>game is perfect
>devs fuck it up for no reason
What's her name?
>game is perfect
>devs fuck it up for no reason
What's her name?
Other urls found in this thread:
And now Old School Runescape
Monster Hunter.
Ragnarok Online
CS:GO before skins
Monster Hunter before world.
not really perfect but Stellaris
overwatch, season 3.
modern warfare 2 (pre-patch models and javelin glitch)
>javelin glitch
I can't remember the last time I enjoyed griefing so much
Well, it wasn't perfect but Frontier's obsession with only having a handful of players be at "top tier" was constantly fucking that game up.
Starcraft 2 before Heart of the Swarm
they introduced skins because people were playing it for a while just to go back to source
Runescape in a nutshell
>people were playing it for a while just to go back to source
Woah weird people didn't wanna play the totally unnecessary sequel to a game that was fine?
Uncharted 2 patch 1.05
All videogames are trash.
league of legends
making it a moba
God damnit, hope the fighting game is good.
Wow classic. All the modern system setting shit and sharding made it worse than private servers
Let's just put everything being Gacha cash shop!
Killing Floor 2
Rainbow Six Siege.
It was all so good for the first year or so.
Monster Hunter Roastieborne
source is objectively trash though
Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition. The standard version was better and now you can't get it anymore.
ok retard
What's different work the definitive edition?
source its so trash they had to pull out the gambling card to make csgo not die
LoL, Dota 2, CoH (unbalanced unit exp-packs, then completely broke the game for like 6 months when bought by atari though it was eventually fixed somewhat)
Everything i wanted to mention.
>the resistance update back in early access
Ark: SE. Far from perfect (the game was always pretty shit) but they added way too many dinosaurs that were meant to be annoying and had no real use. At this point, the game would be better with about half the dinosaurs taken out.
Team Fortress 2
I didnt buy that but they fucked up KF's team based design by just adding retard powerful weapons for every class. Though I honestly don't care very much because it's such a meh game.
Far from perfect, but Starbound was fine until chucklefuck decided to forcely add the most generic, bland and retarded story that i ever seen and you cant even skip it, only the intro.
Paladins or pretty much any Hi-Rez game. Hi-Rez doesn't know how to release a game and keep it good. They always end up fucking it up in every way imaginable
Sonic Runners used to be an actual fun endless runner but they fucked everything up
Tribes: Ascend (speedcap update)
Space Cowboys Online / Ace Online / Flysis (buyout & p2w)
EVE Online (cynos update)
Planetside 1 (BFR update)
HellMOO (2011 carebear update/schism)
Counter Strike (bhop removal)
Quake (addition of railgun)
Space Station 13 (going open-source with no code leadership)
team fortress 2
I miss Realm Royale, it was fun for the week where it had players and wasn't updated to death. The only enjoyable battle royale game.
what happened to OSRS?
>Space Station 13
Didn't even think to put that. But god damn fuck the /tg/code shitfest of overdeveloped pointless crap that took over the purity of gameplay that was preleak goonstation.
You should have learned with Tribes: Ascend. I'll will never touch a Hi-Rez Studios game after that shit show.
World ruined MH
monster hunter after world
It's actually crazy how different the game used to be. It was just an ordinary space station with some traitors trying to ruin things.
It was far from perfect, but I still miss it.
What did they do?
Way to out yourself incel
Instead of just leaving the old game up and running they started adding shit.
It now has new content, OP items and a lot more bullshit.
Should've just left a 2005 version running and not touch it.
Uncharted 2 multiplayer
This one is very true.
The beta version of Overwatch was actually a fantastic FPS. It was always somewhat casual with the shields and heals, but they were nothing at all compared to how it is today.
TF2 but the reason is actually money
Starbound is such a strange example of early beta versions being better than the final product
Why the fuck did they change so much
I bought Sleeping Dogs years back when it was new on Steam. If I try to launch it now will it auto update to the new version?
literally every aspect was improved with mhw and mhwib
The monster design got shittier, the gameplay got more casual.
The whole game became more westernized, to appease the western market.
The Ubisoft buyout and Maniaplanet were a fucking mistake. I miss the good old days.
Added an update called 2.0 which
-Took away half of your upgrades practically (some of which you couldn't get back)
-Got did of special events replacing it with a shitty versus mode.
-Went full jew with their in game currency shit making it nearly impossible to get new characters without paying.
-Ruined the scoring system making the old high scores virtually impossible to beat.
-Added random wall of spikes after a while of playing that you can't get passed without dying incentivizing you to use their in game currency to continue playing.
I started to dislike playing Star Sector the moment the developer added a combat timer
>12 v 12 arena fights.
>Shit is fast paced like old school quake.
>Tech tree gives enough for improvement but not overpowered
>Decent balance since everyone can self heal.
>Add medic class despite no one wanting it.
>Still decent balance but whatever.
>Lower count to 6 v 6 making the game slow and unfun.
>Redo cockpit because retards need huge blinking lights in order to,know what their HP is.
>Remove tree and add pay to win support items.
>Remove dedicated,servers and community servers.
>Shut down PC servers because reasons.
Alpha and early beta was so good. I fucking miss it so much.
The OG operators had great balance, aside from meme operators like Castle and Tachanka.
They definitely fucked up Skull Rain and onward.
Oldschool Runescape is still fine but they’re trying their hardest to fuck it up
>hey let’s try and bring in graphical changes, microtransactions and ezscape, those may have killed the last iteration of runescape but I’m sure we can pull it off now
Jagex doesn’t deserve the success OSRS enjoys
I was #1 ELO in Hawken for a long time, although it was a small playerbase
I think the exact moment the game was ruined was when they patched projectiles to be way faster (yet less damaging) and massively buffed hitscan. It just completely changed the nature of the game. It went from a fascinating close range projectile-centric game to a generic "sit back and plink across the map" spamfest.
Still fine?
When are you going to speak up that it's shit?
This new continent is fucking hell, blowpipe is the most OP weapon in the entire game, not including the newest bullshit of twisted bows, scythes and other fuck ups.
Skills just keep getting easier to train and the pvp has had some silly fucking changes as well.
It was just a downgraded port. They took the standard edition for PC, downgraded it to look slightly better on PS4 and Xbone then ported that version back to PC and replaced the standard edition on all storefronts. It's missing a lot of visual effects. Also it runs worse than three standard edition did.
R6 Siege was ruined when they gimped map destruction to appease the """"esports"""" faggots.
People today have no idea how amazing the destruction in that game used to be
It was so good before hats and free to play and all the other shitty changes. I could spend hours every day playing with my bros and never get bored. Now it just feels like a gay man has pumped glitter into his anus and is farting his payload all over my face.
Also The Culling was amazing when it was in early beta. Yet for some reason the devs completely ignored its players when they started making awful changes that ruined everything. It's death was particularly hart hitting.
Every single multiplayer game in existence
Their priorities are a bit skewed but I don't see how a separate mode ruins the game.
>gets btfo
The absolute state of worldbabs
I don't know if this counts, but DayZ
The mod was unbelievably fun
The standalone was one of the worst games I have ever played
Never played it, but I believe alot of anons still hold contempt over tribes.
I don’t like it either but at this point any complaints will only fall on deaf ears because they’ve practically begun balancing content around it
>twisted bow
Stop giving every boss 1k mage level
Meme weapon, incredibly niche which is reflected in how steadily it has dropped in price
TF2 is the only game I know of that got worse-looking over the years
Fucking this.
Haven't played it but pretty interested in it. What did they do?
Civ 6 was never good to begin with
Sonic Rush to Sonic Rush Adventure
Changed the button layout and added the need to replay levels for the boat part grind.
They wouldn't even have half of the players they currently have if OSRS was just frozen and it wouldn't be profitable.
Besides, they poll everything which stops them going full retard like they did in RS3
its more about what they refuse to do, and the community is dead because of it
THUG Pro after the airshuffle limit
Star Wars Galaxies
>HellMOO (2011 carebear update/schism)
that was the weirdest shit ever. admins add opt-in pvp into a game that was widely known for having the most brutal pvp mechanics ever. most people thought it was a joke at first, and when they realized it wasn't, like 80% of players left to join another server (which eventually also imploded due to admin retardation)
It is attributed to a major ideological shift in the main two developers (Gilmore & Jeb)
They became feminists, which I guess is inevitable given they were San Francisco yuppies their whole lives. Somehow their new compassionate, bleeding hearts started to hate the concept of total world PvP, which is what attracted everyone to the game to begin with.
Most of the other wizards hated this change and have been constantly working against it, but those two guys made most of the game and have most of the authority.
Siege was far from perfect, but I'd love to be able to play 1.0 siege again.
The new team they brought on for maintainence after the original dev moved on to their next game where steaming retards.
Tribes Ascend
Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled
Im sure there are others but those are the two that immediately come to mind for me
Unreal Tournament 4 (2014)
The polls don't mean shit when everybody blindly votes yes on everything. The entire time I was playing, I never saw a poll that didn't win with an overwhelming amount of votes. When warding was being voted on, I was so sure that the decision would be split down the middle. You couldn't walk into the Grand Exhange on any server without seeing people petitioning against it and having actual debates on why it wasn't a good idea. Of course when the results finally came back, it was another overwhelming 9 to 1 win.
Standalone Gwent
The reason is simple: they wanted HS money, doing that they lost the people who played gwent because they hated HS
what exactly are you basing this on?
i talked to gilmore about the game once. according to him, he just didn't like the vitriol and negativity the PvP environment created, which is why he felt like he wanted to strip a lot of it away. i think he is just too much of a softie in general. i think he kind of accidentally made hellmoo the kind of game it became. he didn't even understand why a lot of people liked the game, and was surprised and flattered when i explained why i liked it myself.
Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled, at this point just fucking play the PS1 version.
Perfect is overstating it but Archeage.
S4 league before making all cosmetics with stats p2p.
>what exactly are you basing this on?
Talking privately with several wizards who either presently or formerly were involved
Remember back before there was furfaggotry and weeaboo catgirl shit?
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
right, so in what ways does feminism come into this?
Humanoid aliens are actually some of the more on-beat content for the game IMO, it's always leaned heavily into Star Trek territory - although some of them these days are too furry-pandering.
The real problem IMO is the "joke content", which has just infested every corner of the game, and almost all of it severely unfunny and outdated
what do they refuse to do?
I've already explained, sorry if you are a male feminist and got upset or whatever.
I've been looking for this for ages, but do either of you happen to have a screencap of the text for jumping into the Abyss? I know there was a spoiler thing that had it but I fucking loved the writing for that part.
more exploit fags and the choice to not implement momentum based damage instead of full damage no matter which part of the animation hits the enemy, high sensitivity can still make it powerful but doing full damage able to oneshot people on the 1st animation on a pullback of a swing is just retarded gameplay
Prime example of what happens to a game when you just keep adding rushed content updates because of catering to mouth breathing retards who don't even know what they want themselves. I mean the game was jank from the beginning but at least it had a direction. The game would unironically be in a better state if you'd just remove 80% of the stuff they added the last years.
oh nevermind, i thought you were trying to make a point, instead you're just pretending to be retarded or something
>overwatch, season 3.
But OP said perfect games that were ruined. Not shitty games that were somehow made even worse.
if you are referring to the only white guys thing. that is some big bullshit.
the game isnt "dead" you can still play it
but the reason why the playerbase had decrease so much is because the devs haven't taking care of it...more maps, weapons and mod support should had arrived a while ago
TF2, and to some extent later on, Paladins.
2007-2010 TF2 was the best online shooter ever.
That's an exaggeration IMO, the engine was always jank as fuck for multiplayer FPS.
The best multiplayer FPS in history was probably Tribes: Ascend, or, if you were a bad enough dude, CPMA
mordhau was in development for like 6 years or some shit, not surprised it is taking ages for them to add content
it's like the dev team is working on the game only part time or something
Jak 2
>rpg combat
dota 2
duke nukem series in general
street fighter series
unironically Halo 3
What did they do?
>The monster design got shittier
Some monster designs were good, some were bad, the older games had heaps of trash monster designs as well.
>the gameplay got more casual
QOL improvements and better controls don't make the game more casual, they just make the 3DS games seem like a boring chore with awful controls.
>The whole game became more westernized, to appease the western market.
That's the dumbest fucking complaint I hear from retards like you about this game. You are among the very few autists who would prefer the game to stagnate, with awful controls, mechanics and visuals that belong to the PSP era. Luckily, your opinions don't matter.
What happened to nitro fueled?
Surprised no one said minecraft yet
He either means the microtransactions (which don't affect the game) or the devs complete inability to balance items online.
Homeworld 2, and it wasn't the devs who fucked it but Sierra since the game is 1/3rd finished and rushed.
War Thunder
League of Legends
Titanfall series
So many games ruined by devs going full retard
Are they really doing the wannabe persona combat? I thought it was a joke
bloodborne, it would look great if it didn't have chromatic aberration
This looks like a neat spin on civ and it's just a game mode. You're nuts
Looks like modern day India with all that brown
>my parents wouldn't let me play overwatch because im too young so i just let the internet feed me negative opinions
yup, next.
R6 Siege
>Demoman's bottle doesn't break anymore
Overwatch is not a good game though. It's a game that tried to ape a bunch of success from other popular genres and titles, and did everything half-assed in the process. Only to constantly make it worse by Blizzard just doing what they always do, fucking things up.
>Dragon Age: Origins
>Dragon Age II
Why did they remove all the depth from the gameplay and why did they make the characters unmemorable
except it literally wasnt and warding isnt being added to the game. Fucking retard
Does that mean they could bust through any wood ceiling completely? I only started checking it out later
didn't read. not my fault you couldn't make it out of plat, basedboy
Renewal was a mistake
Great argument, champ. Hopefully one day that frontal lobe of yours will finally finish growing.
This. If was either ruined by operation health or the season following it.
>Shattered Horizon
Windows 7 exclusive that I wanted to play, but by the time I got 7, the game was dead cause the devs fucked it by making everything class-based and removing the one weapon that felt unique.
>Star Wars Galaxies
I still have the almost 200 page game manual. Anyway, they literally redesigned the way the game worked after everyone was comfortable with it. I don't remember the reasoning, but I remember the backlash was pretty big.
>Team Fortress 2
My most played game on steam, and I can't go back to it because there hasn't been any real support aside from crates and an occasional holiday-themed event. It's just a reality that the game is a stagnent puddle, especially after the people who were working on it in any meaningful capacity have left Valve.
Pride parades and other gay shit.
And here's how they fucked up the prequel.
>Once the final episode of season 1 was added, pay2win started creeping in.
>Then season 2 raids came and it was extremely pay2win. Kraken was the worst with defense so high you had to have a fully enhanced and enchanted top tier weapon to do feasible damage
>Season 3 comes along and fucks everything up for good
>While season 3 content is actually awesome, they nerfed the entire game before it to the point where it's a tutorial that lasts 80 levels, and it just plops gear into your lap without any grinding or crafting
>But season 3 is still pay2win anyway
Ace of Spades
Rip tribes
Micro-transactions, item balance, fucked servers, constant grinding with the grand prix events, etc.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
stop reminding me
Paladins Champions of the Realm before before
Spiral Knights
i liked that fucking game so much it hurts. i really wish i could go back but its probably deader than it was before
The Culling
>Hey what if we break our melee combat system by making one of the options completely useless?
Went from kino to cancer
>God damnit, hope the fighting game is good.
Prepare for cast of 15-30 only consisting of 20 of the most popular humonid characters of which will each have 10+ boring skins. The game mechanics themselves is utter shit 3D or half assed guilty gear/marvel 2D.
Monster Hunter World literally ruined the franchise just for the sake of making normies buy a game that they'd drop after a few hours.
This one hurt, I fucking hated those scumbag devs but their game was so good. Why did it have to die? Why can't it return? The energy system was fucking dumb too.
I was loving it until they added the robots and weapon upgrades
>enter thread
>ctrl+f "vermintide"
>0 results
I mean, the game is a fucking roller coaster of shit patches and lazy fix
It's a great game, keep seething elitist
Hawken and Tribes Ascend. I'm sure there is a third one, but I can't put my finger on it.
Oh fuck, tried Open Spaces recently, but it just wasn't the same.
This one hurts so much. I barely ever see Build & Shoot threads anymore on Yea Forums, and hardly anyone is ever in them. All public servers are filled with BRs and hackers and it's ALWAYS ToB.
I remember playing it. Was breddy gud game back then, i think 7 years ago? What did they fuck up?
did the source custom community ever fully transition to CSGO? I remember playing all the way up till 2015 and still waiting for all those silly servers to show up in GO
Wargame series
>first game is cool, but kinda rough along the edges and didn’t have enough content to allow proper national decks
>Airland Battle adds TONS of new content and airplanes, shit’s fucking 10/10
>Red Dragon adds somewhat half-assed Asian nations and shitty naval combat
>”OK, it’s not a very good sequel but I can live with it as long as I never play on naval maps again”
>devs add fucking OP Finland and Yugoslavia in DLC
>never release a single fucking balance patch again
>seems like the entire series is dead now
Nice fucking job leaving the series in a state of disarray like that. Couldn’t they at least have done one small patch to nerf the last OP additions before they abandoned it?
League of Legends.
Final Fantasy XIV
>devs who made Bloodline Champions get another shot
>have a pretty fun base game
>announce that they're putting resources into a console version
>cater to 2v2 retards instead of balancing around the real mode, 3v3
>start focusing purely on skins, actual balance or content updates become rare
>create a retarded Battle Royale mode to try to cash in on the latest meme
>goes f2p
>entirely stops update, doesn't even try to follow content roadmap
>game becomes pretty much abandonware
Stunlock Studios proved that Funcom was not the reason that BLC went to shit. Great job retards.
In what way? what I played of the Beta made it seem like it was flawed at the very core despite it still being a better game than Overwatch
any blizzard game, then they blame their audience.
Most MMOs. I'm fucking pissed.
>Ultimate Alliance 3
>Beat'em Up gameplay is PERFECT
>The characters are better than their MUA 1&2 incarnations by a country fucking mile (I'll miss Iron Man's photon spam, though)
>Doesn't include the origin battles the original had
>Costumes are DLC
Don't hurt me like this
City of Heroes
>Uncharted 2 patch 1.05
what did they do in that patch
he did make a point, and your post about "toxic negativity in pvp" only proved it.
What specifically? Flying?
It was pretty cool for graphics and gameplay, but was pretty clearly designed from the ground up as a social experiment to see what mechanics would result in organized player behavior.
>call goons fags for being sekrit club about their code
>it gets leaked
>everyone has now a little gooncode in their servers now
>years later its all bad
like clockwork,shouldn't have encouraged the leaker.
Not perfect but pretty much every blizzard game gets worse when they add balance patches.
>What's her name?
Spyro censorship.
didn't read. not my fault you couldn't have sex.
it wouldnt have been a big deal but goon ruined their own server too with development creep
First day of Early Access was the game's peak and it was all downhill from there, adding dumbass update after dumbass update.
Litterally any Japanese game
The Japanese are so good at making a base game but updating so they make anything meaningful is just not there strong suit.
>Just download the mod that removes cosmetics! >Nothing has changed!
Nah goon these days is hated for it's rules and admins since it's way more of a dictatorship than /vg/ and TG station
Justify the weapon design right now.
Secret World
Was bad implemented.
>gamer think he's entitled to free content after the game came out
You're the reason why this industry is shit
Shit, I never expected HellMOO of all games to come up. I've heard of the drama/split before and I'm glad I quit before it happened.
they've always been shit for that.
It's been a while but I bet that's the one where they fucked up the online economy and nerfed a few of the fun guns
>Should've just left a 2005 version running and not touch it.
disagree. They should add Runescape 3's revamped leveling system so it isn't as fucking grindy.
Cyberpunk 2077
i got into ark at the very start when max level dino could be 30. Way less dinos, and yeah i miss those days.
>devs regularly insult their players
why do they do this?
blacklight retribution
Some players are legit low IQ dumbasses and need to be put in their place.
Fuck off with 3v3 > 2v2
3v3 is a chaotic mess.
Dark Souls 3
>doesnt contain any of the improvements DS2 made on the series
I will never forgive them for throwing powerstancing in the bin
"improvements" lol
Who cares, it all went to shit when they started balancing a single player rpg on PvP's opinions with DaS 2, they never made a single good thing afterwards for the DaS franchise.
It hurts
>childhood character stuck on new runescape system
>not putting in hundreds of hours to remake character on old (new) runescape
I'll never forgive them for throwing Poise in the bin after DS1
Quake Champions.
I disagree
Titanfall 2 basically added good content
The game is very well balanced, and patches have ONLY served to make it better
>>doesnt contain any of the improvements DS2 made on the series
Ironically Ace Combat Infinity
>Fuel system wasn't that awful
>All special planes are RNG drops so anyone can get them
>Change the random drops to tournament prizes that are won by the same 5000 people every time
Nah, the definitive edition is entirely a different product. You just can't buy the standard edition anymore.
How much does that count tho? Why does it matter how good T2 was if T1 was left for dead with maps as dlc and many of those who bought it (including me) didn't bought 2? I'm not falling for a meme for the second time.
The OP said "games", so Titanfall 2 stands on it's own, and furthermore, the user I replied to said that applies to every single multiplayer game, to which I disagreed
HellMOO was so goddamn special. RIP.
Path of Exile
sold out to Tencent.
Their recent fuck-up was pathofexile.com
Then 2 hours later after the community shit itself in rage they scrapped the entire thing pathofexile.com
What this tells us is they're definitely testing the waters to fuck the game up even further, as it's already a steaming pile of casual shit for what was once a fun hardcore experience.
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup
did he died?
>to obtain other MTX you don't own
I thought this wasn't the case, that you could roll MTX that you already owned
Darkest Dungeon
>CSGO before skins
I disagree. Completely.
People used skins all the time before GO, it was probably the best possible way to integrate extra items into the game. I thought they were really cool at the time.
But it does tho
Dead Frontier
It's still the only good zombie game I've ever played. Had a huge city with an extremely good looting system, all multiplayer, barricading, outposts where zombie hordes would occasionally attack and the entire playerbase would have to fend them off, full player economy, etc. That game would make you feel elated if you found a tin of sardines while looting the city.
It just got more and more p2w as time went on, and eventually it became not worthy to play if you weren't willing to buy a lot of microtransactions.
they fixed that about a year ago
Elite Dangerous CQC mode.
By fuck up I mean pretending it doesn't exist.
they made it easier which no one wanted
They added a mission system, completely removing the need to play and explore random floors, one of the core draws to the game for me. Then the game got less profitable, so they changed the gear upgrade system to use lots of materials and added a chance to fail your upgrade on top of that, making the game far grindier. The game became less profitable so it changed hands a couple times, but support has been all but dropped. I don't know if the game is even still running, but I do miss it.
BF3 Beta
TF2 before Hats
Project reality ~ 0.6
were perfect, now denied, by their own hand
based loadoutfag
Civ 5 still the best
Any single player game where the developers nerf something
Samus returns is great.
But the insane delay of MP4 really irked my jimbos.
every hi-rez game
The robot enemies is what finally push me over the edge.
>lalalala I can't hear you!!!!
they are just animations, don't expect them to do something special this late into the game's life, devs are always lazy
Mass Effect
i dont know if i am to far attached from the general consumer or not but imo no fucker would have a problem if they made just other games with shepard and the old crew, the main draw of those games.
People dont care about the universe of mass effect, or of bioware games in that matter. They care about the characters. Like replay ME3. That game is buggy and junk as fuck, has very small levels for something released in its time, still sold bonkers.
Instead they fell for the open world and people dont like me3 ending so we must scrap everything meme
>greens building fuckhuge castles while blues go full lone wolf and get killed over and over again
it was fun
To be fair on this one how many games can you think of that do expansion and dlc well these days, the art of an expansion seems to be a lost art.
To be fair DS2 did add some cool shit like Bonfire Ascetics.
atlus is like the primebook shit example
every of their expansion/updated rereleases introduces shit that nobody likes
overwatch in beta was far better than it was after beta
>Instead they fell for the open world and people dont like me3 ending so we must scrap everything meme
it still hurt bro...
new shepard game when? dont tell me never if even fucking shenmue 3 or prime 4 is happening...
This. I joined Realm well after everyone liked it, and it's my go-to battle royale. I still think it's great, but they're terrible at balancing and they keep ruining more creative/viable weapons and playstyles. Apparently the game first had three abilities when it came out but part of me wonders if adding it now might just make things more of a clusterfuck. Also the main draw to the game is it's fantasy aesthetic and they've now done two seasons focused around sci-fi high-tech stuff, which is annoying. (Angels/Demons was cool though).
Halo 3
Came here for this.
>muh game is pissbaby casual now bcuz no arbitrarily clunky mechanics!
You could have just said "I am a casual console player who has never played MonHun before, and I liked MHW!"
It would have read the same way as I read that post you made just now
The first year of Siege. Then they completely obliterated the game. Not even worth playing anymore.
>The first year of Siege. Then they completely obliterated the game
Don't remind me. That's one of the few games I bought on release. I'm glad I did.
I bought a Steam code for the standard edition on Amazon after it was delisted on Steam. Don't know if they're still available, though. Codes can still be redeemed even if the product isn't directly available on the Steam store anymore.
All AA+ games starting 2010.
Why only the first year? The Spanish stuff was good too. Blood Orchid with Theme Park ruined it All.
Actually, the reason is almost always for money
Team Fortress 2
Dota 2
GTA IV before 2013
Yea Forums
Ninja Gaiden 3
Building from ng1 and 2 would have been so easy but they didn't want that. Time to introduce qtes and a deep story.
GTA San Andreas PC port pre-patch for a few years back when Rockstar forced everyone to change to the mobile version to avoid paying a few bucks for the song rights.
Assassin's Creed Rogue
Game makes a save point at the beginning of the thirty minute credits that doesn't update with a new one until a point at the end of the credits, so if you quit out of them at any point and try to go back into your file to play it will jut put you right back at the beginning of the credits again.
Just cause 4.
I'm tempted to sell my copy at this point, it's just not worth playing now.
Because suck my dick, choke on it
It really was all downhill after chanology.
RDR2 with the gold bar glitch was perfect
>Dude makes blatant shitposting thread #15 where he pretends to be retarded and spams
>I spam his thread an hijack it
>he spend 2 hours reporting all of my posts
>Actually gets "report cooldown" because he reported to much
>tells everybody this
>I get banned
>thread gets removed
All because somebody REEEEEEE'd enough
>somebody shitposts
>I shitpost
>b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but he started it!
>reeeeee I shouldn't have been banned for shitposting!
Fuck off faggot, if redditfags are allowed to spam then I'm allowed to hijack the thread and change the conversation. There shouldn't be OP protection, especially when they've been posting the same thing for days.
Jak & Daxter 2 fucked it up. Royally.
GTA IV was bad too.
>tfw only got to play it a bit before it died
It looked like so much fun.
And then, one day, everyone just voted jannies into power.
Yes because heavy handed and biased moderation solves shitposting on an anonymous imageboard. Fuck off retard
>if you don't, you're the retard
Yea Forums taught me that moderation is necessary in places that value free speech.
I thought you were talking about the NES game which is an even bigger can of worms
So I should be allowed to make shitposting bait threads to farm bans, got it.
habbo hotel
Did they ever fix that Japanese tier netcode?
You are, though.
You can make shitposting threads, you will just get banned for them, just like all the retards who angrily reply in them. Like what you did.
Game was so fun and just went to utter shit
t. started Civ with 5
>You can make shitposting threads, you will just get banned for them
Not if you report more than the next guy
The fastest i've seen a game crash and burn with a single update, don't even know if it's still up. Fuck omega.
If the thread gets deleted, OP usually gets banned.
Yea Forums.org/bans
Most of those are OPs
I've posted dozens of threads in a day with an off topic OPs like this with "Any games that ____" all of them that were removed didn't land me a ban. All of those Yea Forums threads are people just asking to get banned.
I understand that it isn't a priority for valve, I get it. I mean, as a company they have to prioritize getting money and making new content because old content will slowly lose players. BUT WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY NERF ALL OF THE COOL WEAPONS/CLASSES AND RUIN HALF THE GAME WITH SHIT LIKE MATCHMAKING BEFORE ABANDONING IT?! Only soldier and sniper were nearly untouched by these nerfs because hurr durr developer favoritism.
People like to say the game turned to shit after Mannconomy but that's not true because the game's core mechanics were still great. It was only after 2014 and 2015 when they started nerfing shit and adding matchmaking that it truly died. The axtinguisher was a fucking omen.
Payday 2
I miss it
>Main pyro
>fucking HATE the Axstinguisher because it was a huge crutch
>Its useless now
It needed a nerf, but not like this.
I didn't need this reminder in my life
I was slightly mad at the Darkest Dungeon devs over this. They've tinkered with the game a lot over time, but one update completely nerfed the Jester's Finale ability, which I'll grant was an overpowered, nearly guaranteed 1 hit KO on turn 1. But it was a lot of fun, and seemed an unnecessary change for a single player game. I think I remember some backlash over changes to the corpse mechanics, too, but that was before I picked the game up so I can't be sure.
Perfect example of what happens when devs don’t have a clear grander vision of what they want, but they still keep pumping content.
>tons of new characters no-one cares about
>stupid weapon packs with weird yet still boring weapons
>some of the most fucking pointless loot boxes ever
>pointless ”lore” nobody but the worst autists care about
Is it really that hard to stay in focus instead of doing superfluous shit?
It would have a use if it didn't extinguish too. The real kicker is when they nerfed afterburn and airblast. Playing pyro is hell now and even though he's my favorite class and I'll still play him it still hurts that they even nerfed his fucking core mechanics.
Overwatch was never good
The only real thing I enjoy about pyro now is the jetpack, everything else feels like a shell of its former self.
Too bad they fucked up the jetpack too. It should have been a passive (like demo/solly shoes, shields, and parachute) that activates on double jump. It's trash that you have to switch to use it.
I've just been using it to try and reposition for easier Backburners, Since every other flamethrower feels unfulfilling
>tfw 100% it before infamy
>infamy update and new achievements
>100% it again and get all infamy masks
>they just keep adding new achievements and infamy levels
>darkest dungeon devs nerfing shit for "balance" purposes
>in a SINGLEPLAYER game with infamously horrendous RNG that's stacked against you
I want a flamethrower that heals on afterburn but does less direct damage. It's gay that every single non default flamethrower is literally "it does X but airblast is worse". Even the backburner isn't great because it's insanely picky about the back hitboxes you can use.
The Culling could have been as much of a household name as PUBG or Fortnite are but the devs went full retard and ruined the melee system. The re-release of the Day 1 build was far too little and far too late, and it's stayed dead as a result.
How do you people put up with BYOND?
I loved SS13 but that fucking trash client just made it impossible to enjoy.
>it does X but airblast is worse
FUCK this shit so much. I just want a decent flamethrower with a decent airblast again so I can be a reflect fag again.
ow why did you have to remind me
>You're not entitled to good balance and readable animations like in literally every fighting game that people with working brains made.
Dead Rising.
Thanks a fucking lot, Canada.
What the fuck
You obviously mean multiplayer games since series have multiple games. With that being said, I don't play endless multiplayer trash so I've never experienced this zoomer.
Singleplayer games can also get screwed over by patches made by devs trying to fix what is not broken
paladins is still fun i think, i play it occasionally with a stack and delete kids as talus
Mega rude.
Kill yourself biggot.
>single player
Final Fantasy series
>hey dude what if we implement the best multiplayer mode we've ever made into this new game
>sure, but give the spies actual guns and have them be able to kill the mercs from any angle, even when the merc is stunned and defenseless
Never thought I’d see this game mentioned here. I never really played this game but what update exactly ruined this game?
dungeon defenders
there was a bug that created loot that was WAY above the normal loot curve, and they just made it normal and kept the bloat going
as well as making dlc characters op and required
Counter Strike
this one hurts so much
pre midwinter update was my favorite card game of all time
the current gwent make look better, but the gameplay is so bad and soulless
Runescape, Overwatch, Fable
Witcher 1 to 2, worst disaster in PC gaming, ever
Yeah but you didn't have to pay money before then, did you? That shit was clientside and completely optional, as well as FREE. Can't have that in today's game industry though.
No. I enoyed 2 almost as 1.
Flotsam was comfy, the story was the best. Too bad that the game felt short and the part with vernon sucked.
Team Fortress 2 and not aesthetics wise because I'm that 1%, but the weapon balance going to hell and them ruining quickplay by introducing matchmaking. Following the 'comp' and 'esports' meme was a huge mistake.
>that ugly aliasing
No, what you actually want is better content
Wreckfest. Multiple times.
fucking dlc cars now too what the fuck is this shit i bought this game in early access years ago and now i've gotta pay for more shit?
>Dawn of War
First one was comfy, then they fucking butchered gameplay in second and destroyed in third
path of exile in closed beta
Came here to post this. It's amazing how badly they fucked it up, for no fucking reason.
Red dead online movement was perfect and fit the setting and goal of realism and immerson with the weighty delayed movement. Those who didnt like should have just gotten good or go back to fortnite. The new rdo update made the opposite and Im fucking pissed that they claimed "ohh were gonna focus on making online as immersive as possible" then immediately changes the movement to appeas fucking faggot ass fortnite zoomers. I didnt buy red dead to play fucking fortnite; goddamn those fucking retards.
You can shit on many aspects of the game but it being casual isn't one.
>inb4 I NEED to use mantles
>I NEED to use the most meta min max sets!
Fuck off. I'm glad I don't have to gather for years or need to use that jank ass claw grip anymore. The game not looking like a fucking ps1 game helps too.
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
>Infinite Crisis
Would have dethroned LoL and DOTA, but the devs fucked it so hard it eventually went under.
Now you have an operator that can track you through walls by the smell of your farts. They really fucked up the game by adding more ops.
/r6g/ freak
the biggest meme was that instead of updating the base game they created an EARLY ACCESS Royale game for 20€ which you didn't even get for free if you had purchased battlerite.
Stunlock died for me that day.
Battlerite was so fun.
Paragon was a great game and theres nothing that scratches the same itch. Then epic changed the map which no one wanted or asked for. then they dumbed down the mechanics. then they killed it off to focus on fortnite. dafuq!
>It needed a nerf
You don't main Pyro. You main Soldier.
What? The Puff and sting used to be broken as fuck. It outshined everything else in Pyro's kit
Because puff+sting was the only way to do damage reliably. Everyones primary and even some secondaries out-dps your flamethrower.
Chromatic Aberration is the best part of BB, filters out piss babbies like you
>going open src with no code leadership
Yeah thats what open src means
Project M
or PM+, as it's known by now
The Watcher.
It wasn't perfect for sure but Vermintide 2 got a major downgrade recently.
No fucking shit, Imagine a flamethrower that did Rocket/Scattergun damage alongside afterburn AND being able to hit things without aiming fully.
A Pyro's main job used to be causing chaos, disorder and stalling with ambushes while getting out before dieing. They weren't really meant to be major DPS when you have all the other classes. Axstinguisher completely changed how pyro was played. Airblast was a godsend, bringing back a bit of "strategy" pyro used to have.
Pyro would have been one of the funnest, if not THE funnest position based class in the game if they gave jetpack to old pyro.
Shame hes in the worst spot hes ever been right now
Christ, dont remind me. The quality difference between base game maps/ops and years 2-4 are night and day, and the fact that they purposefully tried to make the game a rush-roam heavy CoD experience disgusts me to this day.
Now they are replacing some of the better maps with shitty ugly zoomer versions (canal, Hereford) or are just removing them entirely (house). All the new characters are shitty and any semblance of tacticool realism is out the window with half the cast being tumblr girls. Also love how new operators no longer recieve maps and are just given old crappy guns instead of unique unit accurate weapons and people are defending the laziness.
The binding of Isaac
CS:GO before skins had wack mechanics and problems that the August update in 2013 that added skins didn't even fix it anyways.
>deagle accuracy pre 2015
>Tec-9 superiority before 2015
>walking accuracy
>expensive equipment like a $2400 or so scout and $700 dualies
>one flashbang per person
>that UI at all
But of course, microtransations = bad so you needed something to blame.
Planetside 2 post-O:MFG, then post-CAI, and then post-DX11
CS:GO post-Arms Deal and then every single engine update afterward (player position/animation interp is beyond fucked and tracers still don't match bullets, even though VACnet "fixed" norecoil hacks)
Rising Storm 2 after the sweeping class changes
Dirty Bomb after every patch
Fistful of Frags after every patch
Planetside 2 even had a PhysX toggle that was removed for no real reason
This isn't including the numerous random texture changes, namely the Vanu getting BLACKED and MBTs losing faction coloration, pic related
Thats a good point
This, Rocketeer mains where you at!
>Muh afterburn
Oh my! 1~3dmg/s, which can be negated by fuckton of things.
>A Pyro's main job
The Pyro has no fucking job, a fucking DDS sniper can fuck you with his melee.
>Muh ambush!
Pyro doesn't inflict enough damage to be an ambusher. The Axtinguisher made the Pyro a threat in cramped areas. Now you can laugh at his primary and bash her head in. Pyro is shit-tier atm.
>Samus returns is great.
No it fucking isn't.
Overrated. The game had some positives but the balance was a mess and a lot of professions were even unfinished.
All they had to do was grind, then people found out what a mess the game was and started to quit
I find it pretty fun, but not as fun as AM2R unfortunately.
At least is was the literal best selling 3DS game out in 2017, and Sakamoto said it was a success, so we can expect more if you really found it that bad
World of Warcraft
Tabula Rasa (Fuck NCSoft, this game would have been the greatest thing to ever grace PC)
Kingdom Hearts
The reason was that they were losing subscribers at such an incredible rate, they wanted to do something before they lost everyone.
SWG was another cookie clicker simulator. It lured you in and strung you along, but once you got near the end of the grind you found out the game was a mess.
They decided to just make a whole new grind bait to start people over on the skinner box scam.
Truly MMORPGs are cancer and aids.
Eh, it definitely had a low point with the lootboxes, but it was still pretty fun. My biggest complaint is that performance was pretty trash on the newer maps.
this update killed the game.
Nioh from the Alpha onwards. Outside of a very small number of changes, some of which should have been in already, it only got worse.
Every persistent online game I've ever liked.
They're always looking to pull in more players and end up fucking over the audience they have.
>Oh my! 1~3dmg/s, which can be negated by fuckton of things.
>You are now sending people scrambling for a medic/medpack and displacing their position
>~60 damage if they don't take care of it
>The Pyro has no fucking job, a fucking DDS sniper can fuck you with his melee.
Pyro doesn't have a job anymore, thats part of my point.
>Pyro doesn't inflict enough damage to be an ambusher.
Scout is an ambusher meant to do damage and get picks, Pyro is an ambusher meant to cause displacement and stall.
>Pyro is shit-tier atm.
I already said that you donut.
>>You are now sending people scrambling for a medic/medpack and displacing their position
Jarate, Milk, items which negate afterburn, other Pyros. The Afterburn is a joke.
Its a complete joke now, It wasn't when Milk/Spycicile weren't in. Even now, outside of pyro's airblast, youre still forcing them to use their milk/jarate
>$10 weapon DLCs are back because fuck you lol
No user you're not allowed to say that or you're a dirty bintendo fanboy/listfag
Never got why people liked KF to begin with, it was always "fun with friends"-tier.
They had like 100% turnover in leading positions from 3 to 4, I have no idea why anyone would have been okay with that. I get 3 isn't that great but at least it wasn't insulting.
>market ambitious RPG utilizing a setting that's sadly underused in games
>end up getting a halfbit borderlands clone instead
Paragon wasn't perfect but somehow Epic continued to make it worse with each big update. I'm still so mad they destroyed it. I loved that game. FUCK Epic
>lost planet 2
>lost planet 3
fuck you too capcom
>playing live service trash
Monster Hunter but 4th gen instead of World like all the tendies are whining about.
Every MMO in existence
Define more casual. The game is the most casual thing in existence. Literally no thought it required and the only challenge is against your patience.
Monster attacks. You are out of attack range. You get close and hit it 3 times. You back away. Monster attacks. You are out of attack range. You get close and hit it 3 times. You back away.
Repeat forever on every singe monster. There's no reason to fight any monster more than once except for the fact that's designed to fuck you with 1% drops needed to move up in gear.
I won't ever understand what made any of you dumb faggots think that game wasn't casual at any point in time. If you think not showing the HP so you can't quantify what a tedious slog it is makes it hardcore, then all I can say is fuck you and I'm glad you suddenly collided with reality.
Over 10 years later an i'm still mad. All I asked for was a port.
Fossil Fighters. went from good, to great to fucking WHY.
have a good day
I could tell you were retarded from your first post, but thanks for the extra confirmation
Fallout excluding new vegas
>Of course when the results finally came back, it was another overwhelming 9 to 1 win.
>This article contains information on content that did not pass a poll
Hahaha retard
I still have all of the hand-drawn propaganda saved somewhere on an old hard drive. That was was so much fun.
blue for life
I fucking miss it
Pointless change after pointless change
Fuck you ronimo
Fuck you
Classic wow