We're going home bros

Fuck the haters, who's hyped as fuck for this awesome sequel?

Attached: Borderlands-3-Cover.png (1214x933, 1.97M)

Other urls found in this thread:



Remember when Borderlands 1 was the most obviously shilled game in the history of Yea Forums?


Too obvious, Randy


I honestly can't wait. This game is going to be fucked sweet.

Agreed. Who are you planning to play as?

for me, its the black girl. so i can show everyone how tolerant i am

My uncle is giving away free copies anyone who replies can get a copy for free

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Not even remotely. And the horrible gay marketing that everyone is buying into is also annoying
>Heheh it's people having fun OH WAIT IT'S CUHRAYZEE
game also looks very very Brown and the humor in the gameplay seems even worse than the presequel which is impressive

Hype is a strong word. Looming forward to some new Borderlands? Sure. I'll never understand hype threads and such. Beyond marketing you're just setting people up to be disappointed.

I plan on playing as Amara myself. I like her abilities the most!

For me, the tan musclegirl, because she makes my penis hype

FL4K for me. Beastmaster ftw!

You jelly?

>epic games exclusive

Go to sleep Randy.

Sorry bro, playing it on the PS4.

>You jelly


I hope Iron Bear has EVA colors

>Fuck the haters
12 year old amerinigger rapper wannabe detected.

Dude Yea Forums dumped on bl2 for the longest fucking time, how much do you get paid for every post? It cant be much.


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I'll play it when they release a GOTY version on Steam that includes all the DLC plus get like 100 gold keys so I can get some actually decent guns while playing.

uh oh poopy hehe poop in diaper

haha I'm going to let everyone know I dislike a game by going into a thread about the game and saying I don't like it haha

Yea Forums stopped (rightfully) dumping on BL2 at any point?

The game plays fine but jesus it's so hard to stomach the writing and "jokes"

Yes that is part of discussing something.

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it's discussion and not trolling I swear
I totally have better things to do with my life.

>millionbillion guns (in reality couple dozen legendaries from which two will ever be used and then rest is same gun but with different paint job but it doesnt actually do anything and is completely useless)
>hey buy this full priced game which we are going to release dlc soon cucking all your progress
>lets take BL2 but add slide! so awesome
no thanks ill pass. i dont trust them. BL is like destiny, they keep milking. the most retarded players for all of their money

>p-please buy my game


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Shit posting aside. Am I the only one who thinks that the new vault hunters look utterly incapable and uncharismatic, like the type
you would find in the frozen grave in the beginning of bl2?? Idk I think they dropped the ball on this one.


Just 34 hours until I can play this thing. TIme can't pass fast enough

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Robot houndmaster seems good.
Mech girl seems like the first and only idea they had for another soldier type character.
Assassin/rouge guy seems fine if generic.
I don't care for the new siren at all but big dumb punch arms is kinda interesting.

I would say they're just ok, expected even, and not specifically bad.

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Isnt it shorter? It releases 7pm EST tomorrow night.

BRB guys, I gotta go jack off to some underage squirt porn with all this hype I got

That's funny, I think they nailed the vault hunters this time around. The only one I'm indifferent on is Amara just cause I'm bored of the siren thing. This game was definitely the hardest to pick a character for the first playthrough.

I'm still between Fl4k and Moze, any suggestions v?

You know what's BADASS? Poo and boners!

Godspeed Randy, try to stay out of jail.
Oh and stop stealing everyone's bonuses!
You rascal.

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I disagree - all the characters look great imo. Usually there's one that looks really bland and they managed to make the soldier one not so bland looking this time, in both ability and character. FL4K looks great, Amara is just a siren but I'm not disappointed. Zane is probably the most at risk of being boring but he's got a boomer assassin vibe going on, and that's neat.

Play the assassin guy and find out if he has any fun skills then never touch him again if he sucks.

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why do borderlands threads feel like they're populated by dumbass teenagers

>game about poop jokes
>"why do borderlands threads feel like they're populated by dumbass teenagers"
Gee I fucking wonder?

I'll pirate it like the 1st and 2nd one

Feel my apathy

>Just see trailer before YouTube trailer
>Bad guy lady calls herself "godlady" or some shit and then says something like "I'm not that kind of guy".

Jesus fucking Christ I can already SMELL the LGTBBQ agenda behind this shit.

She says "I'm not that kind of God" not guy

>underage squirt porn


They are populated by:
50% shillposters who sound like especially dumb teens when they argue.
40% people who hate borderlands and shit on it usually because it is kinda shitty.
10% people who want a loot shooter that isn't fucking destiny and they hope 3 finally has better guns and gameplay than the others.

It was clearly "guy" dipshit.

The twitch plugin they have for BL3 is fucking dope. I wonder how crazy these pluggins are going to get further down the line.

63 by a butthurt PC Steamie.
It's irrelevant. If anything, It proves how good it is.

>Franchise that always pushes having gorribazzillion different guns"
>They mostly all just look and act the same


You should buy some new headphones, user

>10% people who want a loot shooter that isn't fucking destiny and they hope 3 finally has better guns and gameplay than the others
>loot shooter
>good gameplay


Its useful and I like the interactivity with viewers, but I feel like its kind of padding views for the game.

I'm mostly excited to play on my new ultra wide hopefully it has support for it

>tfw your laptop isn't powerful enough to run it
>but you'll be getting a new one in may, and it'll be on steam by then

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I can see what you're getting at.
BL1's vault hunters weren't spectacular but they fit the gritty mercenary feel of the rest of the game.
BL2's vault hunters were a lot more bombastic and had the right blend of awesome and insane to make them fun to play as.
BL3's vault hunters feel a lot more subdued. They're distinct from each other but they don't have any hard edges or bloodthirstiness to make them fit the setting. They wouldn't be too out of place in a game like League of Legends or Overwatch.

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I love shoot an enemy with 2500 bullets until it dies, its fun

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Build a pc dude. It's cheaper

Lol or you find a really good gun that makes the rest of the gabazillion guns obsolete

This game makes so many people seethe that I unironically want it to be good. And I've never even played this series.

>he played ultimate vault hunter mode

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Grasping at straws kids

Viral marketing again, Gearbox?

Why are you redirecting critics to /pol/? Their’s some extremely obvious concerns about Borderlands 3

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I want this gun asap

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Remember when Tim said their wasn’t any shitty games on the Epic Games Store?

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Its almost as if everyone here isn't one person.

Can't wait. I think I'm rolling Amara because I love elemental damage.
Moze is a QT though. We'll see on release.

To me they all look kind of average, no one really "stands out" as cool. Like none of them could live through the whole campaign without

Maybe it's their Silhouette design. BL1 and 2 had designs that nailed "big,medium,small" thing, accomplishing pretty cool contrast of characters. Here they all almost the same in size their silhouettes are plain and uninteresting.

Moze is the only one that looks like she could pull of being a vault hunter, but her mech doesn't really fit borderlands gameplay, it's about guns dammit. Gaige like mechanic theme is cool though.

If FLACK has no connection to hypirion than he's just a generic boring looking robot design, if he is connected in someways than we have two characters that are hyperion related. Why?

Amara... They had one job and they fucked it up. 4 sirens and none of them on space steroids. Guess it's hard being consistent.

Zane, he's just a merc. His abilities are a mix of what we've seen in previous BL games. Wilhelm's drones, HJ double etc.

Shit posting aside...


to be completely honest, the writing seems to be more tolerable, BL2 was unbearably cringey

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Already got my super deluxe edition preordered and my freezer full of tendies. This weekend is gonna be great

holy shit man at least try not to make it so obvious

I was in the psych ward for 72 hours. You'll survive

Well whine somewhere else mate.
I just want to play a looter shooter. Its just a bit of fun, there aren't "concerns" you fucking bender.
If you're that upset that it concerns you, you're out of your gourd.

Crack when?

>I just want to play a trash fire

Thanks timmy

I dunno how highly I hold this guy's opinion

Attached: reviewerLOL.png (600x270, 33K)

Spoiler: claptrap is the endgame boss. Sorry lads

Not hyped as fuck sadly, the Epic deal made sure of that. But I will instantly buy it, play it and finish it in 6 months.

>Attacking the person and not their argument

You mean you'll watch live streamers play it for 6 months and then hate yourself for not getting it on the epic games store with your free online account


>listening to faggots

Reviewing and giving score is subjective - it totally matters who is reviewing.

I'm obviously not gonna watch streams or gameplay or visit threads about it.


>its a trash fire
Big concerns mate, you hysterical woman.
Give me another looter shooter to play and I'll play it. If not, shut your mouth and jog on.

As much as I like borderlands I can see why people would hate it. The writing is unbearable schlock and the core gameplay doesn't offer apart from seeing your damage numbers go up.

3 seems to have addressed the latter issue with improved movement and some pretty cool gunplay but the writing has become even more juvenile according to reviewers.

Anyone in this thread think that Borderlands 1 was the better of the three games? I really liked how you could pick up a really powerful gun and stick around with it for a few levels without having to switch it out every level or two.

Lies go on user just buy the game. Randy is your friend

Reddit general

If you guys buy it on pc get it from hublebundle

BL1 was boring. The environments were flat and all similar looking, barely any voice acting, just text based missions which also gave the characters a real lack of depth, color or humor to them.

I don't have a problem with Randy, I have a problem with Epic. If I remember correctly, it wasn't even his idea to make BL3 an Epic exclusive.

Fair enough. I'm eager to try out the new mechanics and gameplay differences.
I'm not a big fan of the writing either but aside from Destiny 2, which doesn't appeal to me, there isn't much else like it.

The amount of cope in this post.

moze seems generic as all fuck, athena and roland looked better as the soldier. amara looks ok but i'd rather play as a big guy than a muscle girl. zane and the bot look alright, but then the group as a whole look a lot less interesting than the previous one.

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>Yea Forums cares about what reviewers say now
What the fuck has this place become.

Tales is unironically the best game out of the series, disregarding TTG's shit.

But how will Randy afford that new buggati if you don't buy his games

It's because the game had linear scaling while the second one and exponential. At higher levels the scaling really broke in the second game. A lvl 50 gun could do way more dmg than a lvl 49 gun even if they were identical.

I haven't seen any reviews that mention how 3 handles scaling but I hope that they'd return to the BL1 solution.

by all these other idiots buying it from Epic. Also he still gets his cut from me, in 6 months when I don't give my PC cancer from Epic's shitty launcher.

>take your video game discussion away from Yea Forums

Neck yourself

He's in. He's in, guys!

I have a solution.
>buy game
>open steam
>add non steam game to library
Problem solved frien

I just started playing borderlands 2 again. I tried it a long time ago but misread it based on the first few hours. I'm surprised how much I like it. Dialogue can go fuck itself 99% of the time but other than that it's pretty fun. Also fuck the tutorial section, I want to try different characters.

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op is a faggot check this 5

Based creepy wanker

If it works the same as 2 with the fire modes and all the other new shit it's not going to be pretty when you get to high levels.

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Don't listen to what the contrarians say borderlands is actually a fun game. Bur yes the dialogue is usually shit

Replying just in case

BL2 has several sections of "slog" that just suck to get through. The first section of the game is pretty trash until you finally get to sanctuary. If you have that DLC they gave for free ealier this year you can make level 30 characters to skip the early levels btw

I'm not, but I never liked BorderLands so my feelings about this game don't really matter that much.

>be me
>kinda like Borderlands 1
>see the release trailer thing for Borderlands 2

Nope. I've seen more series gone to shit like this and I don't feel like experiencing it again

I said fuck off somewhere else.
Plenty of other threads to choose from, nobody's taking any discussion away you whinger.


randy once left a usb full of company secrets along with his stash of porn at a restaurant. it was revealed that he had "barely legal camwhore" porn on it and was amazed at the fact that she could squirt on command. on his words "I realized this isn't a sex worker, this is a fucking magician".

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You still need the Epic account which is constantly hacked by pajeets and Russians with Epic not giving a single fuck about it. Also fuck this whole business tactic of: oh our product sucks dicks, let's brute force you to use it. Fuck Epic.

Unironically 1 of my favorite games of all time.

it's exponential but much less than bl2, I believe 1.08x per level instead of the 1.15x or something in bl2

That's fair.

BL2 is a bit memey but its a far superior game in terms of gameplay, builds and loot.

like the gameplay
hate the company and its shitty writing

One thing I think that BL1 did well was how much quicker it is to grab quest and all that. In 2 (and 3 it seems like) you have to listen to a ton of dialog. Even if it isnt bad dialog (which it definitely can be), for a game which promotes replaying the campaign several times, I think that's a poor choice.

My guess is they have added a skip option, also if you replay it that much you probably turn down the sound anyway. I know I do after 700 hours of BL2.


Fuck off Randy

this. it feels like 2 onward got the saints row 3 treatment and never went back.

YFW you remember the good old days of BL1 QUALITY writing before it got CRINGE in 2!!! (Make sure to hit like and subscribe!!!)

bl1 wasnt quality though
it just wasnt actively shit

exactly what said. it wasn't brilliant, but it wasn't BADASS GAY FART BONER.

>broadly disliked game
>whole thread is shitting on it
>still gets daily threads
I wish all viral marketers would die.

Fuck off shill with your SJW game.
I'll pirate it, have fun two hours, then delete it.

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Borderlands always had shit writing, but that doesn't mean shoving more of it into your face with 2 onward was a good idea.

>I don't like thing
>Therefor nobody does
BL2 is to this day, in the top 100 most played Steam games, despite not really having a multiplayer component. It's actually broadly LIKED.

>Tfw borderlands is living in Yea Forumss head rent-free
Bad game feel desu

I never said I disliked it, shill, but it's clear barely anyone here does. Shouldn't you be making some more epic 4channel memes to advertise your game with?

It’s like comparing seasons of two broke girls. It’s all cringe.

Sorry drones and pirates.
Looks like this one is gonna be BASED.

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>hurr durr shill
shouldn't you be back at /pol/ where everyone you disagree with is a Jew conspirator?
>so fucking seething can't even imagine people making a thread about BL3

borderlands 3 is now codex main project
cant wait

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Awesome rebuttal.


Isn't it strange how the wealthy can indulge in odd things.
I mean literally every extremely wealthy person does weird shit like this.
Kinda like it's because they have the ability to experience more than you since you're busy sitting in your basement posting on Yea Forums.

You guys need to shut the fuck up and buy his game already.

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I do I have to buy it? The Terrific Timmy Tencent already paid for my copy.

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Try and stop me

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>not buying the super deluxe edition



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that'd be funny if it was indeed Randy posting on Yea Forums. it's like bruh, don't you have enough on your plate without worrying about what a few users do


nooo, wait til the GOTY edition comes out

not buying the super deluxe edition

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Invalid opinion



hes based

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I literally just want more guns. Fuck these narrow archetypes.

It's not as bad as you think.
The guns are the best they've been this time around. I got to play as an insider.

Thanks Mr Timmy.

I only liked 1 DLC of BL2 (Tina) so I am skeptic this time. Also how can it have 300 ratings when it isnt out yet?

Attached: randy won.jpg (1009x607, 97K)

Because it's GOTY user.

pic related.
Worst girl. Into the trash it goes.

wtf how did you know?

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He is randy and randy knows magic.

can somebody redpill me on how to torrent? never done it before

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Lotta reviewer copies, early access streamers.

Go the fuck back dumbass.

Whenever I played the Handsome Collection online, I'd experience horrible ping, despite having a great connection. I hope this problem doesn't arise in BL3. Don't want to see my bullets come out 2 seconds after firing

Nobody but the pr guys at (((EBIN GAMES)))

Why is Yea Forums so upset about egs? There is nothing wrong with it. You didnt buy pc games before steam?

u have to download kazaa first, then you just search for it on there

its chink so the /pol/-Yea Forums cross posters get triggered by it very easily

I don't
That means your internet sucks dick retard.

Its anti consumer and pro developer instead of the other way around. They maximize profit but very little of it goes into upgrading the store. They win people over to their store not by having a good competitive selection or convenient storefront, but by forcing fans of titles to use it due to exclusivity deals.

There's plenty wrong with EGS.

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I'm not reading it steam drone.
Go shit up another thread.

Kinda hyped maybe. I'm just not feeling very sociable the last, say, five years so I'm afraid I'll just keep playing alone or with some randoms who don't talk. I'll probably buy it though why not and maybe it will be great. I mean, I'm sure it is pretty good but I'm worried I'm not what it needs me to be to get the most out of it.

Hit the mic button and stop being a bitch.
Once you learn to stop being scared it will be fun again to talk to people.

What are the odds 2k adds microtransactions into the game post launch and then having Randy Bobandy trying to convince us that it's a good thing?

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>turn down people who want to use your platform if they wont release their game exclusively for it
Tim is clearly gearing up for making a service where you subscribe to play all their games and for that to work he needs games people cannot get on steam and nothing else.


>here are some things wrong with the epic game store

Fucking LMAO

Red flags:
>same style humor after 6 years
>graphics are still dogshit
>opening cinematic looks worse than one for 1st and 2nd
>the game looks dated
>Ebin Exclusive
>Motherfucking Randy Pitchford being a cuck on twatter
>Really limited review copies
>Basically an expansion for BL2

I take it as a delayed release for PC. No hype at all, looks like Borderlands 2(2). I'll stick to Destiny untill steam release. Guns are the only interesting part of the game.

You aren’t willing to spend a mere $2.99 for a skin that turns your outfit blue?

Thanks for the unsolicited bad advice. I'll write it down here with other lifehacks such as "just don't be depressed bro".



Can't wait to get banned from Epic Games Store for getting a gender pronoun wrong

Arigato Tim-kun

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Fucking lmao, talk about an actually funny bit

Cosmetics aren't microtransactions,. Why you guys would try to fuck me like this is beyond me.

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Based Tim, I think you're very kind and nice, giving the consumers FREE games and developers FREE money
Best of both worlds

Randy already confirmed cosmetics

>Complains about being an expansion
>I'll stick to destiny

I love it when you start to tear up :)
You're my bitch
Remember that kid.

Lets be real. How much of that shit do you actually use on Steam? 99% of people just buy a game and play it. They dont upload review, they dont use forums, they dont update profiles and make groups.

/r9k/ moment.
Nobody normal struggles with stupid shit like that. Have fun psyching yourself out moron.

wew lad that's some spicy cope

>Nobody normal struggles with stupid shit like that

Thats the point moron. Depression is a real thing. Social anxiety disorders are a real thing. They're not things you can fix by just saying "Cheer up bro" and wow thanks im cured.

Yep, there you go little guy. Let it allll out.
Keep replying to make it look like you're not ass blasted even though I'm not building any kind of argument.
You look so not mad right now man :)

>same style humor after 6 years
Annoying if you're 'le-too-mature-for-toilet-humor-XDDD' sure. for non autists they can play the game without complaining about something they don't find funny
>graphics are still dogshit
stylistic choice by the devs. its not like they can change it to final fantasy-esque after 2 games previously
>opening cinematic looks worse than one for 1st and 2nd
>the game looks dated
see #2
>Ebin Exclusive
oh no, poor steam :(
>Motherfucking Randy Pitchford being a cuck on twatter
only real criticism with merit on here tbqh
>Really limited review copies
so what. wait a day for consumers to make reviews
>Basically an expansion for BL2
how? because a short part of the game takes place in the same spot 2 did?

good list of complaints. really top tier.

I hate it when retards say shit like this.
I've dealt with it before. I've been clinically diagnosed and all of that stupid shit. Then one day a very wise man said to be
"Stop being a pussy" and I decided to do just that.
You can learn to stop being a pussy. You have to leave your comfort zone. We both know you never leave your comfort zone. You sit around a mope and hope that something will magically fix you. If you don't make an effort to better yourself you'll only get worse. Seriously one step at a time try socializing. It helps.
Bitch ass nigga.

for obviously

Tim paid for my copy and yours too, redeem your code on tpb

>I'll stick to Destiny
>I am literally retarded but please consider my opinion anyways.

I'm ignoring this low-tier shitpost.

>dude i was like so depressed but then just i decided to like not be it anymore xD
You weren't depressed then, faggot. Nothing wrong with that of course but bravely overcoming some mild moodiness doesn't make you a sage.

Maybe you didnt actually have it then. Also an element of force is a lot more impactful than some random person on Yea Forums. Like a family member saying they will kick you out in a month if you don't turn your live around. That tends to get you moving a lot more than someone just telling you to cheer up.

Playing BL2 while I wait. What class should I play?

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oooooooooh yea keep seething baby i'm almost finished. gimme one more post you saucy little bitch

>Nobody ever overcomes depression without counseling and medication

seething steamfags
gaben won't suck your dick if you shill for him

>greentexting something nobody said or implied

I am not shilling anything, Tim is literally handing out free games go grab them for free

Too much niggers and women in the game so nope
>and fck the tranny robot

>I don't use/understand these consumer-friendly features so that means nobody uses them
Are you stupid or just Chinese?

depression is a fucking meme faggots like you use as a crutch to blame your anti-social behavior on. consider suicide instead of having to live with your crippling disease

You can but its a long process of character development. You don't just one day get told "GET IT OVER PUSSY" and then you're suddenly cured of your disorder.

>"Stop being a pussy" and I decided to do just that.
It would seem, then, that your problem is low T rather than low S.

Psycho a.k.a Krieg, full melee.

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I know it's my word versus yours here but I was. I have bipolar and I've felt what rock bottom was. I turned to drugs I couldn't go outside and I couldn't do shit without shaking from anxiety. It was impossible to keep my head up in the hallway in school. I would avoid my friends at all costs. I've been there.
It took me until the last year of highschool to figure out that by forcing myself into social situations I would eventually learn how to interact with people and eventually got over the fear of socializing. I never fully got over it but I can definitely talk to people online and I can function now.
You learn real life skills the same way you learn skills in vidya. You have to keep trying and keep practicing.

Krieg for gore and mayhem
Gunzerker for also mayhem
Or Gaige

Very few people do. I have asked around. Im not saying literally nobody does, but its clearly not that important to most people and not a dealbreaker. Am I annoyed that I need to open a separate launcher for a few games? Sure. Is it a dealbreaker or some huge moral issue to me? Absolutely not.


I bought GOTY.
That's all I need to say.

>gameplay doesn't matter

Hey retard, if you were even diagnosed that means you got some sort of help and you didn't just "stop being depressed because i decided to lmao" but you got better. Confuckingrats but don't use that newfound privilege to shit on those who didn't make it yet. Yes, it's your responsibility to "just stop being sad bro xd" but you should know it's not really that easy or you wouldn't have gone through that shit at all.

This post isn't very badass.

>all these ass blasted steam drones

Attached: 1564858758665.jpg (610x660, 76K)

hype is the mindkiller.

It was pretty easy. If you think you need help get help. I'm allowed to shit on whoever I want to. If you're old enough to know that getting help is possible then stop randomly posting on a Borderlands 3 thread that you can't hot mic in a multiplayer game.
Suck my dick queer.

>giving randy money

Attached: thanks for the money dummies.jpg (400x400, 41K)

Sounds like you need to jack off dude.
You're forgetting to consume.

I only liked 1 because I could punch the shit out of things with Brick, Gunserker was pretty boring in comparison

>he forgot about psycho
Absolute RETARD

>Nobody is criticizing the actual game itself anymore, just spamming memewords

>compare a character whose role is melee to one whose role is using guns
based retard poster

Welcome to Yea Forums buddy first day?

>Suck my dick queer

Not him but I unironically would desu

He only plays fortnite, why is he reviewing games when he knows he hates them if they are not battle royale

So did they modernise the multiplayer in the decade they spent mostly not making this? I sure hope it's a bit more advanced than just jumping in and out of people's linear campaigns and that there's some public areas and shit.

Are you being retarded on purpose?

Attached: snug.jpg (674x575, 71K)

How would they 'modernize' multiplayer?

What if they did something worse? What if they deliberately messed with the drop rate on more powerful/legendary weapons and have something like the golden chest but they make you buy golden keys to open it for an "increased" chance at getting a legendary. Borderlands seems like a game that would be a prime target to be exploited and have microtransactions shoved into it that would greatly benefit 2K and given 2K's track record with them aggressively pushing microtransactions into their other games, it does make me worry that they will plan to do the same thing with Borderlands 3.

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Got 2 friends ready to play on friday

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I played with friends on launch I didn't have dlc characters

Make it more of a shared world experience like Destiny 2 with levels working kinda like dungeons instead of places on a linear track.

I'm playing with my brother.
Gonna be uhhh BADASS

That would be pretty cool.

i hope there are endgame dungeon type things instead of just raid bosses you run to skipping everything else as fast as possible. or randomized endgame dungeons like path of exile does

Whatever problem I have with golden keys or anything stupid like that I'll just hack in.
Cheat engine is easy to use.

So you want to make the game online only just so you can see other fags walking around the overworld even if you're not co-oping with them.

ill grab it for 2 month period where almost daily receive attempted login notices from asia
>literally never happened for any other account
nah im good

sauce please?

Actually not sure but have more.

Attached: 1554870511536.jpg (1034x1642, 150K)

>paying for a pc game

The limited review copies has me concerned though. Why would they be so cautious about who they let get their hands on the game? It just makes people think your game is shit and you have no faith in the product.

Yeah, it's mostly the endgame that could need something like that or just anything to make it better than BL2 were it was added as an afterthought.

I guess. Just something to make the process of hooking up with people you don't already know a bit more fluent. Maybe it should just be possible to see other players hanging out in sanctuary or whatever.

Just wait until user scores come in.

I'm "borrowing" it day 1 but not every game gets s steamworks fix to play with friends


From Software taught me to never hype games or hold any shred of expectations ever again.That being said, from everything I've seen, it's the same Borderlands 2 we all love, including the goofy ass cringy humor.

My only, single concern is Gearbox pulling up some progressivism bullshit in game ever since that Fl4k pronoun thing. None of the reviews can be trusted so I'm looking foward to check it myself.

If Lilith doesn't die a slow painfull death I'll be so disappointed.
I'll settle for a quick one even, just please fucking kill Lilith.

You now sync quest progress so if you finished a quest with someone else, its completed for you too in your campaign, but you can opt in to redo it. You can now also set loot to be instanced/personal so you no longer just compete over drops. Theres also level scaling so you can join a friend and not steamroll content on your main unless you want to.

God I hope they don't kill Lilith. I don't personally care much about her but now I'll see this anons inexplicable torment in her continued existence and that would be worth a lot to me.

The first thing was in BL2 also. I guess the rest is nice but I hoped for something more. Oh well, Borderlands 4 in 2030 might have it.

Its not an MMORPG. They do have a hub to meet players and some player housing in the form of customizing a room on the ship.

Not saying it should be nor am I ever convinced by dogmatic arguments about what a game is or isn't "supposed" to be.

You just vaguely stated you wanted it "modernized" without any explanation and hoped people would just guess what you were complaining about.

Here user, I got you something!

(you'll probably get the same and more content by removing the "_3")

Attached: Screenshot_1.jpg (515x705, 78K)

You're right I should have followed up that cryptic statement with some examples of exactly what I meant oh wait.

And I said there were public areas. By stating you want more than just jumping into someone's campaign it does sound like you want an MMO and not a co-op campaign RPG. Do you want like dungeons to queue for? Raids to queue for? Battle royale mode? Thats not an RPG.

>Shilling this hard

>inverted pepperonis on a not thicc body
nah, it works sometimes but not in this case. you can put that pic back in your drawer, thanks.

ok gay

Calling it first: Cerebella + Amara porn

I'm scared bros, I don't want to kill her

Attached: 1568142191221.png (191x203, 78K)

do it. you can fuck her body as she bleeds out. and the last feeling is you.

>not liking Borderlands makes you /pol/

This is either bait or shows just how meaningless the "go back to /pol/" meme has become.

Attached: fasdlf.jpg (640x625, 40K)

played it early. game is ASS

im down. amara is hot.

Don't give gearbox and 2K Your money. 3 looks exactly the same as the first game, barring minor fidelity improvements. Bethesda tier lazyness shouldn't be rewarded.

the game is fun user

Zane or moze?

>Don't give gearbox and 2K Your money. 3 looks exactly the same as the first game, barring minor fidelity improvements. Bethesda tier lazyness shouldn't be rewarded.

Attached: crybaby.jpg (360x360, 26K)

I don't want too many people playing my main but
Moze is fucking based.

Attached: waif.jpg (850x1202, 356K)

Made something for you, user


I'm unironically kinda disappointed I'll be missing out on this, at least until I can pirate it.
The guns all look unique and fun, and Moze's mech also looks great.

Hello user~
You can have this if you buy my game~

Attached: 4.png (900x1775, 1.99M)

She's 18 now, right guys?


Attached: 3259356 - Borderlands Borderlands_3 Tiny_Tina.jpg (1500x1500, 157K)

thank you for this blessed gift. now please excuse me.

Reminder that if you're planning on playing FL4K just as you played Mordecai and Zer0, you're pathetic

shes like..20 i think?

She's 35 mr officer I swear

She sure looks like it at least

BL3 takes place five years after BL2 so that means she's eighteen.
Not that consent laws mean anything on Pandora anyway.

Attached: hoho.jpg (375x308, 39K)

when has the law ever mattered in that universe.
so lets all form a line il set up a box of condoms and the tub of lube next to her.

5 bucks per load.

Cosmetic microtransactions were already confirmed and will likely work like how they did in 2. This also means you'll just be able to use gibbed to edit the cosmetics onto your character.

Attached: 1422572379908.jpg (296x314, 21K)


that will be 50 bucks sir. and if it breaks the condom you're paying for child support.

Is there gonna be preloading?

wasn't it canonically implied in an ECHO log that she raped the psycho she exploded in her introduction?
Tina doesn't consent or ask for consent.

>tfw friend buys you the game so she doesn't have to play alone

The one and only thing I'm really hopeful for is another tool to make it 2-4 player difficulty even when solo.

I actually began to enjoy first playthroughs when enemies didn't fall over immediately and the loot wasn't trash. God forbid there be an actual difficulty slider in game

Attached: 922.jpg (960x720, 47K)

Imagine not getting the hint. She wants you to put your Vienna in her English roll

It's already up for preload since it comes out tomorrow (if you're not foreign scum).

Stop falseflagging

We're in separate states at the moment, user. But dear lord am I gonna.

That's what mayhem mode was made for, but I don't think you can do it on your first playthrough.

She a plumper ?

Should I buy it on humble bundle store just to be safe?

I'm ready to drop 500 bucks on cosmetics boy

No, that'd be me, she's the small one.

She send you any sexy pics that I can borrow?

I used to wonder why people with extreme power/wealth could make insanely stupid decisions.

Attached: images(2).jpg (207x244, 7K)

was it? i think the implication is that the psycho tried to rape her.

Thats not a thing anymore. There is no 'safety' problems. It was all a big larp by people to try and discredit EGS. The store has a lot of issues, but security is not one of them.

Borderlands is my guilty pleasure of vidya
Its shit, but its fun shit

This sounds scripted. I'm just gonna go with humble store

I'll buy it in a few years with all the DLC bundled for like 10 bucks.

Because a lot of wealth actually isn't earned. Much of it is inherited or the person just had a one off good idea that took off.

Having difficulty modes unlocked by having to play through the entire game on shitter mode really chaps my ass

Mine is nier automata. It's like playing with my dollys without having to imagine

Does the game really have poop and boner jokes?

Who the fuck do they think their playerbase consists of? Oh yeah that faggot ass CEO Randy Bitchford with his "Magic tricks" and his pornographic magazine but yet he's never heard of a female orgasm before, because it's "Magic" with his shit music skills and showing up to the conferences with nothing new to show other than
> "Hey guys thanks for coming to PAX East, I know that you guys probably paid to be here, so I'm going to whip out my Autistic guitar and deck of cards that consists of all the same cards!"
> 1 hour passes by
>"Huuuuuurr durrrrrr giiive me ur moneyyyyyy"
> Oh yeah forgot to mention that we have nothing new to show, so we had a shitty tech demo made by our lead designers in Unreal Engine 4!
> Puts on a dynamic background.

wait a few months first. Even if you dont buy from EGS, humble might very well give you an EGS key, thus requiring you to download that rootkit
Steam may be shit in some accounts, but atleast it's not THIS bad

yeah im just gonna pirate this shit

BL2 was ps+ game on ps3 years ago
Handsome jack collection just recently
3 probably will be too someday
Not giving gearbox any money.

Well no shit. The guy wasnt asking how to avoid EGS. The only way to play the game is through using the EGS regardless of where you buy the key, or pirate it. Also what rootkit? Is this another conspiracy theory?

hyped to torrent, if anything

Then just pirate it when it gets cracked in a few days


Attached: Top Ten Images Taken Seconds Before Disaster.jpg (227x216, 14K)

Attached: ryan.png (500x399, 110K)

Is there a Yea Forums group for pirates or something? Otherwise it's useless to pirate it.

Why? You cant play online if you pirate it. Maybe they will get some emulated lan thing going on like they did with BL2, but that took awhile.

Anyone wanna play with me ?

Egs: diddlerontheroof420

Idk just create a discord or something for it. Whoever wants to play it will fucking play it over Hamachi or any other VPN.

Thanks ya creepy old wanka

>Is this another conspiracy theory?
We've had this dance before several times, chang

Giant Bomb died when he did.

Literally just use a VPN and use LAN. God zoomers are useless.

I'm just buying this game for the epic fortnite skin. Fuck borderlands

>Complain about security
>Connect directly to other strangers online for co-op

I'm not complaining about security, I just fucking hate the Chinese.

So how does mozes mech work? Is it literally a vehicle you can enter exit or is it tied to a timed ability with cool down and such

It's like titanfall

Timed ability with cooldown. Talents can extend the time you spend in it. You can also eject early to shave off time until the next use.

One we called viral, two only the minority called viral, three we blamed borderlands for making memes mainstream.
Fuck newfag

It's like trying to cut down on your sugar by cutting down to 3 sodas a day.

Gonna buy it with the money I saved from the free EGS games, based timmy the wanker.

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Shut up, Randy.

>Dont wanna support EGS morally
>But dont particularly care about the launcher
>I just wanna play this now and enjoy it with lots of people
>If I wait and pirate it, i'll have to do all this annoying VPN peer to peer bullshit and only get to play with a small handful of people from here

Its just not worth it, but I don't want to wait until its on Steam either. Im so conflicted.


PC gaming....we're going home agian.

Attached: 1558100574430.jpg (550x627, 45K)

>Its not worth it
>I know its not worth it
>so I'm not gonna do it
Conflict solved you stupid baby

You can tell your grandchildren of your sacrifice, they will be proud.

Quit fucking the thread niggers

Thats not how it works Randy.
Also if you removed 'for this awesome sequel' it wouldnt be that obvious that you're getting paid to do this

To what extent is Anthony “The Cuck Who Was Promised” Burch involved in the writing of this game?

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Fuck off Yea Forums

I mean its not worth waiting. I don't care enough about all this EGS fiasco to have it stop me since I feel like all this drama will blow over within a year.

not at all and its somehow worse

Start with skyrocket grenade
Get max grenade slots ability
Get ability to throw grenades in second wind

I noticed on the website you can buy it on the 2k store, atleast that's avaliable right?

Godfuckingdamn, how is that even possible?

None he went to work at riot and got fired after turning and adc from a dark hero slowing turning evil but saving people before he kills himself into two gays in a pit. Varus deserved better. The music video wasn't bad tho.

back in 2 and pre-sequel they dropped a meme from time to time and it was already terrible
in this game there are entire quests dedicated to funny twitter memes

Easy, Randy went into the writing room in his place.
Think about it, completely explains the repetitive haha poo poo pee pee humor.

At least the gameplay looks way better this time.

Attached: DUaSGk5U0AA0Mw1.jpg (279x277, 22K)

Does it matter where you buy it? All these other stores do is give you an EGS key. You still have to download and use the EGS just like if you bought a Steam key to use on Steam. There is no standalone purchase for the game.

Attached: 5330080E-03DC-451A-A2F7-38424F279F23.gif (200x189, 742K)

Just rename the epic game launcher exe to steam. It works

Some reviewers and early access streamers are saying that it went from "Cringy politically correct humor" to "Nonstop toilet humor and raunchy sex jokes". Like theres a dozen poop related quests.

Oh I thought 2k had its own game launcher so I wouldn't have to use egs, you're probably right it doesn't matter it would just give me a egs key

I'm pre ordering the $100 version on Epic tonight.

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Doesnt stop them from putting a rootkit on your PC and stealing your data to sell to Chinese nationals

sweet christ that sounds atrocious

Not that user, but I never watched a stream in my life. So I'll manage till the game gets cracked. Also its a game about numbers going up, not that much to spoil.

>Does it matter where you buy it?
If anything this thread is leaning towards buy it on EGS if you buy it at all otherwise you'll be sitting there on release night with no key and no preload.

Attached: DUaSHWnVMAEk4lZ.jpg (376x333, 38K)

I sure am, thanks for testing the game for us during this 6 months extended beta!

>Nonstop toilet humor and raunchy sex jokes
But Yea Forums loved the South Park game that was just this

Does it matter where you buy it? All these other stores do is give you an EGS key. You still have to download and use the EGS just like if you bought a Steam key to use on Steam. There is no standalone purchase for the game.

Attached: 5081857z141.png (460x340, 210K)

Run the pc in safe mode. Duh

But EGS wont have access to your credit card info if you buy it elsewhere.

Handsome Jack AI gets revived in the end

fucking based
rip you magnificent bastard

Attached: 1514600342854.png (1323x176, 54K)

stay depressed then.

Nope he wakes up in a hospital bed and his older son comes and kills him. Guess who that Is?

>source: my anus


Which one? There was the robot that the Asian scientist built in one of the DLCs, and there was the AI that the Asian scientist built that ended up in Rhys’ head

Most reliable source

Probably the later. Devs said Jack was dead, so I doubt he's gonna come back

Damn well that sucks. 6 month wait then

Really excited for the inevitable Pre-Threequel

Drone time

This is the same as "it's not jason todd/joker" Jack is too populare to kill

Borderlands is the most reddit cringe game there is

Attached: double cringe.png (493x345, 61K)

You can already pre order it. It's coming out on dreamcast 2

Biggest amount of shills I've seen pushing this game. Randy is getting desperate.

Attached: fear.jpg (1748x2480, 269K)


If they're all shills who are they pushing the game onto ?

thanks ya creepy wanker

Randy is kicking ur shit in cry harder

Attached: destroyerr.jpg (640x360, 132K)

can't believe anyone would be hyped for this dogshit after borderlands 2

you probably love rick and morty, buy season passes, and preorder video games if you want this game

Holy shitsnatch Randy is BASED

Game has already sold millions in preorders alone user

we're waiting for CODEX

>can't believe anyone would be hyped for this dogshit after borderlands 2
>you probably love rick and morty, buy season passes, and preorder video games if you want this game
Watch as they recoil

Randy is a pedophile. Anybody that buys this game is enabling his behavior.

Wait. did bl2 have "Cringy politically correct humor", cringy I can buy it, but was it political? I feel like what bl2 did is really mild in comparison with what we have to deal with these days.

Let me know when the crack is ready.

Attached: YouAreAPirate.jpg (299x299, 12K)

Being a pedophile doesn't mean his games are bad.
Try harder drone

>pre ordering games

All this cope from Steam drones

Attached: Epic.png (930x480, 498K)

game might end up well, I don't care about that. But, shit publisher, shit platform. fuck epic, fuck Sweeney, fuck Randy, fuck 2K.

Attached: 1567875485060.jpg (1473x1061, 280K)

See you in two years :)

And you wonder why you never get invited anywhere

The games actually are bad and you're supporting pedophiles. Sick.

Okay but why do you as a consumer and customer care more about the success of a company and its CEO than yourself? Real question. You're losing things by promoting these policies.

>politically correct

Barely legal is still legal

>posting a chad image to make you feel less insecure
When a game makes Yea Forums seethe this hard you know it has to be based.

>he posted an image about something
>that must mean he dedicates his entire life to it

How soon can I pirate this?

Because they're all shills retard. They've been doing this and using the same exact arguments since the beginning if the year. Is that brain of yours working?

Awwww you think I care???
Awww that's so sweet

>you're losing things
What, exactly?

In a couple years when denuvo is finally beat.
Sorry steamie.

>x makes people do thing, thus, x is based

Yea Forums needs IDs so we can stop this shit

The last major DLC had a quest called fake gamer guy where you can basically hear Anthony's seething through the dialogue. The rest is mostly stuff like a character mentioning how sad it is that their GAY LESBIAN GIRLFRIEND is being threatened because she won't conduct an experiment on a GAY MAN'S HUSBAND. Or an entire quest line that ends with waiting for a cannon to aim itself very slowly so you can blow up this dude that's pretty much the fat misogynist that got told off the bus than everyone clapped in every story from shit that never happened land then waiting for the cannon to aim itself slowly again so you can complete the actual mission objective.

It's mostly cringe but didn't become full on cringe AND the left can't meme the game until TPS.

Attached: 1556416878717.png (400x326, 180K)

I just pre-ordered my Super deluxe edition little guy.
Welcome to GOTY.

Attached: cope harder.jpg (581x720, 130K)

Go to Wal-Mart. Buy the game. Take game out. Put borderlands 1 and 2 in game case. Return game.

>cracked 4 day after launch
can't wait for epic shills to seeth even more

Seethe bigot.

Go look at the chart of what features are on Steam and what still aren't and won't be on EGS.

Samefagging or (You) spoofing?

I want to play the game, not make a furry faggot steam profile. How will any of those "features" make my gaming experience better?


Nice self revolution faglord.


But I still have Steam. In fact my computer is such a legend that I can have both opened at the same time.

>acting like a whiny little bitch over a meme image

gotta be spoofing, there's no way someone shilling that hard would out themselves like that

Uh dabski sksksksksk U lose GOTY inbound sksksksk

Attached: kkr.gif (355x201, 2.99M)

Day one pirated , nothing more nuthin less niggas

Tannis is the host for the traveler
Markus is killed by tyreen
Troy kills tyreen and becomes fused with a vault monster
Gauge is in prison forever
Zero kills his clone but also dies
Tina is saved by brick who dies from blood lost
The final vault is a mech made to destroy the Universe

>edgy piratetard
Makes me cringe everytime

>I wasted even more money on a useless deluxe edition to prove my allegiance to corporate overlords

brain damage detected on you

Nothing less than 10 years

>plays the game for the plot

Pfft. You're witnessing history unfold you limp wristed loser.

>oh no I have to use a few mb of ram to run a second client in the background that ill never see except for 1 second when I click a game to start
>oh no how will I survive without my profile, message board and achievements/badges I totally never actually use

Seethe more buycuck

>missing the point this hard

I'm dabbing right now in real life.
I really am. I'm dabbing really hard because you won't be playing GOTY on Friday.
That one extra dab for you right now little drone.


Remember when we used to make fun of these kind of people? Sadly they are now the majority of people on this board

Attached: xbawkskid.jpg (800x450, 33K)

can't wait for history to prove you wrong

Ouch , imagine rushing to play this generic turd day one , boy im glad of getting it for free while you wageslave at wendy's ahahaha

Based, fuck valve

>member dude? huehuehue
Randy has indeed changed this board but it's for the better. Welcome to the new age of Yea Forums.
Now YOU'RE the newfag.

>Its just another launcher!

Attached: launcher usage.png (1127x955, 149K)

based tim sweeny

>my computer is ass!

user ... only retarded zoomer kids dab , show yourself out.

>still use dabbing
>calls other people little drones

Attached: JPEG_20190812_190840.png (550x531, 414K)

Fake Zero kills Lilith

Why do leftists love Borderlands so much?

Launch game then end task on epic game store launcher lol

forgot this

You know you can close programs when you aren't using them, right? Have your kids help you.

Attached: 1566135221777.jpg (423x471, 32K)

>Awesome sequel
I didn't like BL1 much, I thought BL 2 was ok (mostly because of fun builds and great guns that get super silly in terms of power later on, didn't like the humor that much) but my man. Don't ever Hype a game before it's released. Fucking wait till it's completely out and reviewed and THEN start the hype if it deserves it.
Being Hype for something that isn't out yet is for retards and sheep. Doesn't matter if it's Borderlands, XCOM, Total War, Kingdom Hearts or whatever the fuck else, with god knows how many good games. You wait and see.

>Zero kills his clone but also diez
You already got proved wrong bro

Attached: M2Mpv9rdMYVfRWStYPF2G6-650-80.jpg (867x531, 99K)

this. there is literally zero reason to believe that BL3 won't continue the downward trend of the franchise.

it's interesting watching epic Shills finding ever more extreme ways to justify what they do

it's interesting watching steam Shills finding ever more extreme ways to justify what they do

stop baiting faggot, Yea Forums has always used review scores to shitpost. see: 8.8

When you're not allowed to have good jokes because you'll offend someone, poop jokes suddenly become the safest jokes you can make

>not liking epic
>now instantly steam shill, because its a binary option

It's interesting watching pedophiles that support Randy finding ever more extreme ways to justify what they do.

>when you run out of material so you just steal what the other side said and change a word

>awesome sequel
jesus christ at least try to be subtle with your shilling

How's the Claptrap DLC of the first game. I thought I was going to replay the entire series for 3, but General Knoxx is so boring and monotonous, that it knocked my will the play the game right off.

Attached: Screen_Shot_20190826_at_2.38.49_AM.png (788x708, 743K)

thanks tim

It's interesting watching faggots be faggots.

What material did I run out and steal the other side's one?

Lol this nigger, nice bait have a (you)

>not liking steam
>now instantly epic shill, because it's a binary option

Enlighten me. Some evil Chinese boogeyman meta plot?

Why would I have multiple video game launchers open at once? I can only play one video game. Do you just keep Steam up when you're not playing games?

>instant reply assuming I'm a steam shill
you certainly sound like one

No shame lol


Most launchers also close the game. If you close Steam it'll also close any games launched from it.

>1 DAY
>1 DAY
>1 DAY
>1 DAY

Attached: SOON.jpg (969x984, 82K)

One of my friends bought a the Handsome collection just because it was cheap/to idle cards, I even asked him to play with me the day he bought it, and he said he wasn't interested in playing it.

Attached: damn_thats_Tekken_man.png (796x707, 846K)

A-are you ok?

amaras rise up

Attached: sirenmain.jpg (591x189, 23K)

I've bought tons of games at 90% off I havent touched yet

Ahhhh, kino.

Attached: basedclass.jpg (324x330, 24K)

Bring it on Tim

Rehashed shit. They ran out of Budget after a while and reuse bosses from previous expansions and early game

>you probably love rick and morty
Liked season 1, didn't like season 2, hated season 3. The only reason why I even gave season 3 a shot was because my friends kept on saying that it was good.

>buy season passes
Only for fighting games

>preorder video games
In the past few years, I've only pre-ordered this game, Skullgirls, and Sonic Mania

Attached: 83f.jpg (811x702, 148K)

So how much of this is unironic shilling and how much of it is just shitposting?
