Anyone else find this to be the best Doom game?

I just find it way more fun than 1 and 2016.
In Doom 1 I liked Knee Deep In The Dead and Thy Flesh Consumed but hated everything else and in 2016 I didn't really like anything about it. It was just really boring to me

This game had the near perfect gameplay of the original but with way wider and better designed levels.

Attached: 493-doom-ii-dos-front-cover[1].jpg (800x941, 218K)

The level design is shit in Doom 2.

Also, I hate how the entire game is designed around the SSG. The weapon fucking sucks and is not fun to use. I'd rather strafe around with a regular shotgun.

Some levels are very bad. But this is true for all commercial releases of Doom. Plutonia and TNT are full of bad levels too.
Note: Does anyone know if it is possible to use true widescreen in Crispy Doom?

>The level design is shit in Doom 2.
No it's not
>Also, I hate how the entire game is designed around the SSG. The weapon fucking sucks and is not fun to use. I'd rather strafe around with a regular shotgun.
So you're a zoomer who played it on GZDoom and doesn't realize the levels are designed to be played on a pistol start? Try going to a random level with idclev and playing through it, that's how the level designer intended it to be played.

not really, thats easily the worst doom game for me
i still havent played 3 tho

Level design sucks at the original Doom too. The Shores of Hell and Hell have several levels of very low quality. Final Doom and Ultimate Doom suffer from the same problem.
The problem is that Doom pioneered the use of a more complex map design and even though the engine allowed decent things, there wasn't much know-how at the time.

I mean: "Shores of Hell" and "Inferno"

>the worst doom game for me
Have you played d44m?

As that other user said, every level can be beaten pistol start. Try it for an extra challenge if you've never done it before. Even Sandy's masterpieces like Barrels 'O Fun take on a different shape.

Shit level design
You get the SSG far too early
New enemies mostly detract from the enjoyment instead of adding to it

>plutonia and tnt
64 shades of brown. A challenge is fun but the repetitiveness of killing chaingunners, revenants and running around aimlessly in confusing mess of a map gives me a migraine just thinking about it
that and being colorblind makes the choice of using brown, green and red, literal hell wich is fitting i guess

yeah its a pretty fine game

DOOM 1 > DOOM 2016 = DOOM 64 > DOOM 2 = DOOM 3.
This is fact.

I fucking hate the doom 2 bestiary. I don’t care if it makes the game more complex or challenging. There is just nothing fun about facing revenants, arch viles or pain elementals. They are a pain in the ass and they love to shove these enemies everywhere, especially revenants. I prefer doom 1s more simplistic bestiary.

Revenants and Archviles are awesome, Pain Elementals are the only bad Doom 2 monster.

I strongly disagree with you.
Archviles are one of the best designed enemies in videogames.

no pain elementals are in themselves not bad, its the lost souls that are bad and they are a doom 1 original

Yes, nudoom is way to easy and i hate the coloroverkill and handholding gameplay for those fucking zoomers.
Quake 1>Doom>everything else

This, I've got such a hard-on for Archviles it's insane. One of the hypest Doom Eternal reveals was seeing the Archvile do it's fucky arm thing. Those things get me way more tense and panicky than Cyberdemons or Spiderdemons ever can.


>Pain Elementals are the only bad Doom 2 monster
*laughs in 9mm*

I like how it picks up faster with the enemy variety. 1 makes you fight the same four enemies for several levels until you get to the second chapter which slowly picks up over time. 2 just says fuck it and takes full advantage of the roster right away. Plutonia still has the best secret levels though.

>Plutonia still has the best secret levels though.
You mean Go 2 It is good but I've got to get through 31 levels of chaingunners first.

Attached: 1462758912035.gif (2997x2000, 2.74M)

Cyberden is fucking great too. Hell, map29 is really good also.