It's up
It's up
How many fuckers are in Lustria at this point? Jesus.
inb4 Muh Soihammer
me on the right
Not enough we need a playable dorf and greenskin before lustria bowl is complete
The Lustriabowl requires more combatants.
What happens if you confederate Nakai or viceversa? Do you stop being a horde?
Why the fuck can't I build siege equipement for gate sieges.
Because you can't use equipment in the Empire fort battles.
Shit's retarded
What's that Dynamic start thingy, can I choose wherever I fuck shit up with the Undead?
git gud
It's a script that modders can use to change how a faction starts the campaign
>Beat a 224 turn Lizardman campaign with Tehenahuin
>No desire to play more Lizardman despite waiting over a year for Gor-rok
I genuinely thought the last update with the LIzardmen was going to be the last one. Now I'm burnt out on Lizardmen and they JUST got everything that I wanted to play with.
I want to play Lizards but everytime I do I get too frustrated by the rats spamming night runners and running around half the map before I can get anything to come in contact with them.
Are you adverse to a Total Warhammer: Age of Sigmar instead of Total Warhammer 3? Is there any faction that you think warrants TW3 as is?
>Total Warhammer: Age of Sigmar
Age of Shitmar yes, however I would be okay with an End Times game
Just play as PRINCE AND EMPEROR for a while then
>age of shitmar
>age of smegmar
>age of skubmar
>age of sigmarines
pick one
LegendofTotalWar here
fuck off nigga, literally impossible unless you exploit the ai by wasting ammo or just overwhelm them
What don't you like about it? Is your problem with the End Times, or AoS?
Yes, I'm not leaving without my chaos dwarfs
Imma wulfhart all over lustria
They awfully ended one of the greatest grittiest fantasy settings of all time to make groundmarine 40k.
See, I don't think they want to expand upon Chaos at all and that's all I want left.
>Tomb Kings / Vampire Court
>Bretts / Empire
>Dark Elves / High Elves / Wood Elves
>Orks / Gitz
Is there anything other than Chaos Dwarves you want?
I won't and probably can't change your mind, but it's been expanded upon a lot since it first came out.
What do you think needs to be remade with the factions that get free armies for being good at the game?
Ogre Kingdoms
cool, still if i want to unlock whole game i need to pay to extra 60$
Please tell me that everyone pirate this game.
>It's up
your ass
>nakai requests peace on turn 4
Do you think they have any chance of being included in TW3?
Not to be that guy, but they're getting a campaign/new models in Age of Sigmar
>chaos dwarves
>oc fluff factions like vamp coast
>end times units like vermin lords
>a larger map
There’s a ton of stuff for warhammer 3
Its got almost nothing. Its great for making "your dudes" especially with all the different realms stuff. But it has almost nothing in terms of lore that isn't just, "hey looks its THIS character from WHFB except they're *insert whatever the fuck they are now* Its fucking dumb and it'll take YEARS to get to the point where WHFB is. Meanwhile you also have dumb shit like sigmarines which doesn't make it look any more attractive to look at.
I doubt he'll get in with Tomb Kings & Vampire counts already existing.
>literally impossible
the thing impossible is to teach some commoner how to be a proper general
Well of course it's never gonna be as fleshed out as Fantasy was at the end.
>accepting peace
AI exploits are lame and unfun
There are also ogres and daemons of chaos, knowing CA they can muster up Kislev no problem and make up Ind or Cathay pretty easily, wait until your Ago of Sigmar user, maybe it will come out one day
Its not and people saying AoS is shit because of that are retarded. But GW keep going back and bringing back old characters is fucking dumb. They literally wiped the slate clean, get more new people instead of taking stuff from the corpse of WHFB that they killed. Be fucking original.
Based and greenpilled
>3 new factions all in lustria which is already crowded as fuck
>jungles still take fucking ages to navigate
>most of the new units dont even have unique voicelines
>still nothing about turn times which are longer than ever
jesus its only been like 3 weeks since chinks bought ca and its already going downhill
AoS is a decently fun game to play (and Shadespire is awesome) but lorewise even with the improvements it just doesn’t compare to WFB.
People are also rightfully still upset about how WFB died and was replaced by AoS which was godawful in every respect when it first released.
Nakai starts in Albion in ME campaign.
i just want them to fucking rework greenskins, waagh armies are fundamentally pointless cause them not acting on your turn means theu will almost never be in position to join your battles
i just tell them to go bother some random settlement i dont care about and its fucking boring
Nagash wouldn't make much sense considering how fucking powerful he is canonically.
I just started a wulfhardt campaign and he was right near me, before wandering off into the fog of war and getting his faction destroyed in 10 turns. What the fuck would he be doing in albion anyway? Lizardmen are cold blooded arent they?
Lord Kroak is in the game
Are there Norse in Lustria yet? In Skeggi?
Yeah, in mortal empires. Do you think it could be a glitch or something?
There is literally a TT campaign about Albion and Nakai appearantly plays a major role for the lizardmen
Did the Empire finally get their own unique battle music?
Hopefully. There's a lot of good in it, and it's going to become great. It's just very basic atm.
There's nothing wrong with taking the best of what they had and putting it into AoS. For some reason, they left Tomb Kings behind and replaced them with Primaris Skeletons.
I totally understand people being cucked of their armies. I used to play 8th with my friends Dwarves, and only got as far as buying the Tomb Kings army book before they were cucked.
On the other hand, a lot of those old models are still usable.
You're not actually buying TWW DLCs, are you?
I've picked up
>Realm of the Wood Elves
>Rise of the Tomb Kings
Honestly, pretty minor campaign stuff, replenishment buffs for gobbos, better raiding mechanics for greenies, campaign map mobility improvements for beastmemes to bring them in line with vampirates at the very least, things like that. Greater unit variety would be nice, but knowing CA I wouldn't wanna push it.
I like that Nighthaunt model, but that image literally has an Eldar Wood Elf and Space Marine Ork.
The lore for AoS might, in a few years, be interesting enough to buy a book or two, but i'll never switch over to play the game with such terrible models.
>On the other hand, a lot of those old models are still usable.
until they're not. GW squatted a fuckton when cities of sigmar was announced.
Lustria Bowl is the only thing that keeps the game interesting on 3+ playthroughs. If anything add more.
Which model don't you like?
Durthu, Treeman (i assume, 3rd on first row) and dryads next to Durthu look good.
Rest are shit or ok
And what Orkz?
Sounds good, start a Tree Monster army
Quit shilling your garbage here, no one's buying this shit and we're here to play videogames not paint worthless ugly figurines. All the models are shit. It's WH40KFB and it looks like garbage. Shill somewhere else.
Trade with skink skirmishers/javelins if they run out ammo then use them to screen a more killy unit as you give chase.
>Quit shilling your garbage here, no one's buying this shit and we're here to play videogames not paint worthless ugly figurines. All the models are shit. It's WH40KFB and it looks like garbage. Shill somewhere else.
Thanks for the (you) I guess.
>age of sigmar
The only AoS game that should be made
I'm the one posting models and the early maps were the most insulting dogshit.
But they're no longer canon and were a sign of a shit time. I'm in agreement that it should have never been rebooted. Even Stormcast Eternals would've been more interesting in the old setting, and I miss Franz carrying Maraz instead of a literally who who got cucked by another literally who ghost who NTR's her husband.
It was already confirmed by the devs that TW3 will have a focus on Chaos factions
Well shit, that's good news, as long as they just delete Slaanesh
>Stormcast Eternals
Will be infinitely funny to me that GW managed to bring space marines into their fantasy game.
They wanted money money money, and it was retarded. Luckily, SCE were expanded upon in 2.0 and developed into something more interesting.
I'm very happy that SCE aren't the focus of AoS though. Thank fuck it doesn't have the Space Marine problem that 40k does. You'd think with Dark Imperium and them creating more room for more interesting shit to happen, they'd manage to actually shit out SOME xenos shit.
Feels bad playing Orks & Eldar.
No. I love the faction, but goddamn is their music boring compared to the TWWII races.
Dilate, Slaneeshi
Source? I heard it was always implied but never confirmed
>I'm very happy that SCE aren't the focus of AoS though
About as much as Space Marines are.
Ended up starting a new game because I got screwed by rng and im kind of a shitter, hes here again, screenshot for proof
Just make his focus aesthetics and gluttony/consumption instead of sexual depravity.
Compare new models for SCE in 2019 to Space Marine in 2019.
I feel like theyd just be pink nurgle then
Post on official forums about it so they know
Also compare books.
CA made a statement, where Nakai is only in Albion when you play as him and Spirit of the Jungle starts in Lustria otherwise. Something about AI Nakai demolishing Norsca everytime.
>game starts out being cool as fuck
>peaks with Tomb Kangz
>gets actually worse with later patches
>vampirate DLC is straight up SJW cancer
>new DLC actually looks okay but the previous stuff already fucked the game up and there's no desire to play
>AI Nakai demolishing Norsca everytime
Maybe that's because norsca is actually trash and does nothing until end times event and Moulder does more than them.
How are pirates like DIck Booty SJW? Because there are female fleet captains and two LLs?
You are insane
>vampirate DLC is straight up SJW cancer
Even if it has been expanded upon the entire premise itself is terrible.
>Fighting for souls
>Realms with gates to other realms
>Release a brand new army, abandon it shortly after
>Groundmarines every single fucking time
There was nothing social justice-y about it. They just hamfisted their oc and their favorite character into the dlc, both of whom happened to be women. The whole fat acceptance shit was just something they made up for publicity, its not like they designed that character to be a good role model