Miyazaki games

So, here's something only an utter dipshit would disagree with:
Demon's Souls: a visionary masterpiece that did so many things right on first try.
Dark Souls: one of the best games of the decade by one one the greatest directors alive.
Dark Souls II: an incredible game that filed to convey its differences, so people sought what wasn't there and missed what was there and were upset for a while, but now its recognized as its own thing.
Dark Souls 3: formulaic and self-referential to a fault, but still better than 99% games out there.
Bloodborne: a game to rival Dark Souls itself and another unfortunate victim of a soon-to-be-dead console.
Sekiro: the tightest and hardest game by the director, smaller in scope and effect, with worst exploration and best combat by a long shot.
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u rite

A rare good Yea Forums opinion.


Who's Miyazaki? Haven't watched Attack on Titan yet

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Miyazaki is the man other than the old man.

it's nice to see someone that doesn't have a shit opinion once in a while

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>Dark Souls II: an incredible game
More like a janky mess with little to no polish that needed a rerelease to fix a bunch of shit they broke on the first release.
But we'll just ignore that because "Muh PvP"

Let's forget about the original release and never, ever talk about it again now that SotFS exists.

t. ds2fags

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I thought Sekiro had the best exploration of all From games. It actually felt inspired and the vertical maps made it way better than dark castle or swamp #23131.

I absolutely hated the game when it came out and simply quit halfway through. Later I played SotFS and it was fun. Recently I've been replaying it (right after beting Sekiro no less), and man, DaS2 is actually great if you don't try to play it like DaS. It has a completely different structure, its own separate strengths and it's seriously great now that I'm following its pacing rather than trying to force DaS's pacing into it.

Exploration is made meaningful by rewards and scale, but Sekiro is very scaled down and rewards are minimal. Whereas in a Souls game looking in a strange pit got you some incredible new armour or a completely new type of weapon, in Sekiro it's porbbaly just another shitty sugar.

Berserk is hot garbage.

Stop advertising your shit here you glorified prostitutes.

>way better than dark castle or swamp #23131
Man, Sekiro is just chink castles and caves. Some DaS games do get repetitive in terms of environments, but Sekiro is even worse.


He's not wrong though. The manga has gone completely to shit, like, twenty years ago.


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The newest game mentioned ITT came out more than half a year ago, and you still think this is a commercial post? Are you kidding or legit delusional like that?

I love em.

Are you retarded?

DS2 wasn't a Miyazaki game. Also it was bad.

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my favourite body part

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oh look, more women whoring themselves for money on patreon!
what is new

Fuck out of here, coomer

Oh wait, you think I'm one of the fucking whore on the fucking picture? You ARE legitimately an imbecile, aren't you? You seriously think they're talking to you about Dark Souls right now? How fucking pathetic is that, you delusional freak?

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we exist to coom.

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you cant the nuances to what makes ds2 a more interesting souls game than the rest it goes right over their head and back to fast/easy combat is good, slow combat bad

ah you're in that other thread too

It went right over my hand at first too. I quit before I even reached Drangleic and never touched the game until SotFS came out. Then I replayed it and lo, I already knew what the game was like, followed its structure and it blossomed beautifully in my hands. I really hated DaS2's guts back when it was new and shat all over it on Yea Forums. If even I could change my mind about the game, anyone could.

give me Elden Ring already

The fat neckbeard hack's involvement makes me suspect of the whole thing.

His involvement won't go beyond penning a paragraph or 2 of premise ideas

He just created the world, actual plot is made by From

im in every thread about butts

does that make you buttanon then?

Hopefully he does nothing and it's jsut a PR stunt, because I hate his stupid fucking guts.

>Dark Souls II
The biggest issue with this game is how it missed the opportunity to just copy/paste the Dark Souls 1 gameplay systems and focus on new content that was like the first game but different. Instead they had to go fuck around with stats and mechanics that didn't need to be fucked with.

DeS didn't age well at all. Also it's the only soulsborne game to have its servers shut down, so you can't even access all content nowadays.

Pic unrelated.

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>Pic unrelated.

is it now

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The real truth is none of them are good

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sounds good to me

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sorry wrong thread

Seething söyfun haver

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oops shit wrong thread again sorry guys im retarded

Sure sure

>best combat

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I'm actually the user you're referring to. I use proper punctuation and stuff when I type. I haven't posted in this thread yet, though.

The focus on difficulty is keeping these games down.

There, I said it.

Souls game are shit
combat is shallow, exploration is non-existant and rpg mechanics are superficial

In this "masterpieces" you can either

>R1 R1
>evade R1
>R1 evade R1
>evade evade
>R1 R1 R1 evade
>R1 R1 evade R1
>R1 R1 evade

Oh, and just use the standard long sword of the game, the rest are not worth it

What a fucking masterpiece of a series

ah, well i only noticed you in that juri thread so i haven't picked up on your style yet.