What is the pizza of video games? The 'even when it's bad it's still pretty good' game?

What is the pizza of video games? The 'even when it's bad it's still pretty good' game?

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the meme that bad pizza is still pretty good definitely doesn't apply, there are many instances of a pizza being horrible that I've eaten

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and I bet you eat every bit of that shitty pizza

There are certainly pizzas that were so bad I couldn't finish them despite being hungry

Mario games

spoken like someone who has never had bad pizza

tps games with rpg mechanics

you live in the uk, don't you?

Probably basic RPGs.

Super Mario Bros.

Most Nintendo games


Mario. Even the worst Mario sidescrollers are still solid platformers.

If pizza is bad but you only paid $5 for a box, to me that's pretty good. Pizza is only bad if it tastes bad and costs a lot

No, but I'm not talking about pizzas you get at small local pizzerias or even chain restaurants, more like failed ones made at home or some frozen pizzas that are dreadful. My mom's pizzas were horrible for years until she got a pizza stone and even then they were only decent, and well if you buy cheap frozen pizza then it is a coin toss but is usually going to taste like ass

rockstar games entire catalog is the pizza of games. cheap and easy, but ultimately unfulfilling

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>Food analogy

Call of Duty

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The last Rockstar game I played was GTA V and I can agree about them being unfulfilling, it's an open world without a gameplay loop to make it satisfying to play


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This, I have yet to play a truly bad Kirby game. Kirby is usually good-great with the occasional mediocre spinoff.

Devil May Cry 2

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I paid 4€ for a big frozen pizza when I was moving and didn't want to cook anything and it was absolutely dreadful, dough had an uncooked texture, you could only taste the dough and then the toppings and if there was cheese you definitely couldn't taste it. Sometimes pizzas are just scams but by far any pizzeria made pizza is pretty fucking great by default


Pizza CAN be bad, though, it's just really really hard to screw up
A better example would be ice cream, ever had bad ice cream? Ice cream is too simple to fuck up, if you successfully make ice cream, it's at least decent at the absolute worst.

Glitchy online multiplayer games. Even if the game sucks, you can usually have fun by breaking the game or trolling other players