Yo Yea Forums, gonna buy Capcom's upcoming Dead by Daylight clone?

Yo Yea Forums, gonna buy Capcom's upcoming Dead by Daylight clone?

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ITT zoomers who have never heard of outbreak

fuck no, fuck this focus tested asset flip garbage and i say that as someone who bought REmake 2 twice on launch night.

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Yes. This type of game is fun if you have actual friends to talk to. DBD just runs and looks like shit, so having a game similar to it with Capcom polish will be fun.

You have no idea how the game actually plays. why are you even humoring OP

i buy every RE game lol

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you mean zombie master right user?

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Based on the trailer def. not !
4 college students taking on horde of zombies,licker and a tyrant when it took a team of Elite trained squad to deal with them in earlier games.

We can assume it'll be like Natural Selection meets DBD, where one player controls enemy spawns and can manipulate the map directly / take control of certain enemies. The trailer tells us a lot about the game.
A game with RE2make gameplay with those systems will be fun with friends.

incoming new best girl

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You don't know this game is either. RE6 also let players play as the enemies in other players games

Rebecca killed a tyrant all by herself. the 19 year old rookie medic

nigga stop.
even a rookie cop and a college girl defeated monster elite squad died too.
shit civilian in outbreak did the same

Depends on how it plays. Operation Raccoon City was horseshit because it was arcadey and boring as fuck but obviously REmake plays differently

Calling it a Dead By Daylight clone seems dishonest to me.

It seems way more Left4Dead, only the AI zombie director isn't actually an AI but another player.

>removes glasses and unbraids hair and is instantly a doesn't-know-it 10/10 girl next door
>underneath she actually has huge tits, an ass for days and a Japanese style hairy pussy

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>Dead by Daylight clone
It's a Zombie Master clone you underaged retard

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Anyone know which day Capcom will present it? Tokyo Gameshow is from September 12 to 15.

It's not outbreak though

DbD is a masterpiece compared to this shit

Rebecca may be inexperienced but she's got at least some training in how to fight and use weapons. She's a trained police officer after all.

Fucking boring and generic characters. The Jock, the Nerd, the Tough Chick, and the Token.

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its going to at least resemble it a lot more than it does Dead by daylight, Evolve, Friday13th or L4D. A spiritual successor to outbreak, if not directly


But zombie master was actually good.

Playable demo will be shown tomorrow

>Outbreak has you play as the enemies
t. Hasn't actually played Outbreak but pretends to for oldfag points

>when it took a team of Elite trained squad to deal with them
They were trained wrong as a joke.

>a sequal getting additional features/modes
ive never heard of this ever happening either

>removes glasses and unbraids hair
Poor taste.

Wrong kinda, if you die online you can play as a zombie.

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This. Only for a short time though.

>Dead by Daylight invented predator vs prey
Fucking Twitch niggers.