Now that the dust has settled, how does Eden (Savage) stack up to previous raid tiers?

Now that the dust has settled, how does Eden (Savage) stack up to previous raid tiers?
FFXIV thread

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Other urls found in this thread:!EhMnEaCB!USIFSkn_h1vd8ks31MzhZrE63Lo14jkPmTLVJ2iedRc

My guess is this will be the savage raid tier with the highest completion rate across the board.

E1S is shit.
E3S is a joke and far too easy.

Other two fights are okay but Titan's mechanics should've been harder, dps-check is fine as is because first tier.

When are we getting 5.1 trailer, the KH and FF VII:R trailers already dropped.

One week before release is when we usually get it I think.

Boring bosses
Boring fights
Shit music

Should've just gone all in on FF VIII references but instead we get primal rehash with shittier designs

Does FFXIV have a playerbase now that classic is completely dominating in every aspect?

It's TGS, there's bound to be something.

OST when?

>When are we getting 5.1 trailer
In the Liveletter after the LL this week.

It's awful. It's extremely easy. I thought savage was supposed to be difficult because they split off easy mode to cater to storyfags.

A lot of people who play xiv probably never played wow and only play xiv because its final fantasy

>I thought savage was supposed to be difficult
Man you sure are dumb.

Scottzone, is that you?!

>used to have a decently active level 8 FC with some long time friends
>Had a small house in Kugane, it was small, but comfy. Full of in-jokes and nice places to sit
>So much soul
>House owner decides he wants to buy a medium house in Mist and flip it for more gil because he got it at a good deal.
>No one puts up any of the furnishings, house is more or less empty
>House is literally soulless
>Wow classic comes out. Literally everyone in FC jumps ship because they're all old wow heads
>Not me, I don't particularly like wow.
>Literally just me, standing in an empty free company house
>Look at last time they logged on
>17 days ago.

Feels lonely anons

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Is 50/60/70 roulette worth doing? Also did someone post the OST yet?

yeah I still get login queues

Live letter is on the 14th.

I wish more people would play some other game. Keep getting login queues and don’t get instant queue for tank sucks.

I doubt that we get a trailer then. They always dedicate two liveletters to the next patch and trailer is usually in the second if they were able to finish it.

Unless you maybe want the tomes but for exp? No.

I wouldn't know, I unsubbed before I finished the tier because I learned how the housing system works.

Look at this nerd and his love for houses.

Where's the soundtrack, you fucks?!

Did you get your Garo sets yet?

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At least it would have given me something to do outside of logging in just to raid for a few hours and then fucking off to go do something else.

I have DRG and SAM at 70. Which should I take to 80 if I had to choose?

Why is /xivg/ so much cancer?

Because Yea Forums has a lot of degenerates and /vg/ is the place for degenerates.

For someone whose static consists of casual friends and family members and often has to resort to pugs, this Savage tier is perfect for me

Anyway I'm unsubbing because paying a montly fee to run the same 4 fights once every week isn't worth it

>Glamouring this skirt
Holy shit, every time my character runs, I get a boner. what's a good top and head to match with it?

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there's still 2 tiers so nobody knows, ignore gloating discord fags
now that that dust is settled, say hello to your new emporer

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how much rdps do you need to skip the cycles in e2s?

Should I change my name? I was trolling too hard in DF and my server is starting to recognize me.
I'm not sure if I should up and dip the server or if a name change would be viable

t. Methia

If Alisaie is best girl why is there virtually no r34 of her?

Anybody know where I can find that new primals album? The usual torrent sites had nothing

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I saw one cycle with 84.5K so somewhere around 88K-90K.

I feel like SE underestimated the demand for the soundtrack again. Took them a month for some copies to be delivered despite being preorders. I received my pre-order mail saying it will be shipped soon, but no billing yet. Just like with Journeys.

I get login qeues at like 4 am on the east coast

people are still playing

>Vauthry has more porn than Innocence
>Vauthry has more porn than every other male boss combined except maybe Zenos

I thought you guys were kidding about the NTR man thing.

>playing MMOs

Does DRG start to get good around lvl 60 or so? I'm at 55 right now and my rotation feels extremely awkward.

I got charged instantly and it'll presumably be here within the week

It gets good at level 70.

Are you US or EU?!EhMnEaCB!USIFSkn_h1vd8ks31MzhZrE63Lo14jkPmTLVJ2iedRc

US, east coast

I'm EU and we get fucked by SE store a lot when it comes to shipping prices and availability.

70 is when it gets good. They really should make it easier to keep up blood of the dragoon sooner.

The first bait mechanic in E1S is the most aids mechanic ever, whoever designed that should be fired. The Phase change is fucking awful, at least it's not Byakko where you couldn't alt tab and jerk off.

E2S is literally nothing at all until the end of the fight, and then its complete aids. Is it difficult to heal or something? The fight is literally fucking nothing until the end for DPS and Tanks.

E3S sucks dick. Nobody likes Leviathan in the first place, and the fight is complete dogshit ontop of no one wanting to fight Leviathan.

E4S is too long. They should have just made Titan the doorboss, and Mega Titan the actual boss. The fight was interesting the first two weeks when the DPS check was hard, but now its boring as fuck.

Terrible raid tier. Deltascape 3 and 4 were the best two fights they've made, and its all been downhill from there.

I thought E2S was the easiest of the bunch

It feels like people only login to idle in hub cities or housing areas between roulettes, to be honest. I almost never see people in the new areas.

I like the Leviathan fight though.

>capped tomes already due to a hunt train
>static doesn't go back in till Sunday

What fucking do lads

Anyone? It's hard to get into end game groups now :(

they already changed their name, user

>hunt train
Hunt trains are the "newest" cancer of XIV. Fuck 'em.

>get to the part where everyone has AoEs that we're supposed to drop at the sides
>RDM is all up in my grill doing his melee combo
>panic and run away to avoid getting clipped by his AoE
>he finishes his melee combo and goes away from the boss as well
>we both run away in the same direction

>he's not clearing the entire raid in one night

I would say the login queues are artificial to help mitigate the ungodly amount of bots that are made this game.

Get in the shower, stinky.

level jobs
level crafting
collect shit
catch up on whatever shit you haven't done in previous expac

I'm not Methia.


They have been a thing since hunts came about in ARR pal. Sorry you don't have a hunt Linkshell. The only bothersome part of it now is that they hop servers to chase your server's hunts, too.

E3S is technically easier but it's harder to recover if someone fucks up.
If someone dies to cycles it's easily recoverable, while if someone dies to Black smokers you're most likely going to wipe.

im grinding relics

user when did you start playing and why do you hate hunt trains?

I always see people in shadowbringer places. I hate it.

That's why I put newest in quotes, ya boobs.
>Sorry you don't have a hunt Linkshell.
LS are not the problem. They were still active before Shadowbringers and many would hop on killing hunts outside of trains. Now thanks to hunt Discords controlled by individuals who only want attention the old way of hunts is dead.

>Deltascape 3 and 4 were the best two fights they've made, and its all been downhill from there
Agree with O3S, but O4S was fucking awful.
>piss easy mechanics
>fights repeat itself at 50%
>literally no enrage
>cleared it fucking day 3
>muh nostalgia bait (and I like FF5/FF6 but still fucking hated it)
All final fights in Stormblood were super shit.
And Deltascape was actually one of the worst raid tiers they made, an absolute downgrade from Creator or any of the Alexander raids.
On the difficulty level Deltascape is even easier than Eden's Gate too.

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Harlicarnassus wasn't even that perfect of a fight, what's with the constant ass kissing?

>transfer to new server
>try to get into a hunt linkshell
>everyone just keeps telling me to use the discord, even get obvious copy pasted ads in pms

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A1S > E1S > O1S

E1S is weird as shit. Weird ass raidwides that do % of HP that teach new healers bad habits, annoying mechanics, absurdly undertuned. I don't hate it but its not great.

E2S > O2S > A2S

Voidwalker is great. Footsies and a soft enrage is a good 2nd turn for people that got carried through the ~50k rDPS check of e1s.

A3S > O3S > E3S

Levi is okay but considering its 75% O11S mechanics it feels like you've seen it all before. Don't hate it, don't love it.

E4S > O4S > A4S

The door boss thing and fights being collectively 20-25m long between both fights was a neat surprise the first time, fucking annoying after. Titan is good, short and sweet, lots to do. Phase 1 seems harder than the rest of the fight though, and the fights a bit easy overall, but I'll take that over another door boss any day.

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>that teach new healers bad habits
what bad habits are these

It was unironically one of the most fun fights in the entire game and also the best "hard mode" boss they made.

I didn't finish Titan but E3S is hardest one for me. E2S is easiest. E1S jsut sucks. I hate this fight

>he slaps your miqo'te healer's ass
>what do you do?

The only thing I don't really like is that they put the most punishable mechanics on the end of the fight for e2s,e3s,e4s (Quietus into Cycles, Black Smokers, merry-go-round). I've been in so many clean runs where someone fucks up right in the end.
Other than that I think it's a good tier.


If a raidwide can't be mitigated and only overhealed/shielded I think its going to teach new healers that dealing with damage isn't as much of a team effort then it actually is. Eden's Gravity is just fucking stupid imo.

>teach new healers bad habits
They should stop designing fights on the basis of people being new.

I heard anons if they not pretending said first phase of E4S is hardest one and last one is easiest

>The only thing I don't really like is that they put the most punishable mechanics on the end of the fight
Don't attempt Ultimate then.

it's true

Nah I don't mind teaching players things, but it just needs to not be shit. The 2nd boss is Amaurot is good for people afraid of big pulls imo (lol), but Eden Prime is telling people to overheal/overshield every raidwide which is bad.

Ultimate is for statics. Who cares.

Is SCoB Savage even worth doing at this point? Do you think anyone would help me out if I put something up in the party finder?

What like min ilvl / sync'd ? I think you'd need a special discord for that stuff, or it would be something you'd do with your raid group after you're bored or smth

It is.
Remove a few autoattacks, make mechanics come quickier, make them more unforgiving and with less AoE indicators/symbols and you basically have an Ultimate phase.

Saw this on the other thread
Delicious Other then that, they should have just give all owner ship to you if there not coming back

Titan is also a long fight where the dps check is fucking brutal. Yes, mechanic wise the first phase is the hardest. But it's more of an endurance run, and any and all mistakes will accumulate to result in an enrage wipe at the end. But then again, this is week 7 so the flavor of the fight is already gone and enrage is no longer an issue even if its your first clear due to the fact you had 7 fucking weeks of loot and phantasmagoria.

TL;DR Titan had its merits up to maybe week 3, probably 2. After that, no.

So... just use the discord
CWLSs are way too small and everyone realized needing 20 people to relay across every linkshell is retarded.
The old way of hunts is also retarded.
>find hunt
>call it
>wait five minutes for people to show up
>wait a minute to pull
>some retard still bitches that you didn't wait long enough
>hunt takes minutes to die because 10-20 people showed up
>go look to find another, probably have to stop looking to jump on one someone else found

Hunt trains are so much better.

The fuck was this dudes problem and why was gauis way cooler?

Remember to snipe hunts whenever possible to make these people mad.

nice hyperbole

>Deltascape 3 and 4 were the best two fights they've made, and its all been downhill from there.
Stormbabby spotted lmao

It is, mechanically heavier too, but the thing is, when you wipe 1 minute in the fight is very different from wiping 10 minutes in, you get tired way faster, I remember when I was doing prog and wiped in the end the first I could think was "oh no, I have to clear that fucking phase 1 clean again, this will take forever.".

I tried UcoB when launched, only made to Nael and gave up, I could keep going, but my group got really stressed on the fight and the 'blame your teammate' started.

>wait five minutes for people to show up
>wait a minute to pull
What? No one waiting for pulls now. Hunts are instant pulls right now.

It's unbelievable how bad Germans are at this game. You see D in duty finder you run. Compared to krauts fucking F seems like 300 IQ. What happened? Did everyone in Merkel Land get lobotomized?

>could keep going, but my group got really stressed on the fight and the 'blame your teammate' started.
That's the hardest part of Ultimate, finding a group that wont crumble when progressing it

That's literally how exactly how hunting used to be before people started making trains in HW.
Nobody will care that you killed some old a rank

Yeah I know genius, my post was describing how hunts used to be.

>mfw ssdlets complaining about the load time and early pullers during that huge aether hunt train the other day

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UCoB is different though because you need to pay attention the whole fight, outside of Twintania most mistakes will wipe your group.

The "blame your teammate" shit is poison in UCoB. I ran with my friends and he pointed passage at the wall for golden, murdering us. 17-18m pull gone is tilting, we just laughed it off but if I was playing randos I would've lost my shit

But the issue with some fights is that until they gain their "true form" the rest of the fight is semantics. Levi is the worst here, everything beyond Tsunami 2 / Black Smokers is very boring. UCoB mostly isn't like that though.

>see blm doing 300-800 damage in Shisui
>they're just spamming freeze and thunder IV
>check their gear and they have an ironworks blm weapon

I hate that there's no easy way to tell someone to get better gear and stop being bad. It's even worse when you tell them and they just ignore your advice.

Maybe you should be more social. I was in my guild for a grand total of 3 weeks before they gave me the ability to remodel parts of the guild house.

Also you always have your own room to decorate as you please.

Literally just tell them they need better gear and to learn their class. Just don't mention damage numbers or go into an autistic fit and you won't get banned

Remember, kids. Hunt trains and discords are lead by the S rank spawners who do not care about the servers and only do these to make it easier for themselves. They usually are the biggests assholes and gatekeepers of something that is open world content. Do not support those autismos for their own benefit.

60 is okay, 64 is better, 70+ is fun.

Any way to grief them?

Definitely your fault. Melee is a huge part of Red Mage's damage combo and if he had the get outta town move up there was never any threat to you.

That's what I eventually did but again they just ignored whatever I said.

It just feels awkward calling people out if there's no feedback.

S rank spawners don't give a fuck about A's because that achievement is infinitely easier to get.
You will not find any faster way to get your A ranks than trains. If there isn't a train running and hunts are alive there is nobody stopping you from organizing your own.

RDM's name? I want to check his logs.

As much as I hate circlejerking, the discord group is okay. Just mute shout chat when there's a train going so you don't have to hear "PLEASE UNSUMMON ALL CHOCOBOS AND MINIONS :( THINK OF THE CHILDREN"

You need an entire group of people that will pull with you and not tell anybody

>But then again, this is week 7 so the flavor of the fight is already gone and enrage is no longer an issue even if its your first clear due to the fact you had 7 fucking weeks of loot and phantasmagoria.
I think you have FAR FAR too much in pugs to say something like this. Let me tell you, enrage is still an issue when you're trying to clear any fight in this tier because the majority of players in that pool are fucking complete trash. I don't think I've had anything better than a green performer join my pfs in weeks and most of them were grey. If they weren't playing the big 3 meta jobs then they wouldn't be able to clear at all.

Make a network of (cross) linkshells for likeminded hunters, then lurk the hunt trackers for something to spawn. Make sure to be ahead of them, maybe have a spy on their discords. Then pull S ranks early. Snipe 5.0 A ranks.

So tanks, how do you handle gearing if you're two different tank jobs?

I main war, but I want to try other tank jobs as well but they gear up differently and share the same gear.

GNB/DRK can share the same gear.
PLD can kinda get away with it (you won't be optimal due to having skill speed.)
You're fucked with WAR though unless you go Crit > Det > DH but DH is really good for the other 3.

>grief them by doing exactly what they're doing
Good luck lol

Serious question but I noticed that it's raid alts who act like assholes and worst wowrefugees in PF. You always can track them in fflogs to some small guild. 90% of times their mains are tanks without ultimate clears. They do nothing but parse savages. Do they act like this in their raid groups? Or just two faced behavior?


Well for melds your fucked unfortunately, hope you make some decent gil and have crafters leveled so you can flip flop. Otherwise most tanks share gear with 1-2 pieces of variance.

>assholes exist
Holy shit...

That’s too much work and you’re doing the same thing they are doing.

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people not knowing weapon is the only upgrade that's really meaningful. i had a whm with a lvl 61 weapon in holminster who couldn't keep up with damage at all. just what is going through their head

Hey am saint virgin. Please understand.

yea nah hunt trains cap my phantas and nab me like 500k. i benefit from their autism and your autism does not benefit me at all.

Maybe they just burned out from dungeons? I hate roulette so much but forced to do them since it is only way to level up job.

I love Nanjo!

Holy shit you guys i thought you said statics were supposed to be good. Just got done trying to fill in for one and fuck it was a shitshow

>people dying to delta 1
>people dropping puddles under the boss and dying
>tank prey comes up and healer gives it to me a DPS for some reason?
>have to quickly run and give it to a tank instead
>people dying to AoE bait
>finally make it past ultimate attack
>healer gives me DPS prey then lets me die, zero heals
>still dead when spinny orbs come up
>they fuck up spinny orbs and wipe
>leave after like 6 wipes

What DC? So long as you don't lock the group to 2 chests, you get vets joining all the time. Hell I'm orange BLM and I sometimes join. If you lock to 2 chests then you have only yourself to blame for low quality of players.

you just pick the one you want to main and the other ones are gimped.

Nobody said statics were inherently good, but it's better to be in a decent static than pug

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You can tell how good a group is by how fucked up their e1s runs are. If they cleared in the first hour then they didn't memorize the fight at all and all of their following runs will be shitshows. It's unironically harder than Titan.

Is my really going to be that bad even if I wore full 470 gear but melded for war?

I main war, but war gears and melds differently.

I don't know even when I'm burned out, I always make sure to do okay. I don't want to waste other people's time.

Nah probably not.

statics are good for prog and gear funneling. if you aren't clearing with a static then just do PF because after a month you over gear fights anyway and the PF strats are established.

Valid for week 2 or 3. Not anymore.

I hate that idea of hunts is joke. You don't "hunt" anything. You have discord with 100% correct spawn timers. Then you kill boss in 20 seconds by swarming. People don't even hunt marks normally. You can have 3 A ranks in different instances and no one will group up for kill. They just wait train.

I got baited into a terrible static for 5 weeks. I'm finally out but I'm burnt out from even trying to go to E2S onwards.

One of my members was a
800 DPS SCH -> 6000 DPS BRD -> 800 DPS SCH

The others were okay but honestly that one guy was fucking up mechanics every week (again only doing e1s) I just snapped and dipped.

>2 800dps sch
Let me see those logs.

Based. Thanks man.

I still have some dignity for the group so I won't link it directly but I can show you pics of the logs. Tell me what you want to see.

It was only one 800 dps SCH.
The other healer did 2-3k but I think she was getting used to it and I think if we mentioned to dps more we could get her up to the average levels.

They really needed an abbreviated cut for savage. Free cooldown reset is not worth it, especially in progression when you get to see this shit a dozen times. It's fine otherwise. Not a softball like Alte Roite and not a finicky mechanics cocktail like Oppressor.
The biggest sin here is loading the PF filter 9 minutes into the fight. Cycle of Reset is inappropriately punishing for that reason alone; this really feels like a turn 3 where Leviathan is more like a turn 2.
Half the fight is barely step above normal mode and the midfight change-up is an extremely tame version of the Alexander/Omega debuff checker. Nevertheless, this is my favorite of the four. No PF busters and no bullshit cutscenes. A far cry from Halicarnassus, but Hali was and still is an exemplary turn 3 encounter.
I like a boss fight that loads the hardest part first. Less time spent wiping on the later stuff. TitMax wipes are mostly tanks fucking up positioning and cooldowns. This is also the first encounter in FFXIV since Rivenroad that used true vertical space in a mechanic. This could have been a bit more interesting if they used all 16 blocks in the same way as the quadrants, but I suppose they're letting us off easy after six years of 2D battlefields. I hope we see more of this.

Level alt jobs/crafting/gathering
Do side quests
Grind Mounts in Trials
Do Maps
Do Eureka
Work on Relics
Raise Chocobos
Compete in TT/LoV Tournaments
Raise you Mahjong Rank
Work on misc achievements

>Hunt Virgin
Successfully organizes massive open to all groups to ensure as many people get as many rewards as possible
Selflessly dedicates large amounts of time tracking and spawning hunts
Shares their hard work with everyone
Fosters endgame communities
Expects no rewards or recognition other than their triceratops

>Snipe Chad
Refuses to use discord
Masturbates to the time that they pulled Melt and killed it without anyone noticing
Early pulled a ShB A rank once and got a reaction in shout chat
Owner of a popular HW linkshell that nobody uses anymore

>doing hunts at all

>this really feels like a turn 3
I'm trying to remember stuff like harlicarnassus and put voidwalker on the same stage and it just doesn't fit.

>>healer gives me DPS prey then lets me die, zero heals
>>still dead when spinny orbs come up
>>they fuck up spinny orbs and wipe
Story of my fucking life in every pug ever. I actively run away from healers now during that part.

I feel like the old XIV content creators are slowly dying, ironically because how popular ShB has been so far. Though people like Mr.Happy are not going anywhere because of how pathetic they are.

>Rescue you into me

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I don't even know which people are you talking about.

>content creators dying

user asking the important questions. Fuck this gay earth.

What content creators are even good?
I only know of Desperius and he's okay but he sucks balance's discord group too much.
Meoni is also good but it's more informative stuff.

>trolling your group by spending all week to get your tomes and thus coming undergeared
When eureka 2 comes out I won't be doing them anymore though

>transfer it over to the 74k hp blm

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>mfw kenshin(whatevernumberswereattheend) drew her.
>it has that AU'RA FUCKING KEK IN IT

Isn't Brappy playing Classic now? I hope he stays there.

>next 24man is an anime collab
what should it be?

>t. Suenos

I actually just give both of the dps regen and usually it's enough

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>trolling your group by spending all week to get your tomes and thus coming undergeared
user I'm 100% sure I'm either as equal geared as you or better, considering I'm fully geared. My group has also been clearing Eden for a long fucking time now and everyone is either on full BiS or one piece away. I could honestly decide to come in without wearing my entire right side and we'd still clear. None of what you said is of any consideration whatsoever.

Outside of raiding with their static most XIV content creators just bashing PF 24/7 under applause from their fanbase in chat. Nothing new or interesting. Out of them only Arthas bashing PF in more lightly creative way. Their personalities are pretty shit. Most popular is Xeno because of "hardcore guy" persona since US folks loves hardcore. But I seen better.

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I finished the msq and job quests.

Do I do raids and optional dungeons in order of release?

I'd say Speakers Network, but they've been losing it since ShB came out. Host refuses to stream ShB launch not because he wants to enjoy the content, but he thought nobody would watch it, despite his co-hosts and viewers telling him to stream.
Then they are currently missing their 4th host. I'm not saying there's tension, but the host might be on edge since this wouldn't be the first time one of the group going MIA and then deciding to not return at all.
Also they don't stream their savage progress and now didn't stream at all on monday. Host presumably depressed because of their failed 3-man minimum ilv run on sunday, or too busy working on the next 1.0 documentary video which he does without assistance.

They did pretty well when doing EX progress, but never went back.

I hate this shit. I can't even tell if I like Arthars that much because the "internet" personality is fucking ugly. It's funny yes, but it's like looking at street fights or freakouts in public. It's trashy but it's so fucking funny. I'd never hang out with these people in public however.

Weirdly insecure post

How do you even know this sort of shit?

e1s is the hardest floor to reclear

Challenge-wise it's perfect. Visually it's alright, nothing special. The transition cutscene is absolutely awful and I hope to never see something like that in Savage again. Keep it in Normal.
Mechanically it's pretty fun but they really got lazy when they could've really gone crazy with the whole time delay mechanics. It's also very dull visually.
Long periods of nothing, mechanics are braindead easy and the arena split is hardly ever used, which is fucking stupid. Worst fight in the tier, but at least the song is a banger.
Very fun visually, mechanically it feels like you're always doing something, except for the very final phase. I hate the song and it's VERY easy for a fourth floor, but it still pretty alright.

Not a great tier by any means but it wasn't awful like O9S-O12S.

>check twitch
>the channel with the most views is one of the MTQ impersonation scam ones
good lord

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He watches streamers?

It's even worse when streamers egos get pretty big when they only have like 10 viewers? I was in a holminster switch with one of these fucks and I pulled the boss right after the pulls and my healer got mad.
He literally went
>"No shield?"

I still had no idea why he had a shitfit over not having time to precast an aldo. He then refused to heal in the second boss until he realized right before I died that we were about to kick his ass as soon as we wiped and started healing again.

That's the guy who is insecure about coming in undergeared and trying using that as an argument pro doing hunts. All I said on the other hand was just facts. I already have orange on everything so it wouldn't affect me to go in without right side and get a grey parse or something.

>He watches streamers?
Oof. What a clown.

>MTQ impersonation scam ones

I've been alternating between the two
FFXIV one week, WoW Classic the next.

Arthars is just some screaming weeaboo that meltdowns over how much better the honabru nihon samurai are than him and everyone else on NA. He even does it while playing on JP.
>player dies to mechanic on E2S
>inarticulate raging begins
>he plays on , that's the secret gaijin server full of people that never transferred to tonberry
>just look he's going to have an E
>opens search info

>Visually it's alright, nothing special.
The spear tank buster animation is among the best of the game though.

>You can have 3 A ranks in different instances and no one will group up for kill. They just wait train.
because there's no incentive to turn what could be a 20 second fight into a 5 minute fight for just a few useless nuts and a handful of useless goetia.
>but more challenging fights are fun!
yeah, we got all that out of our system in the first couple weeks at launch.

Weird flex but ok friend.

Brainlet week 1 clearer here and can confirm.

My group cleared E1S in one lockout on day 1 and around week 5 (6?) I only just learned that D.Shift and Gravity are dark spells and can't be mitigated. I also only just learned how to bait the Arcane Spheres this week, and that you can bait Eden into a corner for Pure Beam.

So you started the tier fully geared and thus never ever had to cap tomes?
And sorry I pulled the insult first so you can't no u me.

God, it's almost insufferable, why do people like these assholes? It's even worse when you see their twitch chat and people are acting like them. At least when they do shit it's trashy funny, twitch comments are just trashy.

>*blocks your PUG*

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Sometimes I have no mood to read/watch/play anything or work. Procrastination. I just watch twitch streams for relax. Even games I never play like fighting.
I remember seeing his stream where he explained the difference between JP and NA without jokes. Don't know how true it is but clear rates exist and JP is dominating.

Doesn't he beat his wife?

That's xeno but it's his girlfriend and it's okay because she likes it

A channel impersonates a popular streamer, baits viewers with "final stream/leaving game, [n] million giveaway", plays an old stream pretending to be live, and links to a site pretending to be the lodestone. People who fall for it log in to that site and give their account info to the scammers, who then steal everything on said account and sell it for real money probably. Repeat until no one falls for it anymore, which is never.

Though looking at it now, it's possible said streams are using viewbots or whatever. It dropped from 600+ to 19, and then back up to 200+. The chat is empty.

>AoE sound effect in the background

I still think MMOsdotcom and Limitbreak Radio are worse than Happy, but he's very close.

Of course I cap tomes, are you braindead? You don't need hunts to do those. His argument was not doing hunts relates to coming in undergeared and trolling your team. I'm telling him that's not even near the case, and worse yet, trying to sell me that idea today is neither here nor there considering it's week fucking 7 and people are absolutely destroying the fuck out of eden. PF shitters excluded.

take that back fucking remotay is based.

NA pf raiding looks really bad compared to EU one desu. On EU we use macros for fights so there is no struggles with positioning.

Who are you quoting?

Why should I care about them? I’m too busy playing the game.

So you do 8 expert roulettes before raid in Tuesday instead of just doing a hunt train? That doesn't sound very smart.

I just ran an E1 Normal with some that did almost exactly what this retard did.

>gate falls
>someone does a ready check and countdown
>countdown hits 0
>everyone starts attacking
>both tanks dont turn stance on and watch everyone slowly die
>"oh I thought you wanted to tank it since you pulled it"
>"are we not supposed to attack when the countdown hits 0?"
>"wasnt mine so it doesnt count. Leave that stuff to the tanks"
>5 min later we're still standing waiting for him to pull while he rambles on about being in charge of the fight
>healers eat penalty and leave

Is this a WoW behavior that's carried over or are these people somehow building these habits in braindead XIV content?

go back

>watching twitch for ff14

He's pretty much full of shit with his JP fetish. There's nothing wrong with NA pf, there's just less interest.
Nobody actually plays like a retard for muh logs, they just want their loot. Strats used are fine and prioritize safety with uptime. Standing around a marker and discussing strategies is not worse than shitting out a forced wall of text macro. Assholes, unprepared people, and shitters exist everywhere.

everyone says the same shit about JP datacenter. guranteed clear but it will always be the most safe straight laced strat available which is "bad' for people that care about trying to get good parses.

Remotay is that kind of fuck who only wants to do epic raids and disregards any other XIV content, no matter how much he pretends to be hyped about the non-raid stuff. He's still a Wowfag and tells everyone to buy story skip potions for XIV and just like LBR he and his brother defended that Guold Wars 2 writer who got fired over her own toxic behaviour.

Retards think they're more important than other people since they tank (or heal).

Literally no excuse since tanks have zero penalty do their dps being the main tank now.

Anons were talking about content creators, and I wanted to see whether anyone was even content creating right now. Outside of that, I have no answer. I don't know why people bother with streamers at all.

what happened with guild wars 2?
i just remember remotay from the good old days of mmo hopping.

No I mean he said
>JP is boring because when you join "clear" party it is clear party. When you join tsu 2 it is tsu 2.
>you get what you need most of time no traps
And NA is like wild west. More entertaining for streaming.

Sounds like a cute fancy excuse for him to peddle his JP fetish without straight up saying he thinks NA is shit

Is there some site or something that describes materia suggestions for certain jobs? Newish to this other than gathering and can't find any posts that aren't out of date.

>be girl (girl)
>join FC
>FC leader makes you a full set of 450 armor for any job you want and gives you his personal Discord in case you ever need to talk through any personal issues
>even adds you on Snapchat so you can reach him directly
Wow, the people in this game are so nice

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How do you guys deal with playing with friends who are just shit at the game? A group of mine like to try Savage and organize a loose static thing but the issue is that like 3 of them are bad to the point of keeping us walled at fucking Levi.

I've known these dudes for years so I don't want to bail so should I just scream git gud at them regardless of if it hurts their feelings or what?

>what happened with guild wars 2?
One of their writers shat on fans on her personal yet work related twitter for criticising and correcting her. A male GW2 writer joined and both got fired. Journos pulled the old
>it's toxic male gamers who only attacked her because she's a female
stunt, ignoring the other writer. She continued to spread that misinformation-

I want to play on JP and do savages in DF like big boy.
>340ms for Mana
someday in 2025

Mostly there isn't and never was any hurry to get it on Tuesday for us. First 2 weeks we weren't on titan till 2 days of raiding into the week, and there weren't any enrage walls on the first 3 bosses. We hit a wall on Titan but Titan prog was never on Tuesday, and it was mostly the fault of a single player who has long since been replaced.

You're fucked.

Fucking slut

I got stuck at e2s early on this tier because of that, I left the group and said I was ok to continue anything but savage with them.

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How the heck does a group pass E2S but not E3S? E3S is all around mechanically slower/easier.

>have titan and titania mount
>can't find innocence groups up on PF ever
Do people just fucking hate this boss or something?

450 crafted is pretty much dirt cheap. if you're gonna hose this guy for shit start asking for glamour stuff or the bed mount

pls rspond

Most people already got it.


E3S is more unforgiving. Getting hit by a breath is an instant kill. Execution wise I'd say they are both the same. I mean you guys like putting e2s on a pedestal or something.

>most people have innocence mount
That's not true at all. Are you having a stroke user?

innocence is ez and fast farm

>Post the icon
>Doesnt post the name
you did this on purpose

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Opposite for me.

I'm trying to farm the last two Titania weapons I need for glamours, and I can't find any parties for them, that's not practice/learning, meanwhile all I see are Inno farms, when I don't need it.

I got it so that’s most people.

How fucking new are you to not know what skirt that is?

Balance Discord, handout-kun.

That's disgraceful.

Make a party

You can play much sloppier is e2s while not causing a wipe as long as you have someone doing callouts holding your hand, plus with enough dps you can full fuck up cycles at the end and still clear.

Literally just use the tokens.

Why do so many African Americans play lalafell? About 1/3 of the lalafells I have met have either been ebony princesses or KANGZ

Stacked up pretty well, E3S is the only fight I dislike and I'm going to do Titan and get a purple log RIGHT NOW

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Outside of balance discord use fflogs.
You can check their gear on lodestone.
Check hit/crit chance on fflogs to be sure this is right gear

So you are having a stroke. Get well soon.

does Arthars have loaded parents or something? How does he sit there playing FF all day to 200 viewers, when he has a wife and kid.

What's the deal with your levi not being orange and you striving for purple on titan instead of orange?

Summer is over retard, go back to school

Tell me about BRD gameplay. After BLM I want something less punishable.

What pathetic numbers. How have you not hit 99+ by now with this gear?

Usually how are the savage clear rates on NA? I heard they are pretty bad but I haven't seen any evidence of that. Is NA really below JP on that?

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Yes, the tokens that I have. The Titania tokens. From Titania. The ones that I have definitely not spent on 6 weapons already.

What compels a man to falseflag?


when is the yoshida+yoko taro interview at TGS

Hardly any well adjusted individual commits to a single MMO to play all day any more. Times have changed, fellow boomer. Players peak during content drops. Classic will fall off hard once Borderlands 3 comes out, once 5.1 comes out, and so on.

Playing just one game is actually more likely a sign of being a completely casual normie nowadays since you can't afford the time to branch out and dedicate time to learning different rulesets of varying genres, etc.

That's not flexing though, it's just falseflagging. Flexing would be if you were 99 or 100 on everything and you were bullying him for not being the same.

JP clear rates are better than both NA and EU combined, last I checked.

this is NA
>crystal 1150

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>Guild used to be really active a few weeks ago, like 30~40 people daily
>Now I rarely see anyone online

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It's called setting reasonable goals
You can't just decide to be better than 95% of players that have cleared the last savage floor. It requires you put effort into refining your rotation and minimize mistakes and get more random crits. These things take time and effort and practice.

YorHa apocalypse comes out around 9-12th Oct right?

>receive way more player comms on my girl alt than my male main

i feel like im scamming people out their hard earned comms...

this is JP
>mana 11865

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I tried using survival shirt with it but it seems so basic bitch. Anemos suspenders seemed to work as well but I didn't like it too much.

How old is this exactly? Using 4.1 as a benchmark?

>Ending on the objectively best Titan fight of the 5 in game
>Have to wait both for the Nier Raid and then months after for Shiva, Ramuh and Garuda


7%~ for all floors IIRC, around 15-20% for JP.

>Myste shows up
>that's our only reference to the DRK quest this expansion

well okay, sure.

>Join E1S PF
>Everyone positions around a circle for first mechanics
>"OK pick a buddy"
>Buddies are not conveniently clock/counter-clock of each person due to people picking whatever spots
>Rather than just pick people and run to them they decide to redo the entire positioning of first mechanics
>It's assuming your initial spot dictates your Delta positioning and your orb
>People always fuck up first orb
>People never call out second orb

I had a group as healer where I did east first orb, SW delta, and W spinny orb because people are fucking babies and want things neat and tidy but don't want to put in the effort to make it so.

Im in the same boat user, just use sundays or mondays for progression on your own.


Better crits is more about trying for that 99 or 100. As far as "any orange" territory goes, that doesn't really matter. Also, putting effort and learning how to play the game is not unreasonable. You've cleared Titan before. It's not progress. Same goes for Levi.

I liked UWU Titan more, with the only flaw being he's a 3 minute slice of a larger fight.

served in the singapore military as a sergeant

PF assigning spots for anything is the real challenge of these fights.

>PFing Titania before Savage launch
>people pick their spots
>"okay now group up for flame rune"
>"your group for flame rune. are you new?"
>"why not just divide east/west with N and S moving clockwise?"
>"that's not how PF does it"

This shit is mind-boggling.

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It's not unreasonable if you put the appropriate time in for practice/review. This user has put in time he feels is appropriate for a purple.

I just do ABCD group parings then orbs separately. That way there's no "OOPS I THOUGHT WE WERE GOING CCW/CW" or OOPS I FORGOT WHO MY BUDDY WAS

Can someone give me a non gay monk opener?
Fuck anatman, shits jank as fuck to use in openings and balance discord fags insist it and always find a way to ruin monk since stormblood

miqote skirt is nice too.

Just post this next time. Swap positions if you like

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>shadowbringers era soken doing nier remixes

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>joined a "no shitters" PF for titania ex
>spend 10 mins in the beginning of the run assigning positions because people don't fucking move and fuckers are insistent on positions.
>eventually go "nah fuck it im out. GL"

Did they really need to make this as obnoxious as possible with the inverse letters

>Fuck anatman, shits jank as fuck to use
How? SAM fishing for meditation ticks without any problems.

I dislike Leviathan a lot and have been stubborn improving on it, ideally after the second maelstrom you reverse your song order and it just feels horrible but it is a bit more DPS. I'll of course go for orange on Titan but one step at a time it's a lot harder to have high parses on Titan because it's a lot more competitive.

I still need 5 BiS items as well it's not like I have perfect gear but more so I wish I had a static to play with/do parse runs with, I use PF only so getting perfect runs to log highly can be annoying. I orange parsed on E1S with a 96 while taking a damage down because the two melee did 0 damage to meteors. People single targetting the add phase lowers my DPS too.

Attached: 97PUmYFl.jpg (419x640, 63K)

Anything to wear on the top? This skirt is so fucking lewd. You literally do anything and you can see your panties.

I'd just put on the default top and call it a day but I don't want my character to look new.

>non gay monk opener
>fuck anatman

user, you're not going to make it.
How shit are you to not just Demolish -> Anatman -> wait for the tick then DK. How is that fucking difficult for you?

>fuck it
No way anyone would say that in this game.
>Sorry guys but I’m not sure if this group is going to work out for me, I really appreciate the time it took to create the party though wishing you all the best of luck! o/

So you can notice them for sure. But this is not most obnoxious one. Full version of picrelatd is pure eye cancer.

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Meditation fishing is a minor potency gain that has no repercussions if you miss the tick. The anatman opener fucks your shit up if you miss the tick because your rotation relies on it. Yes, waiting up to 3 seconds for your next gcd like fucks your shit up extremely hard.

Ah yes I too enjoy [completley stop attacking] move in my opener. Feels very fluid for a job about staying active and fast as fuck

Well you play a bard, it's not like getting oranges means you have to optimize your positioning and mechanics to the last tiny detail like a BLM, or uptime like a melee.

Nah, you're right. That's what I said.
But honestly, the fuck. There was one dude who just stood in the spawn area and didn't even pick a direction and then right before we began someone's like "so im E right?", "No you're SE." "can I get e instead?", so i set up the waymark again ONLY for people to just not go to it.

>DPS bleed markers on E1s
>DNC gets both of them, we all good
>for some reason he starts panicking
>somehow he stumbles into both healers and gives them each the bleed
>wipe because both healers cant heal themselves
>for some reason this made me angrier than any other singular incident in the entirety of eden

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Nigga, you do it once then you never have to touch it again.


>No mithra equivalent

Once in your highest burst of the entire fight
You lose over an entire gcd because of shit design

Once every start of a pull. Shit gets frustrating real fucking fast when farming or progging. Fuck off balance tranny

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If this isn't my static, I don't know what else is

>increasing loud shouts of "DONT PANIC" as the person with both bleeds runs around passing it to everyone so we don't know who to heal

Bard has it even worse: your orange is tied to your teammates playing well
If you thought BLM positioning or melee uptime was challenging just try to optimize that.

NA players are fucking retarded
i play on both eu and na and whenever you try to use macros in NA people just brain lag and don't call their spots

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the only nigger i know in my FC plays Au Ra

>start of a pull
what is formshift

Positioning is easier to optimize than RNG, non-set rotations sure it might make the fight a little bit mechanically harder but it's something you can learn while you progress and you'll get it every single time without issue. A not insignificant amount of my damage comes from my group too.

Indigo shirt. Need to do maps or spend gil on it but it's not too hard to get.

Ast'd the entire tier and cleared week 2. Having played everything as a tank now I can say that healing was very intense and fun. As a tank there isn't much to worry about and I can assume it was similar to playing a dps. One of my favorite tiers so far, granted I've only raised stormblood up.

Do i only get maps only once a day from gathering?

you literally are clipping the second GCD in the worst case scenario you adhd riddled greylets. "b-but i go slow" nigga you start at GL1 anyway anatman is the fastest way to go fast are you retarded

the first few GCDs are literally worthless, no buffs are up, you're effectively crying about having to start a fight with zero enochian blizzard 3 on BLM

once per 18 hours. Doesn't matter what map you get, you get ONE. So don't waste it on a arr map or hw map if you're not going to run it.

I was thinking that too, but that shirt is too "in" right now. Almost everyone male miqote and female character is wearing it.

What a fuckin hipster

Or you get people arguing about O2Y3 / O3Y2 in E4S and I'm sitting here thinking who the fuck cares? The DPS check doesn't matter anymore with the gear we got now unless you're a shitter and die.

/fa/, you gotta wear stuff that's similar to what everyone's wearing but you can't outright copy them.

It delays your buffed gcds knuckle dragger

Pure beams are fun you're just a brainlet

E2S is single handedly made easy by how well your main tank can position the boss, as everyone loses uptime/ dies to cleaves if he fucks up

E3S has terrible music

>wanting a door boss

>get a WHM cohealer who never knows when tank-pass is up
>always passes it to the nearest DPS because they're all stack on the ass of the boss
>DPS panicks and runs around until they die instead of adjusting to bad healer and running it to the tank

>you're setting your buffs up
potato potatoh
its literally a matter of perspective. your complaint is the equivalent of having to start a fight with you weakest GCD on BLM. sorry that your first GCDs of the fight aren't chad buttons like Reassemble drill or red mage

>tfw haven't been able to parse purple since I stopped smoking

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I just got the Kiba title so now I have that and Zero. Planning on getting BLM full set. Picked up MCH weapon cuz it smol.

>his tanks arent just standing already on the healers
>his ranged/melee dont just stand on the healers and deliver the debuff to tanks for them like american fast food delivery
there are like 5 equally optimal ways you can easily handle that mechanic wtf

One of our DPS was a raging alcoholic back in HW and SB and couldn't focus on anything unless they were tanked. They dipped during Sigmascape and went dark for a year, but came back clean for Eden, and suddenly they're calling mechanics, playing multiple jobs to give feedback to others in the group, and planning raid buff time tables.

Definitely had the biggest glow up out of our static.

Your drg and red mage and bard aren't waiting a second to use their abilities because Whoops I low rolled anatman :)
The difference between enochian and anatman is that one is forced, it happens every time and there's no way around it. The other one randomly doesn't happen unless you literally have a bot pull the boss for you.

I play a male cat.


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girls of Yea Forums, what do you honestly think when a guy plays a girl character?

I dont care about you or your character, why would you care about what someone else thinks about you in an online game?

>tank pulls a second early
>every caster/healer loses a second
you cry about that shit too? the sampe people that would cry about anatman is the same people who sperg out about "bro..... pull the boss EXACTLY on zero" and slow/fast instances

I think it's cute.

I'm sick of this loot system.
This week I got no drops except somehow my roll of 75 on the weapon coffer ended up as a pass, and I already have the weapon for my main.

A spell without parallel...

Attached: dilatabrea.png (1920x1080, 1.09M)

spoken like a true bitch.


You're late today.

r2s is impossible with pug
if you didn't get Duty Complete as the start of the expac, it's finito

Busy being snug.

Attached: comfybrea.png (998x901, 1.71M)

Because Gauis is an actual character with understandable motivations and Zenos is just LOL SO CRAZY AND EVIL


Because The few people that bother doing FFXIV art always want to do it of their shitty OCs instead of the actual characters.

And that can be solved by asking your tank to pull properly. Meanwhile you can solve anatman but only with a third party program.
Don't you dare compare slow fast instances to this because that's infinitely more shitty. The world first Titan only happening because they got 10 seconds longer on enrage is totally fucking stupid.

>Implying I'm going to watch this

Why was Stormblood so shit. I feel like the next expansion is going to be worse, SE seems to have played all their cards already.

As a BRD you have the mobility of a melee with the range of a caster. There is literally nothing that can bring you worries, your role can easily cruise through any mechanic the boss can ever think of throw at you with not even half the effort of the other roles.

>he doesnt refresh his gl with antman during PB for 6 opoopos

He answered my question in this video though so please watch.

is this fat fuck physically incapable of making a video under 30 minutes
literally who watches this trash

>SE seems to have played all their cards already.
There is one faction in "noteurope" you know?


If they reveal the next expansion will be written by Ishikawa again I'll be hopeful but otherwise yeah it will probably be worse.

Mr Happy is more relevant than you. Stay salty. He cleared Titan, let me see yours.

you can ask your tank to pull properly for anatman
you can shoulder tackle early since you're obviously a bitch
you can just accept the fact that you're going to lose one auto attack from a 3 second anatman

>Gets mauled to death and dies in his best friends arms
What did Yoshi mean by this?

Attached: Wedge.png (220x377, 146K)

Either a fag or a homosexual.
>le man ass noooooo!
If all you do is stare at your male character’s ass, u r a gay fag.
So either way, they’re queers.

And I have a real job.

Attached: 432.png (330x319, 204K)

>not using Riddle of earth to refresh GL during PB

>ducked the request, hid behind golden face
As expected.

I remember when his old static and FC kicked him because of how much of a obnoxious person and shit player he is.

>that one dungeon/raid that you always turn the volume to max for

what's it's name?

where's yours pleb

Attached: clear.png (1126x142, 17K)

HW Boss theme both really, but I prefer ominous prognosticks

its not always available, greylet

neither is anatman greenlet

>nu monks praising anatman

I hope the class is nerfed so you faggots can fuck off back to bandwagoning and ruining other classes

>defending a eceleb
Unironically kill yourself.

Amaurot (I also change the cutscene audio to English for obvious reasons), Sophia, Ridorana, La-hee Dungeon.


shinryu, suzaku, Shiva, tsukiyomi

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>there are monks that would rather have howling fists/steel peak over useful new tools

>tfw like to craft in Amaurot's zone because the music relaxes me and lots of places to admire the view while crafting

Amaurot was so great, I don't think they'll ever be able to top it.

>midlander is a slut
every time

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Stop dodging the question AHHHHHHH!!!

That the future was pretty fucked up without (you)

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>hiding the median like the BiS coward he is
i wish pugs would just logically let alls BLMs get all the loot

>DPS south

Your tank (or you) can pull properly for anatman if you use a third party tool
You can accept that unless you use a third party tool you will randomly massively clip your opener, or you can complain about it on an anonymous imageboard. But you cannot deny it.

Whats the biggest dick dps in dungeons

literally any summer bikini top and sunglasses

Is that what happened in the latest post on the cringe fanfic page occasionally update?

Wouldnt say it's his best work imo.

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When I was also a midlander I used that skirt with plague doctor/bringer.

blm by far

>except for the very final phase
t.non healer

Everyone uses third party resources to learn openers
Everyone uses third party tools to parse
The majority of people use third party voice chat
Lots of people use the gay third party tool callouts

Attached: 1541405025757.jpg (763x736, 79K)
I only ever did Coil.

>modding the miqo skirt with bubble bottoms

Attached: shnut.jpg (1920x1080, 172K)

Your job is to heal.


Attached: shadowbringers 4354453453354.jpg (1536x1514, 652K)

Healing is unironically the most difficult job in all the fights

why do people hate the transition cutscene of e1s

its a comfy breather, i just tab out and browse Yea Forums a bit

i'm almost there, i only play on days when seal rock is available though

source me up

Guys, what should I spend poetics on? Already have all Relics, Zodiacs, Animas, all jobs 70+, and enough gil to live comfortably.

Yeah man e3s is so hard

>Want to buy the far eastern kimono
>not on sale

Titania, Hades

just let them rot then, if you don't need them for anything.


I never said otherwise but we aren't talking about mechanics, we're talking about rotations and competing on DPS. If I as a Bard have an easier time with mechanics so does every other Bard, it doesn't come into the equation when it comes to logs and our rotation has more RNG/Procs/variance than most other classes.

Attached: 76636600_p0.jpg (634x928, 730K)

Well, then sell demicrystals for gil I guess. No point in older gear unless you want it for glamour, no use for relic items, and so forth. But, you already have enough gil. But it's also the only practical thing you can increase with poetics at the point you're at.

>Tank queues are now taking forever

Buy scaevan gear
turn gear in for company seals
spend the company seals on hot chocolate
drink the hot chocolate

That fucking sucks. Why haven't they allowed for poetics to buy shit in Eureka by now?

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dunno. might not be a bad idea, since eureka is dead as fuck.


Also, is saying someone is BiS an offense now? That's funny. I'm not BiS by the way. Missing 2 pieces.

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I want those legs

I just capped out my retainer limit with my birthday money. What’s the best way to use them to make Gil?

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Stop posting that ugly character.

All these dirty gunbreakers and dark knights that have no idea how to play tank shitting up the queues.

You should do the daily. It’s free 1k marks no matter what place you get.

What's an easy class to pvp with? Only there for the rewards but also don't want to punish people who like it by being a shitter


Can’t go wrong with a machinist

Play Gnb or Sam. It's brain dead easy button mashing and you'll vaporize most classes.

She is hot.

That’s only if you have a good healer. Any team will gangbang you if you try to go in at all.

>tfw can't SMN or NIN on the server's shitty connection anymore
As much as I'd like SE to just remove all queue lag on the client so anyone on 250ms or lower can freely hit their skills and they execute in order without clips, they're likely to take the galaxy brain route of just making all damage ability offgcds have a 2s GCD of their own.

>roulette into Titania

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maybe if i staple the two images together i can pretend its a single character


Thanks Einstein. Did you know you'll also die if you stop breathing?

I got the SCH set and title only to realize you don't need the accessories to get it. I'm thinking of playing a lot of The Feast this weekend to maybe get the SMN and PLD sets but I'm not sure how much I really want to play PvP

this image gave me a sudden inspiration

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I'll be takin' that

>The toy was Omega
ok then

t. cutscene skipper

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It's written by the same person you sperg

What's the BRD rotation for pvp? I want to play an easy class for pvp but don't want to be complete dead weight

all lalafells deserve

That was left ambiguous you fucking fag, don't ever reply to me with that reddit meme again

I dropped wow for xiv because xiv is far more fun and engaging than Blizzard could ever hope to achieve in their directionless MMO

>pretty please with a rolanberry on top
what the fuck is a rolanberry

>where's yours pleb
>show way better performance than his
>wtf coward show med
>show med
>dumbass clearly not the same character
How much coping can a single person do.

I refuse to believe that you can beat r2s with pug.

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a final fantasy strawberry

>grinding dungeons
>this is wayyyy slower than i remember.
>everyone in my party is geared so that can't be it
>last run until i can move to the next tier
>all the mobs are fucking MELTING

the fuck? why is there so many shitters in DF lately? I had one really solid run compared to 6 shitty ones. like holy shit they were at least doing twice the damage as my last party.



What do you want senpai?


sucks to be him

>tell all my bros were gonna raid, and im the tank as always
>gear up tank before raid drops
>one of my friends switches to my tank and says he’s gonna be the tank now
>whatever, ill play healer! Our healer quit since he didnt like scholar’s changes
>use week 1 to gear healer
>he joins again and says hes not playing anything but healer
>wh-whatever, i really like summoner! I’ll play that!
>use week 2 and 3 to gear it up
>all of my friends stop playing 14
>back to my favorite job, under geared as fuck, with a late as fuck time schedule, and no static to play with

I hate my life

>Having friends

Never play MMOs with friends from outside of the game. They all drop shit and move on together.

post time stamped character in eulmore with ign holding eden staff while peace sign

And you most likely not get gangbanged if you picked a ranged. You dummy, also ranged have more tools for getting people always from them.

How can he be a weeaboo when he's Asian? The guy is an Asian male bitching about Asian things and culture. I saw a stream of him bitching about Feo UI's JP voice because it was ooonnniiiiii cccchhhhhaaaaannnn.

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Make sure you got a slut glamour on too.

Womanlets are disgusting creatures and should be throttled at birth



>don't want to be complete dead weight
don't play bard then. Only good ranged jobs in pvp now (for both frontline and feast) are blm and dnc.

>all asians are nips!!
sohm al hards theme, has a nice bouncy tune to it

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Carryover from XI, a FF Strawberry

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this is an uematsu track from 1.0
Still waiting on them to use this. The track goes places.

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I'm glad the Ultimate exist or I would have unsubbed way sooner

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I'm your rolanberry, user.

Ultimate is not even out

I JUST did that this morning and this moment hurt me inside. I wish there was an actual happy lalafell interracial couple. I was hoping Nanamo and Raubahn would at least share a romantic scene or go beyond just seemingly platonic friendship, but seeing Lamitt have a very obvious unrequited love for Arbert that was left unfulfilled stings.

No wonder he rants so much

>queue into expert as black mage
>get akademia its bgm reminds me of persona 5
>co dps is a dancer fem miqote and dance partners me
>she unpartners me after the first boss and partners the tank
>wtf shit dancer
>also has 470 gear and legend title

how do i go in reporting these trannys?

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I never did ucob or uwu in SB so I'm filling in the time between each tier progging them instead of just unsubbing this time

You've already posted this bait before

I have seen Chinese cartoons and it is the same as Japanese.

What sort of weird prog is that? Unless you mean pug.

>glad Ultimate exist
I'd rather Savage just go back to OG Savage difficulty instead of this current facade which is SCoB+ territory.

Also another 1.0 tune.

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I would picture UCoB/UWU being a joke on the healer/dps-checks now given the higher HP/job-dps as part of the 5.0 changes. So it's just basically a case of "Did you do the mechanics?".

That and removal of VIT melds means you can say fuck-it to materia slots altogether and instead go will full capped secondaries using lv80 gear sync'd down.

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I'm progging them one at a time of course, not simultaneously. I'm at Annihilation for UWU right now so I'd say maybe a month(?) until I clear it. I'll do ucob before I even touch the 5.1 Ultimate which I'll hopefully do during the 5.2-5.3 raid tier

>do bardem mettle
>see level 78 watching cutscenes
>he's new to the dungeon
wait what?

I can think of a couple cases.

>Job boosted and decided to do MSQ on it
>Plays super casually but squeezes in lvl roulette every day while working on MSQ

You can easily hit level 80 just by doing roulettes every day but not doing storyline.

I did mess around with UWU a little bit in SB and I can at least compare garuda from SB and ShB. Tank changes makes healer emnity a non issue and the dps check is very lenient now. My static initially had trouble with killing ifrit nails too quickly cause we literally had too much dps.

She probably saw you casting fire 2 lmao

>Tank changes makes healer emnity a non issue
It bothers me a lot when I see 2tank content nowadays and both tanks aren't in hate stance after an initial threat combo.

sounds like annoying noise so hopefully it never sees reuse.

I wish they would have upgraded Fire 2 for high level content.

Imagine getting outgeared by a fucking DNC.

They did, it's called "Flare"


Are the mechanics in Ultimate any harder than the final savage floor?

I love how pf pugs get absolutely buttblasted by e2s.

>Leveled several classes with gapclosing abilities
>Have none of the abiliites mapped to the same button
muh muscle memory

When can i cast Ultima?

I haven't had a wipe on e2s since i cleared it and i pug everything. It's clear parties that struggle. The duty complete crew has it down ez

They are but not significantly so.

>figure I should do my quick weekly clears as usual
>pugs can't even beat E1S
What the fuck

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Never for lore reasons, same deal as not getting Meteor/Meteo in games where it's part of the plot, or how you could only do Holy damage with Alexander in 7 because Holy is part of the plot.

how much easier is UWU to UCoB? I never bothered with UWU after failing to clear UCoB
because there were two people in my old static constantly fucking up UCoB phase 3, thus causing it to disband.
It left such a huge disappoint to me, that I didnt even bother stepping in UWU.
with the rumor of alexander being the new Ultimate. I really wanna try to get atleast one ultimate under my belt before it releases
I love the whole aesthetic to alexander, and am hoping brute justice will be in it
midas is my all time favorite tier, with a8s being my favorite fight. If brute justice is in it, I really wanna clear it no matter what

The reason why I'm a grey monk and you're 70th percentile in your off meta job is because your job is easy and thus has a lower reward for performance, you should be thankful for me even being there because without people playing the hard jobs that do lots dps you wouldn't even be able to clear

Everyone competent already cleared. No reason to do "weekly" grinds at this point bub. This late into the patch, surely you don't need gear this patch, and most of the gear is fucking ugly, so you don't even wanna grind glam.

If ultimates follow the same formula does that mean we'll get Alexander and nidhogg ultimate?

There's alt gearing I guess. Some people, like myself, just do their weekly clear because why not? It's still fun.

Shouldn't it be thordan the mordan?

Fuck gay. Sadu over here casting meteor by herself and I'm suppose to be the WoL.

Still waiting on them to make Fire2/Bliz2 become Flare/Freeze when Enochian is up or some shit (make Enoc available at a lower level as a result). Fuck the skill bloat BLM has right now due to modern rotations making their older skills obsolete unless you fuck your rotation hard. Don't have any space to easily hit Scathe the rare time I need it.

Not everyone is geared up for everything considering there are 3 gear pieces and it's luck based who gets what

Oh well I was considering unsubbing anyway, it's not like there is anything else to do other than savage once a week

I got Brayflox in Leveling and the DPS was so high the salamander boss didn't even get a chance to bubble someone. Never seen that before.

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UWU is the easier fight since its like 2 minutes shorter and less random. The difference in difficulty isn't particularly big though, I'd imagine those two guys fucking up your ucob static would be the dudes who constantly fuck up titan gaols

I wish I had these guys.

Very specific jobs got buffed stupidly high in the earlier levels (hi DRG & NIN) in5.0, where if combined with a good tank/healer, you melt the poor dungeons.

UWU is noticeably easier than UCOB.

>there are 3 gear pieces and it's luck based who gets what
ayy the pug conundrum

People are getting salty as fuck in frontlines. It used to be more chill before SHB.

Do Ultimate

>would be the dudes who constantly fuck up titan gaols
And those would be the guys constantly fucking up Nael phase which is even more aggravating. Now only is UWU is shorter than UCoB, but it has that 90 second long boring intermission as well vs. 40s on UCoB's last phase transition.


In my case it was SAM and MCH, I was SCH and the tank was WAR.

yup I don't have a static to hand me all the gear for free. actually I do have a group I play with but they suck.

no thanks

>for free
Not very bright are you?

I'm saying proper statics just let their best DPS players get the loot drops to gear them up asap

Friendly reminder that savage hasn't even been out long enough to get enough books for a single chest piece or weapon yet

This thread belongs to elezen queens.

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If only they had this much meat on them in game.

So? Who the fuck is going to need 8 fucking runs of titan to get their weapon? You'd need to be dead last priority in your static and also the fixed weapon drop would need to be absolutely SHIT for 8 weeks in a row.

>and also the fixed weapon drop would need to be absolutely SHIT for 8 weeks in a row.
We come to pugs faggot

Image the smell in this room. Probably smells like a petting zoo

elezens belong to xaela bulls

based elezen smell user

Friendly reminder that despite being able to play all jobs on one character, you're realistically only able to gear one of them fully to BiS before the next relevant content comes out due to time gating.

Why does she have one tiny deformed leg?

>you're realistically only able to gear one of them fully to BiS
That's not true at all. You can be BiS as BLM right now and we have a ton of phantasmagoria gear. Now is what, week 6? 7? Do you honestly believe eden 2 is releasing in 7 more weeks? Hell no.

Assuming SE keeps to the same schedule as 4.X did, I was referring to Ult.

Wonky perspective.

So which floor is the pug wall, e2s?

It was E2S before everyone got their welfare i460. Now it's people fucking up Tsunami2 and puddle placing in E3S.

tfw no art of garuda or siren with thick downy feathery pubes

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>tfw XI is getting a summonable Siren, while XIV SMNs are still stuck with PS1-polygon carbuncles and chicken nuggets

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