I have made a list

Is this correct Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


MBDTF is one of the greatest albums of all time, fight me.

who is Yea Forums

Stephen King

add Araki for Yea Forums

Scooopty sctooopy poop
poop poop

Anno is Yea Forums's hack. Araki is actually talented.

Yea Forums is unironically right. His goosebumps tier writing is formulaic normie bait.

lmao nice i will, he fits to this list

you could list a hundred people for Yea Forums
I pick Okada

Don't know the Yea Forums one, but the rest is correct.

Why is Tarantino a hack? Is he too boomer?

I think I will go with Araki because he keeps forgetting stuff and creates plots holes and the fight scenes have no logical sense. Hideaki is more pretentious than hack

this is surprisingly accurate. holy shit.
it should be a Yea Forums banner.

Yea Forums should be Lou Reed
/his/ should be Slavoj Žižek

Who would be /fit/'s hack?

Why would deGrasse Tyson be a hack? A cursory glance at his publication history seems as though he has co-authored some actual papers too, but what he's known for is his work in pop-science, inspiring kids to get into science, that sort of thing, and I think he's doing a pretty good job at it.

Steven King is moderately well liked on Yea Forums.

George R. R. Martin on the other hand...

Okada is just a bitter cunt, not a hack.

Zyzz, he died like a bitch

lit is the only one I know for sure is a hack and hes a pedo

Why would Tyson be there over Nye?

How is Tarantino a hack, he just happens to make the best movies

Fuck genre fiction authors, they are disliked as a collective. Change Yea Forums to Peterson or Kierkgaard.

He's great because he's black.
Bill Nye is another hack.

Where’s Michael Jackson? Everyone on Yea Forums calls him the GOAT but he stopped making good music after Off the Wall

George is just a decent plot writter with a terrible and immature choice of words, Steven on the other hand, he literally poops formulated stories almost every year lmao

/pol/ here
I vote for ours to be ben shapiro

Your opinion is irrelevant. Yea Forums occasionally likes King. They almost universally hate Martin.

Kanye West is unironically based. He is the only decent nigger rapper, which doesn't cause ear bleeding. Rest is correct.

Attached: Kanye_West_at_the_2009_Tribeca_Film_Festival.jpg (2161x2504, 1.89M)

Kanye is a hack because of his wrongthink

Just like Tarantino, and Kanye their older stuff was better.

DeGrasse’s rise is justified, but he is a hack to politics

Ah yes is another thread of dead beat 4channers criticizing successful people while not accomplishing anything themselves as they masturbate to cartoons all day. These never get old.

Kanye is really liked on Yea Forums (for a reason) so it's not correct, I don't know about the boards.

Who are those niggers?

because he is an actual scientist by profession not a tv presenter

My vote would go to Michio Kaku

Yea Forums has their own list iirc.
Those guys are really nitpicky with their shit

Attached: 007.png (615x615, 482K)

Tarantula's movie script plot is so basic and he tries either
>swap the chapters to create tension
>make long ass shots with "artistic value" so his films would be considered arthouse
>He is a big footfag-need to say more?

>/sci/ black science man

I thought they considered bill nye the biggest hack

I can tell you're just butthurt user.
Facts don't care about your feelings tho. And the fact is, you're wrong, goyim.

>Yea Forums
> Yea Forums
I would put Christopher Nolan
>Yea Forums
I would put Ariel Pink
>Yea Forums
I would put you, the gamer. You're the biggest hack of all.

Shit, it's a threeway tie

i dont know about those but Yea Forums is the worst board if you like music

>Where’s Michael Jackson?
He is dead user

>which doesn't cause ear bleeding. Rest is correct.
>amma suck dick I like to suck dick

t. Kojimbo

Yea Forums is the only board with good taste you moron. They actually know their subject unlike Yea Forums

Kanye’s music pre 2010 that wasn’t auto-tune (fuck 808 Heartbreaks) was really good desu.

mmmmmmmmmmmm yes

>Tarantino is a hack
I wonder who could be behind this post

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Wrong album retard.

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Supposedly he has actual memory issues. still, it's not like he doesn't have access to all of his previous material as reference.

add /tg/'s to the list

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>I'm a sick fuck, I like a quick fuck
>I'm a sick fuck, I like a quick fuck
>I'm a sick fuck, I like a quick fuck
>I'm a sick fuck, I like a quick fuck
Name 1 (one) more talented and based artist than Ye

>Christopher Nolan
he's literally the dark souls of movie making, cuckatirno is just a fag who has a feet feitsh and likes to have niggers in his movie.

Neil is 100% based.

Yea Forums and Yea Forums have shit taste

People are nicer on /pol/ than on Yea Forums, Yea Forums or Yea Forums

Wasn’t that song supposed to be mocking mumble rap songs with good beats but shit vocals?


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Fuck you Zoomer

here you go user

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Does Yea Forums like Anthony Fantano?

>Christopher Nolan
completely agreed, ledger carried the dark knight returns everything else is shit

They hate him because of his prose, not his plot and his characters. I have met lots of Yea Forums anons that hate King

Kojima is the biggest genius since Albert Einstein.

He’s the type of nigga that would play on his ps1 when there is ps4. He just holds the past too dearly and doesn’t want to adapt or explore progressiveness/evolution of gaming industry because he cherish too much on the original value of its inception.

I am a sick fuck, I like a quick fuck x300

>still seething


Impressive. It's both boring and pretentious.

>Orange man bad

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What's wrong with Quentin Tarantino?

lmao this /pol/mutt already seething

Hows trump a hack? I thought he is just a plain retard lmao

David Cage instead of Kojimble

replace kojima with david cage, kojima's teams have made some decent games despite him while quantic dreams' whole catalog is overrated 2deep4u movie crap

>orange man good

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I haven't been on that board for years but back then it didn't have any. Only fitizen bros. Even faggots like Zyzz and Jeff Seid were /ourguys/.

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Bill has a mechanical engineering degree though

>I thought he is just a plain retard lmao

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Not true at all, downvoted

>Tarantino a bigger hack than JJ Abrams
Okay, now this, is epic.

>instant rage
So fragile. Impeachment soon

is he a soundcloud rapper?

>ITT: Talentless Hacks is up literally every other day for the past 10 years, with a pic of Lou Reed

>Yea Forums's hack
>not Pitchford
Unlike Kojima, Pitchford's never made a single good game. That's right, BiAfags.

>Leader of your country by divine right and restorer of traditional White Christian values BAD

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>yfw you used to think stephen king was cool and then grew up and realized almost all of his books have child grooming and sex

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>a hack
Hes retarded. Like, probably unironically autistic. Literally had a baby with a stupid whore who's been fucked on camera. Does severely autistic stupid shit. But he's a good musician

>Christian values
based retard

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zyzz jobbed to a fucking heart attack at age 23 or something, he's a fucking simp

Opposing Force was good and so was Brothers In Arms before they became insufferable Reddit shits, but you would know that if you weren't a zoomer.

>traditional White Christian values
who actually genuinely believes this?

Niel seems like a nice guy and all but he is an absolute fucking hack. His knowledge of science is like the surface of a kiddie pool.

alex hirsh for Yea Forums


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Yeah, I never understood how with his fame and wealth he decided to marry a thot who's famous for being famous and taking miles of BBC before she even turned 17.

>t. Pitchfork drone

>Good taste
>Yea Forums
Sure whatever you say Stan

Hes like the McDonalds of horror, cheap and nothing special, but still tasty

>5 years ago he was an atheist debating against creationist, now he's an edgy rping christcuck because of m-muh white values
the state of /pol/tards LOL

Stephen King is a pedo that writes about kids having orgies. Sounds pretty based to me.

Honestly it's probably more that he doesn't really give a shit about coherence and he's basically just a more imaginative Kubo Tite.

>good musician
>can't even play an instrument

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Yea Forums - Poop Fraudiola

lol this, it's funny because she can almost right a decent script but she always ruins it with needless drama. She's the type of chick that fantasizes about murdering couples she sees walking together during the holidays.

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looks good to me

Tarantino is pretty hit or miss but he's still making actual movies.

There are much worse hacks in hollywood like the nu-star wars director guys, Snyder, etc.

quality bait

Fuck no, Kojima is nothing compared to Molyneux on the hack scale.

Yea Forums vince russo


he can play the synth/keyboard tho

No, actually most of Yea Forums really despises him.

He was, until 'le ebin black science man' took his place. Never seen someone shilled as hard as that dude.


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I miss the shmolyneux days. No other developer actually has the balls to dream and inspire the crowd. How many fucking dark souls ripoffs and ubicore games have we gotten this generation? If only shmolyneux was still there, on the stage, demanding we think of the moral consequences of hitting a tree with an axe or some shit

Joe rogan

I make fun of how bad Stephen King books are with the wife. He basically just has a checklist and then changes the villain in the story.
>religion nut
>I remember something when a kid that is important now
>token black guy that dies 3rd but not 1st or second that is extremely nice to the main character

Rearrange as needed and combine for characters in book. Sell millions to brain dead retards not realizing they buy the same fucking book every year.

Oh... And make sure it is easy to adapt for a shitty live action short movie on some shit ass channel.

He sometimes is also extremely condescending. I know that he is probably smarter than the average Joe, but sometimes he states basic shit and acts like he's the next Isaac Newton

Based Scaruffi

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Graduation is kanye’s best album. Prove me wrong.
Absolutely not. Off the Wall is tied with Thriller for his best album, and he definitely had good songs afterwards.

Haters gonna hate

Blocks your path

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I fucking loved this scene. Tarantino might be an autistic nigger lover but he always manages to make an entertaining movie. Finally somebody made a film where Bruce Lee was depicted as the angry shit talking manlet that he was and showed him getting his ass kicked. That scene of the movie and the dialogue between DiCaprio and his neighbor at the end were 10/10.

For all his bluster though, what innovations has he actually caused?

Sorry Peter makes video games and not movies at the least.

>nigger lover
now i can see why is hated here

shapiro is a jew

Who is /int/s biggest hack?

Mc Ride

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>Terantino a hack
Got some jealous nigga's in here.

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When will this movie meme end
MGSV had 5 hours of cutscenes to 30 hours of gameplay

That's not an argument retard. Regardless I enjoy his shit and view the movies as Comedy pieces playing bingo.

Tarankino isn't a hack, it's just the triggered asians

Yea Forums calls everyone GOAT or EXPOSED based on the most recent performance.

>i don't know what a hack means the thread

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Molyneux wasn't a real developer he was a marketing guy. Kojima claims to be a real developer and has been in the gaming business forever. I'd say he fits the bill better. If we were talking about development studios in general. Naughtydog would win the hack award every fucking year.



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That would be /an/ or /x/'s hack.

>30 hours
That would be a no, and that is 1 game. Even in MS1 the game was move from point a to b to trigger a fucking cutscene.
>defending 5 hours of cutscenes
You deserve the deepest ring of hell. Realistically going through the entire game can only take 15 hours. If 1/3 of it is watching shit and 1/3 is simply moving to point a to b. And 1/3 is restarting from a save because you got caught while sneaking to point b is not a good measure for a game.

Very accurate

There is a difference between saying that you like black people and thinking Samuel Jackson is cool or Denzel Washington is a good actor. Then there is creepy hyper cuck tier Tarantino talking about how he loved that his mom was getting railed by gigganiggas when he was a little kid and how he wishes he was black.


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its not even the greatest kanye album

tarankino and ye arent hacks

its actualy Trump

mark rippletoe

so nothing to do with cinema?

5 hours wasn't enough, a good story makes gameplay more compelling.
>1/3 of it is watching shit and 1/3 is simply moving to point a to b. And 1/3 is restarting
I can describe any game like this retard

dark twisted fantasy is Yea Forumscore though

what would Yea Forums hack be?

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I would say Togashi or Isayama or Hori. Don't seem to have the best rep from what I've seen

When did I say it affected his movie making? I'm just saying he is literally a nigger lover or a wigger if that makes your reddit sensibilities feel better.

>mu/ is the only board with good taste you moron

go back to onehallyu , you K-pooper

no one thinks kanye is a hack

Too many to count.

rob liegeld

Gordon Ramsay

Yea Forums's hack is Togashi for sure, it's a triple tie between him, Miura and Isayama

NO you can't retard. Because the move from point a to b in games actually has combat and gameplay. And most games don't have 5 hours or more of cutscenes especially the abomination that is MGS4 that literally had more cutscenes than game time. If you play a game people. Normally don't put their controller down.

Metal gear rising is the only good metal gear game. Eat shit.

Regina Sucrose, John K, Rob Liefeld, Chris Savino

/g/'s biggest hack

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But Kojima actually has done a ton for vidya rather than just bigging shit up, and has pioneered a genre at that. The only thing arguably pretentious is the writing (which it's not, unless you're absolutely retarded about MGS2 or think the patriots are somehow a major theme)

Nothing Molyneux has done wasn't in some way pretentious as fuck. He has contributed nothing.

The snake juice guy
Jeff Cavaliere

Outside of the blunder that is Artifact, what other games was he involved in?

All wrong, it’s Connor Murphy

Bee and Puppycat was supposed to be the one

He popularized movie games... Congrats...

>Because the move from point a to b in games actually has combat and gameplay.
How does MGS not have combat and gameplay?
>Metal gear rising is the only good metal gear game.
>Muh cinematic button masher

Mans Not Hot already did that the year before

Cool. What is this from? Any good?

>America voted a nigger their leader

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Probably Grant Morrison

Attached: Grant_morrison2.jpg (449x670, 87K)

don't you dare insult R.L. Stein

He's not big enough to be considered for the board's hack.
I think a hack needs to be pretty acclaimed and popular but really shit when looked at critically. Everyone knows "my own brand of urine is delicious" snake guy is retarded.
Jeff Cavaliere is a phony but he's also legitimately knowledgeable and probably actually autistic.

Zyzz is the only correct answer

deGrasse is a social retard but I wouldn't call him a hack.

Anyone that spouts that garbage is either a genuine grade A megatard or a bad-faith shitposter.

Maybe if you haven't listened to any real music in your life, you absolute retard.

Nye does nothing to the scientific community and is a worse hack than Tyson every could be.

so what's the patrician equivalent if King is such a formulaic hack? and I'm asking seriously, because I think he's great, so I'm curious of what makes King look like a joke

black science implied starry night had the focus set on the town, but the stars are what is most dominant.

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The first time this happened it was alright. The second time this happened was just too much.

Araki's a nobody in the grand scheme of things, Anno makes more sense

MGS games have more diverse gameplay than 90% of games out there buddy, and your cherrypicking rubbish won't change that.

Not even on any Kanye album, lmao.

>Araki's a nobody

end your life

Only plebs dislike Kanye

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This isn't funny because Stephen King and Neil DeGrasse Tyson are actual hacks. Tarantino is too, to a certain extent, but he has his moments.


>Michio Kaku
He's got cool hair though, I'm sure that makes him smarter.

>black science implied starry night had the focus set on the town, but the stars are what is most dominant.
Not even the ominous dark tower(trees)? but the village?

Gundam Iron Blood Orphans (Tekkadan)
The "Raise your flag" OP should tell you what to expect

never go full retard

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I'm a monster
I'm a killer
I know I'm wrong, yeah
I'm a problem
That'll never
Ever be solved
And no matter what
You'll never take that from me
My reign is as far as your eyes can see
*I like this song. made cooler by the fact he sung this while his jaw was wired shut

>Nye does nothing to the scientific community
He's still an engineer. Most recently he designed the sundial/color calibration device for the Mars rover, making him something of an interplanetary expert on timekeeping.

Attached: MarsDial.jpg (808x846, 284K)

no Keiji “Scammer” Inafune?

But he said there are more than 2 genders and I know better than him

You talking shit?

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I think he mentioned the tower(tree?) too so ill give it to em a little but its that the stars are so prevalent that it was a wonky observation at best

Derek Smart will make Kojima his bitch in terms of being a complete hack.

Watch both Kill Bill movies and tell me that again with a straight face.

Animefags usually are, not big surprise.

Almost every single virtual cardgame of 2010s

just watched the first one, it was alright

Notice how they all have that smug punchable face.

Amnesia is great,it salvages him

they're well made movies user, don't know what you're getting at

nearly every face is punchable

what's wrong with tarantino? I like his movies

>Yea Forums

alex hirsch

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Miura isn't a hack, please understand

I know you're false flagging because liberals wouldn't joke about it.

how is that impressive? Pretentiousness is always boring.

Whos /biz/ biggest hack?

>Not David fucking Cage

Attached: 1517415705635.jpg (500x280, 35K)

>Yea Forums
Brian Micheal Bendis
John Oliver
Elon Musk
Elon Musk
Yea Forums
Manchester United
Yea Forums

Attached: 0tDNkkk.gif (270x252, 967K)

Yea Forums would be toriyama, it's so uncontested it's not even funny

david cage is harmless, kojima is a fucking marketing machine

bendis or slott

You're a fucking retard. He's always been a budget David lynch who plagiarized massive parts of his best film and commercialized and dumbed down the best ideas of other, better directors.
But we also got a long shot of Margot Robbie's feet so he might be he greatest among us

What do you mean by hack?

Yea Forums is the only reason Fantano ever became relevant in the first place. The fact that they now "hate" him because he got popular is just contrarian for contrarian's sake.
t. former Yea Forums regular tripfag who never liked Fantano

The entirety of Apple, maybe?

Kojima has made at the very least fun games. David Cage props all of his QTE movies as ground breaking when they're so sterile there are bingo boards dedicated you his plot beats.

Graduation is better

Are you trying to say this is not something you play? Are you stupid? Do you have a disability?

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He’s pointing at us....

These three are immune.

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He's a mechanical engineer, the brainlet of engineers

What insight does an Early Childhood Educator have into engineering?

More like Togashi.

Attached: tohackshi.jpg (1131x387, 148K)

I agree, but a lot of Yea Forumsnons shit on him for going from dark edgy horserape to Guts having a bunch of kids hanging around

>posts a keyboard with a synth attached to it

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And the other user claims that kanye can play the keyboard. I have a hard time seeing what the problem is. A lot of synths have a basic keyboard with it.Go ahead and google synthesizer in images and see what comes up.

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/ck/ doesn't hold any real opinion on Oliver.
If they did pick a real chef over some youtuber it'd be Marco for his own personal Doritopope moment.

Attached: serveimage.jpg (1024x605, 151K)

He's also a total retard outside of his scientific field, but will still comment on shit he knows nothing about.

>wow, this DOESNT make me want to die, this guy is based
he is just the least smelly turd in a pile of shit

Nothing user. No american writer has the output King has, other than fucking L Ron Hubbard. King could write circles around every pretentious faggot in Yea Forums on a slow day.
You need to understand hating King is a shortcut to posture as if you had good taste. He is an inverse Murakami.

what would /his/ hack be?

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Shad is /aco/'s hack



>Not Stephen Molyneux
>Not George Lucas
>Not Taylor Swift
>Not J.K. Rowling
>Not Bill Nye

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Guys OP here I have updated the list thanks for the help

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You didn't update shit.
You are Yea Forums's biggest hack.

I am the hacker known as the Yea Forums

My point was that a synth can't be "played" so saying Kanye plays synth is stupid and by posting a pic of a keyboard with a synth attached to it the user only further proved my point.

OP4 is rubbish riding on the coattails of an actually well-designed game. BiA is just dull.

I like the part where everyone says absolutely nothing of substance to counter this and just push everything they feel like facts because you're all fucking retarded.

you mean because he's the more baitable for your list

/pol/ kids need to fuck off

This. The king of shabbos goyim.

Pretentiousness: The .jpeg

Add Brian Michael Bendis for Yea Forums.

Togashi for Yea Forums

Gabe Newell is a bigger hack than Kojima.
John Green is a bigger hack than Stephen King.
Bill Nye is arguably a bigger hack than black science man
I thought Yea Forums worshipped Kanye?

I would agree with all of these except Kojima. That said I enjoy at least 40% of the content of each person here but they all have shitty personalities (except jimbo)

>stephen king is a hack
>despite things like The Stand
>Tarantino is a hack, despite Reservoir Dogs, Hateful Eight and Pulp Fiction
>Kojima is a hack, despite MGS1, 2, 3 and even parts of 4/5
>Kanye is a hack, despite fucking Kids See Ghosts

I don't know much about Tsyon, so I won't comment

Every game doesn't have over 5 hours of cutscenes. Rising has max half an hour of cutscenes.

>Yea Forums
>not Togashi
one fucking job

he's just lazy, yu yu hakusho was good

Yeah you tell 'em Bill, those kids never heard real music like Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin.

I would have thought Nasu

Hospin did it two years earlier than that. Your point?

Nasu is /jp/

>stop being a recluse and have kids, faggot
Half of Yea Forums hates kojimbo because he is talking directly to them

Imagine being on an imageboard that idolizes pedophiles and kinkshaming a footfag. Noone considers Tarantino's stuff "Arthouse". All of his stuff has an exploitation movie feel to it hence why most of his stuff is so comically gory, his dialogue sounds sleek but is incredibly shallow. But there are far bigger offenders on Yea Forums

That one's not parody, it's just bad.

>literally sates it's parody

>Yea Forums
Tie between Katsuhiro Otomo and Masamune Shirow
>Yea Forums
Tie between Neil Druckmann and Cory Barlog
>Yea Forums
Tie between David O Russell, David Fincher, Joss Whedon, Danny Boyle, and JJ Abrams
>Yea Forums
Tie between Animal Collective, Vampire Weekend, and Mac Demarco
>Yea Forums
George RR Martin
>Yea Forums
Tie between Brian Michael Bendis, Mark Millar, Geoff Johns, Jeph Loeb, and Grant Morrison
Michio Kaku

I don't think you understand what a hack is retard. A hack normally makes something great but then makes nothing good and it was just a fluke.

>literally sates
How can you eat a song?

For me, it's Al Di Meola.

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>traditional christian valuse
Are you unironically fucking high on meth?

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araki actually has some talent (art and his stories somewhat) so all in all he is average
the Yea Forums hack is either togashi, anno isn't well known enough as a person to count

>cory balrog
God Of War 2 was good

The definition of a hack is someone who produces dull, unoriginal work. Stephen King modernized horror, Ye's had several unique albums, Kojima's games were landmark games multiple times and obviously Tarantino makes love letters to older films but in a unique style that's entirely his own, he also doesn't make bland sequels.

our hack is cliffy b, all his failures after leaving epic were to prove gears wasn't a fluke

Elliott Rodger

>araki actually has some talent (art and his stories somewhat)
Do people really believe this?

He's an engineer, just because you know one field of science doesn't mean you know all about neurology or psychology. Those are his own personal biases and have fuck all to do with his capacity as a scientist.

It has to be bait, nobody is that stupid. The s*yjak is the cherry on top.

/pol/acks are retarded


>I want a burger
What did he fat by this?

>Martin makes "boring, unoriginal work"


>Druckman and Barlog make "boring, unoriginal work"

double hmm

I'd nominate Kubo for Yea Forums's biggest hack but honestly the Kubo rollercoaster was fucking great even when it was bad.

>nobody is that stupid

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Araki may have some talent, but the shit he does in his manga are ridiculous

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Stephen King is the only one in the OP image who actually IS a hack. Misery and Rage are some of the best books I ever read (inb4 "guess you don't read much, user") but it's true.
Kojima, Tarantino and Kanye aren't like King at all, they give audiences some breathing room and
have a little passion for their work, if not always the artistic vision to match it
King is all about the money. he made at least one pseudonym so he could cash more checks without diluting his brand. His reputation for cranking out cheap horror has existed longer than these other dudes (except Tarantino) have been in the public eye. Fucking Celebrity Deathmatch made jokes about him cranking out books and that was in what, 1999? 2000?

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Araki is better than your favorite mangaka you insufferable talentless faggot.

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t. 14 year old edgelord impressed by fake and forced tryhard buffoonery dialogue obsessed with niggers and stinking feet.

Quenchin Fartatino is a bigger hack than Uwe Boll.

If anyone was going to restore traditional christian values it would have been the black dude that was running for president.

>Likes Kanye
>"fight me"
I have moral hangups about hitting retards so that's a hard pass for me dog.

Tarantula redeemed himself with Hollywood. Replace him with Nolan.

Seethe harder

after finding his style he can draw quite well but everything is still filled with plotholes and him just not using stuff he has built for a story. so yes, as i said, he is pretty average overall- some is good, some is bad
compared to togashi who has shit art, shit story (currently), shit hiatuses and he is just a lazy bastard overall yet everything he does it praised

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That's a pile of cocaine.

You have to be 18+ to browse this website.

That's not Todd Howard.

Wouldn't he be /r9k/'s hack?

Why are people calling Kojima a hack? he does decent.

What about people who had the mere fortune to be working on the titles they have like Sakurai and thus get praise for it despite not making any good games on their own?

Also Yea Forums should absolutely be George R.R. Martin, he couldn't even finish his own series and just let HBO do it.

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Put the meth pipe down and go brush your teeth junkie.

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Not really. Hack is someone who exploits (hack) the workarounds and shortcuts in his field of work and makes it to the top, while others with their honest work fall behind

That's such a pedantic distinction to make it could only come from a friendless bozo like yourself.
t. Keyboard player in a jazz fusion band

Came in to say this.

man you guys are too easy to derail

put Trump in /pol/
Trump does not have many lovers and I am starting to see a lot of people from both sides shit on him.

Andrew Hussie

>Not really, "hack" is just something I change the meaning to on a whim in order to fit my narrative

Stop doing this.

Hussie actually made good shit before homestuck though. He's without a doubt a hack nowadays though.

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>Orange man bad
>/pol/ bad

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>normalfags have so infested Yea Forums that they fall for Kanye West's shitposts
Where did it all go so wrong?

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He sameface is worse than it has ever beeb and he can’t draw from irregular angles/perspectives to save his life. Part 7 was the only really compelling story he has told.

Togashi can draw pretty well, it’s just that he’s chronically ill and also a lazy faggot. HxH’s characters, themes and magic system are much stronger than anything in JoJo.

how is steven king a hack you hacks?

i am only saying that Trump is not liked by /pol/ and it is natural that lefties do not like him. I did not say whether i like /pol/ or not..... but you probably should have realised that i browse it. you attack me because i do not like the orange man and portray me as something i am not.

Low effort post, try again. Make your own s*yjak, might make your posts slightly more funny.

wojak posters need not apply

>I would put Christopher Nolan

Nobody praises Nolan anymore. Meanwhile Tarantino keeps getting called the last remaining elder god of cinema despite doing the same shit over and over, and is lavished in praise for doing things a director should but everyone else is too lazy to. In a healthy industry he would be a B-tier director at best.

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How many tones in the chromatic scale, quick.

Early family Guy made a joke about it too so that would be around like 2000 or 2001

because his books reuse the same themes and rely on shock for entertainment
that and he has some garbage opinions on things, thinks his opinions matter in any fashion despite being an admitted drug addict of a father who has no idea what happened during the formative years of his kids

Yea Forums - David Cage
Yea Forums - either Tarantino or Nolan
Yea Forums - Dave Grohl
Yea Forums - either DFW, Jordan Peterson, Albert Camus, or Rupi Kaur
/sci/ - any pop-/sci/ basedman

>Nobody praises Nolan anymore.
What has he done lately? Inception was a century ago in Hollywood years.

>/jmg/ dead for several years now

Yea Forums does not have goot taste.

andrew hussie. mods ban homestuck on sight.

I mean the guy wrote The Shining and boy was that book personal.

Do people really like his shit that much? I mean his movies were good, not great. I've never seen him get high praise from anyone I know.

>David Cage
Nah. He was never relevant in the first place.

/fa/ - Kanye West

/vp/ is a no brainer

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No, he was ruining a song Drake had coming out. Kanye made the beat. So he poopity scooped before it dropped so that Drake couldn't release the song. Because people would only think poopity scoop

That's less on Hussie and more on his fanbase being rabidly brony adjacent.

The default response to Tarantino by oblivious normalfags is "oh yeah, he's really good, old movie he did was the best" despite them having no specific praise.

It's status quo to compliment him and not really know why. Never mind the petulant power fantasy shit in his movies, ranging from gunning down Hitler to the Mansion family to slave owners.

He is consistently given yacht-sized budgets for his trashworks and they draw lots of game journo praise and normie purchases

>Forgetting the biggest hack in human history

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>Why are people calling Kojima a hack?
1) His game isn't on Nintendo
2) He's moderately popular and therefore BAD

>dominate all of yurop

begone bong

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Shame that most anything you see posted of Zyzz is his hoverhand pic. rip in peace, based king


tarantino and kanye are based, trash list. must've been made by a tranny

>Why are people calling Kojima a hack?

Because everything good about his games is the work of other people. He is a glorified ideas guy.

>Guy who "hates" tarantino is some LARPing faux trad faggot
Every single time. Don't watch movies, they are ALL made by liberals.

not gonna make it

This is the most important post made on Yea Forums... ever.

Was that supposed to be a gotcha? I haven't paid for a movie in twenty years. Doesn't stop Tarantino from being up his own ass and way overrated.

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Hey, that's untrue. He did the level design for mgs1. which has some of the worst level design ever

that harry potter bitch should be on there too.

last time i heard he did some WWI movie. i only know this because the news were saying people find it problematic because it only had white guys.

>backstab Spain for no good reason and start a pointless war that was the beginning of the end
>"wtf I took Moscow and they're not surrendering and my people are dying, guess I'll go back lol"
Napoleon was a retard

The favorite """criticism""" of the pseud. "People like this more than they should". Literal rhetorical filler. Read a book someday.

>and more on his fanbase being brony-adjacent
>the people I know who are homestuck fans are also unreprentant pony levers
I think I just had an epiphany.

Why? She's more of a one hit wonder.

Except the story is entirely his and that's 3/4 of the reason why MGS is so memorable.

>Tarantino dickslurper telling anyone to read books

>pseud hiding behind anonimity to pretend he has taste
You'd get laughed out of anywhere else, except for Yea Forums, people are pretty retarded there. You'd fit right in.

To be honest, I haven't really kept up with part 8, I did like 7 aswell though. The story was mostly quite good too, so it shows that he is capable of making a good manga. I suppose the same goes for Togashi, they're both capable of it but don't due to being lazy and ill to whatever extent.
Which is a shame, I used to enjoy HxH but I can't put up with his shit anymore.
But I think I sort of agree now that Araki is a hack, just not the worst.

NDS isn't that bad honestly, and I'm no lover of popsci mainly just because information can sometimes get garbled or skewed in the interest of drumming up excitement. Tyson at least fucks up less often than someone like Bill Nye and also is kind of an okay voice actor. You could honestly post "mainstream journalism" for /sci/, they get stuff wrong constantly and often try to use science they don't understand to create wild-ass arguments that untrained people believe simply because there's a hint of a bibliography at the end of the article.

GRRM doesn't come off as a hack. Just a talentless retard. Stephen King is the very definition of a hack.

>Araki is a hack because JoJo is popular!
Yea Forums truly is the worst board.

why don't browse that board, why would they ban homestuck?

>Just a talentless retard
Is that not what a hack is?

>Tarantino dickslurper telling anyone they have bad taste

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We could easily shill Sakurai being a hack then, Nintendies view him as a god, call him daddy, and the only game he designed on his own was Metros

Listen to a longer interview with him. He's an asshat who would suck his own dick if he wasn't so fat.

>has to repeat himself because he's out of arguments
Classic fa/tv/irgin pseud. Faggots can't discover Brakhage nowadays because they become as obnoxious as this moron right here.

Sakurai is a hack though. Just not a big enough one. Although I do feel bad for him, he has to deal with smash players. Poor bastard.

Literally who? Is that your dad?


Getting upset about Tarantino is just as stupid as praising him as if he's some auteur genius. He's the film equivalent of a really talented pop musician. He makes well-crafted movies that are good for some surface-level spectacle and just enough filmmaking to keep it together and engaging, even to people who watch for more technique-oriented stuff in movies.
It's like getting upset about Phil Collins or something

The only hack here is Yea Forums's seething, contrarian, insufferable community of socially awkward idiots.

A hack is more towards aggressive mediocrity rather than just full on shit like GRRM.

I agree with Yea Forums,Yea Forums and /sci/. Tarantino(an asshole but still good) and King(a weirdo but still good) are genuinely good.

>Orange man good.
>/pol/ good!
>N-no.... really, guys. He's going to fix this country some day. S-some day!

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>His goosebumps tier writing is formulaic normie bait.
Don't think you can talk shit on goosebumps and get away with it nigger

Like I fail to remember a good work by him in the last decade.
Maybe more

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Do you even know how many books King has written you imbecile? If there wasn't a pattern to his writing by now he should've been completely insane.
>he has some garbage opinions on things
LMAO consider killing yourself you faggot piece of shit.

Nolan is has the most movies in the IMDB Top 250 right now despite never making anything that would be better than ok.

Trump is a left wing politician on a sane scale.

Tell me about it. People having their own subjective opinion? Fuck outta here, this is Yea Forums. You're either part of the hive mind or you need to "go back". Amirite, fellow ananomoose?


>Do you even know how many books King has written you imbecile?
It doesn't mater how many he wrote if he never wrote anything worth reading.

He literally made the Bruce Lee scene out of spite. The funniest part is that it was just a half assed rumour, Bruce actually admired Ali.

His fault for not retiring, he only sticks around to add more IPs to Smash to boost his resume.

Replace Stephen King with George RR Martin and Kanye with Neutral Milk Hotel and it's a good list.

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remove araki you dumb nigger
the only reason why Yea Forums hate on him because he's more successful than their favourite shitty mangaka

The only time King wasn't a hack was when he wrote Carrie and was an alcoholic. I would say David Cage is the biggest hack in the videogame industry and there are far worse directors worse than Tarantino who are almost as famous.

Is he fucking IRL J-Rock?

He should really do something inbetween smash again

How would you know that unless you read every book written by him?
Criteria isn't born from exclusion you brainlet pseud.

Cope Jojotard

Why not toriyama?

>How would you know that unless you read every book written by him?

If he writes the same shit over and over again you don't really need to read every single piece.

Interstellar and Dunkirk.


It wouldn't really make a difference, his writing isn't that good to the point it had to be changed for the dub in Kid Icarus

Everybody knows Martin is just a bestseller trend while Rowling is a children book. People who read King think he is modern classic.

But he doesn't you moron. You can't support your claim. Stop talking from ignorance.

fuck off n/a/gger you faggots have no taste

>Not Guido van Rossum or Rasmus Lerdorf

>He literally made the Bruce Lee scene out of spite
Did he? Lee being kind of a cocky dickhead isn't new, you see a lot of it in Chinese domestic movies about Ip Man.
Jackie Chan says he was nice though so who knows.

/his/ - Pompey Magnus

>But he doesn't you moron

It's all the same shit.

For Yea Forums it'd probably be Chris Savino or the writers of Korra

Burden of proof retard.
Summarize every single book he's ever written and prove it's the same shit.

Reservoir Dogs and Kill Bill were pretty good movies
But yeah this is pretty accurate

Araki isn't that much of a hack compared to Anno, Togashi or Kubo. Change it.


>Stan Lee for Yea Forums
>not Bendis
come on now

I won’t forgive you for dissing wu tang clan

Add /ck/

i want to know

t. eats propaganda for breakfest

add HHH as Yea Forums's hack

why does this board seemingly have such a raging hateboner for Kojima these days?
This is like the dozenth kojima shitposting thread I've seen here today.

Or all these just made by the same few circlejerking autists?

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Probably Dean Koontz or some other terribad hipster pick

Anno made Gunbuster, Nadia, NGE, EoE, His and Her Circumstances and Shin Godzilla. He’s far from a hack.

/d/ is obviously the shadman

Alan Moore

>Here's a bunch of slightly pathological middle-class Americans
>Spooky shit happens and people start dying

And then he made the rebuilds. He's a hack.

It's always the same four retards. They think they're slick because they have a discord server for their ebin raids

Kojimbo betrayed most of Yea Forums big time with MGS V

>hack: a person who does dull routine work
So would /r9k/ consider the entirety of normalfags to be hacks?

Absolute brainlet post.
How does that summarize Misery or Green Mile or Dark Tower?

>why does this board seemingly have such a raging hateboner for Kojima these days?
They all played MGSV and saw him for what he was.

Yes. Yes they would.

I don't hate Kojima. I'm just indifferent to him

Two shitty movies do not negate the rest of his career.

He likes to make himself out to be the 'author' of his games which makes him a easy target.

>Todd Howard
Delet this

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No idea but he looks like a child rapist

Normies that don't understand the anime inspiration behind MGS so they dismiss Kojima as weird or pretentious

Yeah scratch that one

None of those is worth reading either.

Shadman is /aco/
/d/ would need someone like John K. Pe-Ta or at least Dmitrys

True but that doesn't mean they can no longer become hacks. Hacks are often has-beens who keep making garbage trying to catch that old spark.

Add Kuvshinov Ilya for /ic/

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I can't take the word of anonymous for it, I'd need a summary that proves every book is the same thing. You failed so this is just pretentious posturing to save face.
You do know you're anonymous, right? You can just stop replying. Nobody will know what an intellectually dishonest faggot pseud you are. Just you

/h/ is definetly mizuryu kei

Shindol or Dmitrys you mean

you mean the only game he literally couldn't finish and was pushed out to the shelves unfinished?

I mean I'm not saying the game would have been 100% amazing if had the chance to finish it, but you are literally seething about a game that we know he couldn't even finish. He has a pretty consistent, good track record otherwise. He also made P.T. just before MGSV was pushed out, which was also pretty great.

While Toriyama is certainly bad at many elements of writing, (and he's even gotten worse over time) he does have undeniable strengths in his humor and character work. Toriyama's art is also very nice, particularly his sense of design and paneling for his manga.
So no, as bad as he can be, he's not a hack. The shitty aspects of his work just catch people's attention more often.

Fun guy to hate since he gives you a lot of ammo. I like him, personally.

Bendis isn't a hack, he's outright bad. Hacks are lazy (mentally, if not physically) and are all about the money
Bendis is self-indulgent in every sense of the word. He basically writes stories to entertain himself, prop up his favorite superheroes, push his personal views, and make lame new characters that nobody likes.

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>He likes to make himself out to be the 'author' of his games
well, he technically is
kojima is the producer, he is the director, the game designer and the lead writer in one person.

This is actually interesting and worth taking it to discussion to the other sections!
I wonder who would be /h/ /aco/ and /tg/ biggest hacks?

It's actually Urobuchi

You don't have to keep defending them, he never wrote anything of note, he's a hack.
>You do know you're anonymous, right? You can just stop replying. Nobody will know what an intellectually dishonest faggot pseud you are. Just you
I can't actually stop replying when I see a vicious troll trying to trick people into reading bad books.

He is pretentious since all the deep plot are retarded and presented in a shitty movie format. I like him as a designer, not a storyteller.

>Founded Bullfrog
>Created Populous
>Created Dungeon Keeper
>Invented the God game genre

Fucking zoomer faggot.

Shindol still does good work when he's not doing drug induced mindbreak doujins.
Even with the drug induced mindbreak, Emergence is still a high point.

>Yea Forums kojima
>not randy bobandy
wrong out the gate user

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I thinking asanagi but honestly are their works repetitive and dull, or in the case of "japanese shadman" just because of the content, or the sameface?

>He has a pretty consistent, good track record otherwise. He also made P.T.
MGS IV and Peace Walker

Yeah, it makes it easier to put a target on him. You could say that Dark Souls games are pretentious but you couldn't just point a finger at Miyazaki and say that it's all his fault.

Sounds hacky to me. Quit splitting hairs. Stan Lee was easily more creative than Bendis, even if he did steal the spotlight from his collaborators

What does he even do now? just TSF monogatari?

Who's /k/

nobody cares about Randy, not even himself

You can't even begin to muster why he is a hack or why his books are not worth reading. All you can do is exclude them in bulk as if that gave your criteria any weight. All in all predictable teenager behavior. I won't grace you with my superior intellect any longer. My advice is for you to grow the fuck up.
>inb4 kneejerk reaction of a stephen king fan told me to grow up
You teenagers are so predictable.

I agree, I like him, but I think he is the most famous and one of the few that you can put in /d/. Yea Forums hacks conception is all about popularity and contrarianism.

Yea Forums should be George Lucas.

Who are the "perhaps controversial, but universally recognized by the true based ones as great"s of each board?
Initial guesses:
Yea Forums - Hideki Kamiya
Yea Forums - Paul Thomas Anderson or Werner Herzog
Yea Forums - Zach Hill
Yea Forums - James Joyce
/sci/ - Leibniz

Peace Walker is great. He managed to contain his retarded movie obsession while giving a solid story. He was supposed to perfect the formula with mgsv

This isn't actually a bad pick


Lame, but in that case Asanagi is memed harder than Shindol

This Yea Forums guy seems to know what he’s talking about.

Does Randy even do anything for the games Gearbox spits out other than slap badass on everything? He's just a pathetic excuse of a human being.

Miura. Berserk became a shitty DnD campaign with a magic loli and power armor.

>Yea Forums - James Joyce
Nice bait. Try DFW next time.

None of those guys are that controversial on their respective boards though. Except maybe PTA, but Yea Forums is all shitposting anyways

The Yea Forums hivemind is the biggest hack on the planet unironically
I don't think I've learnt a single thing of value here even though every other user tries to appear as intellectual as possible.

>I won't grace you with my superior intellect any longer. My advice is for you to grow the fuck up.
Thank you for confirming that you were trolling all along, after reading that nobody will be tricked into reading his books. I mean why would an adult ever read a book that follow the basic scheme of "spooky shit happens to fucked-up people and many of them die" with a slight variation like "except this time they are helped by a cowboy", or "fucked-up shit happens but they don't actually die". I mean come-on.

>Hideki Kamiya
I've never played his games or followed him? How's he a hack?

Peace walker was a handheld game, you really can't fit more into it than what it was
mgs4's only fault was that the campaign was short, but it's amazing online compensated for the single player's shortcomings
Only youtube warriors who just watched a playthrough of it because they didn't have a ps3 (aka: 90%+ of the people who criticize the game) can't stop shittalking it

This. Really all of his early albulms are influential as hell. 808s and Heartbreak paved the way for modern day rnb (weeknd, 6lack, Tory lanez etc.) and trap(Migos, Travis etc.). Graduation and Late Registration shifted Rap from gangster/hard rap to the more personal and softer rap that wr have today (J. cole, Kendrick, Lupe etc.).
Yeazus paved the way for experimental sounds used in rap nowadays.
Kanye is a genius who changed the face of music 3 times

>faggot NEET college dropout unironically believes he is too good for fucking James Joyce.

Dude Yea Forums spends nearly all their time mocking him. Seeing a thread actually singing the praises of IJ is rare, and always accompanied by lots of mockery and dismissal
The only people on Yea Forums who don't like Joyce are the ones that haven't read him or are too stupid to

It actually is since half of Yea Forums flipped on him and pretends that he's a misunderstood genius after.

Poor bait. Apply yourself.

The controversy part wasn't integral, it just accommodated for fringe groups who still rail against them or call them overrated

I vote for Murakami

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Read my post closely. He's not a hack

>you mean the only game he literally couldn't finish and was pushed out to the shelves unfinished?
You didn't have to go far into the MGSV story to see how bad it was.

I think you just don't understand irony.

I did as you told me, you dirty little girl, and pulled myself off twice when I read your letter. I am delighted to see that you do like being fucked arseways. Yes, now I can remember that night when I fucked you for so long backwards. It was the dirtiest fucking I ever gave you, darling. My prick was stuck up in you for hours, fucking in and out under your upturned rump. I felt your fat sweaty buttocks under my belly and saw your flushed face and mad eyes. At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue come bursting out through your lips and if I gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora’s fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Nora will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.

-- James Joyce, 1909

goddamn user then why even include that in your post. so basically you’re just asking for people that boards generally like? there’s dozens of them for each board

Based Joyce.
I love how this letter makes virgins seethe.
Have sex.

Shitposter's opinions don't count

NMH is God tier, silence user.

That's pretty funny though.

what did user mean by this?

>Shitposter's opinions don't count
If that was the case we could just discard OP's image entirely.

It may have started with irony but he's sincerely dismissed by most of Yea Forums's upper echelons

>no one here even knows what a "hack" is
The only person who could be considered a legitimate hack on OP's pic is Steven King.
A hack is someone who churns out low-quality, uninspired crap to make money. The best examples for this would be something along the lines of Imagine Dragons or Marvel movies. Extremely hacky.

Biggest of them all

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Marvel movies are a lot of things but low quality isn't one of them.
All you're saying is popular thing bad.

person: ken Block and or Lee Iacocca
company: Ferrari
car: E30

Steve Jobs

person: keiji inafune
company: sony
game: OoT

It's harder than you might think. Most answers you'd initially think of have considerable backlash on their respective boards.
Just take Yea Forums, many seemingly obvious answers like Radiohead, Neutral Milk Hotel, Animal Collective, Death Grips, Bjork, etc, all illicit very hostile reactions or dismissal from good chunks of the regular userbase

>A hack is someone who churns out low-quality, uninspired crap to make money.
From Software after Dark Souls 1

>Marvel movies are a lot of things but low quality isn't one of them.
Everything I watched after Iron Man was of terribly low quality. I barely got any entertainment out of those movies.

>low quality isn't one of them
They're mediocre at best and migraine-inducingly bad at worst. Sitting through Far From Home made me want to die.

On a technical level they're just as good as you'd expect with the amount of money that gets dumped into them
On an artistic level they are dogfood

>draws the same girl several times over at the same angle
>"makes it"

and before too, the kingsfield games and shadow tower were crap

I thought a hack was someone who thought of themselves as geniuses but were actually talentless retards.

Bloodborne was cool too. The numbered titles were the only disappointments by virtue of being lazy numbered sequels.

Thanks for reminding me, I forgot that Kings Field was also the same game made over and over again.

Fromsoft just makes the same game over and over and over since the 90’s, they just got extremely lucky with das1, and even then the game turns to crap in the second half.

Fromsoft: made 1/2 of a good game once

No, that's just an idiot.

here's a difficult one

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Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor Ragnarok were genuinely on par with Iron Man but we're not allowed to say that anymore because Reddit likes them.

I guess the writer of Free or whovever makes any of those shovelware fujoshit games like Touken Ranbu. I'm not a fag expert.


I guess you might be right. Marvel movies are usually fine. A much better example of a Yea Forums hack would be Adam Sandler.