Play VRchat

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Other urls found in this thread:

VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.

i hate fujos but they draw all the cute yaoi so i don't mind them

fuck off, tranny

That feel when you'll never to back to the Knuckle time of VR. Well, it was fun while it lasted.

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does he seriously use leg trackers for this lol

So I can watch a bunch of anime chicks with dude voices fondle each other in a corner?

How does nobody else even give a fuck as this is happening right next to them?

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>tfw playing VRchat to sleep with w*men after meeting up IRL
Even ended up cucking someone.

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This is the cancer that overtook VRchat.
I wish the normies would return

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only people i see doing catboi shit are trannies so back up!

C...Could I get VRchat and sleep with a girl? I don't even want lewd I just want to imagine i'm cuddling with a girl.

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are ya winning son?

imagine you walk up on this
what do you micspam?
gif related

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Weebs were a mistake

I'm starting to think normalfags were never the problem.

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It's like I'm back in secondlife

Nobody using a TDA base is a weeb, they're usually the biggest normies because they're the most attractive to the faggots who have 0 patience to make their own avatars.

Yeah, I don't think normies would be cybering with others online mate.

mine's better

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How do I get a neet gf bros?

i have one, if you have a job and look good its easy they will become dependent on you and will beg you to stay

ask [s4s] if they want to stop larping and go on a date

Why would you want to ruin your life? Get a bimbo gf with no hobbies other than making you happy. You really don't want to date your clone.

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>get a bimbo gf with no hobbies
>have nothing to share together, have fun together other than sex
fucking coombrains out

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What about a bimbo neet gf?

weebs do not deserve to live
change my mind

This man is going places.

>implying you need to share a hobby

Jesus, you must be some lonely fuck. Show some interest in your partner from time to time and do things together that you enjoy. If you're both epic gamers then you'll be wasting 10 hours a day playing videogames you will burn out so quickly on it.

200% chance it's a southeast Asian fuccboi.

im in a relationship of 6 years you retard if my girlfriend isn't my best friend as well what the fuck is the point lmao
recrating so we can ruin our lives?

This is the path anime takes you

>mfw in the middle of making a fat ugly bastard model to use in VRChat so I can cuck all the anime boys

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i want you to cum in my ass please please please please plEASE PLEASE PLEAAASE please i want you to cum in my aass pleaase please aah aAAHH oh oh oh oh oh h i-i-i-i'll put my legs- i'll put my legs here i just- yeah yeah yeah i-i'll put my feet- i'll put my feet above my head i just- i just want you to cum in my ass plEASE CUM IN MY AASS cum in my ass please cum inside my aaaass AAAH i need it i need it i need it i need it i need it i need for it to CUM IN MY ASS please please please pleeasee HAA haa haa AHH AHH AAAHH AHH FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK YES YES YES YES YES FUCK AAHA AAH AAH AH H AHH hmm hmmm hmmmmm hmmm hmm hmmm hm hmm hmmmmmmmmhmmhmmm hmmm mm kiss fuck kiss fuck kiss aah hmm um um hmm hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm--- thats what i want too yeah, i am going to america soon

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VRChat is dead. It's filled with Russians, North Koreans and Chinese. And for some inexplicable reason, Hispanics. Also, Zoomers and Zoomers and Zoomers.

>mfw fat ugly bastard irl

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>Not using it to cuck all the anime girls

balding yes?

He will be soon once I get the head done
I'll even have him hold the card out too on certain hand gestures

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Godspeed, user.

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Make it public

>implying trannies are fujos

The easiest way to tell a tranny from an actual female online is is they fujopost. Hell even lesbians fujopost but trannies don’t because they’re insecure about being born male.

I hope you cum to where I'm at

They're always fat btw

Cringe but whatever floats their boat
Who are we to judge

They probably blocked them the second they started going full gay.

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Now I understand Inquisition, probably a Sabbath was nothing more than an ancestral form of these practices.

Our world and our civilization are fucked

absolutely based

have vr sex

I remember playing it back in 2018 (ugandan knuckles meme shit) and I was dumbfounded with the lack of social skills of the retards around women

There are? Prove it?


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Unfortunately I do still play VRChat. It absolutely can be fun but the autism it attracts and produces prevents me from being able to recommend it to anyone. I'm lucky that I found some good company so I don't completely regret it.

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>No entity restricting options
>people already have malware embedded in entities because the devs are incompetent
Yeah no

post more

>social anxiety and cant talk to people
>unironically would do this to jerk off just without the anime avatars, if it weren't for my anxiety

Is this the duality of a loser

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Wait so are these guys gay or waifufags?


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Straight men don't fuck other dudes in VR.

But don't straight dudes fuck girl avatars though

Wao, didnt expect it to be on that scale
Are they all played?

They're fucking female avatars though.

You could argue that they both have male voices so it's gay, but fucking a female avatar is the equivalent of me jerking off to hentai drawn by a man or porn directed by a man or a videogame character designed by a man.

Based and Liberationpilled

Yep, depends on the world, but it's possible
I am genuinely terrified of a new wave of young men getting /d/ tier fetishes because of new games and technologies like this

>Ugandan Knuckles meme shit.
I still think those things are kind of cute.

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... what's there to be afraid of?


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They're one of those things that are kinda funny at the start, but then you see them everywhere for weeks and slowly start hating them.

I swear this was made for ff14

Replace them with trannies and I'd believe it

>but fucking a female avatar is the equivalent of me jerking off to hentai drawn by a man or porn directed by a man

Your rationalization would save you if not for the fact you are fucking or being fucked by another man, while simultaneously being alone in your room.

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>what's there to be afraid of?
It's..just bizarre you know? Like one of the most abstract fetishes man has seen is gonna slowly become normalized...idk man, something about this idea kinda makes me sweat. It's something I never saw coming

How do you get fucked by another man if you are alone in your room? That just sounds like masturbation to me.

>Fetish gets normalized
>technology is pushed to make that fetish real
You afraid we'll be making growth rays or something?

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>>technology is pushed to make that fetish real
I wish

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me on the right


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>how girls draw girls
Vs og pic
>how men draw men

user stop being obsessed with trannies. It’s not healthy.

No, fujoshits do play Final Fantasy XIV and erp with their catbois
In fact there's probably more girls (cis and trans) on /xivg/ than guys


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pls be in london

Nah it's just,
I'm not used to the sexual progression of society
Especially if they were never relevant with normals to begin with
Now they will be out of nowhere and it's fucking wew
Like imagine being 12 now and 7 years later you think about that one time you thought about a giant anime girl stepped on you
Right now it's a freak-tier fantasy but soon it's gonna be a guilty pleasure shared among peers

Too soft

soz chief

You do know that's just sweaty pig males who pretend to be female, right?

Like it or not, the overwhelming majority of people playing FFXIV are trannies or people pretending to be trannies.

>girls on Yea Forums
I will never believe it. There are guys and guys with voice changers.

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But that doesn't make sense
Why would a guy pretend to be a boy to pretend to be a girl, when he could just pretend to be a girl to pretend to be a girl?

At I truly see...

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>tfw no homely fujo gf to kiss cute boys for
Sounds like the best of both worlds honestly

God I need more of this in my life
>starts out as a regular NTR doujin
>some hot brown dude or fat ugly businessman starts hitting on protag’s gf, making him anxious as she falls hook line and sinker
>turns out it was a ploy to get close to the protag
>the two of them make passionate love as the gf looks on flustered

Imagine if VRchat goes full SAO and scan your irl face and replace it with their anime girl facade.

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Because they use voice coms and it's easier to tell people nowadays that you are a tranny/trap than pretending to be an actual woman. You basically get the benefit of being able to use voice chat with your actual voice and the benefit of being treated like a woman.

All the fujoshits I know either only fuck asians or are lesbians

500,000 years of constant societal progression to get us here.

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Cute to be honest

real girl btw

pls be in london

If you played any social mmo you would know their are a ton of females playing them. You should stop letting what you see on Yea Forums fool you.

for more events like this please join us at
desktoppers not welcome :)

Holy fucking shit.


This is what weebs do every time they get the chance on Yea Forums too though, just look at all the gay threads on April fool's that mods allow. I think watching anime just does something to your brain that can't be fixed.

acceptable taste

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More like the really gay parts of Yea Forums came out.

>You should stop letting what you see on Yea Forums fool you.
I've played FFXIV for a substantial amount of time and it isn't a Yea Forums meme. Every raid has like 4 trannies and a couple of mutes with female characters who apparently don't have a microphone eventhough discord literally displays that they do. The whole game is infested with these entitled e-trannies pretending to be someone they're not. It's either that or they are playing in their house and dressing up for hours.

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I unironically love this.

What, do you want to get older into a copy of the baby boomer old age where you just sit around watching CNN and mowing your lawn and flexing your dick over who has the newest chinese couch? fuck that.

we're gonna be on some cyber anime shit in the next 20 years

You're on Yea Forums, a site that was made because of weebs.

You're not missing out on much, you still won't get a gf

I played on primal for 6 years I haven’t seen any trannies.

I don't want a gf though I like being alone.

>not one of those vegans
There are other kinds of vegans?

Give it a stronger jawline and it's dangerously close to looking like Moot.

The tranny meme has really deluded a lot of people on Yea Forums into thinking everyone is a tranny or something

Having a dick is so much better my dude. No periods. Can just cut your hair short. No need to make an effort to look good. No need to take birth control. You can be a complete deranged hedonist who fucks everyone left and right without anyone getting upset. Masturbation doesn't grease up your fingers with juices. It's fucking awesome and I don't know why you'd want to be a loser girl.

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I want to be lewd with someone in vrchat and have them rub their boobs in my face
But all I have is a headset
I couldn't "feel" the boobs or butt

I met one on a dating site. Hang in there, champ.

Fucking how? By paying money?
Play an MMO and find yourself a mom neet

I know one of you is a real female-born NEET woman with a vagina.
Go out with me. please.

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You really don’t want a neet gf.


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I'm getting a headset for myself this holiday season, which one is the best?

Go on r9k retard and hope for something better than a disgusting neet.

You do know tranny and weeb aren’t the same thing right?

I don't. But that user does.

what do trans people have to do with being a weeb

>Play an MMO and find yourself a mom neet
I'm interested. Which MMOs have lots of mom neets?

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now this is pod racing!

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Blizzard ones
And idk, whatever is new probably
FF im sure has some
Scratch that, I know they do


"Tranny" is just code language for "Weeb". Real trannies are irrelevant, but prison gay gamer faggots erping on discord while pretending to be animegirls with futa dicks are absolutely fucking everywhere.

I'm not gay, don't hate women, and am not trans or interested in trans people.
/r9k/ isn't for me.

no homo I got hard and nutted without even watching. when I looked back to see what this was I felt shame and another boner coming. I jerked it properly second time around but uhh that's kind of gay dude. If you were wondering I'm cooooooooooooombing

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>Fucking how? By paying money?
No, it was patience mostly. They show up from time to time and get scared away by "fuckboys". It took literal years. Just kept at it.

>trans people
You already outed yourself.

You have to take a break man. Next thing you know you’re going to be actively looking for tranny porn then slippery slope to gay shit.

user, I'm a straight male-born man with a penis.

If you don’t hate trannies and actively look to call them out then you are one.

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what if I don't want a neet gf but do want an introverted gf that doesn't spend much time outside

This video is shit, the best part of being a vrfaggot is the kissing and handholding. Moaning is overrated.
Fuck off joshi you salty incel

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>I went to college to prove this isn't gay


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I don't get it, why should I care about people I don't interact with?

He isnt as obsessed as you are for trannies

Hey it's like that episode of black mirror

At least they had sex.

You don't wanna be fujo, you wanna be otaku
Fujos are no fun allowed meaniepants

Ask the retards that are obsessed with trannies. I don’t care much for them myself but people on here actively go looking for them.

but I do and dance almost every night!

Sex is not that great. Just sticking your penis in a hole. Now making love is wonderful. Gives you this warm fuzzy feeling.

Someone post the one with the girl who gets molested on the bed by two anime girls

Genuinely jealous. I wanna dance to some weeb ass shit until I'm exhausted, then sleep. Sounds like the best workout ever.

>impying e-sex is sex

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Just play coop user

>>the two of them make passionate love as the gf looks on flustered
Just skip to 5 minutes in if you're impatient.


>tfw moot got jaw surgery

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>Look him up
>He's actually a fit asian dude


it's great fun even without fullbody

Yo, why do this in a public thing? Why not a private server?

>no cute otaku NEET gf who will teach you how to play her favorite game and play co-op stuff with you into the night

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>tfw no otaku webcomic stressed out gf who makes drawing of you and constantly needs your comfort

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>the dude on top pointing at the guy recording and then going right back

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Maybe it's a server for that kind of stuff
Maybe they find it hotter when there are people watching

>I'm going to America pretty soon, did you want me to come visit you?

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>Dyed hair on a neet girl.

No, I want a neet girl, not a "neet" girl.

I've actually been with one for 3 years, she's a real autist too and skinny

not a bad idea does the magic still work if I say the words?

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Someone buy this child an ice cream

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is it nice user? or does her autism just make everything difficult?

Is that Fubuki?

What are the chances he went to America and robbed/killed the guy?

I second this question.

I only have PSVR anyway but honestly I'm legitimately too shy to converse in VRChat. I don't know how to just show up somewhere and talk to people.

Also it seems like it's mostly outgoing kids so not my kind of scene as a 27 year old introverted neet.

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It's genuinely nice, they're a kind autist, they get flustered but have the attitude of always trying to face their difficulties. Obsessively loyal. I love them a lot.


it's just a result of not getting laid
smaller brains resort to increasingly extreme and irrational behavior to cope with it, ultimately self-mutilation


how did you meet

>Play an MMO and find yourself a mom neet
kek, my guild has shit tons of these

>tfw no otaku western dragon gf with cute little glasses to read her comics with

on a Yea Forums map thread on r9k, I figured that everyone would be too scared to message anyone so I got easy picks, the rest is history

>all these fags wanting a neet girl
You can have them, pleb
Now a REAL gf, that'd be
>tfw no genki tomboy gf that plays games with you, takes interest in your shut-in hobbies and takes you on trips to quiet outdoors locations in the countryside to spend time together
>tfw no bro tomboy gf that you can have a great time bantering with but also has a caring feminine side for whenever you lose confidence in yourself
>tfw no encouraging tomboy gf that gives you the motivation to pursue your artistic desires and makes sure you carry through on them because you want to impress her with the final product
It's not fair, bros.

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>meeting a girl via /r9k/
the fuck


>meeting a girl on /r9k/
that's as lucky as winning the lottery 5 times in a row.

Tomboy NEET.

Today, I will remind them of our suffering.

Attached: tfw no tomboy gf.png (932x466, 58K)

Absolutely amazing

everyone thinks that, so no one tries, which makes it so you can swoop in and get sum loot.

you gotta turn your thot detector to 11 though, otherwise you'll get someone horrible

But marriage is for fags

holy shit

I haven't seen this one before, is Sanzo posting again?

NEETs are generally lazy and don't go outside though
I'd rather a Tomboy-research-partner gf in my field

i know the feel, user

I've completely given up on trying to get friends into this game after meeting a group where a guy tried to form three/foursomes with people in a discord at a convention, only targeting people who were already in VRChat relationships

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I have the second one.

She's a local amateur boxer, trying to get me into it but I'm afraid of getting punched in the face. She prefers fighting games and outdoorsy stuff but she's getting better at Bloodborne so I'm going to start training with her next weekend at the gym as per our agreement. We haven't had proper sex yet but she seems to love swallowing my cum. I have no idea why she's into me and I'm terrified.

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Kill yourself /vrg/ayer

Never ever let her go user.
Why are we still here?
Just to suffer?

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I feel like all the women on /r9k/ would either be the super entitled kind of NEET that looks down on others, or absolute landwhales.
Or ugly.
Maybe I'm a dick.

>I'm going to start training with her next weekend at the gym as per our agreement. We haven't had proper sex yet but she seems to love swallowing my cum. I have no idea why she's into me and I'm terrified.
You're a lucky guy, user. How did you meet her?

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Ultimately, like any guy on /r9k/, they're likely to be some degree of weird. It's just a matter of how, why and to what degree.

If you have any balls you can meet a girl on here easy. Most anons are cowards and are just all talk.

I'll try not to, hopefully she isn't after my money but I don't think she knows how much I make, I live like a poorfag.
She used to bully the shit out of me in highschool but then softened up senior year and we met again nearly 12 years later through a highschool alumni Facebook group.

Bless you. I was thinking the exact same thing.

I don't mind weird/autistic as long as it's not overbearing, it's moreso most people on /r9k/ seem to be cunts.

What model do you use Yea Forums?


Oh God I forgot about this.

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>tfw my degenerate furry cousin plays this on steam almost everyday and this is probably the kind of shit he's doing

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Oh, that's oogie boogie, for a second I thought that was Candleja

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Do it with him without his knowledge and then reveal the ruse so he'll give it up. But if he doesn't you can crush that boypuss.

Okay but if you really want a GF, you have to ask yourself: what are you giving her back?

Will you do the same for her?

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What are you doing here if anime triggers you this much?

That's not how Candlejack gets you, you stupid motherfucker besides he's not even rea

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>But if he doesn't you can crush that boypuss
Did you not read the degenerate furry part? Imagine the smell

>tfw no clown gf
>tfw not being surprised with pie or Seltzer in the face as you orgasm
>tfw no laughing during sex

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I wonder if anyone has ever caught their roommate/sibling in the act of doing this. Imagine how ridiculous they'd look irl.

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They're probably using a bad dragon mounted on the wall or if they're on top fucking a fleshlight or something.
Less ridiculous more terrifyingly gay.

haha, imagine getting caught by my older brother and he decides to punish you for being a slut by fucking you daily haha

I'll tell you a cheat code for quality

Go look up the symptoms of borderline women/borderline tells for introduction/first week of knowing someone and then avoid it all.

There, ez quality relationships forever.

You have to be a good person too, though.

>Imagine the smell

Just teach him, user. You can be his hygiene mentor, grooming him for a better life as your shaven clean onahole.

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I'll keep this tip in mind, I'm a neet who can barely leave home and talk to others myself though so I should probably improve myself before I do that.
Thanks for the help user, I appreciate it.
>You have to be a good person too
I try, even though I probably fail most of the time.

This has been done to hell and back user, you're 3 years to late.

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Fucking retards, Candlejack isn't--

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head must be Gabe Newell

Hey user, let's not go throwing reality around like that alright?
I know I don't deserve a gf because I'm a ball of depression and dependency issues that ironically can't really be solved alone but I can still enjoy making some escapist fantasy posts for others, can't I?
The idea of having a gf scares me anyway because it's such a huge risk, giving anyone as much power as women get over guys now days. I don't want to be accused of rape by someone I want to trust.

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Absolute patrician taste.

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I throw what I can catch boy.
I understand the first part, you need to work on yourself and be your best friend before you can offer that to anyone else. Dating someone won't solve anything, not unless you're making changes yourself. They'll expect you to make those changes too.

To your second post, don't believe that just because it happens so much here that it happens everywhere. Most women are like guys, they want comfort and if it doesn't end well, they end it. Learn warning signs for crazy eyes, or just don't date a girl from a culture that doesn't care about throwing men under the bus. American white women, wealthy Asian women, second generation Asian women. The rest don't do that shit, they culturally look down on shaming too.

Based and canonically pilled

what the fuck

Attached: 54654564564.jpg (290x301, 34K)

Cut the self help shit nigger, I waste government money on a shrink for that.
Instead, let's talk about how nice it would be to take a couple days off for a camping trip during a reasonably cool week in early summer, since you both have all the free time in the world, going out to a nice place in the country side and setting up, cooking a simple but tasty meal for her that you had been practicing at home as it comes to dusk, then lying down and cuddling under the stars, watching as the twilight fades to show the dizzing density of the night's sky when far away from the unnatural lights of man used to cut into the darkness.
That's what I want, user.

Attached: 1395703903067.jpg (816x1075, 342K)

Why are we all on this Earth

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Attached: 1567979997436.png (1366x768, 1.18M)

Do yourself a favor and read Lanark by Alisdair Gray.

now post the other one

I have a friend who’s a furfag that does the same thing. Do we know the same guy user?

Attached: 62B03ABF-1C86-4551-BF36-B57E3820D52C.png (1130x900, 383K)

Which model is his?

I know this feel.
He is literally going to get nowhere in life.

Attached: 1435176433933.gif (341x245, 2.59M)

Furries just ruin everything they touch, especially stuff that lets them get overly creative with their Avatars. It happened to Second Life and it would be worse in VRChat if the weebs didn't stake their claim first

Attached: 1562912579396.jpg (500x334, 33K)

Yo fuck these things. They scare the shit out of me. One of the only creatures in manga/anime media to instill actually fear in me and their fucking roaches.

Looked up a basic plot synopsis, seems like something I'd like reading. My actual capacity for finishing anything I want to read is pretty low though for many years now. I find myself lying on my couch a lot lately when technology feels like too much effort though so I'll try put a little more effort it then.
Consider it on my eternal backlog.
I'm just so tired of it all man. Too tired to knuckle down long enough to express that feeling like I want to. Tomboys don't exist anyway, so I'll never find one to motivate me in the end.
I should sleep now user, thanks for chatting.

Attached: 01ee7a1cfb960b0fece5f6679315e7deb8fc8fc0ab4aa0865c7787778c7f8886.png (1006x1417, 1.66M)


Since it hasn't been posted in this thread yet. Threadly reminder that:
/vrg/ BLACKED event is happening on the weekend of Sept. 20th to 22nd.
Dress up your avatar in slutty clothes complete with blacked tattoos or use a black avatar with BBC attached.
Here are some resources if you need the tattoos:
and if you need a monster sized cock:

According to the poll there's going to be a lot of people participating and you definitely don't want to miss out . There will be group photos being taken.
Lastly, despite what others may think, don't let them ruin your fun and let's enjoy ourselves. This event is completely wholesome and a fun way to practice your avatar modelling skills. Just remember to take it to a private room if you plan on doing lewds.

Attached: 1546294523575.jpg (1080x1080, 85K)

Attached: Really nigga.jpg (225x225, 11K)

Attached: 070.png (296x405, 246K)

other one? what?

Attached: 1567656733814.png (512x512, 34K)

They’ve always done that, and it’s even worse if you live near some. Barely anyone hunts in the woods around my house anymore because some local furfags kvetched about “poaching” and “animal cruelty”.

some day...

Attached: 1567824935198.jpg (4096x1993, 646K)

don't. you can't trust anyone. nowhere is safe.

Attached: vrchat.webm (960x540, 1.33M)

>on a Yea Forums map thread on r9k
lord help me I'm about to go to r9k

Why is she rubbing her head on his stomach?

I make my own thank you very much.
After I stop being poor and get a VR headset, not going to play VRchat without the VR like a pleb.

I'm going to model the batter from off and start a purge. I cannot stand this.

Attached: VR.png (602x755, 20K)

I mean.../trash/ does this all the time. Don't know why VRG wants this to look all dolled up like it's the social VR event of the season.

holy based.

nigga is that kobold princess?!

Attached: 1557432340301.png (519x903, 424K)

Attached: diomedes.png (660x979, 363K)

>human on anthro

Attached: 1565542886779m.jpg (1024x673, 49K)

why does anime cause this?

Attached: 1568143856163.png (680x677, 267K)

>other one? what?
someone posted a pornhub video of a gay furry orgy in one of the older threads


Attached: smiling Avitus.jpg (174x191, 50K)

I want to be hugged.

do you have the link?

goddamnit user

Attached: 1547890649940.jpg (399x399, 24K)

does this image have a sauce or not

Attached: 1559616709940.jpg (600x600, 63K)

Not anime, its furries

You asked for it:

I'm not even surprised anymore.

Attached: d50f8c4e1fb5018b44f1c4b3dd45a2840421db3b78bdef9547a05c82a02e53a6.jpg (219x251, 6K)

not today

Attached: cory reaction.jpg (750x924, 64K)


aw shit brace for impact

Attached: hhadyl1.png (1134x804, 998K)

Why did I click that
What was I expecting to see
God damn it

Attached: 1564872130787.jpg (1280x720, 80K)


Attached: 1552007615924.jpg (320x320, 14K)

What was it?

OwO was when both communities merged together after they realized they're both equally huge bunch of degenerate faggots.

Attached: Thinking Bun.jpg (800x604, 43K)

Watch and find out yourself

click it, it's just a furry sucking another furry via vrchat

Dunno, somehow not as cringy as the first vid.

Attached: 4343423423423.png (648x719, 598K)

those are anime style furry models

I been watching anime for 20+ years and wouldn’t do none of that stuff. It’s furries.

fuck off gramps

Attached: 1530621286643.jpg (480x270, 18K)

Attached: 1533795971654.jpg (480x368, 84K)

would legit fuck that thing in the keyhole virginkiller

Attached: 1565505860973m.jpg (1024x864, 67K)

Its furry; kenomo is only 50-75% furry, this is 100% furry with amateurish how-to-draw manga proportions

Whenever you see someone posting with a weeb pic, or someone on Steam with cropped hentai as their avatar, this is who these people are. This video is who these people are.

Attached: 1500827652915.png (314x548, 143K)

I want to hug either a cute blonde and green/blue eyed girl in VR, not another person.
Or, I want to hug a cute boy, blonde and blue eyed and French in bed in VR, not another person.
AI would be enough, as long as I can hug them.

Attached: 1567955182763.gif (538x546, 3.7M)

28 seconds in and i can't anymore

Attached: 1546651714089.jpg (640x480, 82K)

Imagine being able to only last 2 minutes in VR

Attached: 156817337569.jpg (677x678, 180K)

heterochromata is pleb taste

based blood raven poster

No user, I meant blue OR green.

When you done. Just give us address and we will screw whole VR room.

Boxing is a fucking rush man, do it. As a beginner you'll probably only be doing light sparring, but even so, getting punched in the face is inevitable. Getting punched in boxing doesn't really hurt at all though, just rattles your head a bit, and after receiving a few blows you won't fear it any more.

Get off my site kid.

>most of the people lamenting over this kind of shit fap to lolis and ERP on Steam
Kek, like any of you faggots are better.

Attached: Aint_no_shame_in_kingin_like_kong_sometimes_retard.jpg (270x467, 38K)

i dont even need to open the link to know what video it is

nice projection, faggot

Look around you, nigger. Are you really gonna pretend it isn't true?

Attached: F21F21FB245246379D23C5E93B6AD68F.png (547x513, 291K)

I'd rather someone ERP in private via text than scream in a public world about how they want cummies in their asshole.

Also, stop projecting.

anons use "projecting" as an unironic "no u" without knowing what it even is, dont worry about it

>Show some interest in your partner from time to time and do things together that you enjoy.
Like... a hobby

Ah, so you're one of them, gotcha.
Yeah, I can tell.

>monster girl
>it's just a monster
based retard

I'm actually fucking speechless broke me user

Attached: 1566782248903.png (665x557, 283K)

>they start kissing and hugging each other during the afterglow

God I wish that were me

Attached: 1562897957921.jpg (1016x774, 338K)

>You really don't want to date your clone.
I really do though

Attached: file.png (342x512, 324K)

we need to ban anime
=) hey watch this it'll chear you up

What the fuck, Birdie, I didn't know you'd funpost here!

Attached: 1568225871423.jpg (337x326, 102K)

I once saw someone get vored in vr chat by someone with an avatar that spawns a moving stomach way under the map.

Then someone decided to do it again, but this time holding on to a camera that displays it on a screen for everyone. For science.

I've met some alright people on here though. And some ultra shit ones that will actually ddos you for petty shit. Or crash your gpu with a gun that shoots more meshes than your gpu can process all at once.

It's a pretty cyberpunk experience when it's good.

Attached: b45f7dc9750d747031d8a25421633a0f2fb295211450108dcd2e29516a690cc8.jpg (460x574, 57K)

kobold and top right are hot as fuck
why are fictional fatasses so hot but real fatasses so disgusting, it's not fair

>Newfags don't know how to Candlejack
You have to wait until after you say his name you fa-

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Attached: escape.jpg (250x250, 6K)

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Attached: get that shit out of here.gif (330x166, 2.11M)

VRchat unironically made me attracted to lolis with a male voice. Don't know how that works, and I really don't want to know. But yes, this is where I am now. Fuck, even in loli doujins now I subconsciously read their sentences with a fucking deep voice.

What the fuck is this shit

Attached: 1565612278214.jpg (474x311, 58K)

I sometimes find some cute kemono stuff, but furry is almost always the same obnoxious shit.

Attached: 1563088006079.webm (1280x720, 1.32M)

Might be easier to find a tranny unfortunately. Real neet girls are so few.

How can the game reproduce all these movements? Does the player need to pack a bunch of sensors in the body to play this shit?


Headset, 2 controllers for your hands, Tracker on your Hip, and both ankles

The game does the Rest with whats called "Inverse kinematics".

About three to be exact. One for hips, two for knees. They cost $100 each.

Attached: 78awdf76awd4.gif (435x250, 2.41M)

some do, think off just dance sensors but for VR

Offing myself tbqh.

Attached: 1462891806509.jpg (184x184, 7K)


why is everything surrounding VR so depraved and degenerate

Attached: 1334941181781.png (225x225, 39K)

God this webm is just so perfect.

you can do almost anything in VR
it just won’t be real

It allows people to act on depraved desires they'd never be able to normally from the safety of their own home


Attached: 1567813725065.png (226x202, 52K)

It's usually preset animations in the character model

Attached: Ressentiment.png (795x652, 568K)

God is dead

Attached: 648317951453766.png (351x308, 96K)

Nigga what would you expect out of vr? When true virtual reality hopefully becomes a thing it will be even worse.

man that manga was ahead of it's time

Attached: nothing-left-but-unreality.png (480x353, 124K)

>The computer screen mirroring them

Thanks for the discovery anons.

Attached: 1551659549016.jpg (1024x903, 70K)

jesus fucking christ Im actually in tears that's the hardest I've laughed in months

Attached: 1496262236281.gif (500x282, 939K)

Dropping truth here

>youtube link as a reaction
this isnt reddit you faggot

Slaneesh will born from this, Eye of Terror is going to be here

why do you know so much about reddit

let me guess you also use Tenor for your gifs? kill yourself.

How did you know?

Attached: tenor.gif (498x268, 1.09M)

Why are they exaggerating their pleasure so much?

what was it


>get scared by fuckbois

fucking this, its like pulling teeth cause all these girls have some shit some dumb fuck said or did early in their lives

'sworth it though, neet esque girls are loyal, that whole "if you fix em up they'll cheat on you!!!!" myth is full of shit

use Xchan, you fucking faggot

>Yea Forums/4chan related addons
>worth using

don't complain then if you can't see deleted messages

Attached: 1566759411636.jpg (586x524, 42K)

Your grandkids will be doing this in the future even if they have the ability to be 100% female they will get bored and become guaranteed degenerates

nuke this earth and burn the survivors

I've had enough

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Attached: 1553726830758.png (707x2048, 1.31M)

>Masturbation doesn't grease up your fingers with juices
what is precum

She's probably into you treating her like a genuine person, so keep that up.

I expected SO MUCH WORSE but it's just two dudes fucking each other in VR Chat.
You guys are dangerously become normies as fuck lately...

Attached: 84651188161186.png (403x385, 407K)

You can post this in every VR thread, doesn't make it true.

I hate people, why should I "play" it?

according to official advertiser statistics, 30% of Yea Forums is grill
I was shocked too

Its easy as fuck to spot an MMD motion from someone dancing with FBT at a glance.

Attached: disgustan.jpg (226x223, 8K)

how far has technology come

Attached: vrchat.png (616x519, 27K)

well let's be honest here, /cgl/ doesn't count

I envy the dead who never lived to see such horrors

Yea, a real vr dance is awkward, janky, and uncoordinated. That webm is clearly scripted and preanimated

Youll get some giggles in your circle of friends but everyone else will ignore or block you right away.

That dude is moving the camera to look at himself while dancing, the tracking feed is local so it looks less jankier than it is to anyone else watching.

Attached: 1557960286531.png (459x465, 223K)

>Masturbation doesn't grease up your fingers with juices
if it doesn't you are doing it wrong

litterally me.
Fuck I love VR

Attached: 1568057422685.jpg (1280x720, 171K)

Attached: IMG_1118.png (441x410, 237K)

who the fuck leaks enough precum to the point that your fingers start getting covered
how would that even work

>Masturbation doesn't grease up your fingers with juices.
just use a dildo retard.
also unlike fleshlights, dildos aren't contraband.

>who the fuck leaks enough precum to the point that your fingers start getting covered
I do
>how would that even work
3hour edging sessions are the answer

what dark alley do I go down to learn about VR ERP for specific fetishes?

>not fapping to lolis
cringe desu


>who the fuck leaks enough precum to the point that your fingers start getting covered
I do

Attached: 1566612865467.png (128x105, 18K)

But it is true look what happened earlier, no one cared about these big names.

Attached: desperate vrfag got booty.png (1824x876, 144K)


>tfw the three fucking words on her top are what gets me the most for some reason

Attached: 1542539820643.jpg (938x1024, 136K)

Nah man I'm good.
But you guys need to cut this shit out.

Looked it up, looks cool desu.

Trannies dont count

its staged isn't it?
please say sike
i refuse to believe its real
my sanity rejects it

Attached: laughter stops.png (462x450, 189K)

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Attached: Hell.png (489x306, 103K)

please do share your progress user
i'm very interested

just so you guys know

I met a chick in vrchat from a foreign country, met up with her, took time off work and fucked for over a month straight

I regret nothing. Except the off chance I have a kid with a disgusting league addict. somehow no STD's though. Chick was a slut champ

Attached: 1535210028573.jpg (960x720, 240K)

Stop posting ShindoL before I make you stop.

You also have to work and achieve and win and put effort into everything you do and if you fail you are nothing, just disposable garbage for society to do away with

I don't think you actually understand what men deal with or what the price of failure for men is

That's 100% furry.
The word you're looking for is kemonomimi

Attached: 1567090521231.png (319x259, 73K)

Joshi from pso2? Hell naw. This game is tainted

I watch anime a ton and I've never been laid properly, I would never do this shit. Homosexuality isn't gross, it's just people getting off to their shit, but hedonism is filthy and disgusting like a sheet rain of maggots pouring down over you. I cannot believe some people let themselves become as depraved and retarded as those faggots.
Mods are faggots too, and the faggots here who think they're safe because there's a faggot containment board are in for a rude surprise.

>that thumbnail
end yourself

Attached: 1567780640608.png (717x1437, 987K)

I feel like I have aids after this

Attached: nigga stop.jpg (938x935, 151K)

Thank God I'm not ever having kids. Or marrying someone. Or having sex.

This... ...Is the way the world ends

> Part 1

Attached: 1566833997663.jpg (387x318, 12K)

>Homosexuality isn't gross
thats where you're wrong kiddo

D-Did they actually cum...?

Attached: 1417369297954.png (1310x1170, 636K)

Attached: 4chan ..jpg (3000x3000, 2.62M)

Everyone replying's already seen this 15 times.


Attached: 1560451039506.jpg (480x480, 44K)

Don't. My best pal has a neet girlfriend. She's 25 but looks 14, basically the weeaboo dream and she fucking knows it. She refuse to do anything and is basically spending all her time on playing videogames while my pal works 10 hours at day.
Poor bastard loves her, but he's getting tired by each day it passes.

>ERP on Steam
i've never known any one to do that and that's an oddly specific...
user are you telling us something?

Attached: 1492297967213.png (218x218, 60K)

The fact he lashed out so hardly against being told he was projecting points to yes he is.

oh... that's pretty sad

Attached: 1542064756542.png (177x238, 3K)

If you'd been on Yea Forums for more than two minutes you'd have seen the infinite steam friendfinder threads with the attentionwhore ERPers posting in them

Yes I do

every time this gets posted i fucking lose it

That ending tho. If if he fucking had 3D girl, why the fuck would you want VR girl again I hate that I can relate to all of Hanazawa's stories.

My dick got hard, am I gay now?

>that's an oddly specific
No it fucking isn't. The /sft/ discord had like 500 people in it

Welcome to the club user. Also yes. You need a practice girl? I volunteer.

>cum in my ass
>not gay

Attached: japanese-school-actor-as-samurai-series-of-kabuki-theatre-ukiyo-e-print-19th-century_a-G-6236317-498 (473x473, 54K)

loving tomboys is babby's first gay thoughts
literally get a boyfriend fucking faggot stop lying to yourself what this image is describing is a guy girls like this only exits in anime

>Fuck, even in loli doujins now I subconsciously read their sentences with a fucking deep voice
Good job, this should convince all but the most desperate weebs to stay away, jesus christ

Attached: 1538788143349.jpg (401x401, 42K)

Not this shit again

Attached: Current 4chan users.png (992x1102, 644K)

That's what gay was sounds like?

well I've never entered a steam friend finder thread before, and now I never will. thanks for the warning

Attached: 1540607152302.jpg (600x600, 342K)

I'd like to do VR chat with a shota model and a voice changer but it'd be too much money

>Show some interest in your partner from time to time and do things together that you enjoy.
How the fuck can you contradict yourself in the second sentence cardo retardo.

>someone somewhere is jerking off to fucking Porunga of all things

Attached: 1554438289564.png (500x369, 186K)

Its called liking shotas as well, user.

voice changers overrated. Just train your voice.

They look like retarded dogs, that's why.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 83K)


Attached: DQN4GayVAAUS5tJ.jpg (581x753, 64K)

Kill yourself



god i had a crush on that girl so bad as a kid

Attached: 1564057090420.jpg (493x637, 88K)

looks like Peter Griffin

Attached: 1565033259515.png (441x441, 217K)

Jesus fuck why

>Geez lois this is just like the time I cucked user's waifu
>"nyehehehehehehehe... take my card"


Attached: sneed.png (480x359, 142K)

Where are our virtual fuck machines? The technology has existed for at least 20 year now.

Attached: FUFME.png (630x747, 162K)

do you need a VR device? Do actual women actually buy those pieces of junk?

I met a girlfriend on r9k too, sex was crazy

Attached: 1567355918281.gif (282x300, 1.77M)

Cutfags user

There are actually lots of women in VRChat. Actual women, not just traps.

Based and true.
No, but the sales data makes it true.

Attached: 1386626294682.jpg (313x313, 51K)

I work at a company that sells automation software to businesses. 90% of people are going to be useless in less than a span of a generation regardless of gender - stop being so dramatic.

>No, but the sales data makes it true.
The sales data is actually pretty good.

Attached: AR-VR-Growth.png (1077x846, 280K)

> "progression"
The notion that all change is progress is precisely what got us here in the first place

here's your 500th post, bro

Attached: 1559128924551.png (259x250, 82K)

Cutfag here. No.

Lies! Proof plz.

> "forecast"
Wow, it's literally fucking nothing. also, I'd be willing to bet that's cumulative, not the amount that actually ship in that year.

Attached: 1567630802591.jpg (299x419, 19K)

You could just download it and play, it's free and you don't need a headset.

>VRchat comes out
>Get around to playing it a couple months (?) later
>Expect it to be popular with ironic weebs with FBI lolis and stuff around
>Worse, its popular with YouTubers, literal children with the Uganda Knuckles avatar sperging everywhere
>Too poor to own VR anyway
>Commissioning a custom avatar is fucking daunting
>Mad jelly of my friend who talks about their VR chat adventures
Fast forward to now
>Can afford VR and a custom avatar
>Nobody I know plays it anymore
>From what I hear and see cum in my eyes please, everybody is just an AGP yurifag who is the type to engage in inevitable Discord drama
>There's some sort of fucking social credit system both in-game and in regards to the community which is good in theory for reducing spam troll accounts but means it'd be a week before I could actually talk to people, make friends, and explore
>Not that it matters since I'd be shit out of luck for not having a multicoloured anime girl in a skirt avatar since I'm not AGP who wants to use a girl avatar because "I-It's just a joke!"

Give me a time machine and I'll check it out

Attached: 1567461149014.jpg (792x890, 107K)

love this meme

Not trying to be an asshole or anything, but how? Wouldn't it just drip down the shaft and into the fingers without the foreskin that would usually force it underneath it?

What, would you rather stare at a girl's ass than a guy's? Oh wait in a first person game. I bet the cybersex where you can roleplay scissoring another girl between classes is good though.

But I already got VR tho.