Just the fucking trailer alone is exactly 50 minutes. Can you imagine how long the actual game is going to be? Unlimited replayability, I reckon. Kojima doesn't disappoint.
Just the fucking trailer alone is exactly 50 minutes. Can you imagine how long the actual game is going to be...
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder that if you want to experience the game as Kojipro intends, DO NOT WATCH TGS.
Only applied to Homos tho. Nobody would buy a game without knowing the core game mechanics.
it's 49 minutes you fucking moron
Sounds perfect for Sony fans! More movie games. You have to escape reality somehow.
>49 minutes of walking and peeing with no new information on what the game is
>borders bad
pissing and shitting and walking and pic related
That's what games are for dummy
It is easy for a Japanese to say that walls are bad things, I would like to see him living here in my country where if you do not put barbed wire and electric fence around your house a horde of people with a certain skin pigmentation will invade your home to steal even the dog food.
ever since 2018 every new piece of info about this game was disappointing to me
>totally literal, not metaphorical meaning
pleb filter took another
aaaaand another
You wish it would have that level of gameplay. The trailer will be a movie. This game will have less real gameplay than MGS4.
>Inb4 Hurr Durr there's no such thing as fake gameplay
Holding up on a control stick for hours is not real gameplay
South Africa? Kek.
And the cause of your problem is those people of certain skin pigmentation are not working together, so the message is still applicable.
60 minute trailer?! dis gotta be some world record
almost a full hour
Gameplay demo does not equal trailer
49 mins, that's more than a fucking short movie.
less gameplay than MGS4...?
is it possible?
has he finally done it?
I'm so fucking tired of Kojima, the cult around him and the fag fans who can't accept how flawed and overrated he is.
a full-length film you say?
>Unlimited replayability
Nah. It needs portability. It can't be portable because they very stupidly didn't release this for switch. Enjoy the trash, guys.
death stranding is just an extended length shitpost
Do you think YongYea has enough lube?
>believing le vague tweet man
>unlimited replayability
Which means, repeat the same 3 types of sidequests and just repeats over and over again.
It reminds me of Skyrim "infinite quests" bullshit which is basically, go here and kill this monster. Repeat as many times you want
Yong Yea is just as arrogant as Kojima, wouldn't surprise me it he larps as his son in his headcanon.
Can't wait to post gameplay webms all day tomorrow and watch Yea Forums seeth
fuck off bitch, you'll be banned
Spend your time doing something better user.
Remember when sonyfags said e3 was outdated? How major platform holders should juts host their own conventions? Now look at them easily eating their words with TGS trailers lol
>leaves game industry
>starts working in the movie industry
>nobodo can tell the difference
he's a genius
Nah, if people have time to post endless Kojima hate threads, I can post gameplay for a day
When will it be released?
That requires gameplay.
Fuck off Chaim.
rumor is there will be a 3 hour director's cut version
>49 minute trailer of Pack Mule Simulator 2019
What a pretentious fuck.
Come back tomorrow, I'll make it readily available for you
I hope to be pleasantly surprised, but have a feeling I'll be seeing hundreds of webms of walking.
>oppress natives for thousands of years and steal all their resources
>Just the fucking trailer alone is exactly 50 minutes.
You know, Konami might have had a point...
it's 49 minutes you fucking moron
>it's a game about reconnecting a destroyed post-apocalyptic society filled with death demons
jesus christ
14 hours until Yea Forums seethes even harder.
Are you complaining to me about the greentext of OP's comment?
more like homo demens
>Imagine watching a 49 minute "trailer" for a game.
You might as well skip it unless the game has like a fucking 40-60 hour story, which I doubt it does. Not even a lot of JRPG's hit 50-60 hours in actual story time. I'm not talking total gameplay hours. I'm talking to finish the fucking story.
When did the game lose you? For me, it was the trailer with the masked guy and the anus goo beast. Before that, the game had this somber, "mature" feel, but that trailer made it clear that this is just a generic AAA action game.
Do people somehow not understand the concept of a long gameplay trailer?
Is Yea Forums just pretending to be retarded in a sad attempt to cope with the fact that it's not a movie?
Some time in the next 36 hours I'd say
They did the same thing with Phantom pain. Can't make Yea Forums happy, ask for gameplay then complain that it's too much gameplay
Yea Forums hive mind is based on hate.
Where the fuck did all the MGS fans go?
>thousands of years
What country are you talking about?
When will the trailer be shown?
>no no, the amount of gameplay will be 49 minutes the rests is cutscenes
What a troll
Unlimited replayability is overrated
How is babby formed?
>they're not even trying to hide their open hostility anymore
welp, I just want you to remember that you brought everything that's coming on yourself.
No, he's talking about the opening cutscene.
The entire continents of Africa and America.
A good part of them became Kojima haters. After being so thoroughly BTFO by Phantom Pain not measuring up to their unrealistic expectations they turned against Kojima.
Wait, what do you mean? Can I get a sauce on Kojipro saying don’t watch TGS?
>Kojima doesn't disappoint
lol, keep being delusional. you're going extinct. even if you started doing anything to stop the replacement from occurring it's already too late with the birth rates.
I'm still very interested, doing that however would've made people call it pretentious even more than they already are because it's fashionable to complain about things you don't understand.
What taboo did he challenge with MGSV?
Epic larping bros but this is the wrong board
it would only takes a few years to reduce that population to near 0. It wouldn't be the first time we've done so. Remember that shitskin.
According to the tweet that wrote, his original idea was that people live the video game directly without any kind of prior knowledge. Clearly it's not an idea that can be applied to the market, but it's his original idea with Death Stranding. So people who are already sure that they will buy the game, so that they have the same vision as Kojima, it would be optimal if they didn't see anything more than what has been presented.
It's risky as fuck, but I'll take that option. All or nothing with Death Stranding.
Making the game gameplay-focused probably
unironically why doesn't he just start making movies?
same. its like playing MGS, MGS2, 3 before having internet for me.
Because he doesn't want to retard?
>haha you not supposed to know how shit the game is before praying that how it intended prease dont look for gamepray footage
>It's risky as fuck, but I'll take that option. All or nothing with Death Stranding.
So it's MGS2 marketing all over again? Good. Fuck the normies.
I really hope Kojima does something cool with the combat and it isn't just a generic tps with one button melee combos.
Dilate, sewer rat
>woah dude
>in japan 4 means like death, and 9 means like suffering
>dude lets use 4s and 9s
I love kojima but i'm so sick of this japanese trope
Alright. I will. I’ll literally stay off of Yea Forums until November. Few games surprise me these days, so I’m gonna take his word for it now that he’s got the funds to make a full product. With MGSV, Konami fucked him over.
I have exams to study for anyway, I don’t need to fawn over TGS gameplay
yea because bullets dont exist
I don’t think he intended this at all you pretentious shithead
there aren't enough bullets in the world to kill all the beastly african warriors that will replace you sissy white boys
the problem is that he should not be this naive in his 50s.
if he wanted people to experience death stranding without be been spoiled or ask so many question, he should;t have marketed the game the way he did with 7 to 8 trailers.
I love kojima the that tweet baffles me.
I just hope he has learned from mgsv mistakes
it's actyally 48min 50sec
is this a press coference?
Oh man I forget people like this exist, how embarrassing..
Bro I get 60$ a week for allowance
When's that dropping?
>even the cat
2:30 AM EST
And it's tomorrow right?
Tonight, approximately 13 hours
For fucks sake, user! Now I have to change my pants you bloody rascal!1
>Guy who's last name is the name of the company he works for goes around carrying a stillborn baby, sucking his BFFs dicks all across America because ???
>Xcuck still seething
I very much doubt user was involved in any oppression that happened before he was fucking born. Idiot. Stop excusing criminals you brain dead sjw cunt
Aren't sonyfags already used to 49 min cutscenes?
well his ancestors who did the actual damage are long gone. who is supposed to pay for it now? "let's all forget about it" no thanks
>he does it for free
every single post in this shithole is done 'for free'
>literally nobody in the south except Zulu
>be cool with them
>bantu niggers out if nowhere
>they job it up with the help of globohomo and communists
>ypipo deserved it
How delusional can you be?
It won't fail. It will be hot garbage, But it will successful hot garbage. 5 million minimum.
Back in 2010 it was taboo to release a game that had a ton of content cut.
I have a crazy theory that we will all get a 'prepper shelter' like the one Luden's fan does and it will be like exactly where you are on the globe and the idea is to link shelters so you may need to meet someone in the UK if you want to link the transatlantic
This guy is a hack that can only make a good game by accident.I have not forgotten the giant joke that he called MGS V.
At least half that trailer better be fucking gameplay and not some shit about fucking babies in capsules
You couldn't forget V because it was the only one released since you were born wee baby!
>I made this shop over 6 years ago dicking around while at work at my student worker job on campus as a senior in university
Holy fuck man, where has the time gone?
when will DeathStranding be shown?
That shit show was development hell.
I'm glad my TV is broken or I'd probably fall for the hype and buy this shit.
Kojima was always like this, but it was cool when he was making based MGS games, now it's just offputting and pretentious. DS better deliver with the way this guy fucking talks.
It's a ruse. It's the whole game that's only 49m long
>he talk the talk, can he walk the walk?
A mixture of sounding both smart and stupid at the same time.
>he talk the talk, can he walk the walk?
is this the most fitting sentence for DS of all time?
top kek
50 minutes of 5 hours walking sim game with the lowest difficulty.
before release, this game is a russian roulette.
>user somehow equates a long trailer to unlimited replayability
This is why I hate you Kojimadrones. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of Kojima, I love MGS, but goddamn you'll just suck every single drop of cum out of his metaphorical cock.
The Cult of Homo Ludens
is this thing getting streamed? if so, when?
49 minutes is just what he'll show tomorrow, they're showing another 30 minutes on the 14th. So a total of 80 minutes will be shown.
please no more story trailer, its enough already. i just want to see Sam pack his fucking bags, dress up, slip in his shoes and be the Sony Walkman
Gypsies, gypsies everywhere
How do you play a movie lol?
They lived that stuff with the mongols. But yes, to live in a big ass island change the way the see modern geopolitics and sex.
You do realize the Americas haven't even been settled for 1,000 years yet, right fucktard?
Reminds me of the 50 min mgsv trailer we got of the first mission.
Literally the only good thing about the game.
I mean, I shit on MGSV all the time, I think it's a travesty of a game, and the gameplay is overrated as fucking hell. But the mission they showed was far from the best in that game. I can think of like 5 missions that were better off the top of my head.
Hellbound is probably the very best one, including the extra-op that leads into it (I never understood why that was an extra-op, should have just been part of Hellbound)
The most generic out of the box Windows screenshot ever
Also, have children
I'm from the mid 80's, so try again.
We learned from you
>Starts at 7:30 am my time
>Is 50 minutes long
>need to leave for work at 8:20 am
Lucky me I guess.
>I never understood why that was an extra-op
Because it's meant to be a surprise. You think you're just going to quickly grab Huey in a short side-op but then it turns into a long ass mission with a fucking Metal Gear dropping out of the sky.
They should've done more stuff like that.
He told them to have children
*Go back to MGS franchise* someone yelled
They rejected his message
i rike
He’s describing literally any Coastal city in the US
The Hideaki Anno of videogames.
11:30 pm 9/11 in pacific Burgerland
That's actually a fair point, that made it very unsuspected. Definitely the most memorable mission in the game for me, also I just love the big base you infiltrate.
That said, while that is a fair point, it fucking sucks that you can't replay that part.
I like Kojima but I really dislike how he's saying he's created a new genre and yada yada yada. He's forcing it instead of it coming natural. Take Dark Souls for example, From didn't say it was a new genre but in essence they did create a 'Souls Genre'. Just makes him come off as arrogant
Dark Souls is not a new genre. you faggot retarded zoomers are absolutely the lowest forms of life on the planet
Kojima has bought into his own hype and has become a total egomaniac.
He wasn't like this in the past, he used to be a humble guy, but he now believes what the fanboys spew. He's honestly become kind of insufferable to me, he was like my childhood idol, but now he just annoys me.
When was he humble?
True. Same goes for all the cutscenes you can't see more than once without starting a new save.
His game is called DEATH fucking stranding.
You are an utter retard if you dont think FUCKING KOJIMA of all people wouldnt try to put meaning in something like that.
He wouldn't announce the exact length by number if he wasn't trying to spell it out.
Jesus fucking christ Yea Forums I say this everyday but god fucking damn you are stupid. I have run out of expressions to explain stupidity in the English language, there simply isn't enough. You factually have mental deficiency or brain damage. Holy fucking shit you are dumb like god fucking damn dude
He was a pretty humble dude all the way up to MGS4, compared to now that is.
Is Death Stranding a psyop to make people increase the birth rate in Japan?
Kojima makes Yea Forumstarded shitposters legitimately mad and it's just delicious
I like how nobody really knows much about it so you can instantly tell the bullshitters in both camps who love it/hate it already.
It all depends on if he can actually deliver, doesn't it? He won't have many excuses if this one turns out to be mediocre.
Boo hoo you giant ass baby. Act like an adult already
I agree. I really looked up to him and used to be my favorite developer but things just aren't looking good for him
Remember when MGSV trailers spoiled the entire game? I remember
jeez never heard that line before, that's some hot take man.
stunning and brave
To clarify, it's 50 minutes of prerecorded gameplay, then they're doing a shorter demonstration with live gameplay and commentary another day.
This is my biggest fear. All the walking simulator/no gameplay concerns will be either confirmed or disproved after this gameplay demo, but I hope there's surprises left for the actual game
thanks user
>Kojima's showing gameplay for his game about a group of terrorists blowing up cities in post apocalyptic America on 9/11
How can anyone hate this man.
Don’t forget this is a perfect time for Caramel to arrive since MGSV had some connection with that photo of the WTC
japs love spoiling their entire game in trailers. just look at kh3
oh right. happy holiday, amerifrens!
>start a Hideous Kaiju game
>vsync is off
>can't get into options
>sit through awful screen-tearing for minutes on end
Immersion completely fucking destroyed because of forced immersion. The irony.
*wastes vote on bernie sanders in your path
Doesn't this nigga understand that I want to see some gamepray before I drop $60 plus tip on a game?
I can understand wanting to be surprised and all, but come on.
grow a brain