Ugh, no wonder he's an incel's icon.
Ugh, no wonder he's an incel's icon
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, that game was ahead of its time.
Try to prove him wrong on his final speech
You literally can't
Have s e x
Wanna hear a joke?
You have a point. Adachi wqsy cool, but Rance is better, if the bitch says no, just have sex anyway
Go ahead
He lived in a society
Tohru a cute.
4>3>power gap>5>old shit nobody actually played
>Adachi: I find life too difficult, wouldn't everything be better if the entire human race became shadows so we wouldn't have to deal with hardships?
>Yu: No.
You have no talent user.
>4>3>power gap>5>old shit nobody actually played
Story wise
3 > 2 > 5 > 1 = 4
4> 3= 2 > 5 > 1
5>4>3> 2 = 1
Always was and always will be /ourguy/.
I agree with most of these but I wouldn't put I wouldn't put 3 at the top of story since even though it has the highest highs in the series, there are huge parts where shit-all happens.
I think 4 has the best confidants and the worst main cast while 3 is the opposite.
ayo bruh yo listen ay
5 > 3 > 4
Sound Design
3 > 4 > 5
5 > 4 > 3
4 > 3 > 5
Box art
3 > 5 > 4
There's no such thing as talent, just hard work + IQ
No wonder OP is a faggot icon.
>Talent is a birthright
He was right.
I can't, he's right. He was a dick for killing innocent people, but his final goal was morally correct
>literal sociopathic incel
>women still like him
>I thought my life was a tragedy, but now I realise it's anime
He's a lazy creep that half-assed his way through life and flew into a murderous rage when a highschooler refused to have sex with him. What did you expect?
>new thing bad
He just hated bitches and whores.
they only liked him after he threw a couple hoes into the TV screen
>high IQ speech
>MC's party literally say "no u"
>goes raving mad from being "disproved"
good writing
how does this make you feel Yea Forums?
We need to bring this shit back now more than ever.
Happy. Happy that someone else shares my thoughts.
100% truth.
God fucking damn it OP, you do not deserve to be a Yea Forumstard
Infact, you do not even deserve to be on the holy grounds of Yea Forums at all
Please immediately get the fuck out, or the army of Anonymous shall fiercely torture you to no end
>holy grounds of Yea Forums
what the FUCK was his problem?
It's easy to be alone when no one wants to be with you ;_;
Derangement and social isolation.
Sometimes I feel lonely
Then I think about the times when I was among other people and then I am glad I am alone
He's right you know. I once fucked a drunk blacked out girl in an alley, and i am the one to blame for that? I simply did what nature demands, she is the one who went against nature by drugging herself.
I was only pretending to be a retard. Tohru a cute
Much like Adachi, he's a lazy creep half-assing his way through life, and the sudden manifestation of superpowers made him think that the rules no longer applied to him - but lacking any kind of imagination or personal ambition, he just decided to co-opt the murders in a desperate need for some kind of fulfillment, only to find himself even emptier than before.
3 > 5 >>>> shit > 4
The MC was a Mary Sue who was talented at everything. No wonder he won.
>just be yourself and accept it
>unless youre fat, ugly or gay then fucking die
dude bitches lmao
>I once fucked a drunk blacked out girl in an alley
>in an alley
Ew, dude, even the club bathroom is better.
He doesn't have super powers though.
Loneliness is simply chemicals in our brains acting up right? There must be a way to suppress that.
No. You are 100% to blame. Repent and ask God for forgiveness, and work to become a better person.
Bullet to the head suppresses that, or so I've heard.
Fuck NO
Even if he fucked a degenerate drunk, he's still better than christcuck fucking PEDOS
No, loneliness is your brain's hard coded response to being alone for too long. We're coded to be social animals, being alone most of the time is quite unnatural for humans and will lead to pathology.
>hating pedos
Go back.
>it works without any physical interaction bruh
Is it magic?
Literally /pol/ & /vg/ combined into one.
Must be a way to suppress that
When I said "no" I meant it isn't chemicals in your brain acting up, it's chemicals in your brain acting as they should based on your situation.
Make friends
enjoy your STDs bro
Based retard and pointmissingpilled
Yeah, and if I'm getting a surgery, pain is a response from the nervous system acting as it should based on the situation of being cut open by a knife. Doesn't mean I have to take it, hence anaesthesia and analgesics.
Imagine if there was a drug to suppress the useless feeling of loneliness too.
The only person with real problems in the game, and the writers treat him like shit.
Should I bee myself perhaps?
>mfw "have sex" literally debunks Adachi's speech about talent and happiness
Were we the bluepilled ones all this time?
>"have sex" literally debunks Adachi's speech about talent and happiness
How so?
STDs is natures ranking system, virgin. Not that you'd know much about being a human doing natural things.
>bee yourself
>no one likes your caring but boring personality
>back to being lonely
>Defends child fucking
Every single time. Can you not be a walking meme for once?
He goes on about how your life is going to be meaningless and boring unless you have talent.
But if you regularly get laid, your life is neither meaningless nor boring.
>if you regularly get laid, your life is neither meaningless nor boring
Wrong, but even we were to assume that it isn't wrong then he's still be right because doing so requires talent.
Ya know, i never understood Mickey's point of view. He's right about trusting said chemicals to believe they're chemicals, but his bit on knowledge and aggressive challenge makes no sense in his debate with Donald.
I'm not christian, dude
You should become one. Maybe the bishops and priests will defend you when you get caught.
Since when do you need talent to get sex? Women's standards aren't that high, thankfully.
I was going to write some stuff but honestly if you think taking drugs to suppress loneliness instead is what you need to do instead of just putting yourself in more social situations, then by all means please enjoy your meth. Meth will fix up your loneliness problem real quick.
>But if you regularly get laid, your life is neither meaningless nor boring.
he browsed Yea Forums
>Defending millenial failures like Adachi
How much of a cuck can one be? Might as well give away all your saved up money to boomers because you think the older generation is always right.
Hoes mad
Easy to say when you have sufficient talent, some people don't. You never realize what have until you lose it. And like I said life is still/can still be meaningless and boring.
Now go have sex.
Good god i can smell the creases between your fat flaps
Get your face off his dick then.
>He thinks religion is a club you can simply join
Great example of western decline.
They hide pedos not even for the pedos themselves, but just so that the church isn't seen as the pedo nest it is.
>Might as well give away all your saved up money to boomers because you think the older generation is always right
I have no idea how you made that connection.
Nigger, that's an stimulant. Do you even know the first thing of what are you talking about?
This. Except I doubt 5 is better than the old shit even though I haven't played those.
>Women's standards aren't that high
>Adachi is an adult
>And thus his virginal views must be right
>I must follow his teachings
And you get a new generation of incels
You want to stop feeling lonely, right? Meth.
only if you're a coombrain
Wow, I love christcucks now
5 has the weakest story
People don't agree with Adachi's an adult you idiot. They agree with him because they can relate.
If people would agree with a character just because they're an adult why would it be Adachi and not someone else who's a lot more influential such as
>Religious speakers
Meth works horribly if you're already having problems. If mind numbing and turning into a vegetable is what you want then THC or Heroin is the drug of choice.
Reminder: Women put so much importance on having sex because they realize it's the only real use they have
Imagine being born in a stable household in a 1st world country and still bitching because you aren't getting everything handed to you on a silver platter. The epitome of entitled.
Funny because manlets are low.
Recreational drugs in general work horribly if you’re already having problems, retard.
Much better than one. One is the weakest game in most aspects.
Based loliposter.
Same goes for dudebros, am I right?
Isn't that dude in a rhythm game?
Aww, thanks user
he was too based
What? There's a reason PTSD victims are given cannabis, because it dulls them.
That's not true at all.
Some of my friends with girlfriends are pretty miserable.
1's story is weak but at least the writing is not insufferably cringy like 4 and 5
Being isolated from society and people is wonderful. If you feel resentment towards society for your NEET-esque lifestyle you were never on the true path to begin with and are a failed normie who pathetically caved under pressure rather than trying to find enlightenment.
Based. After a while I realized I don't really want a meaningful relationship, just an exclusive meat doll that pampers me every now and then.
5 was like a "youth rebellion" from the 70's or 80's. Which I agree is cringe, but I hate hippies with a passion, so I'm biased. 4 was bad, but not as bad as 1.
Understood, finally
Normalfags are bad, failed normalfags are another kind of bad.
People who say normie should go back to /r/eddit.
1 has the best atmosphere by far.
This was specifically about story.
I'm replying to this part
>One is the weakest game in most aspects
>dead end career
>forced to live on cabbage
>treated like shit constantly
i wonder why he snapped
adachi was completely and utterly justified
I wish he could snap me, IYKWIM
This. Sex is not important, stop acting like horny animals. Self-improvement is important but it's pointless if you're doing that just to have sex, you're just lying to yourself at that point.
social anxiety, looks like a fish, unrequited feelings
poor bastard was basically just created to suffer
>He was a dick for killing innocent people
He did his best to prevent climate change.
Ah. Well I'd say that only 4 does atmosphere worse than 1. 3 does some moments bad, but has a good all-around atmosphere. 5's atmosphere is also lacking sometimes, but is much better than 4.
Well, the story itself in 4 was fine but the writing and the dialogues were really bad. 1 is not much better, it has some shitty dialogues too, especially in the snow queen quest, almost all of them boils down to classic teenager drama, but it had some interesting concepts
it also has the best dungeons, though that's mainly because the dungeons in the other games are really bad
That doesn't add up with IYKWIM.
Yeah, drugs. People do them.
Is this some dumb Yea Forums meme?
They fucked up on the last part with Adachi. I was looking forward to how they would tear his argument apart but it boiled down to fuck you, we don't want it. All it did was make me want to take his position than theirs.
Adachi Tohru was absolutely right about everything. Good luck ever being genuinely happy if you're born a talentless loser.
Adachi wasn't talentless though, he was just lazy.
It's because Donald is a coward, who is using the idea of everything being chemicals to deny any meaning, so Donald can then reject taking any initiative in his life. If these things don't mean anything, he doesn't have to try. That's why Mickey calls him out, because he shouldn't avoid trying to find or attain value in life - he should fight.
which ones
But what does "All knowledge is ultimately based on that which we cannot prove" even mean in this context? Mickey is basically confirming Donald's nihilistic outview by saying Donald's point merits facts as the knowledge gained from presuming chemicals nulls meaning is itself based on something neither can prove.
>Adachi wasn't talentless though, he was just lazy
How so? You don't see nearly enough of him to make that conclusion.
Jesus that post is some high level coping.
Cool story, Bob
Not him, but I assume it means "If you know what I mean"
It's not coping, it's overdose on blackpills, though at least not the retarded incel "mogging" kind.
The worst thing about delusions is that the sufferer will always find a way to make them sound like truth. No matter how directly are they disproven.
Oh, okay. I'm not all that into zoomer memes.
Donald's saying everything is subjective, because we as humans have things we want to achieve. He's right to a degree, but he denies the ability of humanity to see things objectively, and thus the value in those judgments. Again, he is being evasive.
It's factually wrong too.
>zoomer memes
this is basic English, Pedro
Mickey is a cunt. End of story.
Well I'm ESL. Sue me.
Better plot than Kingdom Hearts.
It is, yeah
All of them. All of the drugs.
>gets to live somewhat comfily in prison and speaks with his former partner on good terms
It's implied from his flash back in the anime and his opening scene in ultimax where he gives a cop shit because he recites a rule about testimony gained by force.
>Shoots himself with a pistol
>Shotgun shell flies out
t. Donald aka Chemicals' Slave
doing caffeine right now to c o p e with the loneliness
Well fuck me for not being a secondary, huh?
why argue ideas when you can just beat the shit out of someone?
Its just retarded drivel driven by a retard who thinks he's smart, trying to impress other retards. 100% created by an American.
Whatever Mickey, your disney cap is strangling your bloodflow to the brain and is making your euphoric
A cunt who's right
i try my best!
Unironically based, and indirectly arguing for might makes right, making it philosophically meaningful as well.
Post cute Tohru doing cute things.
They don't call him Chad Narukami for nothing, he's too cool to argue with losers.
Bob Ross is such a boss
Thank GOD i wasn't born shorter than 190cm
Having sex is not a talent guys dont attack based Bob with your insecurities
>Speaks in a germanic dialect
Does not compute.
People forget that for a man bemoaning the naturally gifted, he himself was given a gift and squandered it so pathetically: accidentally TVs one girl, intentionally TVs another, throws up when he realises he's a murderer, spends the rest of the year doing absolutely nothing while a bunch of fucking scoobyaru doopais fool his amazing "plan" of "being entertained". He is caught, hides like a child, and cries about talent.
Adachi could have himself been given the golden ticket, in fact he was, and he wastes it. He isn't right on his final speech because he fucking fails on its own merits completely.
We are talking about real talents, fucker, sex is not everything in the life
>Unironically based, and indirectly arguing for might makes right, making it philosophically meaningful as well.
>Normieville has literal sentinent Sun with a face, clouds and even butterflies with faces
How is any of that normal??
Just be yourself faggot stop harrasing Bob
dumb roastie cannot pronounce berndt correctly
Robutt agrees with Adachad
The argument is that Donald is choosing to be defeatist through nihilism, assigning no intrinsic value on anything worthwhile due to satisfaction being mere injections of dopamine in the brain instead of any objective value inherent in the act or objects themselves.
Mickey is responding that Donald is a hypocrite, because he's now using the exact same neurochemical processes in order to find zero value in anything, including the reason for why man decided to pursue higher knowledge instead of merely survive. "All knowledge is based on that which we cannot prove." Why would anyone do anything, including be charitable or endure torment pointlessly, if not for a cognitive reason beyond their neurotransmitters?
Hence his question to Donald: Will he choose to fight for his right to exist, even despite the seemingly meaningless reasoning for doing so, or will he give into despair, and die pointlessly and helplessly like a dog? Is it better to accept futility and emptiness as the universe's basis, or to instead find your reason, your answer to life as a flame, and brilliantly burn your life away, even if the only person who can see your life's flame is yourself?
>sex is not everything in the life
spoken like a true incel
I could try to learn japanese because I really want to. It's a real struggle, but day by day, week by week and month by month I learn a little more all the time. In the end, after years of trying, I've finally learned japanese.
Meanwhile someone who doesn't really care about japanese but is only on the course because his crush is as well learns it with no trouble. He picks up words, letters and grammar with no trouble, despite having no interest in the language. He's actually just there because of the girl, but learns japanese better and much faster than I do.
In this example he has a lot of talent when it comes to learning japanese and I do not, despite me being interested and him not being so. This example isn't real, but it could very well be, and proves Bob Ross wrong.
>or to instead find your reason, your answer to life as a flame, and brilliantly burn your life away, even if the only person who can see your life's flame is yourself?
Not emotionally charged at all huh.
That's the problem with most japanese/anime "villains". The writers write the villain that way because they think the villain's arguments are clearly evil and nonsense, but even though they think that, they can't find a counter-argument to the villain's arguments so they just make villain go crazy at the end
>Take heart and inspiration from a meme image of mickey mouse and donald duck.
Fuck's sake.
Holy shit you didn't need to spoiler Danganronpa 3
This person summed it up pretty well. He literally got chosen by a god to have great power and all he does is stir up shit in a small town for kicks.
I'm not even a chaosfag, quite the opposite.
Its true, once you stop being lonely you understand that the whole interaction with people is just a hassle.
I think i was happier when i was a loner in later highschool-early uni than what i am now with a wife and ''friends''
Happens in the west too user.
T. too dumb to understand a simple panel with a mouse and a duck
Do your world have sun, clouds and butterflies with faces? No? Are you a "normie"? No?
user, I know this website may sell sex like it's some kind of cure for all ailments, but sex doesn't give life purpose. Animals have sex. Insects have sex. It's a biological imperative, like eating or sleeping.
Can you name a vidya example?
Thank god.. For a moment i was afraid i was one of those "normal" folks
>Robutt hates Yukari.png
t. virgin.
The only people that legitimaly care about sex are virgins and liberal women, once you stop being a virgin you find out there is nothing special about it. Its not even better than jerking off
yeah, bad writing is universal, though it's more common in japan, almost every anime villain is like that
Everyone hates that whore
Because he's talentless when it comes to being a super hero. And when it comes to not being scooby doo'd as well.
>It' eating or sleeping
Haha. Yeah. Haha. I also have sex as easily as I eat and sleep. Haha.
It isn't, that was a reference to Aigis's search for a reason to her existence beyond her mission's completion/failure.
t. virgin
The only people that legitimately care about sex are non-virgins and liberal women, once you become a non-virgin you find out that it's what you've based your entire identity around, despite it not being better than jerking off
Sex is like air, it's only important when you're not getting any.
I disagree. I haven't gotten any in all of my 23 years, and it hasn't been important.
I thought Adachi’s thing was he got lazy and dejected after being stationed in fucknowhere, Japan.
It's a long time since I played the game. Does he ever mention that he was from the city or something?
I just can't connect with people. He's right, and I like it that way.
He is. There's nothing interesting happening in Inaba, which was a sentiment echoed by Yosuke, who also finds Inaba boring as hell. The difference is that Yosuke didn't use his boredom and superpowers as an excuse to commit murder.
>The difference is that Yosuke didn't use his boredom and superpowers as an excuse to commit murder
He well might have if he didn't have friends. We can never know.
Why isn't incel filtered, mods?
Look at the cunt and tell me you don't know exactly what his problem is
Becuase mods got laid but are too addicted to smut and like bean drinks too much.
Doesn't hurt them
He's right. Why is this so hard for normalfags to understand? I'm not an incel or a sociopath, I just like being alone
Yosuke also didn't get those superpowers, nor knowledge of them, until shit actually happened, unlike Adachi
I think there's a difference between the murderers here who are doing it for attention and the people who don't commit murder but are still lonely, like a lot of your social links are.
1st world country, yes. Stable household and in good health, no.
The point of your social links is that you help people through a difficult time. At least it is a lot of the time. But sometimes people who don't manage to "get through" a difficult time get warped and twisted.
>But if you regularly get laid, your life is neither meaningless nor boring.
God I wish I was that retarded.
Average normalfag intelligence and worldview.
I at least felt better in the time I was having sex not because of that itself but from a stable bond. The act is eh, but normos see it as a sign of social affluence.
I'd rather say "Have friends" far more useful.
>far more useful
Friends, yes. The phrase, no.
>But if you regularly socialize with people you like, your life is neither meaningless nor boring.
God I wish I was that retarded.
Why the fuck when I try to make an Adachi thread nobody posts in it?
Luck of the draw, bad OP image, no thread hook, etc
You lack the magic ticket called talent.
Absolutely fucking bullshit. Unbelievably false. Fake and gay.
If you believe you can become good at anything by trying, you have actual brain damage.
>"And here I had a thing for you but in the end it turns out you're just another stupid bitch
>"Girls these days are just a pain in the ass. This world's going straight to shit
>"I only joined the police so I could carry a gun around"
>"'Hey, we'll catch the killer ourselves!' That's some funny stuff, how old are you guys again?"
It really is a good thing P4 came out like 9 years ago and not more recently. His voice is so good seriously
why are you so dependent on Americans user?
Self hate, most likely.
you CAN be good at anything by trying but someone talented will always be better than you with less effort. You're a lazy faggot if you don't try and just say "It can't be helped, I don't have the talent"
Is it justified to become a lazy faggot after countless attempts and failing every time?
Most people try and find out they don't have talent. Then someone comes along and tells them to try and get the reply "nah, I don't have talent for it", but then that someone gets judgmental and just considers them lazy.
Persona 4 coming out now would cause Yea Forums to throw a fit over Adachi.
Twitter fags would love it for having an incel be the main villain
Adachi is volcel. This guy is incel.
The thing is, you can get better at something if you try hard enough. If you want to be a good artist just practice. If you're a talentless fuck it's take a long time, but if you REALLY want it you should be willing to commit to it, but it's okay if you think the effort isn't worth it.
Though it's meaningless to try to be the best at something without a talent because there're always people who are more talented than you and put more effort into it than you do.
Most people are COMPLETELY talentless in one or more areas and it's sad when it's an area that interests them, but the quote that Interest = Talent is pure bullshit no matter how you look at it.
Mickey is an anti-intellectual who grasps at straws to give himself false hope.
Rather than accepting reality and searching for a meaning, he angrily bargains with reality to keep his old worldviews.
Mickey is the cope of an idealist who cannot part with his childish view of world as magical and inherently meaningful.
Have sex
He was a weak person given strength and he couldn’t handle it.
That being said he’s not an irredeemable villain. He’s a kid in a really bad situation he doesn’t know how to get himself out of. He’s like a kid with a mental disorder everyone bullies until he starts shooting up the school. What he really needs is a better environment full of understanding people and some serious psych help. Kind of fucked up that they just kick his ass
He's an ugly fuck who didn't know his place as an ugly fuck.
If Adachi was a girl all the fags that hate him would be drooling over him instead
>Interest = Talent
yeah, that's bullshit. I'm just saying you can be good at something without a talent, to some degree.
Talent gives you a higher level cap and an exp multiplier
Tell that to the prostitute who killed herself in the motel next door last week
>implying a woman can get through the shit Adachi went
>Talent gives you a higher level cap and an exp multiplier
I like to think that those are separated into "talent" and "potential", both being necessary to achieve greatness within an area. High potential and little talent is of little use to all but the most dedicated, and even those very dedicated individuals are some degree of cursed if they have little talent in the field that they practice so hard.
Someone should have helped him come to terms with it then
Give him a social link about him learning to accept himself. He can get with that fat chick everyone memes about at the end
>didn't play 2
yikes invalidated
He can be an ugly girl
I can see why fujos started making more porn of him after golden.
Only people who can actually be "saved" get social links. And we're talking "saved" on a platonic level because, for example, mr. pink croc still dies.
Still easier mode than average man.
Shit I relate to this
Am I an incel now
Game already has one(two?) of those, she's used for some really awful comic relief.
Once you murder someone you've kinda crossed a line.
He can be “saved” though. Literally all he wants is to feel acknowledged. He feels like he doesn’t even exist. Just talking to the guy regularly would save him
Incel is a meme word, don't think so hard about it. But being a Yea Forumsirgin is something to be proud of.
You could argue that Yosuke is in the same situation. He hates his life in the boonies, has basically no friends and his crush just died. If Yu hadn't come by and picked him up then he might well have faced a downwards going spiral as well. Can't save 'em all.
Even murderers can atone for your sins
Hell, you can even have it affect the story. If you progress far enough down the social link, instead of his dungeon you go somewhere else. Or maybe you help him confront his shadow and get his own Persona. Make your choices really matter
I dunno. I'm a lawyer, and could easily get a good job as a federal legal officer, and also an incel at 27, and I dont want to kill people and throw them inside TVs at all.
>Make your choices really matter
I think you're new to this whole "JRPG" thing. The japs don't do the whole "dynamic choices matter". There are routes and endings maybe, but not dynamic choices.
What if you got magic powers and were surrounded by people you hated
Well you know what they say
Life Will Change
Not really a scenario one can realistically imagine.
Then you don’t really know do you
>it's okay to kill people if you're bored
How are you supposed to tear that argument down except by saying "Uh no it isn't"? It's not like he has a point.
I'm not him, but yeah. That was my point.
>Can't romance Sae
She lacked screen time and couldn't really compare to best girl, but it is a shame nonetheless.
Why do people think being lonely is bad. The only thing Ihate about it is that if you ever try to stop being a NEET and getting a good job it's a gigantic struggle, people are for networking and that's it
>oh little jimmy turned 5 today
fuck little jimmy
Adachi is right. The problem is he is a far libtard so he didn't have the wisdom to be a benevolent ruler. The Scooby Doo gang on the other hand are centrist libtards so they're naive and thinking everything works out if you work hard enough.
They're both ultimately wrong just for the fact that they're libtards.
Fuck Trannies
I don't know, do you hate all women because you don't get any pussy? If your answer is no, you just like being alone.
>Even murderers can atone for your sins
I mean that's generally a really hard thing to do, because killing someone is a one-way street. You can't normally bring someone back to life after you've cut theirs short. Look at all the divisive argument about Akechi in P5, that dude is a serial killer who has murdered hundreds of people, people who didn't deserve to die and were just living their lives as best they can. Does he deserve redemption, to live on while the innocent people whose lives he took don't?
its been a while since I played P4
was it ever indicated in game if Adachi was a virgin or is it just people pushing that onto his character to better fit how they view him?
>do you hate all women because you don't get any pussy
What does this have to do with anything? Hate isn't a part of being an incel, although it is often seen accompanying it.
He's in his mid-20s and was deported from his old job for unspecified reasons. Could go either way with it, but since he's a polar opposite of Yu I suppose he is
Akechi is a charismatic motherfucker, so yes he does.
Charisma > Everything
I don't get why people say "Be yourself" like it's good advice. Sometimes you need to change things about yourself because there are certain aspects that are lacking and need to be worked on.
Everyone else is just a kid too, same as him. They hand him off to the authorities because they believe that will lead to him getting the help he needs. Even if they wanted to try to befriend him, they don't get to decide that he doesn't get arrested.
>was it indicated he was a virgin?
>well no but I suppose he is
If you regret murdering people, and you’ll never do it again, and you serve your time for doing the crime, then yes you deserve redemption
It's a normie thing.
Normies are often massive phonies, even when everyone can tell it's all fake.
By telling a normie to b urself, you're telling him:
>you're good enough as you are
>don't fake anything, it shows
literally how can you be an incel and be a lawyer?
You are adachi personified if that really is the case
Maybe instead of 'be yourself' it can be more along the lines of 'don't lie about yourself'.
I just wish there was an option to not make him feel so lonely or something
I’m a teacher and I see so many kids these days like him. Lonely social outcasts who no one even acknowledges. I try to talk to them and check on them without making them feel uncomfortable whenever I see them but I don’t even know if I’m helping.
Being untrue to yourself is long term only likely to lead to suffering and regret.
You heard me
because they're normalfags and they get accepted for who they are, and they think everyone is like that. They can't comprehend the idea of people having weird thoughts and personalities
Pretty much this. Normalfags are mostly incapable of empathy with those they don't mirror.
The difference between a chad and a not chad is conviction and lack of self doubt
“Be yourself” means “do what you think you should and don’t doubt yourself”
>I am pushing my belief because I hate the idea that a non-virgin could be a total loser
>I w-was told having s-sex would solve my problems! I'm n-n-not a loser!
Doubtful. Despite people here calling him an incel he had a girlfriend in the city before being transferred to Inaba.
I really like how in P4AU Adachi meets Sho, who is basically the same as him, wanting to destroy the world in a fit of autistic rage because he didn't have a perfect life, but this time the game jerks off Adachi so hard, pretending that he was somehow better and had a sense of honor.
I dunno, I made a conscious effort to remake my mind and body about ten years ago and I don’t really regret it.
>The difference between a chad and a not chad is conviction and lack of self doubt
There's that word that desperately needs a filter again.
you HEARD me
Just bee yourself (and get plastic surgery bro lol)
>“Be yourself” means “do what you think you should and don’t doubt yourself”
They fail to realize that if people actually did this then rape, terrorism and general anarchy would skyrocket. Odd people are holding back for a reason, because they've been taught to do that.
>talent this and talent that
You just talk to them and pretend you’re confidant. That’s literally all it takes and you’re in the bone zone.
Incels just don’t want to take the first step for fear of rejection.
If she says no, you just say “have a good life” and move on to the next one like a normal person.
>Be yourself
>What if I want to kill people?
>Well don't do that
Adachi is still an adult, Sho's not
He had his social link maxed out by then which causes a change in most people and he had time to think back on his past sins and is trying to repent.
I have a friend who's a failed normalfag. He tries to brush off his failures as one like I naturally do, but it hurts him and he often considers suicide.
B-but the entertainment industry told me that rapists and terrorists were born evil and wrong and insane!
>b urself
>what if
>whatever u do, don't b urself. but still b urself
I thank god every day that I’m 6’4”, I have enough issues without going fucking Napoleon over Manlet pussy rejection
Sho is an edgelord though, so he was a double cunt
Pretty much, yeah. Good to see you caught on. Now how about that counter argument? Or are you agreeing?
Genuinely, unironically being ugly. If he had been good looking he would have joined the party with zero script changes regardless of his previous actions. But because he was ugly he was irredeemable.
>just bee ur self as long as it’s socially acceptable bro :^]]]]]]]]
>No U
in the trash where he belongs
You're a teacher though, even if you're young they need friends and confidants their own age to properly develop.
>be yourself
>being myself means murdering other people
>that can’t possibly be the only aspect to your personality cmon now
They are. Those are the "odd people" I mentioned.
You, as in poster, have made auditory confirmation of my verbosity in the previous textular conversation between our personages
What if you followed Adachi around and kicked him in the balls every time he tried to kill someone
>Women are nothing but vaginas to be "scored"
>Wanting to score a vagina that countless others have had already
>Associating with roasties in the first place
Normalfags are fucked in the head. Kindly go back to Facebook.
I said this to my doctor and I literally got sent off to be diagnosed with autism.
I know but I don’t know what to do
They didn’t train me for this shit
>b urself just don't murder
>OK. LOL NIGGERS have you seen this edgy video? this is fun to me, I like edge
>*ugh* incel, creep. everyone bully him into suicide
In b4
>b urself, but only that part of urself that involves hiding all powerlevels and being someone you aren't
Izanami would get mad at you for fucking up the game
Normalfags become doctors too, not surprising really.
If doctors could solve all issues then there would be no need for communities like Yea Forums.
Because I was bullied as a kid, hence have no self esteem when it comes to anything casually social. I stutter when talking to women. I spill my spaghetti all the time. There were times where women cringe at my awkwardness.
I am also really physically weak. I am too lazy to do anything physical.
I am a beta in almost every way. But I dont want to kill people like Adachi
I’m not stopping him, I’m just kicking him in the balls
That makes him worse.
>I have no argument, but uh, yeah I'm right y'know?
I mean, you probably are autistic if you say that to people and expect them to understand it
Yeah, fuck you too, buddy.
Based Joker adachi
Becoming a lawyer is mostly about reading a lot of books and learning a lot of stuff by heart. And then failing hard because what matters in the real job is charisma.
What if I walked up to Izanami’s human form and gave her a kiss on the cheek
I'm glad you agree, I was getting worried user but we've reached a conclusion, I'm gonna fuck my supermodel girlfriend and eat a wagyu steak
Would make you more evil than Adachi himself.
But murderers deserve to get kicked in the balls
To be fair, it is literally the doctor's job to understand.
I can understand it just fine, even though I am far from being a doctor.
Speaking of preventing murders, what with the P3 rereleases allowing you to prevent Chidori and Shinji's deaths, and P5R apparently changing things so Futaba's mom and Haru's dad aren't dead, I'm almost surprised P4G didn't bullshit some way to save Saki.
You'd probably be the first one killed then
Guess that's just the state of the world now, the internet only exacerbated this problem. Just keep looking out for them I guess, but don't look like you're talking to them out of pity.
>wagyu steak
>and P5R apparently changing things so Futaba's mom and Haru's dad aren't dead
That's just dream stuff. They're inevitably going back to being dead.
>Whew, he had me beat, good thing I can just escape into nothing but confusing fantasy and reality as I often do
You would have made a good mid game boss, not end game, but a solid middle "literally who?" enemy with delusions of supremacy
He can’t kill me, I have Null All
Futile steak user
futile steak
>P3 rereleases allowing you to prevent Chidori and Shinji's deaths
Shinji, yes. Can you really prevent Chidori's? It has been many years.
>P5R apparently changing things so Futaba's mom and Haru's dad aren't dead
Sure? Seems completely irrelevant to everything other than giving Futaba and Haru slightly happier endings, but then their clingyness to Joker won't make that much sense.
Midboss is a many years old joke, Mr. Dark Adonis.
She'd still probably rage at you, because of the myth story where Izanagi tried to descend into the underworld to retrieve his wife, only to find she became a demon and he had to banish her back there cause she was completely evil.
This is in contrast to Orpheus, who also descended into the underworld to retrieve his wife, but foolishly disobeyed Hades and looked back before reaching the surface and so lost his wife for good.
>death is inevitable, memento mori...
>...unless you've bought the Persona 3™ Portable!
Yeah, when it comes to things that happen in court.
But 80% of it is written, and I am good at writing.
Talking, not so much. Imagine a Yea Forums man cross examining a man. That is me, for now.
I might just take a non court job instead..
What if Mitsuo had a HUGE dick
>we should let the world be swallowed in fog because I hate my life don't you hate youR LIVES?
What if I gave her a big kiss on the lips and fingered her pussy
All that time away from her hubby has to make her repressed
Well I did get diagnosed with it eventually.
I was very similar to a lot of people here in my late-teens/early twenties.
I managed to escape my basement and now at 31 I have a wife and kids.
Leaving was a bad idea I wish I could go back to the days when I was just locked in a dark room on my own for months at a time.
Acting like a "normie" to hold a job and the odd times I need to for my relationship is brutal and will lead me to an early grave for sure.
Stay in your basement; get a little fit and enjoy what you have while it lasts.
Completely unrelated to you but I fucking hate lawyers. There are way too many of them and they are often influential people, so you cannot deny their demands for a job and a high wage. This means that meaningless jobs are made and LOTS of money are being wasted on lawyers who contribute ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to the actual business of the company. But then things get even worse, as this is a really good idea from a tax standpoint so a lot of bullshit nonsense laws are made, just to increase the need for lawyers who still produce nothing but trouble and take a lot of money for their time.
Fuck lawyers.
Yeah remember when Yosuke just stood next to Yukiko and breathed into her ear
What a based guy. Making sub-humans nervous while he's at it.
Go back to deviantart.
>dead end career
>even though if he proved himself he could apply for a transfer
>eats cabbage cause he's too lazy to cook
>treated like shit because he refuses to stand up to Dojima or ask to be respected or do anything worthy of respect
child LOVING, user
Completely correct
I don't always like being alone but it's easier than thinking about the effort it takes to constantly be around other people and engaged
Adachi: "Sure, I killed some people because I was bored, but you guys are only trying to save people because YOU'RE bored, right? That makes us the same!"
Rise: "Well, he has a point..."
Takaya: "We were given this power, so we are free to use it as we like. Aren't you the same?"
Fuuka: "You seriously think we LIKE doing this?"
based incel so virginal that he has to cope by calling women subhuman
Shut up I’m on my way to fucking a goddess here
When Chidori's in the hospital tell Junpei every single day to not give up and to visit her, and if you do so Mitsuru will receive a call from the hospital after Chidori dies about how she transmogrified into a coffin, meaning she was still alive. You then later get a scene in January where she wakes up and Junpei gets to see her.
The doctor explains that to experiment with her life giving powers he put dead flowers in her room every day and she'd infuse them with her Spring of Life and resurrect them, but after she died he felt it inconsiderate to continue any testing and put all the flowers she revived on her body in memorial. He speculates that the life energy she gave to the flowers returned to her, resurrecting her, but because her Persona fused with Junpei's to become Trismegistus, she lost her potential to wield a Persona, her painful memories of the Dark Hour (and of Junpei, but they can become friends again), and the suppression drugs' effect on her body has been neutralized, so she's not doomed to an early death anymore. She's much more cheery now and SEES was beyond happy with the twist to what they thought was another tragic end.
It's also canon by the way, since Junpei in P4AU wears a necklace from a clothing brand that Chidori likes and gave to him as a gift.
How do you survive without a job though, is it a 1st world thing?
It's true
I can't which is why I need one but most people here manage somehow.
Neetbux and their parents pay for them I believe.
Adachi's position is literally to abuse power. His "points" are evasive dodging at best and straight up misconstructions of his own worldview at worst. He's given in to the worst humankind has to offer and is willing to usher in a beast that will swallow the world in fog to avoid criticism and being caught for being a piece of shit.
>takes Red Skull's position or thinks him right
You need help.
You can achieve a reasonable level of proficiency in nearly anything through sufficient practice, yeah. You're never going to join the NBA if you're 5'4 but you can become good enough to play at a local level and consistently make difficult shots with enough hard work. Saying "I'll never achieve the peak of human mastery so I shouldn't even try" isn't an argument
He's an ENTP, same as moot was, the Joker and a host of trolls. No wonder this place likes the guy so much
Yeah its almost like in P4AU Adachi, a man who's been turned around by Yu, the team and Dojima who's trying to be a friend to him sees in Sho the same adolescent shithead behavior that he demonstrated and is admonishing him from that perspective of having been through it.
That's actually a changed plot point in the movie, where Door understands that SEES was brought together to eliminate the Dark Hour, and they they'll go their separate ways once their mission is complete. So not wanting to be left alone again, he intentionally drags out the Fortune + Strength boss fight, which means SEES arrives too late to stop Takaya from killing Shinjiro, and Door blames himself for Shinji's death as a result.
>making excuses
Truly the NEET playbook
Why waste time getting good at something you'll never be great at?
>villain starts making too much sense
>better have him tape explosives to kids on the next page
bravo mahvel
>Doesn't notice that the girls are anime-niggers
Open your eyes for christ's sake!
Holy shit, a talking duck!
For personal self satisfaction and enjoyment? To better yourself for others?
Like I said, it has been years and I vaguely recall what you say. Although it might be false memory.
My boi Junpei got a happy ending in the end.
bitches and hoes man
One of many clear signs of western decline, that parasites and no-goods are tolerated.
Nah I don't get it
If you don't eat shit because that's disgusting, would you call that "making excuses"?
True. Nothing wrong with preferring to be alone. Networking is necessary however.
People who bitch and belittle people who like to be alone can fuck off.
It's probably one of the unambiguously happiest moments of P3. Even Yukari and Fuuka, who were eavesdropping, started crying in joy once they heard what happened.
He's kinda right though.
What Arcana are you, Yea Forums?
Sho's reasons for being a crazy misanthrope are at least a whole lot more tangible than Adachi's. Sho was experimented on by a mad man and was beyond that completely isolated from any other people. The one guy he did know threw Sho off to the side like garbage (and later died), and the kid just went fucking bonkers.
Adachi is just some bored schmuck who has is about as bad as Yosuke, but just insistent that he doesn't need people because they are a hassle. At the very least, by the time Ultimax rolls around Adachi is starting to get his head out of his ass and is taking his lumps like a man.
>Which among these could you consider as your worst trait right now?
These are supposed to be bad traits?
>western decline
>posts anime
Shitposting aside and not that user but you're right. Shut-ins and whatnot are only capable when your society has broken down and is basically declining into failure.
Then pick one at random and move on
Wait until you get a few more questions in and it talks about gender.
get out faggot you're not welcome here
Forgot. That's The Hermit.
I got the Moon
Egoraptor has really fallen off
inspect the bottom panel again, sweet incel.
Sup, hermit brother
>Saki was a normal teenage girl
>She didn't like working at the store that was putting her parent's shop out of business
>Thinks Yosuke is kind of annoying and clingy
>Adachi saw her talking to Namatame once and assumed she was sleeping with him
>Tried hitting on her and she was creeped out
>Pushes her into the TV to die
Yeah, I guess she got what she deserved.
Japan is in many aspects "western". Particularly so in the last three or four decades.
If Japan was a woman it would have a crush on America
>Uguu am I kawaii America-kun
I find it more offensive that every time a fictional character thinks life is hard he's strawmanned as having not tried hard enough or going completely insane and doing some ridiculous escapism-based bullshit. Literal boomer storytelling.
>Saki was a normal teenage girl
she got what she deserved
>How much impact does falling in love made into your life?
I've never fallen in love, so effectively none. But choosing the "none" answer makes you seem like a pump-and-dump normalfag. Guess I'll pick it anyway.
And what's up with pic related? Where's the arrogant option to be aware of other cultures but declare my own superior anyway? Where's the option to be aware of cultures but hate my own?
End Result: Priestess
Can't say I'm surprised or unsatisfied, but I'd be satisfied with most arcana actually.
Yeah, that's what I was referencing.
Divorce-rapes, unfair laws, discriminatory social conventions or false accusations are biggger problems than the feeling of being rejected, a feeling that in most cases only males have to experience.
>Literal boomer storytelling
Who do you think writes the stories?
To be fair, if you need a character with a questionable moral compass who isn't just born a psychopath then someone who's had difficulty is your best bet.
The Emperor.
>The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed...
>Only courage in the face of doubt can lead one to the answer..."
>Emperor symbolizes the desire to control one's surroundings, and its appearance could suggest that one is trying too hard to achieve this, possibly causing trouble for others; some elements in life are just not controllable.
>Often times, you are troubled by something very personal, and doesn't know how to deal with it.
Sounds about right
>tfw no Ms. Toriumi gf
sweet, I got HIGHU PRIEESTO.
>if you regularly get laid, your life is neither meaningless nor boring
coom coom!
Magician yeah suck it nerds!
>suck it nerds
As expected from a Magician.
>calling others nerds when you're a lvl 30 virgin
But why? I'm not old, wise, and don't have any particular religious outlook.
Some days are easier than others when you're lone-wolfing, I'll admit.
Post your initial persona
Hermit - Python
The hierophant also symbolizes adherence to authority, conservatism, and education
So you’re a square
I mean, if Dojima and Sojiro are squares, I'll take it.
You all are men I would die for.
Humans have not been a slave to nature or biology for centuries. Appealing to nature and treating humanity like literal insects is retarded.
10 years and he is still right.
Introvertedness helps a lot.
I've suppressed it and don't realize I'm lonely until I catch myself being a little too talkative if someone's willing to have a conversation with me. So I don't feel lonely but sure act like it.
>tfw Adachi will never be your friend
>More than a decade and Adachi STILL makes normalfags and moralfags seethe.
Most "humans" are total slaves to their instincts and conditioning. Pretending that everyone can be le epic ubermensh dying of STDs is retarded.
I agree, but on the other hand implying that humans have completely transcended nature is also a very far stretch.
Reminder that your Persona, even if it shares a name and origin with a common demon, will be unique to you. Yukari's Isis and Kanji's Take-Minazuki are unique from the generic Isis and Take-Minazuki you can acquire.