It's over

it's over

Attached: celeste.png (551x433, 329K)

Other urls found in this thread:

This explains why "she" was flat.

>Game mady by trannies and fag basedboys made to similar target demographics has tranny and fag flag
Colour me surprised

“What if we make a popular game and then interject politics uneedingly into it.”
>retards and sjws will lap it up like a starving dog

Attached: 7F91D36C-BAF9-4FCD-B8E4-9833BF8700C5.jpg (500x440, 72K)

Game is great but fuck trannies and faggots

Attached: implying.png (587x1007, 740K)

>There aren't enough female protagonists in video games!
>Let's go back and retcon games with female protagonists to have male leads instead

Fucking clown world.

Im glad i've never heard pf this game but i'll remember the developer

>it's over
What's over? We already couldn't talk about this game on Yea Forums and anyone not retarded doesn't give a shit about the falgs

For a website with "gamer" in its title, they sure seem to happen to hate almost every video game that comes out.

And conservatives cry about it in their death rattle.

>all those poor bastard that have been waiting for the LRG release
>they were essentially just waiting for an tranny update
I would be mad lmao

>Playing another shitty ugly indie crap copying the super meat boy formula for the 59173692915392th time

Peak R3ddit

Attached: blugh.jpg (992x869, 81K)

>game made by tumblr now includes more tumblr things
What a surprise, thank you for this informative article.

Attached: yoshi.png (255x315, 176K)

was there really any doubt in the first place? this game is more faggot than hat in time being an indie pixelshit platformer

Attached: froge.png (32x28, 2K)

Why is the alt-right too stupid to make videogames?

Well then let people use a Nazi flag

>lgbt pride
>left wing propaganda
What kind of incel news network is this

If religion can't be forced on people, why can trannies and fags be forced on people?

>You want LGBTQP games? Just make them yourself bro
>Wtf why are you making a leftie propaganda game!?!

Stop shilling your shitty blog


Get this shit out of here. 4channel is a leftist site.


no straight man owns this game in the first place, faganon

Too busy running America, sweaty.

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So much for having a strong female protagonist, It was the dude the entire time.

oh my god! Who the fuck cares?

totally not a political movement guys.

Why is this bad? It's just a platformer.

>how can we best trigger Yea Forums manbabies with the least amount of effort possible?
>oh, flags, of course
You guys are pathetic.

>her dead brother
>some gay stickers she got at a concert she doesn't recognize

I have no issue wit the LGTBQ+ community, I have many friends who are part of it.
With that said, putting pride flags into games is extremely tacky. Any kind of political agenda found in media makes me want to vomit, even if I support it in real life.

busy building the houses you buy, making sure the water you use to clean out your dilation hole is clean and fixing any problems with your parent's cars when they go to buy groceries for your fat neet ass and driving you to your therapist

To busy working and having a real job

muh culture war supersedes all other aspects of these people's lives

Its fucking briliant.

>Make a good game
>It sells
>As soon as sales drop off inject it with no effort bullshit like adding one texture of a "flag" into the game
>Liberals lap it up and sales peak again

They are effectively selling their game twice for no effort.

This, you guys are just looking for another reason to be mad. You already hated the game before the flag shit.


You guys realize you can just buy games with right-wing propaganda in them and let the free market sort it out.

it aint right, she used that adderall to gain an unfair advantage in video games

>Game comes out
>Yea Forums likes the character and thinks she’s cute
>Turns our she’s a tranny
>Yea Forums throws a tantrum feeling betrayed and lied to and suddenly hates the kid for something trivial


>lists a bunch of blue collar jobs

And this is why I only buy japanese games.

>fixing any problems with your parent's cars

Haha he thinks the mechanic industry is still gonna exist in 20 years. Everyone point and laugh.

I'm pretty sure lots of games already have the nazi flag in them

>trans: im a boy who wants to be a girl
>nazi: i want to kill all jews

literally the same thing

>tfw liking people your sex is now "politics"
>tfw wanting to be other sex is now "politics"
>tfw showing support to people liek them is "politics"


Do have to wonder why anyone regardless of their sexuality would have tiny random flags on their desk, seems weird

Actual npc responses in action. I guess Yea Forums is just reddit now.

>Muh gay friends
Fuck up

It's part of PC culture.

>trannie shit

No wonder the game was about depression and mental illness

Cause people are generally dogmatic no matter which ideology they support.

>make a female protagonist and get a lot of exposure
>turns it out was a man the whole time

lmao trannies out there straight up DESTROYING women. Face it ladies, you’re a thing of the past and you have NO future

Bruh, water and power is pure STEM

Attached: asdf.jpg (565x415, 60K)

>always suspected of being left wing propoganda
Nigger what
Its like im reading a fucking FOX news article
I hate you
I hate politics
I hate this entire generation of teenagers who think theyre somehow smart because they spit out the bullshit they were told to spit out
Fuck you

Attached: 1568185022576.jpg (400x1125, 61K)

there has never been a trans in a jap video game. nuh uh. not one

the game was always trannycore and now dilators simply can't dispute it

>Fags make a game
>Fill it with faggottry

What a shock. Reminder to pirate all western games.

Attached: IMG_20190910_154747.jpg (1024x800, 78K)

This was added in well after the game was made, retard. So they didn't make it leftie shit to begin with but only did so after the fact to get more money.

no those are mental illnesses
pretending we shouldn't cure them because pandering is easy money is politics

>Fixing cars is "power"
>Cleaning sewers is "water"

What's your real job, user ?

>he thinks older cars wont exist in a few years
You can programa robot all you want, but itll NEVER be able to hit and swear at my old chevy like i can. Thats the only reason it still starts in the morning, fear.
>blue collar

Its consistent projection. They cry about the left leveraging victimhoom and being triggered because they themselves are in a perpetual state of whining crying victimization, its disgusting. Literally all you have to do is include a flag to set them off, its fucking amazing to witness the double think as they embody everything they bitch about.
And youre mistaken in thinking they will ever be satisfied, they dont want them making their own games. If trans people disappeared completely they would continue to shit up this board about something else because thats how they live their lives

>I disagree with you so you are reddit

Get with the time Yea Forums and support trans rights!

blood testing for e-sports needs to happen now
sick of these impossible feats being celebrated


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>making a game with depression and anxiety as the core of its story and message is left wing propaganda
>putting tiny flags in a game to make people happy is left wing propaganda
Christ, it's like you guys WANT to be angry.

It's always been politics mongoloid

Looks like Madeline little brother.

Attached: Madeline's_Family.png (93x82, 18K)

>>Yea Forums likes the character
As far as I know Yea Forums only liked the composer and found her cute during the VGA until he began to speak

>all the stuck up faggots who played this shit bragging about how good and hard the game is
>only to find out they were playing as a literal tranny the entire time
Loving every laugh.

the people who play this game are fags anyways


fuck off billy, I know it’s you

Im more surprised nobody could see how this game screamed tranny from the first time they laid eyes on it

>not making the article about the shoehorned trans character
one job

Cleaning sewers/facilities is a blue collar job

Not really. Nazi flag is part of white pride. Plus like you or he said "youre retarded if you care about flags" more like "shut up and let us force our imagery on you"

People shouldn't identify who they are with what they are. It's shallow.

Yes. The treatment of mentally ill people is a political issue. Some people want them to get the help they need, others want to mutilate them and play to their delusions.

Personal is political

It's the political minefield they brought upon themselves, Cant say i feel pity for them.

>Having to resort to literal conspiracy theories to try and spin a game as not good
Remember when this place played video games

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Attached: Dealing with trannies.webm (720x540, 2.8M)

Imagine crafting an entire ideology over getting triggered by a sequence of colors.

Fucking embarrassing.

A job is only real if the person doing it is someone you like.

I could tell, it's all in the artstlye.
With that said, I just simply didn't give enough of a shit about the game to comment on it.

shill your shitty blog somewhere else you tubby cunt

Its a doggie dog world
Gotta make money somehow and forced controversy is a way to grow that retirement fund,

>men are better women than women
Why are we so good at everything bros?


C’mon, this is the right side equivalent to linking to something like Vox or Buzzfeed

Why is this good?

>Pandering to child molesters
Guess I know what I'm not buying :)

Why should I care? It's a fun game.

yes? what's your point? conservatives, or the "alt righters" as you say, are doing the manual labor jobs while so yboys sit in their air conditioned commie apartments making tranny flag textures and shoving them into their games for free twitter likes and shilling of how good a person they are

Do you even know what you're talking about or did you shape your entire worldview around /pol/ image dumps?

God bless you user

Right-Wing can’t into game development. They can barely make movies.

>They are effectively selling their game twice for no effort.
What a wonderful idea.

Attached: todd_10000.jpg (1200x884, 129K)

Stop LARPing

What am I looking at?

I used the term "water and power" just to describe all the systems needed to source, clean and distribute water. That shit is all STEM. You even need a college degree to clean that shit in the tanks because of the fluid flow and high mortality.

Mechanics are just technicians, so they need to be scientifically literate but not smart.

making sure water is drinkable is much more than cleaning sewers. I dont even drink water and i know that.

this is why I outright don't by video games these days. you never know if the shitter devs will patch in deranged mental illness faggotry later down the line or bow down to some screeching fringe freaks of nature and remove "offensive" content.
I'm so sick and tired of trannies, faggots and third wave feminazis taking video games hoastage for their ulterior faggotry because they failed at life.

yes, both are equally mentally deranged

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The people "feeding into their delusions" are the ones that you get sent to for help. If you care so much about trans people why don't you get a degree in psychiatry.

Would a tranny keep pictures of them as a little boy hanging around? Seems like they get super bent out of shape about "misgendering" and "dead-naming" that having a visual reminder that they aren't really a girl would be a massive no-no.

This one little flag that says nothing and is unrelated has given the game more attention has given it more attention than it ever wouldve gotten by itself.

And people say politics arent full of useful idiots

I will sit here and laugh at it while you think I'm upset while you are upset because you probably bought the piece of shit and think you are not mad as you respond to this post

>Imagine crafting an entire ideology over getting triggered if certain minoritary identities aren't shown

Too busy recording themselves being "outraged" about it for 10 minute YouTube videos and/or too busy watching the former

This literally does not confirm anything at all, you retards are getting angry over nothing.

>Including non straight pride flags in a game is literal propaganda
Maybe these people would get taken seriously if they didn't sound like absolute idiots.

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you're telling me this cutie pie has a throbbing veiny shecock between those shapely thighs?

what else did they improve in this update?

So this confirms that the praise was always fake, right?

So they are making something that people want to buy on the free market while neocucks work public sector jobs? And theres high enough a demand for their product that they are successful? This makes them ...commies
You sound terribly terribly confused lol

There's a clear difference and you know it. Including a trannie isn't the problem, it's the obnoxious political agenda behind it.

the idea that transfags are treated in the mainstream as not having a mental illness that needs treated and instead glorified boggles my fucking mind as a schzo
they hurt others more than we do, they hurt others more than we do, and they kill themselves more than we do, and yet people are still afraid of me

the Left is full of themselves

Celeste is trash but if you are not buying it simply because it contains a pride flag or somehow think this impacts the game at all, you are retarded.


Wow its almost as if theyre the exact same thing and retards dont want to admit it.

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Dumb frog getting frozen by the strongest ice fairy

You are peak autism and peak retarded

You could tell from the thumbnail in the storefront alone.

it's not. it's neutral. what if the character wa a male from the start? what if it was a slab of meat? it clearly doesn't matter

Take your pills

>they hurt others more than we do, they hurt others more than we do
they hurt others more than we do, and they hurt themselves more than we do*

TS I Love You tier wankery is okay

The obnoxious audacity of literally shoving down our throats by having it sit barely noticable in an art still
I, for one, am triggered to heck and back too brother

>Implying OneAngryIncel isn't in the marketing scheme
Normies don't really give a shit about this crap, they either just say "Okay" and move on or share it on Twitter or IG to look cool to their other normie friends.

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quick, dilate! your axe wound is closing up!

Because these people aren't actually trans they just want the label for social brownie points. It sucks being actually trans and having twitter larpers be the face of it. If I unironically kill myself it won't be because of the bants I take from by Yea Forumsros it'd be bacause twitter/discord trannies make it hard for people like me to be taken seriously when they're seen as the majority.

Oh no like less than 1% of a single ending cutscene image has a trans flag! Suddenly this game is horrible and purely filled with tranny propaganda!

Attached: 1c0c37edec1e28772bb69cd4c8c3ddbf.jpg (985x553, 143K)

>adds LGBT shit as super inconsequential background elements, doesn't actually affect the gameplay or even core story

Attached: IMG_20190910_155544.jpg (919x514, 69K)

Who is more triggered, the triggered or the guy that gets triggered by the triggered?

>the latest extension makes it clear [...] and it casts all doubts aside
What kind of retard writes this

medication is a rarely the optimal solution to psychological issues, and that's assuming they're psychological and not biological
stfu on matters you no nothing about

Yea Forums is stupid 99% of the time but right now they are stupid 100% of the time

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Take your fucking meds asshole.

I wonder how Ryukhar and Grand Poo Bear will react. (They're currently in some con doing speedruns)

Spotted the untalented tranniedev

You can tell how true it is by the recoil of the queers.

Attached: KYS_tranny~3.png (670x1024, 948K)

yeah because a tranny would go see a shrink

stop cutting your dick off, tranny

Based, Western games are shit (except undertale but Toby fox would never do something like this)

Nobody cares, Billy.

So, what went wrong now?

Boy do i love reading vidya news from the most trusted and unbiased sources

Attached: vidya journo.png (276x213, 30K)

What I find most remarkable is that the game's authors were creating shitty janky levels for Mario Maker 2 at full throttle, indicating that they weren't working that hard in their game.

If you post the full picture of noa in a microbikini it might calm down the seething Yea Forumsirgins ITT.

>Why should I care? It's a fun game

Attached: 1562360025850.png (632x756, 24K)

Because psychiatry is pozzed by democrats, you stupid fucking mongoloid. They are the prime enablers.

this so much.
just look at all the threads complaining about "censorship" when people work on their own creation but when a pirate goes out of his way to remove content from someone elses creation that's perfectly fine.

Even kemono fursuits are creepy

Not a tranny but you admitted you're a schizo. Take your meds, you're destroying the life of everyone around you.

Is this about freedom of speech, Billy?

I have never heard of this game and I will hopefully forget about it now

Imagine being so pathetic that two tiny flags upset you.

Attached: 1568084852445.gif (498x280, 662K)

Just so we come to terms with this: the opposite of a virgin would be a cuckold, right?
Because if this doesn't bother you that's who you are. A fag or a cuckold.

case and point.

who gives a fuck. why does this matter?

So like I said if you care this deeply why not get a degree in it yourself? Or is it you don't actually give a shit and just pretend to on the internet?

Imagine being so pathetic that you chop your dick off and then kill yourself.

Attached: Newman.gif (500x375, 498K)


Attached: ANGRY.jpg (489x479, 34K)

Oh great, is putting gay flags in games the new trend now?

It's the opposite, not being bothered means you have problems because you're for that shit to be shilled openly.
This is like calling gay someone that finds gay shit repulsing while you don't mind and you consider youself normal. Learn what "cognitive dissonance" is before you post in a public place.

stop shilling your site

Attached: file.png (429x246, 72K)

>interviewers ask several LGBTQ+ questions
>Toby responds with "pass" to all of them

>who gives a fuck. why does this matter?

Attached: 1553450664513.png (700x700, 432K)

i literally never even heard of this game before Yea Forums starting having a sperg attack over this. i can tell that it was a shit game before this and it will continue to be an equally as shit game after this

he should, saves the gene pool from his mental illness and ideals
I would encourage any faggot willing to mutilate himself to do the deed it will definitely make them passable
the lgbt community might as well be the national population control organization as they are solely cutting off thousands of years of ancestry because they wanted to take dick in the ass or rub vaginas together

>opposite of virgin is cuckold
So the options are [ virgin | cuckold ]?
>fag or a cuckold
Wait, how does fag factor into this? I thought "opposite" implied a dichotomy. Can you elaborate?

If they're so pathetic, why is Yea Forums always so triggered that they exist?

Just a reminder: you troons CHOOSE to crossdress (or CHOSE to get permanent life changing surgery) and face oppression. Transphobia is fake. It's like cyberbullying and fat shaming. Just stop wearing opposite sex clothing, and the bullying goes away.

Are you double mongoloid? To go through shrink major you have to listen to DNC lessons, I would be arrested for battery halfway through the first hour.

>triggered by a fucking flag
How are you different from the people that got triggered by Ogay in Ion Maiden?

Jesus you fags are a legit waste of air


I see that we're being raided right now. I expect raiding to reduce by 40% within a couple of days.

Nice rebuttal, poltard.

damn that seems like a based site what's the name?

What does Celeste have to do with them? They're Mario Maker people. I don't know about GPB, don't watch him, but I know Ryu played Celeste a long time ago. Still, doesn't even seen relevant to them anymore.

Because they exist. Now stop existing, you disgusting freak.

>meme article

Attached: 69810531_355286708711177_8380860059386642432_n.jpg (284x278, 10K)

No one gives a shit that they exist. They just need to exist out of sight.

What anime is this?

Yes, a cuckold doesn't mean "le cuck", it means an enabler of shit that only destroys him and does him absolutely no good and he enables it with a smile on his face, much like a cuckold lets his property sleep around and posts it on twitter. You're either one or the other, you can't have both.

What kind of stupid argument is this, This would be like if i asked you if you shaped your entire worldview of off netflix family sitcoms.

Imagine worshipping who hates you the most

Right wingers make all your games, assuming you don't consume western shit.

>I assault people for saying things I don't like



Attached: 60.jpg (750x422, 19K)

laughing at you =/= triggered
you are mentally ill though so I'm sure you can't tell the difference between positive and negative attention

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Yeah I'm sure nobody would overreact if some dev put a right wingy flag as an option in their game. I'm sure if Destiny had a Yea Forums themed flag nobody would start a campaign against it and force them to delete it. That's crazy

Attached: destiny_2_road_complex_aa1_1900.jpg (1200x756, 80K)

>a harmless bottle vs. encouraging life ruining sex changes (pic related)

Attached: Yeah, permanent surgery is a good idea.jpg (1080x1190, 523K)

Attached: definitely not a soyboy.jpg (500x433, 39K)

They come here and push their miserable lifestyle in everything, all the time, retard.

based truscum, we need more trannies like you in the world

Why aren't you pirating everything, user ?
Do you actualy like the pain of betrayal ?
Do you actually crave this feeling of regret ?

you can't actually tell me, can you?

If they say it when they don't have political power, I'm fine.
They are instructing people to cut dicks and vote for the democrats, and it's in a legally binding place. Kill yourself.

oh god no, not a fucking flag. this can't be happening. can the left stoop no lower? truly videogames are ruined forever along with western civilization. it's time to RISE UP and spend the next several years scraping together a meager living seething in blog posts extolling the virtues of my judeochristian values, and reminding my peers that at no point in the entire history of videogames has a single game ever even mentioned or even arbitrarily recognized beliefs contrary to my own. i've been bamboozled for the last time. these devs will be sorry they ever impinged upon my frail psyche through the inclusion of such damaging propaganda as a flag.

Welcome to this shithole.

>Nice rebuttal, poltard.

Attached: 1568166539120.png (560x217, 53K)

tell /pol/ to stop identifying who we are with what we are and you'll see much less of us doing it.

holy shit mods ban this game before is to late

Well, why else would they add something like that if it doesn't add to anything important?

retarded newfag

>it's okay when we do it

>SJWs get mad about flags too so it's okay
Atleast you don't even refuse that you're as bad as them

Its the same shit
>buh one is worse than the other!!
Legit waste of hair

if character is tranny then why is story about woman abortion dilemma?
i heard anons said story is about abortion before
but tranny not matter if it was she or he, cannot have kids
what's the point of the story then, it doesn't make any sense

Attached: who.jpg (500x282, 12K)

I wondered how come this faggot took so long to kill himself, then I realized he had 9 lives

>forsake the Logos
>kill yourself
Many such cases, SAD !

>censor tits
>men complain and this time they are actually right
Why don't you understand it never works both ways?

>you're as bad as them
Do you see a twitter campaign against the game? I don't. Sounds like I'm better than them doesn't it

Oh looks like he was wrong
You arent a /pol/tard,you're even worse.
Autistic_frog from /r/the_donald go back there


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where did we as a human race go so wrong that a image of a low quality flag makes people angry/happy? is it possible to revert this?

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>saves the gene pool from his mental illness and ideals
at this point it really doesn't fucking matter
IQ will continue to go down because stupid and or poor people will continue having kids at an exponential rate and some of those smart people will inevitably have kids with attractive but stupid people
if humans don't master and widespread use gene splicing in the next few centuries humanity is fucked

Trolled gay angry he didn't get his gay gangbang party

>I assault people who say things I don't like AND I think I'm a force for good when I do it


Not on a platform like Yea Forums

everyone finds this pandering shit tacky, not just "muh gaymers"

That's a custom flag, you stupid retard asshat. Bungie didn't make it or their studio would've been shut down.

>Write decent story about girl getting over her depression, keeping the reasoning behind it vauge to keep it relatable to anyone going through depressive thoughts
>Ruin said narative by inserting politics and making girl a "girl" and ruining the ambigious source of depression by giving background context.
Shit politics or not, the fact is that this just muddies the relatable narative of the game.

Attached: 1567094805756.jpg (731x746, 89K)

What's the treatment for transgender people then? Because right now the treatment is letting them transition. What qualifications do you have to say that that's not the best treatment?
>inb4 someone brings up that study that only shows correlation between transition and suicide and doesn't show that transitioning causes suicide

>waste of hair
Stop commenting, retard

this is great, i love you user in platonic way

Attached: new funky mode.png (936x616, 527K)

It's political because it's controversial and it's controversial because it dangerous to people with weak minds / children weather you think it is or not. Get the fuck over yourself.

For a bunch of pathetic, suicidal, mentally ill freaks, they sure do scare the shit out of you guys.
That's really the only reason I can think of as to why I see bitching and moaning about trannies infinitely more than I see support for them on Yea Forums. They're living in your heads rent free, and all they have to do to trigger you is put some flags in a game's ending screen. Isn't this supposed to be a board about videogames?

Reminder; Billy considers Star Citizens the greatest "game" in existence and shills you to donate to them

It doesn't makes sense if you think Reality is objective.
If you think you live in Sigil like the retarded kike, cunt and leftist demons, you think you can will anything into Reality.

>saves the gene pool from his mental illness and ideals
But /pol/ still exist

Speaking of which, is Hat Kid even fun? To me, it always reeked of indie/reddit attention-whoring.


Attached: MYSIDES.jpg (680x680, 68K)

Being antiliberal is being right 100% of the time, I though this was a foregone conclusion.
Maybe not for you, because you suffer from Down's.

>people are genuinely upset over a tiny minority doing one tiny thing in one game that isnt going to be that big
>act like they're fucking warriors fighting some great cultural war
I want to play video games and all this place does anymore is call everything shit and cry about some obscure group that they actively look for.
Keep jumping through those mental hoops bro you're gonna make it

>Oh looks like he was wrong
>You arent a /pol/tard,you're even worse.
>Autistic_frog from /r/the_donald go back there

Attached: 1562322730937.jpg (1080x1020, 131K)

you're retarded if you think anyone here is your friend and that this is bants. sucking up to people who hate you will only make you hate yourself. go out and talk to people who aren't nutjobs from the left or right and you'll see that no one irl cares about all the inane bs on the internet.


because the flag that encourages children's parents to undergoe dick mutilation will stay in the game while a word on a video game prop gets removed to appease the resetrannies
>It's okay when we do it but not you, get censored bigot

Wtf, won't a simply "no homo" protect me properly these days?

>girl goes through depression

>girl goes through depression
>was assigned male
You're a fucking retard

Attached: 1560266547787.jpg (1280x720, 68K)

>noo we nazis are better than sjw!! We can be triggered as a normal thing!

Nice, based baka

Attached: 1568051950907.webm (720x720, 1.72M)

Who is more triggered, the triggered or the guy that gets triggered by the triggered or the guy who gets triggered by the guy who gets triggered by the triggered or the guy who gets triggerd by the guy who gets triggered by the guy who

Attached: 1543248431047.png (125x125, 14K)

>buy this game even if you hate it and the ideas behind it

>actual freaks telling normal people who is the freak
>forced to remove it
How was that wrong again? Transvestites are bad, so when does Xeleste removes the fag flags?

look at it this way, at least you have a "waifu" to dilate with now

The best part of the 40% figure they love to throw around is that it's self reported ATTEMPTS, not actual suicides. They don't even read the things they quote.

Isn't that the whole idea behind the antifa "punch a nazi" movement?

Imagine coping this hard


Attached: Curb Stomp.webm (480x480, 320K)

Yu Yu Hakusho.

Why shouldn't I buy this if I don't care about any of this shit?

Is it a fun platformer? does it flow well or am I gonna be switching gay gimmicks out of my inventory or whatever?

>For a bunch of pathetic, suicidal, mentally ill freaks, they sure do scare the shit out of you guys

They don't scare anyone, they scare themselves as 40% of them kill themselves because they regret cutting off their genitalia.

If you're a liberal you don't belong here so I don't know who you are trying to kid over who belongs where, fucking cunt tranny.
Get it? The only way to be associated to a cunt is for me to insult you, you'll never get one.

so is the game big cope mechanism?

Attached: escapism2.png (500x229, 115K)

>hrt mtf pills
>her when she was a toddler, as a male
>some gay stickers that proves who she is

Isn't autistic from is 30 years old man?

I wasn't interested in this game, just like you weren't until you found out you could cry about it.

there's something viscerally unsettling about someone willing to cut off their dick and lie about their gender. All normal people felt this way up until it became morally wrong to be normal thanks to twitter.

Out of curiosity, how many people who are angry over this have played the game? And as a followup question, is the game good?

Attached: ((she)).jpg (370x370, 28K)

Its a microscopic flag retardo
>noo but muh war!!
Ogay all over again

Worst thing is i bet every single triggered one is american.


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Yeah and they're also retarded.

>How was that wrong again
It's just a meme flag with a meme on it. Only Hillary Clinton thinks that kek is a "hate symbol". This just shows how minor of an offence you have to cause in order to be shut down by the SJWs.

i hate you

Attached: 1558842983343.gif (245x184, 703K)

>REEEEEEEEEEEEE it's only ok when we do it!!!!!

Why are you leftist retards always such massive hypocrites?

Attached: Buzz off.gif (300x210, 2.45M)

It's a very fun platformer if you're into shit like Super Meat Boy and The End is Nigh. High difficulty, high precision. It flows very quickly, you die, you're back in the action in like a second. Don't listen to tards on Yea Forums, just because they put two flags in the game's ending screen doesn't make the game itself any less fun.

again laughing at you =/= triggered
The only scary thing a tranny or faggot could do is having my kid grow up with those ideals and end up with aids later on in life or thinking he's a girl and cuts his dick off with scissors because girls don't have them
You are scary in a sense that I'd kill you as I would a diseased pig so as to not have my livestocked threatened by your illness.

Post this on one of your social media accounts, make sure to show your coworkers.

Attached: nazi-flag.png (1200x720, 24K)

>is the game good?


males are more highly variant than females. because men cover the entire spectrum of traits far more broadly than females, there are many more with abundance of extreme positive traits who do great things / who do things greatly, and also far more males who are utter shit and/or literally just fucking die. if you took a properly time-weighted average (including all the dead males unlived lives), then males and females would theoretically come out close to the same. but that's obviously an absurdity, and any more reasonable attempts at averaging actually existent male vs female success/desirability/competency will always result in males demonstrating a huge advantage. because nature/society weeds out the extremely less-performant males, but not any of those who fall outside the much narrower female range on the more-performant side.

Attached: deadhypotheticalmales.png (554x245, 5K)

Imagine posting hurtful things like this. I hate Japan.

Most games are.

I will never be a tiny elven loli gangraped by dirty old pedophiles.

>What's the treatment for transgender people then?
there's a medication, i forget the name of which, which effectively stops the urge to whack off their dingdong
that said, most trannies are just hedonist who don't actually have any sort of ingrain disorder
>What qualifications do you have to say that that's not the best treatment?
i have brain and eyes, but also the Rosenhan Experiment basically proves i'm more adept as a mentally ill person at helping someone with psychological issues than a physiology major


No one cares about this shit indie game faggot, we're discussing trannies here.

Games by SJWs: celeste
Games by the alt-right: Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Having an easy mode for retards was already enough of a redflag i don't know why you fags are even surprised.

>low quality flag makes people angry/happy?
XIX century, moron.

Take your abilify.

Lmao grow the fuck up evangelical
"muh children"

You're assuming I hate /pol/.
Your assumption is half correct,nu-/pol/ (which is you) is garbage

You mean like how lefties down in the southern states were flipping out over the confederate flag being hung on historic buildings?

>Don't listen to tards on Yea Forums

I haven't for years, ayy lmao.

I'll buy it and refund if it's shit, thanks for the review

>people are genuinely upset over people that are genuinely upset over a tiny minority doing one tiny thing in one game that isnt going to be that big

Most game devs are right leaning but they don't talk about it because the SJWs control the media.

That raises a question for classic trans and not the "transtrenders": surely they at least adknowledge that they had a time BEFORE transitioning or realizing their nature if only to take it as fact. They don't have to enjoy that period of life, but generally level-headed people can admit to themselves and others that they had rough patches or dark times in their life or mention "Yeah, I used to be X". It's being healthy about problems you dealt with. Why do you think alcoholics start by admitting their truth than trying to cover it up or rationalize it away?

>Most games are.
well, you're right
>I will never be a tiny elven loli gangraped by dirty old pedophiles.
sucks to be you homo

Attached: 893.png (637x1045, 320K)

grow a new dick.

Hahaha just wait until we come for them next, Japan will bend over very soon.

This fucking people.
Once born a man YOU'LL ALWAYS BE A MAN, no matter how many operations you perform in your dick or how many meds you take.


I figured it only got attention here because of loli posters, game looks like any other platformer just with some ugly kid as the protagonist

Attached: 1553041600738.png (1367x631, 47K)

Yuu yuu hakusho

Nobody held a gun to their head. They chose to do it.


I am not an homosexual.

Yes, after a targeted campaign of harassment by the press.

The majority of transgender people don't cut off their dicks or even attempt surgery.
What makes you think the average tranny young adult has the money to undergo an extensive surgery like that? You guys are so retarded. Gender reassignment surgery is still incredibly primitive and every trans person I've ever spoken to knows this. Most of them just take hormones and try to pass with clothes.

Attached: based.png (625x591, 318K)

Games still 9/10 for me. Just didnt need this slapped on, especially well after launch.

The only STEM field that lefties are aware of is programming, everything else might as well not exist

Maybe cutting your dick off isn't that big a deal? If you're not going to use it, why bother keeping it?

Who the fuck still play western games lmao

Wait. Are yall feeling betrayed by Celeste out of all games? One look at a screenshot and you can tell sjws madethe game. What did yall expect?

Attached: 1527923306895.jpg (444x362, 16K)

copulate incel

>I never played or watched any part of Celeste but I'm still gonna spam this anyway

How is that any different, deflecting idiots? Mutilating and humilating themselves makes 40% of them want to die.

Because it isn't just this - you guys fucking cry about SJWs and trannies all the fucking time, when in reality most of us could go forever without hearing about them, but they upset you so fucking much that you dredge them up and say, "GUYS GUYS ISNT THIS SO DUMB GUYS COME ON LOOK!!"
Just fuck off already.

That all you got?

>give an answer
>get childlike rebuttal
i really wish people experienced harsher ego death at younger ages because as it stands you people keep coming up so ass-backwards

You think any of these morons understand this? They probably buy the headlines of "THEYRE GIVING SEX CHANGE PILLS TO CHILDREN"

Running it into the ground.

Attached: Turd.gif (480x250, 1.79M)

>most of us could go forever without hearing about them
Yes user, the slippery slope isn't real. Just ignore it and it will go away.

Just so you autists have an easier time grasping it; it's not about the flag itself but the ideas the flag represents.

We're modding games instead, it's cheaper and quicker

And? They could've just ignored it so once again, not forced. Make your own game and then you can go right ahead and not cave.

Attached: 1567348396415.png (393x349, 16K)

A truer picture has never existed. I think the best kind of platformer is one that gives you mechanics to creatively tackle a level but is also balanced enough to still be challenging even with those mechanics. Celeste just has one specific route and way of beating the levels as it progresses.

Everybody thought it was an icon for abortion, turns out it wasn't because a man can't have an abortion.

Nigger, you better be southern

Imagine being so easily triggered by incredibly tiny drawings of flags that you need to flood the board with the same thread over and over to screech about it.



hat in time, xbox controllers, gears 5, celeste
amazing how putting three colors together results in bump limit every single time

Why do we hate non ugly trannies again?

all an overpopulated country needs to go under civil war is for socialism to take hold and people will realize lazy fucks arent going to work and societal structures will collapse when they dont have enough money to buy groceries and the poor fucks steal and get put down by smart people who owned guns as long as socialist policies havent already seized them all in order to cull their population of any manpower against the elites in control

>I love drinking sóy, b-but you're the r-real sòyboy hypocrite!!

>The majority of transgender people don't cut off their dicks or even attempt surgery.
Those who don't are literally just men wearing women's clothes and make-up.

>Waah people different to me exist

Attached: nasm-si-98-15068.jpg (800x600, 66K)

>slippery slope
Yeah, I knew you'd pull that one. You faggots always do, like fucking robots.

>when in reality most of us could go forever without hearing about them
Nah, considering every other game gets tranny shit, this is impossible. Even if you just read informative posts, you'd be drowning in SJW bullshit
>Celest (tranny)
>Gears (19 tranny flags)
>Control (womyn)
>Ion Fury (homophobia)
and those are just a few that i can remember off the top of my head in the last 30 days or so

trannies are the ultimate coomers, they want their entire life to be their fetish

Are pride flags the "WINNERS DON'T DO DRUGS" of this generation?
I see it nothing more than a little bit of tongue-in-cheek nostalgia in a couple of decades.

Why you fagtrons care so much about this "yet another indie 2D platformer trying really hard to be Meat Boy"? The game is mediocre at best, and yet you idiots keep posting threads about it all the goddamn time.

Attached: madworld.gif (512x384, 2.22M)

The voices you're hearing aren't real. There's no conspiracy against you. Your parents are suffering because you refuse to take your meds.

>if you're a liberal you don't belong here
go back to plebbit, newfag

Imagine being triggered by sexy women, voluptuous bodies, big breasts, white men protagonists, white men paired with a white woman, straight men and straight women that you need to screech to the developer about it.


>He asked, on a website that has been getting mad at pictures of colourful cartoon horses since 2010 so much so that an entire board was needed so people would stop reeee'ing at them

Attached: are_you_fucking_serious.gif (324x253, 2.71M)

ITT dilate

Because they encourage people to become trannies like them, unlike ugly trannies, so they are even worse

Well that is unironically the root cause of every single war. I bet you feel real smart though.

>you get triggered by literally 1/2 the population's mere exiestence in a video game

Attached: ffy0le7rkd431.png (696x493, 335K)

Am Texan

I thought it was mental illness and everything else was theories. In that case, yeah trannies have mental illness

>non ugly trannies
lol good one those are called traps, non passing trannies even get offended at the word because they have never been called a trap
it's akin to ugly hambeasts who get angry at attractive female characters on their behalf claiming they are objectified

I remember when there used to be shill threads of this game, and I would drop in just to tell the shills to go fuck off, and that the game looked gay. And there would always be trannyera retards telling me that I was just imagining things, and blahblah. What do you have to say for yourselves now you mentally unstable filth?

Attached: 1568190922190.jpg (776x529, 60K)

Imagine being so easily triggered by a flag you get it banned and removed from everywhere.

Attached: rebel.jpg (700x400, 166K)

Because it's an opportunity to be buttdevastated about le SJW boogieman oppressing us gamers.

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Funny thing how this behavior works for both sides.
>SJW/femnazi/trannies/game journalists triggered by some art/game/movie/book/anime
>they bully and raid in social accounts, post shitty reviews and articles
>Yea Forums is "disgusted" by their actions
>"They judge artist instead of art!"
And in same time
>game has something Yea Forums disagrees
>something like different views/opinions or niggers, trannies etc
>thousand shitpostign threads
>"developer is tranny don't play support this shit game!"
In reality this is same "judge artists instead of art".

Spectacle is real.

Attached: 71802448_p1.jpg (727x800, 279K)

Never been there except when you posted links in here, but nice try, trynny.

Yes, but by supporting trans rights, you encourage the most mentally ill ones to go through with the surgery. And trying to lie about your gender inherently makes you untrustworthy. If you're willing to try to lie about that who knows what else you're willing to lie about.

>Make your own game and then you can go right ahead and not cave.
Ah, that old argument. Member when people tried to make their own twitter? Oops, your host drops you. Make your own. Oops paypal drops you. Make your own. Oops bank denies transaction. Make your own. Oops your bank is denied registration. I guess now you start a civil war because you need to create your own government.

I liked it better when it was merely about a girl overcoming her depression through determination
Now haters can argue that Celeste's athletic skills were enhanced by her birth gender

Because trannies is Yea Forums's personal boogeyman, and they'll never pass up a chance to seethe over them.

The celeste dev piled on against Holowaka. How are they not "cancelled" yet?

Proof? I’ve always assumed gaming was mostly a left leaning industry.


Attached: 02.png (792x750, 479K)

I didn't do any of that though, where the thing I said was happening actually is happening.

>Every SINGLE war is caused by people different to you simply existing and living their lives
I bet you're an American

>Don't worry everyone. Just leave western indie games up to me.

Attached: 598856627_preview_TobyFox.png (378x320, 306K)

You only think levels have just 1 route because you don't know how to wavedash and wallbounce. Git gud

If you don't see that this character was made "Extra strong lesbian who don't need no man to get a job done" to pander, then you're too far gone. Enjoy getting aids from niggers

It's a mental illness, and they call it a theory except they want to pass it for a fact.
No, never.

Like I said, it's clearly not real. LGBT stuff is CLEARLY not encroaching in every form of entertainment. That's not real. It's good that you agree.

Actually it was from social ostracism from people like yourself. When they have support in their lives the numbers drop to typical levels.

They're deserving of ridicule and ostracization.

i don't have auditory hallucinations, tranny. my father is a chad who owns a boat. my mother is a lesbian who beats her wife. i think they're fine.
>there's no conspira-

Attached: paranoid.jpg (485x750, 112K)

Wow, you really are a typical redneck. Keep believing your own imagination. Lol.

I literally dont care about what a minority of a minority of the population does - if they want to pretend to be something they aren't, who gives a fuck? I'm not inspecting the flags in gears, I'm blowing heads off. Control is literally a woman protagonist, who gives a shit? Male or female, it's about psychic SCP shit from what I've seen, and I can't say anything about the Ion Fury controversy, I steered away from that.

Christians are hypocrites, news at 11

Attached: 1566829547367.jpg (1199x849, 113K)

Isn't that the site that said "SJW won for now" about MK11?
Is the site parody of incels or the guy is legit crazy?

>all women have to be completely dependent on men otherwise its ess jay double you propaganda
Grow up

>you didn't
And? What I said happened, and it was factually wrong, and it ruined what was factually good as it was, and now there's a valid reason to complain.

I actually agree with the last part. Government should be done away with.

Daily reminder, the biniding of isaac (yes the original) is getting more players TODAY than Celeste is

Show me a war which doesn't boil down to "Waah people different to me exist"

Which wrecks your faith in humanity more?

This site has decent info soimetiems. Like about UN and their loli jihad.

>it's not a real thing!
>just ignore all the times that it was

is this copy pasta now? i've seen this exact wording in another thread already. you're most likely a disgusting chaser desu.

Unlike movies/music/literature games are run by highly technical people with a highly technical mind. Artists are mostly lefty, programmers are mostly righty, that's why games have organically always been leaning to the right before this current takeover started. Not to mention the fact that basically everyone in Japan is right wing.

Every time I see someone calling someone else a redneck, I see this. And chances are, it's 100% true.

Attached: 1568088413503.jpg (1465x1041, 316K)

>2013 Yea Forums: Feminist should make their own games instead of trying to take down ours


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Strawman has a point.

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They're equally triggered . Duh.

>trying to lie about your gender inherently makes you untrustworthy.
I'm sorry, but you simply are not educated on the topic you're discussing. Gender dysphoria is a mental condition. Those afflicted with it literally have brains that are mapped to believe that they have a body they don't actually have.
It's like getting your arm cut off. Your brain's still gonna believe you have an arm for a long while because you're used to it, so you'll end up trying to grab things you obviously can't. Gender dysphoria is literally the same thing, their brain is mapped to give them the overwhelming feeling that their body is wrong, because despite the brain being convinced that they have a cock/vagina, reality doesn't reflect that.
Please do yourself a favor and actually look this shit up. It's genuinely an interesting topic and you might learn something from it.

Being gay or trans is not propaganda, fucking idiots.

Why is Yea Forums so easy to trigger?
They're just flags.

Why are you using this retard example to defend your reasoning?
You just look silly, war isn't a good thing retard

there's a bunch of female to males who had abortions and even successful pregnancies before.


Yea Forums would complain non-stop about Cathrine, if it was made by a Western company, and you know it.

Celeste is now canon MTF, and a man doesn't abort.

SJWs and Anti-trannies both express their negative opinion about the other side. The difference is the latter doesn't promote outright banning the former. Even brainlets like you would get this if you paid more attention to these topics before upvote-posting about them.

Nice job proving his point.

>programmers are mostly righty
No, they aren't.
They are righty compared to scientists, but still lefty compared to average.
Autism only does so much to shift it back towards the right.

>You just look silly, war isn't a good thing retard
Neither is being a tranny.

Doesnt mean we cant mock their clown ideology.

holy based AND ebin reaction imagepilled

So what, because they made some shitty indie platformer, we have to like it now? Where does "Make your own games" imply we'll like it? What it does mean is "Quit trying to ruin game series we already like".

nonono, my friend!
only the Proven Hetero Shield (tm) is enough!
you see, there are many types of gays these days, and getting one specific protection, like saying "no homo", just wont do!
so order now, just 19.99!

you can say the same about swastika
it's just a symbol

Keep deflecting moron

>a man doesn't abort.
that's silly, like i said ftm have had abortions before.

Entire of /pol/ is YAAAS but with Trump.

Seriously niggers
Both sides need to be gassed or die in a war.

>The difference is the latter doesn't promote outright banning the former.
Except when they become the majority in any country, then they do.
See russia.

says the polmeme shitter lul

based. The triggering from the most SJW game of all time is fun to watch

So it's fine that this minority of a minority gets this level of representation anywhere? Where this amount of shit gets shoveled in the faces of a majority of not-SJW? If it was just one or two games, sure whatever. But it's more often than every other game at this point and that's a problem that people are having.
(delete original post due to typo)

I'm also talking about the threads before this dumb shit that happened recently, you faggots.
Will the main character get naked and do a meat spin if I waste more time on this bootleg mest boy? Because, if that is not the case, I don't see why there are so many threads about this specific game (while there are dozen of other shitty games on Steam like this one, be it the gameplay or the recent fagginess drama).

Attached: fred.jpg (500x333, 15K)

It's mental illness and we should not be encouraging it.

Yea Forums and /pol/


Attached: qx28g75o94a21.jpg (751x492, 121K)

>Government should be done away with.
Why don't you move deep into Sibera? You will spend your life without any government overseeing you. They won't even know you're there. No roads, no people, no nothing. Build your own community. What's stopping you?

>they hurt others more than we do, and they kill themselves more than we do
How many shootings has the left had?

You were saying?

Are faggots so irrevelant that they think getting some shitty flag in some shitty game no one ever heard of is an achievement?

okay doctor

>gays and trannies made their own games
>feminists still didn't

Attached: 1563471763787.png (543x659, 35K)

>anyone who thinks feminists are crazy is /pol/

come on

Maybe Nintendo retards should have hyped the game for a year on here then

In what way is the influence of the trans flag equivalent to the influence of the nazi flag.
I don't remember trans people causing a world war?

But you're the angry scared one who would be better off dying in a fire. (You) are officially the faggot.


I answered your question, man. The reason Celeste gets so many threads on Yea Forums is because it's a great game made by liberals, and the game having little flags and a depressed girl character triggers Yea Forums. That's why.

In the end, is the main character a tranny or not?

are polfags so irrevelant that they get mad over it?

Who are you quoting?


>Oh man Witcher 3 is so based for fucking with those SJWs lmao

Attached: 1547313589689.jpg (600x958, 289K)

Ah, yes. There it is. Using racism to justify your anti-science and anti-gay agenda.

Never reproduce.

What is there to be upset over? Why do transexuals make this board so angry?

>beep boop there is only 1and 0 no more options beep boop

Fucking americans

Unironically yes


>omg did you seriously just post that flag? like dont you know like that flag like has a history of racism and like oppression of minorities you're basically like a nazi for posting this and should be like sent to jail you racist

Attached: racistbigotnazi.png (324x216, 6K)

Maybe you don't know enough about the brain to have an opinion on this, because the brain can convince you of a lot of things, that doesn't make them real. But it's okay, because we can treat these little problems with medication :)

When is the smutt

She better have a feminine dick

Attached: 20190717_152948.png (84x91, 2K)

not an argument. You've basically come on here, anonymously, and started telling people they need to uphold an agenda. Fuck you, fascist.

Russia doesn't ban gay shit, it slaps an 18+ rating on it. But gay western movies still run in cinemas, they're just not for kids. You can still have a gay party in a gay bar, just as long as it's 18+

Is there logical explanation for this? This is not something new. For example anons hates US cartoons. But outside world loves them. Same for TV shows. Or in Russia people shit at old USSR cartoons. Meanwhile in France/Japan the're art. Or in Russia we shits on classic literature. Meanwhile this is something sacred for US. Or anime. Anime is japan is not special. Or VN. Look at DDLC. I know japanese VN oldfag who call it best short VN of year. But here we shit on it 24/7. Is there any word for such behavior? Exotic? Since something produced in different country still inherit part of creators culture.



i meant schizos, but if you want to play dumb and play that card, blacks vote overwhelmingly Left and they do the most mass shooting by a country mile
>but that's not a mass shooti-
by definition they are
just in the same way you can shoot a bunch a people and not be terrorist by definition

>despite the brain being convinced that they have a cock/vagina, reality doesn't reflect that.
that description is kinda misleading/wrong. our brain recognizes reality, we do not have delusions. the mismatch between brain and body causes intense distress. if we had delusions then there would be no point in transitioning because we'd already have the body we feel comfortable with, at least in our minds.
see above

I'm not american so I didn't read your post

>cutting your dick off is not a mental disorder
wow, convincing

God I love traps n trannies.

Not only are they my biggest fetish but they also piss off conservacuck incels like absolutely nothing else does.

How can one group of people be so absolutely based? How did it all turn out so comfy bros?

Attached: leanin.jpg (700x800, 110K)


Are Americans the only country stupid enough to honor their failed traitors?

imagine being too stupid to see the difference.

>In what way is the influence of the trans flag equivalent to the influence of the nazi flag.
in none but swastika itself is just a symbol used in many cultures for many centuries, why cry over it when only one bad group of people that are already dead were using it

I've read people saying:
>"if you want to be represented in a game stop begging and just do it yourself!"
>they actually do it
>"What the fuck, why are you shoving your ideology down our throats?"

>this thread

Attached: v pol.png (540x485, 102K)

>unlike you millenials I don't want a participation
>Nooooooo muh confederate statues
You lost

I really don't know. Yea Forums isn't really a videogame board anymore, it's a "contest to see who can get the most angry" board, and it just so happens that videogames tend to be a dominating topic.
I don't understand why fear of trannies is so omnipresent here. It's baffling to me.

I still can't fathom the fact that there are dudes so mentally ill they'd surgically remove their dongs. Gives me the heebie jeebies.

Attached: 1565750198026.jpg (1008x775, 95K)

People only find it tacky when it's shoved in their face, like Guild Wars 2 or Bauldur's gaye, not when it's a "blink and you miss it" part of a single cutscene.

>Doesnt mean we cant mock their clown ideology
>says the polmeme shitter lul
>polmeme shitter

Nazis still exist and nobody cares about cultures using it where it's actually relevant, durr.

Remember when /pol/ argued mass shootings were a blown up issue because a nigger shooting a gun around 4 people was enough to qualify as "mass shooting"?
Funny how they did a complete 180 on their position just to avert the fact white boys are the ones going into malls and killing tens of people each time.

Attached: master race.png (576x500, 508K)

Believing you were supposed to be born with XX chromosomes when you have XY chromosomes is the definition of delusion.

Because when the other side tries to do it, media runs a slander campaign against it, that would be my guess.

Why are you people so obsessed by what you claim are a "small subset of the population"? It seems like your whole lives revolve around what trannies do and don't do. Unironically seek help, you're all more mentally ill than them.

>"Why can't these faggots and trannies make their own games instead of ruining ours???"
>*they make their games*

Attached: butthurt.gif (600x487, 120K)

Sexual reassignment surgery (srs) isn't "cutting your dick off".

>Nazis still exist
They're all dead.

Did you ever see someone on twitter or any other social media, obsessing over, for example, a nazi flag being in a game? I don't remember anyone like that with Wolfenstein.

How come trannies get all this representation, but nationalists get nothing? If I can strut around announcing I'm a retarded faggot, I'd also like the option to strut around with a swastika

Attached: (((white man))).jpg (600x600, 55K)

I know this wholesome feel, though I don't fetishize transsexuals.

Attached: 1566495966709.png (1800x2890, 574K)

Quiet, zoomer. It's all you metokurlets spamming retarded pepe pictures from pol that's the biggest cancer right now

Nigger if you're not some far easterner and you're waving a swastika about don't try and pretend it's not nazism. Sure it's used in many cultures, but not in yours retard.


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Holy shit have you ever heard the term "whataboutism"? You are like a living parody right now

>Wearing a dress only happens when you have XX chormosones
lmao how can you be so afraid of guys in dresses. If they try anything just drop them what are you a fucking woman?

>Nazis still exist
Yeah, in history books.

reek of fear.

>but nationalists get nothing
Call of Duty?

Nazis are ded, this shit aint nazis but memers. A thing that is even worse.

>it's okay when leftists rampage the streets and censor anything they dont like
right wing opinion exists
>you're a nazi, I'm reporting you and you'll be sent to prison for saying words I don't like

yes it is

No they aren't, plenty of people still hate kikes

Attached: nazi trap.png (606x808, 622K)

>it's okay when OUR propaganda gets to be in a game
reminder This game is never coming out due to liberal leaning harassment.

Nice try, loser

So you're telling me twitter isn't as retarded as pol? good to know...

The screeching faggots on this board clearly aren't working

Attached: Screenshot_1.jpg (313x554, 51K)

You know that most of them regret that when some time passes and most of them kill themselves. It's also relatively a new thing, so we will have to wait for more suicides.
Or what, did anyone ever see and old postop tranny?

now post the other one, you know the one
you have that one so you must have the one filled from top to bottom with blacks
and i'm a centrist, the only thing i care about is categorization and results

Only true if you're a woman trying to be a man, then it's gluing a sausage to your vagina.

How is that politics? Politics is about policy. Theres nothing political about a gay or trans flag unless you think we should legislate against them somehow.

Do I actually get to wear a swastika or is it just "murika fuck year"? Also that's just one game out of the multiple tranny games in the last 30 days or so

You're missing my point and I can tell you're just looking for shit to be angry about.
This guy () kinda gets it. You guys constantly preach how fucked up they are for mutilating themselves, but I have NEVER EVER seen anyone post an example of a trans person being "cured" through therapy. It doesn't work that way. You can't "cure" gender dysphoria with therapy. The most you can do is make the body look closer to what the brain is convinced it is.
The issue with this is, as stated earlier in the thread, gender reassignment surgery is, at the moment, incredibly primitive and expensive. Most trans people don't get them because they cost too much money to essentially just slap an axe wound on your crotch. Hopefully in the future we can refine the process to make it seamless and not as shitty.

okay, CIA.

Attached: uhhh.jpg (300x300, 7K)

Nazis tried to make the world better.
Trans try to make themselves the center of the world.

The whole Right reeks of fear. Grow up.

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leftists generally hate the rich, and they say that you can stop being an enemy of the left voluntarily by giving your wealth to people who need it more than you

The right want certain people dead and the only way you will be able to appease them is to stop existing

You are already retarded more than a pol user when you use twitter.

What the fuck are you even talking about? All I said was not everyone who's tired of feminists bullshit is from /pol/.

Isn't she just a child?

It's pretty based to be able to piss off the stupidest people alive just by existing

> we do not have delusions
> the mismatch between brain and body causes intense distress
Lmao, this just makes you sound more fucked in the head than I thought you faggots were.

no one cares about this game except redditors to begin with

>devs are cowards
>but the sjw!!
Kingdom come said fuck the black people they are not accurate to history books and sold 1 mill.

Imagine not more or less knowing it was propaganda from day 1

This but unironically, all conservatards do is look for shit to be scared of so they can be an eternal victim.

whatever helps you cope :)

yeah and a bunch of polshit, stupid zoomer.

You will never have a functional family.

that's very irrational of you but okay, you do you, boo.

no homo got nerfed in the latest patch

White women are ugly and you know you can do better

That makes no sense, not only the game is just another pixel garbage on the ocean of pixel garbage on Steam, I'm fairly sure that this gay drama is recent.
I give up, it's probably just shills being shills as usual. I will just leave this one on the filter and call it a day.

Attached: forRealNigga.jpg (480x480, 22K)

we've come full circle :)

Kek. Imagination shit. LMAO

In that case what's the difference between these two situations

>Nigger shoots are other niggers
>Happens to hit a bystander
>4 gang niggers dead and 1 injured bystander

>Plan to drive to another state
>Plan the store to use, how to block the exits, and how to carry out the attack
>Choose weapons tactically to maximize carnage and efficiency
>Carry out the plan and murder 10-90 innocent people

You sure seem to have a pretty hard set opinion on something you're apparently "center" about, cuck. At least have the gall to stand behind your beliefs.

Should have been 20 favorites

Shhh, this is the board for passing around misinformed meme statistics. L-le 40%, am I right? Haha

And THAT'S the problem genius.

Attached: file.png (1166x415, 111K)

It's like /0. Americans are untermensch by definition in the eyes of Nazis.

muh trad life shitters

What the fuck like seriously this can't actually like be in the game, right.....?
Very inconsiderate and honestly pretty close minded to not see the slur here. I suggest we boycott the game and harass the developer on discord demanding a change immediately.
Triggered? No I'm not triggered, alt right little boys cry about this stuff all the time. They are the real triggered babies.

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Ridiculously based

Because I'm sensitive and get emasculated around them

>Well that is unironically the root cause of every single war.
No, it's not. This is a lie you've been indoctrinated with. Ancient/primitive tribal conflicts, between the tiny

>telling someone not everyone who's tired of feminists bullshit is from /pol/ is a bunch of /pol/shit

Please say you were just pretending.

im okay with trans, except the surgery thing where you chop your d off
be smart. dont do that shit

It definitely takes a special kind of crazy to cut off a perfectly functional body part, especially one that grants so much pleasure, just to masquerade as the opposite sex. I don't think the people who support this shit really take some time to actually think about it. They just say "Well, yeah I'm open minded and he's not hurting anyone besides himself so I'm not against it."

do you even know definition of nazism?
>Nazism is the ideology and practices associated with the Nazi Party—officially the National Socialist German Workers' Party - in Nazi Germany, and of other far-right groups with similar ideas and aims.
old nazi germans are all dead, there are no real nazi anymore, kill yourself

These people still believe in nazi ideology and politically organize, these groups exist all over the world

This is a cute cunny.

The left and the right can unite under throwing around made up statistics revolving around 40%

nice damage control lmao why so upset?

I fucking hate the future, and I'll tell you why
>any kind of small hint, nudge, easter egg, or secret is found out about and thrown up on the internet within a matter of minutes of it becoming accessible to the first person who sees it
>it's then zoomed in, circled, or pointed out in a fashion that makes it impossible to miss and spread across every single popular social media or content aggregator site, making what should have been merely a surprise be the top story beyond all gameplay or anything else regarding the game
>"""journalists""" take to it like vultures to a corpse and mock up articles that don't say anything at all really but they get paid to do the same things everyone else is doing
>as a result, the impressionable retards that make up the greater portion of these userbases take it to mean something more than it actually is
viral culture and outrage culture is fucking cancer
can you imagine if the first metroid game came out today. christ alive

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that post is also misinformation, user. surgery is covered by a lot of insurances and a good amount of trans people seek it. it's far from perfect but serviceable for those who need it.

the loudest leftist are usually living comfortably and undermining the poor to do their dirty work. there's a reason the term "Limousin liberal" exists. if the people on twitter had to actually work all day do you think they would be on twitter 24/7 reacting to garbage. they may not be rich but they're living comfortably enough that they can waste their lives online being mad.

REMINDER: Trump is going to win again in 2020 and people's patience with you mentally ill freaks grows thinner by the day

By "functional" do you mean slaving over a 9-5 job(or two) serving the kikes for $25 an hour or less to support your wife who's out choking down Tyrone's BBC while your kids grow up wanting to fuck off and die because they hate your cringe 1950's ideologies?

No thanks I'll just stick with my qt 3.14 bf desu

Attached: vomitin.jpg (680x680, 85K)

National Socialism is still alive today, even if the NDSAP is not. Nice aversion

Where do you get the idea that I'm afraid of them? Are you afraid of dumpsters?

I am literally shaking right now.
Bros. Hold me. I don't think I can last for much longer.

The holocaust didn't happen, but i wish it did.

Surprise suprise, most of them are in fact mentally stable and do not want to mutilate themselves. The ones that do just cry the loudest on the internet.

the order goes resetera>tumblr>twitter=reddit>pol from most braindead to least peer pressured echo chamber virtue signaling faggots

Trans rights activists want to change laws and policies to suit their agenda (removing segregated bathrooms and sports, allowing trans people into the army as well as making gender conversion surgery a medical need instead of a cosmetic, etc.) They also wish to silence any dissenting opinions on them via either censorship or threats. By openly supporting trans rights activists they are staying that they agree with all of the law changes they wish to impliment, as well as the methods they use to go about doing it.

Don't bother. Like, do not actually expend your time trying to bring some sense into these threads.
I'm only saying because I tried several times.

You'll just get a bunch of retards who think they know better than the current medical consensus. Converse with them long enough and they'll just explicitly admit it in a roundabout way. Jews, mental illness, 40%, tranny, etc...
Shit's just baffling, but I suppose not that baffling, since anti-vaxx is taking off as well. I guess this is what humans normally are. Just go discuss this somewhere where the average IQ is above 90. You'll change nothing here.

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Wasn't the pull bottle there before? Anxiety meds would make the most sense.
This could be some Rowling tier revisionism.

no, I just want you faggots to go the fuck away and stop telling kids it's okay to think they're a gender they aren't because they likely would have never had the delusions you do until you put it in their heads. We absolutely DO NOT need more of you people in the future, and if it was truly the horrible suffering you make it out to be you would agree with me.

>when you get past the 5 locks and that music starts playing and it starts out kind of good but then it turns into the most obnoxious, pretentious and ear numbing shit that you have to turn it off

Trannies attempting to make actual music, not even once.

pol is redd*t

fucking retard. are you also gonna tell people how to deal with cancer or diabetes or whatever other medical issue that you have no clue about?

Do you not comprehend that "mismatch between brain and body" is the delusion?

Everytime I see someone post Yu Yu Hakusho I'm reminded that we'll never get a full version of the English ending theme

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>hey look silly males, females can jump on platforms to
Fucking based Celeste proving that men are naturally better at platforming
Get dabbed on wom*n

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How exactly do you include a trans person without including the “obnoxious political agenda.” Theres a trans flag thats barely visible in a screenshot. What could possibly be done to have a character who's trans and be ok by your standards?

What damage am I controlling?


"Limousine liberals" aren't leftists
Liberals aren't leftists
Leftists by definition do not agree with the premise of capitalism existing



You know why people want to ban guns, pitbulls, drugs, and violent video games? Because they're scared of them.
What do you do when you see a homeless person lmao? Do you get all pissy about them too? "Stupid fucking smelly nigger" that's what you say in your head

Attached: (((coincidence))).jpg (356x600, 48K)

your own poltardation lmao

i don't think you know what a delusion is, user. gender dysphoria by definition is not a delusion and the brain body mismatch has been proven to be neurological.

yeah man, nobody on the left has ever played a victim
>lgbt creature kills itself
>it's because of those white nationalists and their bigotry, let's put a flag in a video game they didn't buy that'll show them

drink water and eat chiken.

Eh it's suffering at times but it's also largely gratifying at others

I think the majority of trans people getting surgeries are getting their TOPS changed. Top surgery is actually more prominent than bottom surgery.
Most trans people don't get bottom surgery because it's primitive and expensive. FTMs literally cannot get it since we don't have a way to give them dicks, and MTFs usually don't get it because they'd rather have a dick they're uncomfortable with than a gaping wound that requires dilation everyday.
On insurance, it rarely covers the whole thing and the insurance itself is too expensive. If you're a transgender teen living in America now, especially in more populated cities, you're almost never gonna have the money for it.


It's almost like SJWs on both sides are shit!

You really got me there.

Because they look like retarded faggots. If I saw an adult doing the Naruto run while wearing anime clothes, I'd ridicule him as well. Learn what it means to be a functioning member of society.

>telling someone not everyone who's tired of feminists bullshit is from /pol/ is poltardation

I'm sure you're right as I admit to not having done the fullest research on all of this. I just appreciated the sentiment that post had of mentioning there are plenty of trans people that don't undergo SRS, my gf being one of them.

t. white young adult male who has never faced an ounce of structural descrimination in his entire life
>waaah people aren't letting me be a piece of shit this is REAL descrimination!

If a nazi and a tranny drowning and I can save both, catch me at the tranny's funeral sported vintage hugo bo/ss/

The difference is they play the victims. Whites are true victims of white genocide. A single Jewish family is responsible for the opioid epidemic, which has killed more people than soliders who died in WW2.

uh ok, is this video games related?


so you admit they're each as pathetic as each other

Prove it wrong

>Nigger shoots are other niggers
>Happens to hit a bystander
firstly, accidental killing ain't what makes it a mass shooting
secondly, i never once said what they did wasn't mass shooting
thirdly, i am not a humanist, i do not fucking how many people die
fourthly, taken per captia, there are fewer white shooters and if you scaled up the population of blacks their number of shooters comparatively would increase dozens of times
fifthly and lastly, the whites that go out and shoot are often literally terrorist who do so because of white flight, but the blacks that shoot often do so in some part because they're poor but also because they're unintelligent and driven to do so culturally because they're black

you may not like it, but it's the fucking truth

>Learn what it means to be a functioning member of society.
Generally that involves not obsessing over people who are different from you though

I'm rather self aware, I don't really pass even if my boyfriend thinks I do I know I don't. Not yet at least, as I'm still transitioning. I don't use female bathrooms or even present as female because I'm not there yet. These people lack common sense and self awareness.

>hurrdurr these people don't care and aren't your friends
I know they aren't but at least I can take the jokes without getting offended because I know how to diffuse them. I don't know them, I don't want to know them but you know what? They post here on this shitty forum as do I, I remain anonymous just like them and I never really bring up the fact that I'm trans. I'm not trying to get anons to like me, I just don't want them to generalize just how you are doing now.

>What do you do when you see a homeless person lmao? Do you get all pissy about them too?
Yes unironically because they usually stink up the area within a 10 foot radius (especially on the subway) and are always begging for change. Do you know why people get fined for not cleaning up after their dog? It's not because other people are afraid of dog poop.

We're dumb animals retard, quit taking """"society"""" so fucking seriously, it's just a system we created to make things more convenient. You don't HAVE to abide by it.

nice strawman, kiddo

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mass shootings are a white american cultural phenomenon

dude, i am trans and you know very little about us. you're most likely a chaser with an agenda. good surgeons have years(!) of waiting time and that's even the ones that aren't covered by insurance like suporn.
i'm glad for your gf that she doesn't need it. wish you two the best.

oy vey why are you so anti-semitic

>That hiddeous man chin
Jesus why is it that trannies can't pass?

name a person with leftie/sjw opinions who isn't an insufferable person to begin with
the right has memeing faggots I doubt half of them actually believe in the ideology they claim to align with while any sjw I could genuinely see them encouraging a gender questioning child to undergo surgery

Bathrooms aside, that can be argued. But transition surgery wouldnt be considered cosmetic since its a treatment for dysphoria. Glasses arent cosmetic just because they change your appearance, theyre a treatment for poor eye sight.

Why they shouldnt be able to join the army is beyond me. There was no problem with it before the ban so thats new. Not sure if trans rights activists are pushing for something new or just want to get things back to normal.

Either way its all projecting. You dont know the policies a trans person supports. shit theres that one trans lady whos a hardcore conservative that does critiques of the left. Youre just being a childish reactionary

What the hell, is that bike cuck?

Not that you would either.

Because I hate jews?

oof, grow up.

Outrage culture is the culmination of dumbing situations down to black and white. Yea Forums does this too by dumbing everything down to a meme and the easily-influenced kids that come here take it as fact and unironically start believing what people were once just shitposting about and it all snowballs from there.

I'm not sure what country you're from but in my country people who get SRS are in the minority, and it's not because of medical fees (it's covered on public healthcare here)

>For a bunch of pathetic, suicidal, mentally ill freaks, they sure do scare the shit out of you guys.
How can I be scared of them if I go out of my way to join my brothers and sisters and bring Allah's grace upon them by throwing them off rooftops? Surely I would be too afraid to end your lives if I was phobic?

Attached: perfect watermark.jpg (800x532, 40K)

hey, you cannot do that, kill yourself white trash

You're retarded

>I believe I'm an A when objective observation confirms I am in fact a B.
That's delusion.

Attached: delusion.png (1086x540, 59K)

You will, in about 3-4 more years.

It's also just the fact that a transwoman doesn't believe they have the body of a woman, they want the body of a woman. That's just not delusion. Like, at all. You have to really spin this in a weird way to interpret it as delusion

good for you :)

t. White suburbanite that looks to be oppressed as much as possible so he can play the victim

I am young but I'm not white, dumb kike
I don't see any rightoids cutting off their dicks or killing themselves because some stranger on the street doesn't believe middle aged men in wigs should go into the female bathroom to ogle little girls.

Get a grip.

>firstly, accidental killing ain't what makes it a mass shooting
You're right. The 4 gang members he intentionally killed does. You're avoiding the fact one "mass shooting" affects other scum mainly, while the more talked about "mass shootings" can affect anyone anywhere at any time in daily life.

>fourthly, taken per captia, there are fewer white shooters and if you scaled up the population of blacks their number of shooters comparatively would increase dozens of times
White mass shootings have more deaths, are done in more public locations on usually innocent bystanders, and are never gang related.
You are trying to down play this fact.

>there are anons in this very thread who gave this non-binary dev and his mtf tranny composer shekels
Fucking kill yourselves.

Attached: literal tranny game.jpg (923x795, 123K)

>It's all you metokurlets spamming retarded pepe pictures from pol that's the biggest cancer right now
>spamming retarded pepe pictures from pol that's the biggest cancer right now
>posts more pepe

yep confirmed baiting retarded faggot

Yeah. I wish I could say it wasn't always like this here, but I probably just didn't see it at the time.

So do most traps and trannies

Attached: nazi.png (944x538, 518K)

t. Watches SJW cringe compilations

>you're most likely a chaser with an agenda
I've actually been defending trans people in this thread since 300 replies, dipshit. I've talked to plenty of them and none of them have gotten surgery of any kind, and only one of them planned on getting it, and that was top surgery.

If society breaks down where you live, you'll find yourself valuing it a lot more.

you need to set your priorities straight and get off this board. i speak from experience because i'm similar enough to you. being here and taking all this shit does hurt you, it wears you down mentally and will set in over time. looks like it's too late already though.
whatever country you may be from, good surgeons being highly sought after is a fact.

woah it's almost like gender is more than skin deep.


Literally just bought it last night for a SECOND time, once for Switch, once for Mac.

Attached: selection.png (2144x1348, 604K)

I didn't give two shits about trannies until they started flexing their muscle in the video game world.


I could only imagine you are being ironic or trolling, It'd be a bit sad the state of this board if half the sjw posts here were genuine and not obvious retard bait

stay mad, child.

Gross. Do you bathe?

>posts pepe

Attached: 1557657298619.jpg (640x640, 84K)

From the people in my local community that I've spoken to about this. The fear of a medical error/issue during recovery far outweighs the want to get the surgery.
That and having to wait like 5 years for it

Mass shootings are neither a problem not an epidemic. You are more likely to bump your head and die than die in a mass shooting

>says the guy playing pretend on the internet

That thing on the picture has ties with the developers.

Meh, not really. We all live to die, crazy shit happens in this world and universe, and I'd accept it as just what occurred.
Humans lived for a long time before society, the only reason it would be unsatisfying for it to break down now is because we're used to it.
But I'm less used to it than most people.
I think I'd do okay.

If your "gender" doesn't match your sex then you're obviously suffering from mental illness.

There's nothing wrong with that though, bigot.

You'll understand when you grow up.


this is your trigger image, now reread your post as if I said it, nigger

Attached: triggered.jpg (1920x1077, 99K)

massive irony coming from this post

You stink like shit. Go bathe.

Then why does it matter that niggers made up most mass shootings, since mass shootings do not matter?
It matters, society has decided as such, seeing as they both keep happening and keep getting complained about.

>dude, i am trans

why? Also not the point.

cope harder lmao


No, no it doesnt because I'm not a /weak mind/.

I'm skin deep in your mom cause I'm not gay lmaoing at you faggot

>I've actually been defending trans people
no, you're not. saying there's some good ones and then shitting on the rest is not defending anything.
user, what are you trying to discuss here? you even imply how fucking long the waiting list for good surgeons is because the requirements for getting it according to WPATH are only 2 years of hrt at most.
you first.

keep pretending

Fuck off faggot you will never be accepted here, stop trying to fit in you repulvise vermin.

Society is retarded, society is lead on by a media with an agenda to push and that's that.
Statistically mass shootings are fucking irrelevant and are just an emotional appeal story to try and gun grab

>You'll understand when you grow up.
you must be 18 to post here you projecting little nigger

There are two different types of ftm bottom surgery, Metoidioplasty and Phalloplasty, (usually urethral lengthening surgery too). Please look these things up.
Also dilation isn't really like that, after about 6 months it's done I think, then you just have to do it every now and then. Certainly isn't daily for the rest of your life

why would i ever want to fit in with you faggots? lmao you're thinking too highly of yourself

You should leave this board and go outside. Don't worry, most functioning adults think you're fine.

which is why both Americans and White Americans have less murders than any predominantly Hispanic or African country, right?
give it a break
>You are trying to down play this fact.
no, i'm not
this country was made and explicitly founded for white men
that people that are not these being killed is quite frankly par for the course
the issues of black and mexican shooters is a black and mexican shooter problem that is both racially based and cultural
the whites killing nonwhites now, after for the longest time this not being the case, is because they're invaders
you need to understand the creation myth of this country has been poisoned and that this will only get worse until one side is gone

again, i'm a humanist and don't care how many die, but whites are of course going to kill more because they're better at what they do when compared to blacks or mexicans
it's the truth