What went wrong?

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Nobody wants to stream games.

I have no idea what this is


Who in their right mind would ever buy this or Stadia especially when you can just get a cheap laptop and pirate games.

i dont trust california

This, but also this.

Who the fuck wants to pay $5 a month to stream shitty mobile-tier games?

You know you fucked up when even journalists realize how shit your service is

i mean, streaming might be nice for RPG or turn based games but not platmormers or any input autismo games.

Is this even streaming? Wasn't it like download garbage from the store for 5 bucks?

literally never heard of this until i saw this thread

It's a $5 monthly subscription like Xbox Game Pass, but for iPhone mobile games.

It'll never take off. People don't like paying for mobileshit upfront, the F2P with MTX/gatcha model is much more popular.

>subscription-based streaming to play shitty mobile shovelware titles
maybe the customer is finally waking up to how shallow, greedy and anti-consumer the industry's bullshit is. wouldn't be on it until FIFA gacha nosedives and EA goes bankrupt though

It's not a streaming games service though.

In theory it could take off if they had some good games attached to it but the keynote fucking had frogger as one of the games to promote it.

this, very much.
Most of my normie friends are starting to keep their money out of buying clearly bullshit stuff like the latest phone, latest cars and bullshit insurance to them. Its the rise of Millenials. Dont want ultra expensive shit or loans. They can live on the basic modern stuff easy

That's the thing about mobile games. People have lower standards for mobile titles than for console and PC titles, and nobody's going to want to play five bucks a month for access to some shitty phone games.

Apple trying to go after a demographic that actually knows hardware and wonder why they fail

>Knowing anything about hardware

He thinks that Apple is targeting PC gamers, when really the subscription is targeted towards existing iPhone and iPad owners.

Funny how the opinions of literal whos suddenly matter when they agree with us, huh?