Alright no more bullshit, just give it to me straight- Should I buy this game or not
I’ve never seen more mixed response for a game in my life. On one hand the metacritic scores are great, but most on here seem to think it’s mediocre at best. I’ve seen some posts say it’s fun but not any saying “oh my god yes this is a masterpiece I love it my new favorite game”
The fact that the game just came out and there are barely any threads for it seems like a red flag
I should state that I haven’t actually played any platinum games before, and I’m not too familiar with action games in general but I feel like what I would want out of one is something where there’s a lot of content and it’s fun and feels good to slash away. The other thing is I have a pro controller, and a lot of games don’t feel optimized for it. Is it smooth to play with the pro?
Alright no more bullshit, just give it to me straight- Should I buy this game or not
Other urls found in this thread:
buy MGR instead
>I should state that I haven’t actually played any platinum games before, and I’m not too familiar with action games in general
Try it then. The only people complaining are either people that expected to play bayonetta/dmc with stands or false flagging sonyfags.
Is it good or bad that it doesn’t feel like those games? I just want to know if the combat feels genuinely fun
>I’ve never seen more mixed response for a game in my life
What? The response's been overwhelmingly positive from literally everyone but that one buttblasted reviewbombing Mexican PSfanboy with the Dragon Ball avatar.
Might as well ask here too, should I buy asstral chain or Daemon x Machina anons? I'm planning to buy switch lite at the end of year and probably buy one game to go with it, now I've seen asstral chain gameplay and it really reminds me of automata, and I'm currently finishing that game, DxM is also looking like the AC game that I needed, but I still have metal wolf chaos XD to finish, again, I might finish both games when I bought the switch lite, but if I can only get one, which one should I get?
>QTE ridden 5h movie game vs 30h+ game that has almost no stupid QTEs and tons of stuff to do
>recommends the 5h game
solid advice right here
>I should state that I haven’t actually played any platinum games before
you should probably start with something else. bayonetta is a great game and also on Switch. MGR is my personal fave but it's not on there, hopefully that changes
>I feel like what I would want out of one is something where there’s a lot of content
There's plenty to find and do in each chapter, except the first ones because it starts really slow
> it’s fun and feels good to slash away
Platinum make some of the best action combat in gaming and AC is no exception. If you want good, flashy combat with a lot of moves and options that all feels satisfying and powerful, you're gonna like this game
>Is it smooth to play with the pro?
Works perfect with it, you rely on the triggers to fight and control your legion while the face buttons uses is for dodging and quick select stuff
Overall it's a fun game when you're fighting, but the story is just a generic shounen anime like MHA but way worse and less interesting
Some of the gameplay sections are more frustrating than fun, the movement out of combat could be better and the platforming is pretty bad since you jump to your legion instead of directly controlling your jumps
the combat is extremely fun once you get used to it about an hour in. tutorials are there to help you practice and master the mechanics as well. take the leap man, probably my favorite switch exclusive game if smtv is a complete shitfest when it comes out
Why the fuck would you ask Yea Forums for advice on what games to buy let alone anything at all
Ah user san... your credit chip it wont fit, it's too big... be gentle.
I'm just gonna take what said then, I think I'll go with DxM, thank you user
>The fact that the game just came out and there are barely any threads for it
There are literally multiple threads about it every day.
Anyway it's a decent place to start as far as Platinum's games are concerned. It's pretty different from most other action games. Personally I don't think it's quite as good as Bayonetta or Metal Gear Rising but it's still a good game at the end of the day. If you have a Switch it's worth picking up, but I wouldn't buy a whole system just to play it.
You remember in DMC4 how you basically had to beat the game one time around to get all the upgrades to properly play the game? Astral Chain is a lot like that. You don’t even get all the mechanics till 3/4ths of the way through.
So basically, if you can put up with that and want to play a good Anime Cop RPG with really good action gameplay(that you have to unlock), then go for it.
Is there a non-shit way to transfer screenshots from your Switch? I want my Marie pics
Most people on here who shit on the game haven't even finished the tutorial or not even bought the game to start with. It's all just butthurt console warriors that feel threatened, so I advise you to look elsewhere for a less contaminated environment to ask the question.
fucking retard.
First 2 chapters are complete garbage, but the game does pick up as you learn new moves and fet more legions to start styling on enemies. However if your looking for oure action, not sure you'll completely like this.
However if your the kinda guy who likes to explore every nook and crany for secret shit, this game rewards you enough for it. Also the game doesnt exactly punish you for your difficulty choices, and gameplay wise the games the same difficultly on either casual or Platainum standard, just that casual doesnt judge you at all, and platinum does while lowering your life count.
Save them to the SD card and transfer them from that, or just tweet them directly from your Switch and save them from that.
What would be better about starting with a different game from Platinum instead of this one being my first?
If you do it through social network they all compress images. Maybe you can remove sd card and put it directly in to PC but that too much hustle.
You did choose the deep voice, right?
good post
If you're REALLY into mech games, DXM.
But clearly, Astral Chain is the game that has a better reception.
>First 2 chapters are complete garbage
Players these days really want everything handed over to them right away, it's quite depressing.
What the hell are you talking about? There’s been nonstop threads since it came out. The consensus is that it’s generally great, with a few bad decisions and a couple notable dips.
Combat is extremely boring, story is trash, platforming is shit, camera is shit and the game cockblocks you from getting everything on your first playthrough all the time. Visuals are pretty cool, and chapter 4 is actually kinda decent and makes it seem like the game has potential, but it's a 3.5/10 at the very best.
Is that something you unlock later?
Play the game and form your own opinions
No, its a bug. All voices/sounds were deep for a while till i got to the next story mission
Its a mediocre anime action rpg that barely lets you play the actual combat. The story is bad, the writing is awful, all the characters are generic troupe , and it certainly isn't a dmc competitor and all else tendies hyped it up to be. Its a good game though, you just have to understand what it actually is and isnt.
I finally got around to playing it yesterday and I'm having a blast. Shits kinda hard to play well controlling two characters at once though.
One thing I dont like is how they took Raiden's blade mode and just switched the control sticks. So now i have to fight my muscle memory just to aim the stupid thing, and by the time I finally get it into position the enemy already is wailing on my ass. I'm also not a big fan of this being one of those games where the dodge is arguably pretty terrible and gets you into more trouble than it's worth. I pretty much almost exclusively use chain jump to dodge now.
Yes the game is fun though chapter 1 +2 heavily gimp you.
After chapter 2 everything exception of 8 is pure hype
So out of 12 chapters only 3 kind of suck
Or 75% is fucking awesome 25% slow or sorta sucks
So it’s definitely an 8/10 and worth a buy
See now I’m back where I started because these opinions are completely night and day.
See but then I have to spend 60 dollars
You got a capture card?
Because that’s the absolute best way unfortunately
You'd have kore fun with a DMC game or MGR.
What you didn’t buy the voucher?
Or unironically go to Walmart?
New Nintendo games are 50$ there
I’ve liked it and as custom for Platinum’s games, the first play through it basically a practice run to unlock your full arsenal of basic moves (or in this case, the Legions). Then you can go through with higher proficiency or the harder modes adjusted for your new skill and full moveset.
Astral Chain has some flaws but as a whole is a very solid and enjoyable game.
Combat feels limited at first compared to typical stylish action games where you have dozens upon dozens of combos and abilities but things open up quite considerably once you start gaining more Legion to fight with. It's less about mixing up all of those flashy combos and more about mixing up Legion attacks. It's honestly much less of a stylish action game in that enemies don't go into hitstun easy so you're not meant to constantly juggle everything and instead have to be much more deliberate with what you're doing so in essence, it's not a stylish action game but when you're performing well, combat does look stylish. Also, don't listen to anyone bitching about how dodging and countering doesn't work and just gets you hit because they're not realizing that many enemies have multihit moves that you need to dodge the whole string before countering them.
A subjective element is that the game has a fair amount of downtime where you're doing fetch quests, talking to people, scanning around for hidden items, and solving light platforming puzzles so the game is a pretty even 50/50 split of combat and sidequesting but personally, I felt that this offered a welcome change of pace to break things up and give you a breather and I found exploring to be fun.
Some of the flaws I found with it are
- silent protagonist was an extremely pointless move and detracts from the storytelling
- combat ranking system is a little too forgiving and is less about performing well and more about using a variety of your toolkit instead of BOTH performing well AND using a variety of options. For example, I've scored S+ on so many combat sections just because I used everything I had at least once despite the fact that I got banged around quite a bit and almost died a few times.
- platforming sections can be a little spotty, primarily when trying to chain jump around pillars
Is there any use for salvageable items or are they just for selling?
This is why I advocate for "try before you buy" piracy.
I’d love for the next game to
>give us a voiced protagonist.
Both twins have voice actors. They failed to meet the bare minimum- the silent Howard can’t make meaningful connections with anyone and needs a surrogate like Akira or Howard to interact with others.
>let us capture chimeras and convert them into legions
It could work like this: chain binding a low health chimera changes the button prompt from finish to capture, letting you retrieve its core. Once you’re out of combat you can take it to the ARI and have it converted to a new legion. Each chimera has one or two abilities unique to it, but otherwise they all fit the same mold of sword, arm, beast, wing, etc, the differences being mostly cosmetic but still allowing you to discover some valuable hidden variants to the base legions you’re used to. Platinum originally planned for something like this so hopefully now that the game is a success the sequel will have something like it.
Did they fixed the cam? That shit makes me barf. Not even VR was that bad.
Would reselling it on eBay be too much of a hassle for you? That'd be an option in case you aren't completely satisfied with it.
Not the best one in case you don't like it at all, though, but if it was okay I'd say getting even 45$ back would be worth it.
All of them are for selling except for cat food.
>Akira or Howard
Akira IS Howard, you dingus. Howard is the twins' last name.
I know you fucking goblin, that’s why I made the distinction. The few times the player is referred to by name they just call them Howard.
If you can’t filter out console war shitposting versus people actually giving balanced opinions on the game, I have no idea why you’d even ask for a rec.
Yes, once you get the hang of things the gameplay is amazing. The first two cases suck (and they're very short) so just stick with it for hours of enjoyment.
Wait, fuck. I meant Hal. Sorry, I’m retarded.
I want this just so I can walk a big titty harpy on a leash.
People like you are pretty frustrating whenever you ask for recommendations. You realize people on an anonymous image board just post whatever they feel like right? So you need to learn to avoid hyperbole and read between the lines. Don't fucking listen to a couple sentences that say "It's shit. Go play ____." And instead look at the posts that calmly give both positives and negatives. Those posts aren't as night and day as you think, and you can infer a lot between the similarities of the posts as well as keep note of the differences.
It's not hard.
look man, the initial trailer was hype. The music they released is hype, the aesthetic is great. The current meta user score is 9.0, that is all the evidence you need. Always ignore critic reviews and always ignore Yea Forums. Remember that Yea Forums is infested with /pol/ refugees who hate anime.
>It could work like this: chain binding a low health chimera changes the button prompt from finish to capture, letting you retrieve its core. Once you’re out of combat you can take it to the ARI and have it converted to a new legion. Each chimera has one or two abilities unique to it, but otherwise they all fit the same mold of sword, arm, beast, wing, etc, the differences being mostly cosmetic but still allowing you to discover some valuable hidden variants to the base legions you’re used to. Platinum originally planned for something like this so hopefully now that the game is a success the sequel will have something like it.
How would this work storywise though? Cause I liked that the point of this one was that you're collecting back your group's Legions, and the last one you get is your dad's.
This or vanquish I like both better than astral 'works half the time' chain
People who played it liked it
People who didn't play it hate it
When it comes to fags talking about not controlling the combat, they haven’t beaten the game. Again, it’s a game that dripfeeds you the gameplay till you actually have the whole thing. It plays out like this
>large but self contained levels that feel like something out of Yakuza
>optional sidequests scattered throughout the level
>talk with NPC’s and investigate an incident
>second half of the level some shit goes down
>combat leading to two or three boss fights per level
But again, the real downside is the pace at which the game gives you full control over your character and the gameplay. On the first playthrough it feels very cookie cutter till you upgrade your weapons and legions, but by the end it’ll feel like any other good platinum action game. Still, it’s a grind to get to that point.
I almost sold the game several time throughout my playthrough only to get to the end and realize how good the game actually was once everything fell into play.
By file 12 everyone in Neuron has their own legion. It works for a sequel, not the first game.
Chain jump is super underrated as a defensive movement option. But also, I've learned to do a normal dodge into a sprinting dodge pretty easily now. I play on pro controller, so sprinting is never really a problem for me, so I manage to actually dodge through a lot of attacks unless I go in the wrong direction.
I wish they'd let us customize Akira as well so we can actually look like twins.
I'm over here looking fine as hell while my twin looks basic as fuck.
Maybe if the story took us further into the astral plane, and it had sort of survival feel to it- your legatus was damaged and for whatever reason you can't just gate home. You can still capture chimera but because they're not full legions, they eventually waste away into astral data to reform later.
It's good enough and is worth $60. The combat (specifically enemy and scenario design) fluctuates between great and annoying. It lacks that replayability that make dmc, bayonetta etc classics.
I like it. Combat is more strategic than other action games and fighting with 2 characters at once is cool. There ia a lot of downtime between fights to explore, talk with people, and do more regular cop stuff like solving mysteries and helping with small crimes. I love it, but if you are expecting DMC or Bayonetta, you may not. Anyone claiming it is poorly written went into a fun monster of the week cop anime expecting some self absorbed and overly serious story like too many western games or Nier Automata.
This was really disappointing. What's worse is they even tease the notion of customizing them a little if you go back to File 1 because it shows both twins decked out in your last customization options, but as soon as you actually start, they just revert back to default.
Really, the only thing you can change about Akira is their skin color but only because their skin color changes to match whatever yours is.
>dmc, bayonetta
Stop comparing it to those games. They’re wildly different, and Astral Chain takes on more of a JRPG direction like Nier Automata than with those other games.
I wouldn't say the story is poorly written, but there were some disappointing aspects of it. My biggest one was your sibling. I already accepted the story as being cliche, so when I saw my sibling coming back from a coma completely decked out in a red&black uniform, I was completely down with him trying to fight me under Yoseph's orders. But instead he was just a little cocky and became a bitch when the other Raven officers were fighting me instead. Wast of a good rival character.
>go back to File 1 because it shows both twins decked out in your last customization options
>play as feMC
>go with earrings, hairstyle, lipstick, etc, based on how it'd look as a female
>redo File 01
>maleMC gets all these as well
I've seen some shit.
I liked it. Was a twist to me because I was fully expecting the rival.
I never factor this board's opinions into anything, because if you listen enough to people here, you'll never want to play anything ever again.
It's fun. And I'm 20 hours in the game and haven't finished it so its pretty good length.
This. The sibling NOT betraying you was the one big twist of the game. Everything else about the plot I had nailed down after one trailer. Shame they had to set it up as if they were going to though, made them a dick in the first act of the game.
I should've specified more. For me the magic of games like DMC is that you can do snappy replays and try new things with them-they become better the more you play them. AC is fun but inconsistent. Combat doesn't always hit the mark, platforming is wonky, investigation is surface level, etc. It's a 7.5/10 type game, and now that I've played it I'd rather go back to games that do focused things better than it (Ace Attorney for evidence and characters, DMC, Nier for presentation, etc.) instead of trudging through the "good enough" parts.
It's a good game but I think the 88 metacritic average is a stretch.
>most on here seem to think it’s mediocre at best
Imagine ever listening to the mentally seething shitposter kiddies in this quagmire of a shithole.
It's great, definitely buy it.
You know fraternal twins =/= identical twins. And different sex = fraternal
The value proposition that Astral Chain brings is the synthesis of all of the elements. It’s not a game about combat, platforming, or investigations. It’s a game about being an anime supercop, in everything that entails. Although it is more about combat than the other parts with its training mode and extensive all-combat postgame.
I started my replay on Pt Ultimate immediately because the game was just that good.
we are going to play as clone Akira in the next game, aren't we?
Looks dumb as fuck if they don't at least have the same hair colour though. Like the only change I made to FeMC was hair colour because she was perfect already, but I changed it back a few files in because it just looked stupid them having different hair colours.
They have the same hair color as long as you select it from File 1. If you dye your hair later, your twin doesn’t dye it to match you.
>Subverted an expectation
>It was an expectation I wanted
Fuck man
No they don't. I gave my Howard red hair in File 1 and Akiras is still brown
But all of the not combat stuff is bad in AC
I’m absolutely sure they do, my Akira has black hair.
We're going to play as Kyle
>why are opinions on Yea Forums overly negative contarray to the consensus everywhere else???
is this african american serious
Puzzles are good
Investigations are pretty basic but the framework is excellent and if we get a sequel I hope we get something Ace Attorney tier at least once
Just walking around town is nice even when you aren't doing anything
I don't know what else you can really label
I disagree, walking the beat was cool.
Akira has black hair by default
They have brown hair by default.
Then I disagree with you. It was not synthesized well. AC fails to be greater than the sum of its parts.
>fight arm legion
>there's poop all over the floor that slows you
I'd love to fight it in a clean room because that really made it less enjoyable.
The story, characters, and bosses are miles better
You wouldn't fuck a veding machine would you user?
Yeah, that fight was completely ruined.
If i could i probably would for a price.
Just press L to wear it and youll hover around the poop
You can't wear the legion you don't have yet. When you go back and redo the mission you can though.
Buy. Not perfect but an experience I don't regret having.
Just chain jump over it
There are anti-slime abilities, not sure if you’d have them the first time through though.
You fucks just give him Simple answers like buy or no buy. We're not writing clickbait articles here, you aren't getting any commission from this.
This is a non-nitpicky review
What the fuck
Sounds like Noah got another one.
No they dont, they both start out with black hair. You're not going by the cover art are you?
>some sword opponent just iai me to death in one hit
I have to play some of those R3 missions perfectly, do I?
There's Legion accessories that make you immune to poop.
You’re hue color blind user. They have brown hair, it’s just dark. There’s another actual black hair option with white highlights instead of brown.
I feel like it does so much and does it all well. When all parts are 8/10, the game is 8/10, perhaps higher for the sheer aesthetic of it all. Where you claim it is all subpar, I feel it is all above average and the pacing of it is well done.
I figured that was what I was supposed to do but I ended up stepping in it accidentally a bit too much anyway.
They really set it up to be arm vs arm then. Good to know that it won't be as annoying when I go back to it.
I don't get why people struggle on him
I lost more revivals on jena than on noah, he's relatively simple if you use your legions defensive options like beast riding or axe shield
buy it for her
in any case, The twin doesnt match your hair though. I made my guy look like a blonde rich douche, and my twin still looked plain as ever.
It's mostly garbage because they handhold you through an extended tutorial.
Mind, I STILL didn't figure out all the mechanics but the teaching bit is probably the worst of a good game.
Write to Platinum that you want it in the sequel.
GOD I want the Lappy costume. Still missing bits of it, though,
>that chapter 12 case that's just a gauntlet with Kyle at the end
so the first 11 chapters is just the tutorial, right?
>Homonculous beta
Announcer robot lady gets me every time with him.
Sorry that this is a discussion thread at this point, OP. This nigga always finds us in every non-Astral Chain thread.
Ironically Astral Chain would probably have had a 7.5 to 8.5 user rating on metacritic if it wasn't for sony fans
The fuck are you on about? Game currently has a 9.0 user score on metacritic.
They removed the bombed scores. It was around a 6.8 before they did.
I found the picture.
Why did people review bomb this anyway? Was there any specific reason this got targeted?
It's a Nintendo exclusive.
>unga, switch exclusive hurt tiny brain, me forget how heap big publishers screw over Platinum all the time, what Scalebound me can eat
It takes it´s time giving you your powers. It´s also by far nos as CHURAZEE as other platinum games. I´d say the most insane parts of the action are comparable to stuff you´d see around the first or second bosses in bayonetta´s games. All in all I enjoyed the game a lot and would say it´s very well worth it
For its exclusivity.
It's gr8 m8
>he doesn't know how to download uncompressed pictures from twitter
I literally just finished it and thought it was pretty damn awesome, although certainly not perfect.
Its flaws (for me: silent protag, camera issues, occasionally uninspired detective work) can be distracting at times, but they're overall relatively minor compared to its core strengths (unique and interesting fighting mechanics, fantastic art direction, fun sidequest diversions).
Contrary to what some say, I also quite enjoyed the story. It's chock-full of anime cliches and over the top for sure, but doesn't pretend to be anything but. The characters are memorable, the setting is great and the dub is also quite decent.
I bet it'll be considered somewhat of a platform gem over time.
Due to review bombing, lots of people counter... I dunno the reverse term of review-bomb, but people countered with 10/10 scores to try to balance it, and when metacritic stepped in to remove the review bombs, they left almost all of the inflated 10/10 scores which were posted in response
Got a screenie on the morning when the review bombs were removed, haha
word is that if you change your skin and eye color at very beginning of game when you choose your character, then your twin will have the same colors throughout the rest of the game. I think the same is true for hair color.
However, if you change your looks at a locker, then your twin won't share the same colors.
It only applies to skin colour. Your twin will always have the same brown hair and eyes.
>back to plebbit
Was really disappointed on hair and eye colour not applying to the twin
Because it is a Switch exclusive, Fire Emblem got the same treatment a bit aswell, expect the same for every Switch exclusive game for the rest of the year.
this. MGR was peak platinum.
Buy the original nier instead
definitely worth trying, very comfy at times and very intense at others
I wanna fuck the vending machines.
PlatinumGamesfag here
It's a great game. It doesn't reinvent the wheel. It's a melting pot of PlatinumGames' greatest hits combat-wise, the thing that makes it stand out most is the adventure aspect. There's a lot of exploring and finding shit and talking to NPCs to gather clues to solve crimes. You get to pursue minor side quests during mission as well.
TW101 > Bayo 1 > Vanquish > MGR > AC > Bayo 2 > Transformers > *
I've played through files 1-3 and I'm loving it. Good mix of storytelling and gameplay. The sidequests are actually interesting and fun, and there are plenty of playstyles to pick and choose from.
I'd definitely pick it up if those are your types of things.
Man, you ain’t seen nothing yet.