Have you ever clapped at a video game ending?

Have you ever clapped at a video game ending?

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i'm not a filthy american.

God 3 is such fucking trash. It ruined MGS




I'm not from Burgerstan

I'm not an American and I thank G*d for that every day.

Imagine being so upset by America's cultural hegemony that you have to bring it up in every discussion.

Stop harassing me im trying to diet goddammit

>be american
>get shot


>Be American
>Move to Europe
>Get to live rent free

You're the one who needs to dilate if you think 3 is good

I'm not American

I am not a Yankee.

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> Post is about a typically american thing
> surprised when it gets called out
> cultural hegemony
Yes american 'culture' is responsible for most degeneracy present in today's art/culture.

donkey konga

>USA invented clapping

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you're a retard if you clap alone in your room.

It's overrated but still a good game
The last third really makes up for it

>tfw the americlap meme is for real, real
Defend yourselves out of this embarrassment

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What's wrong with clapping? I bet you don't actually have a single valid argument.

I bet they've fucked

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Seeing everyone on the plane burst into applause as we land was the most bizarre sight in my life.