Balanced ≠ Fun
Balanced ≠ Fun
you suck at video games and need advantages to have fun nothing to discuss lol
WCW was a better time, even if it was being run into the ground by the unholy trinity of Bischoff, Hogan, and Nash.
I used to be "muh balance" retard but after a while I realized that it kills fun out of videogames.
I agree with that but it's not an excuse for living shit options/weapons/characters rotting as shit tier. It's just very hard to strike the balance between the two and a lot of devs would rather take the unfun route of making good things worse.
It's important to listen to the winner rather than the loser with little legitimacy who probably just played bad or entered with a clear Disadvantage that's inherent to the matchup, often regardless of how good the two characters/weapons/options are as a whole.
Having more options is fun, being able to press your Advantage when you've earned it is fun. Before considering that some of these options ruin the fun for too many people, which they can, consider if a part of the cast simply isn't just lacking tools to combat that aforementioned overwhelming tool, and try to buff them so they can deal with it without feeling homogenised.
Balancing is hard.
not at all.
>7 posts
>5 IPs
Hmmm, I wonder which posts could belong to the same person...
Too much fidling with balance was one of the things that killed Pillars of Eternity, in mu opinion, so I cannot disagree. There's a line however, between som fun asymmetry and complete coinflip gameplay.
If the game is in any way competitive balance is important.
Otherwise fuck this shit, nerfing things in a singleplayer game is some of the dumbest shit ever.
these ones
>nerfing things in a singleplayer game is some of the dumbest shit ever
This. It's enough for me to drop a game.
>not at all
>Edited it so it looks like you didn't post either of the other two and so had no way of knowing
Good job showing what a fucking retard you are with your edit.
In singleplayer or co-op games that is correct, in multiplayer centered games, not always.
>If the game is in any way competitive balance is important.
Some of the best competitive games of all time have been unbalanced and broken as hell.
you're trying your best, i'll give you that
If playing an overpowered character is 10x more fun than playing a balanced one:
Balanced Match = 1xFun + 1xFun = 2xFun
Unbalanced Match = 0xFun + 10xFun = 10xFun
So overall everybody is having 5x more fun when one guy is getting shit stomped.
>Edited it so it looks like you didn't post either of the other two and so had no way of knowing
? there's nothing else to show
I mean MvC2 and Gundam Battle Assault 2 are the most fun fighting games ever BECAUSE they're busted as fuck.
Balance is important in singleplayer.
Discovering that one boring but OP technique is the best really drains the fun out of the game for me. Every fun but worse techinque feels like gimping your self.
Divinity Original Sin 2 is a great example. Half way through the game I realized that mix damage teams suck. On a second playthrough I discovered that physical damage beats magic. Then I learned that all physical damage builds have to max Warfare and than their weapon.
Game turned from an "8/10 had fun" to a "4/10 go physical or go home."
The balance doesn't have to be perfect. But one overpowered playstyle shouldn't completely outclass all others.
>is unable to have self control and not use the busted shit
That's on you lad.
Players shouldn't feel punished for trying to have fun.
There's a difference between "punished" and not specifically aiming for the most broken build available user. No one forced you to go all in with it yet you did.
WCW was a trainwreck but it was the fun kinda trainwreck unlike modern WWE
In the case of Divinity you might as well respec if you're trying to mix damage.
The game has lots of weapon buffs that add magic damage on someones normal attacks. These end up being complete shit because you'll never break the magic armor. All those buffs might as well be non-existent.
For many players Divinity Original Sin 2 was ruined by the horrible balance. Especially players of the first game because in that game you aren't punished for mixing damage.
If we take other games as an example Prototype has the Wipfist that is literally the best weapon. You can have lots of fun using the other weapons in free roam but when your doing the pretty hard missions you'd be forced to use the wipfist 80% of the time.
In both examples the solution is BUFFING the other stuff, not nerfing the powerfull things.