Monster Hunter World: Niceborne

Monster Hunter World: Niceborne

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Is Shrieking Legiana as bad as some people say?


Actually, it won't sell like crazy.

80%+ of all MH sales are in Japan. Capcom is abandoning the Japanese audience, which mainly plays on handhelds, by making it PS4-only there. Especially when you look at how badly the PS4 is selling in Japan.

In the west the game is still more niche than Souls games like Bloodborne.
Bloodborne only sold about 2.7m worldwide. MHW will therefore do less than thay on the PS4.

So we're looking at maybe~ 2m on the PS4, a few hundred k on the Xbox (lol xbox) and a few hundred k on the PC.

Now we also need to keep in mind two more things:
1. This game cost Capcom a LOT more than any other MH, not only is it a huge leap in graphical capabilities but they also have to put it on multiple platforms and support it on all of them.
2. Capcom won't make a lot of money from PC sales. Many will be grey market / key reseller sites and others will have been bought during some Steam sale for like 30 bucks, if which Valve takes another 30%

This game will fail to meet the many, many millions that it would have to have as a sales target for Capcom to be happy with its performance. It won't do that, because despite their efforts at westernizing and casualizing the game it will remain niche compared to games like GTA, Fifa, Skyrim.

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>flash bomb
>still in the air
get down here asshole reeeeeeee

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>We need to go back to real Monster Hunter!
>Capcom turned their back on veterans like me!
>I want Gore and Seregios!

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This is the (updated) flaw list compiled from points, most(!) of which still relevant after Iceborne, people found fault with.

Before I get pelted, this is not to say that MHW isn't great.

-still trying to get children addicted with the completely pointless HR1-999 system (younger players might conflate it with skill)
-the late PC release date is pathetic for today's standards, to say that at the outset (the version is also still kinda buggy; lose connection after alt-tabbing, animations sped up, too demanding)
-only elders get AT quests, meaning the game basically only has a handful of monsters because you don't even fight anything but elders as only those put up a fight in the endgame
-all challenging quests are time-gated events
-tripled down on AoE spam (see new Bazel, Vaal, Namielle and even Savage Deviljho) instead of well-designed movesets
-unstable framerate, especially due to clutter and an overload of effects
-yet they keep putting monsters in the cluttered forest; now even the Vaal subspecies, which will fart out and spam even more AoEs
-way too much walking and long transition zones (even Guiding Lands) that almost make you miss loading screens
-Guiding Lands and SOS system siphon from the comfy lobby system
-what's worse; only a limited number of lobbies and SOS quests displayed and hundreds hidden for some inexplicable reasons (sometimes can't even find an event SOS when AT Nergigante is live, even though there definitely are some)
-unskippable cutscenes because they want you to see their "beautiful creation"
-spawning in random zones and preventing it is an asinine chore, especially since you can fast-travel anyway (they probably do this for the same reason you can't skip cutscenes)
-very first big monster you fight, the flagship monster, the final monster of World and the final monster of Iceborne all rehash the same skeleton
-Nargacuga, Zinogre and assorted returning monsters slower than ever

-bad hitboxes and hit progression (animation barely started and already does 100% damage, or how Nergigante's tiny tail slam does as much damage as the spin itself and one-shots you)
-can't pause
-precise gameplay with GS is kinda dead (few exceptions like Kirin), it's all about just getting your TCS out, which barely requires skill; experience, spacing, positioning, timing (just watch a Kulve or Vaal speedrun and compare it to a 140 Shagaru speedrun)
-forced to hold a bunch of useless items that can make item usage a pain
-you can even make spots that aren't supposed to be weakspots such with the Clutch Claw and consecutively trip monsters like Nargacuga (can even make his wing blades weakspots by tenderizing them)
-palpable input delay, almost as bad as MH3U on Wii U
-most new monsters require no precision; just whack them like a pinata (Odogaron, Kulve, Vaal [EVERY hitzone is a weakspot], watch speedrun videos with GS), a joke compared to old monsters like Gore or Diablos before turning his head into a weakspot in MHW
-cryptic menu inputs for simple things at some instances
-now that lock-on exists, monsters circling around the player (think of Nargacuga or Nergigante) seems pointless, however, more and more monsters do it and people who rather play without lock-on are either forced to play with a camera setting they don't like or play with a big disadvantage
-one-player difficulty scaling arguably makes monsters too exploitable, the game too easy and cooparative gameplay redundant to good players
-HBG, CB and especially Bow easy yet overpowered, ridiculously so in the base game
-95% of armors useless
-almost all weapons but Kulve useless in the base game (they'll probably do something like that again in Iceborne)
-can't see quests other people have posted when you have a quest pending already, even though MH3U just made it possible not too long ago

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Hello listfag, good to know the sales report got you SEETHING

>Hello listfag, good to know the sales report got you SEETHING

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4u chads want their comrades back, nothing wrong with that
Gore and sergi are top tier battles.

-way too many roars (semi-unavoidable ones whenever a monster flees), even gave Zinogre a roar when approaching him
-roars can glitch out (consecutive micro roars impossible to dodge and predict, annoying when speedrunning)
-stunned way too long by tremors
-instantly craft and pop Ancient Potions, which in theory nullifies difficulty
-only source of threat is getting stunned now, which they ramped up greatly (don't start me on Teostra
-half the endgame monsters do thunder attacks, barely any water monsters
-crammed and visually busy while monsters clip through everything and can even shoot through the massive trees in the forest
-generic weapon skins
-Palicos constantly heal and even revive you
-automatically climb and slide everywhere because of slopes and other shit, forcing contextual and often impeding inputs on the player
-sabotaging automatic animations such as taking off used mantles when trying to quickly prevent a monster from fleeing
-some of the obejctiely worst monsters in the series, notably Zorah, Lunastra and AT Kushala who flies constantly without even an airborne moveset/openings (Alatreon and Rathalos have good aerial openings)
-item wheel unresponsive and clunky
-paid DLC
-random MVP cards (feedback and knowing who did best is nice, but the execution is horrible and you have to do 70% damage to even get the damage card)
-neck-snapping camera
-NPCs scattered across the hub
-can't see previews in the crafting menu for some reason
-likewise can't see things like your weapon slots in the general gear window, wheel tied to loadouts, decos sorted basically randomly, etc.
-invasions more likely, even elder dragons you can't dung
-three monsters in one zone constantly roaring and pushing each other around
-no transmog
-forced to use environmental traps if you want to keep up as a speedrunner: Monster didn't spawn in the area with the boulders or you missed one (5% damage) because the AI went nuts? Restart the whole thing

>Hammer got just that little grappling shit in Iceborne
>Also stun thresholds
>It's all it ever needed

>Gore and sergi are top tier battles.

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>That Nincel still seething 1 year later

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Gore is easily a better designed monster than everything in MHW/Iceborne at the moment. Only Zinogre, AT Nergigante, Deviljho and ironically Behemoth come close.

Skills I should be going after for greatsword? Or even sets, I’m at ebony odo and want to pick it back up after leaving it behind during 3U

is there a better pairing than ledge x hammer/gs

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focus 2 is what you should fit along with the regular crit skills

>only source of threat is getting stunned now, which they ramped up greatly (don't start me on Teostra
Imagine not running a stun 3 charm.

Play an actual MH game.

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>that shitposter who got into mh because of world
Bet you even cart to Teostra

Just 2 levels of focus not the full 3? Thanks man

I find 3 isn't significant enough for me to use but try it out if you feel like it helps


Why do you hate GU?

Depends, do you like monsters that spend more time in the sky than azure rath? Perpetual ice blight? Nonstop screaming? An insistence on bringing other legiana into the fray to pull similar shit? If so then shrieking legiana is the monster for you.

Yes, if you don't suck at the game ledges are rather grating and not satisfying.

why the fuck do I keep getting put in sessions of only 1-2 people

This is facts only

is this way.

i can't believe world is still being shittalked.
iceborne is the best monster hunter has ever been.
its not perfect, obviously, but no monster hunter has ever been perfect.
the only big criticisms i have are the weapon designs, monster seeking each other out way more and the lack of a proper secret black dragon (which could be fixed with dlc, who knows).

Got it, I can do focus 2 easy so I’ll go with that.

1. Everyone does.

2. Because the whole online system of this game is atrocious.

3. Also read

Shit weapon designs are a big reason to shittalk the game especially after a year of fans showing their displeasure of the designs and they still didn't fucking listen.

You can still crit draw if you want but it's not as strong as going full in on TCS

Because it's the best

Sends nincels like listfag into a frenzy

unironically it still just amounts to petty console war shit

they know, regardless of how much they deny it, that QoL changes make it an objectively better experience and the more open-ended experience has vastly improved the gameplay

C'mon Steve and Gore are amazing. I'm expecting them as dlc.

Has anyone tested the velk set with draw GS? The damage boost might make draw on par with TCS

My only real issues with the game at this point is the aesthetic isn't as good as it could be (bad weapon designs, low contrast/colors) and the online system is still just fucking terrible. These can be fixed in a sequel though. I think World is a phenomenal foundation for later games.

Abhorrent taste.

but why? before iceborne i was getting into actual sessions of 12 or more

shittalk the weapon design and not the complete game. its still the best monster hunter experience you can get. i say that as someone who absolutely hates what they did to some of the weapons.

Can you explain why? Did you ever play mh4u to talk about it in the first place?

i get the feeling the iceborne update fucked something up.
every lobby is 1-3/16 and people join sos very late.
it wasnt like that in the base game.

Some anons were theory crafting it but if they posted the results I didn't see them. Someone here knows tho

>wanting eye-cancer inducing bright colors and high contrast like the 3DS ge

Fuck off

>paid dlc
Imagine nitpicking this hard just because you are angry people like a game you don't like

I only very rarely got put in a full lobby even before Iceborne. It's the worst online mode in any game this generation.


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Yes user, when you dislike something you can only want the exact opposite.


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Meet your Iceborne Killer

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what platform are you on? i never had a problem with that on ps4. the only problem was, it didnt even matter, since everyone just did sos anyways.

>he won at the end

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yes goy the DLC is such an awful way to do it, we should go back to rereleasing the entire game under a different name again for full price!


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But that's not DBFZ.

>nitpicks two words out of 2000
>omg, imagining nitpicking
Based retard


4U is marred by most of the roster being 1st and 2nd gen shit before World made those fights somewhat enjoyable. I never want to fight old Garuga ever again after fighting World's version. 3U is probably the least flawed game in the series but underwater battles really drag it down. It also sucks that we never got a non-easy mode version. The entire series is really flawed tbqh. Every game has major flaws holding it back. They keep experimenting with new ideas only to scrap them in the next entry instead of fixing/expanding upon them because people complained about them. I'll never forgive them for getting rid of underwater battles instead of improving upon it.

>since everyone just did sos anyways.
Which is the bigger problem. Comfy MH is dead

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Just one of many reasons the entire list is shit posting. If you are going to put that level of retarded shit in your post the rest of your points are void.

How is the lance doing in IB besides the super armor counter? Is it now better elemental?

If you combine MH4 and it’s expansion it still gets outsold by MHW alone so no sweetie, sorry, but please continue to cope.

That's more of a side-effect of that kind of online and more social-run online in general just kinda fading away now. Even MMOs now don't even focus on that shit, which is why you get things like WoW Classic where people want to go back to where they had to actually communicate with others when playing.

>only sold 250k in Japan
Well that sucks. They were always buying G-rank games for the 3DS.

Why do you even want to be in a lobby with randoms? SOS works well, people join for everything even delivery quests. And when you reach guiding lands you can just chill there, people will come and go and kill/gather shit for you

agreed desu, each game after 2nd gen has some gimmicky shit that ruins it

Make fucking friends. Unironically.
>oh man, everybody just does the infinitely easier and more time saving thing now! Nobody wants to hang out in a lobby with strangers instead of doing the quest and moving on!
>what do you mean lobby hangouts are for friends? DEAD TO ME
>new is bad!

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stop pretending to be "oldfags" retards

what's a good longsword to work towards? About to hunt Velkhana.


>putting B-team trash over FU
absolutely kill yourself you worthless degenerate scum

The only reason MHw sold a lot in the first place was because everyone was curious. MHW was sos hit, of course people won't buy a fucking 50$ expansions, even if it's good.

Capcom is retarded. They shouldn't have stopped supporting and balancing MHW just to shill Iceborne with the fixes a year later.

Yes, when you can transfer your save like in the past few games that would be preferable. I can't even recommend Iceborne to friends because they would still have to trudge through MHW's horrible High Rank which doesn't even have any new monsters either. They should've just made a new game, yes.

But just for your information; Iceborne isn't the only DLC that costs money. There are a lot of little things that would have been free in any other MH before.

How is pointing out paid DLC with two words le "retarded"?

>being an adult and having little gamer boys obsessed with video games

>i- it's just curiosity!
>12 million sold
This is a new level of cope.

Rate my /fa

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Imagine being this dedicated to posting so much deranged and deluded crap. I mean, there's no way you can believe this right? Pathetic, either way.

Believe what?

9/10, shara palico is GOAT

honestly, i think sos is better than the old lobby system.
i kinda miss the vibe the old lobbys gave off, but i have been playing mhgu before iceborne released and its such a fucking pain to do whatever quest you want to do. so many times people left when it was my turn. good luck finding a lobby exactly for whatever you want to do.
sos has its flaws, for sure, but its better than the old system.
also the old lobbys still exist, its on the community to make them the same as back in the day. the gathering hub is way better now too.

If it was conviction, they would want more of the game, no? No one buys Iceborne. And I predicted it, btw. Saying it for months now.

>FU boomer

Point and laugh

actually 13 mil by july 2019

I got myself a Max tier Namielle and Legiana longsword, working towards getting my Zinogre and Rathalos swords to top tier, but their mantle/emerald drop rate is killing me. I also plan to max out my Nergigante blade when I can finally face Ruiner for real.

>make them instead of being a retard and expecting strangers to want to hang out with you
>y-you have friends in your lobby t- that's gay

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>No one buys Iceborne.
Can you, please, post the digital sales? Thanks.

Reminder rhe 250k is physical only. Actual numbers are much higher. Don't have a stroke listfag lmao

>no one buys iceborne
>literally just released last week, already in millions
A n e w level of cope

MHW is literally Capcom's most successfully sold game to date
Why are you so convinced Iceborne is doing poorly? This is really deranged schizo shitposting at this point.


Unironic fucking sour grapes. You should be embarrassed.

>Famistu Sales come out and only show Physical sales
>Doesn’t even show Digital
>Shitposting immediately comes up to max

>good luck finding a lobby exactly for whatever you want to do.
lol, dude, you could even do that in fucking MH3U. The problem with MHW's online is that you only see like 2% of all the lobbies that are really there (and also of all the SOS quests). Some user said it might be because of your download region and ping, but in that case I don't know why we still see so many Japs.

Tri had like 10 rooms active for shit like Qurupeco and Gobul all the time.

The new system just sucks. Big rooms are good, joining mid-quest is good, maybe even SOS would be cool with certain limitations (only available three minutes or five minutes into a quest and you will always get less rewards when you help out), but the way it is now it's dog shit.

was the 40k not digital? I don't think there was a way to buy the iceborne expansion separately in a phsyical edition right?

Because you are pointing out paid dlc like it effects the gameplay in literally any shape or form in the slightest. There is paid cosmetic dlc, and there is an expansion that normally would have been released as an entirely seperate game with a full price.

>Why are you so convinced Iceborne is doing poorly?
Well, compared to MHW it does. I'm convinced because what I'm saying makes sense and what you are saying does not. MHW was shit, Capcom completely dropped the ball and completely abandoned the game and any balancing for it, sans some half-assed event quests, and then they expect normalfags to plunk down 50 bucks for one new locale and some 3DS monsters with dusty skeletons when not even I as a long time veteran am planning to play it for long.

Nah. You are delusional.

>Because you are pointing out paid dlc like it effects the gameplay in literally any shape or form in the slightest.
Does anyone say it's a sole gameplay list? How do sales you are wanking to all day affect the gameplay directly?

Kys, brainlet.

>fag can't even get the price right

well i can tell you one thing:
i need way more time to do stuff in mhgu than in iceborne. i know that iceborne has some shitty thing going on right now with their online, people join late in to the hunt with sos and getting a full squad before a hunt starts is almost impossible, unless you have friends obviously.
all that and its still much easier to play iceborne online than mhgu.
mhgen on ds had the same problem mhgu has right now, so i dont think its the population or anything like that, its the system itself.

Pretty sure the 44k was just for the iceborne coupon.

Look at listfag absolutely SEETHING

I haven't brought up sales even once, but keep seething it is cute

>it sold bad because i think the game's bad and uhhhh because i say so

what a sad little worm you are

It's literally 50-70 in some European cuontries.

/fa/ as fuck

interesting I didn't know they had that, guess we won't know for sure until digital sales come up then.

The 40k is not digital sales, it’s basically a Japan exclusive Physical version of IB or some shit that has the code in it if you already own Base World. There isn’t even any news about Digital sales of Iceborne yet due to the platforms being the only ones with that information/ Capcom

>Glavenus DBs branch off Lavasioth

>dropped days ago
>famitsu already almost 300k physical, top release
>can't even beat azur lane, a literal who
>I'm convinced it was shit so it is!
You are breathing really fucking heavily right now.

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remove mounting
remove aerial combat
remove ig

Maybe you shouldn't compare the hyped up big new generation release that just got released world wide to an old ass game that's the port of an even older game. Maybe if you weren't so new you'd remember MH1 lobbies with 8 players or Tri.

did capcom ever release the digital sales for world?

Listfag literally seething holy shit

If people would like it as much as you brainlet claim they'd buy the expansion, meanwhile it probably won't have an attach rate of even 30%.

Anyone not a fan of how much power they put into the weakness claw causes?
Feels nearly mandatory now to keep up. I don't mind it as much with Switch axe but with lbg I need to hit the thing 3 times to induce the weakness.
Would rather see it as a specific weapon mechanic or buff similar to how kinsects work for IG. Only to affect the monster for that weapon.

>a mentally ill console war nigger appears

Well the latest 13 million announcement is probably covering digitally.
Maybe in TGS stream they announce it along with some give away.

yeah I don't like having to constantly tenderize to do decent damage, I'd prefer if clutch claw was just a way for melee users to be able to attack flying monsters more easily

It dropped literal days ago and has been the top release of anything recent and for some time before, you actual bibiwa.
>it'll go down cause I want it to

>still seething and coping

kys listfag

Iceborne will barely sell half as much as World. And THIS is the ultimaeNow kys if facts trigger you so much.

I’m not sure I haven’t checked on that yet? But obviously it’ll probably be that more Copies got sold though Physical then digital but I’m sure that the digital sales were big enough as well

you have yet to provide proof that people aren't buying it

It's obvious what your actual problem is, since you never even played the fucking expansion, so why beat around the bush here?

make mounting as fast as it was in gen, then a lot faster than that
make aerial combat an option instead of something you just exploit
ig is in a good spot now that it has a way to land again

Holy shit, what has that place done to your brains?

>literally can't even string one coherent sentence together, much less a cogent argument


Holy fucking shit, guys. Take a break from shitposting.


I'd be shocked if you provided any
But you haven't, so
You know
Bibiwa and cope

>it won't sell 13 million so NOT A SUCCESS
Really triggered me there senpai

That's still more sales than any previous game lmao

It gives people a way to contribute to group damage even if their own set is shit or some Wide Range 5, Light Eater, Para 3 memebuild, but it’s not worth monster health getting so inflated to counteract it, yeah

I could still find anything I wanted to do in World after more than 1 year after release. You have to be fucking trolling if you think the online in World/Iceborne in its functionality is worse than any MH before. It just works way better.
I do agree on the feeling of the old lobby system. Getting your group together in the gathering hub before the hunt felt way better than just joining an SOS. I still much prefer the new system.

Post a proof it sells as much as World. Because if it doesn't it's the ultimate proof customers are unsatisfied with MHW. That something sells a lot doesn't mean people like it, it just means they thought they'd be going to like it.

When the expansion or sequel suffers, that's a good sign they didn't like it a lot.

Shit arguments get shit responses.

I miss water combat. MHW has lots of gorgeous water yet we cant swim in it.

>mfw imagining Deserted Island with HD graphics

I cant stop cumming. Also the monster selection in World sucked dick, 3 was where it peaked in terms of design, and 3U is the best game for the perfect blend of old and new monsters (when you remove the 10000 HUNT MUH FAVORITE RATHALOS MONSTER BAKA quests, seriously fuck Raths, they are shit and the hype around them as a mascot is bullshit because of blatant favoritism on the lead producers part)

Why sales post when you can bone post

Are you going fucking retarded
MHW took not even a year to reach its success, but if they don't do even half that, opening weekend, it's a failure to you?
Are you legit pretending to be retarded?

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hey rathian is okay, los can suck a dick though

How do I stop being a deco whore? I can only wear armor that has the highest possible amount of slots. I don’t even run meme dps builds, just survivability/utility stuff

yeah if IB doesn't sell 12 million copies by tomorrow it's confirmed shit


Gotta say it's pretty comfy to enter a MH thread and see listfag BTFO left and right. The mentally ill autist can't catch a break

Nice try covering your ass with
>well if sells one less copy that mhw than it is a shit game no one liked it

Where are the millions of players?

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>Getting your group together in the gathering hub before the hunt felt way better than just joining an SOS. I still much prefer the new system.
Just let me get this straight...

First you enter this thread complaining about this game's trashy online mode and how it puts you in empty lobbies all the time. Then people tell you why that is and how unpolished the online system ist. Then you compare it with some old shit port literally no one plays to showcase how much more alive World is, a game that sold 5000 times the copies. Now, within the same post, you agree that the old lobbies are better but then proceed to say that you prefer World's online anyway and everyone who agrees is trolling, even though you were just told that you could do exactly what you were asking for in Tri, in MH1 and partially still in MH4U.

Did I get this right?

at least change the name of the image, retard, we all know this is from release date

Japan in general has a lot more ways to get the game. Different collector's editions (with Velkhana figure, OST, artbook, Palico dualshock stand) depending on which goods you want and 2 console bundles.

Tempered Kushala was a mistake.

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Pukei Pukei!

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Imagine if he focused on genuine weaknesses in the gameplay instead of being a flaming clown and sabotaging whatever critical value he might have had

No one said opening week. Take your pills, stop posting.

You children are literally incapable of not strawmanning. The premise is that it won't sell as much as World. Now fuck off.

They are on PC, waiting for Capcom to pull their head out of their ass

>avoids the question
>ignores clear sign people playing
>ignores that it's had the highest opening weekend of any game, cross platform, for some time now
>i-it's not 6 mil opening weekend so IT'S A FAILURE SO THERE
So yes. You are completely fucking retarded.

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>this retarded shit game will put everyone in a completely empty lobby creating 50 1/16 lobbies instead of filling up one by one

Japs are such weird creatures.

>some people paid 40 dollars for this DLC

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Can I just buy Iceborne and jump into it, or do I have to beat all of World first?

Yes, you literally did. It's opening fucking weekend. You got blown the fuck out by MHW being a literal best seller for the company, and you're projecting on literally nothing but your feelings that this will be a failure, since it's been doing fine by actual numbers.

Beat world

Did they nerf flash pods again

You have to beat the shittier game first which is why you shouldn't even buy it.

Legiana's or Barioth's SnS?

Why are you so mad unless you know I'm right? Just wait some weeks for comparable numbers. Iceborne will sell less on average than what World did is my prognose.

MR monsters has flash resistance, CC then flash them in the head

4babs are by far the worst. They act like "hardcore veterans" and don't understand that they 3DS games were shit.

No but I assume you get all the gameplay changes and the claw if I’m not mistaken

seethe and cope

>being this retarded
They created their own lobbies you drooling retard

Yes. Capcom can't bear it when any other weapon but ranged/bow can do damage to monsters.

If I posted an updated screenshot there would be even less players, mate.

Yet you have people right here in this thread we complain being put in empty lobbies. And yet it happens to me all the time as well. It's the matchmaking, you drooling subhuman.

Want to prove me wrong? Pull out your phone, take a video of matchmaking and show me how many players are in the lobby. If it's more than five, you won.

Buddy, if anybody is furious here it's you. You can't stop arguing a completely nonsensical point, since even you finally admit it's too early for your triggered butthurt to mean anything and you conviently ignore the fact that it's had the highest opening weekend.

>First you enter this thread complaining about this game's trashy online mode and how it puts you in empty lobbies all the time.
Not me
>Then you compare it with some old shit port literally no one plays to showcase how much more alive World is, a game that sold 5000 times the copies.
Could you join mid hunt in MH1 and Tri? Were you able to just join EXACTLY the quest that you wanted to do, anytime?
> Now, within the same post, you agree that the old lobbies are better but then proceed to say that you prefer World's online anyway
You can like one aspect of something and dislike the rest.
>everyone who agrees is trolling
Iceborne has the same lobby system that the old games had, in theory, and added stuff on top of it. No one is using the the old lobby system, that is the communitys fault. If you only look at the system itself, not what the community makes of it, Iceborne IS superior.

So no, you didn't get it right and I'm ending this right here.

>Icebourne will sell less than world did.
Fucking duh you idiot. Literally every sale of iceborne REQUIRES a purchase of MHW. It is physically impossible for iceborne to sell more than world.

>yet you have me, here in this thread, samefagging about empty lobbies cause I don't want to admit SoS works
Make friends.

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Stop calling her a Pukei-Pukei.

>implying there is reason to have more than four hunters in a lobby anyways

But that's a compliment

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FU has not aged well and it is time for you to admit it.

Should I dress up Handler in the regular Iceborne outfit, the Winter Festival outfit, or the bikini for all of Iceborne?

Oh you can flash while CC'd to the head? Or you mean wound the head first then flash pods work normally





>checks the daily mh thread on Yea Forums
>sees listfag fishing with the capture net instead of the fishing rod
Jesus Christ

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Dress her in the Winter subspecies skin

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>Could you join mid hunt in MH1 and Tri?
No. No one's complaining about that.

>Were you able to just join EXACTLY the quest that you wanted to do, anytime?
Can't do that in World either. You're lucky when the game displays the right SOS quest you want (even shit like ATs are scarce) and lobbies are non-existent. So what you will do is what everyone does; start a quest yourself and shoot an SOS.

That said, yes, you could always find a room in MH1, Tri and partially MH4U (partially because the roster was huge and it had the etarded GQ system going on) for whatever monster you wanted to hunt or make one yourself and people would join in a minute, for the simple reason that you could see ALL the rooms in the game, there weren't any hidden from you like it is in MHW for some reason.

>Iceborne has the same lobby system that the old games had, in theory, and added stuff on top of it. No one is using the the old lobby system, that is the communitys fault. If you only look at the system itself, not what the community makes of it, Iceborne IS superior.
That's like saying it's the community's fault when a dev is shit at balancing and most people use a blatantly overpowered weapon. That's not entirely wrong but it's never the whole truth either. Most people are idiots and don't even know what they're missing. Capcom shouldn't design the game for the lowest common denominator, though.

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The psp games are fucking trash.
Dos was the future of the franchise, but they fucked it up.

>defending SOS shit
Take pills.

Are people out here actually arguing over sales numbers when the expac isn't even on PC yet? There are plenty of people who are just waiting and don't plan on double dipping, and then there are the people who are going to double down too. We won't know shit until feb of next year.

I won't get the serious handler again, will I? Why do they tease us like this?

>literal boomer humour


>Are people out here actually arguing over sales numbers
It's the only thing they have. And the list was posted so they have to distract somehow.

$30 dlc prease rook forward to it

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Im 19 and desu I've played a lot of monster hunter and can look at this objectively. 4U is really the best, most classic game in the series. World and the boomertrash can't compete. Honestly 4U has perfect graphics, controls, mounting system, and relic system

>new bad
>me want old times and fun I had back
>me not want to make new fun or friends

FUfags are honestly just sad.

weak bait

I'd pay $30 to dress the Handler in MR Pukei armor instead desu

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Filter your search you pleb. I filter mine specifically for my language to avoid moonrune chat and go for lobbies with higher player counts since it means I can respond to sos flares and farm more successfully.

>i'm 19 and my opinion matters
>I'm so mentally stunted I feel like I should mention my age first rather than experience in a vidya thread
Disgusting, I don't know if I should tell you or just let you find out on your own

Its shitpost ammo, this always happens with all anticipated games

Also, you guys need to stop replying. We have a dedicated janny in these threads, use the report function

We did it, pard! The two of us! Both of us, working side by side! A 50/50 split!

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Just fapped to handler
Felt great, have a warm fuzzy afterglow.

It's funny for how amazing the layout of the new gathering hall is, yet they still dropped the ball on even getting the game to get players to populate them. Hopefully they look at some games with proper lobbying system to finally get it right with world 2: electric boogaloo. Having the same fucking problem as base MHW but for a different reason is a whole different level of retardation man.

>Mommy mommy I want a console!
>well sweaty but only 1
>I want the Mario one mommy!
>sure sweaty? you are not to old for Mario?
>Oh sweaty
>3 months later

bibiwa go away

>But sweetie you didn't have that problem with the 3DS
>I know Mommy. I miss the 240p graphics and terrible control scheme.

Thats a major part of the game. I havent played IB (pc) but the weapon shit has gutted my hype for the game. While the core gameplay looks to be amazing, theyve removed the thing that gave mh its longevity.

Tbh I think IB is going to end being my least favorite grank game for the simple fact its going to have little postgame incentive for a mh game. Hell, there are NEW monsters that have like 3 unique weapon models. Thats a brand new monster that Im goin to fight like 10 times and never have a reason to bother with again.

I honestly would have rather them dropped at least half of the monsters added in IB in exchange for having all end tree weapons having unique models. Whats the point of having a bunch of monsters with no reason to grind?

Qt-qt doesn't deserve to be insulted that way though

The ending when the handler finally acknowledges that you are the singular reason anyone is allowed to live in the new world, while you are walking away into the dust is pretty fucking kino

How are the elemental lances doing in iceborne?

Still waiting for 10$ DLC to make her into an actual pukei pukei

Allright, tell what the fuck your fetish is, I must know.

What do you think FU is you idiot?

Anja LS is extremely good against monsters weak to fire, would definitely recommend it

>tfw Velkhana set is extremely OP with bow

Holy shit. I can reach up to 75~80 per arrow with any element. This fucking Buff is insane. Only downside to it is no constitution, so you gotta depend on dash juice a lot.

>iceborne out, hype phase over
>suddenly mods stop banning criticism and even the list
It's almost true what they said and Capcom and other companies pay Yea Forums for marketing.

At least it's better than the Kayamba "all me" and Cha-Cha "Thanks for helping" bros

People give her shit but seem to forget that the handler actually really respects you to the point of being emotionally
moved several times by your accomplishments. Her words seem less like she's trying to claim glory and more like she's trying to encourage you by insinuating that you aren't alone it this. Just because she's a bit of a tard and doesn't fight beside you like your Palico doesn't mean she isn't still part of the team.

Oh my God I forgot how much I hated those faggots. Palicos are God tier but those faggots can die in a deep dark pit

World was pretty shit, but Iceborne fixed most of my problems with it. Too bad they're still being lazy niggers and not making unique weapons

You guys give the handler shit for being incompetent but the 4U hunter will get told to go hunt a monster and the waddle into the room cluelessly and get attacked by the monster damn near every time

seething listfag

>Iceborne will sell half as much as the most sold Capcom game of all time
That's actually a compliment, especially considering that it's literally impossible to sell more Iceborne than world.

>Too bad they're still being lazy niggers and not making unique weapons
Literally no excuse for that, what the fuck Capcom.

We give her shit because she's ugly and the cut scenes aren't skipable.

>Easy and OP
>World with cluster nerfs and spread making you hump one hit death aoe spam.
Uhh, no sweaty

You can't skip the 4U cutscenes either.

Iceborne Anja weapons in general seem to be godlike for monsters weak to fire once fully upgraded. Like I said in the last thread I basically bullied black veil Val with my Lohensieger. Can't wait to see what I do to that faggot Kirin.

When's TGS?

Ancient potions don't undo one hit death via AT cheese. Shut up already

Is Velk the best set for LS? That frost sheath thing works with iai slash, right?

What the fuck do I do with slinger burst on SnS?

They never nerfed pellet shots

she's an assignment board that eats. they should have at least made her handle investigations or bounties or something

>High raw
>Extremely high fire damage even before elemental skills
>Tons of augment slots
Anja weapons are the true choice for fire weapons and I won't hear otherwise

I’m calling bullshit on everyone saying barioth is a wall. I oneshot him in 15min and I am not good at monster hunter.

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>MH where normal and pierce are shit
>Good framework
Nice meme

Shotgun faggots in the face with rocks, and use it to get to Perfect Rush or whatever it's called faster

Is there any way to tell what special arena I'm missing?
Trying to clear them all before moving on, i thought i captured everything first time, but apparently i forgot something in MR 2

>anja gl isn’t normal
Get that gay shot out of my face


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It does but because you're attacking so often you'll lose the buff extremely quickly, and because you can instantly combo iai slashes into other moves you barely keep your LS sheathed long enough to actually charge the frost buff back up

I've seen quite a few people get dicked down by him, you might be better than you think

damn dude, i guess you must be the true monster hunter™

dude you are so badass

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Again she's ugly, that's the main issue. Men will look past many faults in women if they're pretty.

No fuck you guys and your faggotry viper kodachi gave me trouble barioth was nothing special

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>viper kodachi gave me trouble
Oh, ok you right, you are shit

Barioth is a bad matchup for retards that don't understand the value of learning monster movesets and visual ques over just hitting things. I also slapped his shit but it's easy to see that he's supposed to be the introductory anti-Grug monster. Your options with him are either to learn how he works or become so grotesquely powerful that you can eventually come back and just brute force the Gruging without issue.

Literally not that different except for this cool as lightning fast loop de loop dive it has. Pretty dope to see

above average IQ right here, congratz dude.

Well, yeah. It's the worst designed combat in iceborne by far. All the reasons have been stated above.

No wait nevermind, the page didn't load properly and I didn't see that before posting.

Is it worth getting the full set bonus for the Namielle armour or is 2+crit element a better combo?

new comers will struggle since its an etirely new moveset but most returning mosnters are fucking downgrade for veterans. They are at least tanky.

>anything being worse than Blackveil Vaal
Shrieking is annoying but Blackveil is a genuinely terrible fight. At least Legiana looks cool and has some awesome looking new attacks. Blackveil just shits out even more cancer smoke than usual.

World's barioth is harder than hes every been tbqh. He was a complete pushover that gave nobody trouble before. Never thought I would see the day where some people considered him a "wall"

Vet since FU here, youre full of shit

God FUfags really all just need to die of old age already.

Which of you was this?

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Barioth is objectively the hardest he's ever been

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4babs are the worst by far. They think 4U was the first Monster Hunter game

Tribabs and Worldbabs are tied. Both aren't too bad and got bullied probably more than they should have. They don't have large egos.

PS2 / PSP gods are eternal gods

rate this lads

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>Never thought I would see the day where some people considered him a "wall"
literally trii
and would be fine but hunters are way to buff for any of their little improvements to care.

Garuga is the only one i wwould say was vastly improved.

What threads have you been in to think Worldfags don't have big egos?

Barroth was the wall in Tri

I dont see them derailing threads out of autistic fit because of their tous

>most returning mosnters are fucking downgrade for veterans.
But that's a lie
They even fixed Diablos and Black Diablos

By comparison to 4babs, worldfags are tame as a lamb.
Its 4babs who shit on the PSP games, not worldfags.

Looks like someone who would join my sessions and cart a lot


both wereat different points of the game. At least for the general players

How? they are just as dumb as always

>Blackveil is a genuinely terrible fight.
Nigga what. Fire weapon, a miasma+4 and miasma 1 jewel and some recovery, vitality and medicine jewels and he's a cake walk that at worst slightly inconveniences you with chip damage.

Look up a video of MR diablos. If you still object, provide proofs

the only reason i chose LS for this set is because it requires the least auxillary skills, i normally use HH and i just made this for fun
what are some weapons that synergise well with crits that aren't shitterbait

I saw I guy called Turbo Black with a palico called Big Nig recently

>Blackveil is a genuinely terrible fight.
becasue of the map not becasue of the mnster.

>How? they are just as dumb as always
Because now they can actually chain attacks and they are way more aggressive. Black even has the Bloodbath instant charge

Switch axe
t. Man rocking Teo/Damascus mix and literally never running out of sharpness

Why do some people instantly think that if someone says something is bad they must have had trouble with it? I never said he was hard. Hes just boring and tedious, especially compared to most of the other subs in Iceborne. Hes not a visually interesting fight, and his melee attacks are slow as hell and barely pose a threat. All you do that entire fight is dodge the cancer clouds of which there are many.

> Black even has the Bloodbath instant charge
doesnt matter when the hit box are so generous to dodge.

>MHW was shit
Disagree, unless directly comparing to Iceborne
>Capcom completely dropped the ball and completely abandoned the game and any balancing for it
Huh what, there was more post launch support than any other MH game, and then even a PC port. The hell are you on about. And there wer balance changes to LBG, CB phial scaling with attack, airborne fixed for IG, etc. I don’t remember balance patches for older had to wait for a sequel
>sans some half-assed event quests
Behemoth was a massive addition, Kulve was a massive addition, Deviljho and Lunastra were great additions, and the Witcher crossover was surprisingly dope.
>and then they expect normalfags to plunk down 50 bucks for one new locale and some 3DS monsters with dusty skeletons when not even I as a long time veteran am planning to play it for long
So you’re saying you bought it? LMFAO then you know Iceborne nailed it.

Who gives one flying fuck what normalfags are buying? 5 people can buy the game and I wouldn’t give a shit, I’d still enjoy it because it’s damn good

TGS announcement soon bros

Has anyone actually tried out the uncapped latent power? Considering the length of hunts as well as potentially infinite hunts in the guiding lands it looks like it could be pretty good

which new armors are great for GS?

>make steam machine explode again
>this time its shitty handler instead of the cute one in the cutscene
Serious handler was only in the steam scene for those two quests wasn’t she

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>FUfags shitting up the thread


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Glavenus and its sub have armour which is basically made for GS

>the Witcher crossover was surprisingly dope.
It fucking sucks. Leshen is an even worse fight than Zorah. The only appeal is "OMGGGG YOU CAN BE GERALT OMGGGG I LOVE WITCHER!!!"

make it stop
i just want to talk about monster hunter

make it fucking stop

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>Glavenus armor is made for GS
>his GS isn't even in the game


Oi, FU was where are I started don’t lump me in with these faggotrons

>man fuck those actually working hitbox back in my days we had plesioths
fucking kill yourself and I say that as someone who played since fucking 1


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I hope you reported them, racism is not funny and should not be encouraged.

If you really think you FUfags got it bad due to autists, imagine how I feel when Gentards shit up the threads

t.started on Gen

It's literally just Val fight but with more clouds and luna style puddles of effluvium. His fight was always bland but when you word it as being terrible it's easy to assume you meant difficult. Shrieking is honestly way more tedious since you're forced to burn through dungpods to keep other legiana away and if you're a melee hunter to also burn through flashpods and pray the fucker falls or spam the crutch claw just to get to the cunt to hit it.

What are the best LBGs now? I'm going with crossblitzer so far and love it.

>racism is not funny

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that nuclear explosion scene from Terminator would fit well here

Shrieking Legiana is no fun, most of the fight was me spamming clutch claw on its wings and regular Legiana wouldn't fuck off.

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Help! I’m a lbg user who keeps farting to the Tigrex capture optional! Any advice?

Evade Window

Ive only fought shrieking once and i think i just got lucky because the other legiana only showed up once and went away quick so it was a pretty pleasent fight. Also through the clutch claw I was able to get him down consistently. I was honestly surprised to see that he was mostly disliked.


>Rathalos -- now with 60% more airtime
Good. Wouldn't want to risk him being fun to hunt.

You literally have a grappling hook and few attacks will shake you off his face

Just abuse the clutch claw trips every opportunity it's not actually enraged

Just hit the tail bro

Uh oh the FUfag is malfunctioning

Is MH6 coming in jan 2021?

Where the rooms at?

>been comfy with mammoth gunlance since iceborne dropped
>just upgraded to glutton fang ii
Sucks ass that we lost the best handler and got our original handler back. Barioth didn’t cart me in the wild or arena. What are you lads hunting?

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Whatever I happen to stumble into in the Guiding Lands

What's it like to not play video games?

>tfw pc
>tfw no desire to open world whatsoever
>tfw 2020 because crapcom

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That being said most of the 4u cutscenes are fucking sick, it's what made me love shaggy so much

Working on clearing out the level 3 optional quests.

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>wanting to play with Yea Forums or /mhg/
They all talk big but they're all shit bar a select few. The rest are getting carried.

3 major announcements are gonna be shown by Capcom in TGS. We know 2 of them are RE and MH but what’s the third?

Whens this shit going down?

What are the stats on the Zinogre armor ?

In like 9 hours


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Either DMC, Dragons dogma or a new IP

We used to have plenty of rooms during 4U and Gen. I kinda miss playing with you fags.

Hope to god its Dragons Dogma

>Not "You truly are a Monster Hunter World: Iceborne"

Ps4 rooms in mhg are comfy, especially with the new hub. The issue are the PC rooms which are garbage

t. tourist

>ps4 room
>full of people ERP'ing
>grown men calling each other "cute" and avatarfagging left and right posting their "cute" huntresses
>people name dropping in the general
>discord clickes
>pc room
>people hunting monsters
yep, what a shitfest

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>PC player
>decided to check in on an Iceborne stream for a couple minutes
>Qttsix fighting Zinogre
>hear that bomb ass theme
>suddenly a huge rush of FOMO and sadness

Goddamnit, maybe I should have just been grinded out my PS4 file and got Iceborne. But my PC character is the only one I've spent endgame time on so I chose to wait for the PC release, but seeing everyone have fun is now getting to me

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According to Itsuno’s teases, DD2 only entered development when DMC5 was finished so it’s ages away from being in a playable state, let alone showable.

>When tempered Coral Pukei Pukei can one shot you from a mile away with it’s piss beam

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Based electricbros

>people hunting monsters

>it will take at least 3 years until we see DD2

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I joined an SOS Investigation for Tempered Coral Pukei and my connection died within two seconds of the hunt starting so I had to kill it myself. Thank god Iceborne reverts monster stats to lower levels of someone leaves or drops out though, that thing was enough rape for me to handle as is.

>part of the 2%
Why is the hunting horn so underrated?

You want a bad time? Go to /ffxivg/. I didn't listen to Yea Forums and now all lalafells and carboys are eternally suspect

is it worst than lolg?

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>tigrex horn

On the up side, Itsuno’s comments on itduring DMC5 press and that interview with Reubon Langdon about Itsuno threatening to leave Capcom after DmC practically assure that the game IS happening and that Capcom are gonna give Itsuno complete control over it like they did DMC5.

>shara ishvalda quest unlocked
>still haven't found a single mantle
Yes, the authentic monster hunter™ experience, just what I was looking for.

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I understand where Futas stand in the ERP social caste system from reading one thread

>finally got a Diablos Hardhorn
Slugger isn't a meme skill r-right?

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>serious handler gets BTFO in her cutscene
Fuck you capcom

Guys in the Gore Magala DLC Ace Cadet/Excitable A-Lister gets fucking killed and Serious Handler is assigned to you. Your reward for slaying Shagaru Magala is that you can replace Handler with Serious Handler at any time. This is not a drill, my friend who works at Capcom told me.

>Barely get any mantles through the story
>get 6 off of shara on the first hunt
What the fuck

Is any of the newer merch worth picking up? Or is it all afflicted by anime eye cancer?

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>actually thinking they’ll announce another monster at TGS
They need to first release Rajang before they announce another

>Ace Cadet
Ace Cadet will never die though.

Slugger is great for solo fights or if your team isn't fucking retarded.

Why not? Rajang is gonna be out next month and they said the post-launch updates wouldn't go on as long this time, World's got dragged out by Kulve and crossover event dev time.

if the iceborne PC release doesn't have rajang and the other title updates at launch, I'm gonna shit

Don't get your hopes up

Velk LS - yes or no? It seems pretty good.

daed thread

Good raw, decent element, purple sharpness with handicraft, it's pretty damn good

I am the only person in this fanbase mad enough to think Lagi will be dlc as a way to advertise MH6

How are W5 gunlances with artillery 5
And how are your artillery 5 sets looking like?

They have outright said he's not coming because he would be wasted in World, he's getting special treatment IN MH6 however

They've outright said that leviathans were cut so early that none of the maps would be good to fight them in now.
Plus Lagi is a garbage fight on land

I know. Thats why I said I am mad enough to believe

No it isn't BING BING faggot

>Sabotaging automatic animations
You mean like the old healing animation that literally stopped you in your tracks for a second? I'm not saying the mantles aren't worse, but don't act like this is something that's entirely new to world. It's still Capcom's best selling game, and at the end of the day it's still gonna be fun no matter how long your lists are.

I am positive they’re gonna add a bug monster as dlc

What are the stun values for the hammer clutch claw attack? Is it as good as a charged attack or does it do piddling stun damage?

Not sure if we're gonna get that kind of info before PC comes out.

>You mean like the old healing animation that literally stopped you in your tracks for a second?
I'd hardly call that automatic, you choose when to drink a potion and therefore you choose exactly when you're locking yourself into that animation.

You can probably test it on MR Jagras, see how many hits it takes for the first KO

clutch claw should have a cooldown

it's too strong

i should have a cooldown, for fucking your mom
its too strrong

Not really. Even if you spam it, you’re still gonna spend 15 to 20 minutes per hunt

Guidebooks usually include that stuff, that'll probably be released in Japan before the PC version is out

Unless I'm mistaken, which I might be, mantles don't come off unless you do it manually. Maybe I just haven't noticed in a while.

Isn't KO damage just another status? It will take longer to build up after you trigger the threshold?

They only come out automatically if you’re not fighting

Mantles only come off automatically when both
1) You are not in combat
2) The mantle's timer has run out

Just finished the brachy quest, blue rath was fucking pissed and turf wared brachy twice while also beating the shit out of it for me. That's the first time a blue rath has been so usefull to me

>having a blast with iceborne
>so many people are reeeeeing over it

I dont get it guys

why are arena quests not scaled for solo

I just spent 40 minutes fighting an azure rathalos...

>so many people
Its just one guy from/vg/

Get a friend nerd

It really isn't.

Shit MR Kirin is even more of a fucking bitch than before. That's some FF14 AoEs tier bullshit.


>crutch claw is mapped to L2 so I can no longer use Advancing Guard to the sides or back with it pressed to keep my shield on the enemy as I move
This sucks.

Partially, I want to think that anyone who gets their kicks from consolewar flamewars would be either in these threads or making posts about sales figures.

Savage Jho has a tempered version?

Weaken his torso with the CC and he goes down like a sack of shit

Maybe for hammer and maybe SA, not for everything else.

>advancing guard

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It should have a cooldown not because it's too strong, which it isn't. It's to stop the retarded frenchies online from spamming it and failing all the time, instead of contributing to the hunt.

Fair enough

What do you not understand?
>R2 + Triangle + Direction makes you move
>L2 keeps you looking at the enemy while you do it
It's not that hard, dummy.

>L2 keeps you looking at the enemy while you do it
The right stick which controls the camera does. Or L1 which snaps the camera to the target. L2 has nothing to do with that, it's just the slinger aiming button.

At least know how to play a weapon before ridiculing others, my guy.

It works just fine. Are you hitting l2 then r2 instead of r2 then l2?

I've died too many times while I was in combat to the animation of the hunter removing his mantle and not allowing you to run properly or dodge.

That might actually be it. I'm used to always pressing both at the same time so it could be registering L2 before R2.

Did you die to a fucking Kestodon? Go leave your Fireproof mantle on for an entire large monster hunt and see how ot works.

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>tfw just slam dunked a tigrex who thought it could jump away
TCS shortcut is broken.
Can't imagine being a 2020 pc port beggar faggot having to wait to style on monsters with the new moves.

Fun bait, user. Got a chuckle.

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Why the hell do you need camera auto tracking on the guard dash exactly? It masisvely extends your block angle by default and it hardly moves you far enough that you can't manually adjust the camera or just use the usual target cam.

I've died at least 3 times to AT Nerg because my hunter decided to remove the evasion mantle, slowing himself down, right when the spiky fucker was about to jump me.

Been having lots of fun with IB so far.

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whats the best option to have for the lock on system? dont know if theres something better but the lock on system is so bad.

I liked it too

Monster Hunter Flopborne

Purely for the comfort and safety of keeping my shield facing the enemy as I position or retreat. Like getting out of the way of a Jho' s breath when I'm too far to get under him, for example.

I had this happen all the fucking time
>niggers don't know CC has a hard cap of 3 times claw attack (redirection) before the monster is forced to enrage
>a fucking frenchie CCs immediately, turns the monster around 270 degrees WITHOUT sending it wallbanging
>wtf why the monster mad
Fucking hell

Type 2 or whatever
Just makes the camera adjust to the monster with no tracking, like the 3DS games
Or just use the right stick

Use Target, Focus is dogshit.

This is literally never happened to me once in 700 hours of MHW

>posts Handler
>is retarded

>8 new mosters

they deserve it

Works on my machine

>Fighting Banbaro in forest
Fuck off with your trees you bitch.

You can only take off your mantle in combat if you manually do so. If you don't, the naked mantle stays on your body until the monster runs away and you sheath your weapon.

never happened to me once during 400h in world so I think you're lying to give that shitpost some legitimacy bro

Think also that when using Advancing Guard backwards you can immediately use the big hop backwards and cycle those two to get away fast.
It's not so much a necessity but something I got quite used to doing, with the claw throwing a wrench on it.

Stop samefagging, retard, and just admit you confused the controls.

>Stop samefagging
user, just admit you don't play the weapon.

When does TGS start

I play it enough not to be confusing the basic controls, unlike some people here.

When will they make an oldskool MH again
MHW is just no good

I have 600h and it happened to me only a bunch of times, so it might be some sort of rare bug, but it did happen and it was fucking frustrating. This post just made me want to point it out because if that's how it's supposed to work then in my experience it wasn't consistent.

You don't need to hold L2 to backhop either dude the fuck are you trying to do?

How do people deal with Brachydios?

Need to do an Optional but my first time was absolute hell, especially as a melee user.

as a gs user, its mostly hit and run. i carry rocksteady alot to deal with fast mnonsters.and spam cc

Do you have your mantle mapped next to some other commonly used item on your radial menu, like a mega potion? Chances are you might by trying to sip but you're accidently hitting the mantle.

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You already have old MH go play it.

Look, it's not hard.
You hold L2 so the character keeps looking forward, then you do the advancing guard so that you dash backwards, then you can just backstop away, no need for L2 then.
Had you used the advancing guard backwards without it you'd be facing away from the monster and you'd have to do a 180° turn to position yourself towards the monster, losing the big hop.

My problem with Rocksteady is it doesn't help against the slime goop, and multiple explosions in a confined space is a great way to get gibbed by bad positioning.

Are there any skills that counter his goop and weird blastblight thing?

The fucking state of Yea Forums, nothing but shitpost between bingers and b8ters

Yet you somehow don't know about a very basic technique?
Boot up the game and try it yourself.

Gem in blast resistance. If you have 3 gems you're immune to the blight, so you can walk through the slime no problem. Doesn't help when it explodes though

You can just hit back and dodge at the same time
Holding the camera button does not turn your character at all or whatever bizarre placebo control you've convinced of
There's even a setting to make directional controls independent of camera placement if you want it

Is Narga armor any good?

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fuck off Jew nobody gives a shit about how it sells

5 hours~ish

not as good as this *unzips*

I want more

Must have been one hell of a big placebo when I've been doing it for over a year and I've only had an issue with it now that the claw was also mapped to L2.
Enlighten me, how do you do advancing guard while facing the monster?

>2chan been bitching all year about how MHW is too easy
>they notice how Capcom is catering to the west to the max
>National interest on the franchise on rapid decline
>in one single iteration MH stopped becoming a series that can move Units

Jesus, not even more PS4's were sold that week, even Miku Hatsume games put the PS4 Above the Switch in Japan all the time.

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It's legit good for midgame all the way until Shara, True Razor Sharp (75% sharpness decrease) is that good. Offset by shit skills but you can beta and lv4 deco it up, but defensive wise, evade window etc makes it real solid

>both the new Val and Namielle were complete pushovers if you have a fire weapon
Not sure how to feel about this. I mean outside of eating into my nullberry supply a little I felt no real pressure. I didn't think it was possible but Namielle was even easier than Val despite me not knowing her moves till I started the fight. She basically just kinda fell over and let me break her shit left and right till she died.

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Are the guiding lands always on multiplayer health? Felt like it took a long ass time to kill an anja and the yakus.

Because L2 previously wouldn't do anything at all with your lance drawn and now it does.
You face the monster and press guard + triangle, somehow you've managed to overcomplicate that.

So go play old MH it barely changes.

I've been monitoring their threads close to release and all they've been saying is how X weapon is better than Y weapons though

Also it's only the Master's Edition (base game+iceborne 60$ pack) which only newbies would buy

Report and ignore. Replying does nothing

nice larp my friend, now tell me a story about unicorns

>People do not buy physical versions of DLCs
No fucking shit, retard.

when does it come out for pc?


>4 out of 5 Nami's armor pieces require gems/mantles
>the remaining is shrieking legiana mat

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ME does have a digital version too, famitsu's only counting the physical and in japan one

oh no

And if I do just that and move laterally or backwards the character will face that new direction. That doesn't work.

>True Razor Sharp
Sounds good, i'm really autistic about staying in White Sharpness most of the time but i don't have enough Handicraft jewels so i make up for it with speed sharpening.

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>Converted to hammer because beating monsters retarded is amazing
>Want to GS brachy for a sword fight

You've got some unique fucking built of the game then man, or a controller built for aliens, I don't know what to tell you. Use the regular camera control more and stop pressing unnecessary buttons.

>do simple rathian capture investigation
>die to savage jho
Holy fuck is he aggressive and incredibly fast at pursuing you. His breath beam reaches across the whole map practically as well. CAN'T RUN AWAY.

Honestly I just got it because I like the aesthetic. It also pairs nicely with ebony odo's gear. I've got Narga beta mail, greaves, and braces paired with the ebony odo helm and. coil (because fuck mantle grinding right now). Shit's chuuni as all hell but in a good way.

I really hate the fact that he seems to ignore dung pods unless you dump like three on him.

Welcome to G-Rank

>Switch Mini is not even out yet


I can't help but be puzzled at this. If it was a problem with my movement input happening before the move itself it would also happen when I use L2, but that was not the case, it was perfectly consistent. Yet you're 100% sure I'm in the wrong, and it's not that obscure a technique that only I would possibly know about it.

Dunno what you're smoking, but advancing guard will always face you in the direction you push the stick unless it's done after an attack.

>tfw still too afraid to fight Savage Jho because all my builds are elemental

was it actually confirmed they're developing it? I thought he only said he'd like to

Pretty sure what he said was that they consider Dragon's Dogma to be an important franchise but they're not willing to say anything else right now

Why is it dog shit? I hunt the monsters I want and if I need help I shoot sos at the beginning of the round, hunt is full in 30 seconds. If I don't have the investigation I need I search join by target and see a ton of options.

>all this shitposting
its all because el gatito gaming meow meow meow meow was deleted

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Doesn't the big backhop need to be done after an attack?

>MR Doggy hunt
>Savage Jho shows up, grabs Doggy, chases me half way up the rotten Vale with a thrashing doggy in his mouth
>Carts me by whipping the poor bastard 70 yards like an armless Brett fuckin Favre
Has anyone edited that "it's time for master rank!" picture yet

What does it take to create the earthshaker magda Lahat reforged?

I’m missing some monster parts but don’t know which yet D:
Any help from my huntan bros?

It's Capcom who said that
Itsuno himself said he'll quit if DMC isn't greenlit and it was, then during DMC V's release he says he'll start working on another of his 'old' project. Here's hoping.

Guiding Lands

Glavenus set is toppest tier, you’ll poop on everything if you keep up with your weapon upgrades. Focus and Weakness Exploit should be in all your sets, tho. Gem or charm them in if necessary.

bro go for fasion, who cares lmao

Guilding lands brought back turn rooms in IB. Each dude has a specific region maxed out and they rotate host based on what people want to farm. Real fucking comfy, atleast in nip land

You can do it from a standstill with a tiny bit of practice

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Itsuno says it in this interview

I just booted up the game to check for your sake.
Either I have achieved CHIM and affected reality itself to make L2 do something or your credentials in playing Lance are dubious at best, but you're dead wrong L2 works exactly as it has been said.
Thanks to that user for the tip of pressing R2 before L2, works like a charm.

And please, make sure you actually know what you're talking about before calling someone out. Not only do you look clueless, but you waste the other person's time needlessly.

user, don't worry about it. If you want to guard dash sideways or backwards from neutral, you need to hold l2 and r2. That user apparently doesn't know about it, but that is indeed how it works. You aren't wrong. You can guard dash back and sideways after an attack or a hop without l2, but not from neutral.

The mystery “toy builder” boxes are pretty awesome honestly

Considering Legi is my most hated world monster and every single retarded thing it does is pushed to the limit? Yeah it's pretty bad

Anyone know WHERE in the Guiding Lands you can find the materials to make Zorah master rank armor?

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I was really surprised at how good the quality on those things is


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Which pieces do I need? I need to know which part of the island I need to level up?

>1/3 returning monsters in World increased in size
>Brachy shrank

I'm honestly pretty ok with it because it stands to make him more unique than most of the other Brute Wyverns who seem to be stuck at Anjanath size+, it's just weird that it's a flagship monster that got shrank.

Never played Gen, is Glavenus about the same size as he was then?

Pretty sure it's a mixture of all the materials you can mine in each area

Special mining crops and bonepiles
Appears more frequently as levels go up, but lv1 nets them too
Refreshed by you hunting monsters there

For Zorah, lv1 is gucci, augments need higher levels

Zinogre is pretty smol too. He has a fun design but the way he flips around so often with such a bulky body is so awkward kek. He’s still loveable though

Haven't reached him yet but from videos it looked to me like Zin had also gotten larger.

How early can you hunt Zinogre? Can you run into it in the wild before being assigned a quest?

He's weak to Thunder and Dragon

The user who was having slinger issues kept saying guard advance, which would imply the forward movement one, which doesn't require any input fuckery to do from neutral. Seems like that's where the confusion came from.
Additionally I'm no Lancefag but I'm having trouble visualizing a situation where you would want to guard dash to the side that isn't coming out of a combo.

In the cinematics he’s pretty big, but he seems smaller than nargacuga to me when you’re hunting him. It might just be me, but I was pretty surprised

He appears after the end of the game in the guiding lands, same with garuga and a few other monsters. Sorry user. His electric guitar looks awesome though

Is Namielle a fun fight?

>iceborne sales

It’s rather easy and the water isn’t that frustrating. Doesn’t seem very dangerous so it’s pretty relaxing.

Isn't it still the same move regardless of direction? Sure, the actual name is Guard Dash, but it's still the very same attack.
Given the insistence on moving laterally or backwards while facing your front in the posts I believe it would have come across that it wasn't referring specifically to going forward.

so what are the most solid armor seys so far?

Here’s your reply since your 5 other posts didnt get one

As someone who’s been playing since ps2 it’s not a big deal.

Banbaro, obviously. Become as nords.

But the tendies...they're laughing at us....

In case you're even 1% serious, Famitsu only shows physical sales. Only way to find out the sales on console is if Capcom starts bragging about it in a couple weeks.

Would you be down to joystick attacking returning as an alternate control scheme?