Why is this allowed?

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I unironically prefer the bottom.


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dev team hates tifa
that's the only logical explanation for this horrible abomination

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Stop sony shilling for fucks sake.
You moan when smash threads are everywhere (as they should be, games legendary) but are happy to spam (which is against the rules) sony stuff.


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Aerith is the fan-favorite, believe it or not.
she's probably the most beloved/iconic Final Fantasy character due to her story&death.
are you surprised she's the cuter one?

Jesus Christ user it's not complicated

Bottom is better.

black hair + brown eyes > ginger hair + green eyes.

Any developer that knows there shit knows when to re-use their models and texture shaders. The problem here is they fucked it up and didn't play around with the settings enough, if they'd have done it right you'd have never known but japs cant into computer science.

source: 7 years 3D modeller/artist experience.

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>knows there shit



Nice credentials you got there, anonymous poster. I'm sure you're swimming in projects!

The devs need players to care more about Aeris until her death to make it feel impactful.

I doubt the next "part" of FFVII will even be using the same engine, so expect at least slightly different character models in the next game/part.

Also Tifa still looks great

Yea, I get it, but what the fuck are you referring to?

>Tifa still looks great
look at the op again

>"Yeah, I watched an hour long video on how to create a sphere in blender. How can you tell?"

Well, no one here judges you for being a bottom.

honey select has better face models than that soulless gook on the bottom, should have just made her american but they want to appeal to kpop fanboys no doubt

>source: 7 years blender donut modeling experience with a portfolio worth 2 likes by twitter porn bots

they should suck and fuck each other

Your standard was fucked up thanks to your too much waifu consumption.

>you can't save her

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I just have better taste and I don't feel bad for it, settle for less if you want shit eater

Tifa is literally the OG waifu for most FF nostalgiafags looking forward to this

Seething, also

Basically they used the same head model and didn't tinker with the skin shaders enough..

Also Pre-rendered /= Ingame, not even close. It will be a decade or more before we can achieve that.

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What is funny about this is Tifa legit looks like she is agitated that Aerith is more beautiful than her.

>It will be a decade or more before we can achieve that.
It's competence, japs are retarded and mix anime style shit with realism and just looks terrible
full cinematic quality is attainable put these greedy companies want to shove out remasters as quickly as possible they don't care if it's perfect it will get carried by funding the female cinematic models and shoehorning the rest with sub par in game models.

What the fuck are you even on about? Do you have schizophrenia?

unironically this.

learn 2 3D


Practically a goddess is shamelessly trying to fuck the guy you like who has just had an amnesia and barely remembers your past together

show us an example of your masterwork, art fag

>source: 7 years 3D modeller/artist experience.
Apparently no experience in English grammar.

Because you all throw money at it.