OK, this is EPIC

>Jesus Strikes Back: Judgment Day is a PC shooter that allows you play as Jesus Christ alongside a number of figures beloved by the alt-right, including Donald Trump, Adolf Hitler, Vladimir Putin, Jair Bolsonaro, Pepe the Frog and Brenton Tarrant, the Christchurch Mosque gunman who killed 51 people in March of this year.

>The objective of the game is to kill a variety of different enemies, including "Social Justice Warriors," "Feminazis," gay and trans people, migrants, Democrats, Antifa and abortion doctors.

>Some of the video game boss battles see you fight characters based on Democratic politicians including Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

>The game can be purchased online for $14.88, an apparent reference to the secret code used by neo-Nazis and white nationalists to signify their ideology based on the white supremacist slogan, "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."



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Other urls found in this thread:

arch.b4k.co/v/search/text/looks like low-effort shit that people will actually spend money on to "own the libtards"/

so actual Postal sequel?

Why bother buying this when the Moon Man Doom mod is free?


>and abortion doctors

>Jesus is an altright icon akin to Adolf Hitler
Do people forget that the guy was an average carpenter who was altruistic in his beliefs?

Seig heil


looks like low-effort shit that people will actually spend money on to "own the libtards"

Well thats what inbreed does to you user

I get that, but Jesus is not and would not be right leaning at all in modern day, he would be against the people who are proposed to be in the game with him

> “Don't imagine that I came to bring peace to the earth! I came not to bring peace, but a sword."
>Matthew 10:34

what about that turn the other cheek tripe?


Have sex.

Where can we buy this? Switch port when?


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>32 "Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven.
>33 But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.
>34 Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth, but a sword.
>35 For I have come to turn
>a man against his father,
>a daughter against her mother,
>a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
>36 a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household [Micah 7:6]
>37 Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.
>39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."

Looks like a boring unreal engine low effort game, though I'm sure political cucks are amazed by its existence.

Matthew 26:52-53
>52 "Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.
>53 Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?"

Grezzo > this shit

Why didnt I know postal was getting a sequel?

imagine buying meme games

>sells 10 copies

is jesus the original KARA BOGA?


He was a Rabbi that tried to reform judaism, and became one of the greatest enemies to jews in the history of the world because of it

This is just sickening even for an atheist like myself

Leave Gesù or any religious figure out of it

im not expecting a download link any minute now

why can't right-wingers make art?

Why can't the right-wing make good games?

>exact same reply as posted in previous threads

I give it a Gas out of 6 million
Would kill lefty's again

arch.b4k.co/v/search/text/looks like low-effort shit that people will actually spend money on to "own the libtards"/


How does any of that address the fact that you are actively searching for these threads to post the exact same thing because you can't stop seething?

Isn't it funny how the fake christans always forget that Jesus litterally wasn't a white supremacist that hated non-whites and wanted to kill everyone that didn't agree with him? Also he preaches unity under God but that's conveniently ignored.

this is the first thread ive seen of it, though ive seen the article before. do you have a counterpoint to what i said? is there any eveidence that this isnt a low-effort game that only a few people will buy to "own the libtards"? its a very easy conclusion to come to

>You are are SO MAD that this game is political and will be praised for being political!
Not him but I am pretty upset

They're not subsidized by everyone's taxes to afford the training and creative budget required

No ben shapiro?

>for all who draw the sword will die by the sword
That’s because violence breeds violence

>Yea Forums will say this game is based for owning the libs and litterally toss out the "politics BAD" argument

So the best thing to do is be extremely violent to those who look and think diffrent than you?

Damn I can't believe those evil alt right people!

Now lets talk about how late term abortions are perfectly acceptable to kill your 7 month old child by crushing its skull and sucking it out using a tube and anyone trying to stop them hates women!

Yes? I mean I don't care about all that Jesus shit but the best way to get rid of christians is to use their own beliefs against them.

Wow this game panders to my interest! Now I must buy it!!

Fuck off

>didn’t get the Revengance reference
Kys you no-game playing faggot


Game looks like trash and sounds like trash some edgy teen would slap together trying to be special

Americans these days

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>shitty asset flip game
Yeah i'll just keep working on my controversial game.

It was an insult to the Romans, lost in translation and just taken literally.

Roman soldiers in the region could not strike citizenry twice without being punished. I assume there are loopholes and such, but Jesus wasn't saying that violence held no power to the pious or anything.
He did the 25 A.D. version of "You hit like a girl and I ain't scared of you."
He also assaulted moneylenders that were preying on the poor. Grabbed a cane and just beat the shit out of half a dozen of them until they all fled.
The time he banished demons? He put the demons in the bodies of pigs and slaughtered them, then left the carcasses to rot. (This is why some religions hate pork, by the way.)

Jesus wasn't nice. Jesus was righteous.

>this is the first thread ive seen of it
>Why is why I posted, word for word, the exact same reply that's been posted in every other thread
>please write a dissertation explaining why I'm mad
no u. And cite sources
Why? The whole thing is a joke. The game is the setup, and liberals collectively seething is the punchline

they lack soul


Spraying your dilation blood on a tarp isn't art

Unity as in everyone will believe in Jesus and won’t try to kill each other because of the skin color or their beliefs

you're right, we should let adults die because they cant terminate the pregnancy that doctors have determined will kill the mother

also, abortions being illegal doesnt reduce the rate of abortion, it just leads those same abortions being unsafe. sexual education is pretty much all that reduces unwanted pregnancies, so if red states didnt have "abstinence-only" education, they might be able to make an argument

any ideas for some mass shooters/school shooters to include in my game?

Very fucking ironic coming from a liberal

Stop shilling your trash spytrap every fucking day FBI.

We don't use that word anymore user

This, why would I buy this shit when Grezzo 1 and 2 are free?

I know it's video game related but it's better to be discussed on /pol/. Yea Forums is full of Resetera trannybrains and leftcucks

Unironically cringe. Just as bad as all the trannies forcing their shit into games.

>those blood effects
>those models
That looks ugly as shit
>epic gamer
This shit reeks of reddit

>when making youtube videos complaining about SJWs isn't paying the bills
i wonder much money money it will make

no one would buy this game if the whole thing wasnt "lol libtards amirite?"
look at this fucking garbage; animations, models, physics, gameplay. nothing with any sort of quality. im also starting to suspect even kekistani retards wont buy this its just that bad by every conceivable metric


Kill yourself

Leftist videogames
>liberal propaganda is confined to subtle background details that will get blown up and endlessly shared on social media anyways
>enacting propaganda is as simple as making characters blacks or trannies, gets Yea Forumsirgins seething guaranteed
>gameplay and production value can range from forgettable to generic walking simulator or soulful indie game, quality varies

Rightist videogames
>has the subtlety of modern political cartoons
>filled to the absolute brim with memes that will be outdated in a year
>the production value of a cheap Unity asset-flip game
>always Newgrounds-tier gameplay
>made by edgy teenagers who will inevitably regret making something as cringe as this

Checkmate, alt-right

This is just more proof that right wingers can't make games, lmao

If course it's low effort. You're not supposed to buy it. You're supposed to laugh at the liberal seething.
Your turn: how does it feel being the punchline of a low effort troll while simultaneously proving that the left tried to ban everything that disagrees with them?

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kingdom come deliverance was pretty good

what the fuck I just added it to my wishlist.

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>Woman's Lot
>gay antagonists get away with everything
>lead dev says he's a liberal
okay, this is epic

im not even mad, i just pointed out that its shit. funny how you think you're actually epically owning libtards, which is my point here and despite garbage by every metric, im sure it does qualify as hatespeech, so let them ban it. im sure you'll seethe further about muh first amendment

This "game" glows like fucking crazy.

Why do all Christians behave completely antithetical to what Christ (a progressive socialist) actually said and taught?

because they have proper jobs and dont waste their life at calarts

you faggots were calling him the second coming of hitler while he was making it.

Obvious leftist plant to target gamers

What forget? People were aggressively lied to about this man for over 2000 years.

>no one would buy this game if the whole thing wasnt "lol libtards amirite?"
look at this fucking garbage; animations, models, physics, gameplay. nothing with any sort of quality. im also starting to suspect even kekistani retards wont buy this its just that bad by every conceivable metric

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Nah, this is someone doing what we tell trannies to do.
He made his own game.

So you think Jesus changed his name to Matthew? Oh right, (You)'re terminally gullible.

1st ammendment. Free country.

You have two options here:
1. Deal with it.
2. Deal with it.

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Because the ones who push this shit aren't real Christians. It's just luke the Crusades and how the Crusaders kulled more Jews and Christans than Muslims

Or we could trash it because it's a free country

>Muders pigs
Only an idiot would- Oh right, y'all worship a boogieman.

Typical violent GOP.

That's a lot of cope for someone who isn't mad

Terry A. Davis? Is that you? Have you come back from the dead to save us from the glowing CIA agents?

It's almost like faith is just non-thinking. HMMMMMM

Gamers rise up

This but unironically

He's coping because he said that this game is litterally just to own the libs the you just said it was?



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Holy shit I want a game of this instead.
Jesus is baller.

He's coping because he thinks "owning the libs" should be hate speech and banned. Read the whole conversation next time

gog release?

Which is, in a way, dealing with it. It's called "coping".

unironically based.

Yea Forums's local trannies already seething itt.

>that's because violence breeds violence
Maybe, in the end, it has to be this way?

Killing the pigs doesn't exorcise the demons.
He left the demons in rotting flesh.

I'm agnostic. I just study the various religions as a hobby.

Didn't Jesus Christ literally beat the shit out of people with a cane?

I dont want to fund some weirdo political cause. I just want to meme.

I'm a tranny and I'll pre-order it, looks like someone put effort into making controversy and needs my money for that effort.

nice, is that a redraw?

But Hitler wasn't a carpenter.

>He hasn't slain pig demons
you sound like a fag user

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Well it is a free country


Is it good?

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No, the cerae litterally says how he hit the tables near them. If he did beat the shit out of people then he would have been arrested right there for assault and attempted murder

No, it's ethnic cleansing 2: the cleansing

Yeah, and it's shit

no its a Ben Garrison original

He's talking about the moneylenders, who Jesus does 100% beat the shit out of with a cane.

i remember seeing a gmod map "gayparade_massacre". is this game a remake

The only bad people on that list are Hitler and Tarrant. Hitler was a leftist, and Tarrant was anti-freedom.

Keep seething tranny

>trashing a law that grant you even more freedom to have less freedom
1st ammedement grant you the right to say whatever you want and the gov't can't do shit about it, unlike in europe were you can be send to jail for having a wrong opinion

Any ideas for more Redpilled™ games?

There's no such thing as hate speech in the only free country in the world, the United States. Read the Constitution some time.

>Read the Constitution some time
Way to be ableist, shitlord

I keep trying to find that passage and I know it exists since I read it. Google just keeps redirecting me towards money changers instead because its apparently all anyone talks about with Jesus and violence.

Which verse is it?

Attached: jesus_merchants.jpg (480x540, 27K)

Times have changed, also everyone making fun of christians, Jesus wouldn't tolerate this shit.

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Watching this FPS demo has reminded me of one tactic I've exploited in pretty much every FPS game I've ever played, even ones that emphasize melee combat like Eternal Ring...

One major non-realistic thing in all of them is essentially that you can walk backwards way too quickly... essentially just as fast as you can walk forward. It allows you to maintain a range against foes so that they can't engage you in HTH combat, while still being able to keep an aim on them.

IRL if you want to move max speed, you need to do a 180 and face away from your pursuer so that you can move at your maximum speed. This is also very important for avoiding tripping on debris on the ground.

I'm wondering if anyone knows of any FPS which takes realism like this into account: where you can always move the fastest when running forward (you should move slower when going backward or strafing) and where there is actually a chance for a character to trip over things when walking blindly backward.

Got thinking about this partly due to GURPS, it recognizes it a bit by charging +1 movement point when going backward/sideways so that forward-movement is always fastest but even then it only applies when you take "Move" or "Move and Attack" (-5 to hit) maneuvers, which few do. Their "step" in standard "Attack" maneuvers ignores this wisdom and also fails realism. Plus they don't have rules for tripping on debris being more likely when walking backward, which is a very realistic concern to have in a fight.