Video games with this feel?
Video games with this feel?
Shadow of the Colossus
Dragon's Crown
Sauce please
>size_difference happy_sex tall_girl
is this the best combination? OP i would reccomend Life Is Strange for you
Never heard of that game before.
Not vidya you fucking retards
Why are japs so fucking awkward? I see it in their porn all the time it's just so weird. I mean look at the smaller girl she's got her fucking neck twisted at a 90 degree angle as she stands there motionless.
Homosexuality is a sin.
whoa user I never would've noticed without you
Why are japs so fucking bad at kissing? What the fuck are they doing?
Because they're only doing this because yakuza is blackmailing them
Posting on 4channel is a sin. Jesus said so when he originally posted his scriptures on 2ch.
Why do Japs do kissing scenes way hotter than western porn?
It's a total conversion for Paper, Please. You play as the master chef who approves or vetoes various dishes.
i think you meant more disgusting
And you fucking retards wonder why people get spamming coombrain.
Because japs don't know how to do it and western sluts are obviously used up.
You just know western "women" have used those mouths on niggers.
The Yakuza is such a gay crime syndicate
You do realize the Yakuza are sex trafficking young girls for porn. Same with Brazilian and euro porn it's ran by cartels that exploit young girls especially prostitutes.
If yuri is the fourth tag, sure.
Time to koom
Japs don't feel emotions like love or passion. What they are doing is just imitating what they've seen other non-Japanese humans do. It's not possible to convincingly imitate something you've never experienced and don't understand. In Yea Forums vernacular, Jap porn is "soulless".
Not true, you can find job offers for porno here on normal job websites
Our criminals only deal with drugs and guns
This is not erotic in the slightest. Neither woman is into it and even without doing I can hear the sickening wet, sloppy mouth noises that japs try to pass off as kissing. God, gook porn is so awful.
>jap porn
>the men experiment on the woman like she is a biology experiment