This game is too hard for me

this game is too hard for me

Attached: super mario bros 3.jpg (914x1280, 263K)

World 7 is bullshit

You casual

You only get better through practice


NES version is better as you cannot save game

that's embarrassing

like actually get good.

I could never beat the last world. Gonna give it another shot soon using save states

Maybe its because of gamepad? I have cheap Trust Gamepad and result is worse than using fucking keyboard. For example in spike boss in world 2, I constantly miss his head and die falling on his arm

The last world is legitimately difficult, don't feel too bad.

The lack of saving was integral with honing those early motor skills.

Fuck this if I'm going to have to start alllllllll the way back from the beginning

I beat this game with a keyboard not long ago. Not the easiest Mario game out there, but certainly not the hardest one either.
git gud

What's the point? Do you want to see the ending so bad?

Is this the first NES game you've ever played. Because if it is, boy this console sure isn't for you.

>have beaten Ninja Gaiden
>Can't beat SMB3
FUCK World 8.

Did you use warp whistles to get to world 8? It's much harder that way because you don't have pages of items saved up for it. If you play every world to get there you have an arsenal at your disposal to plow through it.
>t. old and beat it many, many times

frog suit best suit

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I've beaten every Mario except the first one.

I never beat the first one either, it's the hardest one for me. Beat 2, 3, World, 64, and Odyssey.

Yeah no, playing the shitty early worlds over and over doesn't make you good, you need to practice on the stages you can't clear, not the ones you can

>I never beat the first one either, it's the hardest one for me.
I have bad news for you

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All Mario needed was a dress

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*of the ones I played
I never even bothered with the real 2, I know my limits

Then a little kid beats it in front of me in 5min.

what's the hardest level?

There's like 2 hard levels in world 8 you babies

are you playing on an emulator with an LCD monitor? you need an old school CRT or don't even bother, the display lag is crucial when it comes to platorming games released between 1980 - 1999

8-1 easily.