

So you're just a homophobe, your opinion is irrelevant. You won't enjoy the future if you continue to think like that. Stop fighting a battle you won't win.

If you think hatred is right wing you're even more retarded than the people that see leftist propaganda in every game. At least they're broken clocks that end up correct a couple times a day.

Considering homos make up the vast majority of sex crimes against children, yes.
Videogames aren't a leftist exclusive hobby, never has been.

>Sexual orientation is your history, nothing else.
This should be fucking insulting to gays.

Vampire fiction is

Why would tolerant people have to tolerate the intolerant to remain logically consistent.

Hatred and Fear are the cornerstones of the GOP.

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how do you think?
don't come at me with that "what are the negatives" shit
I'll just pick bi and have a more unlocked experience than you

Otherway around, faggot. Your awfulness has a hefty stench and most people are starting to pick up its scent.

Wew lad.

>Vampires should be good christians
wtf am I reading.

step out of your echo chamber once in a while

"P-please stop showing our embarassing shit."

>conservatives cant make games
>Look a conservative is making a game, contact paypal to remove his funding whaaaaa hate speech isnt freespeech, Remove him from social media
If your veiw of your own ideology wasnt such a weak one, you wouldnt feel the need to do these things.

>this have been proven
Learn English.

You reek of fear.

The funny thing is, someone made a mod for just that and a bunch of pussies flipped shit over it.
Reminds me of that privately funded scholarship for white males.
>You don't like that everything panders to us whilst fucking you over? Well, just fix it yourself :)

>tfw this is the only representation of your hometown and likely entire country WW has ever made that you are aware of
Also as someone growing up in Copenhagen, I really wonder how I missed all those muslims tolerant of homos.

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Can you have gay sex in this game?

Imagine thinking being punk while being censorious pro-establishment cocksuckers. Absolute fucking zero self awareness.

>you can just mod them out
>ok here’s a link to a mod that does that
>gets called a bigot, taken down from Steam, criticized in SJW twitter and game sites

Leftists hate you and want you dead.

They used to and still do, but nowdays they have to hide their power level.
For example Lovecraft, terrible racists that wouldnt get a chance in current society, but changed the horror genre for ever.

There were plenty of references in the Dark Ages books

>When the ESL fag tells others to learn english
It's correct grammar, retard.

Learn to report off topic GOP bait instead of engaging.

Why is the alt-right too stupid to make their own videogames?

Not even gay but I'd totally bro fuck Alistair

>want realistic videogames
>put orientation options
>be mad

Vampires dont have sex.

Clarification they can pretend to have sex but unless you're humanity 8+ its just pretending. You cant actually have an erection and feel pleasure, or get wet.

*tips fedora*

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
I don't think so Tim.

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>i just want to genocide why does everyone treat me like a nazi

>historically authentic not historically acurate
what in the fuck does that even mean

>/pol/tards actually believe this

You need a dick in your ass, son

What are the odds that you would be a gay person?
What are the odds that you would be a vampire?

This has. Not this have. Ignorant hater.

>2006 graphics

is this a joke?

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well ok (:

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There is literally no future with homos.

>tfw you agree more with the picture than the Yea Forums poster
they're right you should just mod it if you don't like it

>Why cant the alt right make games? Or movies? Or books? Or literally anything?
your house, sewer system, water you drink, food, fruit, vegetables, everything you need to survive not make believe on a screen, something leftists are very good at pretending they are something they are not

I'd argue that 95% of people are fine with the LGB part, which is what we're arguing with. The T is another topic altogether.

it means alternative facts. come on you voted trump you should know this one

does picking homo in the mod actually do anything? always wondered but i only played with the histories enabled once and i decided to choose a more "playstyle" history choice from what I recall.

>tfw no garou battle waifu to cuddle with and fuck while you kill leeches

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why do people get excited for [modern reboot of classic game] ever?
modern devs just cannot be trusted to make a quality product but retards fall for it every time

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>not accurate
Those shitters doesnt even know what those words mean, right?

probably wouldn't have bloodlines 2 preordered if it weren't for the fact i paid $23 for the normally $90 gigagoy edition thanks to a price error

That game is from 2004 user

brainlets gonna brainlet

Werewolves cant fuck eachother unless you want your inbred spirit baby to come tear your cock off afterwards.

You have a single fact to back that up or are you just regurgitating what you heard Dave Chappelle shit out?

This, and for some reason a lot of people dont see this.

Because you need creativity and imagination to make those things, and almost all leftist are closed minded people with none of those requisites.

Faggot says he needs a dick in his ass and calls him son

How dumb are you?

Yes. The a far larger % of Americans support gay rights than they do transgendered rights.

This is always funny to me because "skinhead" was an example character for Brujah in V20

what is scary about a faggot? they might get aids or kill themselves at me?

a+ response

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>the anarchist girl looks like a COMMIE!
>the anarchist guy says ANARCHIST stuff
no shit faggot that doesn't mean the game is promoting anarchism or communism
>two optional dialogue choices joking about voting republican being naughty and the bush administration sucking
if this really bothers you that much you need help

Nú-White Wolf is pozzed in dimensions you cant even begin to imagine. Onyx Path looks good in comparison and they're utterly brainwashed faggots too.

...Though less so since Holden and David Hill got axed. Since then one became an alcoholic the other a communist tranny. Now if they also got rid of Rose and it would be an actual company instead of a cavalcade of degenerates living off kickstarter money and padding books with unpaid freelance fanfiction writers.

Doom, Crash and Spyro come to mind.

I dont know if that user has some stats, but from my perspective:
I can accept some guy/chick's unnatural fetish making them wet for the same gender, but not the mental illness making someone think they live in a body with wrong gender.

Show your facts nigger.

You have to go back.

Representing an argument is different than promoting one. That's what the original did right, it had no agenda, every side had positive and negative sides.

i can accept both i just don't think pretending the person is the opposite gender is the right way to help someone in the latter scenario

Learn English.

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the trick to your image is not showing that the far left gets what they want almost always on the censorship scale, while the right is censored from sharing their opinions or ideals

every progress was made by, guess what, progressives, not people who wanted to sit around in the same world all day, that's why they worked towards changes

Still hate that dumb bitch. Ruined the whole franchise for me

>Unironically defending cucked vidya
Hi, ResetEra.

Was it autism?

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it was heroism

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you're the same as sjws

>Homosexual Trait
>Sucks dick out in public, doesn't break masquerade
>gets Vitae from cum
>Wins game of the year from weirdo tranny pervert game reviewers

yeah, Im not saying we should kill them all, but actually try to help them rather than play along with this destructive fantasy. After all 40%.


Absolute kek. Think for once in your life.

>alt right
You can put the mass media bogeyman away and just say "right."
Read the thread.
Basically, they'll bitch and cry until you get censored, and corporate giants side with them for fear of the same. It's a vicious circle enabled by the media controlling the zeitgeist.
Remember when PayPal stopped allowing right wing causes to be supported through them? SJWs just said "make your own pay service." So someone did. And the sjws screeched and bitched and lamented about "nazis" until they got the host of the site to drop the service.
The left can't even stand to see opposing opinions exist. They are truly authoritarian. Fascist, even.

Whoa... Its almost like normal people will side with people who are nicer by default.

Its almost also like ever since 2016 the alt right aleinates all non whites and forces them to pretty much fence sit or go left...

the trick is realizing that both the far left and the far right think that the games are filled with propaganda supporting the opposite side

everything is censorship to the far right and everything is problematic to the far left

What progress is that? Killing off your entire ancestry line because you wanted to suck a shit covered cock or get aids from a monkey because there were no little boys around for you to molest? Progress in a progressives mind is wanting free money from rich people, while paying taxes to your kike overlords and sexual deviancy liberty so you can have sex with animals and "consenting" children.

If gamers hate liberal politics so much how come no conservative devs have stepped into the free market to meet the unmet demand?

Pretty sure spamming the same thing you hate 65 times in hopes of something changing makes someone insane.

How new are you if you're surprised at SJW shit in VTM?

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Alt left: Hello please do thing it hurts my feelings


nah it makes you based

because what you see as "liberal politics" in video games is actually just normal everyday shit

same way that what SJWs see as "problematic" in video games is just normal everyday shit

The same reason all good musicians and filmmakers are liberal.

>trannies trying this hard to false flag
you do realize your caricature for what the oppoiste side thinks is not what they actualy think, right?

take your meds

I would rather deal with annoying larping nazi fags than actual big brother censorship reading what I do say and think otherwise I'm imprisoned in such european states where you are not allowed to deny the holocaust. Freedoms > being a censorship cuck

Nazis are not American right wing though. Nazis are socialist a leftist ideology.

You guys need to ease up on that strawman, it's basically just tatters of burlap by now.

No it makes you an insane autist. That's the definition of insanity.

>implying I'd not want to be a kinfolk getting to breed all the cute garou waifus I want

>he says, while posting on Yea Forums
I bet you think this place is a bastion of free speech.

Your hrt pills? Think you need them more than me


I for one feel glad knowing that all the sociology majors come here to remind us that games can be political. I'll be sure to shut up about the conflicting messages of the latest military shooter because an old game had politics about something else. Gamers are sexist and racist, haha amirite?

>I'm ok with murdering innocents and draining their blood with my vampire teeth but triggered that I can choose non-conservative sexual orientations

>maybe vampirse are different
>maybe people for older ages who literally hunted and killed homos and other deviants for sport are better

Based smooth brains

Where are my options to murder all queers I see in the game and call niggers niggers? It's an RPG that has no political bias right?

nah its based

Not him, but compared to the rest of the modern internet? Absolutely. Why do you think it makes the authoritarian left seethe so hard?

I'm able to say what I want as long as I'm not posting images of victims of child pornography or gore on a blue board which is a sensible rule to follow
saying hitler is based and did nothing wrong literally hurts nobody cause anyone who should be offended would be fucking dead anyway

>thinks she can do a job better
>readers disagree and dislike her work
>thinks she can throw a tantrum until she wins a peabody or some shit.

It is.

why don't you shoot up a walmart about it

That would be inaccurate, even the traditional "right" looks down upon the alt-right with disgust and loathing because they are such contemptible people.

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Not him, but yes it is compared to twitter, facebook, etc

>I'm able to say what I want as long as I'm not posting images of victims of child pornography or gore on a blue board which is a sensible rule to follow
Racism is a bannable offense of of Yea Forums. I've been banned for calling people a nigger. This place is cucked.

/pol/ says the same shit tho. muh jews and elite funded glowniggers

>videogames don't make you violent
>but they can make you a tranny somehow

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The alt right is overly hostile. This is truth. Almost everything is a hostile pissing contest with them.
Whoa.. the schmoozing alt left comes off as more reasonable. No fuckin way...

I want to fuck Damsel while telling her shitty ideology doesn't work SO BAD.

>twitter, facebook, etc
You have to go back.

You are fucking insane dude. Seriously, seek help. This is a video game.

>another thread by supposed snowflake haters absolutely seething about gays in vidya within 24 hours
the irony is hilarious

if everyone was conservative we'd still live in caves, why build houses, the caves worked out so far right?

t. occasional trap fapper

>>nor does it lead to crime
>99% of homo's are pedos, this have been proven time and time again.

This is a stupid line that totally make you sound like an idiot. No it hasnt been proven, it's confusing your bias with facts just like those stupid sjw cunts do.

You're not allowed to mod it, either

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Sure, that's my point. There's like 500 of them total and yet the media and their useful idiots act like it's every conservative.

Why would anyone produce media for people who don't actually buy that media?

to the same website I been lurking for a decade? ok I'll stay on Yea Forums

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Resettrannies at it again.

every time

>Being shocked that Otherkin : The Differently Abled has gay people in their game

Have you niggas seen the average VT: M table top player/larper? It's all theatre rejects and power level bs

I'm not antifa, neonazi, or on SSRIs. So just another strawman.
I've mostly seen right wingers defending themselves from violent aggression from the left.
Are you saying trigglypuff was a calm, level headed individual? You're on another planet.

I've been calling people niggers all week, must've been a trash thread with a cucked janny in it, reminder they add filters based on words they relate the most with if cuck became popular again I'd bet on it getting filtered

>more choices are good
then why lock yourself into one orientation instead of organically approaching relationships in games? That's kind of antithetical to your point.

>My aggregation of opinions is a fact

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How many /pol/tard shooters have we had so far?

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racism is banned site wide, except for Yea Forums

How many nigger shooters have we had so far?

I dunno lol

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*hairline recedes*

Keep repeating it. You are the only one truly believeing it.

>I dunno
That's what I thought, faggot.

Yes, polls, and studies are scientific facts. You have any of those to back up your case yet?

You can get banned for saying nigger anywhere because its an easy thing too enforce in comparison to other offenses. You can get banned for shitposting on any board, its just how they justify the ban.

far left thinks everything is problematic when it's not
far right thinks everything is censorship when it's not
>okay but everything is censorship and censorship is bad
nevermind my dude just don't think about it

2 I think? So about on par with antifa types. You have Dayton, and the school shooting done by a tranny and the daughter of an illegal immigrant. Oh yeah, and the baseball stadium shooter was a lefty.

yea look at her attacking all those people. really warrants shooting up a synagogue in self defense right user? :^)

Niggers shoot other niggers.

Pol fags shoot kids and civilians and brag about high scores. Lmao.

Go shoot another kid pussy. Anything or anyone that wont put up a fight. Leave killing other men to black chads.

>source: ADL

>Niggers shoot other niggers.
Woah, niggers are based.

I've read these studies before, since it surprised me. The qualifications for "right wing" include everything under the sun, including being dissatisfied with the government or thinking your taxes are too high.

>anyone who is not a corporate bootlicker or a christian is a degenerate communist
>anyone who thinks current gender politics and mass immigration are questionable is a nazi scumbag

never change (lefty)/pol/

>2 I think? So about on par with antifa types.

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>comparing some fat chick throwing a tantrum to mass shootings
>you're on another planet
what planet do you think you're on?

That explains my post so well:
Not sure how I missed that before.

Yet another game I'll enjoy the fuck out of while you'll autistically scream at people in copypasted threads.

>black gangster
Shoots and kills 2 other black gangsters
>Reeeeeee violent nigger

>White polcel
Shoots and kills 30 elementary students, 3 teachers and 4 cops. Then himself because he knows he will get torn apart in prison

nah it's based my dude

Lovecraft was just as racist as pretty much everyone back then in USA
That doesn't make him an alt right activist, retard, you are just desperate for validation

you are so right bro, lefties are so lovable and never commit acts of violence unlike those racist white nationalist construction workers, farmers and engineers

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>It's another "Mid-2000s Liberalism is totally the exact same as late 2010s Neo-Progressivism" meme
Literally kill yourself

Holy based.

>Shoots and kills 2 other black gangsters
>only 2
Fucking gay ass niggers can't even aim.

>Looks exactly like the typical Brujah

Bloodlines has a conflict literally revolving around a group of privileged aristocrats vs anarchists.

No, if you want to compare mass shootings, see this post:
And that's not including the 95% of mass shootings perpetuated by blacks who invariably vote Democrat.

Dude, blacks do revenge killings on children all the time. Even five year olds and shit. There's articles about how kids on the city are dying from being shot like crazy the past few years.

They also made fun of trannies, and chinks

It isn't mandatory it seems optional.

stop playing dumb user, you had 9 alt-righties this year alone. and that's only the ones that had political motivation in the attacks. if you want to include dayton where even twitter posts unrelated to the attack count then you're about to get a whole lot more inflated alt-right numbers

Lovecraft was significantly more racist than was normal on account of being a sheltered, mentally-ill misanthrope.

This. Pol niggers are delusional
>fucking jews with all their money and power that should be us

>fucking violent niggers that should be us commiting random acts of violence

>fucking muslims taking us over. It was BASED when we did it to the Native Americans

>i don't like immigration because immigrants are bad people who do bad things
>and to prove my point i'm going to kill a bunch of innocent people
>its the SJWs fault for making the world such a terrible place
i imagine this line of thinking is similar to how muslim extremists process things

>dude the ADL is fake news
>dude listen to me 95% of mass shootings are done by Dems

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>Priveleged aristocrats vs priveleged anarchists

fixed that for you, Anarchs are whiny fuckwits who want vampires to be killed because "muh freedom"

[citation needed]

Plus I'm talking incidents, not kills. Not being able to aim doesn't make you not a mass shooter.

Consider the fact that both the alt-left and alt-right came from the same cesspool that was the Something Awful forums.

el paso shooting, poway synagogue shooting, tallahassee yoga studio shooting, maga bomber, jeffersontown kroger shooting, pittsburgh synagogue shooting, murder of blaze berntstein, murder of meshon cooper-william

I mean, the anarchs are a bunch of cry babies, sure. But they aren't the ones in charge.

>When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.
If everyone was as racist as Lovecraft, there would be no civil war.

>Defending gang violence because you dislike /pol/
>Defending rape gangs because you dislike /pol/

the ADL are fake news, they're basically an protection racket.

Your greentext s unironically correct. ADL are literally the people who called Pepe a hate symbol.

No it's not. It's pretty clear insanity dude.

S-Shut the fuck up and dialate you nigger chink j-jew glownigger antifa jidf

You do realize that most art creators mean left wing right?

It's a fact that people wrote in those answers. What they represent is anecdotal. My anecdotal experience with friends and family say that they've been okay with the gays and lesbos for decades, but that the trans have been confusing and angering everybody recently, and brought down their group by being included.

>history: faggot
seems fitting for a suckcuck

Vampires are gay

>Being a proud bitch of the system

>t. jude

>a """"bomber""" is a mass shooter
>murders are mass shootings
>people that hate Trump and Israel are Republicans
Dude, you're list is total horseshit.

Im not defending it. Im pointing out pols hyprocrisy that they want everyone to be okay with their "justified" rage when its the same shit.

let me guess, the christchurch guy wasnt right wing according to you.

>also, make sure and skip Chappelle's new comedy special!

Yeah, the ones in charge are the only guys keeping Vampires from being literally wiped out.

I mean sure the camilla are hilariously blue blooded assholes, but breaking the masqurade in modern times when your basic vampire can be killed by a random guy with a shotgun is literally retarded.

>mass shooter clearly states that their killings were alt right politically motivated
>mass shooter is crazy and also voted for obama once
totally the same thing, gottem

>3 our 4 killings committed by right-wing extremists in the U.S. are committed by white surpemacists.
in other words fire burns what a fucking retarded chart
what the fuck is an extremist anyway why aren't nigger shootings in chicago included on this list

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I'm referring to the US. I don't really care about the sheep fuckers or their resident goat fuckers.

Yea Forums got offended at the special because he said whites raise school shooters.

>be christian
>your shitty jewish book says you live in a demonic world of darkness ruled by satan and that you have to hate the things in there
>REEE, why are things not christian

You signed up for this, chum

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*Readjusts tinfoil hat*

It was a glow nigger chink jew jidf joint operation with antifa funded by black lives matters and hiliary clinton to hypontize all white women to love bbc and DESTORY THE WHITE RACE

You're confusing misanthropic delight at someone venting their anger and justifying and endorsing their actions.

Bloodlines 2 was never going to be a good game, nobody ruined it because there was nothing to ruin.

nah dude it's based

So was the christchurch guy rightwing or not?


And I fucking love hating everything

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Don't forget the pizzagate shooter

>If you murder them without a gun it isn't an attack
>Fails to realize he said alt right and not Republicans
Average /pol/tard intelligence

>Mass shooter wants a right wing ethnostate with every race in it's place
>Mass shooter wants a left wing ethnostate with every race in it's place

Strange, it's almost like the "progressive" left wing politics of america are just strongarmed socialism wanting to dictate how people live.

Dont pretend it isnt the same shit. Shooters are celebrated on pol and always have been.

>Yeah, the ones in charge are the only guys keeping Vampires from being literally wiped out.
LaCroix was an asshole who wanted power. He wasn't helping prevent vampires from being wiped out.

I haven't read his manifesto. All I know was he was he hated Muslims.

You BTFO'd in teh other thread. You will get BTFO'd in this one as well you autist. I got my eyes on you now.

And it is insane.

If sexuality is not a choice, why can you pick it in character creation?
Checkmate atheists.

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Hey at least you're not forced into the non-binary bs

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He was an accelerationist. He wants the right and left wing politics to devolve into the tyrannical ends they're heading too.

>Bloodlines 2 was never going to be a good game
[citation needed]

i was only referring to stuff this year. its a long list the farther back you wanna go

You aren't a regulated poll aggregator or scientific organized team. Again, where are your facts?

He was also right wing.

Your shitty jewish books also says to behave like an utter cuck and a pussy and love your enemies and whatnot
>no, you don't know theology
I'm sure some random retard in a chinese bubblegum collecting board knows more theology than the fucking pope and his feet kissing.

>My goalposts are moving on their own senpai!
I don't even use /pol/, nimrod.

Nice goal post moving faggot. I guess every nigger that guns down white mom and her kids is based too. Why should he give a fuck about resident cumskin lmao

But gay vampires are literally older than Dracula.

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Literally every measure to preserve the masqurade is a measure to preserve vampires though. LaCroix was an asshole but literally every Anarch is as retarded as he is due to their sheer ideology.

spyro and crash weren't sequels tho

>Being straight is a life style
No, I don't live my life based on what particular hole I want to fuck. Why would you? Don't you have any ambitions besides sex?

Right wing accelerationist*

Yet had many socialist leanings, like most of the "Alt-right" they're just socialists who want the state to decide their lives, just like the "Progressives" want the state to be the final moral arbiter of society.

They're both groups of rabid authoritarian socialists.

Not sure how that's moving the goalposts. We were talking about the US off the bat.
As for the rest of what you said, I don't speak schizo.

>Pol fags shoot kids and civilians and brag about high scores.
Those are false flags holy shit don't actually tell me you believe an actual active shooter threat happens and they take the shooter in alive instead of immediately shooting him down because he has a rifle and has presumably already gunned down at least a dozen kids by the time they arrive.
It's a literal hollywood skit and you actually believe that shit happened that's fucked up.

>Yet had many socialist leanings, like most of the "Alt-right" they're just socialists who want the state to decide their lives, just like the "Progressives" want the state to be the final moral arbiter of society.
Nah they're white supremacists, which is why the Unite the Right rally killed the alt right movement in the US.

Shh. They're not there to argue, just to be right. Remember that.

Because for every 1 "/pol/cel" there's 50 BASED BLACK BVLLS.

>>fucking jews with all their money and power that should be us
Not they themselves, but people with their ethnicity or at the very least their culture.

>>>fucking violent niggers that should be us commiting random acts of violence

>>fucking muslims taking us over. It was BASED when we did it to the Native Americans
There's a difference between "being incapable of driving out the 'invaders' " and willingly allowing them in.

Because they don't care about optics, they want to a direct solution to the problems that they perceive their society faces without considering the fact that they live in a world hamstrung by both the Democratic process and Supranational rights.

>Can be right wing

I want you to remember right wing politics are usually conservative, as in, to maintain the status quo and tradition.
How the royal fuck can someone who wants to break the status quo, and instill rapid progressive change be a conservative?

He's left wing as fuck.

Ironic. You could just admit youre a retard with no arguments using buzzwords for filler.

Just say socialists.

>I want you to remember right wing politics are usually conservative, as in, to maintain the status quo and tradition.
>How the royal fuck can someone who wants to break the status quo, and instill rapid progressive change be a conservative?
He was mad that Muslims were coming in you dumb fuck. He was conservative.

>They're white supremacists

So Socialists with an ethnic bent; many of them still want the state to completely and utterly provide for them and are happy to allow the state to have control over their lives as long as it's focused towards their particular ideology.

>Those are false flags holy shit
>falseflags that have been going on since pols conception
Fuck off retard

>lefties pretending they care about shootings
Funny how they are always so quiet about black shooters. Almost like they just want a talking point to use against the evil and oppressive white man.

>you can either mod it or not play
Fun fact: CA Ella banned a modder from TW Three Kingdoms for making a bikini armor mod and deleted his mod from the workshop.

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People should be free to make the games they want to make.

>So Socialists with an ethnic bent
Nah they're just racists.

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Probably a really tight dev cycle, a no-name studio developing it an Mitsoda displaying a complete lack of originality (He's still voicing alot of characters, bringing back old ones for no fucking reason etc) combined with some atrocious facial animations that will do it.

Which is a fucking shame because I WANTED to be hype but the E3 demonstrations really killed it. I predicted the discussion would die out after the clan announcements, but the actual death that occurred after E3 surprised even me. The faction announcements aren't making any traction either. Dead on arrival (ironically) game

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So were the German socialists, that doesn't make them not socialist.
Not everyone will fit into neat little boxes for you to lump together. Most people don't rabidly follow party lines.
I'm a republican and I'm pro choice and think we need healthcare reform. My friend is a democrat and he thinks trannies are mentally ill freaks and that we should have the right to bear arms.

Holy retard. Just shut the fuck you. He was very clearly alt right. Now youre just baiting. Bravo faggot.

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..and black, hispanic, gay or trans!

Women warriors is authentic depending on time period and wars though. For instance, during the Roman Empire, specifically Caesar’s campaigns against the Gauls.

Don't project, sweaty.

so you side with actual criminals instead of loud voices on the internet that make you scared?

>He didn't like muslims
>That makes him a conservative

Wrong, and hilariously so, because Muslims are hilariously conservative.

If you're trying to claim racial hatred is exclusively right wing then you're a moron and know little about what right and left wing actually mean.

I mean buddy, let's do a simple political litmus test.

Was Teddy Roosevelt left or right wing?

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you seem to be confused as to why people are more uneasy about mass shootings than violent crime in general

the vast majority of violent crime is related to things like theft, drugs, organized crime, etc. this is violence motivated by a desire for money and power. it's easy to understand why a lot of this violence happens and it's also easy to avoid it if you have enough money to not live in a poverty stricken area where people tend to turn to crime.

mass shootings like the ones you see in american news aren't motivated by things like money, they're motivated by ideologies driven by hate and indiscriminating murderous desire. they can attack at any time or any place and they will end the lives of as many people as they possibly can regardless of who you are or what you believe.

basically, people are more scared of mass shooters than profit-driven violent crime for the same reasons that they're scared of any religious/political extremism, just like ISIS

>spending this much effort trying to bait

> modded vtmb

All at once?

>He was very clearly
>Very clearly

I'm not baiting, I'm just holding you accountable to the actual subject and not resorting to memes like a retard.

I have to give /pol/ credit, that was genius. It outted so many retards as extreme racists toward whites.

i wasn't in the other thread. i just saw you kept replying to the guy in this thread so when he stopped i carried on.

i'm probably the third or forth iteration of people fucking with you today.

post yfw you're not an alienated white middle-income young man that got radicalized by dumb internet culture and started supporting edgy and regressive politics

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He was an Ethnic "conservative".

Alt-Right != Conservative

Typically Conservative refers to the conservation of Social mores, rather than anything based on Ethnicity, though you are technically correct.

Pol tard reading comprehension strikes again

>my strawman is real though!

because they are uncreative cavemen.left males are by FAR more talented when it comes to any kind of art. just have a look how many hairstylists are gay

>Can't answer a simple political question
>Claims any actual discussion is bait

How about this; Fuck off back to ResetEra or /pol/ you pathetic election Immigrant. I know my shit about politics, you clearly do not.

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I see sucessful white bros all of the time.

Yea Forums is filled with retarded trailer trash that blame Dah Joose for being high school drop outs


Why is sticking your dick inside dude's asses so important?

Give those goalposts a break, son

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Progressives are progressive for a reason.

My fucking sides
>Tech guru
>Gang member
>Literally can't stop sucking dick
I get that they're trying to be inclusive, but they just low-key pointed out how faggots define themselves by their love for dick

>reddit spacing newfag goes full retard
Look up what an ethnic conservative is

unga bunga me agree
now excuse me, im gonna be smashing rocks with other rocks

Absolutely based.

It's on purpose. They want the perception to change so it's seen as normal. Anyone who naturally is disgusted is ridiculed and ousted

>Ethnic conservative

In the fact that he wanted to conserve the white race, which isn't really conservatism because then any pro-Green person is also a conservative.

I mean last I checked a proper conservative wouldn't want to push through huge sweeping changes to forward his racial agenda, because that's more like progressivism.

That actually makes perfect sense for a cyberpunk setting, unless you're some retard who doesn't understand transhumanism.

from what i saw all it outed were racist white people who couldn't understand why the "its okay to be white" posters were deliberately provocative

nice screencap r*dditor

That guy hated Trump and Israel as much as Ilyn Omar, so doesn't really work.
What strawman?

That makes you then even an even more pathetic autist than him.
Why are you doing this?

>alt right tries to make something
>gets defunded, deplatformed and blacklisted
>lel why don't the alt right make anything?

You guys already lost the culture war, though.

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You're only proving my point. If "it's okay to be white" triggers you, you're a racist, mate.

Another buzzword that doesn't constitute anywhere close to being what right wing politics are about?


>Reddit spacing

Newfag is showing, double spacing is old as fuck.

Only btfo retards ever make this argument

The Bioware approach is literally the maximum of choice for a given cast of potential partners. It's a negative because adding stuff that has no consequences in game is unnecessary bloat.

>that spacing

because its based

Why is "it's okay to be white" a provocative poster?

I did it on purpose that time, but it shows you have no argument and are either some /pol/ immigrant being a nigger or just an immigrant to Yea Forums in general.

I always find funny when someone says "Liberalism is dying."
Liberals keeps winning since the French Revolution.
I would go as far as blaming the American Revolution for inspiring the former.

You started with "and".

>using the term "alt-right" seriously

>I'm acting like a retard on purpose!
Okay retard

your employers are pretty stupid if they think hiring faggots like you to change the polarity of Yea Forums is going to work, you sound like someone who has only been using the internet for a week, you disgusting newfaggot

Another fucking thread lost to fucking retarded Americans who can't keep legitimate political discussions inside

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Is this where you just start cycling through attacks on my posts because you can't actually deal with my argument.

You still didn't tell me if Teddy Roosevelt was right or left wing.

Classical liberals are all on the right these days. Where you been?

Just another day on Yea Forums
Incels bloo blooing about the gay agenda in their vidya, on their Chinese girl cartoon BBS where they push the boomer agenda they've been indoctrinated with

>In the fact that he wanted to conserve the white race, which isn't really conservatism because then any pro-Green person is also a conservative.
I'll admit that they aren't mutually exclusive, as Eco-"Fasc" people do exist, but to suggest that if they believe in the conservation of nature they by necessity require the conservation of Caucasians is at best theoretically correct, and practically invalid.

>I mean last I checked a proper conservative wouldn't want to push through huge sweeping changes to forward his racial agenda, because that's more like progressivism.
Correct, it's more failing of language than anything else the hampers the ability to truly encapsulate what political ideology they have.

Because it's an obvious dogwhistle.

There is no alt-right. That's a term invented overnight just before Trump got elected in order to discredit anyone who didn't suck the dick of Israel.

Nah, you're retarded.

did you even read the OP? it was socio-political from the start you giant moron

>pass user since 2019
>supporting h*ro

not very interested in the political discussion going on cause politics are a sham but i'm gay and being able to be gay in a good game is pretty dope

Sorry, bud, but we run this board.

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Stale memes. What are you, 40? Who talks like this?

It is dying though. Liberal ideas in America are rapidly being consumed by authortarian ideas.

Everything they have released looks like shit, there is your citation

Nigga what? You're schizo as fuck, dude.

But Trump sucks Israel dick more than any president in American history.

Autism is not based user, despite what they're telling you.

>There is no alt-right.
Not anymore, because of Charlottesville.

Irrelevant. Classical liberalism was peak progressive cancer when it was created. And progressivism only moves forward.

Its like how you feel when you see an lgbt flag or a black person

>mass shootings like the ones you see in american news aren't motivated by things like money, they're motivated by ideologies driven by hate and indiscriminating murderous desire. they can attack at any time or any place and they will end the lives of as many people as they possibly can regardless of who you are or what you believe.
great job falling for the hollywood propaganda you are reacting exactly as they would want, you know these fucking hollywood elites can shut off entire neighborhoods for shoots and nobody would bat an eye at crowds of police vehicles or gunshot sounds
no, because you are scared of the boogeyman you will forfeit any method of protecting yourself from any actual threat in your home no matter your lack of criminal history or mental stability. It was on the tv and pushed by many left leaning media sites so it definitely happened we have eye witness stories from actors you definitely did not see in any other of the mass shootings across the globe

But it isn't?
The whole point of it was to put a benign statement into an area in which people ostensibly disagree with the statement, and see what happens.

So is black lives matter an anti-white dogwhistle?

You're ignoring that the other 99.99% of reddit that comes here is LE DRUMPFTers.

>WW scrapped week of nightmares for shit written characters

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what the fuck are you faggots even talking about

reading instead of taking at face value someone who calls themselves a classic liberal while spouting literal nazi propaganda

That was an attempt to formalize the budding movement into a cohesive entity by one the most retarded cunts I have ever had the misfortune of listening to.

That said, the Alt-Right never existed, just as "The Left" as a cohesive whole never existed.

as opposed to this?

Attached: beautifulfamily.jpg (700x701, 50K)

I don't know, if I saw people tearing down "it's okay to be black" posters and burning them and saying "this is why black people deserve genocide" I'd probably think it was pretty racist.

You are thick, user.

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You must be new

Not you or your family. None of your business virgin.

The Alt-Right just turned into the proud boys.

Falling back on the "le Nazi!" tactic, are we?
Please quote my alleged Nazi propaganda.

nah it's alt right propaganda 101
take a independently reasonable statement and juxtapose it in the most racially provocative way possible then call people racist if they question your motives

it's the exact same as "all lives matter". clearly the statement is self evidently true but it is only invoked in ways that attempt to detract from the position that it's actually opposing.

I didn't mean all Green conservationists are then white nationalists, I meant all Green conservationalists are now "conservative"
As it's usual standin for "Right wing".
The entire argument is ultimately false, as fascism isn't right or left wing at all and the discussion of political movements is hilariously muddled by opinion.

Fact remains, politics in America has made all this distinctions pointless, hence why the left leaning shitposters can't tell me what political leaning Teddy Roosevelt had because he's more complex than just "HE REPUBLICAN HE RIGHT WING"

What's provocative about saying it's okay to exist as a white person?

I got here in 2007, so yes, eternal newfaggot.
Now stop acting like you aren't an outsider and go back.

Pretty sure a classical liberal would not approve of the pro-censorship stance the left has been taking in the west.

still the better option when compared to a walking corpse or alzheimers grandpa who thinks his pension gives him infinite money

This guy is retarded



>people are more tolerant of something after it's made legal

What does this prove, exactly?

>lgbt flag
Annoying basic civil rights need to be tired to a profit making counterculture in 2019?

>black person
nothing because they're just a person?

I'm not an Alt-right poster user, I just hate radical stupidity from all political leanings.

You're a brainlet if you don't understand the difference between historically authentic and historically accurate.

No there isn't
I'm sure you will use that one screengrab of a sub with 15 active users as proof, but the Trumptards have a much much much larger following that seeps over into here

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It was only done in response too BLM, as you well know.

>juxtapose it in the most racially provocative way
Nigger it was plain printed on a fucking sheet of paper
Oh god the fucking Times New Roman fonts oppressing me

Classical liberals literally killed everybody who didn't think like them. There's no good liberalism.

Sounds like you are just a racist. There's nothing provocative about either of those statements, unless they provoke you because you're racist.
Again, I'm assuming that was the point. It exposes you for who you really are.

Classical Liberalism and Nazi ideology are hilariously seperate things user.

Like their entire viewpoint of government is exactly the opposite.


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F.E.A.R. was really fucking good. Shame they dropped the ball on the sequels

>pass user
>fag supporter

The comedy writes itself

>muh hollywood propaganda

your real enemy is capital, not "coastal elites" or whatever the billionaire-funded think tanks want you to believe

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99% of redditors who come here are from t_d.


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why can't Yea Forums be this based anymore?
>user influx
oh nvm

Can you explain why I am retarded or are you just angry your rage is so impotent?

Stop defending your homeland with nonsense. Wasn't Trump's sub even deleted? It takes less than two minutes to see that place is 99% hardcore lefties that think "that mean old Yea Forums got Trump elected!" and come here to whine and bitch it's not like reddit.

>That authoritative, driveby "Quads"

what an alpha

imagine samefagging an unbased post make like a tranny and suicide yourself m8

Socialists are probably the most hilariously naive people I have ever met.

They think Power structures don't exist in human nature.

>I didn't mean all Green conservationists are then white nationalists, I meant all Green conservationalists are now "conservative"
Neither did I, I meant that because they have one conservative policy does not make them conservatives.

>The entire argument is ultimately false, as fascism isn't right or left wing at all and the discussion of political movements is hilariously muddled by opinion.
It's extremely difficult to remain objective when it's questioning something a person believes in.

>Fact remains, politics in America has made all this distinctions pointless, hence why the left leaning shitposters can't tell me what political leaning Teddy Roosevelt had because he's more complex than just "HE REPUBLICAN HE RIGHT WING"
I'd just wait for it to blow over, but it's been going on for several years now with no sign of abating.
Kinda of shit tbqh.

This but unironically.

yes you big whiny baby, let them "defund" your free copy of Unity, free copy of Visual Studio Community, and free copy of Blender

Fucking goddamn lazy retard.

Sounds like you've got it reversed, mate. Just because that sub is your boogeyman back on reddit, doesn't mean it's ours.
As an aside "t_d" is a dead give away that you came from reddit. Shit, you are the proof that what I'm saying is true.
I hate you all equally, it's just that you come here and bitch about your bugaboo sub in much larger numbers.

hatredguy wanted to kill everyone, not just degenerates

How many people were at Charlottesville? Is that any indication of the entire political discourse of the entire country?

Look at this completely organic term.

Attached: Screenshot_20190911-142627_Chrome.jpg (1080x1288, 135K)

what is historically authentic about female generals or females in any sort of military position?

>ur dum
cmon bruh

Attached: 1553479518767.jpg (777x656, 79K)

fucking dumb ass tranny... talking down to me like i was the one inside when its been disporven bynthe oval office... trust me trust me screams the tranny... jesus will rise like he said in the bible proven by the bible and whennhe does he puts that 44 in your kouth BANGBANGBANGBANGBANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BOOOM BOOM BANG BANG BANG SIX SHOTS BANG down your tjroat, goodbye tranny

i wish I could live in a bubble like you can

>Not you or your family.
and that's a good thing!

Socialists talk about power structures all the time, my man
Also, natural does not mean good or fair or desirable

t. anarchist


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>whole country has to show up to a protest or i don't believe it

They seem way more normal and happy than your side.

You'll remember when Yea Forums was fairly left leaning and /pol/ celebrated Obama's reelection then
Been here since 2005

>Neither did I, I meant that because they have one conservative policy does not make them conservatives.

That's what I meant also. I also think the rapidly building extremism in both sides is dying down now. Trump isn't some hardcore mega hitler and he's not a Neo-Con. He's a business president with a hint of public appeasement. He's mostly centre left and a breath of fresh air for american politics to stop being obsessed with overseas issues. He's also handy for the evetual reformation of more left leaning politicians in America to shunt away the rapid neo-marxists.

Trump is the detergent American Politics needed to make home issues beyond more government programs interesting.

based post but cringe selfie

That's a speedrunning convention picture.

It would depend on which Civilization and Era we're talking about, but the Romans would never allow a woman to be a General.

Attached: humanity.png (554x343, 28K)

>100 people get to determine everything we talk about for the rest of our lives

I don't use /pol/, so I'm happy to let the nazis and stalinists there deal with it.

You mean /n/.

Attached: 1529090304765.png (208x191, 5K)

>can't profit from it
>got fired from your job because the twitter mob came after you
>lel why don't the alt right make anything?

>maga blacks
i will never understand that self-hating shit

would unironically hang out with any bro in that pic
here's you

Attached: 40%.jpg (2059x1697, 523K)


Even more naive and retarded, because you think anarchy can even exist at all. Let me give you a little hint from history my cute anarchist friend.

English Common Law is called that for a reason, it was the law developed for centuries from the local laws and ideas of the anglo-saxon people. Anarchy is a myth.

I will never understand why a bunch of autists embrace that shit when the only thing that would happen in their dream society is that they would be next on the chopping block. It truly confounds me.

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>He's mostly centre left and a breath of fresh air for american politics
Yeah, finally a president that respects Israel!

Attached: 1540864614298.png (231x243, 37K)

>Trump is the detergent American Politics needed to make home issues beyond more government programs interesting.
I'd argue the opposite, and that if he gets a second term he'll (not through his own fault, but because of the persona constructed by the MSM) cause a massive escalation from the left, which will beget escalation by the right.

This is some fucking big brain 4d chess right here.

You're a liberal that got old. You're not different to dadrocks that complain about new music. "This is real progress." Fuck off. Both are cancer.

This revisionism. Wow.
Yea Forums has always been contrarian libertarian at heart. Ron Paul was our guy. People here were calling Obama king nigger from day one.
Let's not forget most people that like Bush dislike Trump and vice versa.

Can't believe you retards almost hit bump limit of a screencap of a Sseth video.

they would rather spend most of the time bitching about how they are supposed on reddit and image boards then ever try to make anything. just look at 8ch shit got shut down, and funnily fucking enough the levites made a backup/alt site yet the right didn't and just ended up spamming it in the end

a boring basic fag wants to hang out with other boring basic fags? color me surprised, broski

>Yeah let me just insult this stable country we can use as a staging ground because muh jews

Israel is an asset, the Israelis know it, America knows it.

>banks refuse to make loans to you
>payment processors won't do business with you

Yea Forums is just Yea Forums lite at this point.

So is this an actual mod? Where can I download it?

>>maga blacks
>i will never understand that self-hating shit
Yes, as a black man you should definitely want to associate with mumble rapping we wuz kang niggers instead who shoot each other rather than conservatives who don't do crime and work for a living. What a horrible ideology to be associated with.

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Back when Yea Forums was still amusing.

The alt-right is a meme, they don't actually exist. Much like Obama's birth certificate.

It's the free market, fella. You're not entitled to have private corporations serve you.

>he's pro-Israel and pro-Trump
I'm shocked!

Attached: Average tv catalog.jpg (2541x1164, 431K)

Kind of, but they got hit harder by /pol/ and we got hit harder by r/politics and chapotards.

Is Trump a literal Nazi or a Jew lover? The thing about lying literally every single day and especially lying to yourself is your bullshit is evident to everyone.

Kek. This game will tank so hard, but at least they made the few twitter activists happy who are not going to play it anyways.

Attached: 60496730967.jpg (800x679, 105K)

>Mass shooter explicitly states he wants to kill White people
>kills White people
>MSM reports on it for a couple days
>then never brings it up ever again

Tarrant will still be brought up for the next century and they will never let you forget it

Attached: Micah_Xavier_Johnson_-_2016_Dallas_shooter.jpg (316x316, 18K)

The right won't escalate, because despite the whining of Alt-right retards, by their nature they're conservative and traditionalist, they'll hoard guns and ready themselves to defend anything if needed, but you won't see tradionalist death squads out in force.

And the left is already beginning to implode from the stupidity they have gathered, consider it like a boil expunging all the rotten pus. Some sensible Democrats will pick up the pieces and it'll all become as it was until the radicals come about again.

you also could be a sane person and be neither

>what the fuck is an extremist anyway

Must be nice being a retard.

>user unironically typed this in the age where alt-right retards are shooting up Walmart.

>the statement isn't independently provocative therefore it can never be provocative
it's sad that so many of you thick skulled anons are such useful idiots. let me give you a clear example:

the statement "everyone has problems" is not provocative independently and is clearly true.
however, if a person or group of people are attempting to draw attention to problems that they are disproportionally effected by and you butt in and say "hey, everyone has problems" you are being provocative and attempting to diminish their complaints.

>He thinks I'm pro-Israel

I personally think things like foreign aid are abhorrant and should only be done as specific targeted objectives of the national interest.

Israel should stand on it's own feet, but I'm not going to hate them just because of ethnicity.

At least they gave him a couple days, they didn't touch the daughter of an illegal and tranny shooting up a school at all.

>juxtapose it in the most racially provocative way possible

Literally HOW. A major point of it was to NOT add anything extra to the statement, to simply say "It's Okay to Be White" on plain paper. It's as plain a statement as can be.

HOW is it juxtaposed in "the most racially provocative way possible"?

absolute fucking faggot
>doing free work for the internet jew just to spite some nipnong

Nothing in between school shooters and trannies?


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This. Anyone who thinks /pol/ ever liked Obama is delusional or a newfag.

Absolutely based.

so in your ideal what is a good black supposed to do
if he works and takes care of his family he is alt right according to your side

You can just admit you're racist instead of making walls of rationalizing to try and justify your racism.
It'd save everyone time.


>can't profit from it
Yeah okay buddy, tell me all about the games you've never listed on Steam/Itch/Epic/GOG/etc. Because you don't know fucking shit.

You're just looking for excuses to be a whiny baby with learned helplessness.

>The right won't escalate
They'll respond, which will be perceived as escalation by the left.

>And the left is already beginning to implode from the stupidity they have gathered, consider it like a boil expunging all the rotten pus
Sure, and without that moderating hand their extremists will be let loose.

>Some sensible Democrats will pick up the pieces and it'll all become as it was until the radicals come about again.
I hope so, but it's looking less likely as time goes by.

because its a given that its okay to be white. you know exactly the reason its put up and you don't need to be so intellectually dishonest about it


Everyone does have problems, so everyone trying to diminish the problems of others because of personal agendas is bad.

"It's okay to be white" is perfect as mocking Irony to people like BLM, who are racial indentirarians bordering on rabid ethno-nationalism.

>you can't be working and taking care of your family without being on the right

>can you just admit i'm right instead of explaining why i'm wrong
nice argument

So I don't have to serve fags or niggers at my bakery? You're pretty based user.

>this dumb bullshit thread is about to hit bump limit
what the fuck do the janitors even do?

>I shouldn't be able to roleplay in a roleplaying game
>I want less options in my character customization!
not only are you slow, you're also boring.

>outs himself as a paultard
but seriously 99%of the drooling retards that now inhabit poll weren't around for 2012 when it was the right autistically screeching, every time i see that pic of alex jones sipping champagne i remember watching him lose his mind the day fter the election in 2012
anecdote aside you're forgetting the unironic romneyfags and obamafags st the time, the board was a three way split really

Extremists without the populace backing rapidly devour themselves.

See: The IRA and how their effectiveness only started coming about when they expunged the more aggresive elements and actively curried the favour of the public.

>the statement "Black Lives Matter" is not provocative independently and is clearly true.

>however, if a person or group of people are attempting to draw attention to problems that they are disproportionally effected by and you butt in and say "hey, Black Lives Matter" you are being provocative and attempting to diminish their complaints.

Your nonsensical prevarication to try and excuse your racism hardly qualifies to be called an explanation.

>its mocking irony
But before the argument was that its a benign statement. Way to ruin your own argument, dumbfag.

>proven time and time again
You forgot to link your source.

This logic is absolutely and universally only ever applied in one direction, to one side. Progressives are the most racist people there are. They just don't have the balls to admit it.

Their last good game was Shogun 2

Oh no, I don't mean that they'll be successful, I just mean they'll escalate the level of violence.

I'm not the guy you're arguing with, don't make newfag mistake #1 and think every reply to your posts is one person.

still is fag, this is just peak EU time and they are full on clown world so they can only cause drama on this shit hole by leaking their closeted anger while muhammed goes to town on svens tranny gf

No, you're the retard who jumped in agreeing with his argument. Stop being a retard.

>Trump isn't some hardcore mega hitler and he's not a Neo-Con. He's a business president with a hint of public appeasement. He's mostly centre left
Based far right retard

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Is the clan quest mod with all the other shit worth it for the sabbat story line?

Imagine thinking someone’s entire history can be summed up by sexual orientation.
These people are sick.

im convinced there is a janny reshuffle going on for Yea Forums or something. this has been three days of nonstop /pol/ threads that barely even pretend to be vidya hitting the bump limit
hasnt been like this in quite a while and theres no other good reason for it

i get the feeling you think you're making a point here but it makes no sense whatsoever

i wish for a world where we could all get along or at least accept each other
this universe sucks, can't wait to get reincarnated in another one

Would you be okay with a Nazi option? As long as there are more choices it's a good thing, right?

did you have a better option? shut up then faggot

Its been going on longer than that.

History proves that, as material conditions improve, people see less and less need for rigid, unquestionable hierarchies

Over time, a decline in state power is inevitable

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Gay people are more fun to hang out with than autistic fat fucks who complain about homosexuality.

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Imagine being this intellectually dishonest.

If it didn't work with the IRA, who had a much better cause and equipment, it won't work for the champagne socialists in America. In the end you need to galvanize your revolution with sensible reasonable results, it's why many coups fail hilariously because you can't have zealots do management.

can't believe mods left this thread up for 500 posts lol

t. magatard

probably an older oldfag than you, who remember when /pol/ had actual interesting threads like the space elevator ones or the comfy gaza threads instead of the cancerous shit it is today
id post some old /pol/ pics but im being a mobile shitter right now

>they're putting lgbt shit in my vampire sub-genre
500+ replies

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What a sad individual you are. I was for Obama so I know you're full of shit regarding what /pol/ was like back then.

they look like pretty normal dudes, especially when compared to the average leftoid

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Wasnt that the antifa fag who looked like a literal wojak s*y boy? also how stupid are you to not know the 13% of the population statistic are you actually underage? Hasn't school begun for the children or are you an EU cuck?

Trump is more left leaning than Bill Clinton though.

>According to the Bisexual Resource Center (BRC), 45 percent of bisexual women have considered or attempted suicide, followed by bisexual men (35 percent), lesbians (30 percent), gay men (25 percent), and much lower rates for straight women and men.
And thank God for that. Bisexuality is deviancy and unnatural.

>inb4 that's too wide
>Suicidal ideation – Thoughts about killing oneself; these thoughts may include a plan.
>In the United States, the annual prevalence of suicidal ideation in adults is 4 percent.

This is not the only thing that proof bisexuality is not a healthy sexuality, but I like 40%-related memes.

>Men who have sex with men and women (MSMW) have a much higher rate of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) when compared with gay or straight men, ScienceDaily Reports. Publishing their findings in American Journal of Preventive Medicine, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted a review of studies pertaining to MSMW published between 2008 and 2013.

>A history of genital herpes or genital warts was reported more frequently by bisexual women (15.0%–17.2%) than by lesbians (2.3%–6.7%) and their heterosexual counterparts (8.7%–10.0%).

Pick a side.

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>your explanation sucks
nice argument

The entire point of the campaign was to show a lot of people DON'T think it's okay to be white, thus instinctually find the statement repulsive.

You're the one being intellectually dishonest if you pretend there isn't a sizeable portion of people who hate whites. You saying "its a given that its okay to be white" is meaningless.

There is something very strange happening in Yea Forums today. Could be because it's 9/11.

Well arn't you just a little bitch.

>Oh these guys have a bad reputation, that means I must trust criminals over them.

In my personal experience, not really. I don't have anything against gays myself, but 80% of tried to hit on me and it's just akward since I've told them I'm straight.
Is it some kind of fetish, like forbidden fruit?


Now this is autism

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name the better option, shill
you had a literal corpse up as his opposition and lost with a 99% win rate chance

theres always some offtopic threads on Yea Forums including some /pol/ ones, but even till a few days ago they were a small amount of overall threads and many got nuked. the last few days they've all been hitting the bump limit and aren't even hiding their offtopic nature
note im not counting when a happening occurs and a bunch of tourists come to /pol/ and Yea Forums

Yes, obviously. Not to mention you can be horribly evil in most RPG's any way. Nice try at a gotcha, though.

Yes. It's like straight guys who go after lesbians with hopes of set them straight.

>my tower is the best tower in the world

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I'm not a sjw tranny but you should really shut the fuck up. Where did you get your 99%? Any official sources? Ignorant cunt.

I don't use /pol/, and never have, so I wouldn't know. I've been on there maybe a grand total of three hours over the past 12 years.

>tell ppl to kill themselves and bully them with statistics about ppl like them killing themselves a lot
>they keep killing themselves
ancient magic

No, I mean /pol/, in 2012. But that too.

Which is true, until the resulting lack of civic power becomes an issue for the public, then populist figures galvanise support for large civic pushes. This is how politics has always worked, and it's not always as throthing at the mouth as it is today really.

Trump was the first President to support gay marriage from day 1. Not even Obama supported it when he ran. Trump says nothing regarding migration that the vast majority of Democrats haven't already said. The left becoming unhinged and extremist recently doesn't change history. Just about every prominent Democrat that you watch on the Daily Show said what Trump says at one point in the near past.



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It's one thing to find your own sex more attractive, and it's quite understandable when it's the perfection that is the male sex, being fucking gay however is entirely another.

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still america's president for a few years, a corpse was the most intelligent democrat you had to offer against him

seeMaybe you don't think you're racist, but you are. Them's the breaks.

>you disagree with retarded idea that trump is a centrist? you must support female president!

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Most gay people I have met have been rather vapid and shallow.

Did meet a quasi-neet gay couple though and they were pretty cool to hang around with.

flaming homos are faggots I guess.

Why are you so obsessed with this corpse

we're all here to start shit, quit yelling faggot


At least it's not Ampharos. Look it up in the archives.

Bisexual women are the most accepted LGBT group and also are the most suicidal LGB group. Fuck off.

>i was for obama
and my dad works for nintendo
people like to forget there were actual leftists on there before they fucked off to infinity. let alone milquetoast liberals
lets not forget the vacillation from fedoras to daily deus vult threads to paganism to the current clusterfuck

They're too busy calling people degenerates on the internet while fapping to loli porn.

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I haven't played Ion Fury. How is it relevant to this game. Because they game money to 40% hotline, touching the issues discussed in this thread? From my understanding Ion Fury is a small budget action indie game that's short and has little replayability. You really can't compare the stakes between these two titles.

>This logic is absolutely and universally only ever applied in one direction, to one side.
This is probably the root of the problem right here. This logic is absolutely and universally only ever applied to one direction: groups of people who are disproportionally affected by issues in our society.

White people very rarely fall into this category, which is why you feel upset about it.

>At least it's not Ampharos. Look it up in the archives.
You're still a homophobic loser.

I don't hate gays, lesbians nor transgender people, tho.

You're still a homophobic autist.

This just makes me want to side with bisexuals lol

>At least it's not Ampharos. Look it up in the archives.
Mate I'm pretty sure it's just multiple people doing it.

because you are stupid in thinking 90% of the shit out of the "alt right" is real intention and not just wanting basic freedoms like saying words or having attractive characters in media without being labeled a rapist while actual leftist rapists in hollywood get away with it and get worshipped by children to boot
if you believed their intentions are real they have guns and they'd be doing far more damage than some false flag every 3 months of some cloned glasses kid they envision every internet nerd to look like

How many times in your life have you asked for such an option? None. Because you're a dishonest person. You think you're some free thinker better than everyone else because you take a non-committal centrist position but in reality you stand for nothing.

You probably should, they're actively predating upon by the rest of the LGBT movement.

>white people are rarely affected by this issue
What the fuck planet are you on? Affirmative action and scholarships want a word with you.. not to mention the constant villification of whites and acceptance of hatred of whites.
Ceaseless projection from the left these days

You're always talking about how catering to leftists is gonna make a game flop but it never does meanwhile the game that catered to you didn't do that well compared to indies aimed at leftists. Really made me think desu

>not to mention the constant villification of whites and acceptance of hatred of whites.
Hi Billy

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people still in heated arguments well past post cap truly a blessed thread

nice english, faggot

the absolute state of this lad
he looks exactly like my brother in law, who is also an incel but even fatter

>universal approval and support by every school, college, university, and major corporation isn't enough for us to be happy

Wowee zowee. Maybe the simplest explanation is best: gay people are mentally unstable and will never be happy.

So, you think bisexuals are just repressed gays? Fucking based.

When people throw tatrums about "it's okay to be white," it's pretty blatant.

You may as well call him a Satan worshipper as well.

>universal approval and support by every school, college, university, and major corporation isn't enough for us to be happy
they wouldn't have to be supported by institutions if they wouldn't be driven to suicide by your bullying, retard

Let me give you a little hint buddy. We live in the most equal and fair times in history, we have laws against discrimination on all grounds, Laws which are enforced harshly when evidence is found.
Any issue a minority faces in the US is either caused by the personal actions of one person or the personal actions of themselves.
Black people are not unfairly targeted systematically, they have failed to understand the system.

The west isn't racist, it's just not coddling failure.

Retarded thing retarded niggers say when they lack an argument.

Hey he's the retard who has a whole spiel saved to dump in Yea Forums on the evils of bisexuals. He's a homophobe, and if he doesn't like that label then tough shit.


literally you my man for 5 more years

Makes you wonder if bisexuality causes depression of if depression causes bisexuality. I mean if you are depressed you'd probably take a little bit of pleasure from whoever will give it to you.

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That's what you sound like user.

>we have laws against discrimination on all grounds
Gays can't order cakes for their weddings :3

I don't own the hat and I'd still like to see what your other option was to oppose trump, he was the lesser evil out of the hag witch and her shill for shekels

>whole spiel
It's literally one post.

You believing me is not important to me because I know you know I'm correct. There's a statistically significant amount of voters that switched from backing Obama to backing Trump. That should terrify you.

>allcaps greentext
You sound like a retard

Posted multiple times as spam. On Yea Forums. That's pathetic.

The Law isn't there to force actions to the benefit of people. It's there to restrict the harm people do on each other.

You can't force someone to do something. You want a gay wedding cake, find someone who will make you one.

>just make your own social media sites!
Seems like it's Christian's being discriminated against here.

>unironically using homophobe as an insult.
Get the fuck out.

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because there was going to be a president whether you wanted one or not? Don't want a literal warmongering witch over orange man jew shill who might have a chance of getting us out of that shit hole protecting jews all day for pocket change

You are absolutely right. Indeed there are numerous examples of authoritarian backsliding all over the world. Hell, one is happening right now.
But over time, the trend points to a stateless society. That's how politics have always worked as well: progress with some eventual setback.

bisexuals get shit on by absolutely everyone which is the cause of it, i read somewhere theyre the most likely to remain closeted of the lgbt group.
most normies are brainlets who assume you're either gay or straight and cant like both, that youre in a phase (applies to women a lot) and will eventually go “normal”, or have the reputation as debauched hedonists who will fuck anyone and cant keep a monogamous relationship.

Get a thicker skin you larping newfag.

That's irrelevant to the fact that he's not a centrist.
You can support the female or the zion don, just don't pretend that don's hawkish, pro-religion politics are anything but right winged.

I'm not the one using pejoratives that fill the psychological and linguistic space of a demon worshipers user.

>go to a support group for men
>talk about our problems
>some chick sneaks around putting up "it's okay to be female" posters all over the place
>tell her she's being malicious and sexist
>she tells us we're the ones being sexist
i mean i guess she's right since it's okay to be female i guess it's really us who are sexist

thanks for showing me the light /pol/

Yeah, I'm sure the white people joke is why it sits at 19% on Rotten Tomatoes

>dude you cant call someone who hates bisexuals a homophobe!
Why not, retard?


Im just calling out a bullshit insult repeated religiously by the far-left.

White people, and I mean actually white people and not Jews, are the most discriminated group except for Asians. That's a fact anyone can look up at any time. Whites are punished for being white and smart so that dumb brown people can get into universities and fail out. Did you know black doctors need to score hundreds of points less on their exams to make it into medical school? If you were a man of principle then you would only go to black doctors.

>Says the straight man who's had almost every video game, movie, television show protag cater to THEIR straight guys are so blind/delusional, i'm STARTING to think the SJW's are right about something.
Fucking yikes

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>talking about /pol/ back in the day
>suddenly brings up politics from 2016
? and why should it terrify me? am i another liberal bogeyman in this autism?

Tangentially related, the Democrats are a secular religion these days, complete with original sin (but only for whites).

what did you think was gonna be on the cake, a picture of gay porn? imaging being this triggered over getting asked to make a fucking cake except with 2 dudes names. what if one had a unisex name like casey?

>i read somewhere theyre the most likely to remain closeted of the lgbt group.
Indeed. Quite noice.

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>The trend points to a stateless society.

Society can't exist without some form of leading force, which when it comes to civics is the state.

The idea of a state is not a setback, it's the evolutionary norm for humanity, we enjoy the resources of a large social structure but prefer to personally involve ourselves with small social structures. Hence the state exists.

Anarchy is a myth, humans have never had anarchy because we naturally form social structures and these evolve into states.

he's probably not a nazi irl. but some people will always want to roleplay as themselves, such as fags


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>nobody is discriminating against whites
>let me use a white racial slur to really hammer this point home

I think the depression correlates with their levels of depravity, they are bi cause they will fuck any person that moves but might not get a partner so it's like being rejected by all people instead of just one gender
most trannies probably go through a bi phase then pure gay and then full on trannyism because they can't get love from anything so they become the thing they desire the most albeit a horrific amalgamation of false promises and an axe wound in place of a pussy

This. Modern American Progressivism is the Social Gospel but deformed and without Christ.

>Billy is a white racial slur
lmao what

>Tangentially related, the Democrats are a secular religion these days, complete with original sin (but only for whites).
This is why american politics will stay shit.
You literally can't actually try to understand the other side. It's strawmen all the way.

You have to go back.

You don't understand the point, If you can't refuse to provide your services, you are literally a slave.

You have the right to say no at any time. Anything less is tyranny.

People who need extra special support in their daily life are mentally challenged.

Okay, explain to me how am I being dishonest? Other than the fact that I don't have the opinion you thought I'd have? Also you're correct in saying I never "asked" for a nazi option in a vampire RPG. However, I think It'd be an fine character option and more is always better when it comes to character creation.

Also here's a committed position for you, real Nazis are pathetic losers and can get fucked. Doesn't mean it wouldn't be fun to play one in a video game.

>zion don
See They are now literally using the same fucking lines they spam daily on /pol/


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