Am I missing something? What was so great about these games? I went through the MCC and beat the Halos, and it was nothing special, just shooting some aliens. It was actually pretty boring to be honest.
Am I missing something? What was so great about these games? I went through the MCC and beat the Halos...
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just boomer coping with reality of their pitiful wasted lifes to videogames claiming back then it was something special when it wasnt.
True. But IDK I still sort of enjoyed it
they're all good for different reasons, but the co-op has been a consistent attractive point of the series besides CoD WaW and L4D2 I can't think of any decent, replayable, linear co-op FPS campaigns
Play a shooter on console released before Halo. There. Now you either understand or you're retarded about control schemes.
First of all, you shouldn't have played Halo 4.
The Halo games are great, and you probably either -are- missing something, or it's not to your taste.
Honestly the MCC is not the ideal way to play the games either.
Playing co-op or multiplayer is a big draw for Halo. it's a lot of fun that way.
It's got a deep story if you pay attention.
The music is some of the best in the industry.
It's a tightly designed series that defined not only most shooters, but also most sci-fi games that came after it.
Halo 3 is one of the best games ever made.
It's just console niggers that don't know any better
I feel sorry for people who don't get it.
It's kind of a sad story, people don't like to talk about sad stories, and the poeple who don't get it might be missing things because they don't have the cultural context to help them pick up on what's going on, but yea. It's very deep.
What am I supposed to get?
World war z is alri
>Am I missing something? What was so great about these games?
Shit man, can’t I say this about literally any game every made?
Explain to me what happens in the Halo trilogy, and then explain to me what you think it means, and I'll tell you what you did or didn't get.
What the fuck even is a “boomer” anymore? Christ, it’s like you retards just get off to using meme speak constantly.
Pretty much this. There’s a reason it was big at the time.
The boomer vs. zoomer meme is unironically a psyop to help kill any kind of gaming that isn't politically correct/Fortnite/Gatcha style crap.
Halo 3 in its prime was the best gaming experience of all time.
that's incorrect
also I mean first person shooters, otherwise I'd include Resident Evil 5 and stuff
Halo is only as good as the first game you play.
3 and 5 are the best.
>t. 343
i always thought they were meh until i played through them all. fun games
I first played Halo when I was 13, stayed up all night playing that with my bro, who owned it.
6 years later Halo 3 came out and I played the fuck out of it with him. The next year or so I bought my own 360 and spent untold hours on it, playing with friends on the daily.
My advice to you is to go back in time and play it when you were young and games were fun.
Play 1-3 coop, if you're not playing coop you're not getting the full experience
Don't play 4 skip reach and odst as well
Write me an essay before your allowed to enjoy mario. Unnessescary, halos story is great but it doesnt need it to stand on its own. The gameplay does that for it just fine.