>magic is good
>technology is bad
>nature is ____
Magic is good
doesn't exist
>nature is that trannies will never be women
What game use nature as a weapon?
Magic, duh.
I need to get my game finished, just stuck on keeping the NPC recruitment aspect from spiralling out of control while still being realistic.
Uncontrollable. It's the wild card magic and tech have to fight against.
These. Nature doesn't care about sides, nature just exists and goes about its own business, both giving and taking on a whim.
Gonna have to be more specific cause technically wind and water are nature.
What's mankind alignment?
bend over to the best provider
As a collective, it doesn't have one. Individual humans have alignments, the vast majority of which are true neutral.
chaotic neutral
Doesnt give a fuck
One that doesn't involve magic or technology.
Satan's Church
>>nature is ____
dictated by the response to actions made by the gods eons ago, ere they left this realm. a minor reflection of their presence, if you will
Warcraft has "nature damage"
So bad?
You making Suikoden or something?