This is the ranking, safe to say that Yea Forums has some based choices.
What do you think bros?
Yea Forums's Most Wanted DLC Characters
Other urls found in this thread:
This is the thread I gathered the info from. If an user said that they would really like or must have it, I counted that as a vote.
Please note that this is mostly likely a ver small sample size and this might not accurately reflect Yea Forums's taste, but hey, it's gonna be fun seeing the normies party all over it right?
the only smash dlc I want is the one which removes the games existence
>Going autistic over 122 votes
At least make a fucking google doc or some shit and let it rest for a bit. We can easily gather a few thousands if you give it enough time.
never heard anyone mentioning wanting him, seems to me like a false positive
all the other ones are mentioned a lot, and I'1d expect Shantae to appear considering how shilled she is on Yea Forums
it's Yea Forums not fucking Yea Forums it's never been Yea Forums
That shitty tier site didnt even have Reimu and many other characters, so i severely doubt the legitimacy of your little study
BASED Yea Forums
Why do they have so much better taste than Yea Forums?
I didn't vote for this.
>Can't even be bothered to even read where I got the votes or even why I made this shitty "tier list"
Make a fucking poll you mong
Not everyone's going to bother making tier lists
You may be the best Sonic pick (Shadow is a pizza cutter and Tails fanbase is filled with furfags) but we're getting another Sega series like Yakuza or Puyo before we get Egg
we should get at least a Tetris stage before anything Puyo Puyo related, wouldn't mind eventually seeing it in
NOT ONLY IS HE THE BEST SONIC REP he's also the best Puyo rep
Yea Forums is going to be disappointed then, because none of those characters are getting in. The remaining DLC characters are Shantae, Monster Hunter, and Sora.
am I supposed to crawl up your ass to find the source for this?
I'm all for Travis, Heavy, MC and maybe Phoenix. The rest I don't really care about.
To me heavyfags just look like retards or people pretending to be retarded.
Nobody believes that Heavy will get in
But it would be amazing if we had a TF2 character in Smash.
>first three choices are trash
>he doesn't want heavy or another tf2 rep in smash
>even though you know it wont happen ;_;
t. furry
thank fucking god Yea Forums isn't in charge of smash
He'd never possibly be in because only literally what weebshit gets in smash but it'd be great.
yeah, retards, I knew it.
Why does the thought of Heavy in Smash make you so angry?
He's just one of those guys who say in confession threads that they just pop in random threads they haven't heard, call random people retards or whatever for the (you)'s
Stop feeding him
I'm angry, angry at retards.
Nickbros are allied with Eggbros
So you're angry at yourself?
It’s only natural the best Capcom rep allies with the best SEGA rep
Really scraping the bottom of the barrel with these picks.
>no u
Only 3 of those aren’t from mainstream recognizable franchises with millions of fans
How would heavy even work? Bullets are generally avoided, and the heavy is all about his minigun.
how'd you make that?
*actually 4 because Wright actually isn’t very popular
have sex
Bullet rule doesn't matter anymore because Bayo and Joker. Also I believe Heavy would aim his minigun in all directions like a Metal Slug character but walks slower.
>fucking minecraft steve and master chef over bandana dee
What happened to this board
I...I drew it, user. There was a thread with a blank one but you can just erase my stuff if you want it
>eggman on first
it's bullshit. in every poll we make he ranks high bu never among the top spots
keep seething
keep sneeding
Almveryone semi decent grew up and left.
Here’s an actual comprehensive Yea Forums poll from November 2018 with 13.7k votes
>B.Waddle Dee
>Phoenix Wright
>Paper Mario
>Yea Forums Yea Forums
fucking newfags
the only somewhat large list i've seen in which i would be cool with with every single pick (however unrealistic they are)
>Bandana Waddle Dee
lmao remember when people actually cared about that
i fucking knew it was a fad
There was that other poll where you just keep picking between 2 choices each time and it had like 40k votes
>master chief
Allourideas is kinda easy to rig
>less than 300 sample size
t. everyone who ever dealt with statistics on a professional level
Here you go Yea Forumsirgins
I tried to make it as foolproof as possible. Share this so we can get a larger sample size this time. I also tried to include to most likely and popular characters, so I apologize in advance if I cut someone you wanted.
This just proves how gay Yea Forums is
>no reimu
you fucked up
>No Reimu
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Shittiest taste ever
Please base your data on this poll I made instead. The tier list thread was just to see what individual choices were, this gives you more of Yea Forums as a whole.
Legitimately the best of these most wanted DLC lists, I'm impressed Yea Forums.
what the fuck
Phoenix Wright
Skull Kid
Travis Touchdown
Dr. Eggman
Do your own work fag
>eggman and phoenix in the top 2
absolutely great taste
Based? Meh.. Yea Forums doesn't count for these things, the only good ones there, are Crash, Geno and Doomguy
>can't choose more than one
>Genofag judging basedness
Fuck off reddit
Keep coping tohoufags. No one likes your bullet hell meme game
Travis is the only good one, everything else is shit.
I like Touhou but we have enough secondaries
>Dr Ivo “Throw Yiffs off Cliffs” Robotnik isn’t /hisguy/
This is absolute surefire way of telling you have irredeemable shit taste and shouldn’t be allowed to post
Based Phoenix voters
I like him a lot and he is in my top 5, but I feel Tails fits Smash more.
We should get both with Tails being a non-echo clone.
Go vote on Sabi and Papagenos' poll
>discord hash required
Fuck off
this is a 10/10 list,Yea Forums based as fuck
>my vote isn't there
You poll like a fag and your shit's all retarded.
Why do i never see anyone hoping for the prince/king from Katamari Damacy? This would be my absolute favorite franchise to make it in
I can picture the prince (with the cousins being alt skins) rolling a katamari like a dash attack with his side B, maybe throwing some random junk that you roll up in the games as a neutral B (like pac-mans move) and for his final smash rolling everyone nearby up and blasting them into space where the King turns them into stardust and does alot of damage
The series would be a great fit with it's art style and distinct humor, plus everyone would recognize the character even if they've never played the games. Plus the music we could have...