ITT: games and their sequels with which you had the following experience
>play the original
>9/10, fantastic game, enjoyed every minute
>play sequel years later
>7/10 at best, rather derivative, didn't leave much of an impression
>play original again
>realize sequel improved almost every aspect of the original
>end up disliking both games
ITT: games and their sequels with which you had the following experience
Other urls found in this thread:
>>end up disliking both games
Because I didn't like the sequel and I found that it was better than the original.
Same experience with pic related, but to say I dislike them is a bit strong.
That seems rather autistic, OP.
I liked 1 but not 2. Never played infinite.
I would not recommend it at all. The character interactions are better, (not saying much), the story is more involved, (but tries too hard and is too complex for its own good), and the scenery is at least somewhat interesting, (though very inferior to that of the previous games). However, the combat is extremely simplified, without being much more fluid, making it much worse.
Another game I had this with. I still maintain that the core game of GTA IV is better, (V is better if you really like doing everything other than the main game), but playing IV recently was extremely rough.
Well, I am autistic, but I don't think my reaction is much indicative of that.
Fair enough.
>The character interactions are better, (not saying much)
I agree but I think Sigma's / Eleanor's relationship is much more evocative than Booker's / Elizabeth's, father-daughter relationship aside.
Maybe you just need to taper your expectations.
I don't agree. Elizabeth is a good, very sympathetic character, (at least to a point). I don't remember Eleanor to have been nearly so substantial. Booker, while having the character of a brick, at least frequently, if not in particularly interesting manner, interacted with Elizabeth, while that is barely the case with Sigma and Eleanor.
Well, the problem is I expect to enjoy games as much as I used to, when I simply can't. I think that's a problem with a lot of people here.
did you all fuckers forgot Ken levin is a horsefucker?
Strictly, I did not, because I was unaware of this until now.
educate yourself
What makes you sympathetic to Elizabeth?
Her original situation, how she's enthusiastic to see the world, how she feels fearful of becoming trapped again, etc. This isn't delivered very well within the context of the story, (being rather rushed, for one), but it stuck with me in a way Eleanor did not, for the reasons I gave previously.
I'm not going to say it's amazing feat by some game. It's probably the second-best part of the game outside of the environment. I just want to be fair in not recommending the game, saying what parts are good.
I'm of the opinion that Eleanor and Elizabeth are basically the same character and just prefer Eleanor to Elizabeth
To be honest, I stopped playing Infinite pretty quickly, but I watched a play through, and Elizabeth stuck with me more, and it's been a very long while since I've played BioShock 2, so I don't think my opinion means very much.
Thanks for bumping my thread, though.
Try playing them both and I'll bump your next thread
Um, I played through BioShock 2 and I've played enough Infinite to know I don't want to. My opinion between whether Eleanor or Elizabeth is the better character won't change unless I devote a considerable number of hours in playing both games, so I'm not willing to do that. Thanks for the offer, I suppose.